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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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<p><strong>Goldust</strong> vs. Drew McIntyre. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>I will always vote Golddust.</em></p><p> </p><p>

David Otunga vs. <strong>Kaval</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The World's Greatest Tag Team </strong>vs. Frankie Kazarian and Jack Swagger.</p>

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy FY 1/4/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Tonight, Goldust meets Drew McIntyre. The ECW Champion Paul London will be on commentary to get a closer look at his number one contender. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>The Big Show defeated Lawerence Davis via disqualification when Michael Courtier nailed Show with one of the Unified Tag Team Title belts in 8:10</strong></span> Davis was not happy having to fight the Big Show in a singles match and he beats on Show but Show uses his power to throw Davis around the ring. Boot in the corner and Show pounds on Davis, going for the Choke slam but Davis beats on him elbows, before going to the second rope and hitting a European Uppercut for a nearfall. Guillotine choke but Show powers out and hits a Gorilla Press, before prepping for the Knockout Punch but Courtier nails him with the belt for the disqualification! <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Big Show is beaten down two on one, until Mark Henry makes the save. The title match at the Royal Rumble is hyped up, with Show and Henry challenging the Specialists for the Unified Tag Team Titles. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Jack Swagger and Frankie Kazarian defeated the World's Greatest Tag Team when Swagger made Haas submit to an ankle lock in 8:11</strong></span> Announcement for this Monday for a one on one match with Shelton Benjamin against Jack Swagger where the winner gets a United States Title shot down the road. Benjamin is beaten in the ring two on one but hot tag to Haas. Haas lands on his ankle and Swagger locks on an ankle lock, shades of another former WWE Superstar, cranking on the leg and forces the tap out. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, talking about how he's going to prove that he should be the number one contender for the ECW Championship and will beat Goldust. McIntyre vows to win the Royal Rumble as well and head to the main event of Wrestlemania 27. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Kaval pinned David Otunga with a roundhouse kick to the head in 6:11</strong></span> The Dudebusters come out, to complain about how they should have gotten a Unified Tag Team Title shot over Otunga and Gabriel and challenge them to a match next week. Otunga beats on Kaval but Kaval slowly picks him apart, before knocking him out with a vicious kick for the pin. <strong>(D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Paul London comes out for commentary, talking about how he put Matt Hardy on the shelf and now he's going to take Goldust out. Goldust's book came out recently, but the epilogue is not going to be Goldust's great triumph, but rather his end at the hands of Paul London. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Goldust pinned Drew McIntyre with the Powerslam in 10:55</strong></span> McIntyre is beaten down but McIntyre hangs him up on the ropes. Future Shock DDT is blocked and Goldust shoves him into the ropes. Goldust shoves him into the corner and the Powerslam for the pin. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Goldust stares down London, motioning for the ECW Championship which Goldust has a shot at at the Royal Rumble. </p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


Ian carlisle: 2/3</p><p>

pt21532: 1/3</p><p>

BHK1978: 1/3</p><p>

ChrisKid: 1/3</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 1/3</p><p>

jstarr187: 2/3</p><p>

Kijar: 2/3</p><p> </p><p>


Ian carlisle: 6/7</p><p>

BHK1978: 5/7</p><p>

Kijar: 4/7</p><p>

ChrisKid: 4/7</p><p>

jstarr187: 4/7</p><p>

Pat21532: 3/7</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 1/7</p>

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WWE Superstars 1/6/11


Tonight on WGN America, we're going to see Kofi Kingston and Paul Burchill square off. These two men have been many times in 2010 and will hook up one more time.


The Dudebusters defeated Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang when Caylen Croft pinned Yang with a Tornado DDT off of the shoulders of Baretta in 6:11 The Dudebusters seem intent of making a statement for a Unified Tag Team Title shot, with Croft getting the win with a breath taking Tornado DDT off of Baretta's shoulders to Yang. (D+)


The Fortunate Sons defeated Kung Fu Naki and Primo when Joe Hennig pinned Primo with the Perfect Plex in 8:11 Funaki was caught in the corner and beating on the Fortunate Sons, but Primo made the hot tag and hits a missile dropkick on Hennig for a nearfall. DiBiase trips up Primo and Hennig hits the Perfect Plex for the pin. (B-)


Yoshi Tatsu pinned Zack Ryder with the Roundhouse Kick in 6:22 Both men trade moves, back and forth, but Ryder gets arrogant and misses a dive off of the second rope. Yoshi Tatsu nails Ryder with the Roundhouse Kick for the pin. (C-)


A recap of Paul London against Edge from RAW, leading up to Edge's victory. This Monday, we'll see Edge choose the stipulations for his title match at the Royal Rumble. Also, we understand that Shawn Michaels will be at RAW this Monday. It has been over a month since we've see the Heartbreak Kid, but we understand that he has a major announcement that could greatly impact the future of his career. Tune in for that.


Kofi Kingston pinned Paul Burchill with the Trouble in Paradise in 15:11 Both of these men are in the Royal Rumble and they had a back and forth match. The Royal Rumble could be a chance for either man to get their ticket punched to Wrestlemania. Burchill goes for a power bomb but Kofi flips onto his feet and hits the Trouble in Paradise for the pin. (B+)





Ian carlisle: 3/4

Kijar: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4



Ian carlisle: 9/11

BHK1978: 9/11

Kijar: 8/11

ChrisKid: 7/11

MattitudeV2: 4/11

jstarr187: 4/11

Pat21532: 3/11

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WWE Smackdown 1/7/11


Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Perfect score, sweet.


I'm actually the most interested in ECW at this point. Hyped for Smackdown though.


I have to say ECW has been really good. I like the other brands as well but recently ECW has really been standing out.


Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool

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WWE Smackdown 1/7/11


Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Evan Bourne and Christian vs. Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


Kane and Mike Knox vs. Ted DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas.


Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho.


Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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WWE Smackdown 1/7/10


Recap from last week on Smackdown, with Evan Bourne very nearly winning the World Heavyweight Championship but Batista interfered for the disqualification. Tonight a blockbuster tag team match with Evan Bourne and Christian taking on Batista and World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.


We are backstage, with Alberto Banderas and Ted DiBiase trading notes about their net worth. Banderas talks about he is much richer and also much better looking then the younger DiBiase and the WWE Intercontinental Champion, along with the winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble. DiBiase disagrees, saying that it was his destiny to end the Undertaker's streak, but it was stolen from him. So he's going to win the Rumble instead and go onto Wrestlemania 27 to regain his World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, however DiBiase says that they have to join forces against Kane and Mike Knox, despite the fact that DiBiase's arm is not completely healed. Banderas agrees, saying that tonight, they're united, men of higher social class, but at the Rumble, its every man for himself.


Alberto Banderas and Ted DiBiase defeated Kane and Mike Knox when Banderas pinned Kane when DiBiase hit him with cast in 11:11 Knox played face in peril but managed to fight off and hit his crushing cross body on DiBiase, before tagging in Kane. Kane runs wild and goes to Choke Slam Banderas but DiBiase waffles Kane from behind with the cast, as the referee was distracted by the Fortunate Sons on the floor. (B-)


We see Knox back up but Banderas attacks him and single arm DDT. Banderas goes for the arm, as we see Kane up and he's fighting the Fortunate Sons off, but three on two, they beat Kane down, with Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig hold Kane and A FLASH OF LIGHT GOES OFF IN THE RING! Did DiBiase...Ted DiBiase just blasted a fireball right into the face of Kane! The fans are screamnig with boos, as Kane is shrieking, clutching his face, as the sickening smell of burned flesh. Kane was in a fire as a child and this has to be bringing back all sorts of memories for Kane. We see paramedics out, as Kane covers his face, yelling and groaning in pain. DiBiase just looks smug on the ramp. The announcers talk about how they could feel the heat from the ringside table, with Striker speculating that DiBiase must have had some fireball apparatus hidden up his cast and this was premeditated assault on the Big Red Machine, looking for the right time to strike.


The Specialists defeated Ernie Osiris and Luke Haux when Davis pinned Osirius with the Spiked Brain Buster in 1:55 The Unified Tag Team Champions make mince meat out of a couple of young competitors, as they have to defend the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Big Show and Mark Henry at the Royal Rumble. The Specialists get the win tonight, but these men are inexperienced and it will be a different test against Show and Henry at the Rumble. (D+)


We are backstage, where Batista walks up to John Cena. Cena says that he wished he would have listened to what Batista said all those months ago about the fans, as they don't care about any of the superstars, only their own selfish entertainment. Cena brings up the fact that he took a chair to Batista's leg at Survivor Series but Batista says Cena did what he had to do to win and Batista would have done the same. Batista says that he'll watch Cena's back, make sure no one unworthy of the title comes close to holding it, and at the Royal Rumble, Batista will steamroll over twenty nine other men, and it will be John Cena and Batista, one more time, for the World Heavyweight Title in the main event of Wrestlemania 27. Cena nods, saying that he hopes Batista wins, because he's worthy of a title shot, unlike people like Mysterio, Bourne, or Christian, who the geeks on the Internet cream their shorts over. “Or someone like Randy Orton who couldn't hack it without a bunch of thugs to watch his back.” added Batista calmly and tonight, they're going to take out Bourne and Christian, to show the superstars that should be on top of WWE.


Dolph Ziggler pinned Finlay with the Zig Zag in 8:44 Chris Jericho is on commentary, promising to win the Royal Rumble and also mocking Finlay, who beats on Ziggler, but Ziggler fights back and hits a clothesline off of the second rope. Finlay hammers on Ziggler during this match, but Jericho distracts Finlay, allowing Ziggler to connect with the Zig Zag for the pin. For the second week in a row, Jericho has cost Finlay the match and he nails Finlay with the shillagh, before giving him the Code Breaker. (B-)


We have an update backstage from a trainer, as Kane is being transported to a burn clinic. He calls the burns sickening and says that he hopes that WWE would do something to DiBiase, given that he doesn't feel safe being in the same company with someone who burns a man's face with fire. He says they might be third degree burns and he expresses doubt that Kane would ever be able to show his face in public, as the damage might be permanent.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly defeated Michelle McCool and Layla when Madison pinned Layla with a Northern Lights Suplex in 5:55 Kelly Kelly returns to Smackdown after being on the shelf for the past few months with some torn ligaments in her leg and returns with a fire not seen in some time, beating on Laycool but she is trapped in the corner. We see Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea watching her opponent at the Royal Rumble, Alexandra Madison, closely from the backstage area, as she gets the win, snapping Layla over with a fluid Northern Lights Suplex. (D+)


We see a video package, narrated by the Miz, putting himself over. Next week the Miz returns.


Chris Jericho defeated Mark Henry via disqualification in 8:55 when Finlay interfered and attacked Jericho One half of the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Team Titles was in action against Chris Jericho tonight. Henry used his power to gain an advantage but Jericho fights back. Jericho hits the lionsault on Henry but Finlay rushes out and takes Jericho down, beating on him for the disqualification. (B-)


Finlay attacks Jericho and the Specialists enter the ring, attacking Mark Henry in the center of the ring, beating him down two on one, until the Big Show runs off the Specialists. The Specialists will put the Unified Tag Team Titles on the line against the Big Show and Mark Henry at the Royal Rumble and Show stares down at them with contempt.


Christian and Evan Bourne defeated Batista and John Cena when Christian pinned Cena with the Killswitch in 13:39 A wild tag team main event to close out the first Smackdown of 2011. Batista and Cena isolated Bourne in the corner, who fight valiantly through a brutal assault but the fans were chanting for Christian and they got their wish with the hot tag. Christian runs wild, beating on both men. Bourne returns and dives onto Batista with a tope suicida. Cena beats on Christian and goes for a belly to back suplex but Christian fights out and snaps off the Killswitch for the pin. (B+)


Christian celebrates the win, gaining a psychological advantage against Cena leading up to their World Heavyweight Championship match at the Rumble but wait, keep your eye on Cena. He has the World Heavyweight Championship belt and he goes for Christian but Christian sees Cena coming and ducks. Christian dropkicks Cena to the floor and Bourne enters the ring, to watch Christian's back. Batista and Cena are in the ring, as Christian will challenge John Cena for the World Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble, with Batista and Evan Bourne both in the Royal Rumble match.





MattitudeV2: 2/5

BHK1978: 2/5

ChrisKid: 2/5

Ian carlisle: 3/5

jstarr187: 3/5

Kijar: 3/5



Ian carlisle: 12/16

BHK1978: 11/16

Kijar: 11/16

ChrisKid: 8/16

jstarr187: 7/16

MattitudeV2: 6/16

Pat21532: 3/16

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