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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 11/22/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The Big Show vs. Paul Burchill.</p><p> </p><p>

Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Katie Lea Burchill vs. Beth Phoenix©</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for a Shot at the United States Title:</p><p>

John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth</p>

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WWE Monday Night RAW 11/22/10


We see stills from War Games, with the DX Army triumphing, with Bryan Danielson making Punk submit to win the match.


Out comes the WWE Champion CM Punk, with bandages on his head and a bruised face. Punk talks about how last time, the Illuminati suffered a minor setback but it had only just begun. He announces that at the end of the day, Triple H will be finished off. Matt Hardy comes out and says that last week, he made Punk black out in a non title match and he wants a title shot! Punk refuses to accept but Hardy taunts Punk, talking about how Punk can't beat him and Punk just says that he can beat Hardy and he gives him his title match, but this is Hardy's absolutely only title shot and his last match ever with Punk. Hardy agrees and says that it is Punk's last match ever. Hardy promises to put Punk in traction and it will be Triple H against Matt Hardy for the WWE Championship! Punk and Hardy stare down as that match is hyped up.


John Morrison became the number one contender for the United States Title defeating R-Truth and Kofi Kingston in 8:55 when Morrison pinned Kofi with the Starship Pain, after they fought off the Specialists All three of these men were on the same team last night but now tonight, they are opponents. They had spirited encounter but the Specialists got involved. All three men turned their attention off of the match and lead off the Specialists, but Morrison hits Kofi with a Pele Kick in the melee and dropkicks R-Truth to the floor, before hitting the Starship Pain for the pin. (B-)


We see backstage and Randy Orton is getting in Punk's face. He says that War Games is over and so is their alliance and now its going to be Orton against Punk for the WWE Championship. Punk refuses to give Orton a title shot and says that Orton screwed himself over by his failure to help the Illuminati win. Orton points out that Punk was the one who cost them the match and submitted. Orton and Punk get into it but the Specialists, Kaval, Nick Dinsmore, and the Hart Dynasty all step in, looking at Orton and Orton decides against starting a fight, vowing that he'll get his WWE Championship match one way or another.


Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix defeated Katie Lea Burchill via disqualification when Burchill used a chair on Beth Phoenix in 5:55 Both women had this match coming off of the final fall at Survivor Series. Beth Phoenix managed to come back with an early lead, but Katie Lea goes to the floor and grabs a chair, before she decks Phoenix with it for the disqualification. Another pair of chair shots to the back and one to the knee after the bell, before the crazed Katie is pulled off. The champion kept the title but she might have a few new bumps and bruises. (C+)


Out comes Triple H, bandage on the side of his head. HHH begins to cut a promo, talking about his upcoming match with CM Punk but out comes Randy Orton. Orton talks about how Triple H doesn't deserve the title shot and he hasn't clawed his way to the top like Orton has. Triple H says he put his entire career on the line for a title shot but Orton says that HHH didn't earn anything. The championship shot was gift wrapped by Bryan Danielson and Triple H would have never won without him. Triple H says that he has nothing to prove against Orton but if Orton wants a fight, Triple H will put the title shot on the line. Orton agrees, saying that he's going to finish what he started in War Games and end Triple H's career by force and take his title shot.


Paul Burchill defeated the Big Show via disqualification in 6:22 when Show shoved the referee in an attempt to get to Burchill Burchill used some impressive tactics to win this match and managed to keep the Big Show off balance but Show fought him off and Burchill managed to provoke the Big Show into attacking the referee for the disqualification. (B)


Show continues to beat down Burchill after the match but the crowd is going wild with boos as we see Sheamus make his way in and attack The Big Show. Two on one until Mark Henry comes out to make the save and helps the Big Show fight off Sheamus and Burchill. Henry and Show have a stare down, before the leave with a moment of mutual respect.


CM Punk retained the WWE Championship against Matt Hardy with the GTS and a Paul London distraction in 12:44 Matt Hardy seemed ready to make the most out of an opportunity that many wait their entire lives for and that is a chance to become WWE Champion. Hardy got several nearfalls, but Punk managed to work over Hardy. Hardy made a come back and hit the Side Effect and a flying elbow drop for a nearfall. Paul London makes his way out but Hardy knocks him off, before running into a roundhouse kick and the GTS for the pin. (B)


Triple H pinned Randy Orton with the Pedigree in 16:22 to keep his WWE Championship Match Orton attacks Triple H at the bell and hammers away at him, knocking him into the post, and continues to beat down him. HHH has some flurries but Orton mostly beats on Triple H, hitting a DDT off the apron to the floor but HHH makes it back into the ring. Attempted punt but HHH pops up and hits a spine buster. He then hits the Pedigree for the pin. (B+)


Triple H gets the win but immediately, CM Punk attacks him from behind and gives him a shot with the championship belt from behind. A series of kicks right to the leg and Punk drags Triple H over to the ringpost and Punk wraps the right leg around the post numerous times before he walks over and grabs a chair. Punk smashes the chair into the leg of Triple H and causes him to spasm in pain. More shots with the chair and now Triple H rolls over. Punk gets on the microphone and beats on the leg, taunting Triple H. Triple H can't even move that leg without great pain. Punk talks about how if anyone interferes, Triple H will win the title when they face off and that's fine. However, on December 19th, there will be added elements to their war. There will be tables. There will be ladders and there will be chairs! CM Punk will defend his WWE Championship against Triple H in a TLC Match! The announcers wonder how Triple H can hope to win a TLC Match after Punk just destroyed his leg!




Kijar: 1/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 1/3



BHK1978: 41/69

ChrisKid: 40/69

MattitudeV2: 39/69

Kijar: 28/69

Lo-Drew: 8/69

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ECW On Sy Fy 11/23/10


CM Punk is backstage talking to the Illuminati, bragging about the fact that he took out Triple H and caused him severe injury before TLC. Punk mentions that there is going to be a four way TLC Match for the ECW Championship at TLC and the Illuminati is going to shut the competition out. Kaval will challenge Danielson for the ECW Championship and Dinsmore, London, and Kazarian all have qualifying bouts, but it is merely a formality as tonight the Illuminati will win and create a situation where they will show the fans real wrestling when four of their members battle for the ECW Championship.


Paul London pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with a piledriver in 5:55 This is the first qualifying match and London battered ECW's resident redneck. Yang made a comeback but London dropped Yang on the top rope and kicked him right in the face, before he finishes him off with a violent piledriver. Yang is down and London covers him for the pin. (C-)[/b


Goldust is out for his match with Frankie Kazarian but Kazarian states that he feels that Goldust should have a warm up match. Out comes Vladimir Koslov and Goldust leans back in the ring, ready for a fight.


Vladimir Koslov k'oed Goldust with a series of elbows to the side of the head in 5:55 Goldust fights Koslov but Koslov continues to beat on Goldust, before he hits a violent spine buster and drills a series of elbows to the side of the head. Koslov backs off and Goldust is out and the match is stopped. (C-)


Frankie Kazarian pinned Goldust in 0:10 Kazarian enters the ring and casually pins Goldust to qualify for TLC. (D-)


We have prerecorded comments from the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson who talks about how he beat Kazarian despite being thrown numerous warm up matches and then beat the odds in War Games. Danielson talks about how tonight he's going to face Kaval, a man he knows very well but in the end, Danielson will have to be beaten to death before he quits and the ECW Championship leaves his grip. Danielson promises to beat Kaval tonight.


Bryan Danielson retained the ECW Championship against Kaval with a Texas Cloverleaf submission hold in 14:11 Both of these men had an impressive amount of time and hit many strikes, suplexes, and high flying moves. Danielson worked over the legs of Kaval to prevent his kicking but Kaval hit an inverted brain buster and made his way to the top rope, for the flying foot stomp, but he was slow and when he leapt off, Danielson managed to catch the legs and twist Kaval over, into a Texas Cloverleaf! Kaval has no way to get out and has no choice but to submit. (B+)


El Diablo defeated Nick Dinsmore with the Twist of Fate in 5:55 A mysterious masked local worker took on Nick Dinsmore tonight but his mannerisms seemed extremely familiar and it appeared that he was no pushover. Dinsmore stopped the match but a low blow set up a Twist of Fate for the pin and the win. The crowd pops huge, as it is obvious who is underneath the mask. (C+)


El Diablo pulls off his mask to reveal the face of Matt Hardy and we cut to the backstage area, where a man in his under clothes has been knocked out. It will be Bryan Danielson defending his ECW Championship in a Fatal Four Way TLC Match against Paul London, Frankie Kazarian, and Matt Hardy.





MattitudeV2: 1/1

BHK1978: 1/1

Kijar: 1/1

ChrisKid: 1/1



BHK1978: 42/70

ChrisKid: 41/70

MattitudeV2: 41/70

Kijar: 29/70

Lo-Drew: 8/70

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Hey, I'm sure you have the data in the database of when you started the game. Is there any way you could upload that for me, or give me a link to where you got it?


I just think it'd be nice data to have.


I don't have the data on my computer for when the game I started. I'll try and dig around a little bit to see if I can find it somewhere and if I find it, I'll be sure to send a link along.


WWE Superstars 11/25/10


Cryme Tyme vs. Unified Tag Team Champs The Specialists(Non Title Match)


Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder.


Chris Masters vs. Cody Rhodes.


Justin Gabriel vs. Caylen Croft.

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WWE Superstars 11/25/10


Tonight's main event from Friday Night Smackdown on this Thanksgiving edition of Superstars features Cryme Tyme taking the Unified Tag Team Champs the Specialists in a Non title Match.


Justin Gabriel pinned Caylen Croft when Gabriel pinned Croft with the 450 Splash in 5:55 Trent Barretta was sent to the back, as two men who have really made their mark on ECW squared off. Croft got the advantage but missed a move, allowing Gabriel to hit a faceplant and set up the 450 Splash for the pin. (C-)


Chris Masters pinned Cody Rhodes with a roll up in 8:25 The death of Legacy leaves Cody Rhodes in an attempt to stand on his own. He has a match with Masters, as the announcers speculate that these two men could be future title contenders. Rhodes hits a DDT for a nearfall but Masters is in the ropes. Rhodes argues with the referee and gets rolled up for the pin. (C+)


Santino Marella pinned Zack Ryder with a jack-knife cradle in 5:55 We see Ryder and Santino have pretty much a comedy match until Ryder gets frustrated and goes low, to beat on Santino. He goes for the Ruff Ryder, but Santino holds onto the ropes and Ryder takes a nasty spill. Santino headbutts Ryder in the groin and then jack-knife cradles him for the pin. (D+)


A recap is shown of all of the events on RAW, leading to Triple H against CM Punk for the WWE Championship in a TLC Match on December 19th at TLC.


The Specialists defeated Cryme Tyme when Lawrence Davis pinned JTG with a

Spiked Brain Buster in 14:44 Cryme Tyme went into this non title match, trying to get the win and the title shot. A nice back and forth match but Shad is cut off and double teamed by the Specialists in the center of the ring. A violent, vicious, assault but Shad makes the hot tag and JTG runs wild on the Specialists. Shad enters the ring but this turns ugly with a Double Hotshot. Then Courtier goes to the top rope and Lawrence Davis comes off the top rope, hitting a Spiked Brain Buster for the pin. (B-)


The Specialists stand in the ring, taunting the crowd, as the announcers speculate on their next title challenge.




Kijar: 2/4

BHK1978: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4



BHK1978: 45/74

ChrisKid: 44/74

MattitudeV2: 41/75

Kijar: 31/75

Lo-Drew: 8/75

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WWE Smackdown 11/26/10


We are outside, as John Cena arrives to a crowd of his hometown fans. Tonight Cena returns home, and the World Heavyweight Champion is fresh off of a huge win over Batista this past Sunday at the Survivor Series. Cena talks about how tonight he is going to step into the ring with a man who beat him two weeks ago but tonight the situation is going to be reversed. He is going to beat Rey Mysterio in front of his hometown fans. This gets some boos from the crowd and Cena turns around, to see a sizable group of fans wearing Rey Mysterio masks. Cena just shrugs his shoulders, picks up his belt, and walks into the arena. The fans give some support, but many boos towards Cena in his hometown.


Batista pinned Kane after using a chair behind the referee's back and a Batista Bomb in 10:11 We see Batista and Kane brawl with each other. Batista's leg is taped up from Cena using a chair on it and applying the STF for an extended period of time. Kane blocks a spear and gives Batista a thunderous DDT. Batista gets sent to the floor and yells at the referee to check to see how much time is left. When the referee does so, Batista waffles Kane with a huge chairshot and enters the ring, hitting the Batista Bomb for the pin. (B)


Batista gets on the microphone, yelling how last Sunday, it was proven that Cena couldn't beat him. Therefore, Batista wants another title shot against Cena at TLC. Bret Hart comes out, with security. The Smackdown General Manager says that Batista will go down to the bottom of the rankings based on his loss and Batista protests, but he is lead out.


We see Gene Snitsky making his way out to the ringside area. Snitsky gets on the microphone and yells that he spent the last two years locked in a Mental Institution. He returned after Ted DiBiase bought his way out of the asylum and he returned to WWE. He was absolutely terrified with the PG direction, so many children, so many BABIES in the crowd. It is making him insane. Snitsky yells that it won't be his fault if someone gets hurt. Then he returned to see the spawn of Kane out there. Snitsky yells that he took care of that, he took care of that, it wasn't his fault, but he took care of it! Snitsky rambles like an insane madman, yelling that the child should have died, but demon magic caused its soul to be reborn into a grown man named Mike Knox. Striker says that Snitsky has already gone off the deep end several times and he obviously is thinking that Mike Knox and the unborn child of Kane that he killed years back are one and the same. Snitsky rocks back and force, clutching the ropes, muttering about how its not his fault.


Robbie Preston defeated Gene Snitsky via disqualification when Snitsky went nuts on him and began to strangle him to death in 2:44 Snitsky beats his opponent in the center of the ring and hits a violent choke bomb and then continues to choke away. The referee puts the count on Snitsky and he reaches five. (D)


We see Snitsky beat on his opponent some more but Mike Knox runs out and gets him some of Snitsky. Both men continue to brawl, as the fans are buzzing about the potential epic battle that these two may have! Knox sents Snitsky to the floor and Snitsky walks away, yelling incoherently, about how none of this is his fault!


Ted DiBiase pinned Finlay with the Dream Street in 8:55 We see DiBiase and Finlay have an impressive back and forth brawl. The other Fortunate Sons attempted to run interference but Finlay fought them off. This allowed DiBiase to go low and connect with the Dream Street. Finlay's shoulders are down and the pin is academic. DiBiase supplements his pinfall over the Undertaker at Survivor Series with a win over Finaly. (B)


Chris Jericho is out to the ring and begins to cut a promo, talking about how he wants another chance to become World Heavyweight Champion but tonight, he's going to prove how great he is, by recapturing the WWE Intercontinental Title from Booker T. Jericho vows to recapture the belt tonight.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T defeated Chris Jericho via disqualification in 13:33 when Alberto Banderas attacked Booker T Jericho and Booker T had a back and forth match, with many nearfalls. The Walls were applied, but Booker fights it off and hits a spinebuster, before stepping back. Axe Kick but Jericho avoids it. Code Breaker is blocked and Booker T hits the Book End of Jericho, but Alberto Banderas enters the ring and attacks him from behind. Banderas continued to beat on the arm of Booker T and working over the arm of Booker, before stepping back and dropping a knee on the arm, before he leaves the ring. (B+)


Christian pinned Jack Swagger with the Killswitch in 10:11 Swagger and Christian trade moves, as the latest battle in a number of matches continues. Gutwrench Power Bomb connects but Christian puts his foot on the bottom rope. Swagger goes for another one but Christian fights back and hits the Killswitch connects for the pin. (B)


Rey Mysterio pinned World Heavyweight Champion John Cena in a non title match after reversing the Attitude Adjustment with the Huracanrana in 15:55 Handshake to start and Rey and Cena have a nice clean match, until Rey gets dazed on an exchange and Cena clotheslines Rey roughly and begins to stomp him. Cena beats on Rey and gains several nearfalls, with Cena getting more and more frustrated as Rey will not go down easily. Cena hits a fisherman suplex, a power bomb, and a German Suplex but Rey kicks out three times just before three off of those moves. STF but Rey is in the ropes. Cena goes for Rey but Rey drop toe holds him and 6-1-9 connects to Cena! Cena is staggered and Rey enters the ring, before going for the springboard splash but Cena gets the knees up. STF applied once again and Cena is cranking on the hold, but Rey makes it to the ropes. Four and a half count before Cena breaks. Cena beats on Rey and gives the signal, hoisting Rey up for the Attitude Adjustment but Rey counters with a Huracarana for the flash pin! (B+)


Rey gets the win and now Cena spins Rey around. Both men stare down. This is the third time in many months that Rey has pinned Cena and it was in his home town this time with the majority of the fans getting behind Rey. We see Bret Hart coming out, congratulating both men on a great match and at TLC, we'll see Rey against Cena one more time, this time in a TLC Match that will have the World Heavyweight Title at stake.





Kijar: 1/4

BHK1978: 1/4

ChrisKid: 1/4

MattitudeV2: 1/4




BHK1978: 46/78

ChrisKid: 45/78

MattitudeV2: 42/78

Kijar: 32/78

Lo-Drew: 8/78

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