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WWE Superstars 12/23/10


Tonight's main event on WGN America from Monday Night RAW, features Tyson Kidd of the Illuminati and one half of the Hart Dynasty taking on the brand new WWE United States Champion John Morrison.


William Regal pinned Primo with the Knee Trembler in 9:11 The high flying Primo had an impressive match with Regal, but in the end, it was the crafty ability of Regal that took Primo down, with the vicious Knee Trembler. William Regal has been aggressive and far more dangerous since joining the Illuminati, not that he was not dangerous before. (B-)


Cody Rhodes and Chris Masters have words backstage, with Rhodes stating that Masters wants no part of him and tonight, Rhodes is going to show Masters why when he defeats Santino.


Hype for Smackdown, featuring a huge tag team match with Kane and Mike Knox squaring off against the Fortunate Sons. Also, due to the controversy in the Intercontinental Title Match, Booker T and Alberto Banderas will hook it up one more time with the belt on the line, but this time it will be a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match, so the winner will be decisive. Plus John Cena addresses the world about his brutal heinous attack on Rey Mysterio at TLC.


Santino Marella defeated Cody Rhodes via disqualification when Zack Ryder interfered in 5:14 Ryder comes out during this match, with Santino fighting back but Ryder enters the ring and attacks Santino for the disqualification. Two on one until Chris Masters runs out to make the save. Santino and Masters stare down their rivals from the aisle. (C-)


A recap of CM Punk Appreciation Night and the return of Edge. The Rated R Superstar will be on RAW live this Monday and there is no doubt that he'll be after the WWE Championship held by CM Punk.


John Morrison pinned Tyson Kidd with the Starship Pain in 10:11 Both men traded moves back and forth throughout the match, with Kidd taking the leg out from underneath Morrison. Attempted 450 Splash is blocked with the knees and Morrison connects with the Pele Kick to set up the Starship Pain for the pin. (B+)


Morrison celebrates the win. See you on a Christmas Eve edition of Smackdown.





BHK1978: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

jonny CKY: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Kijar: 2/3



BHK1978: 45/59

ChrisKid: 40/59

MattitudeV2: 38/59

Kijar: 32/59

Ian carlisle: 31/59

Boothy77: 8/59

jonny CKY: 2/59

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WWE Smackdown 12/24/10


Welcome to the Christmas Eve edition of Smackdown. Tonight we're going to see the WWE Intercontinental Title on the line in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match, when Booker T defends the belt against Alberto Banderas. Mike Knox and Kane take on the Fortunate Sons in hard hitting tag team action. Also John Cena after his vicious assault on Rey Mysterio at TLC will address the WWE Universe!


The lights go out and a casket is wheeled out, but it has dollar signs spraypainted on it. Out comes Ted DiBiase, along with his brother Brett and Joe Hennig as well. Ted DiBiase talks about how tonight Kane and Mike Knox want a piece of the Fortunate Sons. DiBiase briefly mentions how Snitsky has been let go because of his horrific performance this Sunday and he wishes him the best in his future endeavors. He talks about how he's not cleared to wrestle tonight because of a minor elbow injury but he will be ready to go by the Royal Rumble where he will win and go onto Wrestlemania 26 to win the World Heavyweight Championship since the Undertaker's demise has rendered his original plan of ending the streak null and void. Out comes Kane and Knox and the match begins.


The Fortunate Sons defeated Kane and Mike Knox when Joe Hennig pinned Knox with the Perfect Plex in 10:11 An impressive tag team encounter, with the technical abilities of the Fortunate Sons against the rough neck brawling of Kane and Knox. Kane went after DiBiase on the floor, which was a crucial mistake and this allowed Hennig to snap off the Perfect Plex on Knox for the pin. (B-)


After the match, we see Kane going after Ted DiBiase and choking him on the floor but Brett DiBiase attacks him from behind. Kane fights him back and this allows Ted DiBiase to waffle Kane with a chair from behind. Another couple of chair shots to the back and now the casket is opened and Ted DiBiase puts Kane in the casket and the Fortunate Sons shut the lid. Knox is back out and he has a chair, to fight off of the Fortunate Sons, before something dastardly can be done with Kane while he is inside that casket.


Chris Jericho cuts a promo backstage, talking about how last Sunday, he had the title shot in his grasp but he slipped up and Christian is the number one contender. Jericho talks about how he will have his day and he will have it by winning the Royal Rumble. He vows to be the one to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 27 and he's going to send a message to the other twenty nine men in that match through Finlay.


We are out and we see Batista come out to join us for commentary for the next match, throwing his name in the hat to win the Royal Rumble, reminding us of his victory back in 2005.


Evan Bourne pinned Dolph Ziggler with the Air Bourne in 14:55 Batista praises John Cena for finally seeing the light last Sunday and realizing that the WWE Universe is not worth pandering to. He talks about how people like Mysterio and Bourne are not worthy of being in the sun like Batista and John Cena are, as Ziggler and Bourne have a back and forth match with numerous nearfalls! Batista also takes a shot at Randy Orton, saying that Orton thinks he should have title shots handed to him, when Batista had to go through hell to even get considered for title shots and states that Orton's never been able to beat Batista one on one as well, as Ziggler goes to work on Bourne. Batista tears into Bourne, saying that this is a big man's business and these cruiserweights have to learn their place, because we have the Illuminati running around and now people like Mysterio and Bourne being beloved by the WWE Universe. Batista states that the only reason these men are cheered is they are weak, small, and pathetic like the WWE Universe and they really are in awe at men that they will never be like Batista, as Zig Zag is blocked and Bourne hits a tornado bulldog, which sets up the Air Bourne for the pin. (B)


Striker and Grisham put over Bourne's performance as impressive, which Batista says they should keep watching if they want to see something impressive and Batista drops the headset, before he lariats Bourne as he turns around! A cheapshot by Batista and Batista beats on Bourne, before yelling: “So you like to fly, boy? And he throws Bourne over the top rope causing him to land with a sickening thud. Just like Batista intends to do to twenty nine other competitors in the Royal Rumble. Batista did beat Bourne a few weeks ago but obviously Batista's got a huge chip on his shoulder and just enjoys bullying a man who is much smaller and just had an intense match!


We are backstage, with Josh Mathews, who talks to the brand new number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Christian. Christian steps into the picture, with a big smile on his face. He is glad that he won the tournament, beating three former World Heavyweight Champions. He announces that he will be going to the Royal Rumble and win the World Heavyweight Title. Mathews asks Christian if he has thoughts on Cena, and Christian says he has plenty of thoughts, but he plans to tell them to Cena's face. With those final words, he walks off.


Finlay pinned Chris Jericho after nailing him with a shillagh in 11:22 Both men have an intense back and forth match, with Finlay having his leg taken out and Jericho beating him down throughout the match but Finlay fights back and wallops Jericho with an uppercut. Jericho is staggered, clutching his eye and yells at the referee to enforce the rules before he takes Finlay down and goes to untie the buckle but the referee stops him and goes to retie the buckle and Finlay has his shillagh, before he cracks Jericho right in the head and scores the pin. (B-)


We are backstage, when Kane storms in, ranting and raving, before he begins yelling and he challenges Ted DiBiase to a match next week, vowing to annihilate him and batter him! Kane storms off.


A recap of the Alberto Banderas and Booker T controversy this past Sunday at TLC, with Booker T pinning Banderas a half of a second before he tapped out in the Cross Armbreaker.


Best Two out of Three Falls Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title:

Alberto Banderas vs. Booker T©


First Fall: Both men exchange chops and punches to kick off this first fall, with Booker T using his power game but Banderas drops down and snaps the arm over the top rope. Booker T rolls over injured and now he drills knee after knee into the arm of Booker T, working it over. Booker T fights out but Banderas keeps him down, pounding away at the arm and he goes for a shoulderbreaker but Booker T slides down and belly to back suplex. Booker T goes for a Spinroonie but Banderas nails him with a single arm DDT and rolls him over to score the pin in 6:55 to win the first fall.


Second Fall With the arm picked apart, Banderas continues the assault on the arm, setting up a swinging armbar takedown and he applies a Cross Armbreaker but Booker T manages to somehow roll Banderas onto his back for a nearfall, with Banderas breaking the hold, learning his lesson from Sunday. Banderas hits a shoulderbreaker and sets up the arm, to leap to the second rope. He dives off but Booker T pulls himself out of the way. Banderas hits hard and now Booker T is back, firing back with chops. He whips Banderas into the ropes and Harlem Side Kick brings him down for a nearfall! He beats on Banderas but Banderas goes for a single arm DDT, again but Booker T counters it with a knee and Axe Kick right to the back of the head, before he rolls over Banderas to score the pin and tie up the falls at 13:02.


Third Fall: Booker T tries to continue his offense from earlier but Banderas kicks out of a second cover and Booker T beats on him, but Banderas kicks him in the head and single arm DDT and now Banderas hooks the arm, attempting to apply the move, but Booker T scissors the ropes, to prevent Banderas from getting it locked on and now Banderas kicks Booker T off of the ring apron, before hitting a baseball slide dropkick right to the bad shoulder. Banderas hammerlocks the arm and rams it into the ringsteps multiple times, before throwing Booker into the ring and dragging his arm over, wrapping it around the ringpost! Booker is to his feet, arm cradled by his side and Banderas kicks him right in the arm and shoulder throw right into the Cross Armbreaker. This time Banderas is making sure to keep his shoulders right off the mat, by bridging on the hold and Booker T looks pained, as he is trying to reach for the ropes but Banderas has the hold locked in dead center. Booker T is trying to push out but he just collapses, the pain from the shoulder too great. The referee checks Booker T and lifts up the arm. It drops to the side once. The referee checks the arm. It drops to the side a second time. The referee checks the arm but somehow it stays up just barely! Booker T is fighting out but Banderas just cranks, and he is trying to separate the shoulder and Booker T just finally caves in and taps out!


Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Alberto Banderas(B-, 19:50)


Banderas takes the WWE Intercontinental Championship and leaves the ring, the new champion and Booker T is in pain. He'll have a rematch eventually but his arm was destroyed.


Now its the moment that we have all been waiting for. Out comes John Cena, who slowly walks down to the ring, dressed in black, none of his trademark merchandise, as he has the World Heavyweight Title Belt draped over a shoulder, calmly walking to the ring, ignoring the boos from the fans. Cena steps into the ring as the fans continue to boo. He just stands back and says that five years ago at Wrestlemania 21, he won his first WWE Championship. For five years, he did everything for the fans, he gave them the best years of his life, and he continued to get disrespected. He tried to smile through it all, to put on the best face for the crowd, to act as if this did not bother him. And he knew that there would always be a small vocal minority against him, and he respected that but over the past few months, the fans have been ripping into him more than ever before. The final straw was when they roundly declared Rey Mysterio the most popular star on Smackdown, over him. The Undertaker, he could understand but Rey Mysterio held the World Heavyweight Title once and it was an embarrassment. He talks about how the fans should never have cheered someone who hides behind a mask. Without the mask, Rey Mysterio is just another little man, trying to be a big man and he's nothing. Cena talks about how for five years, he gave his blood, his sweat, and his tears and nothing he could do would please the fans! In the end, the fans did not appreciate Cena even if he gave them the best years of his life. It was like being in an abusive relationship but Cena kept trying to justify it.


Cena talks about how he's the World Heavyweight Champion whether they like it or not. Cena talks about how he took out Rey but many people have tried to do much worse to him. Cena can take it but obviously Rey can't, so that's why he's spending the holiday season in intensive care. The fans are booing and Cena says that the fans can boo if they want, but he's not going to pander to them any longer, because he's John Cena, the biggest star in World Wrestling Entertainment today. He's dedicated to being the champion and the wrestling business one hundred percent and there is not one person in the back who can doubt him.


Suddenly, out comes Christian to the ring, drawing a loud round of cheers. The number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship enters the ring and Cena stands in the ring, asking Christian who does he think he is interrupting his interview time like this. Christian says that he is the number one contender and the man who will challenge Cena for the World Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble. Christian talks about back in 2005, he called out Cena for a match several times but Cena never accepted his challenge. He wondered if Cena thought Christian was beneath him or if he was just afraid that Christian would expose him in the center of the ring. Cena gets a sour look on his face at this and tenses up.


Christian talks about how he left the company for three years to tour the world after he was told by management that he would never get his match with Cena, to become a better wrestler and returned to WWE in ECW, to test his new found abilities to the youngest, most hungry wrestlers in the company, becoming ECW Champion. Then he went to Smackdown and held the Unified Tag Team Title and the WWE Intercontinental Title, defending the Intercontinental Title belt in particular week in and week out. Then the victory in the number one contenders tournament, where he beat three former World Heavyweight Champions and now he's going to the Rumble. Christian says finally, he'll get his chance at Cena, that he wanted back in 2005 and there will be no management to protect Cena this time, because Christian is guaranteed a title match.


Cena steps back, saying that Christian might have won the tournament, but Cena's beaten all three of the men that Christian has beaten. Suddenly, Christian just steps back and says that might be true, but at the Rumble, he'll beat Cena. Christian invites Cena to get this party started early but Cena pauses, before he turns and leaves, saying that he'll face Christian at the Royal Rumble and not a second before and he continues to walk to the back, as Christian taunts Cena, but Cena just casually walks to the back. Christian is not taking his eyes off of Cena, in case of an ambush but Cena has never backed down from a fight before. He has really had a change of attitude. We slowly fade to black as the fans are booing as Cena has disappeared, leaving Christian in the ring.





MattitudeV2: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

ChrisKid: 1/4

Ian carlisle: 2/4

Kijar: 3/4



BHK1978: 47/63

ChrisKid: 41/63

MattitudeV2: 41/63

Kijar: 35/63

Ian carlisle: 33/63

Boothy77: 8/63

jonny CKY: 2/63

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WWE Monday Night RAW 12/27/10


A recap from last Monday is shown, with Edge returning to attack CM Punk.


Out comes Edge, to cheers from the fans. Edge says that he has been out for almost three months due to the Illuminati beating him up. At the time, no one knew that Punk was the one pulling the strings but now it was obvious, as Punk was the one who directed the attack, so Edge could not get his return match. Now Edge is fresh and he wanted a return match. Out comes the WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk says that Edge doesn't deserve a title shot because he hasn't been out here in months and how Punk's been defending the belt week in week out against the top competitors in the world. Edge taunts Punk, saying that Punk is afraid of Edge and talks about how its obvious “CM” stands for Cuddles Men, due to the fact that he's surrounded himself with a bunch of oiled up young men in the Illuminati. Edge says he'll take Punk's title and if he swung that way, he'd take his girlfriend as well, because that's what Edge does. Punk says that Edge is trying to be funny but tonight Punk will have the last laugh, as tonight, he's going to face Edge one on one and if Edge wins, then he gets his title shot. If Punk wins, Edge goes back to the bottom of the ladder. Edge accepts and the match is on.


The Hart Dynasty are out, calling John Morrison out for a match, based on Morrison's win over Tyson Kidd on Superstars. Morrison steps back and accepts, before introducing Bryan Danielson as his partner.


Bryan Danielson and John Morrison defeated the Hart Dynasty when Danielson pinned David Hart Smith with a series of elbow smashes into a crucifix cradle on the canvas in 8:22 Both teams had an impressive tag match. Morrison is caught in the corner and beaten down two on one before he makes the hot tag to Danielson. Danielson runs wild and Kidd is sent to the floor, so Morrison can leap onto him with a corkscrew plancha. Danielson hooks Smith and nails him in the head with elbow after elbow, before he rolls him to the canvas for the pin. (B-)


Alexandra Madison and Kofi Kingston defeated Katie Lea and Kaval when Madison pinned Katie Lea with a Northern Lights Suplex in 7:10 We see footage of TLC eight days ago with Kaval kicking Kofi in the back of the head to cost R-Truth and Kingston the Unified Tag Team Titles. Also we see Alexandra Madison beating Michelle McCool to become the number one contender for the Unified Women's Title. Mia Mancini watches from the ramp once again and Maryse has to convince her to leave, but she has her sights set on Katie Lea. Kofi and Kaval brawl around the ring, leaving the two divas, with Alexandra Madison pulling out a Northern Lights Suplex for the pin and to have some momentum leading to the Royal Rumble. (C+)


It is announced that Rene Dupree and R-Truth will square off for the number one contendership for the United States Title, due to the fact that Nick Dinsmore is too injured to take his return match.


Rene Dupree and R-Truth battled to a no contest when Jack Swagger attacked both men in 2:11 Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree had some tension due to recent events on Superstars, and Jackson was banished to the back. Out comes Jack Swagger midway through the match and he attacks Truth from behind with a chop block and then takes down Dupree with a belly to belly suplex, so the referee throws the match out. (C+)


Swagger hits a Gutwrench Power Bomb on both men and gets on the microphone, cutting a promo, talking about how he's the number one contender for the United States Title, because who better to become the number one contender for the US Title, then the All American American. He's sick and tired about hearing about how John Morrison is such a great athlete because Swagger's pound for pound the most gifted athlete in WWE and he'll prove it.


Randy Orton pinned Yoshi Tatsu with the RKO in 8:11 A high impact back and forth match, with both men trading holds, with Tatsu getting a nearfall with a missile dropkick but Orton takes advantage, wearing Tatsu down. Tatsu comes back with a roundhouse kick for a two and nine tenths count, before he beats on the head of Orton, before he throws Orton into the corner and ten count punches but Orton drops down and hits the RKO on Tatsu for the pin. (B-)


Randy Orton cuts a promo, talking about how he will win the Royal Rumble. He also says that he hopes that he will get his hands on Batista at the Royal Rumble and says that if Batista runs his mouth against Orton again, he'll pay, reminding us that he put Batista on the shelf for months not once but twice and he'll do it a third time. Orton says that he will get his WWE Championship shot and he hopes that Punk is still the champion.


Edge defeated WWE Champion CM Punk via disqualification in 12:44 when the Illuminati swarmed the ring and beat Edge The fans are going insane as Edge and Punk had a back and forth match, but Edge continued to fight back, getting a nearfall with an elevated DDT. William Regal ran out and Edge hit the Spear on Regal. Out comes Tyson Kidd and he gets a Spear! Another spear on David Hart Smith but the Specialists and Kaval swarm Edge, with Kazarian entering the ring and beating on Edge for the disqualification the odd. (B+)


Punk has the WWE Championship belt, as the Illuminati stomp Edge down in the ring and Edge is nailed right in the head twice with the gold and given the GTS! Punk congratulates Edge on his victory and states that he's going to give Edge the title shot he earned, right here, right now, tonight on RAW. CM Punk makes the cover and he casually pins the unconscious Edge! The fans are really booing, with ear splitting boos, as that was a complete sham of a title shot! Punk has the WWE Championship belt. Edge is left in the ring down, as the Illuminati leaves the ring as we fade to black.





ChrisKid: 1/3

BHK1978: 1/3

MattitudeV2: 1/3

Ian carlisle: 1/3




BHK1978: 48/66

ChrisKid: 42/66

MattitudeV2: 42/66

Kijar: 35/66

Ian carlisle: 34/66

Boothy77: 8/66

jonny CKY: 2/66

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ECW On Sy Fy 12/28/10


Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Goldust vs. Jamie Noble vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Frankie Kazarian.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Justin Gabriel and David Otunga vs. The Specialists©


Shelton Benjamin vs Vladimir Koslov.

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Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Goldust vs. Jamie Noble vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Frankie Kazarian.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Justin Gabriel and David Otunga vs. The Specialists©


Shelton Benjamin vs Vladimir Koslov.


Because I am a Shelton Benjamin mark.

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ECW On Sy Fy 12/28/10


Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Goldust vs. Jamie Noble vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Frankie Kazarian.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Justin Gabriel and David Otunga vs. The Specialists(c)


Shelton Benjamin vs Vladimir Koslov.

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ECW On Sy Fy 12/28/10


The ECW Champion Paul London cuts a promo, talking about how last week, he's the new champion and how Matt Hardy is now out for the next several months, with a concussion, a broken arm, and damage done to his legs. London laughs at Matt Hardy's misfortune, before he talks about how tonight there will be a number one contendership match tonight with Goldust, Drew McIntyre, Jamie Noble, and Frankie Kazarian in a Fatal Four Way Match and London says that it could be a battle involving the Illuminati at the Rumble, with London against Kazarian.


We see Shelton Benjamin talking with Charlie Haas in the back. Benjamin says that he wants a chance at London for the ECW Championship down the road, but the World's Greatest Tag Team will win the Unified Tag Team Titles when the time is right. Benjamin says that its time that he will become the number one contender. Haas talks about how he'll support Benjamin but says that the World's Greatest Tag Team will be the one's to knock off the Specialists. Haas and Benjamin shake hands and when Benjamin leaves, Jack Swagger leaps into the locker room and attacks Haas, yelling that Haas isn't a better wrestler than Swagger is! Swagger applies a dragon sleeper on Haas, before choking him out and Swagger has made it his business to prove that he is the best athlete in WWE.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Vladimir Koslov with the Paydirt in 8:44 Both of these men traded moves, with Koslov gaining the advantage with power, but Shelton Benjamin outwrestled the surly Russian, before hitting the Paydirt on him for the pin. (B)


After the match, Jack Swagger runs out and attacks Benjamin, hitting him with a reverse fireman's carry slam and then beats on Benjamin, before hitting a Gutwrench Power Bomb. Swagger cuts a smug promo, talking about how he is the best amateur wrestler in the world and no one is able to touch him. Swagger talks about how he doesn't need anything to prove how good he is, not even a gold medal and he beats on Benjamin some more. Swagger reminds us that he will become the United States Champion and bring it to the Illuminati. Swagger states that is in fact is true and he leaves the ring, leaving Benjamin in the ring.


Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists defeated Justin Gabriel and David Otunga when Lawrence Davis pinned Justin Gabriel with a reverse brain buster in 9:22 Otunga was trapped in the center of the ring and beaten down two on one but Otunga fights out and the tag is made to Gabriel, who runs wild in the center of the ring. Gabriel takes him down and goes on top for a 450 Splash but Courtier shoves him off, before Davis hits a reverse brain buster sending him down to the canvas for the pin. (C+)


The Specialists cut a promo, talking about how they are the best team but out comes the Big Show and Mark Henry. Show cuts a promo, talking about how the Specialists are full of themselves and at the Royal Rumble, they will have their plates full against the biggest, baddest tag team in WWE. Show walks to the ring calmly with Henry, but the Specialists bail.


Goldust defeated Jamie Noble, Drew McIntyre, and Frankie Kazarian in a fatal four way elimination match in 10:32 Noble is pinned right away with a Double Underhook DDT by McIntyre in less than a minute, leading to Goldust against McIntyre and Kazarian, with Goldust being beaten two on one but he fights back and manages to small package McIntyre for the pin. Paul London comes out, to cheer Kazarian, although maybe in a sarcastic manner. Kazarian gains several nearfalls on Goldust but Goldust fights back and hits a spinebuster and they battle back and forth. London has the ECW Championship belt and he swings it towards Goldust but Goldust sends Kazarian right into the path of London, causing London to nail Kazarian. Goldust kicks London in the face and Kazarian is barely conscious, allowing Goldust to hit a powerslam on Kazarian for the pin. (B-)


Goldust gets the win and points at the ECW Championship belt. Goldust wants the championship and London is shocked, as his interference to help a fellow Illuminati member backfired. It will be Goldust challenging Paul London for the ECW Championship at the Royal Rumble.






BHK1978: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

Kijar: 2/3



BHK1978: 50/69

ChrisKid: 44/69

MattitudeV2: 44/69

Kijar: 37/69

Ian carlisle: 36/69

Boothy77: 8/69

jonny CKY: 2/69


(Fun fact. Jamie Noble was going to win but he got popped for steroids the show before, so he didn't. See you in sixty days Jamie, one more strike, and have fun in TNA losing to Eric Young and Orlando Jordan on Xplosion).

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