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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 11/15/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Chris Jericho at the top of the show, to talk about how in six days at War Games ,the DX Army will be defeated but tonight on RAW, Jericho will face off against Triple H. The very last image the fans will see of Triple H on RAW will be Chris Jericho beating Triple H one, two, three in the center of the ring, although by that time, the Illuminati will have already swept the series, but Jericho is going to take his match to deal yet another crushing blow to Triple H. Jericho calls out Triple H and out comes the Game. Triple H walks down to the ring but CM Punk hits him from behind with the WWE Championship belt. Jericho joins on the beating, as we see the Illuminati standing on the ramp with chairs, as Triple H is stomped and beaten. The Illuminati is blocking aid from Triple H and Jericho hits the Code Breaker on Triple H right on the ring steps! The announcers speculate that the ribs of the Game might be broken and the Big Show and Shawn Michaels are trying to break free but the damage might be already be done. Triple H suffered some broken ribs and he has to compete against Chris Jericho in three hours time! </p><p> </p><p>

We see clips from last week on ECW, where the Illuminati's Masked Man was revealed to be Paul London. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Paul London defeated the Big Show via countout after Nick Dinsmore nailed Show with the United States Belt from behind in 5:54</strong></span> London jumped on the Big Show's back, but Show flung him off and beat on London in the center of the ring. Show threw London around the ring. Dinsmore came out and London missile dropkicked Show to the floor. The referee is distracted and Show gets a belt shot and he is unable to make it back to the ring for the countout. The Illuminati lead the series 1-0 and if they win two more matches, they get the advantage in War Games. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see Ted DiBiase make his way down to the ring. DiBiase talks about how people have been saying that he's been ducking the Undertaker. DiBiase denies these claims. He once again states that twenty years ago, the Undertaker would never have gotten his chance if it had not been for the elder Ted DiBiase. DiBiase challenges the Undertaker for a match later tonight and vows that he will beat the Undertaker, before the Million Dollar Team beats the Creatures of the Night in the Five on Five Classic Survivor Series this match this Sunday. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio defeated the Hart Dynasty via disqualification when The Specialists ran in in 8:21</strong></span> Bourne and Rey appear to have patched things up, leading to their return shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles but they had a tough match against the Hart Dynasty. The Hart Dynasty battered Bourne in the corner but Rey is tagged in. The Specialists rush in to beat Rey and Rey is pummeled. Four on two with the Springboard Hart Attack on Bourne and the Spiked Brain Buster on Rey. Lawrence Davis yells Bourne that he should have joined them but now his window of opportunity has closed. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Frankie Kazarian defeated Shawn Michaels via disqualification when Michaels hit Kazarian with Nick Dinsmore's United States Title Belt</strong></span> The second match in the best of five series, with Kazarian using some tricky tactics to beat down Michaels but Michaels fights back. Michaels hits a spinebuster and Flying Elbowdrop. Kazarian dodges the Superkick and in comes Kaval from the otherside, but he eats the Superkick. Kaval is down and in comes Dinsmore but Michaels gives him a punch and swipes his belt, before he spins around and clocks Kazarian with it. That's a disqualfication and Michaels turns, before he gives Kazarian the Superkick as he struggles to his feet. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Kevin Nash, who talks about how Dinsmore has messed up two matches but tonight he's not going to mess up a third, when he's going to worry about defending his United States Championship against both Paul Burchill and Kofi Kingston. Originally it was to be Kofi against Burchill but Nash tweaked it into a Triple Threat Match for Dinsmore's United States Title. And that match is coming up next. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>United States Champion Nick Dinsmore defeated Paul Burchill and Kofi Kingston when Dinsmore pinned Burchill after the Trouble in Paradise from Kofi in 8:22</strong></span> The hatred between Burchill and Kofi really distracted them from the title and allowed Dinsmore to pick his shots wisely, as he put Kofi through to the ropes to the floor and pinned Burchill off of Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Alexandra Madison and Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix defeated Katie Lea Burchill and Layla when Beth Phoenix pinned Layla with the Glam Slam in 4:44</strong></span> Madison was beaten down for most of this match but when Beth Phoenix got the hot tag, then it was on. She beat down Layla and Burchill before finishing off Layla with the Glam Slam. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In comes Michelle McCool but she is cut off by Eve Torres, who is attacked by Mia Mancini and Natalya but out comes Gail Kim and Melina, leading to a crazy ten women brawl, as the classic five on five Survivor Series match with the divas is hyped up. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Bryan Danielson made Randy Orton submit to a rolling ankle lock in 12:11</strong></span> Match three in the Best of Five series. Orton hammers away at Danielson in the match but Danielson fights back with his array of holds. Danielson is caught with a DDT and now Orton sets up Danielson for the punt, taking his time and this costs Orton, with his leg caught and legs scissored. Danielson rolls into a heel hook variation of the ankle lock and Orton taps out quickly to avoid being crippled! <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are back and Punk is giving Orton the third degree for tapping out and preventing them from getting a clean sweep. Orton comments that he feels he didn't need to endanger their prospects, unless of course Punk doesn't think he can beat Matt Hardy, which Punk takes offense to and says he will beat Hardy in the Streetfight tonight and win the series. Punk leaves the locker room to get ready and Orton leaves as well, but Matt Hardy runs out and attacks Orton with a pipe. He quickly shoves the Illuminati's locker room door shut, and locks it tight, before he steps back and we hear a forklift, before the Illuminati dressing room door is sealed shut. It looks like Hardy is bound and determined to face Punk one on one tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

Ted DiBiase comes out for his match with the Undertaker and the Undertaker comes out, but DiBiase leaves the ring, saying that it isn't worth his time to face the Undertaker tonight and he has an opponent for the Undertaker. The Creatures of the Night have their masked druid, well DiBiase has his and a large masked druid attacks the Undertaker from behind and boots him in the face, to kick off this match. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Undertaker taps DiBiase's druid to the Hell's Gate in 2:41</strong></span> The druid beats down the Undertaker but the Undertaker fights him off, before applying the Hell's Gate for the submission. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the lights go out and the Fortunate Sons attack the Undertaker in the ring. The lights go out and Kane and Mike Knox make the save, as they stand in the ring. The Undertaker, Mike Knox, Kane, Christian, and Booker T meet Ted DiBiase, Brett DiBiase, Joe Hennig, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas in a Classic Survivor Series Match this Sunday. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Matt Hardy made CM Punk pass out in a rear naked choke in 12:22 in a Street Fight</strong></span> Hardy attacked Punk from behind at the bell with a crowbar. Punk managed to fight Punk off and Punk kicked Hardy's face in in the corner. We see Hardy come back, with a low blow and he stomps the groin of Punk. Punk calls for the Illuminati, not knowing they have been trapped in their locker room by Matt Hardy. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Punk but Punk leaves the ring! Finally, backstage, the Illuminati is finally freed but the Big Show fights them off, blocking their path with his large girth. GTS but Hardy counters with some elbows and then applies a rear naked choke! Kaval and Nick Dinsmore run to the ring but the referee calls for the bell, with Punk passing out ad the match going 2-2. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Illuminati swarm Matt Hardy like angry vultures. Suddenly, the Big Show follows to the ring, with Shawn Michaels, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, Goldust, Drew McIntyre, Justin Gabriel, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and David Otunga all coming out. It is a wild brawl around the arena and Triple H comes out, ribs taped with a sledgehammer, with Punk beating a hasty retreat to the back. A camera man gets trampled in the melee as way. Out comes Kevin Nash, with an army of security guards and police officers. Nash says that he's the General Manager of RAW and he's had it with all of the constant interference. He is kicking everyone out of the building except Chris Jericho, Triple H, the crowd, the announcers, the camera crew, the timekeeper, and the referee. The match is going to happen one on one. We see the entire locker room being forced out of the back door, as we see Triple H standing. This match is going to be one on one, with essentially the entire locker room barred from the building, for the deciding match for the man advantage. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Chris Jericho pinned Triple H with the Code Breaker after a video camera exploded in the face of Triple H in 15:11</strong></span> Triple H's ribs were still killing him from earlier and Jericho took it to him. Triple H pounds away at Jericho and hits a spinebuster, but Jericho goes to the floor. A camera man gets on the apron to get a better look and Triple H steps up to him, only for the camera to go off in his face, in an explosion of fire! Jericho sneak in and hits the Code Breaker for the pin. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see Triple H beaten to a pulp in the ring and the camera man takes off a hat and glasses, along with some make up to reveal CM Punk! Punk snuck back into the building as a replacement for the camera man that went down and he is beating on Triple H. Punk talks about how this Sunday will be the end, when the Illuminati beats the DX Army in War Games. It will be Punk, Jericho, Randy Orton, Frankie Kazarian, and Paul London taking on Triple H, Shawn Michaels, the Big Show, Bryan Danielson, and Matt Hardy. If DX wins, then Triple H gets a WWE Championship Match, interference free. If The Illuminati wins, then Triple H will never compete in WWE ever again. </p><p> </p><p>

-------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 3/7</p><p>

Kijar: 2/7</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 2/7</p><p>

ChrisKid: 2/7</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


ChrisKid: 25/36</p><p>

BHK1978: 25/36</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 24/36</p><p>

Kijar: 15/36</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/36</p>

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy Fy 11/16/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>William Regal, Kaval, United States Champion Nick Dinsmore, and the Hart Dynasty defeated The Hurricane, Chris Masters, Jimmy Wang Yang, David Otunga, and Justin Gabriel when Dinsmore pinned Yang with a half nelson suplex in 8:11</strong></span> The Illuminati are ready for this Sunday, when this team takes on Goldust, Drew McIntyre, Finlay, and the World's Greatest Tag Team in a five on five classic survivor series match. The Illuminati scored an impressive win tonight I this standard ten men tag with Dinsmore putting down Yang with a violent half nelson suplex. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are back and Bryan Danielson makes his way out, talking about how last Monday he scored an impressive win over Randy Orton but in comes Paul London. London talks about how Danielson brags he was trained by the legendary Shawn Michaels, a man that London is far better than. London claims that he lost his job so WWE could hire Bryan Danielson, because everyone knows one on one that London would smoke Danielson in the ring. London says that he was not trained directly by Shawn Michaels contrary to what many believe, because Michaels didn't want a student showing him up. London talks about how Danielson is lucky to have the ECW Championship and London challenges Danielson to the next title match. Danielson offers the match right now but Kazarian runs out and hits Danielson from behind. Matt Hardy quickly makes the save and attacks London. These two have had some problems as of late but its spilled over onto ECW, with London returning underneath a mask to attack Matt Hardy. Danielson and Hardy stand tall and a tag team match is made for later tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Drew McIntyre, Finlay, Goldust, and The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated The Dudebusters, Dolph Ziggler, Chavo Guerrero, and Zack Ryder when McIntyre pinned Chavo with a Double Underhook DDT in 8:22</strong></span> The team opposing the Illuminati most certainly do not have that much in common, other than being victimized by the Illuminati at one point or another and they are going to come together. Chavo is put away with a Double Underhook DDT and pinned by McIntyre, who the fans aren't quite warming up to. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk comes out, to show footage of the Illuminati getting the advantage in War Games. Punk talks about how Triple H has five more days left before he is no longer a WWE Superstar. Five more days before the Illuminati cuts the biggest cancer in WWE. Punk also claims that the other members of the DX Army might be looking for work after this Sunday, for daring to oppose the Illuminati. Punk encourages the fans to tune into Smackdown where he's arranged a tribute to the career of Triple H and also one last farewell match for the Game prior to War Games. Triple H will go one on one with the Undertaker! The fans cheer despite their hatred of Punk, as Undertaker and Triple H is a Pay Per View main event level match. Punk also states that this match will be a Lumberjack match, with the Illuminati and the members of the Million Dollar Team surrounding the ring. Punk says that that the Undertaker should not hold anything back. Punk leaves as the huge Lumberjack Match between Triple H and the Undertaker is talked about. One of the biggest main events in the history of Smackdown.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Paul London and Frankie Kazarian defeated Matt Hardy and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson when Kazarian pinned Danielson with a piledriver after Hardy was too busy brawling with Danielson to break up the pin in 13:44</strong></span> A back and forth tag team match until at least Matt Hardy was cut off and the Illuminati got the heat. Hardy fights back and tags in Danielson who runs wild. Hardy cuts off London and Danielson goes to the outside but Kazarian drops on the top rope crotching him and he slams Danielson off. He sets him up and hits a piledriver on Danielson but Hardy is too busy trying to tear London's eyeball out and thus Danielson is pinned. London escapes as the Illuminati steal another victory. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

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BHK1978: 0/1</p><p>

ChrisKid: 0/1</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 0/1</p><p> </p><p>


ChrisKid: 25/37</p><p>

BHK1978: 25/37</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 24/37</p><p>

Kijar: 15/37</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/37</p>

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<p><strong>WWE Superstars 11/18/10</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tonight's main event on WGN America features a huge main event from Monday Night RAW, a preview for a five on five Survivor Series match with John Morrison going one on one with Sheamus. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Gail Kim pinned Natalya with the Eat Defeat in 6:22</strong></span> Both of these women will be on separate teams at Survivor Series and this was a nice little preview match leading into that show. Natalya beats on Gail Kim but Kim comes back with high flying and beats down Natalya, before hitting a headscissors takeover and hits the Eat Defeat for the pin. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Vladimir Koslov made Slam Master J submit to a guillotine choke in 3:44</strong></span> Two men on ECW who are left off of the Survivor Series and trying to make an impact tonight. Slam Master J is beaten on during the course of this match and other than a brief flurry, Koslov destroys Slam Master J, before finishing him off with a tossing flapjack and then locking a guillotine choke. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Dolph Ziggler pinned Primo with the Zig Zag in 9:33</strong></span> Primo got the advantage at the bell but Dolph Ziggler fought back, to beat on Primo. Primo is taken down with a snap suplex and stomped in the center of the ring. Dolph hammers away and goes for a superplex but Primo shoves him off and hits a missile dropkick. Springboard Moonsault misses and Dolph hits a Zig Zag for the pin. <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Recap from RAW of the events that lead to the Illuminati getting the advantage in War Games. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>John Morrison pinned Sheamus with a sunset flip in 15:11</strong></span> A big man/little man affair, as Morrison proved why he was the 2010 Royal Rumble winner and the World Heavyweight Champion by frustrating Sheamus. Sheamus got the advantage and used his power to bully Morrison around, getting a nearfall with a big boot. Sheamus beats on Morrison some more and goes for the Celtic Cross but Morrison fights out and sunset flips Sheamus for the pin. Morrison slides underneath the bottom rope and leaves the ring, with the victory. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

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BHK1978: 3/4</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 3/4</p><p>

Kijar: 2/4</p><p>

ChrisKid: 2/4</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 28/41</p><p>

ChrisKid: 27/41</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 27/41</p><p>

Kijar: 17/41</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/41</p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 11/19/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Lumberjack Match:</p><p>

Triple H vs. the Undertaker. </p><p> </p><p>

John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and Evan Bourne vs. the Specialists and Batista.</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase.</p><p> </p><p>

Christian and Booker T vs. the Fortunate Sons.</p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 11/19/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

We have a huge announcement of the dual main event, with The Specialists and Batista joining forces to take on the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena, Evan Bourne, and Rey Mysterio and the Undertaker taking on Triple H in a Lumberjack Match in what may be Triple H's final match on television. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Christian and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T defeated The Fortunate Sons when Christian pinned Brett DiBiase with the Killswitch in 8:22</strong></span> A set up for the Survivor Series, with the Fortunate Sons keeping Booker T in the center of the ring but Joe Hennig is knocked out. Tag to Christian, who runs wild. Booker T takes Hennig to the floor and Christian brings Brett DiBiase down with the Killswitch for the pin. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are out where CM Punk and Chris Jericho present a series of clips involving the best of Triple H. We see footage of Triple H in his early days in the Hogpen Match against Henry O. Godwinns. Then we see Triple H getting dominated by Duke “The Dumpster” Droese and getting flattened by the Ultimate Warrior. We see Triple H getting defeated several times and we then see the Illuminati get the better of Triple H several times, up to Chris Jericho pinning Triple H this past Monday. Tonight Triple H will have his last match tonight against the Undertaker, where the Million Dollar Team and the Illuminati surround the ring. At War Games, it will be the end of Triple H and Punk says that he's going to lock the Anaconda Vice on Triple H and that will be the end. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Ted DiBiase pinned Mike Knox with the Dream Street in 6:22</strong></span> Another match leading into the Survivor Series where both men will be on opposite teams. Knox beats up DiBiase but DiBiase goes low. Knox takes him down and goes for the Bicycle Kick but DiBiase ducks and Knox gets crotched, before DiBiase hits the Dream Street for the pin. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are backstage and Triple H cuts a promo, talking about how he is going to beat Punk in War Games and then he'll be the WWE Champion again. He'll retire on his own terms and he won't be forced out by someone like Punk. Triple H says he has a lot of respect for the Undertaker but the Undertaker better be ready for a fight tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

We take a look at the last couple of weeks between William Regal and Finlay. Tonight both men step into a Parking Lot to brawl. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Finlay defeated William Regal in a Parking Lot Brawl after beating Regal senseless with his own brass knuckles in 8:11</strong></span> Both men exchange vicious punches and kicks, being knocked around. Regal rams Finlay into the side of a car and pounds away on him. Attempted piledriver on the car but Finlay hits a back drop and clotheslines Regal, causing both men to take a tumble onto cement. We see Regal slam a car door on Finlay's arm and beat on him, before waffling him with a bumper right in the ribs. Regal hits the Knee Trembler and now continues to beat on Finlay, but Finlay low blows Regal and throws him into a car, where he rams Regal headfirst into the steering wheel twice. Regal has the brass knuckles but Finlay elbows Regal and disarms him, before putting the knuckles on and Regal is beaten brutally with numerous knuckle shots. Finlay walks off, and returns to the building, winning the match. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As Finlay is back in, he gets attacked by the Hart Dynasty, Kaval, and Nick Dinsmore and a beating in the hallway. Finlay, Drew McIntyre, Goldust, and World's Greatest Tag Team will meet Dinsmore, Regal, Kaval, and the Hart Dynasty in a five on five classic Survivor Series matchh. Finlay won the match but the war is still on, as the Hart Dynasty gives Finlay a Hart Attack in the hallway and Kaval curb stomps him! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Batista and the Specialists defeated John Cena, Evan Bourne, and Rey Mysterio when Batista pinned Bourne with the Batista Bomb in 13:22</strong></span> An impressive six man tag team match. Cena runs wild towards the end but Bourne tags himself in and hits a missile dropkick on Batista. The Specialists take Bourne out and do the same to Cena and Rey, allowing Batista to spear Bourne and hit the spinebuster, before finishing him off with the Batista Bomb for the pin. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Cena attacks Batista and the brawl is on. The World Heavyweight Title will be on the line this Sunday, but Batista goes low and wipes out Cena with a huge lariat. Cena bounces back off until security breaks up the brawl.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Undertaker and Triple H battled to a no contest in a Lumberjack Match in 8:22</strong></span> Triple H and the Undertaker have a spirited match until Triple H gets knocked to the floor, where the Illuminati attacks him. The Undertaker dives over the top rope onto the Illumianti but the Million Dollar Team comes around and beats on the Undertaker. Out comes Knox, Booker, Christian, and Kane from the back and now Danielson, Show, Michaels, and Hardy as well as we got a wild brawl between men leading to the Survivor Series this Sunday. The brawl is spilling all over the arena and its chaos! See you at Survivor Series. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 2/4</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 2/4</p><p>

ChrisKid: 2/4</p><p>

Kijar: 1/4</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 30/45</p><p>

ChrisKid: 29/45</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 29/45</p><p>

Kijar: 18/45</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/45</p>

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<p><strong>WWE Survivor Series 2010 Card:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

War Games Match:</p><p>

**If the DX Army wins, then Triple H will receive a WWE Championship match with CM Punk. If the Illuminati wins, then Triple H will be banished from WWE forever**.</p><p> </p><p>

The DX Army(Captain: Triple H, with Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson) vs. the Illuminati(Captain: WWE Champion CM Punk, with Chris Jericho, Frankie Kazarian, Paul London, and Randy Orton)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT-Who will start the match for each team. </p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title Match:</p><p>

Batista vs. John Cena©</p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne vs the Specialists©</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Creatures of the Night(Captain: The Undertaker, with Kane, Mike Knox, Christian, and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T) vs. the Million Dollar Team(Captain: Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

Truth in Paradise(Co-Captains: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, with John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry) vs. The International Alliance(Co Captains: Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Rene Dupree, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Glamazons(Captain: Beth Phoenix, with Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison) vs. Michelle's Marvels(Captain: Michelle McCool, with Layla, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Men Who Love to Fight(Captain: Finlay, with Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Goldust) vs. the Illuminati(Captain: William Regal, with Kaval, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and United States Champion Nick Dinsmore)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p>

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<p>I am not going to pick the bonus because I am always wrong with those.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The DX Army(Captain: Triple H, with Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson)</strong> vs. the Illuminati(Captain: WWE Champion CM Punk, with Chris Jericho, Frankie Kazarian, Paul London, and Randy Orton)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT-Who will start the match for each team. </p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title Match:</p><p>

Batista vs. <strong>John Cena©</strong></p><p><strong>


Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne</strong> vs the Specialists©</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Creatures of the Night(Captain: The Undertaker, with Kane, Mike Knox, Christian, and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T)</strong> vs. the Million Dollar Team(Captain: Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

Truth in Paradise(Co-Captains: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, with John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry) vs. <strong>The International Alliance(Co Captains: Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Rene Dupree, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Glamazons(Captain: Beth Phoenix, with Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison)</strong> vs. Michelle's Marvels(Captain: Michelle McCool, with Layla, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Men Who Love to Fight(Captain: Finlay, with Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Goldust) vs.<strong> the Illuminati(Captain: William Regal, with Kaval, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and United States Champion Nick Dinsmore)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


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<p>WWE Survivor Series 2010 Card:</p><p> </p><p>

War Games Match:</p><p>

**If the DX Army wins, then Triple H will receive a WWE Championship match with CM Punk. If the Illuminati wins, then Triple H will be banished from WWE forever**.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The DX Army(Captain: Triple H, with Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson)</strong> vs. the Illuminati(Captain: WWE Champion CM Punk, with Chris Jericho, Frankie Kazarian, Paul London, and Randy Orton)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT-Who will start the match for each team. </p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title Match:</p><p>

Batista vs. <strong>John Cena©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne</strong> vs the Specialists©</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Creatures of the Night(Captain: The Undertaker, with Kane, Mike Knox, Christian, and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T)</strong> vs. the Million Dollar Team(Captain: Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s) <strong>Undertaker,Kane</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

Truth in Paradise(Co-Captains: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, with John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry) vs. <strong>The International Alliance(Co Captains: Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Rene Dupree, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s) <strong>Paul Burchill,Sheamus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Glamazons(Captain: Beth Phoenix, with Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison) </strong>vs. Michelle's Marvels(Captain: Michelle McCool, with Layla, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s) <strong>Alexandra Madison</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Men Who Love to Fight(Captain: Finlay, with Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Goldust) vs. <strong>the Illuminati(Captain: William Regal, with Kaval, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and United States Champion Nick Dinsmore)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s) <strong>Nick Dinsmore,Kaval</strong></p>

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<p>War Games Match:</p><p>

**If the DX Army wins, then Triple H will receive a WWE Championship match with CM Punk. If the Illuminati wins, then Triple H will be banished from WWE forever**.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The DX Army(Captain: Triple H, with Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson)</strong> vs. the Illuminati(Captain: WWE Champion CM Punk, with Chris Jericho, Frankie Kazarian, Paul London, and Randy Orton)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT-Matt Hardy and Paul London</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title Match:</p><p>

Batista vs. <strong>John Cena©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne</strong> vs the Specialists©</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Creatures of the Night(Captain: The Undertaker, with Kane, Mike Knox, Christian, and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T)</strong> vs. the Million Dollar Team(Captain: Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas)</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-The Undertaker,Kane and Mike Knox</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

Truth in Paradise(Co-Captains: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, with John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry) vs. <strong>The International Alliance(Co Captains: Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Rene Dupree, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Sheamus</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Glamazons(Captain: Beth Phoenix, with Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison)</strong> vs. Michelle's Marvels(Captain: Michelle McCool, with Layla, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Phoenix</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Men Who Love to Fight(Captain: Finlay, with Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Goldust) vs.<strong> the Illuminati(Captain: William Regal, with Kaval, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and United States Champion Nick Dinsmore)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Dinsmore,Kaval</p>

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<p>War Games Match:</p><p>

**If the DX Army wins, then Triple H will receive a WWE Championship match with CM Punk. If the Illuminati wins, then Triple H will be banished from WWE forever**.</p><p> </p><p>

The DX Army(Captain: Triple H, with Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson) vs. the Illuminati(Captain: WWE Champion CM Punk, with Chris Jericho, Frankie Kazarian, Paul London, and Randy Orton)</p><p>

DX Army</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT-Who will start the match for each team.</p><p>

Bryan Danielson</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title Match:</p><p>

Batista vs. John Cena©</p><p>

Batista</p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne vs the Specialists©</p><p>

the Specialists</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Creatures of the Night(Captain: The Undertaker, with Kane, Mike Knox, Christian, and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T) vs. the Million Dollar Team(Captain: Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas)</p><p>

Creatures of the Night</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p>

Undertaker and Kane</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

Truth in Paradise(Co-Captains: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, with John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry) vs. The International Alliance(Co Captains: Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Rene Dupree, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes)</p><p>

Heels</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p>

Sheamus and Ezekiel Jackson</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Glamazons(Captain: Beth Phoenix, with Gail Kim, Melina, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison) vs. Michelle's Marvels(Captain: Michelle McCool, with Layla, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini)</p><p>

Marvels</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p>

Michelle McCool</p><p> </p><p>

Classic Survivor Series Match:</p><p>

The Men Who Love to Fight(Captain: Finlay, with Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Goldust) vs. the Illuminati(Captain: William Regal, with Kaval, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and United States Champion Nick Dinsmore)</p><p>

Men who love to fight</p><p> </p><p>

FOR ONE BONUS POINT(Must be perfect to get the point)-Who will be the survivor(s)</p><p>

Finlay, Shelton Benjamin & Drew McIntyre</p>

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<p><strong>WWE Survivor Series 2010</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A look at the events leading up to the War Games match tonight between the Illuminati and the DX army. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>The first match tonight was the Men Who Like to Fight, captained by Finlay, with Drew McIntyre, Goldust, and the World's Greatest Tag Team against the Illuminati, captained by William Regal, with Kaval, Nick Dinsmore, and the Hart Dynasty.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Order of Eliminations</p><p>

-Charlie Haas was the first man eliminated with a Springboard Hart Attack by the Hart Dynasty in 4:22 after moments of brawling and technical wrestling.</p><p>

-The battle continued for several more minutes, before Drew McIntyre was forced to submit to a Cross Face Submission Hold by Nick Dinsmore in 7:40</p><p>

-Goldust was the next man eliminated, with a Yakuza Kick by Kaval and a Knee Trembler by Regal in 9:55</p><p>

-Shelton Benjamin and Finlay tried to hold down the fort despite it being five on two. However, Shelton Benjamin was caught on a springboard by Kaval with a Yakuza Kick and pinned with a double foot stomp in 11:01</p><p>

-This left Finlay in the ring with the members of the Illuminati five on one. Finlay used his fighting skills and managed to take out both members of the Hart Dynasty, but Regal is the legal man and he jumps Finlay, before hitting a half nelson suplex. Finlay just barely kicks out and now Regal assaults him. Knee Tembler but Finlay avoids it and beats on Regal. Dinsmore enters the ring and this distracts Finlay long enough for Regal to roll him up and pull the tights to score the pin in 15:11.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Illuminati are your winners, all five men having survived, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The next match featured the Glamazons, captained by Beth Phoenix, with Melina, Gail Kim, Eve Torres, and Alexandra Madison against Michelle's Marvels, captained by Michelle McCool, with Layla, Katie Lea Burchill, Natalya, and Mia Mancini</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Order of eliminations</p><p> </p><p>

-Eve Torres was eliminated in short order in 0:55 when Layla pinned her with a DDT after Michelle tripped her up</p><p>

-Alexandra Madison tied up the match with a sunset flip on Layla in 0:01:44</p><p>

-Mia Mancini entered the ring and beat on Alexandra Madison for a long time. In comes Melina off of the blind tag and Melina enters the ring, hitting a tornado DDT on Mancini for a two count. Blind tag and Natalya enters the ring, before taking out Melina's leg and forcing her to tap out in the Sharpshooter in 3:21.</p><p>

-Gail Kim and Natalya fought each other for the next few minutes, but Kim connect with the Eat Defeat after avoiding a clothesline to put Natalya away in 0:06:44</p><p>

-Michelle McCool entered the ring, jumping Gail Kim from behind, but an attempted Faith Breaker is reversed into a Huracanrana for the pin in 7:11</p><p>

-Two on three quickly becomes two on two, when Mancini attacks Gail Kim and hits a DDT, before applying a rear naked choke, forcing the tap out in 0:07:45</p><p>

-Alexandra Madison ran in, a house of fire, but she missed a cross body off of the top rope, allowing Mancini to finish her off with a Northern Lights Suplex in 9:33</p><p>

-Beth Phoenix rushes into the ring and began to beat down Mancini. Mancini fought back but she was caught with a clothesline as she jumped off of the top rope. Glam Slam gets the pin in 10:55</p><p>

-In the ring with Katie Lea Burchill and Beth Phoenix, the last two women in this match. The Undisputed Women's Champion is nearly rolled up right away but she kicks out and beats on Burchill. Power bomb out of the corner is blocked and Katie Lea Burchill pulls out a tornado facebuster for a close nearfall. Up top but Beth Phoenix meets her with a belly to belly suplex. Burchill kicks out once again and now Beth Phoenix beats up Katie Lea Burchill and goes for a power bomb but Katie Lea fights out and lands on her feet, before giving Beth Phoenix numerous kicks and hoisting her up, as if going for a Northern Lights Suplex, but she sits out, driving the Glamazon on her head! Beth Phoenix is out and Katie Lea Burchill scores the pin to win the match for her team in 13:05</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Michelle's Marvels Win, Katie Lea Burchill is the Sole Survivor©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see the set up for the Unified Tag Team Title Match with Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio challenging the Specialists for the titles.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Unified Tag Team Titles were on the line next, when Mysterio and Bourne attempted to regain the belts that they lost four weeks ago to the Specialists</strong></span> An impressive battle to say the least between these two teams, but the Specialists cut to the ring in half and beat on Bourne, showing their impressive array of double team moves, including a running lariat/into a German Suplex and a missile dropkick style Doomsday Device. Also a wheelbarrow suplex into an inverted DDT nearly spelled the end for Bourne but Rey kept making the save. The fans were trying to rally behind Bourne and he very nearly misses the hot tag and he just continues to get pummeled. Eventually Lawrence Davis shoves Rey off the apron and allows the Specialists to double team Bourne in the ring, as Rey might have twisted his knee. Bourne nearly cradles Courtier for a flash pin but he is completely out gunned and despite Rey's struggles to get to his feet, he is unable to. A pair of Spiked Brain Busters and Rey just only manages to get into the ring but it is too late as Bourne is pinned! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Specialists retain the Unified Tag Team Titles in 16:22, B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Next match features Truth in Paradise, co-captained by Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, along with Yoshi Tatsu, Mark Henryand John Morrison against the International Alliance, co-captained by Sheamus and Paul Burchill, with Ezekiel Jackson, Rene Dupree, and Cody Rhodes</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

-A battle occurs in the early stage of the match. Dupree is taken down but he is not the legal man and this allows Jackson to drop an elbow right on the back of the head of Yoshi Tatsu, before rolling him over for the pin in 2:44</p><p>

-The match continues, with Jackson beating on R-Truth who enters the ring. The blind tag is made to Mark Henry and Henry finishes off Jackson with the World's Strongest Slam in 4:01 to tie up the match</p><p>

-In comes Cody Rhodes who leaps on the back of Mark Henry with a sleeperhold but Henry flings him to the mat and gives him a thunderous splash for the pin in 4:15</p><p>

-Burchill enters the ring and Henry beats on him but Sheamus drills him with a boot, which allows Burchill to hit a neckbreaker and eliminate Henry in 5:55, getting things three on three.</p><p>

-Three on three was not for long, as R-Truth enters the ring, a house of fire, beating on all of the men in the ring. R-Truth was dropped on the top rope by Burchill and Sheamus entered the ring, to hit the Celtic Cross for the pin in 8:59. Three on two with Kofi Kingston and John Morrison against Sheamus, Burchill, and Dupree</p><p>

-Kofi runs in, a controlled frenzy but gets cut off by Sheamus. Celtic Cross is reversed into a sunset flip for a nearfall. Sheamus delivers two big boots and then hits the Celtic Cross to pin Kofi Kingston in 10:44.</p><p>

-Morrison has his back against the wall, three on one against the International Alliance, but Sheamus misses a charge, allowing Morrison to hop on his shoulders and roll him over with a headscissors cradle for the pin in 11:36 to lessen the odds slightly</p><p>

-Dupree enters the ring and beats on Morrison, but Michinoku Driver is blocked when Morrison flips onto his feet and Pele Kick before Morrison hits the Starship Pain for the pin in 12:55</p><p>

-In comes Burchill against Morrison, the final two men in this match. Burchill hammers away at Morrison and gains several two counts, but he cannot put Morrison away. Burchill's attempt a piledriver is countered into a catapult and Morrison sunset flips him down for a nearfall! The fans are getting behind Morrison, who hits a Rocker Dropper but on the top rope, Burchill crotches him and goes for a belly to back superplex but Morrison shifts his weight and lands on top Burchill for the pin in 15:55.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Morrison is your sole survivor, B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A look at the next match with the Creatures of the Night facing off against The Million Dollar Team in a Five On Five Classic Survivor Series Match.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Creatures of the Night, captained by the Undertaker, with Kane, Christian, Booker T, and Mike Knox took on the Million Dollar Team, captained by Ted DiBiase, with Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Banderas</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Orders of Eliminations</p><p>

-The first elimination is Jack Swagger as he tried to go for the Gutwrench Power Bomb on Kane but Kane blocked it and beat up Swagger, and then grabbed him by the throat, before finishing him off with the Choke Slam for the pin in 3:06.</p><p>

-The next few minutes were both teams trading moves, until Booker T missed an Axe Kick on Banderas and Banderas applies a cross armbreaker. The other members of the team are held off, with Banderas forcing the tap out on Booker T in 6:55.</p><p>

-Knox and Banderas are going at it, but a masked druid enters the ring and hits Knox in the head with a pipe and then lays him out with a Pumphandle Slam for a disqualification. Knox is choked, until Kane attacks the druid and pulls off his hood revealing the demented face of....<strong>Gene Snitsky!</strong> Kane gives Snitsky a Choke Slam and in all of this, Banderas has been disqualified in 8:30.</p><p>

-DiBiase scores an easy pin on Knox in 8:55.</p><p>

-Kane was the next man eliminated, when Hennig low bridged Kane and Kane was too busy fighting the Fortunate Sons on the floor, allowing DiBiase to get the count out victory on Kane in 11:55.</p><p>

-Christian found himself eliminated next, with Hennig hitting the Perfect Plex on Christian in 15:55.</p><p>

-This leaves the Undertaker three against one against the Fortunate Sons. The Undertaker beats on Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig, as Ted DiBiase hung on the outside. Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig eat a double choke slam and Brett DiBiase is pinned by the Undertaker in 16:22.</p><p>

-The Undertaker locks on the Hell's Gate on Joe Hennig, cranking on the hold and forcing him to tap out in 16:45.</p><p>

-Ted DiBiase and the Undertaker are one on one and DiBiase attacks the Undertaker from behind, applying the Million Dollar Dream but the Undertaker fights off of the hold. The Undertaker hammers DiBiase in the corner and hits a big boot in the corner, before hammering on him. Choke slam brings DiBiase down and now DiBiase tries to escape, but the Undertaker hammers on him. The fans are going insane as the Undertaker scoops up DiBiase and goes for the Tombstone but DiBiase slides down and hooks the Undertaker, before rocking him with the Dream Street! The Undertaker has been planted and DiBiase scores the pin in 18:08.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Million Dollar Team are your winners, Ted DiBiase is your sole survivor, B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Twenty years after his father brought the Undertaker into the company, the young Ted DiBiase has pinned him. DiBiase celebrates his win over the Undertaker who has been laid out with the Dream Street. DiBiase leaves, as the Undertaker slowly sits up, as the announcers talk about how twenty years of ring wars might be slowly taking their toll on the Undertaker. </p><p> </p><p>

A look at the World Heavyweight Championship Match between John Cena and Batista and the history between these two, along with the two previous PPV battles. Batista beat Cena at Summerslam 2008 and at Wrestlemania 26, Cena beat Batista. Now it is the rubber match. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>John Cena puts the World Heavyweight Title on the line against Batista</strong></span> Batista shoves Cena into the corner and now Cena fires back with a series of punches, before he shoulder blocks Batista into the corner and ten count punches, but Batista counters with an inverted atomic drop and a lariat. Batista begins to stomp away at Cena and hammer away at him, before hitting a pair of backbreakers. Batista goes right to work on the back of Cena, trying to negate the Attitude Adjustment and the fans are getting behind Batista a little bit, the radical portion of the crowd who never has gotten behind John Cena. Batista rams Cena into the post twice on the floor, on both of the rings out for War Games and now sends him into the ring. Torture Rack is applied by Batista and Batista works over the back but Cena fights out and rolls up Batista for a nearfall. Batista beats on Cena and gives him a spear and then a spinebuster but Cena kicks out again. Batista applies a Boston Crab to Cena, leaning back, sitting down on the spine! Cena struggles and just manages to make it to the ropes.</p><p> </p><p>

Batista continues his beating on Cena and throws him into the buckles, but he misses a running knee into the corner and now Cena chop blocks the leg multiple times. Cena is really going to work on the leg of Batista and now he continues to put on the assault. That could be the opening that Cena was waiting for. Cena with a dragon screw on Batista and he elbow drops the leg, but his back is still bothering him. To the second rope but Batista spears him! Two and nine tenths count and now Batista tries to walk out his legs, punishing Cena with stomps, before hoisting him up and bringing him down with a massive Jackhammer. That strained Batista's leg but he gets a nearfall. Batista hits two headbutts on Cena and continues to go to work on back but Cena manages to scissor the leg as Batista plays to the crowd and takes him down with the STF! Cena is really cranking on the hold, but Batista makes it to the ropes and then to the floor. Cena is in the ring and Batista blocks a rushing Cena with a drop toe hold into the ring steps! Batista lariats Cena in to the post and back into the ring! Batista makes the cover on Cena in the ring but only a nearfall! Batista steps back and another lariat to Cena for a close nearfall! Batista applies a camel clutch on Cena but Cena refuses to give up! Batista now sets up Cena and going for the Batista Bomb but the leg buckles out from underneath him! Cena collapses on top for a two count!</p><p> </p><p>

Batista is back and he hammers Cena's face. Batista continues the assault on Cena's back and steps back, going for a spear but Cena moves and the referee gets hit! Cena is caught with a second spear on the rebound and Batista makes the cover but there is no referee. The crowd counts to three and Batista looks to have had the title won! Batista leaves the ring and shoves the timekeeper out of his chair, before he grabs the chair and enters the ring but Cena low blows Batista and steals the chair. Cena waffles Batista right in the injured leg with the chair! Batista goes down and now Cena folds the chair over the leg of Batista, before he knee drops it twice! The referee is coming to and Cena jabs the chair into the knee cap of Batista, before disposing of the evidence. Cena grabs Batista and turns him over into the STF. Batista's knee is completely trashed and he curses out Cena, before he has no choice but to tap out! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(A, 18:22)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cena grabs the belt and plays to the crowd but many are not pleased. Batista has his share of fans and they wanted to see the Animal walk out with the gold tonight. Cena's use of a steel chair did not endear himself tonight but he still has his share of supporters among the younger members of the WWE Universe. Cena leaves the ring, as an old lady in a Batista t-shirt begins to yell at Cena and shake her fist at him. Cena decides to turn and the old lady throws a cup right at Cena, causing the contents to slosh all over the champ's back. Security goes in as the announcers talk about how Cena has always had his share of detractors but they seem to be slightly unnerving the champ a bit more over recent months. </p><p> </p><p>

A look at the War Games. The DX Army against the Illuminati in the most brutal match ever in wrestling history. A match so brutal that it has never been seen in WWE and may never be seen again. Two men start out and wrestle for five minutes. Every two minutes, each team alternates sending another man into battle, until all ten men are in the ring. Then the match beyond begins, where it is surrender or submit is the only way to the ring. There will be two rings side by side, with a large steel cage with a roof over the top of it. The Illuminati has the advantage due to winning the Best of Five series on Monday. Also if the DX Army wins, then Triple H receives a one on one title match against CM Punk with no interference or Punk is stripped of the title. However, if the Illuminati wins, then this is the last time we'll see Triple H in a WWE ring ever again. </p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the cage, where there are three referees. One in each ring and one on the outside, with security and out comes the RAW General Manager Kevin Nash, along with a baseball bat in hand. Nash says that he's going to watch this match closely and if anyone tries to interfere or enter the cage before they're supposed, then Nash will take care of them with the bat in his hand. Nash declares that he'll be the special guest Gate Keeper for this match. Out comes the DX Army, dressed in army fatigues with the DX logo and their faces painted, green and black. Triple H leads the charge, with Shawn Michaels, The Big Show, Matt Hardy, and the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson. They are at a disadvantage, but they look ready for combat. </p><p> </p><p>

Out comes the Illuminati, lead by the WWE Champion CM Punk, with Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Paul London, and Frankie Kazarian. All wearing wrestling gear with a similar color scheme of black and silver. Both teams are around the cage, as we are about to start War Games. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>DX Army goes to war with The Illuminati in War Games</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The First Period: Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson start out. Both men exchange some low level wrestling holds but Danielson drills him with a series of elbows to the back of the head and applies a dragon sleeper. Danielson can't get the submission until all ten men are in the ring but he can do some damage. Jericho gets to the ropes and is pounded away! The buzzer is on as Danielson has Punk trapped in another submission hold and the Illuminati are ready to send another man into battle.</p><p> </p><p>

The Second Period: Paul London enters the cage and attacks Danielson from behind, before bringing him down with a faceplant! London dropkicks Danielson into the ring furthest away from the door and now London hits a slingshot cross body from ring to ring! Jericho pulls himself up and joins London in the beating of Danielson, with Jericho holding Danielson's arms so London can chop away. Danielson is struggling but he can't stage a comeback. However he is about ready to get some relief. </p><p> </p><p>

The third period: Shawn Michaels is sent into battle for the DX Army. Michaels takes a bit of time to make the save, due to London and Jericho making sure that Danielson is being beaten in the ring away from the cage door! So they get a few more seconds to get their licks in on Danielson but Michaels enters the ring and chops away at both London and Jericho. Michaels scoops up London and throws him face first into the side of the cage. Jericho goes for a punch but Michaels blocks it and fires away at Jericho, as we see London on the ground, with a cut that has been opened right on his forehead from going into the cage. Much like Hell in a Cell, standard procedure about stopping the match to close the cuts will not be followed, so there can and will be plenty of bloodshed. We see Danielson trying to struggle up as the Illuminati is ready to sent in another man to make it three on two.</p><p> </p><p>

Fourth Period: Kazarian enters the cage and Michaels goes to meet him but leaves himself wide open for a Jericho assault and the Code Breaker. We see Michaels being pummmeled and Danielson tries to save but London baseball slides him! The fans are going insane with boos as now Michaels is thrown over the top rope into the ring post! We see Kazarian having smuggled a screwdriver into the ring and Jericho is beating on Michaels, as the turnbuckle pad is being stripped from the corner. Michaels is dropped face first on the expoded buckle and he is bleeding and now Kazarian is trying to unscrew that metal buckle, no doubt dastardly intentions in mind. The clock is moving down and it is time for the next man to enter the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Fifth Period: Matt Hardy rushes into the ring and flying clothesline to Kazarian. Hardy kicks Jericho low and Twist of Fate brings him down, before he goes after London, who was choking Danielson in the ropes. Matt Hardy beats on Paul London, trying to worsen the cut with a series of punches! Hardy applies a rear naked choke and Kazarian tries to save but Michaels takes him out and figure for leg lariat applied. Jericho lionsaults Michaels, severely injuring his ribs! We see Hardy is up and he is tying the tag rope from the corner, before he wraps it around the throat of London, in an attempt to choke him out. Michaels is dripping blood from his face and now its going to be four on three in a second</p><p> </p><p>

Sixth Period: Randy Orton enters the cage and drills Michaels with a kneelift to the side, before he pounds away on Matt Hardy. Hardy and Orton, the two fresh men are beginning to fight in the ring and now Orton catches Hardy with a modified backbreaker. Danielson is up but Orton with a forearm to return him to bay. The fans are going absolutely insane for this and Orton continues to pummel the back of the head of Hardy, before drilling him with a DDT! Meanwhile, Kazarian has that turnbuckle bolt unhooked and he raises it over his head, but Michaels blocks it and manages to fight back. Orton catapults Hardy into the cage and then dropkicks him right into the ringpost! Hardy is split wide open! Orton claws at the cut, as we see Jericho and Kazarian put a hurting on Michaels in the ring, with London coming off of the top rope with a double foot stsomp.</p><p> </p><p>

Seventh Period: The crowd cheers as here comes Triple H but Orton quickly rushes over to meet Triple H and low blows him before the door is shut and he just slams the door right on the side of Triple H's head! The fans boot and <strong>Orton waffles Triple H with a punt!</strong> The fans are going absolutely insane with boos, as blood splatters upwards. Triple H is slumped on the apron, legs dangling limply and Orton might have just taken a member of the DX Army. Kevin Nash is walking over, calling paramedics over but as Nash is distracted, Punk gives Orton a steel chair. Show rushes over but Orton already has brought the weapon into the match. Michaels is held and the chair is drilled right over his back! Michaels has a history of back problems and we see Hardy trying to crawl into the ring but Orton puts the chair over his head so he can dropkick it! Meanwhile, we see an unconscious Triple H being strapped to a gurney and being wheeled off! His career could be ended if DX loses the match and it is not looking good! Especially considering its now going to be essentially five on three!</p><p> </p><p>

Eighth Period: In comes CM Punk, who casually walks over, elbowing Michaels in the head, as he is bleeding severely. We see Danielson dive from ring two to ring one and valiantly fire away but he is getting beaten down. Michaels is down and bloodied, Hardy is downed and bloodied, and Triple H is being taken to the hopistal. It is Danielson five on one until the Big Show comes in and despite the fighting spirit of the ECW Champion, he can't fight off five of the top competitors in the world. Danielson is just beaten down right in the center of the ring and Jericho has the chair, which he goes to swing at Michaels but Michaels ducks and <strong>The chair is drilled into the face of Jericho with Sweet Chin Music!</strong> The bloodied form of Shawn Michaels collapses on the canvas but Jericho might have been knocked unconscious. Orton quickly takes up beating on Michaels, as Michaels does look like he's been through war. </p><p> </p><p>

The Match Beyond: Here comes the final man the Big Show and the seven foot tall giant is the freshest man in the match! The fans are going absolutely insane as the Big Show is unloading on the Illuminati with a series of chops and punches! Headbutt sends Orton rocking and Show grabs Kazarian in a cobra clutch, trying to get a submission to win the match, despite being the only member of his team up and about! We see Punk give Show a low blow and now the Illuminati jumps on him. Jericho is back up and we see Matt Hardy try to make the save but Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho. Jericho is bleeding fro the Sweet Chin Music sending the chair into his face but Hardy is also busted wide open! The Big Show is tied in the ropes and Punk asks Hardy if he wants to give but Hardy refuses to surrender. You'll have to kill Matt Hardy before he submits! Danielson is put in a full nelson by Orton and Kazarian punches away at him but Danielson is fighting back! We see Michaels back on his feet but he is quickly taken back down! Punk as the Anaconda Vice and Danielson looks at Michaels, almost as if he is ready to just surrender the match for his team to save them from permanent crippling injury. </p><p> </p><p>

The fans are buzzing and Triple H is making his way down to the ring, a gash on his forehead but a sledgehammer in his hand! We see the door has been locked but that is no problem for someone with a sledgehammer, who smashes the door open. We see Kazarian try and go for Triple H but he gets a sledgehammer shot right to the ribs! Kazarian drops down, blood dripping from his mouth and now London tries a springboard, but Triple H nails him with the sledgehammer. Punk is up and Triple H begins to stalk him with the sledgehammer but in comes Orton with the RKO to Triple H! Meanwhile Danielson has broken free in the confusion and enters the ring, before he dives right into the ring, beating on Jericho and Punk! The ECW Champion is fighting for his team but the Big Show has broken free and now the giant lumbers in the ring and double clothesline to Jericho and Orton! Jericho tries to escape but Michaels is somehow up and he stomps on Jericho, as he is trapped between the second and third ropes! The Big Show has Orton and Gorilla Press from ring one and ring two, but as Danielson measures Punk, Punk has his hands on the sledgehammer! </p><p> </p><p>

Punk tries to give Danielson a shot but Danielson ducks and legsweeps Punk, staggering him. Danielson grabs the sledgehammer and slides it away, before he pounds away at Punk and double underhook suplex brings Punk down! Danielson now has Punk and he drills him with elbow smash after elbow smash to the side of the head! After about fifteen of them, Triple H is on and he grabs the microphone, asking if Punk wants to surrender! The fans are going nuts but Punk refuses, despite the fact that he nearly had his head caved in. We see Danielson apply a vicious double chickenwing submission hold to Punk, as we see Orton back into the ring, but Triple H gives him the Pedigree! Danielson holds Punk into the air and Punk screams in absolutely pain, before Danielson falls back and tiger suplexes Punk! Punk is rolled over and Cattle Mutilation is applied! The WWE Champion is at his breaking point and Kazarian tries to make the save but Show knocks him out with one punch and <strong>Punk submits to the Cattle Mutilation!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DX Army win War Games, A, 22:55</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are on their feet cheering as the DX Army have done it! Punk is on the canvas, bleeding and completely racked with pain, as we see Michaels, HHH, Hardy, Show, and Danielson, in various states of being battered, but they won the war! The performance of Bryan Danielson could not be discounted, he fought valiantly throughout this match, even at a time where every single member of the DX Army had been incapacitated and then he took down Punk, preventing him from using the sledgehammer to steal the win and made him submit! Triple H gets a WWE Championship match against Punk with no interference! But Bryan Danielson is put over as the man who could very well be the future of WWE with this gutsy performance tonight! </p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Survivor Series:</p><p>

BHK1978: 9/21</p><p>

ChrisKid: 9/21</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 9/21</p><p>

Kijar: 9/21</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 39/66</p><p>

ChrisKid: 38/66</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 38/66</p><p>

Kijar: 27/66</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/66</p>

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