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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/6/10


We see Ricky Steamboat walk down to the ring. He says he's been tasked by the WWE Board of Directors, to investigate the Illuminati, the potential of them being behind the attack on the Undertaker, and the mysterious power figure that seems to be letting them get away with all of there actions. Steamboat says that Punk and the rest of the Illuminati have the ear of some higher ranking official in WWE. Out comes Punk, who states he's appalled at the allegations that Steamboat has made about the Illuminati. Punk claims that there is no proof that the Illuminati blew up the Undertaker on Smackdown and he also states that he never authorized any attack. Steamboat says that they will investigate this and the law will be speaking with Punk and Punk claims that no one is going to speaking to anyone in the Illuminati, without an attorney. He also tells Steamboat to tell the fans about Triple H, the man who is going to or was going to challenge for the WWE Championship. Steamboat claims that Triple H, on his way back from the doctor, got into an automobile accident that further injured him and thus he'll miss at least four to six months. Punk tells them that Triple H, likely under the influence of some prescription pain killer, sabotaged his own title shot. Punk says that he's a fighting champion and he's going to put the WWE Championship on the line tonight live on RAW. While he could defend against a Zack Ryder or a Santino Marella, Punk has decided to put the WWE Championship on the line, against WWE Hall of Famer, Ricky Steamboat!


Steamboat claims that he isn't a wrestler, an executive and the last time he got involved, he was punted in the head by Randy Orton. Punk states that people like Steamboat made the Illuminati necessary, as it was Steamboat who just stepped back and let the sports entertainers roll over him in the 80s. He used to be a wrestler to aspire to and one of the few people who did not get destroyed by their own demons but his inaction made Punk sick. Punk talks about how Steamboat couldn't understand what being the WWE Champion was all about, because he's never been on. Punk talks about how Steamboat is looked up to by many in the back, but in the end, their hero is nothing but a coward. Steamboat shoves Punk back and says that he has one more good match left him in, he accepts the challenge. Steamboat vows to beat some respect into Punk and out comes RAW General Manager Kevin Nash to make the match official.


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and John Morrison defeated Nick Dinsmore and the Specialists when Morrison pinned Dinsmore with a Victory Roll in 10:21 An impressive back and forth six man tag team match, hyping up two huge matches for TLC. Morrison pinned the United States champion, to further cement his contendership status. (B-)


We are backstage, with Steamboat lacing up his boots and stretching, when Shawn Michaels comes into the locker room. He talks about how in 1998 everyone wrote him off. Then in 2002, he came back and captured the World Heavyweight Title. Michaels says that he wants Steamboat to know that HBK has his back, providing that Michaels gets a title shot against Steamboat sometime down the road. Steamboat says tonight he's going to teach Punk respect, but that was adrenaline talking and he might not win the WWE Championship. Michaels assures him that he could be the champion, his body might be a bit more worn down, but he still has the knowledge and the skills that made him one of the all time greats. Michaels wishes Steamboat luck but Steamboat says tonight, Punk is going to be scorched by the fire of the Dragon.


We are backstage, where CM Punk is in the middle of chewing out Paul London for nearly ruining everything. We can't get a clue on this, as they spot the cameraman and Kaval and Kazarian manage to remove him, as we heard loud, muffled, arguments.


Katie Lea Burchill pinned Melina after hitting her with a chair after the referee was bumped in 8:21 Beth Phoenix joins Lawler and Cole for this match, as chairs will be legal when she defends the WWE Undisputed Women's Championship against Katie Lea Burchill. Melina accidentally clotheslined the referee and Katie Lea Burchill grabbed a chair and waffled Melina right across the back. That was enough to score the pin,as it only takes one chairshot to put an opponent down for the night. (C+)


We see Randy Orton talking about how he should be challenging for the WWE Championship and Punk broke his word, but Nash points out the six month stipulation from Summerslam. However, he offers Orton a little incentive. Nash can lift the ban if Randy Orton wins. However, if he loses tonight, his ban is doubled to a year. His opponent is Shawn Michaels!


Paul Burchill pinned Mark Henry after Sheamus booted Mark Henry behind the back of the referee in 8:33 We see Henry use his power to overwhelm Burchill in the center of the ring. Burchill comes back but is fought off, until Sheamus interjects himself with a boot to the face and Burchill gets the win. Two on one attack, until the Big Show saves, returning the favor from the past two weeks. Henry and Show have a staredown before they shake hands and turn to stare down at Burchill and Sheamus. (C+)


Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels via countout after throwing him headfirst into the ringpost in 15:55 Orton and Michaels had and the usual back and forth match, with Orton gaining the advantage at first, but then he suckered Michaels to the floor and then low blowed him and rammed him headfirst into the ringpost, before he slid into the ring to make the countout. Orton's ban on title shots has been lifted. (B+)


Hype for the Slammys on a three hour edition of RAW next week. Also, Sheamus and Paul Burchill take on the Big Show and Mark Henry in a huge tag team match.


We are introduced to WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel, who makes his way down to the ring, for one night only, to do the introductions to this match.


WWE Championship Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs. CM Punk©


Both men stare down each other and Punk charges Steamboat, but he gets a pair of armdrags and then Steamboat chops away at him to cheers, before delivering another armdrag, into an armbar. Punk makes it to the ropes and Steamboat pounds away at Punk. Some more mat wrestling, with Steamboat getting the better of him. Punk bounces to his feet and cheapshots Steamboat, before he takes him down with double leg takedown and stomps him on. Punk beats on Steamboat and hits not one, not two, but three backbreakers, before he hammers away at the back of Steamboat. That back caused Steamboat to not wrestle a single match in almost fifteen years and Punk is taking advantage. Punk hammers away at Steamboat and ties him in the tree of woe, before dropkicking him. Boston Crab is applied and Steamboat grimaces, but he manages to make it to the ropes. Punk hammers away at Steamboat, who is firing back but Punk knees him right in the face multiple times and hits a fisherman suplex on Steamboat for a two and a half count!


Punk beats on Steamboat, who continues to elbow away at Punk. Punk aims a roundhouse kick at Steamboat but Steamboat ducks and waistlocks Punk, before rolling him up for a nearfall! Punk is back up and rolling elbow smash, into multiple elbow strikes and then a brain buster! A nearfall and Punk applies a torture rack on Steamboat! Steamboat is struggling and the referee asks Steamboat but Steamboat manages to flip off of the shoulders of Punk. Punk dropkicks Steamboat in the face and double underhook backbreaker gets a huge round of boos! Punk beats on Steamboat, who tries to fire back once again but Punk lariats him down for a nearfall! Punk steps back and he goes for the Go to Sleep but Steamboat reverses it into a sunset flip for a two and nine tenths count! Punk goes for a swing but Steamboat grabs the arms and backslides Punk! Another nearfall! Punk looks dazed and Steamboat thrust kicks Punk down! Another nearfall! The fans are going ballistic with anticipation, could Steamboat pull it off? Into the corner, ten count punches and monkey flip, before Steamboat has the legs and catapults Punk into the corner, before rolling him up for a two and nine tenths count! Punk attempts to escape the ring, but Steamboat chops away at him and slams him down! To the top rope. Steamboat is going for that Flying Cross Body Block that has won him so many matches. Punk is up and Punk shoves the referee in the way, forcing him to take the bullet!


Punk now is calling for the Illuminati from the back, but as the Specialists come out, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth meet them in the aisle! Nick Dinsmore and William Regal jump them from behind, as does the Hart Dynasty. John Morrison tries to even the odds, but he is overwhelmed and Kazarian and London are out here, but here comes Shawn Michaels and Bryan Danielson! Kaval is out as well and it is just a wild brawl tonight. The lights go out and Kane makes his way out, as we see Steamboat fighting back! Kazarian slips past and puts the WWE Championship on the ring apron, as Steamboat waistlocks Punk, going for a German Suplex, but Punk blocks it and headbutts Punk! We see London, grab the WWE Championship Belt off the apron, to use as a weapon and Punk looks confused but turns around and kicks Steamboat right in the face. Punk has Steamboat on his shoulders for the GTS but Steamboat counters with a small package! Another referee crawls into the ring and manages to make the three count, with London just pulling him out of the ring at three!


Finkel : Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match....and the new World Wrestling Entertainment Champion, Ricky Steamboat!


A loud ear splitting pop echoed throughout the arena.


Winner and new WWE Champion: Ricky Steamboat(14:22, B+)


We see Steamboat accept the belt, eyes widened, before he holds up the WWE Championship, and holds it high into the air, as we see Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and John Morrison enter the ring, to congratulate Steamboat, followed by Bryan Danielson! Punk's grandstanding blew up in his face and Punk is on the floor, as we see The Big Show, Mark Henry, Yoshi Tatsu, and Santino join the fun in the ring. Shawn Michaels raises the hand of Danielson, as we see Punk screaming and losing his mind, as goes after London, blaming him for the loss, by being a second too slow pulling the second referee out of the ring and also taking his belt away! Punk decks London and we see Kazarian join and beat down London, with the rest of the Illuminati standing back, neither interfering or helping. The Illuminati might not have been as tight knit as we thought, especially since they lost the crown jewel!


We see Ricky Steamboat's son, Richie enter the ring to congratulate his father. Richie is currently training to be a WWE Superstar in his own right, and you've got believe that this is quite the moment. We close out, with Steamboat holding the WWE Championship high above his head. What will happen with TLC now?





BHK1978: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

Kijar: 1/3



BHK1978: 11/9

MattitudeV2: 10/9

ChrisKid: 8/9

Kijar: 2/9

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ECW On Sy Fy 12/6/10


We head to the ring, where the former WWE Champion CM Punk leads the rest of the Illuminati to the ring, sans Paul London. Punk states that London last night contributed to him losing his WWE Championship to Ricky Steamboat. Out comes London to the ring but he stops and stands on the ramp. London talks about how Punk is playing it too safe, not moving their goals to the next level. Punk and Kazarian talk big, but they won't take the final drastic step to eliminate some people but Punk says that London overstepped his bounds and while he'll forgive the Illuminati for thinking that he okayed London's little scheme, it will only be for the moment, with them coming so close to overthrowing Sports Entertainment. Tonight, Kaval has a match with the returning Jamie Noble. Punk wants Kaval to finish the job that the Illuminati started. Also, Nick Dinsmore has a huge match with Bryan Danielson tonight and he wants Danielson softened up. As for London, tonight, he can choose anyone from the back, if anyone will dare team with him to take on Punk and Kazarian. Punk says its time for London to learn that there is a certain order of things and learn the price for overstepping his bounds, as he has done several times in recent weeks.


Justin Gabriel and David Otunga d. the Specialists when Otunga pinned Croft with a huge spinebuster in 5:55 We see the Specialists losing to Justin Gabriel in back to back weeks on Superstars and now in a tag team match, Gabriel and Otunga join forces, in this battle of four men who made their ECW debuts in 2010. Several nearfalls, until Otunga finishes Croft off. (C+)


We see Paul London, talking to the Specialists, trying to get one of them as their partner but they give him the cold shoulder. London says that Punk's not cutting the muster as leader, he's lost the crown jewel and he's not proactive. We see London, who tries to get Kaval to be his partner, but Kaval informs him that he has a match with Noble next. London just walks off in frustrated, trying the Hart Dynasty and then William Regal, but they refuse as well and London just looks like he is going to have to go to the other side of the tracks.


Kaval made Jamie Noble submit to a Dragon Clutch in 12:22 Noble was on fire at the early part of this match but Kaval managed to kick at the ribs, beating on him, with Noble making a comeback and double underhook suplex but he goes up to and gets spin kicked in the face. Inverted brain buster sets up a Curb Stomp and a vicious Dragon Clutch for the tap out. (B)


We see backstage, where the World's Greatest Tag Team blows London off, and London goes to ask Goldust, but we see Drew McIntyre, who begins to brawl with Goldust. Both men are brawling around the backstage area, and London steps back, looking like he is going to be out of options. London steps back and walks down to the ringside area.


ECW Champion Bryan Danielson pinned Nick Dinsmore with a Fisherman Suplex in 14:10 when London stopped Dinsmore from using the belt. London tried to get Danielson to be his partner but Danielson blew him off and walked to the ring for his match. London stood at ringside, to watch this match and when Dinsmore went for the United States Title belt, London took it away from him and this allowed Danielson to hit a fisherman suplex for the pin. (B+)


We see London, who says that Danielson should be his partner tonight, reminding Danielson that Kazarian put him on the shelf and Punk beat Danielson in the finals of the 2010 King of the Ring Tournament. Danielson after hesitating for a moment agrees as Kazarian and Punk make their way down to the ring and Punk gets on the microphone, telling that it is time for London to prove himself. London catches Danielson with a low blow! The fans are booing and London grabs Danielson, before drilling him with a huge piledriver! Danielson is taken down and London stands over London and Punk nods, before he grabs London and pulls him onto his shoulders and gives him the GTS! Punk says that was not done out of malice and London is still in the Illuminati, until he outlives his usefulness and if he ever tries to undermine him again, he'll be put in a coma like Vince McMahon. He then gives Danielson the GTS for good measure and walks off, leaving him in the ring.





MattitudeV2: 3/3

Kijar: 1/3

BHK1978: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3



BHK1978: 14/12

MattitudeV2: 13/12

ChrisKid: 11/12

Kijar: 3/12

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WWE Superstars 12/9/10


Tonight's main event on WGN America features an interpromotional match with David Hart Smith of the Illuminati from RAW taking on one half of the World's Greatest Tag Team's Shelton Benjamin from Smackdown.


We see Cody Rhodes, who makes his way down to the ring. Rhodes stands and joins us for commentary, talking about how now its his time after Legacy broke up. He said he allowed Randy Orton to ride his coattails, but now its time to go on his own and he's going to become the WWE Champion in 2011, just like Ted DiBiase became the World Heavyweight Champion.


Chris Masters pinned Zack Ryder with a helicopter spin throw in 5:55 Masters and Rhodes have had their share of problems recently on Superstars and Rhodes buries Masters on commentary, calling him someone who hasn't done anything. Ryder beats on Masters when he is distracted by Rhodes but Masters fires back and beats on Ryder, slamming him, before hoisting him up a crucifix and delivering a helicopter spin, before tossing him to the canvas for the pin. (D+)


We see Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler making their way down to the ring for the next match. Guerrero gets on the promo, throwing out a challenge for this Monday, against R-Truth and Kofi Kingston, for them to put their tag team title shot on the line for TLC.


Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero defeated Primo Colon and Kung Fu Naki when Ziggler pinned Primo with the Zig Zag in 8:11 Both teams had a spirited encounter, but Ziggler and Chavo got the win, putting Primo down with the Zig Zag for the pin. (C+)


We see a recap from last Monday, with Ricky Steamboat being goaded out of retirement by CM Punk and then the match, where Steamboat managed to make perhaps one of the most inspired comebacks in wrestling history, by becoming the brand new WWE Champion! We have exclusive footage from RAW, where Steamboat is celebrating in the ring, with several competitors such as John Morrison, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Shawn Michaels, The Big Show, Mark Henry, Santino, and Yoshi Tatsu. Steamboat is hoisted onto their shoulders and paraded around the ring. Steamboat gets on the microphone and thanks both the wrestlers and the WWE Universe for their support. He talks about how when he retired, he thought that the window had passed to become WWE Champion but it just proves that as long as he's alive, its never too late. Steamboat breaks down in the ring, as the wrestlers and the WWE Universe alike is cheering loudly. The fans are cheering as we fade out with more chants of “Steamboat”.


Hype for this Monday, where Ricky Steamboat will have a huge announcement on whether he'll relinquish the WWE Championship to return to his executive job in WWE or if he is going to defend the belt week after week returning to the ring as an active competitor. Also Sheamus and Paul Burchill takes on the Big Show and Mark Henry and also the 2010 Slammy Awards!


Shelton Benjamin defeated David Hart Smith via disqualification when Tyson Kidd interfered in 4:44 Benjamin and Smith barely got going, when Kidd ran in and attacked Benjamin for the disqualification. (C+)


Benjamin is beaten down two on one by the Hart Dynasty, but out comes Charlie Haas and he makes the save, evening the odds. Haas gets on the microphone and challenges the Hart Dynasty to a tag team match that will happen right now.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated the Hart Dynasty when Benjamin pinned

Kidd with a German Suplex after Haas hits a missile dropkick in 12:22 Both teams had an impressive back and forth battle, with countless nearfalls and back and forth action, with Haas being trapped in the corner, but he fights out, running wild. Smith is dumped to the floor and Haas missile dropkicks Kidd right into the grip of Benjamin for the German Suplex and pin. (B-)





ChrisKid: 3/3

BHK1978: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

Kijar: 2/3



BHK1978: 16/14

ChrisKid: 14/14

MattitudeV2: 13/14

Kijar: 5/14

Ian carisle: 3/14

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WWE Smackdown 12/10/10


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Evan Bourne vs. Batista.


Mike Knox and Booker T vs. Gene Snitsky and William Regal.


Finlay vs. Alberto Banderas.

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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Evan Bourne vs. Batista.


Mike Knox and Booker T vs. Gene Snitsky and William Regal.


Why can't Booker and William be on the same team? Instead it is two wrestlers that I really like teamed up with two wrestlers I can't stand...:D


Finlay vs. Alberto Banderas.

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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Evan Bourne vs. Batista.


Mike Knox and Booker T vs. Gene Snitsky and William Regal.


Why can't Booker and William be on the same team? Instead it is two wrestlers that I really like teamed up with two wrestlers I can't stand...:D


Finlay vs. Alberto Banderas.


second those picks

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Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


Number One Contenders Tournament Quarterfinals:

Evan Bourne vs. Batista.


Mike Knox and Booker T vs. Gene Snitsky and William Regal.


Finlay vs. Alberto Banderas.

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WWE Smackdown 12/10/10


We are backstage where we see the Illuminati arguing with Bret Hart, who has security boot them from the arena, except for William Regal and CM Punk, who have matches tonight. Regal will team up with Snitsky to take on Mike Knox and Booker T in tag team action later tonight and CM Punk will take on Kane. When Punk protests, Bret Hart adds Rey Mysterio and John Cena to the match. The Illuminati is escorted from the building, as Punk and Regal stand in the arena.


Chris Jericho comes out to join us on commentary, for the next match, with boos from the crowd. Jericho stands in the ring and talks about how he has his ticket punched for TLC and how tonight, he's going to sit in at ringside for the next two quarterfinals, with Bourne against Batista starting right now.


Batista pinned Evan Bourne with the Batista Bomb in 10:01 Bourne is using his speed to beat on Batista, but Batista catches Bourne and hits a huge running powerslam, before beating him down. Batista beats down Bourne, but Bourne is pulled up and first Batista bomb is blocked and Bourne punches out, before he hits a Rocker Dropper, before Bourne goes to the outside. Bourne leaps off but gets caught and nailed with a huge spinebuster, before Batista hits the Batista Bomb for the pin on Bourne to advance to the semifinals. Jericho says that Batista is good but he beat him to win the World Heavyweight Title back in 2008. (B)


John Cena cuts a subdued promo, holding the World Heavyweight Championship. He talks about how last week, what happened to Rey was an accident, but they are going to square off at TLC for the World Heavyweight Championship, Cena will do everything that he needs to keep the title. Cena talks about how for the past five years, he's been on a schedule beyond most, coming back early from injuries, and giving it his all to the WWE Universe. He says Rey better be ready for anything, as Cena will do anything to beat him at TLC to keep the World Heavyweight Title.


Alberto Banderas comes down, talking about his WWE Intercontinental Title shot against Booker T at TLC and joins us for commentary for the next match.


Mike Knox and Booker T defeated William Regal and Gene Snitsky via disqualification in 10:01 when Snitsky destroys Knox with a chairshot This week, Snitsky goes nuts, beating on Knox with a chair to end the match. He hits Booker T and he also nails Regal, his own partner. Alberto Banderas enters the ring and beats on the arm of Booker T, before ramming it into the ringpost. (B)


Alberto Banderas defeated Finlay via tapout with the Cross Armbreaker in 8:49 Finlay hammers on Banderas to start, beating him down in the center of the ring. Banderas is knocked around in the ring but Finlay hits the post shoulder first and Banderas takes control. He begins to work over the arm of Finlay even more, with Finlay fighting back but his arm gets out and Banderas hits a shoulderbreaker, into a cross armbreaker for the tap out. (B)


For the next match, Chris Jericho comes out to join us for commentary in this Quarterfinal round match of the number one contenders tournament. Out comes Ted DiBiase, who promises that he is three matches away from getting a shot at the Royal Rumble and becoming World Heavyweight Champion once again. He calls Christian out, saying that he better be ready for a fight.


Christian pinned Ted DiBiase with the Killswitch in 10:22 Both men traded moves, with DiBiase managing to hang up Christian and beat him down, but Christian fights back. Christian is taken down with a drop toe hold and now DiBiase hammers away at him. Tilt a whirl backbreaker and DiBiase goes for the Dream Street, but Christian fights out of that and snaps off the Killswitch to advance into the tournament and face Batista next week in the Semifinals. (B)


World Heavyweight Champion John Cena defeated CM Punk, Kane, and Rey Mysterio in a Fatal Four Way Non Title Match when Cena pinned Kane with a roll up in 12:22 All four of these men brawled in the ring, with Punk trying to play all of his enemies against each other, but they began to beat on him throughout the match. Rey and Punk are taken out, with Kane going for the Choke Slam, but Cena counters by kicking Kane low and rolling him up for the pin. (B)


Cena holds the World Heavyweight Title up, as the fans are booing him a bit, with some cheers, as the announcers question Cena's use of a low blow for the pin. Cena will defend the belt against Rey Mysterio in a TLC Match at TLC.





MattitudeV2: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4

Ian carlisle: 3/4

Kijar: 3/4



BHK1978: 19/18

MattitudeV2: 16/18

ChrisKid: 14/18

Kijar: 8/18

Ian carlisle: 6/18

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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/13/10


The Big Show and Mark Henry vs. Sheamus and Paul Burchill.


Kane vs. Randy Orton


WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas and WWE United States Champion Nick Dinsmore.


Alexandra Madison, Gail Kim, and WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Katie Lea, Natalya, and Michelle McCool.


R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler.


Plus the 2010 Slammy Awards!

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The Big Show and Mark Henry vs. Sheamus and Paul Burchill.


Kane vs. Randy Orton


WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas and WWE United States Champion Nick Dinsmore.


Alexandra Madison, Gail Kim, and WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Katie Lea, Natalya, and Michelle McCool.


R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler.

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The Big Show and Mark Henry vs. Sheamus and Paul Burchill.


Kane vs. Randy Orton


WWE Intercontinental Champion Booker T and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas and WWE United States Champion Nick Dinsmore.


Alexandra Madison, Gail Kim, and WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Katie Lea, Natalya, and Michelle McCool.

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler.

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