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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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EDIT: NM, there's no way for me to say what I want to say without it coming off as snarky, which isn't the intent.


Thats OK, Just put lots of smileys in the post, it never fails! (unless I am drunk of course - sorry Derek - I love you really!) :)


That's not exactly true. Why's it have to be binary? Like, I don't trust most mod makers to make a real world mod with accurate depictions of the other gender. Does that automatically mean every mod that comes out touting itself as 'real' is crap? No, it just means that an aspect of it is. Likewise, I think an aspect of many real world mods is going to be crap with folks going overboard with this feature and a few more that are coming.


But people can, and sometimes do, go overboard on pretty much any feature, don't they? I think the point I was trying to make is that whilst no mods are perfect everything is subjective, I think it was a bit crazy that you could have a mod were tag teams such as the road warriors or the dudley boys had neutral chemistry, this fixes that. There have been people through the years who whenever they have got in to the ring together have torn the house down. You are on the testing team right? Can you do negative chemistry too? Because that would also be pretty handy. I just think whilst I personally like to let the game decide chemistry there is the odd time (especially in a real world mod) where random chemistry really irks me. I think I may use this feature maybe half a dozen times in my own mod, because lets be honest, the two times they have fought Anakin and Obi Wan have stole the show, so they have to have good chemistry - right? :D



If you don't post anything about it fine. But this is a community and the instant you start sharing and saying look how great I am (I'm not saying you in particular will just that it will happen cause it already does) . I don't want 1000 threads about "look at my A* show" only to find out all their workers have great chemistry. Hell I hate it now when they do it with over inflated Real World stats and its just going to get worse.


I kind of disagree with you here. I think that the actual match ratings in a diary are highly in-significant, maybe its just me but I read diarys to enjoy good storytelling. The grades are pretty much fluff in a good diary. Plus I think that people have always had the ability to "cheat" and some people like to play that way, some don't, its there choice really. Personally I agree with you, that the more challenging the game is the better, but for those people who want an easy ride this is another feature that they can use till their hearts are content.


I thought I had quoted it, but apparantly not, I agree with what you said Remi that people don't always fully utilise stuff like the personality matrix in the game. But for me thats my favourite part. Its why my mod is taking so long to make!

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But people can, and sometimes do, go overboard on pretty much any feature, don't they?


No. Remember Personality Plus? People clamored for workers to be 'more unique' and 'more than what their stats say' and Adam provides it. But why is it that every mod I've seen has a large percentage of the workers created basically like Borg (all the same personality - or none at all)? And the first mod out the door might suck because people wouldn't have had access to the Dirt Sheet to find out how immensely useful it is.


Can you do negative chemistry too?


Well, given the fact that Adam isn't really a fan of the feature, do you think he would put it in as only positive? :)


I think I may use this feature maybe half a dozen times in my own mod, because lets be honest, the two times they have fought Anakin and Obi Wan have stole the show, so they have to have good chemistry - right? :D


No, and that's what's being lost here. Anakin and Obi Wan were both exemplary members of their factions prior to their fights. Thus, the expectation is that they would steal the show. It doesn't necessarily mean they have awesome chemistry. You start handing out chemistry just because some workers performed up to expectations given their talent level, and you might as well saturate the DB with it.


I thought I had quoted it, but apparantly not, I agree with what you said Remi that people don't always fully utilise stuff like the personality matrix in the game. But for me thats my favourite part. Its why my mod is taking so long to make!


In every TEW, some features get used way too much and others are largely ignored. Often, it's the obvious features that get the most love from players. That's why I think this feature is going to be used a whole heckuva lot more than Trends and Eras.

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Woot, gotta say I'm loving the announcement about Dojos.


One question: Will companies now be able to either open or buy dojos now that they serve a slightly more important purpose, or will this new feature only effect companies lucky enough to have a dojo linked to them in the editor?


Then again, I guess Ryland may be planning to save this for another day of the journal.

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Praise be Adam!


This was one of the two things I brought up as really wanting to see when 2010 was announced. Fantastic addition, I can't wait to see Dojos really flesh out the game world :)


If 2010 has Trio Teams treated like Tag Teams, and a Quick Roster view (heels one side, faces the other), it'll be absolutely perfect in my eyes.

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I've been particularly happy with some of the recent features that have been announced, some of them are my favourites even though I'm sure that other people will care less about them than I do. As someone who likes doing dojo graduate type stuff (and who already added a LOT of the wrestling world to them in TEW08) I'm glad that the dojos re getting some love. :D
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So... PP's comment just... vanished.




I bet Ryland's secret GDS police force are already throwing a black bag over his head.


Help! They're trying to kill me! :D


My original comment was full of errors that were a result of me not carefully reading the developer journal. Instead of trying to edit it, I just deleted it and posted the new post after I was done re-reading.

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Are Dojos assigned to promotions going to add anything extra? Like let's say Keiji Mutoh graduates from the New Japan Dojo in 1984. Is that going to allow him to get over easier in New Japan? Or would it affect him negatively if he debuted somewhere else after being trained there?


I'll use Kensuke Sasaki as an example here. Let's say Sasaki is B+ over in all of Japan, and works regularly for NOAH and increases their ratings/attendance/etc.., but realistically if he were to return to New Japan, he would be an A in all of Japan under the New Japan banner. Same goes for guys like Kobashi and Akiyama with All Japan, because the fanbases always remember the trueborns who were trained in the All Japan/New Japan dojos.


On the other side of the coin, when Hiroshi Tanahashi(biggest young name in Japan) went to All Japan for the Champion's Carnival, he was booed like a muddafocka(As Mutoh would say). He didn't even play up the heel factor until after realizing he was getting a John Cena reaction from the All Japan crowd. Now in the finals he lost to a guy not even close to him in terms of popularity or starpower(SUWAMA), yet Tanahashi lost no momentum or overness in New Japan.


So yeah, I'm just wondering if Dojo's will have any purpose other than to make things look pretty. Like I don't want a permanent bonus or anything, but maybe a little modifier where if someone hasn't been employed by the place they trained for a while and they return, their first match back gets a little bonus in lifting the crowd or something. Or they get a small boost(3-5%) in popularity in the first match back.

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I've been particularly happy with some of the recent features that have been announced, some of them are my favourites even though I'm sure that other people will care less about them than I do. As someone who likes doing dojo graduate type stuff (and who already added a LOT of the wrestling world to them in TEW08) I'm glad that the dojos re getting some love. :D


I agree with this; I am a big fan of this latest feature.

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Are Dojos assigned to promotions going to add anything extra? Like let's say Keiji Mutoh graduates from the New Japan Dojo in 1984. Is that going to allow him to get over easier in New Japan? Or would it affect him negatively if he debuted somewhere else after being trained there?


I'll use Kensuke Sasaki as an example here. Let's say Sasaki is B+ over in all of Japan, and works regularly for NOAH and increases their ratings/attendance/etc.., but realistically if he were to return to New Japan, he would be an A in all of Japan under the New Japan banner. Same goes for guys like Kobashi and Akiyama with All Japan, because the fanbases always remember the trueborns who were trained in the All Japan/New Japan dojos.


On the other side of the coin, when Hiroshi Tanahashi(biggest young name in Japan) went to All Japan for the Champion's Carnival, he was booed like a muddafocka(As Mutoh would say). He didn't even play up the heel factor until after realizing he was getting a John Cena reaction from the All Japan crowd. Now in the finals he lost to a guy not even close to him in terms of popularity or starpower(SUWAMA), yet Tanahashi lost no momentum or overness in New Japan.


So yeah, I'm just wondering if Dojo's will have any purpose other than to make things look pretty. Like I don't want a permanent bonus or anything, but maybe a little modifier where if someone hasn't been employed by the place they trained for a while and they return, their first match back gets a little bonus in lifting the crowd or something. Or they get a small boost(3-5%) in popularity in the first match back.


So your saying, that if a guy changes to his home promotion, the whole Japanese population likes him more?

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I am a little puzzled about this part:


"These controls allow the player to alter the dojo's focus (thus changing what sort of workers are likely to come out of the dojo - there are now several more choices as to what the dojo's focus can be too)".


Does this mean dojos only bring up randomly generated wrestlers instead of wrestlers that are set to debut from the start? Because otherwise I couldn't see how the wrestlers that graduate from a certain dojo could differ from game to game as they are either in the database or not.

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