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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©

WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky.

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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs.Bryan Danielson©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky.

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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


This is his match.


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson©


I might be way off with this one but I have a feeling that Kaz might take this.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Though I picked Booker to win, I think it is possible that Alberto could win here as well.


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky.


The real winners of this match will be the fans, when this match is over with.:D

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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena(c)


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky.

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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky.

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TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©- cena turns heel after match


WWE Championship TLC Match:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©- need punk to have for sake of potential wrestlemania main event


Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Rumble(Finals of the number one contenders tournament)

Christian vs. Chris Jericho - about time that Christian gets the ppv victory over Chris Jericho


ECW Championship Fatal Four Way TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson©

Danielson needs to lose ecw title to move to raw as he is now too big for ecw Title

Matt Hardy will be too concerned with his personal venddetas to concern himself with winning the title

with leaves London and Kazarian , and with London being the one which may cause friction wth Punk Later, it makes more sense later.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©

not losing for a while


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©- YEAH like there is going to be any other result.


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©- well rule of oppiste monmentum.


WWE United States Title Match:


John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©- faces have to win something.


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky. - meh

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WWE TLC 12/19/10


A look at the history of TLC matches leading up to the three big matches tonight.


We head out to the ring, where tables, ladders, and chairs are set up around the ringside area for the fatal four way title match.


ECW Championship TLC Match:

Matt Hardy vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London vs. Matt Hardy©


London is jumped by Matt Hardy as he entered the ring and Kazarian and Danielson trade some chops, with Danielson is beating on Kazarian with a series of chops, knocking him into the corner. Danielson dropkicks him in the knee and beats on him, as Hardy breaks the crutch over the back of London on the floor and beats on him, before throwing him into the steps, before beating on him with a series of stomps. Kazarian is hammered in the center of the ring and given a double underhook suplex, before Danielson applies a dragon sleeper. Matt Hardy slides into the ring and attacks Danielson. This is every man for himself and Hardy takes down Danielson with the Side Effect. Hardy walks over, grabbing a ladder and holding it in the center of the ring but London springboards into the ring, dropkicking the ladder right into the face of Matt Hardy! Hardy goes down and London beats on him. Kazarian is up and he joins London in stomping Matt Hardy. London holds the injured ankle, so Kazarian dropkicks him into the leg. Kazarian rolls him over and they take turns ramming the ankle of Hardy into a chair that is set up. The chair is now folded over the ankle of Hardy and London climbs to the ladder, up on the top of the ladder and he dives off with a springboard kneedrop! The chair snaps shut on Hardy's leg and Hardy screams in agony.


We see Danielson up to his feet and running Yakuza Kick to the head of Kazarian. Danielson beats on London, trading moves with him, as we see Hardy being checked on, his ankle might be broken yet again! The fans are going nuts as Danielson hits a brain buster on London on a steel chair! Danielson rolls London over and drills him with a series a knees right to the head, before picking him up and drilling him with another dropkick to the face! Kazarian has a table set up on the floor but Danielson beats on him as he gets on the ring apron and Danielson dropkicks Kazarian off of the apron, causing him to fall right through the table, breaking it in half! The fans are going absolutely insane and Danielson steps on the floor, before he whips Kazarian into the ringpost! Kazarian flies back and Danielson grabs the arm, before he stomps on it, but he turns around and London leaps over the top rope with a 450 degree plancha! London is now setting up a table right on the arena floor as well , with dastardly intentions in mind. We see Matt Hardy, with a chair, tucking it under his arm and pulling himself up to his feet, before he dives over the top rope, nailing London right in the face with a sickening chairshot!


We see London on the floor, clutching the top of his head and yelling in agony, as Hardy pulls himself up but its a long way into the ring with his damaged ankle! Hardy is pulling himself up right into the ring, wincing as his ankle brushes across the ring apron, but Danielson is up and he grabs the ankle, before he beats on it with a series of elbow smashes! Danielson applies an ankle lock to Hardy and the fans are cheering, as Hardy is tapping out but there are no tap outs in TLC matches! Hardy is turning himself over and he kicks Danielson into the ladder but Danielson comes back with a falling rolling elbow smash and Hardy might be out. Danielson now has the ladder and he sets it up right beneath the ECW Championship belt. Danielson is climbing the ladder, but in comes Kazarian, clutching is back and he makes it up with Danielson. Danielson and Kazarian are trading punches while on top of the ladder and now we see Paul London sliding into the ring, before he sets another ladder up in play and then takes a running start, before he leaps to the top of it and now he leaps right to the side of the ladder, with Kazarian and Danielson. A three way brawl on the side of the ladder and the ladder tips over from the weight of three men. London leaps for the belt as it does but falls short and lands with a thud right on the canvas!


The fans are going insane, as Kazarian and London are up and they exchange a nod, before they begin to double team the ECW Champion! The fans are booing as the Illuminati are working together and now Kazarian leaves the ring, as London double stomps the back of the head of Danielson, Kazarian slides a table into the ring and a second table as well! The fans are going absolutely insane as now Kazarian has the tables stacked up side by side, as London drags a third table into the ring and sets it up on the other side, before they have the ladder in play. Danielson is fighting with all of his might, and Hardy is right back to his feet, but his ankle collapses out from underneath him. Kazarian and London set up Danielson for a double suplex through the single table but Danielson blosck it. Kazarian opts to give Danielson a reverse Russian Legsweep as well. Taking him down in the ring! Danielson is stunned and both Kazarian and London scramble to the ladder in an attempt to get to the ECW Championship and are both at the time. Kazarian and London appear to be saying something and apparently...they're going to play a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who is the one to get the belt. Rock, Paper, London cheapshots Kazarian with an uppercut, causing him drop down off of the ladder and land right on the table. The table does not break, but London hits a shooting star press from the top of the ladder, putting Kazarian right through the table!


Kazarian screams in agony and London dropkicks Hardy right in the ankle, as he gets up. The ladder is not in position and now London has to turn it around but Danielson is up and he throws a chair right at London. London catches the chair and goes for a chair shot but Danielson ducks and grabs London, before giving him a German Suplex! London is down and now Danielson rolls over London, before giving him a series of elbow strikes and throws him through the ropes. Now Danielson turns to the ladder and climbs up, a bit staggered from this match! Matt Hardy is up and he tries to grab the ankles of Danielson, to prevent him from grabbing the belt, but Danielson just stomps the back of Hardy's head time and time again. Hardy slides down and now London is back into ring with a chair and he nails Danielson right across the back. London is making his way up the ladder, right with Danielson and he leaps on the shoulders of Danielson. A Reverse Huracanrana from London to Danielson, which dumped him right on the back of his head on top of the chair from the ladder! Bryan Danielson might be dead!


Now London is grinning and for good reason, as it appears that everyone is out of it and the ECW Championship Belt is his. London is climbing up the ladder, right to the belt but Matt Hardy is somehow up to his feet and he gives a one foot jump, right to the other side of the ladder, as he is trying to beat London. London is headbutted through the ladder by Hardy as he tries to get the belt and now Hardy, battered leg, busted ankle, is now making his way up the ladder, but London kicks Hardy right in the ankle. Hardy is down and London is now in the process of unhooking the ECW Championship belt! The fans are going insane with loud boos, as Hardy is trying to swing at London and the belt is unhooked, with London shoving Hardy, Causing him to fall right off of the ladder legs first through the stacked tables! Matt Hardy might have every bone in both legs broken after that one and....Hardy has the ECW Championship belt in his possession as he fell down?


Winner and new ECW Champion: Matt Hardy(19:45, B)


London is arguing the decision but as we see the replay, we see as London shoved Hardy, the belt unhooked right into the hands of Matt Hardy! The fans are cheering and London is absolutely enraged. He had the belt in his grasp but since the belt was in Matt Hardy's hands when it unhooked and he dropped down, he's the ECW Champion!


WWE United States Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Nick Dinsmore©


Both men trade standard holds to start, but Morrison gets the advantage with a pair of armdrags and then he throws Dinsmore into the ropes and hits a leg lariat right in the corner. Ten count punches and monkey flip out of the corner, with Morrison now beating on the head of Dinsmore and a running kneelift to the face. Kick is blocked but Morrison is spun around and he hits a headscissors takeover, before he goes to the outside. Springboard is countered with a forearm smash to the face and now Dinsmore hits a lariat to Morrison, making the cover for a two count. Dinsmore stiffs Morrison with a series of vicious forearm smashes and then continues to hammer on him, before hitting a Northern Lights Suplex which gets a two count. Dinsmore rolls over Morrison and hammers the back of his head, before applying a stump puller type submission hold, trying to work over Morrison, but Morrison fights and gets to the ropes. Morrison is down and Dinsmore pounds away at him, before hitting an inverted atomic drop and clothesline, before he picks up Morrison and into the ropes. Spinebuster brings him down and Dinsmore steps to the outside. High risk move on the way and elbow drop misses when Morrison rolls out of the way!


Both men are up and clothesline each other down to the canvas. The fans are cheering, as Dinsmore staggers to his feet, but Morrison kips up to his feet, right into a lariat from Dinsmore! Another cover but Morrison kicks out! Dinsmore picks up Morrison and hits another lariat, as Jerry Lawler remarks that he hasn't seen a man use a lariat so much ever. Another nearfall and Dinsmore now applies a cross-face submission hold, shades of a former World Champion. That's right, Sid Vicious once used that cross-face submission hold to a WCW Championship reign. Dinsmore does not get the tap out as Morrison gets to the ropes. Dinsmore hammers away at Morrison and belly to back suplex, before stepping to the outside, but Morrison kips up and nails Dinsmore with a Pele Kick knocking him off the top rope, setting him up and Morrison leaps to the outside and hits the Starship Pain to core the pin!


Winner and new WWE United States Champion: John Morrison(9:41, B-)


The fans are going ballistic with cheers as Nick Dinsmore has been knocked off his perch and John Morrison is the new United States Champion.


We are backstage with Josh Mathews, with the WWE Champion Ricky Steamboat. Mathews talks about how tonight might be Steamboat's last match and Steamboat says that this will be his swansong, he'll do the right thing and give Punk his return match, but then its done and he gets to walk back into the sunset, with respect, win, lose, or draw. Steamboat says that he plans on keeping the WWE Championship and just because he doesn't plan to step into the ring past tonight, Steamboat will give Punk the fight of his life.


Tables Match:

Mike Knox vs. Gene Snitsky


Matt Striker talks about how this match might not get that many stars in the dirtsheets, but it will be a fight, as both men pound on each other with punches. Snitsky clotheslines Knox but he does not move. Another clothesline but Knox jumps pumps his fist and returns fire with a boot to the face. Snitsky steps back and doesn't even register, before he boots Knox in the face and now Snitsky kicks him right in the face once again! Snitsky beats on Knox and gives a mighty roar, before he scoops up Knox and scoop slams him down. A series of stomps and a chokehold to Knox, before Snitsky measures him and drops a huge elbow right down across the chest of Knox. Another elbow and now Snitsky is going for a third elbow drop! A huge beating and Snitsky is breathing heavily, before slapping on the bearhug, as he obviously has taken conditioning lessons from the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Knox is fighting out and Snitsky is sent to the floor and Knox dives over the top rope with a pescado! The fans explode into cheers as Snitsky is crushed like an insect underneath the weight of Knox and now Knox has a table. He beats on Snitsky and throws him right onto the table. The table does not break and it falls right over, right on top of Snitsky! Snitsky is yelling in pain, clutching his shoulder and Knox turns around, beating on Snitsky some more, before throwing him into he ring.


Knox gives Snitsky the Bicycle Kick and drags the table into the ring. He grabs Snitsky and gives him a belly to belly suplex right onto the table, which it still does not break! Snitsky's back might have but not the table. Now Knox is climbing to the outside but the table legs just collapse, with Snitsky on the table and Snitsky is rolling around before he gives Knox a low blow! He pummels Knox, breathing heavily, with sweat dripping down from his face and he is red in the face. Snitsky returns to the outside and sets up a table, but Knox is up and Knox headbutts Snitsky, causing his legs to buckle out from underneath him on the ring apron and he flies over the top rope and drops down next to the table, before his legs buckle and he falls right through the table, breaking it for the win.


Winner: Mike Knox(7:01, D-)


Knox gets the win, as Snitsky lies in a heap.


We see the Illuminati backstage, with Punk yelling at them for losing their two matches tonight. London, Kazarian, and Dinsmore sit there, with Kazarian and Dinsmore nodding, but London just has his fists balled in fury. Punk says that they can and will be replaced, as there are hundreds of young stars out there looking for a chance to change WWE into the wrestling company that it should be. Punk is going to walk out there and become the WWE Champion tonight in the TLC Match and he wants them to watch as he takes out Steamboat and gets his title back.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


Both men trade holds, with Banderas immediately wringing out the arm, but Booker T immediately goes with some chops and throws Banderas into the ropes. Attempted Harlem Side Kick but Banderas slides underneath the ropes to the floor. Booker slides to the floor and beats on Banderas, before throwing him into the ring. Kneelift right to the chest. Another kneelift right to the chest and Booker throws Banderas into the corner. Kneelift and Booker clotheslines Banderas, before picking him up and belly to back suplex. Booker covers for a two count and he beats on Banderas, before throwing him into the ropes. Up and down with a stun gun and Booker T is now chopping away at Banderas before throwing him into the corner. Booker follows into the corner with a huge leg lariat and he beats on Banderas, before taking him out of the corner with a snap mare and then beating on him some more. Into the corner but Booker goes to the well once too often and his shoulder connects with the ringpost!


That could have been the opening that Banderas has been waiting for, as he works over the arm of Booker T, and hammers away at him, with jabs and chops, before giving Booker T a single arm DDT, for a two count and now Banderas scissors the arm, before he quickly stomps down onto it. You know he's just setting up Booker T for that cross armbreaker, a move that has won him so many matches and Banderas has Booker T, before ramming him into the ringpost hard! The shoulder might have been separated and Banderas twists the arm, before chopping away at it and turns around, before he sits out, racking the arm in pain! Banderas now turns Booker T and applies a Fujiwara Armbar! Submission move, could have it right here, but Booker is dragging to the ropes and he makes it. Banderas breaks cleanly at the count of four and continues to beat on the arm some more, before he delivers a shoulder throat and then steps back and drops a series of elbows onto the arm. An arm grapevine applied but once again Booker T is somehow in the ropes. More arm work and now Banderas has Booker T set up. Tornado Single Arm DDT and now he is going for the Cross Armbreaker, but Booker T is in the ropes. Banderas roughly pulls Booker T up from the ground by the arm and beats on him but Booker T comes back with a Harlem Side Kick! Desperation move with both men down!


Booker T pulls himself to his feet, arm cradled by his side and Banderas is up but Booker T launches him over the top rope to the arena floor. Booker T collapses to his knees, shoulder in pain and Banderas now is back up and he grabs Booker T, before folding his arm into the ringpost! The fans are going absolutely insane with boos, as now Banderas enters the ring and sets up Booker T, before giving him a Cradle Shoulderbreaker and now he grabs the arm, before he knees at it. Booker T struggles but Banderas drops down with an armbreaker and hangs on, with a shoulder throw and he then scissors the arm, before he drops back with a Cross Armbreaker! Booker T is racked in pain after having his arm being picked apart for almost ten minutes. Booker is trying to fight the hold but there is no way. The shoulders of Banderas are down on the math as the referee counts the pin just as Booker T taps out!


The fans are confused, and Banderas breaks the hold, raising his hand in the air, but the referee is talking to the ring announcer and the time keeper, before we see the replay. We see the shoulders of Banderas down on the canvas and we see Booker T tapping out just a half second after Banderas was pinned.


Winner and Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Booker T(12:44, B-)


Banderas looks enraged and yells that Booker T tapped out. Technically he was right but both shoulders were on the canvas. Banderas grabs the referee and gives him an arm drag before he applies a cross-armbreaker to the referee! Now he's going to break the arm of this poor referee. Booker T is back to his feet and he attacks Banderas, throwing him to the floor. Booker T keeps the Intercontinental Title tonight, but the fact remains that there will have to be a rematch down the road, because that decision was not without controversy.


A recap of the events leading up to the TLC Match up next between Ricky Steamboat and CM Punk. We head back to the arena after that, showing the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs around the ringside area and the WWE Championship hanging above the ring.


TLC Match for the WWE Championship:

CM Punk vs. Ricky Steamboat©


The fans are going insane as both men trade chops, with Steamboat getting the better and he throws Punk into the ropes. Leapfrog over Punk and now Steamboat hits an arm drag. Punk is back to his feet and Steamboat applies an armbar to Punk and drills him with elbows to the back of the head. Now Steamboat beats on Punk and shoulder to the midsection, before he slams Punk and delivers a leaping elbow drop. Another leaping elbow drop and now Steamboat picks up Punk, hammering away at him, before throwing him into the ropes. High back body drop and Punk is on his knees, begging off but Steamboat beats on him with chops and gives Punk a suplex. Steamboat rolls Punk over and goes for a cover but that doesn't count. Steamboat has never been in a Ladder Match in his career so the rules are throwing him off slightly. He realizes and beats on Punk, before hammering him and throwing him into the corner. Atomic drop and Punk flips over onto his back and now Steamboat grabs Punk's legs and rocks back, catapulting him into the corner and then a belly to back suplex! Punk is down and Steamboat is to the outside, grabbing the ladder. Steamboat is sliding the ladder into the ring and he stomps Punk a few times, before setting up the ladder. Steamboat is having a bit of trouble getting the ladder in to position, as he is out of his element and this allows Punk to elbow him from behind to take control and then delivers a backbreaker right to Steamboat! Steamboat is in pain and his back has to be racking when Punk gives him a second backbreaker!


Punk picks up Steamboat and props him into the corner before he gives an elbow to the side of the head. Another elbow to the side of the head and Punk snap mares Steamboat down, before he drops his weight right down across the back of the head with a kneedrop, before he picks up Steamboat and hammers him, before taking him down with a short arm clothesline. Punk now rolls to the outside, grabbing a chair and he slides it into the ring. He drills the chair right over the back of Steamboat. Steamboat was out for fifteen years due to complications of his back injury and Punk knows full well that Steamboat has a bad back. Steamboat is firing back but Punk drills him with a knee to the face, before he sets up a chair into the corner. Steamboat is whipped back first into the chair and Steamboat is staggered, before Punk grabs Steamboat and hits him with a double underhook into a backbreaker! Punk now is making his way to the ladder. He is climbing towards the WWE Championship, almost half way up the ladder, but Steamboat grabs his leg and pulls him down, beating on Punk but Punk goes low to Steamboat and now roundhouse kick right to the head. Another roundhouse kick and Punk throws Steamboat into the corner. Steamboat fires back out of the corner but Punk cuts him off!


Punk is now beating on Steamboat and now he throws him into the corner. Steamboat rams flies into the corner and swings an elbowsmash at Punk but Punk steps back and jabs away at Steamboat, before kicking the chair into the way and giving Steamboat a DDT right onto the chair! Steamboat might have been knocked out and that will allow Punk to grab the belt. The ladder is set up underneath the belt and now Punk is making his way up, climbing to the WWE Championship belt that is hanging in balance. Steamboat is now up and he beats on Punk from behind, before pulling him off of the ladder. Into the ropes and Steamboat hits a Karate Chop, sending Punk staggering to the arena floor! Steamboat steps back and baseball slide to Punk! Punk is now down and Punk grabs a chair but Steamboat fires a series of chops and pulls the chair from Punk, before he tosses the chair to the side. Steamboat has always been too much of a gentleman in his career to use weapons and he beats on Punk, throwing him into the ring. Steamboat is back into the ring and Punk once again fires back. Steamboat returns fire and double underhook. Elevated double chickenwing, but Steamboat's back gives out from underneath him! He was intending to put Punk out but the back work that Punk did in the earlier parts of this match paid off. Now Punk beats on Steamboat and applied a camel clutch, putting more pressure on the back! Punk releases the hold, gives a few stomps and makes his way up the ladder! Punk is climbing up and Steamboat is down underneath and he jumps up, firing jabs at Punk's legs. Punk is staggering and Steamboat has Punk on his shoulders. Electric Chair Suplex brings Punk down, the back of his head connecting with the canvas!


Both men are down but Steamboat is up, clutching his back and now he pounds away at Punk, before giving him a savate kick and then a delayed vertical suplex! Steamboat picks up Punk once more and gutwrench suplex. He hangs onto Punk and chops away at him before scooping him up and slamming him down. A leaping kneedrop and now Steamboat has the ladder! Steamboat is climbing right up the ladder, a bit gingerly due to the back but Punk now has a chair and he waffles Steamboat right over the back! Steamboat is hunched over and Punk climbs up with Steamboat, before he takes Steamboat's feet off of the ladder and drapes Steamboat onto his shoulders. GTS right from halfway up the ladder! Steamboat might be out but Punk looks to have hurt his knee as well! Punk is staggered and he leaves the ring, to grab a table and slide it into the ring. He wants to make sure, and now he has the table set up in play! Punk has Steamboat and he is going to put on on the table but Steamboat chops from his position! Punk is firing back and grabs a chair, before he swings it but Steamboat ducks it and dropkicks the chair right into the face of Punk! The fans are going insane with cheers and Steamboat looks on in shock, before he just looks to the crowd and goes to the ladder! Punk might be out and now Steamboat is making his way up the ladder, towards the WWE Championship belt but Punk is up and now he climbs up on the other end.


Both men are on the ladder and duking it out with chops and punches, high above the ring! We see Steamboat going for the belt but Punk now headbutts Steamboat. Steamboat struggles and tries to reach for the belt but Punk continues to beat on him! The fans are going absolutely insane, as Punk now has Steamboat set up on the ladder and knee to the head. Punk is standing on the top of that ladder, and he underhooks the arms of Steamboat. He is going for what looks to be a Pedigree off of the ladder through that table! Punk has Steamboat but Steamboat is blocking it! Steamboat has blocked it. Steamboat is blocking it and can he back drop, no Punk counters with some elbows and fires back, kicking Steamboat so hard that he flies off the table and he just went right through the table. His back has got to be shot and Punk just grins, as the fans are booing, as he unhooks the belt and drops down for the academic win.


Winner and New WWE Champion: CM Punk(15:31, B)


CM Punk is the WWE Champion once again and he walks off with the gold over his head. Steamboat gave a valiant effort, but in the end, the craftiness of Punk kept the belt in his camp and around his waist.


Chairs Match for the Undisputed Women's Championship:

Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix©


Both women exchange punches in the ring and then chops, before Beth Phoenix hoists her over the head and drops her with a Gorilla Press and clotheslines her over the top rope to the floor. Katie Lea grabs the leg and pulls her to the floor but Beth Phoenix fires back and throws her into the ringsteps, before giving her a suplex right on the floor! The fans are cheering, as Katie Lea clutches her back and now she is beaten on some more on the floor, before Beth Phoenix grabs a chair and swings it, but Katie Lea ducks and the chair smashes up against the ringpost! Katie Lea chop blocks the knee out from underneath Beth Phoenix and rams her right into the ringsteps knees first, before rolling her into the ring and then she has the chair, before she jabs it into the knee of the Glamazon. This is perfectly legal and Katie Lea raises the chair over her head but Beth Phoenix rolls out of the way, before the chair is smashed over the leg. The fans are going absolutely insane and Katie Lea beats on the back of the head of Beth Phoenix, before throwing her into the corner. A running kneelift into the corner and Katie Lea climbs to the second rope, hooking the head of Beth Phoenix but Phoenix hangs on and now she is thrown right onto her feet.


Beth Phoenix explodes into Katie Lea with a clothesline, before picking her up and giving her a side slam, before taking him down! Up comes Katie Lea and now Beth Phoenix slams Katie Lea down, before going to the top rope. Beth Phoenix is up but Katie Lea kicks her and climbs up. Superplex by Katie Lea on Beth Phoenix! Both women are down, with the standing ten count and Beth Phoenix is clutching her back, with Katie Lea grabs Phoenix, before applying a dragon sleeper, cranking on her, but Beth Phoenix is powering out and turns it around, before hoisting up Katie Lea in a gutwrench, with the referee getting kicked in the face and being knocked down. A huge power bomb brings her down and now Beth Phoenix has the cover, but there is no referee. She gets back up to her feet and goes to wake the referee up but Katie Lea has a chain on her hand and Beth Phoenix is turned around, before she is punched with the chain! The fans explode into boos, as Katie Lea now picks up the chair and gives Beth Phoenix a shot right to the face with it as she is down, before picking her up and giving her an Air Raid Crash. The referee recovers as Katie Lea makes the cover to score the pin.


Winner and New Undisputed Women's Champion: Katie Lea(9:47, C+)


Katie Lea takes the belt and soaks in the boos, before walking to the back. She used a chain, which was not legal in this match but the referee did not see it and the referee's decision is final.


We are in the back and the Illuminati is standing by as CM Punk talking about how he did what he said he was going to do. The ECW Championship and the WWE United States Championship is not in the camp of the Illuminati but Punk says that from now on, he wants a one hundred percent success policy or there will be trouble. Punk says they can be replaced, because there are hundreds of young wrestlers who would like fifteen minutes of fame just for being in the Illuminati. Punk steps over, towards London and says that he is going to make an example out of someone, but he turns around and nails Dinsmore with a forearm smash right to the face, and the rest of the Illuminati are beating up Nick Dinsmore. Punk yells that Dinsmore dropped the ball tonight and he also fell back into past habits over the weekend, so he needs to be punished. Dinsmore is thrown right into a cinderblock wall headfirst and stomped some more. Dinsmore is thrown from the Illuminati dressing room, a battered mess.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Specialists©


Kofi and Michael Courtier exchange chops to start and Irish whip into the ropes. Kofi leapfrogs over Courtier and hits an Arm Drag. Lawrence Davis enters the ring, but gets a hiptoss and now R-Truth is into the ring, with Truth and Kingston throwing Davis into the ropes, to launch him high into the air with a double high back body drop. Truth is beating on Courtier and he is now the legal man after returning to the corner long enough for a tag. Some back and forth action, but Truth gets low bridged and now tag to Davis. Davis beats on Truth, as a few fans yell “LET'S GO DAVEY!” from the stands and he beats on him, before hitting a swinging neckbreaker, before beating on him and now grabbing him, before they pull off a reverse neckbreaker/double axe handle. Striker remarks like a pair of Wolves, they are dissecting Truth slowly and pounding on him. An elevated power bomb/somersault neckbreaker combination gets another nearfall, as does a running lariat into a belly to back suplex. Kofi is in the corner, reaching for the tag but R-Truth is cut off. False hot tag and Kofi runs wild but the referee forces him back into the rin. Double team stun gun stuns Truth and another nearfall. Courtier climbs to the second rope and leaps off, but misses an elbow drop. This allows Truth to race into the corner and make the tag to Kofi, bringing him into the ring.


Kofi runs wild, beating on both of the Specialists. He knocks Courtier through the ropes and leapfrogs right over Davis to the top rope, before he comes off with a twisting cross body block for a two count! The fans explode into cheers as that gets a nearfall before Courtier breaks it up! Courtier beats up Kofi but Truth is in the ring! The fans are cheering, as Davis goes for a German Suplex but Kofi counters with a rolling cradle for a nearfall! The belts nearly changed hands right now and now Kofi blocks a punch and beats on Davis, before hitting a leaping elbow to the head. He steps back and Boom Drop! Kofi kips up to his feet and hits a leaping splash before he covers Davis for a nearfall. Courtier is sent to the floor and R-Truth hoists up Davis, before Kofi climbs to the outside. Elevated Missile Dropkick takes Davis down! The fans are cheering as R-Truth steps to the outside and Kofi with the cover, but only a nearfall when Courtier breaks up the pin! The fans are drawing boos, as Truth is in but Truth is sent to the floor! We see Kaval on the apron, kicking Kofi right in the back of the head! Kofi is stunned and Davis has Kofi set up in a double underhook, before he brings him down with a brain buster! He makes the cover and scores the pin as Courtier holds back Truth.


Winners and Still Unified Tag Team Champions: The Specialists(10:21, B-)


The Specialists have kept the Unified Tag Team Titles around their waists tonight.


A recap of the John Cena/Rey Mysterio TLC Match for the World Heavyweight Title, with Rey's three wins over John Cena in recent months.


World Heavyweight Title TLC Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena©


At the bell, Cena goes for a clothesline on Mysterio but Mysterio ducks and dropkicks Cena into the ropes and 6-1-9 attempt but Cena avoids it. Rey comes back with a tope suicida, wiping out Cena on the floor and now Rey is beating Cena on the floor, before he grabs a chair and dropkicks it into the face of Cena. Rey grabs a ladder and slides it into the ring. Cena is back in the ring and Rey is beating on Cena, before throwing him into the corner hard. Mysterio hits a huge clothesline in the corner and beats on him with ten count punches, before he monkey flips Cena into the corner. Mysterio leaps on the shoulders of Cena. Cena with a block but Rey delivers a spinning headscissors, causing Cena to be hung up on the top rope and dials it up, hitting a 6-1-9. Cena rolls around and reaches to the outside, to grab a chair, as Mysterio springboards in but Cena jabs the chair into the ribs of Mysterio. The wind has been knocked out of the challenger and Cena whacks the chair over the back of Mysterio. Cena picks up Mysterio and sets him up, before giving him a vicious suplex right onto the chair! The fans are giving Cena some boots and Cena is stomping away at him, before picking up Mysterio, before setting him up and delivering a spinning back suplex into a power bomb.


Cena walks over and sets up the ladder, before he beats on Mysterio and ties him in the tree of woe and stomps him. Cena has the chair and kicks it into the face of Mysterio, before he steps back and climbs the ladder. The ladder is in play, right over the championship belt, with Mysterio trying to pull himself into the corner and Mysterio grabs the ankle, before beating on Cena, climbing up behind him and moving around the ladder. Cena fights back and goes for a high back body drop, before Mysterio counters with a sunset flip into a power bomb off of the ladder! The fans are exploding into cheers as Cena is down in the ring and Mysterio steps to the outside, pulling a table out and setting it up, before Mysterio drilling Cena with a shoulder and setting him up for a DDT, but Cena is hammering the ribs of Mysterio to block and pull him into the ring. Cena grabs Mysterio and fisherman suplex release brings him down. Cena beats on Mysterio and hoists him up, in an attempt to dump him through the table, but Mysterio is fighting and he snaps the neck of Cena across the top rope. Cena drops to the canvas and Mysterio springboards into the ring with a splash, but Cena blocks it with a chair! Mysterio is down and now Cena is back up to his feet, before setting him up, giving him a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Cena rolls him over and beats on him, before giving Mysterio a wheelbarrow German Suplex right onto the chair!


Cena picks up Mysterio and hammers away at him. Into the ropes and Cena hoists up Mysterio, before dropping him face first right onto the chair. Cena rolls into the ring, before he grabs another table and drags it over, rolling it into the ring and putting it into the corner. Cena steps over and drills him with a series of forearms right to the side of the head, before picking him up and Mysterio is set up, before he is rammed headfirst into the table in the corner. Cena charges Mysterio but Mysterio dodges and Cena goes right through the table in the corner and now Mysterio leaps on the shoulders, before he goes for a Huracanarana and then he begins to scramble right up the ladder, but Cena pounds away at Mysterio, putting on him his shoulders, but Mysterio counters with a forward roll and punches away at Cena. Cena turns into the STF, applying to Mysterio, but Mysterio slips out and sends Cena to the floor, crashing right through the table at the ringside area! Cena is down and now Mysterio is climbing to the top rope, going for the championship belt, but Cena pulls himself up, clutching his hip and makes it back into the ring, pounding on Mysterio. Mysterio is turned around but Mysterio leaps off of the ladder with a Huracarana, being flipped over to the canvas! Mysterio steps back and he goes up the ladder once again, trying to go for the belt but Cena fights his way up and beats on Mysterio, before hammering away at him. Mysterio is knocked right off of the ladder, right onto his knees and Cena dives off with a legdrop off of the ladder to the back of the head of a kneeling Mysterio!


Cena steps over beating on Mysterio, before he goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Mysterio counters with another Huracarana and rushes up the ladder, going for the belt, but Cena grabs a chair and he begins to smash the steps repeatedely with the chair, causing the rungs on the ladder to bust and Mysterio's knee is tangled up on the side of the ladder and Cena is beating on Mysterio, before pulling him off and beating him some more! Cena now grabs Mysterio and applies a sleeperhold to him. If Mysterio is rendered unconscious, Cena can climb the ladder but Mysterio counters with a sitout jawbreaker! Mysterio now is down leads to the ring and grabs another ladder, before sliding it into the ring. Mysterio sets up the busted ladder in the corner and dropkicks Cena right into the ladder, before he hits a leaping cross body block, sending him right into the ladder with a thud! The fans are going insane as Mysterio sets the good ladder underneath the championship belt and now he is climbing up, right to the belt. Cena is now climbing up to the other end of the ladder, and he is pounding away at Mysterio but Mysterio is returning fire on the ladder! Mysterio is almost up to the championshp belt, but Cena grabs Mysterio around the head and rips the mask open! Mysterio drops down off of the ladder, to cover up his face instinctively and Cena unhooks the championship belt to a loud round of boos!


Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(18:52, B+)


Cena is still the World Heavyweight Champion and the fans are booing Cena. Cena just turns around, as Mysterio is standing there, with a half ripped open mask but Cena just nails him right in the face with the championshp belt! The fans are booing, as Cena is beating on Mysterio, before rolling him over and ripping off the knee brace, before nailing him with a chair shot to the back of the head and several more to the knees, before he applies a vicious STF! Mysterio is screaming in pain, as Cena is pulling at the mask, attempting to remove it completely, to expose and embarrass Mysterio. Cena's finally snapped under the pressure of being champion and the schedule! Cena is cranking on the hold and security is out to pull Cena off, but Cena just refuses to break the hold and he completely removes the mask, just as he is pulled off of Mysterio! Cena steps back, grabbing his belt and holding up the tattered, ripped, and slightly blood stained mask of Mysterio like a trophy. Paramedics come out with a towel, partially to wipe Mysterio's face down but also to cover him up!


We see a replay of that brutal assault from Cena, as you've got to wonder what is going through his mind. He has been acting frustrated over recent months but something in him just snapped. He has worked a schedule like none other over the past five years, so that has to catch up with you after a while. We understand that Rey Mysterio is not in good shape right now, with a potential concussion, a reinjured knee, and a nasty gash on his face. Hopefully we'll be able to get a further update and hopefully get a word from John Cena about why he just lost it tonight.


It is now time for the main event, as we see the contract hanging above the ring. It is the finals of the number one contenders tournament between Christian and Chris Jericho. Both of these men were once the best of friends, now they are bitter rivals who have had many brutal battles over the years.


Number One Contenders Tournament Finals(Ladder Match):

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


The fans are going absolutely insane, as Jericho sets up a ladder before the match and then he knocks Christian through the ropes with a cheapshot, before he scrambles up the ladder, but Christian fights him off. Both men exchange chops and Christian throws Jericho into the ropes. Leg lariat brings him down and now Christian is beating on Jericho, before picking him up and ramming him into the corner. A series of forearm smashes right into the corner to the chest and Christian beats on Jericho, before taking him down with a snap mare and then two snap elbowdrops in succession. Christian continues to beat on the back of the head of Jericho and goes for the Killswitch, but Jericho blocks it and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Christian twists out and sends Jericho flipping. Christian now beats on Jericho some more and grabs him in a side headlock. Attempted Tornado Bulldog but Jericho hangs on and drops Christian over the top rope. Jericho dives over the top rope with a flying axe handle and throws Christian into the steps, before entering the ring and grabbing the ladder. Christian is down and Jericho is setting up the ladder right underneath the championship belt, as he is climbing it one step at a time, but Christian now springboards into the ring and clotheslines Jericho off of the ladder! That took a lot out of Christian and both men are down.


Christian pulls himself up and kneelifts Jericho. Another pair of kneelifts and Christian rams Jericho into the top of the ladder and stomps on the head of Jericho, as he walks up the ladder backwards and kicks off, sending Jericho to the canvas. Christian is beating on Jericho some more as he tries to get up before grabbing him by the hair and hitting a spinning face plant right off the ladder, before Christian is climbing up the ladder, in an attempt to grab the belt but Jericho is back up, trying to pull Christian off of the ladder, but Christian with a series of elbows, before he turns around and dropkicks Jericho from the ladder! Once again, Christian goes for the ladder, but Jericho just simply kicks at the ladder, causing Christian to lose his balance and Jericho gives him a low blow, before hoisting him up off of the ladder. Belly to back and Christian lands on his feet and goes for the Killswitch but Jericho counters with a tiger suplex release! We've never seen that move in WWE and Christian has been drilled. The ladder has been knocked out of sync and Jericho puts it underneath the contract, before he makes his way up on the top of the ladder, but Christian is climbing up on the other end. Christian and Jericho are trading punches before both men stumble off. Christian lands right into a position for a vicious Code Breaker from Jericho!


Jericho got knocked around a bit and he rolls over, favoring his knee slightly and that is going to be some problem for him climbing the ladder! Jericho is setting up the ladder and he throws Christian to the outside, to buy himself more time to climb a ladder on a slightly twisted knee and he is making his way up the ladder, attempting to reach for the contract a quarter of the way up, but no dice, as we see Christian recovering from the Code Breaker on the floor, but Jericho is gimping up the ladder, massaging his leg, in an attempt to get some life back into the leg but in comes Christian, who is yanking on the bad leg. Jericho hammers away at the top of the head of Christian but he lands off the ladder and staggers, but he manages to launch Christian over the top rope when he charges. Christian nearly lands on his head and now we see Jericho, going to the outside and he scoops up Christian, before dumping him right over the barricade! Jericho pulls himself into the ring, putting Christian further away from him so he can climb the ladder in peace. Jericho is climbing up the ladder, but Christian is climbing back into the ring and he enters the ring, beating on Jericho, before Jericho is now on Christian's shoulders as he is climbing up the ladder. Jericho tries to grab the contract but Christian falls backwards with an electric chair drop! Both men crash down on the canvas with a heap.


Both men are down and now Christian is the first to his feet but Jericho beats on him with a series of forearm smashes right to the side of the head. Christian throws Jericho into the corner but Jericho comes back with a back kick and he beats on Christian, before setting him up, with a front suplex on the ropes. Jericho leaps to the second rope and Christian turns into a springboard dropkick! Jericho tweaked his knee on the apron and he is pulling himself up to the ring and he is going for the ladder, but Christian is back in the ring. Jericho pounds away at Christian and throws him into the ropes. Spinebuster brings Christian down and Jericho leaps to the second rope and hits a lionsault down across Christian. Jericho picks up Christian and gives him a gutbuster, before he delivers a stepover enzugiri right to the back of the head, before picking him up, and sleeperhold, into a leaping modified slam! Christian is down and now Jericho is setting up the ladder underneath the contract, before he is making his way up. Christian is down and Jericho is climbing, gingerly, but making a good pace, despite the bad knee, but Christian is up and he fires a shot to the bad leg of Jericho. Christian is still a bit wooly, but Jericho is hunched over and Jericho is on the ladder, with Christian. Christian fires a kick right through the ladder and hooks Jericho. Tornado DDT by Christian off of the ladder sends Jericho right down to the canvas! That was one for the highlight reil.


The fans are going absolutely insane, but both men are down, with Christian wiping himself up but Jericho might be completely out. If Christian can get himself up and he can make it up the ladder, but the ladder is off balance as well, so Christian has to turn the ladder around slightly, setting it up sturdy, before he is making his way up the ladder and Christian is halfway up. The fans are losing their minds, cheering loudly, as they are chanting for Christian, but Jericho is rolling over, and he is grabbing the ladder, shaking it, before he pounds on Christian and slams him right off of the ladder! Jericho now has Christian down but Jericho has been knocked dizzy, before he beats on Christian and goes for another Code Breaker but Christian blocks it and catapults Jericho into the ladder, but Jericho puts the breaks on and begins to scramble up the ladder but Christian meets him on the other end, before he beat on Jericho. Both men are trading chops right on the ladder, with Jericho getting closer to the contract but Christian with a headbutt and a series of elbows but Jericho slams the face of Christian off of the top of the ladder, before applying the Walls of Jericho right on top of the ladder! Christian is being bent viciously and Jericho is now trying to reach for the belt, but Christian is fighting and he counters it with a tarantula, using the ladder! Christian is trying to reach the contract but the ladder topples, before it breaks, with both men landing on the canvas hard!


Both Christian and Jericho are rolling around, with the busted ladder right in the ring. Both men are to their feet and Jericho takes Christian down, before turning him over and applying the Walls of Jericho to him! Jericho is leaning back on the hold, really putting the pressure on Christian, as he is yelling for another ladder to be brought out! Another ladder is brought out, a really big ladder, that is used for hanging up the light rigging in the arena and Jericho releases the hold, giving Christian a few more stomps, before he sets up that huge ladder right in the center of the ring, right over the championship belt and now Jericho is climbing. The steps are a bit wider, so its throwing Jericho off, but Christian has been in the Walls of Jericho for an extended period of time and he's out! The fans are going absolutely insane as Christian is back to his feet, before he grabs Jericho but Jericho is close to the contract. Jericho is pulled down slightly, but Christian is knocked back. Christian pulls up the busted up ladder and makes an incline between the ropes and the apron, before he rushes up it, nearly busting up the ladder, before he climbs up with Jericho. Both men are punching each other, with Jericho nearly getting his hands on the contract, but Christian kicks his hand away and now Christian has Jericho. Killswitch right off of the top of that really high ladder, right onto the busted up ladder! The fans are absolutely going nuts but Christian might have blown out a hip with that move but Jericho is not moving at all! Christian is rolling over and he sees the contract, before he is climbing up the ladder and the fans are chanting for Christian. Christian is staggered, from the punishment and Jericho is showing signs of life, but he collapses. He has nothing left in the tank and the fans are on their feet. Could it be? Could Christian actually pull this one off? Christian is up and he is unhooking the contract, as Jericho is rolling over and he dives right at the ladder, but he doesn't make it, as Christian has the contract and he drops down for the win!


Winner: Christian(24:10, A)


Christian is the winner and the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title, having beaten three former World Champs. We're out of time, see you on RAW tomorrow night.





Kijar: 16/18

MattitudeV2: 12/18

BHK1978: 14/18

ChrisKid: 16/18

Boothy77: 8/18

Ian carlisle: 12/18



BHK1978: 40/52

ChrisKid: 37/52

MattitudeV2: 33/52

Kijar: 30/52

Ian carlisle: 27/52

Boothy77: 8/52

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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/20/10


Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Big Show and Mark Henry vs. the World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs. Natalya and Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea.

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Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Big Show and Mark Henry vs. the World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs. Natalya and Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea.

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Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Big Show and Mark Henry vs. the World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs. Natalya and Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea.

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Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. the Big Show and Mark Henry vs. the World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs. Natalya and Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea.


Yep, i'll just wait to catch up on a later show, same as everyone else

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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/20/10


We see stills from last night, where CM Punk and Ricky Steamboat had a TLC Match, where Punk scored the win after knocking Steamboat off of the ladder.


We head to the ring, where the arena is decorated in CM Punk banners and banners with the Illuminati logo on it, as the members of the Illuminati are in the ring, dressed in suits, except for Paul London who is dressed in a t-shirt, sweats, and tennis shoes. Regal tells all of the toerags in the crowd to shut up and stand up to recognize the brand new WWE Champion for the second time, CM Punk. Out comes CM Punk, down to the ring, with the WWE Championship belt draped over his shoulder, a suit on and Punk enters the ring, talking about how in case the fans can't remember, because they were too much under the influence, last night, Punk proved that Steamboat's comeback was short lived and it is only inevitable that he was once again WWE Champion. Punk talks about how tonight its about him and he declares tonight to be CM Punk Appreciation Night, a two hour celebration of the storied career of the greatest competitor to ever grace a WWE ring, CM Punk. The fans are chanting for Triple H but Punk tells them they can chant until the lose their voices. Punk says that Kevin Nash is not here this week, on his mandatory paid vacation, so the Illuminati is running the show. Punk says that in the end, Steamboat failed to beat him and if Triple H comes back, he sure won't beat him. In fact, there is no man in the back who can hope to beat CM Punk for the WWE Championship.


“I hear voices in my head!”


Out comes Randy Orton to the ring and he slides in the ring. He demands a title shot against Punk right here, right now, tonight on RAW and Punk refuses, saying that Orton hasn't done anything to earn a title shot as far as he is concerned. Orton states that he's had the longest WWE Championship reign since 2007 this past year and Punk says that's really nothing to brag about, considering the belt changed hands on a bi-weekly basis for a while. Punk says that Orton should clear off, if he wants a nice token match with Yoshi Tatsu or Rene Dupree, Punk can arrange him some competion.


Suddenly, Bryan Danielson makes his way out, talking about how he should get the next WWE Title shot, by virtue of making CM Punk submit in War Games and being on the verge of having him beaten again six days ago. Orton tries to tell Danielson that Orton was promised a title shot but Danielson said he beat Orton the last time they were in the ring as well. Eventually Punk states that if Danielson and Orton win their matches tonight, then whoever wins the quickest will get the title shot at the Royal Rumble. Providing they beat the opponents that Punk has set for both men. Opponents is questioned and Punk states that it will be Danielson against the Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists and Orton against Jack Swagger and William Regal. The fans are booing, as Punk is stacking the deck to prevent either Orton or Danielson to get a fair shake at getting a shot at the WWE Championship.


After the break we see CM Punk's debut victory on ECW in 2006.


The Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists defeated Bryan Danielson in 8:55 when Michael Courtier pinned Danielson with the Spiked Brain Buster Danielson fought valiantly against the Specialists but he's only one man and not only is he one man, but he's one man against the Unified Tag Team Champions, who are the best team in all three brands of WWE. Despite the skills of Danielson, he was overwhelmed and put away with a double Stun Gun and a Spiked Brain Buster. (B-)


A look at CM Punk winning the ECW Championship, beating John Morrison in 2007, as CM Punk appreciation night continues.


Katie Lea makes her way down to the ring and talks about how Beth Phoenix has been put on the shelf after last night and how she's the Undisputed Women's Champion. She trash talks Alexandra Madison, who will be her next challenger, from Smackdown and tonight, she'll team with a woman she respects, Natalya, to take on Eve Torres and Gail Kim.


Natalya and WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea defeated Eve Torres and Gail Kim when Katie Lea pinned Eve Torres with the Air Raid Crash in 6:11 We see Mia Mancini watching this match from the ramp, along with Maryse, who we have not seen for months. Maryse appears to be saying something to Mancini, who does not look too happy and she stares down Katie Lea from the ramp, obviously having her sights on the Undisputed Women's Championship. Katie Lea scores the pin, proving why she's the Women's Champion, but she has challengers coming from all corners. (C-)


CM Punk winning Money in the Bank in 2008 and his subsequent World Heavyweight Championship victory over Edge, winning his first major championship as CM Punk Appreciation night continues.


Jack Swagger and William Regal defeated Randy Orton when Swagger pinned Orton with the Gutwrench Power Bomb that was set up with the Knee Trembler in 10:22 Much like Danielson, the two on one handicap match was much to hard for Orton to overcome, even though he fought a bit, getting cheers from the crowd, despite being one of the most hated men on RAW for the better part of the last three years but Regal and Swagger double team and beat Orton. (B)


CM Punk comes out and says that now Orton and Danielson have been both locked out of the WWE Championship picture, as far as the Royal Rumble is concerned. Punk states that the only way they can hope to get a championship match against him would be to win the Royal Rumble. Punk announces the first competitors. They are Jack Swagger, William Regal, Michael Courtier, Lawrence Davis, Frankie Kazarian, Kaval, and Paul London! Punk has entered seven members of the Illuminati as the first seven people to be announced in the Royal Rumble, over a fifth of the field, to stack the deck in their favor!


CM Punk appreciation night shows Punk beating Jeff Hardy to banish him from WWE and send Jeff Hardy spiraling into obscurity.


We see CM Punk beating Triple H at Wrestlemania 26 as CM Punk Appreciation night continues.


The Big Show and Mark Henry defeated the World's Greatest Tag Team, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, and Sheamus and Paul Burchill to become the number one contenders to the Unified Tag Team Titles in 18:44 when Show pinned Shelton Benjamin after countering a springboard into the knockout punch. All four teams battled for a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles, beating on each other right and left, pounding everyone in the ring. In the end, it was Shelton Benjamin going for a springboard but the Big Show punches him right in the face and pins him. The Specialists have a huge challenge, quite literally as their next title defense, in Show and Henry. (B-)


CM Punk appreciation night shows Punk winning his first WWE Championship from Edge.


One more CM Punk night appreciation clip, as the official formation of the Illuminati on the October 26th edition of Monday Night RAW, and the beating of Triple H.


We head to the ring, as CM Punk makes his way down to the ring, to give a prepared speech. Throughout his life, he did not succumb to the vices that have lead men down the wrong path and as a result, he stands before you, the WWE Champion and the leader of the most powerful force in WWE. He states that his New Year's Resolution for 2011 is to wipe the remaining traces of the blight that is Sports Entertainment and return with a brand new WWE, where the second W does stand for wrestling and they are proud. Punk says he started the year, being forced to face the likes of R-Truth and Finlay but by the end of the year, he's the WWE Champion. Punk states that in 2011, he will hold the WWE Championship throughout the year and will end the year as champion, holding the belt until he retires and he plans to break the record of Bruno Sammartino. Punk looks at the belt, with disgust, as he talks about how this belt was commissioned by John Cena and it spins. Punk says that having a spinning title belt is something that the Illuminati will not abide. He has no use for this piece of trash and he throws it to the side, before he calls for people to bring out his belt! Out comes a trio of armed guards, wheeling out a case and it has a brand new WWE Championship belt in it, looking like a slightly upgraded version of the famous winged eagle championship belt, held by people like Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart from 1988-1998. Punk holds up the WWE Championship Belt, saying that he's going to put it around his waist when he comes to the ring, because that's where belts go and he holds it up, before he tells security to dispose of the spinner belt and “melt it down for scrap.”


Punk talks about how at the Royal Rumble, he'll take the night off and kick back, because there is no challenger worthy of getting a title shot. Suddenly, a large gift wrapped package is being wheeled to the ring and Punk states that since its the holiday season, it appears that someone has decided to surprise him with a present. Punk walks down and opens up the package, to reveal a large box. Punk grabs the latch on the box and pulls it open. Edge pops out of the box and spears CM Punk!


The fans explode, as Edge is back! Edge has been put on the shelf by the Illuminati for the past three months but now the Rated R Superstar has returned. Out rushes the Illuminati but Edge leaves the ring. Punk favors his ribs and I'm sure the last thing Punk wanted for Christmas was his very own Edge in the Box! Edge escapes through the crowd as he makes the “want the belt” motion around his waist.





Kijar: 1/2

BHK1978: 1/2

ChrisKid: 1/2

Ian carlisle: 1/2

MattitudeV2: 1/2



BHK1978: 41/54

ChrisKid: 38/54

MattitudeV2: 34/54

Kijar: 31/54

Ian carlisle: 28/54

Boothy77: 8/54

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ECW On Sy Fy 12/21/10


We see Matt Hardy being helped to the ring, barely able to walk with a cane but he has the ECW Championship belt for the second time in his career. He is helped into the ring and put in a chair. Hardy talks about for all Sunday evening and most of Monday morning he was in the hospital room racked in pain. His legs felt thrashed and several bones were shattered and ligaments and tendons were strained, after falling legs first through the table but he is the ECW Champion and he has a small amount of satisfaction to get him through the pain that London is not the ECW Championship holder. Suddenly how comes Paul London and London walks down to the ring and gets into the face of Hardy, saying that Hardy doesn't deserve to be the ECW Champion. He calls Hardy a sham, a paper champion, and a thief. London shoves Hardy in the chest and tells Hardy to get to his feet and face him. Hardy gets up, with a cane, and leans on it, but London kicks the cane out from underneath Hardy and shoves him in the chair.


London talks about how Hardy doesn't deserve the belt and says that for Christmas, he wants the ECW Championship belt and tonight is the final edition of ECW before Christmas, so he wants Hardy in the ring. Hardy says that while he would love to face London, he is hurt and London mocks Hardy, saying that he doesn't deserve to be the champion. He's giving Hardy the chance to hobble down to the ring and get beat by London like a man, but London doesn't think he's a man and the other thing is there is a gaggle of Illuminati members from behind the curtain, so they will beat Hardy and finish him off once and for all and he'll be forced to vacate the belt. Hardy just steps back and says that tonight, he might not be able to stand, but he will fight and he will find a way to keep the belt tonight. The match is on, Paul London against Matt Hardy for the ECW Championship but is it advisable? Can Hardy hope to retain the title when he is less than a hundred percent?


Goldust, David Otunga, and Justin Gabriel d. Drew McIntyre and the Dudebusters when Goldust pinned Croft with the Powerslam in 8:11 Two huge feuds combine for one epic six man tag team match, with Goldust bringing down Croft with a huge powerslam and holding him down for the count of three to get the win. (C-)


Jamie Noble cuts a promo, talking about his issues with the Illuminati, when they put him on the shelf and tonight he's going to take care of Frankie Kazarian.


Frankie Kazarian pinned Jamie Noble with a top rope back flip into a Rock Bottom in 14:55 Both men got a lot of time to have an intense back and forth match. Noble got several submission holds and suplex, but Kazarian fought back. Noble hit a double underhook power bomb but Kazarian is in the ropes. Noble goes up top but Kazarian catches him with a sick flipping Rock Bottom to put Noble down for the pin. (B-)


We see Paul London making his way down to the ring for the next match and out comes Matt Hardy, who is now somehow walking, even though it is a pained walk and William Regal, Jack Swagger, the Hart Dynasty, and Kaval rush in and attack Matt Hardy in the aisle! The Illuminati is in and they are beating on Matt Hardy. Hardy is fighting, but the Specialists come out and Kaval kicks Matt Hardy right in the head and the Specialists beat on the legs! London is yelling for the Illuminati to carry Hardy to the ring and they carry the battered body of Matt Hardy into the ring, to dump him into the ring.


Paul London made Matt Hardy black out in the figure four leglock to win the ECW Championship in 4:55 London gets a nearfall on Hardy and beats on him. Hardy fights out, biting, scratching, and headbutting at London but London steps back and kicks Hardy in the face. He slowly destroys the legs and applies a figure four leglock! Hardy refuses to submit but the pain is too great and he blacks out from the pain! (B-)


The fans are booing as now Paul London is the ECW Champion and the Illuminati gets their hands on more gold. The Illuminati minus Kazarian and Punk are in the ring, as they continue to viciously maul Matt Hardy, as London taunts Hardy with the ECW Championship! London straps the ECW Championship around his waist and stands over Hardy as we fade to black.





MattitudeV2: 2/2

BHK1978: 2/2

Ian carlisle: 1/2




BHK1978: 43/56

ChrisKid: 38/56

MattitudeV2: 36/56

Kijar: 31/56

Ian carlisle: 29/56

Boothy77: 8/56

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