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Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


John Morrison vs. United States Champion Nick Dinsmore(Non Title Match)


This being a non-title match I am going with John for the win here.


The Big Show vs. Paul Burchill.

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Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


John Morrison vs. United States Champion Nick Dinsmore(Non Title Match)

I'll say Dinsmore in hype for Morrison winning the title in an actual title match.


The Big Show vs. Paul Burchill.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 11/29/10


We are out with the RAW General Manager Kevin Nash to announce the RAW Roulette which will be headlined by tonight's main event featuring the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson taking on the WWE Champion CM Punk. Out comes Punk to the ring, drawing boos from the crowd, boasting that in under three weeks, Triple H is going to have to recover from the severe injuries that Punk gave him this past Monday. Out comes Danielson to remind us that he tapped out Punk eight days ago and he'll do it again tonight. Nash just steps in and says to save it for the main event, as tonight they are going to spin the wheel. The wheel spins around and we get a Strange Bedfellows match! Nash looks on with a smirk and it looks like Punk and Danielson are going to team up tonight to take on the team of...Matt Hardy and Paul London! The fans give cheers, as both teams do not like each other. Punk tries to protest that Nash is trying to break the Illuminati up but Nash says that the wheel is final and so is his decision.


We are at ringside, with Paul Burchill and Sheamus talking trash about the Big Show and Mark Henry. Out comes The Big Show for his return match from last week against Burchill and the wheel spins, to reveal that this match will be a Tables Match.


The Big Show defeated Paul Burchill in a tables match after a Choke Slam through the table in 6:22 Sheamus interfered early but Mark Henry rushed to the ring, to fight Sheamus off, leaving this one on one. The fans are going insane, as Henry rams Sheamus into the barricade and beats on him. Burchill hits Show with a chain and sets up a table but he can't get Show through the table, but Show fights him off and hits the Choke Slam right through the table. Burchill is broken in half and the table as well. (B)


Kevin Nash lounges backstage, as Kofi Kingston and R-Truth walk in and ask him for a Unified Tag Team Title Match against the Specialists at TLC. Nash agrees providing one of them gives him an opponent to take on Randy Orton tonight. Kofi and R-Truth talk among themselves and Kofi is the one who takes up the challenge, reminding us that he beat Orton back at the 2010 Royal Rumble and many thought it was a fluke but Kofi is going to show them and beat Orton tonight, no matter what match.


We are back as Santino Marella is having some words with Zack Ryder in the backstage area. Rosa Mendes walks in but as does Gail Kim and after some back and forth, Kevin Nash makes a tag team match. We go out and spin the wheel to reveal that tonight's match is going to be a Tuxedo and Evening Gown Tag Team Match. Nash says they have five minutes to change, but Ryder talks about how he doesn't have a suit with him. Nash admonishes Ryder for not following the dress code outside of the arena, but says that he has a spare tuxedo for him.


We see recaps of the doom of Triple H last week.


Santino Marella and Gail Kim defeated Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes when Zack Ryder was stripped to his boxers in a Tuxedo and Evening Gown Match in 5:22 Zack Ryder came to the ring wearing a pink and purple pinstripe suit with a flower on it, looking very irritated. The first person to strip a member of the opposing team to their undergarments. Ryder managed to distract Gail Kim as Rosa attacks her from behind and beats on her, in an attempt to strip her, but Gail Kim hits the Eat Defeat! Rosa falls into the corner and Zack Ryder enters the ring, going for a shot but Gail ducks and she hits a dropkick right to the chest, before tagging in Santino, who enters the ring, chopping away and he rips at the tuxedo of Ryder. Ryder is rendered in his boxers and the match is over. ©


Rosa checks on Zack Ryder and slaps Santino. Santino grabs Rosa to cheers and gives her an atomic drop and throws her to the outside, inadvertently ripping her dress, to cheers. The ring attendants come out to cover her up, before this can get too PG unfriendly.


John Morrison comes out for his non title match against Nick Dinsmore. He'll get a title shot at the Pay Per View and Morrison goes to spin the wheel, with it stopping on a Blindfold Match! The fans give a mixed reaction, as the United States Champion Nick Dinsmore comes out with the Hart Dynasty, but Nash quickly ejects them to the back.


John Morrison defeated Nick Dinsmore via disqualification in a Blindfold Match in 5:55 after Dinsmore ripped off the hood and attacked Morrison. The fans are cheering Morrison as he pointed around the ring, with the fans cheering as he gets closer to Dinsmore. Dinsmore swings at Morrison but he misses and Morrison manages to sunset flip Dinsmore for a two count. Small package and Dinsmore rolls over and he rips off the hood, before he attacks the blinded Morrison, beating on him! Morrison is beaten on some more and gives him a German Suplex as the referee disqualifies him. Dinsmore is pulling the drawstring on the hood, tightening it, trying to strangle Morrison. The referee has to untie Morrison before he chokes to death. ©


We have the next match in the RAW Roulette with Mia Mancini coming out to take on Beth Phoenix for the Undisputed Women's Title. Mancini comes out, declaring that she is finally going to get her return match. The wheel spins and it is going to be a submission match.


WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix defeated Mia Mancini to retain the title in a submission match with a double underhook submission hold in 6:22 An impressive submission battle with these two women. Mancini goes for the rear naked choke but she fights out and Beth Phoenix beats on Mancini, hitting a fisherman buster and then applying a double underhook submission, cranking on the hold for the tap out. (D)


Beth Phoenix gets the win but in comes Katie Lea Burchill to nail her with a chair from behind. It will be Katie Lea Burchill against Beth Phoenix for the Undisputed Women's Title in twenty days at TLC in a match where chairs are legal.


Randy Orton cuts a promo, talking about how he's beaten Kofi Kingston numerous times, but tonight he is going to do so one more time. He goes and spins the wheel until it lands on a Cage Match. Orton claims that this is going to be the end of Kofi Kingston tonight. The cage will be lowered and the match is next.


Randy Orton defeated Kofi Kingston after he escaped the cage in 14:44 Back and forth match with Kofi Kingston beating Orton all around the ring, until Kofi was cut off and Orton was the one to beat him. Orton gained several nearfalls, but he was unable to put Kofi Kingston away. Kofi hammered away at Orton, making a comeback. Springboard cross body block out of the corner gets a nearfall. Trouble in Paradise is avoided by Randy Orton and Orton goes for the RKO but Kofi fights out and sends Orton into the ropes, before hitting a dropkick and leaps to the top, scaling the cage. Orton is back to his feet and Kofi leaps off but Orton ducks and Kofi takes a nasty spill. Rolling over, Orton quickly and casually exits the cage through the door. (B)


CM Punk and Bryan Danielson defeated Paul London and Matt Hardy in a Strange Bedfellows Match when Punk pinned London after Hardy laid him out with the Twist of Fate in 10:21 An impressive match between these four men. London and Hardy did not get along, roughly making tags and beating on Danielson, who did the brunt of the work, as Punk stood on the apron. London eventually mocked Hardy one time too many and he ate a low blow and a Twist of Fate. Punk entered the ring, tagging himself in and covers London from the pin! (B)


Danielson and Punk get into a brawl but Frankie Kazarian enters the ring and attacks Danielson. Hardy goes after Kazarian but out comes the Specialists, who help beat up Danielson and Hardy. London is up and he gets in Punk's face. We have Punk and London getting in a shoving match, and Kazarian takes out London from behind. Punk looks on but we see Shawn Michaels sneak into the ring and nail Punk with the Sweet Chin Music! This gets the Illuminati out of the ring and chasing after Michaels, to stop the beating. We see the WWE Champion laid out and we are completely out of time.





BHK1978: 4/4

Kijar: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

ChrisKid: 4/4



BHK1978: 50/82

ChrisKid: 49/82

MattitudeV2: 46/82

Kijar: 34/82

Lo-Drew: 8/82

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ECW on Sy Fy 11/30/10


The Illuminati is out in the ring, but Paul London is not too happy right now, sending agitated glares in the direction of both Frankie Kazarian and the WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk gets on the microphone, talking about how last Monday, for the first time, there was a flare up within the Illuminati. They are so close to achieving their goals and this cannot happen. London calls out Punk for pinning him and also Kazarian attacking him from behind. Kazarian puts out that he was just trying to keep London in line when he puts his hands on Punk. Punk says that London might have been pinned, but a win for Punk is a win for the Illuminati. He tells London not to flake out on him now, mentioning how he got London a second chance despite his past demons that cost him his job. London could be flying high for all of the right reasons and not for all of the wrong reasons if he sticks with Punk. Punk says tonight, Paul London will take on Frankie Kazarian so they can iron out their differences in the old fashioned way, a wrestling match. London says that he wants Matt Hardy in the ring and Punk says when the time is right, providing that there is enough of Hardy left after tonight and TLC. London says Hardy's days are numbered and fat teenage girls and virgin geeks on Twitter will weep. Punk says that Danielson and Hardy will be taking on the Specialists for the Unified Tag Team Titles and tonight is divide and conquer.


Out comes Drew McIntyre, who talks about how they were well on their way to victory against the Illuminati back at Survivor Series but it was no fault of his, but rather Goldust's. Tonight he is going to beat Goldust.


Goldust pinned Drew McIntyre with a powerslam off of the second rope in 8:22 Goldust and McIntyre had a back and forth encounter, with McIntyre gaining an advantage. He posed for too long on the top rope, which allowed Goldust to crotch him, climb to the second rope and hit a powerslam for the pin. (C+)


We see Bryan Danielson and Matt Hardy talking. Hardy says that tonight they will have to get along and Danielson reminds Hardy that the last time they were a tag team, Hardy abandoned the match and also on Monday, Hardy knocked out the last tag team partner. Danielson says that Matt Hardy used to be one of the top competitors in this company, but he wonders if Punk, London, and the rest of the Illuminati were right, perhaps Hardy has lost many steps. Hardy says that he'll prove he still has something left in the tank by winning the Unified Tag Team Titles tonight and then winning Danielson's ECW Championship in the Four Way TLC Match on December 19th. Danielson just says that he looks forward to the attempt.


Kaval pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with the double foot stomp in 5:44 ECW's resident Redneck had an impressive fight but the martial arts of Kaval knocked him around. An inverted brain buster set up a double foot stomp for the pin. ©


Frankie Kazarian pinned Paul London with a backslide using the ropes for leverage in 10:55 Kazarian and London have a spirited encounter, but London kept kicking out and countering pretty much everything Kazarian has thrown his way. London beats on Kazarian but 450 Splash hits the knees. Kazarian beats on London some more and rolling fireman's carry is countered into a crucifix for two. London is hung up and now Kazarian drills a knee to the ribs and backslides London, putting both feet on the ropes for leverage for the pin. (B-)


London and Kazarian have words afterwards, but out comes Punk to settle things. Both of these men will join Matt Hardy and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson in a Fatal Four Way Tlc Match.


The Specialists retained the Unified Tag Team Titles over Matt Hardy and Bryan Danielson when Hardy was pinned with a Spiked Brain Buster after he refused to tag in during the match in 11:22 Hardy seemed willing to prove that he could win the Unified Tag Team Titles on his own and he was severely beaten down. Hardy kept fighting back and he even knocked Danielson off of the ring apron when he reached in for a tag. The Specialists managed to take advantage of this and set up Hardy for the Spiked Brain Buster. Lawrence Davis dives to the floor onto Danielson as Courtier scores the pin. (B)





BHK1978: 1/2

MattitudeV2: 1/2

Kijar: 1/2

ChrisKid: 1/2


Final November:

BHK1978: 51/84

ChrisKid: 50/84

MattitudeV2: 47/84

Kijar: 35/84

Lo-Drew: 8/84

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WWE Superstars 12/2/10


Tonight's main event on WGN America features Finlay and Jack Swagger squaring off, two men from Friday Night Smackdown looking to make a statement. Also, Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart is going to have a huge announcement about a huge match at TLC. Stay tuned for that.


Cody Rhodes pinned Chris Masters after using the ropes for leverage in 8:22 Cody Rhodes and Chris Masters have a return match from last week, where the Masterpiece got the win. Chris Masters knocks Cody Rhodes around but Cody goes low and beats him down, but Masters comes back. Masterlock but Rhodes is in the ropes and then he low blows Masters again, before he hits a DDT and then covers Masters, draping his feet over the middle rope for the pin! Rhodes leaves, as Masters protests. This is far from over and no doubt a rubber match is soon. (C+)


Justin Gabriel pinned Trent Barretta with a 450 Splash in 5:55 Last week, Gabriel beat Croft. Tonight he beats Barretta, beating on him. Baretta gets a nearfall, beating him down but a tornado DDT sets up the 450 Splash for the pin. (D+)


We cut to the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart, who announces an eight man tournament where the winner will get a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Royal Rumble. The first two quarterfinals will be on December 3rd, the second two Quarterfinals will be on December 10th, the semifinals will be on December 17th, and the finals will be in a TLC Match on December 19th. This week on Smackdown, we'll see William Regal against the Undertaker and Chris Jericho against Kane. The following week will feature Ted DiBiase against Christian and Batista against Evan Bourne. This tournament could be a chance for someone to shoot through the top for a title shot or an established main eventer to reestablish themselves as a title contender.


Jack Swagger pinned Finlay with an Oklahoma Side Roll in 15:55 Both men exchange chops and punches throughout the match, with Finlay beating on him in the center of the ring and kneedrop to the groin. Swagger goes low and beats on Finlay some more, getting some cheers, before snapping his neck across the top rope. Swagger beats on Finlay but he is slammed off the top rope. Finlay beats on him, but Finlay is crotched on the middle rope, allowing Swagger to hit an Oklahoma Side Roll for the pin. (B+)





BHK1978: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3



BHK1978: 6/3

ChrisKid: 5/3

MattitudeV2: 4/3

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WWE Smackdown 12/3/10


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Kane vs. Chris Jericho


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

The Undertaker vs. William Regal.


Evan Bourne, Mike Knox, and Booker T vs. Alberto Banderas, Gene Snitsky, and Batista.

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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Kane vs. Chris Jericho


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

The Undertaker vs. William Regal.


This hurts to pick against William Regal but it is the Undertaker...


Evan Bourne, Mike Knox, and Booker T vs. Alberto Banderas, Gene Snitsky, and Batista.


Well Snitsky is probably the weakest link on this team (heck even in the whole match). However, I think his team has this. Also, I like the Alberto Banderas name.

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WWE Smackdown 12/3/10


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Kane vs. Chris Jericho


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

The Undertaker vs. William Regal.


Evan Bourne, Mike Knox, and Booker T vs. Alberto Banderas, Gene Snitsky, and Batista.

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WWE Smackdown 12/3/10


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Kane vs. Chris Jericho


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

The Undertaker vs. William Regal.


Evan Bourne, Mike Knox, and Booker T vs. Alberto Banderas, Gene Snitsky, and Batista.

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WWE Smackdown 12/3/10


We see John Cena out, talking about how he will prove why he's the World Heavyweight Champion against Rey Mysterio at TLC in sixteen days. Out comes the WWE Champion CM Punk, who talks about how Cena can't beat Rey and if it was not for that fluke back at Bragging Rights, he would not have beaten Punk. Punk talks about how the Illuminati is taking over and Cena might be the next one to fall, much like Vince McMahon and Triple H have. Cena says he's fought the odds before but Punk states that the odds are catching up to him, the law of averages and everything else. Punk says tonight he's going to beat Rey Mysterio, something that Cena has not done yet and he is going to put his WWE Championship on the line as well. The announcers talk about how Punk might be taking Rey a bit too lightly and we could have a new WWE Champion which could throw TLC into disarray.


Batista, Alberto Banderas, and Gene Snitsky defeated Mike Knox, Evan Bourne, and Intercontinental Champion Booker T when Banderas made Knox submit to the cross armbreaker in 12:22 Several issues are tied together in this six man tag team match. Evan Bourne will meet Batista next week in that big number one contenders tournament match. Alberto Banderas will challenge Booker T for the Intercontinental Title as part of TLC. Snitsky set up Knox for the finish, by ramming his shoulder into the post with vile intentions and now Banderas locks on a cross armbreaker for the submission. (B)


Snitsky enters the ring with a chair and waffles Evan Bourne from behind as he stood on the apron, causing him to land facefirst into the concrete. Booker T is taken down and now Snitsky waffles Knox right in the back with the chair and now the lights go out, with Kane making the save for his son. Snitsky backs off but he boots Kane in the face as he lets his guard down. Kane is beaten down some more by Snitsky and choked unconscious. Snitsky gives him a chairshot before leaving and Kane has to take on Chris Jericho later tonight, at less than one hundred percent.


Ted DiBiase makes his way out, to hand a doctor's note to the referee, indicating that he suffered a slight ankle sprain and will be unable to compete against Matt Hardy tonight. He announces Joe Hennig as his replacement but states next week, he'll be able to face Christian in the number one contenders tournament. The announcers question DiBiase's injury.


Matt Hardy made Joe Hennig submit to a guillotine choke in 8:21 A back and forth match, with Dibiase stating that he's going to win the tournament and regain the World Heavyweight Title. DiBiase downplays the Undertaker, saying that he pinned him at Survivor Series so he has nothing to prove. DiBiase tries to interfere but Hardy kicks him in the face and gets hit with the Perfect Plex but only a nearfall. Hennig beats on Hardy, but head ducked and Twist of Fate and Hardy hangs on, into a guillotine choke for the tap out! (B)


Brett DiBiase enters the ring but Hardy fights him off and knocks him to the floor. Matt Hardy is out of the ring and a masked man just waffles Hardy from underneath the ramp right in the ankle with a pipe! The fans boo as the masked man steps back to reveal Paul London underneath the mask. He pounds away on Hardy's ankle and rams it into the ramp several times. Hardy might have suffered a broken ankle, which could hamper his ability to climb a ladder in the four way ECW Championship match at TLC. London and DiBiase have words, as DiBiase limps when he knows that the camera is on him but London just nods and walks off, as the announcers wonder what that was about.


The Undertaker battled William Regal to a no contest when the match never started. When the lights came back on, a group of masked men were attacking the Undertaker in the aisle. The Undertaker tried to fight them off, but William Regal named him from behind with a pair of brass knuckles. The Undertaker is being beaten severely and security is out, but to hold a battered Kane back from making the save. Regal walks over and brawls with Kane, attacking him with a series of shots to the ribs! Kane and Regal disappear, as the two of the masked men hold the Undertaker, so another can kick him right in the face. Double stomp right on the steel ramp! The Undertaker is put in a standing crossface and kicked and punched. The Undertaker is being dragged backstage. The Undertaker struggles but one of the masked man has a pipe and he waffles the Undertaker twice with it, as he disappears backstage for more of a beating!


We see a replay of what just happened, with the Undertaker and we are backstage, to see the Undertaker being thrown down the stairs where he lands with a thud! The masked men walk over and two of them hoist up a cinderblock, before they dump it down the stairs right on top of the battered body of the Undertaker. Striker talks about how this is the most vicious, sickening beating ever since the Illuminati attack on Vince McMahon which causes Grisham to jump onto the fact that the Illuminati were the one's who were behind this attack as well but Striker says they are innocent until proven guilty.


Christian pinned Chavo Guerrero with the Killswitch in 5:55 A nice short back and forth match, with Christian getting the early advantage but Chavo making a comeback. Frog Splash hits the knees and Christian applies the Killswitch for the pin. Christian will take on Ted DiBiase next week in the Quarterfinals of the Number One Contenders Tournament(B)


We cut to Bret Hart's office, who announces that its a madhouse and the first match in the tournament has been thrown out already. Kane storms into the office, ribs taped and demands Bret Hart do something about the Undertaker. Hart says that he's trying to locate where the group of thugs had him but security has apparently taken a walk and someone paid them off. Kane grunts that it was DiBiase and Bret Hart says he might be right, but he can't prove that. He says that Kane still has a match tonight against Chris Jericho that he needs to worry about and Kane just grunts, before he walks off.


Chris Jericho cuts a promo, talking about how he will win the World Heavyweight championship and how if he beats Kane tonight, he gets a bye straight through to the finals at TLC.


Chris Jericho pinned Kane with the Code Breaker in 8:22 Jericho worked over the ribs that were injured earlier this night. Kane fought valiantly despite his injuries but Jericho uses the ropes to block the Choke Slam and hits the Code Breaker for the pin. (B+)


We see John Cena make his way out to the ring, but Cena is looking over his shoulder. Cena sits down for commentary, stating that he agrees that the Illuminati were the one's who took out the Undertaker and he could be next. We see Cena with a baseball bat in hand, jumping up at every little noise, but Cena states that he hopes he can enjoy the next match.


WWE Champion CM Punk pinned Rey Mysterio after hitting him with the baseball bat that Cena dropped in the ring when going after Frankie Kazarian in 15:55 An impressive match, with Rey coming close to winning the belt on several occasions. We see Frankie Kazarian come down to the ring, but he is the only one and Rey hits the 6-1-9 on Punk but also bumps the referee. Springboard Splash and Rey covers Punk but you can count to a hundred. Kazarian enters the ring and so does Cena, as Kazarian beats on Rey. Cena rushes into the ring and knocks Kazarian right to the floor but also drops his bat right in front of Punk! Punk has the baseball bat and when Rey goes for a springboard, Punk smashes the bat right into the face of Rey! Punk disposes of the evidence and makes the cover to score the pin. (B+)


Cena turns away, as the announcers speculate if it was accidental or intentional with the baseball bat being dropped where Punk could pick it up. Punk is still the WWE champion, by hook or by crook(mostly by crook).


We head to the parking lot, where the Undertaker is being stomped into the pavement. We see the masked goons stand around the Undertaker, as we hear pounding on the doors from inside but apparently, everyone is back locked in the arena and can't save the Undertaker. We cut to the arena, where Kane is trying to force his way through the door, along with Mike Knox but we see Snitsky lurking in the shadows and he attacks Knox and Kane from behind.


Back to the parking lot, a casket is carried into the parking lot and the Undertaker is dumped into the casket and the casket is chained shut! We see one of the masked man drive a forklift over and the casket is hoisted up! The masked man is driving the forklift to the edge of the parking lot.


For a couple of moments, the camera pans back and suddenly a loud explosion can be heard. The camera quickly pans over but backs off, to reveal hot high flames shooting into the air! We fade out on this grim note, as we see the casket that the Undertaker was in completely engulfed in flames. We slowly fade out, as the fire department arrives but it might be the end for the Dead Man! Not even the Undertaker could have survived that!




Everyone gets a point for the no contest because...tis the season for giving.



MattitudeV2: 3/3

BHK1978: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3

Kijar: 1/3



BHK1978: 9/6

ChrisKid: 8/6

MattitudeV2: 7/6

Kijar: 1/6

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Wow, quite the spanner got thrown into the works as it regards to TLC and a major player getting hurt. Won't say much more, but all will be revealed on RAW and needless to say, some last minute rebooking was done.


WWE Monday Night RAW 12/6/10


Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill.


Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and John Morrison vs. United States Champion Nick Dinsmore and Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists.

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