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TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!?

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NYCW Hot Fuzz

Saturday, Week 4, February 2008

556 people at The Ministry

Queens, New York, USA




"Mr. Electricity" Kashmir Singh vs. Sammy The Shark


Shock and awe, The Shark winds up floating due to the electricty of a Kashmir win. ~ midnightnick


Singh has talent and mic skills, he's worth pushing. I do use him as an annoucer too. Guys great. ~ Timber


Would really like to see Sammy get the win but I just don't think he is over enough for it to happen. ~ BHK1978


Eleeeectriiiiiiiiic (sorry, just wanted to shout that) ~ Sensational Waghlonwara


This is the only one I'm hesitant about. I feel like I've missed most of Kashmir Singhs matches. I guess I'll pull for him over the local boy, but this ones hard to call for me. ~ Sonfaro


Could go either way but Sammy is in your tag team feud while Singh is just hanging around so I pick Sammy. ~ Zergon


Singh could do with the win here, so that he can start building towards becoming a credible midcard threat ~ Tigerkinney


Kash is awesome. He should win. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Mr. Electricity (69.2%) defeated Sammy The Shark (30.8%) in 7:36 when Sammy The Shark was disqualified when Roger Dodger ran in and attacked Mr. Electricity.

Rating: D-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

The Sting attack Mr. Electricity in the ring, and leave him down and out. Dazzling Dave Diamond runs in to make the save before to much damage is done. - F+




Rock Downpour • Herb Stanley



Jorge Wilkes (0.0%) vs. Lee Wright © (100.0%)

NYCW Tri-State Regional Match (15 Minute Time Limit)


If Sayeed and Watson can't win it, Jorge can't. ~ midnightnick


Lee, just cause i don't know these two well or at all. ~ Timber


Not enough build for Jorge to toake the title methinks. ~ Sonfaro


Wilkes isn´t ready for a title yet. ~ Zergon


Grizzled Old Man Wright isn't going to be losing this belt to jobber boy Wilkes ~ Tigerkinney


I don't expect Lee to give up the belt until it's to someone who has been built up. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Lee Wright defeated Jorge Wilkes in 9:38 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff. Lee Wright makes defence number 4 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: D

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. Lee Wright is improving in Performance skills.



Post Match Promo


Lee Wright: Generation Y is this the best you've got!? No wonder you babies can't find a giant Arab on a two dialysis machines, you are all soft. Can none of you give me my warriors death!?


Rating: D



Julian Watson (15.4%) vs. Land Mass (69.2%)


Preference. ~ midnightnick


Land Mass should lose, but i like a sqaush match every now and then. ~ Timber


Unless Julian actually gained a little overness from their last encounter I'm thinking it's the same match, with a tainted victory so it looks like Julian is improving. ~ Sonfaro


Like you said in your review you not going to job Land Mass to Watson now. ~ Zergon


After your coments about not wanting to dish out Lard Mass overness too quickly, I'm actually tipping the useless fat man ~ Tigerkinney


I want to see a draw here to build Watson up as a possible contender. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Land Mass defeated Julian Watson in 4:50 by pinfall with a Ten Ton Avalanche.

Rating: E

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



Backstage Promo (Taped At Breaking Point)


Smarting from his lost, Sayeed Ali is sitting on one of the benches in the locker room when aging veteran, Whistler, comes up to him.


Whistler: Mr. Ali, I know you didn't come on top tonight but I just wanted to say that you gave one hell of an effort out there. With a bit a guidance you could be one of the best in this city.


Sayeed Ali: Bit of guidance? From who? You? You think you know me? What I've gone through to get here?


Whistler: Yeah I think I do. If might have been a different era and a different street, but we are not as different as you think you think. You think are the only person to drop out of high school to support your family? Do you think you are the only one to live off food stamps? Do you think you are the only one to find a religion that you weren't born into?


Sayeed Ali, I know exactly what you are, an American Made Man.


Following Whistler's somewhat vague offer to Ali, the veteran sticks out his hand. After what seems like an eternity, Sayeed stands up, looks Whistler square in the eye, and shakes his hand. As unlikely as it would have seemed even a week ago, Sayeed Ali is know the newest member of the American Made Men.


Rating: D

Notes: The American Made Men storyline has continued with this segment.



Old School Principals © (76.9%) vs. Wiley Coyote (23.1%)

NYCW Tag Team Match (15 Minute Time Limit)


Acme approved pinfall. ~ midnightnick


I just like the Wiley Coyote name. ~ Timber


I'm not sure OSP is ready to drop the belts yet. ~ Sonfaro


I almost picked Wiley Coyote mainly because most of your named tag teams are heels at the moment. ~ Zergon


I'll go for the Principals to retain here by nefarious means ~ Tigerkinney


Wiley Coyote isn't getting the rub here. It's going to be a new team that needs the belts to get over. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Old School Principals defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:22 when Rick Sanders defeated Coyote Dynamite by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after blatantly cheating. Old School Principals make defense number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. The OSP/WC storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Rick Sanders is improving in Performance skills. The Masked Mauler is improving in Performance skills.



Backstage Interview


Marv Earnest: Jack, tonight you take on Steven Parker in tonight's main event. What are your thoughts?


Jack Griffith: I'm feelin' pretty good. Steven Parker is one of the rising stars in this industry and has been trained by the best.


Steven, I know you. I know you because eight years I was you. The fame, fortune, respect, and the girls, oh the girls. I had it all. And oh was it glorious, too glorious. All that success got to my head and just like that it was all over. It took me four full years just to get back in the ring. And you know what? I am a better man for it. I am better than I was eight years ago and I am definitely better than you.


Rating: D+*

Notes: The NYCW Empire Title Scene storyline has continued with this segment. Jack Griffith is developing better performance skills. Marv Earnest is improving at acting.



Honest Frank (30.8%) vs. Sean Deeley (69.2%)


Honest Downfall. ~ midnightnick


Deely has some great skills. ~ Timber


Deeley wins via DQ ~ bak42


I'm thinking the changing of the guard is going to happen sooner rather than later, as your newcomers are dominating the upper card for this show. ~ Sonfaro


Deeley is younger and you need need new faces to your main event scene. ~ Zergon


Deeley lost to Parker last month, but should go over Frank. ~ Tigerkinney


Frank picks up the win by cheating. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Honest Frank defeated Sean Deeley in 14:39 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D+

Notes: Honest Frank was visibly tiring toward the end. The Deeley/Frank storyline has continued with this match. Honest Frank is improving in Performance skills.



In-Ring Promo


Grandmaster Phunk: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down your roll there Mike before you call start the match. The Grandmaster of Phunkitude has something to say. Two weeks ago I was screwed! My foot was clearly under the ropes and yet Bull still counted to three. I demand reparations!


And I got them. So tonight's main event isn't going to be two honkeys fighting. Its gonna be two honkeys getting their asses kicked by the greatest pimp this side of Harlem. With the winner, that's me by the way, getting a title shot at Steve Flash in two weeks. Now ring the bell.


Rating: C*



Grandmaster Phunk (n/a) vs. Jack Griffith (15.4%) vs. Steven Parker (69.2%)

#1 Contender's Match


Give the hasbeen some victory. ~ midnightnick


I'd drop this as a draw, Jack is great, but Parker has the making of the next Champion. ~ Timber


Griffiths running undefeated, and so is Parker. Both are pretty good fits for NYCW, but one is probably still on SWF's scouting reports and the other is not. It's a tough call. In the end I think this will be a draw due to shennanigans that will lead to purhaps the first 3way match NYCW has ever seen between Flash/Griffith/and Parker. Gives you more milege out of all of them in my opinion. ~ Sonfaro


Won´t likely be a clean win but I still think that you need to push faces more than heels at the moment. ~ Zergon


Another cheap win for Parker, who I see being built up as a credible heel threat for the Empire Title ~ Tigerkinney


Steven Parker makes sense against Steve Flash, Jack doesn't. ~ NightshadeEx


Result: Jack Griffith defeated Steven Parker and Grandmaster Phunk in 19:43 when Jack Griffith defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Jack in The Box.

Rating: C-

Notes: Grandmaster Phunk was visibly tiring toward the end. The NYCW Empire Title Scene storyline has continued with this match.



Overall Rating: C-


A card without Steve Flash? You're asking for a D/D+ only Mister >:-( ~ Sonfaro


Nice matches I could see most of these matches going either way. ~ Zergon


I don't think I'm going to do too well this time around either, simply because it took me so long to make my picks. And don't worry, I'll be reading even after TEW10 comes out. ~ QFresh

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Chapter Two

Empire State Of Mind

Review of Hot Fuzz, the month of Febraury and the Preview of Brooklyn's Finest


Role Call (13): bak42, BHK1978, BigM, dkohn, midnightnick, NightshadeEx, QFresh, SeanMcFly, Sonfaro, Tigerkinney, Timber, Waghlon, Zergon


Prediction Results for NYCW Point Break

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/goldstar.png: BHK1978, BigM, dkohn, NightshadeEx, QFresh, Sonfaro, Tigerkinney, Waghlon, Zergon

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/silverstar.png: bak42, midnightnick, Timber

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/tealstar.png: SeanMcFly


What a shocker, the first show post 2010 had a really low response rate. :rolleyes: I knew it was coming, but I am still a bit disappointed at the timing since Hot Fuzz was a big show in terms of storyline. I also kind of knew that you guys weren't going to do as you were in terms of the predictions. It might seems like everyone did awesome, but that's also because I "grade" on a curve. The truth of the matter is that the best anyone did this time around was a 4/7. Now you might be wondering why I kept the predictions at 7. Well as a couple of you might have guessed from the end of the show, Grandmaster Phunk was never really suppose to be apart of the match. Unfortunately for NYCW (and me), Grandmaster Phunk signed a written contract with Supreme Wrestling Federation and had to be written out of the promotion ASAP. It's a damn shame too because the main event of Gang Wars was going to be Grandmaster Phunk taking on Steve Flash in a gimmick match of some kind. Oh well, that's why keyboards come with backspaces.


Besides Phunk leaving for one last payday, the show went down really well. I was able to squeak out a C- without using Steve Flash and helped set up a good amount of build up for future shows. One of the things I am particularly happy with was the recruitment of Sayeed Ali into the American Made Men. I'm always a fan of taking an old idea and tweaking it a bit to take it in a totally different direction. And since everyone always seem to make Whistler into some corny old man, I decide to turn him into a true moderate and make the AMM into a stable that truly represents America. Truth be told, Bulldozer Brandon Smith was originally suppose to play the role Ali will play in the group, but because of the owner goals I was unable to use him. This was a blessing though as Ali is a far better candidate because of his look (skin color, background, name, etc).


Before moving on to going over the new hires, I will have to plead insanity about rolling with Land Mass and Watson again on the main show. I don't know what I was thinking there.



Name: Joey Poison

Age: 31

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Wage: $400 & Travelling

Popularity (USA/TS): (F/F)

Finishing Move: Antidote Web (Complex Cradle Pin)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Weirdo (B+)

Theme Music: "Jet Boy" by The New York Dolls


Bio: Joey Poison is a Canadian worker with distinctive multi-coloured hair, best known for being a star wrestler and head booker for the 4C promotion. A three time 4C champion, many feel that with his skills, charisma, and mind for the business, he will eventually go on to become a massive star with one of the bigger promotions. He is a distant cousin of British star Jack Giedroyc, and like his relative, it seems that the future is very bright for Joey, with a wealth of opportunities within his grasp.


My Thoughts: Poison is one of the those guys that no one uses anymore because he was over used in TEW 2005 (and because he's the head booker of 4C), and you know what? It's a damn shame. Joey is a solid worker and is one of the better outside of the ring.



Name: Sayeed Ali

Age: 22

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $500

Popularity (USA/TS): (F+/F+)

Finishing Move: G.H.B. Driver (Twisting Implant DDT)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Bad Ass (C+)

Theme Music: "Confrontation" by Damian Marley


Bio: Known as "The East Side Assassin", Sayeed Ali used to work under the name Leroy, and was looked at as a very hot prospect, mixing raw street fighting with a hard-hitting Japanese style of work to create a very unique attack. In September 2006 he made a spectacular debut for 4C in Canada, aligning himself with the Thug Life tag team to commit a violent assault on their world champion Barry Kingman. He has since been riding a huge wave of momentum with the promotion, a wave that took him to the world title in late 2007 when he pinned Jacob Jett in a bloody match.


My Thoughts: One of the main stays in NEO, I'm should everyone is very familiar with the man formerly known as Leroy. IMO, Ali is a perfect match for NYCW. He's a talented brawler who can also cut a problem. If that wasn't good enough, he's also a native New Yorker to boot. He's not really a natural heel, but looking at the gimmick rating I don't think that's going to be too big of a problem. Oh and you can't tell me there is a better theme for American Made Sayeed.



Overview February 2008


Popularity: 27.2% (+1.4%) TS, 5.1% GL, 5.1% MA, 5.1% NE, 5.1% MAR, 5.1% QUE, 5.1% ONT

Prestige: 14.8% (+2%)

World Ranking: #24th Importance (#7 USA)/#30 Influence (#10 USA)

Regional Battles: 1st Mid Atlantic (NYCW, MAW, PSW), 1st New England (NYCW, PSW, RIPW), 1st Tri-State (NYCW, FCW, PSW)



Cash: $231,320

Performance: -$12,986



Ticket Sales: $13,760

Sponsorships: $16,915

Merchandise: $1,600

Misc.: $73



Workers: $37,974

Show Cost: $5,000

Marketing: $500

Merchandise: $560

Production: $500

Misc.: $800


Storyline Momentum: American Made Men (D), Deeley/Frank (D+), Empire Title Scene (C-), Tag Team (D-)

Title Prestige: Empire: B; Tag Team: D+; Tri-State Regional: C-


Skill Increases

Jack Griffith: Respect (D+ to C-)

Joey Poison: Stamina (B- to B)

Julian Watson: Stamina (B- to B), Selling (C+ to B-), Respect (D+ to C-)

Mr. Electricity: Puroresu (E+ to D-)

Steven Parker: Brawling (C to C+)



Popularity Increases

Grandmaster Phunk: TS (C- to D)

Jack Griffith: TS (D to D+)

Joey Poison: TS (F to F+), QUE (E+ to D-)

Jorge Wilkes: SE Mex (E- to F+)

Mr. Electricity: TS (F+ to E-), MAR (F- to F), QUE (F- to F), ONT (F- to F)

Sammy The Shark: TS (F+ to E-), MAR (F- to F), QUE (F- to F), ONT (F- to F)

Sayeed Ali: QUE (E+ to D-)

Sean Deeley: CAN (D to D-)

Steven Parker: TS (D to D-)



Match Results From Other Companies

Joey Poison: CGC (Joey Posion & Fate defeated The Gilbert Brothers - D-; Joey Poison defeated Philippe LaGrenier - D; Joey Poison went to a time limit draw with Lee Rivera - D+); 4C (Joey Posion & Whippy defeated Jacob Jett & Barry Kingman - C+)

Jorge Wilkes: SOTBPW (Verdugo Estupendo defeated Demon Seed - D; Hysteria defeated Demon Seed - D)

Julian Watson: GCG (Henry Bennett went to a double count with Julian Watson - D; Julian Watson defeated Namboku Makuda - D-; Hyobanski & Makuda defeated Watson & Marlowe - B-; Gakusha & Jimmy Cox defeated Watson & Marlowe - B; Watson & Marlowe defeated Griffin & Bennett - C+; Watson & Marlowe defeated Griffin & Bennett - C; SUKI defeated Julian Watson - C)

Rodger Dodger: USPW (Gigolo Jack Stein defeated Pete The Hillbilly -E)

Sayeed Ali: 4C (Sayeed Ali defeated Frankie Dee to retain the 4C Championship title - C-)

Sean Deeley: CGC (Steve DeColt, Jack DeColt, and Alex DeColt defeated Ryan Powell, Bobby Thomas, and Sean Deeley - B; Eddie Chandler defeated Shooter Sean Deeley - B-)

Steven Parker: PSW (Steven Parker defeated Ash Campbell to retain the PSW National title - D+)

Wiley Steinway: MAW (Citizen X defeated Wiley Steinway - D+)


February was another successful month for NYCW as we gain steady overness in the Tri-States without losing too much money. What makes this month better than January is that we were able to win the Regional Battles in the Tri-States, Mid Atlantic, and New England. Speaking of out finances, how the hell do you only have $73 worth of misc. income? Did everyone pack a lunch or something?


As you can see I decided to reorganize things a bit concerning the storylines. With Phunk leaving I deleted the upper midcard storyline and evolved the Main Event into the Empire Title scene (Flash, Bailey, Griffith, and Parker). To replace the Upper Midcard storyline I created two new storylines, one involving the happenings of the American Made Men and one for Deeley and Honest Frank. Finally, I renamed the Tag Team storyline OSP/WC.


Julian Watson's string of work in GCG has him increasing his skills at higher rate than the rest of his NYCW compatriots. The big winners of the month have to be Sammy The Shark and Kashmir Singh for bumping up to E- without winning a match. Too bad Steven Parker couldn't remain a D after losing to Griffith. And I put the "keep strong" note too. Oh well, Parker's talent will no doubt get him back to where he belong sooner or later.


Before moving on to the next show, we also had out first backstage incident! I wonder would it was.


Backstage Incident: Julian Watson pulled a mean spirited prank on Marv Earnest nearly leading to a fight; Fatherly approach; It was just a prank, it was no big deal


I guess he didn't like getting squashed by Land Mass twice in one month. :D




Next Update (Friday, January 29th, 2010):Yeah so this event isn't as star studded as the ones that came before it, but trust me on this one: This show is better than you think.


I was planning on putting up the update on Wednesday, but I have an interview on that day (as well as one on Thursday) so I'm pushing it back to Friday. See you then.


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I haven't really done this before in this thread, but since the thread's been moved I guess it would be a good idea to bump up thread to give people who have forgotten about the TEW 2008 dynasty board a chance to make a prediction before Friday.


Now time to get ready for my interview.

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