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ECW on Sy Fy 12/15/09


Christian is in the midst of arguing with Tiffany backstage, asking to go to Smackdown so he can take on the Hart Dynasty, for costing him the championship. Tiffany says she got a lot of heat for allowing Sheamus to leave to RAW so she’s not letting another superstar bolt. She also reminds Christian that regardless of what happens, he can’t get another ECW Championship Match against William Regal, unless he wins the Royal Rumble. Christian says he will win the Royal Rumble and he may or may not use his title shot against Regal but that’s beside the point, the Hart Dynasty will pay for costing him his last title shot. Tiffany says she’s in charge and Christian is taking the night off to cool off after what happened. Security escorts Christian out.


Zack Ryder is in the ring, bragging his win at the Slammys, holding his trophy for the most obnoxious superstar proudly but Tommy Dreamer comes out to interrupt Ryder, drawing cheers. Anyone who will interrupt Ryder will endear themselves to the fans and who better to do so, would be the last of the ECW Originals, Tommy Dreamer!


Tommy Dreamer vs. Zack Ryder


Dreamer beats on Ryder at the bell but Ryder fights back, drawing boos, as he beats down Dreamer, hitting a series of moves, with his obnoxious posing. He goes up top but gets crotched to cheers and slammed off. Dreamer hits a kneedrop to the crotch of Ryder, drawing more cheers and a warning from the referee but we cut to the ramp, where Vance Archer looks imposing. Dreamer has his eyes off of Ryder and that’s a mistake, as Ryder attacks him from behind, before hitting the Zack Attack to score the pin!


Winner: Zack Ryder(6:08, D+)


Ryder gets the win tonight on ECW but Archer enters the ring and big boot wipes out Dreamer, before he picks up Dreamer and TKO brings him down. Archer leaves the ring and grabs the chair, before folding it over the leg of Dreamer. To the second rope and Archer drops a knee, snapping the chair shut on Dreamer’s leg. Archer gets on the microphone, saying that he just destroyed the last spirit of the original ECW and put Dreamer out of his misery. Dreamer screams in agony, his leg might be snapped in half and Archer just stands in the ring, with a satisfied expression on his face.


Lance Cade and the Hurricane are getting ready backstage. These two men will meet next on ECW.


****************************Commercial Break******************


The Hurricane vs. Lance Cade


Cade is foul tempered and he doesn’t care who knows it. He begins beating down the Hurricane in the ring, battering him with punches, kicks, and elbow smashes, but when the Hurricane is dumped to the ring apron, he lands on the apron and hits a shoulder to the midsection, before pulling out a springboard sunset flip for a two count. A pair of dropkicks but Cade hotshots the Hurricane and goes back to work on him. Cade continues the assault on the Hurricane, as the announcers talk about Cade’s recent troubles with Danielson and Hurricane’s recent troubles with Shelton Benjamin. Cade goes up top but misses an elbowdrop, allowing the Hurricane to make a comeback. The Hurricane hammers away at Cade and to the second rope. Cross body block for a two count. Out comes Shelton Benjamin to distract Hurricane and allow Cade to hit a clothesline to the back of the head, before Cade pulls out the elevated Sidewalk Slam for the pin.


Winner: Lance Cade(9:59, C+)


Cade gets the win tonight and begins to beat on the Hurricane, with help from Shelton Benjamin but the fans cheer, as Bryan Danielson comes from the back, to help the Hurricane fight off Benjamin and Cade. The Hurricane strikes a pose with Danielson, who looks stoned face. The announcers take up this moment to bring up that Bryan Danielson and Shelton Benjamin will square off on Superstars!


********************Commercial Break**********************


The ECW Champion William Regal is backstage, crowing about his achievement, as Jackson and Koslov stand menacingly in the background, cracking their knuckles. Regal says Christian will never receive a title shot as long as Regal is champion, unless he wins the Royal Rumble and the chances of Christian winning are slim, as he’s entering Jackson and Koslov into the match, to ensure that Christian won’t walk out as the winner. Tonight the Roundtable is going to show their dominance in the main event. That match is next.


******************Commercial Break**********************


Goldust, Tyler Reks, and Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal and his Ruthless Roundtable


Tatsu uses his speed to run circles around the two larger men at first, before tagging in Reks, who hits a couple of moves, before he gets cut off and worked over in the corner for several minutes. The power of Zeke and Koslov, along with the technical wizardry and brutal strikes of Regal prove to be quite the combination but Reks manages to dropkick Koslov down. Race to the corner, tag to Goldust, who enters the ring, running wild on the Roundtable. Bulldog on Regal gets two, before Koslov breaks up the cover. In comes Yoshi, who hits a roundhouse kick. Jackson grabs Yoshi and Uranages him down to the canvas and delivers a vicious clothesline to Goldust, before Reks takes Jackson out with a high cross body. Regal pounds away at Goldust and high angle belly to back suplex gets a two count. Pounding on Goldust and scooped up but Goldust drops down and reverse cradles Regal for the pin out of nowhere!


Winners: Goldust, Yoshi Tatsu, and Tyler Reks(11:08, C-)


Once Regal realizes that he’s got pinned by Goldust, he has a horrified facial expression on his face. Goldust stands on the ramp, posing, as the Roundtable scowls at him from the ring. Goldust makes the belt motion around his waist, obviously wanting a shot at the ECW Championship and no doubt after beating Regal, he has to be in running for a title shot! Next week is a Best of 2009 special, so see you in two weeks time! Good night everyone!

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ECW Results:

Rayelek: 2/3

TracyBrooksFan: 1/3

BHK1978: 1/3



December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 38/52

Rayelek: 32/52

BHK1978: 27/52

TakerNGN74: 5/52

SeanMcFly: 0/52


WWE Superstars Card:


John Morrison vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin


Kung Fu Naki vs. Charlie Haas


Evan Bourne vs. Carlito

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John Morrison vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)

Morrison could use more momentum than Escobar


Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin

I'm hoping you push Danielson, but Shelton getting a win here would not surprise me


Kung Fu Naki vs. Charlie Haas

This is a hard choice as neither gets a lot of use. I've always wanted to see Haas get a Benoit-style No Gimmick Needed/Machine style push so he gets the vote.


Evan Bourne vs. Carlito

Carlito is a sloppy unmotivated bum. Bourne gets the win.

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WWE Superstars 12/17/09


Tonight on Superstars, Smackdown will be featured when John Morrison, fresh off of his win on Monday against the Miz, will take on Eric Escobar. But let’s get down to the ring, with Carlito taking on the high flying, death defying, Evan Bourne.


Evan Bourne vs. Carlito


Bourne uses his high flying to take Carlito off balance but Carlito cuts him off with a clothesline. Carlito hammers away at Bourne, before picking him off the ground. A series of forearms right in the corner and Carlito hits a backbreaker, before Carlito rolls Bourne over. A series of elbows right to the chest to Bourne and Carlito picks up Bourne, hammering away at him. Into the corner but Bourne hits an elbow right to the chest. Bourne climbs to the top rope and missile dropkick sends Carlito down to the canvas. Carlito gets back to his feet and Bourne beats him down to the canvas and into the ropes. Onto the shoulders and headscissors takeover. Carlito bounces back up to his feet and Bourne hits a Rocker Dropper on Carlito, bringing him down to the canvas. To the top rope goes Bourne and Air Bourne connects on Carlito to score the pin.


Winner: Evan Bourne(8:09, C+)


Bourne raises his hand in the air but Carlito pulls himself up and attacks Bourne from behind. Clothesline to the back of the head and Carlito beats on Bourne, before hitting the Back Cracker. Carlito grabs the apple and takes a bit, before spitting it on the face of Bourne. Carlito has not taken the loss to Evan Bourne and this is far from over.


**********************Commercial Break********************


Kung Fu Naki vs. Charlie Haas


Funaki goes for a series of martial arts strikes but Haas catches a kick and suplexes him backwards. Haas hammers away at Funaki, giving him quite a beating and hitting a German Suplex into a bridge to score the pin.


Winner: Charlie Haas(4:56, C)


Haas raises his hand for the victory tonight on Superstars. He’s been in a bit of a slump as of late but he gets a win tonight on Kung Fu Naki. Haas walks off with the victory.


Coming up next, Shelton Benjamin goes one on one with Bryan Danielson. ECW represents on Superstars, coming up next on WGNAmerica.


*************************Commercial Break****************************


Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin


An impressive chain wrestling sequence to start out, with Danielson coming out on top with a ¾ Nelson roll up for a two count. Danielson hammers away at Benjamin, before throwing him into the corner. Kneelift right to the chest of Benjamin and double underhook suplex for a two count. Danielson applies a guillotine but Shelton counters with a fireman’s carry and kick is blocked. Spin kick by Shelton and Benjamin gets the heat, beating down Danielson into the ring. Benjamin goes up top and misses a 450 Splash, allowing Danielson to take control with elbows to the side of the head. Danielson throws Benjamin into the corner and huge belly to back suplex brings Benjamin down for a two count. To the top rope goes Danielson but Lance Cade is out to shove Danielson off the top rope! Danielson lands on the canvas, as Cade raises his hands at ringside. Shelton is up, hitting a reverse thrust kick, before picking up Danielson and hitting the Paydirt to score the pin.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(12:59, B-)


Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade beat on Danielson after the bell but the Hurricane runs out from the back to make the save, with a cross body block off of the top rope, wiping out both men with a cross body block! The Hurricane helps up Danielson, as Bryon Saxton and Josh Mathews talk about the possibility of a future tag team match between these four men.


Coming up next, John Morrison and Eric Escobar, our main event on Superstars.


**********************Commercial Break********************


Replay of John Morrison hitting the Starship Pain off the top of the cage on Monday to pin the Miz. This leads into our Superstars main event.


John Morrison vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Morrison blocks a punch and pounds away on Escobar, before leapfrogging over him and monkey flip sends him into the ropes, with a shriek from Vickie at ringside. Morrison beats on Escobar and leaps to the middle rope but Escobar catches Morrison and slams him down. Escobar beats on Morrison with a series of punches, before throwing him into the corner. Clothesline and Escobar gutwrench suplexes Morrison down for a two count. Escobar delivers a series of punches right to the side of the head, before Escobar rolls him over and suplexes him down for a two count. Escobar beats on Morrison and gutbuster, before turning him over and abdominal stretch. Morrison fights out and hiptoss brings him down. Kneelift right to the chest and Morrison leaps to the middle rope, and twisting kick off the ropes. Two count on Escobar and Morrison beats on Escobar some more, and into the ropes. Leaping forearm smash and Morrison climbs the top rope. Starship Pain connects and Morrison scores the pin!


Winner: John Morrison(9:41, C+)


Morrison gets the win as there will be no Superstars next week due to the Christmas holidays. Tune into Smackdown tomorrow night for a big announcement and we’ll see you here on WGNAmerica in two weeks.

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Superstars Results:

Tweek It: 2/4

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4

BHK1978: 4/4

Rayelek: 3/4



December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 41/56

Rayelek: 35/56

BHK1978: 31/56

TakerNGN74: 5/56

TweekIt: 2/56

SeanMcFly: 0/56


WWE Smackdown Line Up


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Beth Phoenix and Mickie James vs. Natalya and Layla


Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. the Hart Dynasty


JTG vs. Mike Knox

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WWE Smackdown 12/18/09


Footage from after RAW went off the air is shown, with the Undertaker choking Vince McMahon and Drew McIntyre managing to save the boss just in time. The Undertaker and McIntyre continue their brawl for a couple of minutes, before security pries them apart.


Out comes Mr. McMahon to start out the show. Mr. McMahon talks about how it’s the holiday season and he hopes that all the fans get coal in their stocking for all the disrespect he’s shown. Mr. McMahon talks about how they should be worshipping Drew McIntyre, he’s a real great man and a future world champion but they cheer the Undertaker, who threatened Mr. McMahon’s life on Monday, attempted to choke the life out of him. McMahon says that despite the fact that he should fire the Undertaker for putting his hands on him, he’s not going to do that. It’s the holiday season and Vince McMahon is a giving man. He’s says that Batista is making noise about getting a title shot and he says that the Undertaker obviously wants a rematch from Survivor Series, despite not deserving one, so Mr. McMahon is arranging a number one contenders match between Batista and the Undertaker, where the winner will challenge Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble! The fans cheer at this big time main event match. The second order of business, is Teddy Long. Mr. McMahon says his time is up and he hasn’t been impressed.


Out comes Teddy Long, who looks very somber. Long enters the ring and talks about how he’s been on probation for six months and his life has been made a living hell by Mr. McMahon. McMahon says that its his right to make Long’s life a living hell, because he signs the paychecks and without Mr. McMahon, all of these people in this company will be begging for soup with all the other bums! Mr. McMahon fires up the “you’re fired” but Long yells that McMahon can’t fire him because “I quit, playa!” McMahon looks shocked, demanding to know who Long thinks he is for walking out on him. Long says he’s not the General Manager of Smackdown but there are people on the board of directors who owe him favors for various reasons, so he pulled some strings and got a new General Manager. “You wanted me to shake things up, sir? Well I’ve shaken things up and you’ll be begging for me by the end of the night, when you see who the new General Manager is.” Long turns and walks off, as Mr. McMahon yells that Long can’t turn his back on him and demands that Long tells him who the General Manager is but Long is ignoring McMahon, causing the boss to have a psychotic breakdown. We’ll have a new General Manager tonight on Smackdown.


******************Commercial Break**********************8


JTG vs. Mike Knox


JTG runs wild early, but the powerful, dangerous Knox beats him down in the corner, with a series of punches and kicks in the corner, beating down JTG and throwing him into the corner. More power offense, with JTG fighting from underneath but Knox hits a Bicycle Kick to score the pin.


Winner: Mike Knox(5:14, D+)


Mike Knox continues the beatdown on JTG in the ring but Shad runs out to make the save and brawl with Mike Knox. The fans are cheering, with Shad hoisting up Knox and brings Knox down with a spine buster. Knox rolls underneath the ropes and Shad stands in the ring, as Knox licks his wounds. Obviously, the power man of Cryme Tyme may match up with Mike Knox a bit better than Shad.


**************************Commercial Break**************************


Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. The Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)


Finlay uses his brutal brawling to knock around the Hart Dynasty. A series of stiff forearms in the corner rattle Tyson Kidd, before he is thrown into the corner. A clothesline by Finlay and David Hart Smith manages to get a tag, before Finlay beats on him and tags in Matt Hardy, who enters the ring and beats on Smith, before he’s gets cut off and wiped out with a vicious clothesline. Quick tags in and out, with the Hart Dynasty working over Hardy for several minutes. Smith hoists up Hardy for a suplex, but Hardy drops down and hits the Side Effect. Race to the corner and the tag is made to Finlay, who enters the ring, cleaning house. The Hart Dynasty are knocked around for a bit, with Hardy entering the ring, taking Tyson Kidd to the floor. Kidd manages to send Hardy into the post on the floor, as Smith hoists up Finlay in the ring, before Kidd hits a springboard Hart Attack clothesline on Finlay, to get the win.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(8:59, B-)


The Hart Dynasty celebrate the victory but out comes DeGeneration X. The Unified Tag Team Champions, Triple H and the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels are outside the ring, ready to go. Michaels talks about how he has had his problems with the Hart family in the past which causes Triple H to remark “yeah, I did hear a rumor about that.” Michaels says that the Hart Dynasty have been impressive as of late but they have a big test ahead. Its one thing to defeat Cryme Tyme but its another thing to go against DX. Triple H says the Hart Dynasty might have the talent but they don’t have the history and the accomplishments, with all the gold behind them. Kidd interrupts Triple H, saying that if DX wants a piece of them, they can enter the ring and get to it. Sure enough, we have a brawl, between the number one contenders and the Unified Tag Team Champions, brawling all over the arena. Natalya helps tip the scales and the Hart Dynasty lays out DX in the center of the ring. Smith asks the downed Triple H if they’ve proven themselves the high and mighty main event superstars and vow to win the Unified Tag Team Titles on their first opportunity and not take twelve years to win the belts like DX did.


*********************Commercial Break************************


Beth Phoenix and Mickie James vs. Natalya and Layla


Michelle McCool is on commentary, talking trash about how she can beat Beth Phoenix and clears up the rumors about her injury, saying its legit and she’ll be cleared to compete after the first of the year. Mickie is beaten two on one until Beth makes the hot tag, cleaning house, before she hits a fisherman suplex on Layla to score the pin. Afterwards, the Glamazon stares down the WWE Women’s Champion from the ring.


Winners: Beth Phoenix and Mickie James(4:34, D+)


Coming up next on Smackdown, Booker T meets on CM Punk. One on one tonight on Smackdown, two former World Heavyweight Champions collide.


********************Commercial Break****************


CM Punk cuts a promo before the next match, vowing to win the Royal Rumble and recapture the World Heavyweight Title in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. He talks earlier tonight, thanking the Hart Dynasty for putting DX in their place, as Punk says a pair of degenerates is not someone that should be representing the company, as they lead the fans to dangerous habits and corrupt their values. Punk says tonight he’s going to show Booker T why “straight edge means I’m better than you.”


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Booker T sends CM Punk packing at the bell, hitting a flapjack and pounding away at Punk but Punk slows down the momentum with a kick to the ribs. A series of kicks right to the ribs, before Punk throws Booker T into the corner and running dropkick to the corner. A series of forearms right across the top of the head and turning around Booker, before hitting a belly to back suplex. Punk steps to the outside and springboard kneedrop right down across the chest of Booker. A series of elbows across the back of the head of Booker and brain buster brings Booker down for a two count. Another attempt but Booker drops down and hits a rolling cradle for a two count. Booker beats on Punk and into the corner. Punk kicks Booker in the face and Tornado DDT set up but Booker shoves him off and knocks Punk down to the canvas. Punk is beaten and Axe Kick connects to Punk, covering him for a nearfall when Punk drapes his foot over the bottom rope. Punk slides to the outside, as Booker T stands in the ring but R-Truth runs down from the back and rolls Punk into the ring. Harlem Side Kick to Punk brings him down and Booker picks up Punk and Book End brings Punk down for the pin!


Winner: Booker T(11:59, B+)


Booker T gets the victory tonight on Smackdown, as R-Truth taunts Punk in the ring but Chris Jericho walks out. The World Heavyweight Champion enters the ring and Booker fights off Jericho, sending the World Heavyweight Champion packing. Booker says that if he has one more shot against Jericho, he will come out as the champion. Jericho says that he beat Booker at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs and has nothing left to prove, so he walks off, suggesting that Booker T win the Royal Rumble and he might have another title shot.


****************Commercial Break*********************


Out comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, who brags about his big Triple Threat Ladder Match victory. Ziggler throws his name into the hat in the Royal Rumble, saying that he’s going to win the Rumble and walk out as the winner, before walking out of Wrestlemania 26 as a double champion. John Morrison comes out to interrupt the interview. Morrison talks about how Ziggler thinks he’s something because he’s the WWE Intercontinental Champion but after a dozen title shots, he’s never won that belt by beating the champion and that man was Morrison. Ziggler says that he’s the champion and he has nothing to prove to Morrison, saying that he could beat Morrison easily. Morrison manages to goad Ziggler into putting the WWE Intercontinental Title on the line in two weeks, on New Year’s Day. Morrison also adds that he’s in the Royal Rumble, and he has three goals. Regain the Intercontinental Title, win the Royal Rumble, and get the victory in the main event of Wrestlemania. Ziggler says Morrison’s not going to get past first gear but the match is made for next week.


Coming up next, The Undertaker takes on Batista, number one contenders match, for the World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Royal Rumble.


*********************Commercial Break**********************


Number One Contenders Match:

The Undertaker vs. Batista


A brawl to start, with the Undertaker beating Batista down in the center of the ring. A boot to the chest of Batista and the Undertaker hits a legdrop, before he beats on Batista but Batista fights back with a powerslam and steps back, to spear the Undertaker down to the canvas. Two count on the Undertaker and Batista hammers away at the Undertaker, before hitting a Snake Eyes and a spinebuster to the Undertaker. Batista beats on the Undertaker but the Batista Bomb is blocked and the Undertaker counters with a high back body drop! The Undertaker beats on Batista and to the throat. Choke Slam brings Batista down and the Undertaker gives the signal but Drew McIntyre rushes down to the ring and attacks the Undertaker for the disqualification!


Winner by Disqualification: The Undertaker (9:32, B)


McIntyre beats on the Undertaker but the Dead Man fights back and the Undertaker is taken down from Batista. The lights go out and Kane makes his way down to the ring to help even up the odds. A stereo choke slam by the Brothers, taking out McIntyre and Batista. The Brothers stand tall in the ring, as Smackdown fades out from a commercial break, but not before we cut backstage with Mr. McMahon doing a power walk to the ring.


*********************Commercial Break*******************************


Mr. McMahon comes out, talking about how the Undertaker was declared the winner tonight but he didn’t beat Batista by pinfall or submissions, so once again, the Undertaker is banned from receiving any title shots, he’s banned from competing in the Royal Rumble, and Mr. McMahon says that since Teddy Long was a coward, the Undertaker and Kane are both going to pay, because someone’s getting fired tonight. “I don’t care who this General Manager is, because no one can stand up to me. I’M VINCE MCMAHON AND I MAKE THE RULES! And both you, Kane and you the Undertaker are….”


The boss is cut off by very familiar music and BRET HART WALKS DOWN FROM THE BACK!. The Hitman is from the back as Mr. McMahon backs off, nearly falling back, as if he’s seen a ghost. This is unbelievable, no one ever thought they’d see Bret Hart live and in the flesh. The Hitman gets on the microphone, announcing that he’s the new General Manager of Smackdown and he’s not leaving unless he quits and Vince knows better than anyone that Bret would never quit. He says that the Undertaker will get the World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Royal Rumble and announces a blockbuster card for the 1st, as Booker T will get a World Heavyweight Title shot against Chris Jericho. Also, John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler meet for the WWE Intercontinental Title. The Hart Dynasty will get their Unified Tag Team Title shot against DX next week and last, but not least, the Brothers of Destruction will take on Drew McIntyre and Batista, in two weeks. Mr. McMahon is in a state of shock. Bret Hart has arrived live in the flesh for the first time in twelve years on WWE television and he’s now running the show on Smackdown!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Smackdown 12/18 Results

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4

Rayelek: 4/4

BHK1978: 3/4

TakerNGN74: 3/4



December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 44/60

Rayelek: 39/60

BHK1978: 34/60

TakerNGN74: 8/60

TweekIt: 2/60

SeanMcFly: 0/60


WWE Monday Night RAW Card:


Three On Two Handicap Match:

Shawn Michaels and Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and Randy Orton


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. The Miz and a partner of his choosing.


Festus vs. Paul Burchill


Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Jillian, and Katie Lea Burchill

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Three On Two Handicap Match:

Shawn Michaels and Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and Randy Orton


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. The Miz and a partner of his choosing.


Festus vs. Paul Burchill


Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Jillian, and Katie Lea Burchill

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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/28/09


Big hype tonight, as Mickey Rourke is the guest host tonight. Rourke makes his way down to the ring to cheers, as the announcers talk over Rourke being in the movie, the Wrestler, almost a year ago and also how he was a big part of Wrestlemania 25. Rourke gets into the ring and hypes up the crowd, talking about this is the last RAW of 2009 and as the guest host tonight, he’s going to make a great show. Before he can begin, a very familiar tune interrupts him.


“I hear voices in my head!”


Out comes Randy Orton, along with Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. DiBiase actually brushes past Orton and walks ahead of the rest of Legacy, before he enters the ring, talking about how he’s the number one contender for the WWE Championship and is going to take on Shawn Michaels for the belt at the Rumble. DiBiase vows to do the one thing his father could never do and that’s become the WWE Champion. Rhodes interrupts, saying that Rourke played a fading legend in the Wrestler and now he’s standing in Randy Orton’s ring. DiBiase looks quite peeved at his promo being cut off, as Orton talks about how each and every week, he makes a threat at the General Manager and the General Manager gets saved but this week, Orton’s not going to bother. He boots Rourke right in the stomach! Rourke tries to fight off Legacy but is overwhelmed, mostly two on one by Rhodes and Orton, as DiBiase throws in a punch or two. Orton looks to about reading to punt Rourke in the head but out come the Unified Tag Team Champions, Shawn Michaels and Triple H, DeGeneration X! DX enter the ring and fight Legacy off in the ring, scattering them to the outside.


Michaels talks about how Legacy never have learned. He says that DiBiase has a title shot at the Royal Rumble but he’s going to be listening to the sounds of some Sweet Chin Music. Triple H adds that Legacy laid them out two weeks ago and they want a chance to return the favor. Three on two handicap match, Triple H and Shawn Michaels against Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and Randy Orton. Orton gets on the microphone and accepts, vowing the end of DX and Rourke makes it official and states: “If you’re not down with that, then we have two words for you.” SUCK IT, chants the fans as the main event has been set.


*************************Commercial Break*********************


Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, and the WWE Diva’s Champion Melina vs. Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox, and Katie Lea Burchill


Some standard fare to stop, before Alicia kicks Kelly in the face and begins pounding away at her on the corner, but Kelly counters with a Victory Roll and beats on Alicia with a series of punches. Tag made to Melina who enters the ring, attacking Alicia. Jillian eats a clothesline and Melina hits a double leaping clothesline to both Jillian and Alicia. Jillian rolls to the floor and Gail Kim dives off the apron with a dropkick, taking out Jillian. Blind tag from Katie Lea as she comes off the ropes. Melina hits the Primal Scream on Alicia but Katie is the legal woman and she attacks Melina from behind. Melina is hooked and an inverted brain buster brings Melina down to score the pin! Katie Lea Burchill has just pinned the WWE Diva’s Champion, which has to put her in line for a title shot.


Winners: Katie Lea Burchill, Alicia Fox, and Jillian(7:32, D)


Katie leaves the ring, looking smug.


Josh Matthews is backstage with Paul Burchill who puts over his sister’s win, before he shifts gears. He said he attacked John Cena, not because he had anything against Cena, but because Burchill sensed an opportunity to get noticed. Burchill says the WWE Universe won’t ignore him anymore and neither will John Cena. Burchill said that Cena spent the Christmas holidays in a hospital bed because of the destruction the Ripper put on him. Burchill says he’s going to break anyone and he will win the Royal Rumble as well. Burchill says that the main event superstars should get sweating, because there is a youth movement coming and Cena was the first but he won’t be the last. Burchill walks off.


************************Commercial Break********************


The Miz comes out with his WWE United States Title belt, bragging about how 2009 was the year of the Miz. The Miz talks about how his 2010 New Year’s Resolution is to win the Royal Rumble and then become the WWE Champion in the main event at Wrestlemania 26. The Miz talks about his recent problems with M.V.P. and Mark Henry and talks about how they challenged him to a tag team match. The Miz introduces his partner, the Celtic Warrior Sheamus, before he declares that he is the Miz and he’s awesome!


M.V.P. and Mark Henry vs. Sheamus and the WWE United States Champion the Miz


The Miz is ping ponged around for most of the early part of this match. Henry delivers a Gorilla Press onto the Miz, before he throws M.V.P on top of the Miz with a splash for a two count. Henry and Sheamus are in the ring and Sheamus and Henry have a test of strength but before anything can be settled, Sheamus kicks away at Henry and brings him down with a belly to belly suplex. Henry is down and Sheamus beats him severely for several minutes, before tagging in the Miz, who manages to make the cover for a two count! The Miz climbs to the second rope and dives off at Henry, but Henry catches him and the World’s Strongest Slam brings him down. Tag made to M.V.P. quickly and M.V.P enters the ring, cleaning house but he gets cut off by Sheamus. Mark Henry rushes in like a bull and takes Sheamus out to the floor. Henry beats on Sheamus as M.V.P rolls up the Miz from behind to score the pin. For the second time since Survivor Series, M.V.P has pinned the United States Champion.


Winner: M.V.P and Mark Henry(9:21, C)


M.V.P holds up his hands and declares that he wants the belt. In 2010, it looks like M.V.P is going after the United States Championship and he may have the Miz’s number.


Mickey Rourke is backstage with the Bella Twins and Eve. Santino comes up, being his usual self but in comes Chavo Guerrero, who talks about how he’s not going to be disrespected this week. He wants a match tonight and Santino mocks him by humming the Kerwin White theme song, which causes Chavo to snap and try to attack Santino, which causes food to get dumped on Rourke. Rourke gets to his feet and shoves Chavo back, as Chavo gets in his face, saying that Rourke might have played a wrestler but Chavo is a Guerrero. Rourke says he knows he can beat Chavo and tonight, it’s not going to be a movie, its going to be real. Santino whispers something in Rourke’s ear and says it’s not going to be Mickey Rourke against Chavo Guerrero. It’s going to be Randy “The Ram” Robinson against Kerwin White tonight. Chavo balls his fists up in anger at being forced to relive that ill fated time in his career.


*************************Commercial Break***********************


Festus vs. Paul Burchill


The bell rings and Festus attacks Burchill at the bell but not for long, as Burchill just utterly destroys Festus. Burchill beats on Festus for a few minutes, before putting Festus out of his misery with the Twisted Sister to score the pin.


Winner: Paul Burchill(4:49, D)


Burchill continues to beat on Festus in the ring but the fans are making some noise, as John Cena comes down from the back. Cena has returned and brawls with Burchill, but Burchill manages to send Cena into the corner. Burchill crushes Cena right in the corner with a clothesline. Burchill beats on Cena in the corner with vicious body shots to the ribs, before he hooks Cena and brings him down with a backbreaker. Vicious Curb Stomp to Cena, before Burchill throws him over the top rope, causing him to crash right against the announcers table. Burchill wraps his hands around the throat of Cena, asking Cena if he has his attention now. Burchill picks up Cena and throws him right into the ring steps. Cena has been laid out and Burchill yells to the fans, asking them if that’s their hero right now. Most of them boo but once again a small section of radical fans cheer the beating Burchill has laid down on John Cena, for the second show in a row.


We cut backstage, where Legacy is plotting their match. DiBiase says that Orton should step aside and for once, Orton should follow his lead. This gets Orton all hot for a brief second but he says that DiBiase is right, he is the number one contender. DiBiase says tonight, DX is going to be taken down once and for all. Orton warns DiBiase not to get too ****y, because he gained a WWE Championship title shot at the Royal Rumble under fluke means. DiBiase and Orton get into it with Rhodes trying to play the peacemaker, saying that they’re Legacy, they should be able to dominate RAW. They proved what they could do when they took out DX. Orton nods, but there are some tense moments right now.


*********************Commercial Break**********************


Randy “The Ram” Robinson vs. Kerwin White


Chavo comes out, looking like someone had shot his puppy but he walks around, checking for Hornswoggle underneath the ring and finds nothing but gets promptly kicked right in the face. The Ram beats on him in the ring but Chavo er Kerwin comes back, dropping the Ram on the top rope. There are loud chants of “KERWIN” as Chavo covers his ears, telling the fans to shut up and out comes Santino, to the Kerwin White theme song, dancing and singing along. Chavo’s attention is turned away and Hornswoggle rolls into the ring, before the Ram picks him up and throws Hornswoggle right into the crotch of Chavo. Chavo is doubled over in pain and DDT brings Chavo down, before the Ram climbs to the top rope and hits the Ram Jam to Kerwin with a huge pop. He covers Chavo and scores the pin.


Winner: Randy “The Ram” Robinson(3:09, C-)


Chavo rolls underneath the bottom rope and yells that he’s had enough. The fans chant “KERWIN” but Chavo demands one more match with Hornswoggle. Next week on RAW, one on one, in a straight bout. If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW forever. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo will be Hornswoggle’s personal servant for thirty days. One on one, anyone who interferes will be suspended without pay. Santino accepts, saying that Chavo has never beaten Hornswoggle.


********************Commercial Break******************************


We cut backstage, where the Big Show is standing by. The Big Show makes his intentions of winning the Royal Rumble known. Show says that there is not a man on RAW who could beat him one on one, without using a sledgehammer, referring to his loss to Triple H back at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. Show says he’s going to knock out twenty nine other men one by one and throw them over the top rope. Show says he’s the most physically dominating man on RAW and in all of WWE. Show holds up his right hand and stares menacingly, as the Big Show has added his name into the list of men who have vowed to win the Royal Rumble.


Next week, former WCW World Champion David Arquette will be the special guest for RAW.


Coming up next, we see Legacy walking down to the ring and DX as well. Three on two handicap match, coming up next on RAW.


******************Commercial Break******************************


DeGeneration X vs. Legacy


DX attack Legacy, managing to overwhelm them early, despite facing overwhelming odds. Triple H beats on Cody Rhodes in the center of the ring and throws him into the corner. Rhodes bounces off the ropes and high knee takes him out, before Triple H stomps him. The Game beats on Rhodes and into the corner. Rhodes is flipped into the corner and brought down with a high knee lift to the chest. Triple H pounds away at Rhodes and tag made to Michaels, before a double clothesline takes Rhodes down. Shawn Michaels beats on Rhodes in the corner, with a series of punches, before DiBiase and Orton enters the ring but Michaels turns and leaps onto them with a twisting cross body block. Michaels beats on Orton and tosses him. Rhodes attacks Michaels from behind and beats on him. Tag made to DiBiase and Legacy take Shawn Michaels out with a double clothesline. DiBiase hammers away at Michaels, before hoisting HBK up and hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. DiBiase climbs to the second rope and dives down onto him with a kneedrop. DiBiase hammers away at Michaels and brings in Orton. Irish whip into a clothesline form Orton and the back of the head of Michaels bounces off the canvas hard. Orton picks up on Michaels, before taking him over with a suplex. Two count on Michaels.


Orton continues to beat on Michaels and hoists him up, applying a chinlock! He continues to work over HBK but Michaels fights out with a series of elbow smashes. Michaels shoves Orton into the ropes and off into the ropes. Clothesline by Orton is ducked and Michaels comes back with a leaping forearm smash. Michaels beats on Orton with chops but Orton goes right to the eyes and hits a leaping dropkick bringing him down. Orton hammers away at Michaels, before hoisting him up but Michaels drops down and shoves Orton into the ropes. Leaping forearm brings Orton down. Crawling to the corner, tag made to Rhodes and tag made to Triple H. Triple H beats on Rhodes, pounding away at him. Into the corner and Triple H clotheslines him down. Triple H hoists up Rhodes and spinebuster . Cover on Rhodes but DiBiase leaps onto Triple H to break up the cover at two and a half. Michaels rushes in and cuts out DiBiase but Orton attacks Michaels from behind. Orton beats on Michaels , but DX deliver a double back body drop to Orton. Rhodes is up and Michaels waffles Rhodes with the Sweet Chin Music, causing him to fall into a Pedigree from Triple H to score the pin.


Winners: DX(15:21, B-)


Orton attacks Triple H and lays him out with the RKO after the bell, as DiBiase hammers Michaels from behind. DiBiase beats on Michaels, before hammering away at him. Cobra clutch and DiBiase brings Michaels down with the Dream Street. Rhodes pulls himself to his feet and sets him up. Orton is going to punt the Game but the fans are on their feet. Kofi Kingston is rushing down from the back! We have not seen Kofi, since he was punted right in the head from Orton over a month ago and Kofi enters the ring, taking out Rhodes and then DiBiase, before he is face to face with Randy Orton. Kofi leaps at Orton, beating on him with a series of punches. Orton staggers and Kofi throws Orton into the ropes. Trouble in Paradise brings him down! Orton has been wiped out by the returning Kofi Kingston as the fans are cheering for him. DX are beginning to recover, but Kofi Kingston has taken out Legacy, making a triumphant return! Orton licks his wounds on the ramp, as Kofi taunts him from the ring. We fade to black, see you next week.

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RAW Results:

Rayelek: 1/4

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4


December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 47/64

Rayelek: 40/64

BHK1978: 34/64

TakerNGN74: 8/64

TweekIt: 2/64

SeanMcFly: 0/64


ECW on Sy Fy Card:


Christian vs. Zack Ryder


Bryan Danielson and The Hurricane vs. Lance Cade and Shelton Benjamin.


Goldust vs. Ezekiel Jackson.

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW on Sy Fy 12/29/09</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Tiffany comes out for an announcement that William Regal will put his ECW Championship on the line in the Royal Rumble against Goldust! The fans cheer as Goldust has been on quite the roll over the past few weeks. Tiffany also adds that there will be many new superstars coming to ECW as part of the new talent initiative in 2010. She names the eight ECW competitors who have been entered into the Royal Rumble, based off the top ten in ECW, other than Goldust and William Regal. Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Koslov, the Hurricane, Lance Cade, Bryan Danielson, Shelton Benjamin, and Zack Ryder! Tiffany says we might see an ECW competitor win the Royal Rumble and the ECW Championship could be on the line in the main event at Wrestlemania 26! The ECW fans cheer at the possibility of that. She also makes the main event tonight, a preview of sorts of the ECW contribution to the Royal Rumble, with Christian going one on one with Zach Ryder! </p><p> </p><p>

Goldust is getting ready backstage. Coming up next, he fights Ezekiel Jackson of the Ruthless Roundtable! </p><p> </p><p>

*******************Commercial Break**********************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Ezekiel Jackson vs. Goldust</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Goldust outmaneuvers Jackson to start and pounds away at him. He beats on Jackson in the corner and a pair of corner clotheslines. Goldust climbs to the second rope and punches away at Jackson but Jackson shoves him off and begins beating on Goldust. Goldust is hammered away on but Jackson misses a charge into the corner and Goldust hits Jackson with a powerslam to score the quick pin! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Goldust(6:05, D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Goldust gets the win tonight but here comes Vladimir Koslov and the ECW Champion William Regal enter the ring. Goldust is on the ramp, as Regal cuts a promo, talking about how Goldust has embarrassed the Ruthless Roundtable for the last time. Regal vows that Goldust will not even make it to the Royal Rumble, as next week, he will go one on one with Vladimir Koslov. Koslov makes a breaking motion with his hand and Goldust looks up, before he announces that he’ll beat Koslov one on one next week and then he’ll compete the cycle, beating William Regal for the ECW Championship at the Royal Rumble. And then he’ll never forget the name of Goldust. </p><p> </p><p>

A video package is shown, showing the recent events involving the Hurricane, Bryan Danielson, Shelton Benjamin, and Lance Cade. This leads to a tag team match coming up next, with the Hurricane and Bryan Danielson against Lance Cade and Shelton Benjamin. More ECW coming up after this! </p><p> </p><p>

**********************Commercial Break*****************************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>The Hurricane and Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The Hurricane and Danielson clear the ring to start and dive over the top rope onto Benjamin and Cade. Cade is thrown into the ring and the Hurricane beats on him, before climbing to the top rope. Cade catches the Hurricane as he leaps off the top rope and begins beating on him. Cade stiffs the Hurricane with a series of elbows right to the head and hoists him up. Belly to back suplex brings the Hurricane down and Cade drills a knee right down across the chest. Cade picks up on the Hurricane and beats on the Hurricane, before tagging in Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin leaps into the ring, taking out the Hurricane. A series of kicks right to the chest of the Hurricane and Shelton throws the Hurricane into the corner. Kneelift right in the corner and Benjamin hooks the Hurricane, taking him down with a Northern Lights Suplex! The Hurricane struggles out of the cover, with a two and a half count. Benjamin beats on the Hurricane, before scooping him and slamming him down. Tag made to Lance Cade, who enters the ring, with a series of forearms right to the chest. Cade hoists up the Hurricane and drops him down with a Hotshot. More vicious stomping by Cade, and tag made to Shelton. Cade hoists the Hurricane onto his shoulders and Shelton hits a Doomsday Device Style clothesline off of the shoulders of Hurricane. Cover by Shelton hooking the leg but Danielson breaks the cover. </p><p> </p><p>

Shelton beats on the Hurricane some more, as Danielson is ushered into the corner. Fisherman suplex by Shelton and bridge for the cover but only a two and nine tenths count. The Hurricane continues to be beaten on, kicks to the ribs and Shelton backs off, leaping into the corner, but the Hurricane avoids it. Shelton hits the corner and the Hurricane brings him down with a neckbreaker. Race to the corner, Cade is tagged in and he grabs the Hurricane but the Hurricane slips from his grip and tag made to Bryan Danielson. Danielson makes his way into the ring and begins to beat down on Cade with a series of elbow strikes to the head and delivers a running jumping forearm smash brings Shelton down. Danielson kicks Cade in the ribs and double underhook suplex brings him down. A running roundhouse kick right to the face and Cade is down. Danielson covers Cade hooking the leg. Two count when Benjamin breaks up the cover. The Hurricane is back in and dives at Benjamin with a cross body block, causing both men to hit the floor. Cade is back on his feet and he beats on Danielson. Into the ropes but Cade ducks the head and Danielson sunset flips him to score the pin! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: Bryan Danielson and the Hurricane(13:59, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Cade attacks Danielson and begins beating him down in the ring. Cade destroys Danielson in the ring, before hoisting up and Hotshot, followed by a lariat and a sidewalk slam! Cade spits on Danielson, with disdain as he walks away. The feud between Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson is far from over. </p><p> </p><p>

Zack Ryder is standing backstage, holding up his Slammy with pride. Ryder talks about how he’s the future of ECW. He talks about the Royal Rumble and promises to win, to get his ticket punched to the main event of Wrestlemania 25. Ryder pumps his fist into the air and yells “WOO, WOO, you know it!” before he walks off with his slammy. Coming up next, Christian against Zack Ryder.</p><p> </p><p>

*********************Commercial Break**************************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Christian vs. Zack Ryder</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Christian beats on Ryder at the bell, a house of fire. Clothesline to the floor and baseball slide dropkick, before Christian rolls Ryder into the ring and continues to beat on him. Kneelift in the corner and Christian goes for the Killswitch but Ryder quickly twists out. Leg lariat brings Christian down and Ryder picks up Christian, beating on him some more. Into the ropes and a leaping forearm into the corner. Ryder poses and delivers a swinging neckbreaker to Christian. To the top rope and Ryder leaps off with a flying axe handle blow. Ryder continues the beating on Christian and into the ropes. Christian is taken down with a spinning headscissors and Ryder applies an abdominal stretch but Christian fights out and pulls off a reverse DDT for a two count. Christian beats on Ryder and into the ropes. Dropkick in the corner. To the top rope goes Christian but Ryder cuts him off and superplex to Christian gets a two count. Ryder gets up top and plays to the crowd but he gets a boot right to the face as he jumps off. Christian beats on Ryder and hooks the arms, before bringing him down with the Killswitch to score the pin!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Christian(8:09, C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Christian gets the win tonight on ECW as he grabs the microphone and once again proclaims his intentions to win the Royal Rumble. With a victory tonight, Christian looks to be going into the Rumble with momentum on his side, as Bryon Saxton and Josh Mathews talk about the possibility of Christian or any of the other seven ECW superstars, choosing to compete for the ECW Championship in the main event of Wrestlemania 26 in Phoenix!</p>

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ECW Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/3



December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 49/67

Rayelek: 40/67

BHK1978: 34/67

TakerNGN74: 8/67

TweekIt: 2/67

SeanMcFly: 0/67


WWE Superstars Line Up


Cryme Tyme and Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas, Mike Knox, and Eric Escobar


Primo vs. Evan Bourne


Tyler Reks vs. Vance Archer


Santino Marella vs. Carlito

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WWE Superstars 12/31/09[/color]


Hype for the last Superstars of the year, with a big six man tag team main event, with Cryme Tyme and Matt Hardy joining forces to take on Eric Escobar, Charlie Haas, and Mike Knox and much more. But first, let’s open up tonight with the Superstars of RAW.


Santino Marella vs. Carlito


Santino manages to embarrass Carlito early, beating on him at the bell and a running dropkick takes him down. Carlito hangs on Santino on a charge and continues the beating. Santino is slumped over in the ropes and Carlito continues the beating for several minutes. Santino appears to be finished but Hornswoggle comes out of nowhere, entering the ring. Hornswoggle enters the ring but Carlito grabs Hornswoggle and it looks like he’s going to give the little guy the Back Stabber but Santino rolls him up from behind to score the pin.


Winner: Santino Marella(5:11, D+)


Carlito bounces up, angrily attacking Santino after the bell, beating him down. He shoves down Hornswoggle but Evan Bourne rushes out and takes Carlito out with a missile dropkick. Two weeks ago on Superstars, Bourne beat Carlito and then Carlito attacked him after the bell. Bourne stands in the ring, taunting Carlito.


Still to come, six man tag team action with the superstars of Smackdown but coming up next, Vance Archer goes one on one with Tyler Reks. ECW takes center stage on Superstars.


***********************Commercial Break***************************


Tyler Reks vs. Vance Archer


Archer destroys Reks for this match, finishing him off with a big boot and a TKO wiping him out for the pin.


Winner: Vance Archer(4:01, F+)


Archer drills Reks with another TKO after the bell and gets on the microphone, demanding a better quality of competition in ECW, before he walks out.


A recap from last Monday on RAW is shown with Kofi Kingston returning and taking out Legacy, along with all the fun and games with the guest host Mickey Rourke. This Monday, former WCW World Champion David Arquette will guest host and the road to the Royal Rumble continues.


**********************Commercial Break****************************


Primo vs. Evan Bourne


Both men shook hands and had a fair, close technical bout. Bourne went for a sunset flip but Primo sat out for a two count. Primo beat on Bourne and hit a tornado DDT for a close nearfall. To the outside goes Primo and springboard cross body but Bourne dropkicks him out of midair. Bourne beats on Primo and leg lariat takes him down. Bourne picks up Primo and fireman’s carry gutbuster, before he climbs to the top rope and hits the Air Bourne for the pin!


Winner: Evan Bourne(7:04, C+)


Bourne gets the win tonight but out runs Carlito from behind, attacking Bourne. A series of punches by Carlito, beating down Bourne in the center of the ring, but Primo is up and he delivers a running dropkick to Carlito, taking his brother down. Primo and Bourne look towards Carlito, as Carlito begs off but he gets a double dropkick, sending him to the floor. Carlito throws a fit on the floor.


******************Commercial Break*****************************


A hype package for the big Smackdown, made by the new General Manager, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, with three championships on the line. Chris Jericho puts the World Heavyweight Title on the line against Booker T, DX puts the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Hart Dynasty, and Dolph Ziggler puts his WWE Intercontinental Title on the line against John Morrison. Also, a monstrous tag team encounter, when the Undertaker and Kane takes on Drew McIntyre and Batista and R-Truth and CM Punk attempt to settle the score by going one on one.


Coming up next, Cryme Tyme and Matt Hardy join forces to take on Eric Escobar, Charlie Haas, and Mike Knox in six man tag team action.


*********************Commercial Break**************************


Cryme Tyme and Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas, Mike Knox, and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Cryme Tyme and Hardy both run wild, taking their opponents out. Matt Hardy beats on Escobar but is tripped up, allowing Escobar to hit a clothesline. Hardy is beaten down and the tag is made to Charlie Haas, who uses some technical moves to dazzle Hardy, before hitting a T-Bone Suplex on him for a two count. Haas beats on him and tag made to Knox, who brutalizes Hardy. Gorilla Press brings Hardy down and Knox beats on Hardy, choking him. Tag made to Escobar, and Escobar beats on Hardy some more, setting him up with a suplex. Escobar climbs to the top rope but misses a kneedrop. Race to the corner. Tag made to JTG and tag made to Knox. Knox goes for a clothesline but JTG ducks and dropkicks him. JTG beats on him and grabs Knox around the head and bulldogs him, as he dropkicks Charlie Haas down. Haas is on his feet and Shad enters the ring and attacks Haas, taking him to the floor, but Escobar takes Shad out. Hardy is back in the ring, clothesline over the top rope. Escobar is on the floor and plancha takes Escobar down. JTG is on the second rope and he pounds away at Knox but Knox shoves him off. JTG lands on his feet and Knox nearly decapitates him with a vicious Bicycle Kick to score the pin!


Winners: Mike Knox, Charlie Haas, and Eric Escobar(9:50, C-)


Knox, Haas, and Escobar get the win tonight as we fade out with hype for Smackdown.

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