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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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The primary purpose of the dojo system is to add a bit of character and flavour to randomly generated wrestlers, making them better at certain things depending on who they trained under. That's always been the case.


As a sensible guess, I'd say that pre-set new workers can come from dojos, but their stats wouldn't be affected (since they're pre-set anyway if you want a new worker to be better at technical wrestling, since he was trained at the House of Stone, you could set it that way yourself...). Just a guess though, not sure if it's possible since there'd be no way to ensure that the dojo was still active when the worker debuted, and other such technical concerns. They can't in 08, but since the dojo system seems to have had a bit of a makeover, maybe they can in '10. Not sure.


Edit: Wait~! A strange bug in the universe has been discovered. I was WRONG about something. :p You CAN set future workers to graduate from Dojos in '08. I'm not sure if it actually happens when they debut (can't be arsed to sim to test it, frankly), but you can set it in the editor with no errors. So there you go.

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I hope this means I can make a dojo for producing giant luchadores!


But I hope this means that specialized fed types that don't get a lot of love from future workers have a way to generate appropriate new workers. Like BSC getting workers with high sex appeal or WEXXV getting psycopaths or spot monkeys.


The irony is that the feds in a position for dojos are the ones that don't really need it. There's no shortage of high star quality wrestlers or wrestlers that could be molded into at least midcarders after a stint in development.


It's the guys that are godsends for the low level feds like The Big Problem which a big fed just doesn't have time to play to his strengths that need the dojos.


People like Kirk Jameson get stolen from the small feds right away. The dojos need to produce workers like Carol Singer and The Big Problem and Menumetsu Sinmetsu. Gods for small feds that can put in the effort to book around them but ignored by the larger ones.

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I hope this means I can make a dojo for producing giant luchadores!


But I hope this means that specialized fed types that don't get a lot of love from future workers have a way to generate appropriate new workers. Like BSC getting workers with high sex appeal or WEXXV getting psycopaths or spot monkeys.


The irony is that the feds in a position for dojos are the ones that don't really need it. There's no shortage of high star quality wrestlers or wrestlers that could be molded into at least midcarders after a stint in development.


It's the guys that are godsends for the low level feds like The Big Problem which a big fed just doesn't have time to play to his strengths that need the dojos.


People like Kirk Jameson get stolen from the small feds right away. The dojos need to produce workers like Carol Singer and The Big Problem and Menumetsu Sinmetsu. Gods for small feds that can put in the effort to book around them but ignored by the larger ones.


I love that you actually mentioned a lot of things that have nothing to do with dojos. Hiring rules will take care of the kinds of workers places will hire... and the low level scene isn't SUPPOSED to be able to grow up to the big time. Small promotions are meant to be small (generally speaking) so that there is a ladder system to work up. the cream rise to the top, the less good star on the indys... the old go to USPW and NYCW... the rubbish go to PSW. (controversial!)


I do dig the love for The Big Problem... he turned out to be awesome for me after a long stint with me booking GCG and then my own promotion. He was getting consistently better matches than Steve Flash, proving that menace and gimmick ratings can have some pretty significant effects on a worker's career even without skills. Though TBP did end up with a B- brawling... and psych... and others... he was awesome. :)

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I hope this means I can make a dojo for producing giant luchadores!


But I hope this means that specialized fed types that don't get a lot of love from future workers have a way to generate appropriate new workers. Like BSC getting workers with high sex appeal or WEXXV getting psycopaths or spot monkeys.


The irony is that the feds in a position for dojos are the ones that don't really need it. There's no shortage of high star quality wrestlers or wrestlers that could be molded into at least midcarders after a stint in development.


It's the guys that are godsends for the low level feds like The Big Problem which a big fed just doesn't have time to play to his strengths that need the dojos.


People like Kirk Jameson get stolen from the small feds right away. The dojos need to produce workers like Carol Singer and The Big Problem and Menumetsu Sinmetsu. Gods for small feds that can put in the effort to book around them but ignored by the larger ones.


Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if many of the smaller promotions have connected dojos, after all, many real world promotions live or die by their dojos (All Pro Wrestling in NorCal and Harely Race's World League Wrestling, for example). A dojo is both a useful tool for procuring future talent and a nice source of revenue for the sponsoring promotion.

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So your saying, that if a guy changes to his home promotion, the whole Japanese population likes him more?


Precisely. Wataru Sakata can draw several thousand people to a HUSTLE show, but in any other promotion he'd only draw a couple hundred people tops. I know this is an extreme case, but your post seemed like you were attempting to ridicule me, so I'm simply providing a very true example. There are certain cases(Genichiro Tenryu) where the person draws the same amount no matter where they go(Although Tenryu's return to All Japan in 2000 did big business), I'm just saying it would be a cool feature.


Maybe it's more because in Japan each promotion has it's own fanbase, it's not the same people watching all the different promotions. Nobody who watches New Japan watches Dragon Gate, and if a Dragon Gate guy showed up they'd be considerably less over than they were in Dragon Gate. My example being Milano Collection AT, who was one of the top guys in Dragon Gate, is just a lower midcarder in the Junior division. Although some might claim that's due to booking, it's not entirely that way, because of the different fanbases.


Although maybe a more realistic suggestion would be to default a number of how many fans each promotion has in each area, and that could change based on how well booked shows are, and overness could go up more with more fans. But even then it wouldn't simulate what I'm asking for, so my previous suggestion would make more sense.

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Precisely. Wataru Sakata can draw several thousand people to a HUSTLE show, but in any other promotion he'd only draw a couple hundred people tops. I know this is an extreme case, but your post seemed like you were attempting to ridicule me, so I'm simply providing a very true example. There are certain cases(Genichiro Tenryu) where the person draws the same amount no matter where they go(Although Tenryu's return to All Japan in 2000 did big business), I'm just saying it would be a cool feature.


Maybe it's more because in Japan each promotion has it's own fanbase, it's not the same people watching all the different promotions. Nobody who watches New Japan watches Dragon Gate, and if a Dragon Gate guy showed up they'd be considerably less over than they were in Dragon Gate. My example being Milano Collection AT, who was one of the top guys in Dragon Gate, is just a lower midcarder in the Junior division. Although some might claim that's due to booking, it's not entirely that way, because of the different fanbases.


Although maybe a more realistic suggestion would be to default a number of how many fans each promotion has in each area, and that could change based on how well booked shows are, and overness could go up more with more fans. But even then it wouldn't simulate what I'm asking for, so my previous suggestion would make more sense.


So, basically, it's the same that they would return with a bigger momentum than everyone else, given that the return was booked correctly. I see where you are going at, but I think instead of adding popularity, a bigger name in his home promotion should get a momentum boost. A good return would give him a very high momentum, instead of an average one, and a bad return would give him a very low momentum, given that people expect more from that particular guy. So I think this would have to be done with momentum instead of popularity. Just my 2 cents though.

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This isn't a suggestion thread, you should probably take it there.


As for what's in the dev journal, my guess is that besides the "link" and "head trainers" and the ability to see the dojos in game, there will be no other bonus associated to them. It still sounds like they're pretty fringey, but maybe this is Dojo Week and we'll get a bunch of features to expand their usefulness

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So, basically, it's the same that they would return with a bigger momentum than everyone else, given that the return was booked correctly. I see where you are going at, but I think instead of adding popularity, a bigger name in his home promotion should get a momentum boost. A good return would give him a very high momentum, instead of an average one, and a bad return would give him a very low momentum, given that people expect more from that particular guy. So I think this would have to be done with momentum instead of popularity. Just my 2 cents though.


I don't know how the game mechanics work, but does momentum affect how many people show up? Or is that entirely based on promotion popularity? Realistically a NOAH show without Kobashi, Akiyama, Taue, Marufuji, and Kensuke Sasaki is only going to draw 800-1600 fans. Does the game factor in stars being used at all?


If not, I think maybe making it so Trueborns can gain overness a bit quicker or something might be better. In Japan the audience sees the graduates before they actually debut, because they are ring boys and usually accompany their main trainer to the ring and hold the ropes for them among other things. So by the time they debut the fans usually know their name.


Or perhaps make it like the young lion system. Let's say a non-trueborn like Vader shows up and Pins a trueborn who is more over than him, maybe make a negative match penalty like, "The fans weren't happy about seeing an outsider like Big Van Vader pin a Trueborn like Antonio Inoki". Or something. Obviously if Vader pins someone else who isn't a trueborn or is less over than him, it wouldn't factor in.


I don't know, just a suggestion so Dojos do something for people who don't like randomly generated workers in their games.

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I don't know how the game mechanics work, but does momentum affect how many people show up? Or is that entirely based on promotion popularity? Realistically a NOAH show without Kobashi, Akiyama, Taue, Marufuji, and Kensuke Sasaki is only going to draw 800-1600 fans. Does the game factor in stars being used at all?


How many people show up is based on the promotions popularity with the workers pop coming in only if you prebook a match with said worker. A promotion is as popular as its gotten based on the performance of its workers so I'm pretty sure the base audiences is based around the fact that at least some of its main workers will be showing up whether you pre book them or not. After that individual matches will raise the number of the people coming but I believe only with in a certain amount.


I don't have an example either real world or C-Verse but try it out for yourself and see what goes on. I believe the prebook rating will also depend on not just the workers popularity (although heavily influenced by it) but also on worker momentum and story momentum if there is any. Also if you prebook a match for a show a month from now and have a bunch of great angles or matches that involve the workers in the prebook match then the prebooked match es rating will go up.

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Since TEW 2010 uses the same engine pretty much does this mean all of the image sizes will be the same? For example the 150 x 150 pixels for the superstar pics.......


I'm not sure if this was touched on yet or if anyone knows the answer yet as well....


There shouldn't be any reason for a change. TEW has been using the same picture dimensions since 2004.

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Glad to see Dojo's back! Even more excited to see that promotions can align with a more than one Dojo. Makes for realistic Puro relationships and for a fresh and realistic scope of wrestling.


I hope each Dojo has a staff as well to go along with the Head Trainer. Can't wait to see how relationships form from them.


Will each Dojo have a reputation that rises and falls like in WMMA?

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I am really, really hoping now that dojos will allow pick of the litter to whatever promotion is aligned with them. On a related point, I really hope that a dojo that goes through a hard close eventually disappears from the database. On each point, I'll tell you why: It would put to shame almost any other feature in terms of what it could do for a fantasy mod.


Rather than a dojo representing a school, it could also represent concepts. Let's say you're playing a comic book mod. If you're playing Marvel and you want the X-Men, you could align your promotion with Professor Xavier's School and potentially sign any and all future graduates, sure, but you could also sign, say, Planet Krypton. Now Superman, Supergirl, Krypto, Zod, and a number of other iconic Superman characters could potentially be at your disposal. The Green Lantern Corps, Planet Thanagar, The Fourth World, The Savage Lands, The Shi'ar Empire... entire, massive intellectual property groups could be put under specific headings and assigned to promotions which could then sign talent from those groups. I'm blown away by the potential for this feature, if things work the way I'm hoping.

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