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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/10/11


We see CM Punk making his way down to the ring, with the Illuminati. Punk slides underneath the bottom rope and gets on the microphone, talking about how last week, he was gone and how London took it upon himself. London says that Edge caught him by surprise but Punk waves it off, saying that London better keep that ECW Championship at the Rumble or they'll be trouble. Punk says that now he has to take on Edge, at the Royal Rumble and he says that tonight, he's handpicked several superstars to compete in a battle royal, to get a WWE Championship match later in the evening, because he's just that kind of fighting champion. He demands Edge come out, to tell him the stipulations that he chose. Out comes Edge, who talks about how he thought about it long and hard. He talks about how two weeks ago, the Illuminati rushed him but he needs something to keep them out of the ring when he challenges for the title this time. Therefore, Edge will challenge CM Punk for the title at the Royal Rumble, inside the confines of a fifteen foot high steel cage, where the only way you can win is by pinfall or submission! The fans pop big and Punk just makes a face of disgust, before stating that it doesn't matter and he reminds Edge of his match tonight with Randy Orton, where Punk hopes that both Edge and Orton take each other out.


Chris Masters won an eight man battle royal against Cody Rhodes, Zack Ryder, Rene Dupree, Yoshi Tatsu, Santino, Ezekiel Jackson, and Vance Archer when Masters eliminated Rhodes in 8:11 Eight young superstars battled with a chance at the WWE Championship later on tonight in the balance. It came down to Rhodes and Masters, who have had their of problems on Superstars as of late. Rhodes is dumped over the top rope and the Masterpiece now gets a title shot later tonight against CM Punk. (C+)


We see Randy Orton standing backstage. He talks about in a little under three weeks on January 30th at the Royal Rumble, he will walk into the ring and he will leave the ring, the winner, with a spot in the main event at Wrestlemania hanging in the balance. He talks about he has to fight Edge tonight but Edge is merely a minor annoyance. He will win the Royal Rumble and he'll be WWE Champion once again come Wrestlemania 27.


Bryan Danielson pinned David Hart Smith with a German Suplex in 6:11 Smith used his power to gain an early advantage but Danielson fought back and hit a swift German Suplex for the pin, beating one of the members of the Illuminati. (B)


Danielson gets on the microphone, talking about how the Royal Rumble is a chance to someone to break through to the top and he says that he has his eyes on the WWE Championhip. He has nothing against Edge, but he really hopes that Punk has the belt come Wrestlemania 27, because Danielson is looking forward to destroying the Illuminati by removing its head, being the Straight Edge Superstar and winning the WWE Championship. The Rumble might be stacked with Illuminati members, but Danielson will rise to the occasion and go to Wrestlemania 27.


Jack Swagger pinned Shelton Benjamin with a top rope gutwrench power bomb in 8:50 Back and forth match, with Shelton Benjamin beating on Swagger throughout the opening stages but Swagger fights back and beats on Benjamin, hitting a German Suplex. Swagger pounds away at Benjamin but Benjamin pulls out a T-Bone Suplex. He gets crotched up top and Swagger hits the Super Gutwrench Power Bomb and pins him to become the number one contender for the United States Title held by John Morrison. (B+)


Out comes Shawn Michaels from the back, looking rather serious. Michaels says it has been over a month since he's been here and he's done a lot of soul searching over the holidays. There are those who speak in whispers, that he does not have it any more, that he is not the showstopper, the headliner, the main eventer, the icon, he's lost a few steps. And Michaels admits that they might be right. The sands of time are rapidly running out on his career and in 2010, he found it hard to maintain a regular schedule. Michaels always vowed that he would never compete in the ring unless of course he was his best and to be the very best, he has to be the WWE Champion. Therefore, Michaels is going to make a promise. By the end of Wrestlemania 27, he will either be the WWE Champion or he'll hang up the boots for good!


Michaels talks about how that the quickest path to the title is one that he's taken twice before. That is winning the Royal Rumble. Michaels says that he will win the Rumble and go onto Mania to regain the WWE Championship, but Paul Burchill interrupts Michaels. He talks about how the night after last year's Wrestlemania, he gave Michaels a savage beating putting him on the shelf and tonight he is going to give Michaels another beating and he'll retire three months earlier then planned. Michaels invites Burchill into the ring for a match so they can do this the old fashioned way.


Shawn Michaels made Paul Burchill submit to a cross-face submission hold in 9:01 A back and forth match but Burchill gets the heat, beating down Michaels. Michaels fights back and hits a flying forearm, before kipping up and then hitting a belly to back suplex and flying elbow drop. Sweet Chin Music is ducked and Burchill hits a spinebuster, for a very close nearfall! Burchill rolls Michaels over and beats on the back of his head, and goes for a lariat, but Michaels catches the arm and single arm DDT, before he turns Burchill into a cross-face submission hold! Michaels has this crippling submission hold, proving that he can beat a man in a number of ways and he forces a tap out on Burchill! (B)


WWE Champion CM Punk pinned Chris Masters with the GTS in 5:05 Masters was a bit tired from the battle royal earlier when Punk was as fresh as a daisy and used his offense, with elbows and kicks. Masters managed to catch Punk with a fallaway slam for a nearfall and then a running clothesline. Masters goes for the Masterlock but Punk reaches the ropes and low blow to Masters, before hitting the GTS for the pin. (B)


Randy Orton pinned Edge with the RKO after Punk distracted Edge in 13:52 Both men exchange holds, with Orton gaining the advantage, working over him with a lot of offense. Orton beats on Edge, and Orton hammers away at Edge, going for the RKO but Edge beats on Orton, before hitting an Edge O Matic, Punk comes out to have some words with Edge and Edge turns to Punk but a half of a second away and Orton hits the RKO for the pin. (B+)


Punk enters the ring and enters the ring, taunting the downed form of Edge but Orton is up and he spins Punk around and gives him the RKO! The fans cheer and Orton sets up Punk for the punt, but the Illuminati bolts from the back. Orton slides out of the ring, but Orton gets on the microphone, saying that Punk better hope he does not win the Rumble and Punk is not the champion come Wrestlemania 27.





MattitudeV2: 3/3

Kijar: 0/3

BHK1978: 3/3

Ian carlisle: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

pat21532: 2/3



Ian carlisle: 14/19

BHK1978: 14/19

Kijar: 11/19

ChrisKid: 10/19

MattitudeV2: 9/19

jstarr187: 7/19

Pat21532: 5/19

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ECW Champion Paul London vs an opponent picked by Goldust(Non Title)


Despite this being both a non-title match and the opponent is ???, I still think that Paul has this.


Goldust vs. an opponent picked by Paul London


The Big Show and Mark Henry vs. The Dudebusters.

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ECW On Sy Fy 1/11/11


Out comes the ECW Champion Paul London, who announces that tonight, he and Goldust will be in action, against opponents picked by each other. Out comes Goldust, who asks London what member of the Illuminati he is going to sic on him. London just looks amused, before he says that he expected Goldust to think that, so he's picked another opponent and he calls out Vladimir Koslov, who walks to the ring, cracking his knuckles, before sliding underneath the bottom rope, ready to go.


Goldust pinned Vladimir Koslov with a sunset flip in 8:10 The name of the game is to soften up Goldust and Koslov does just that, beating on Goldust but Goldust fights out and manages to hold Koslov down with a sunset flip long enough for the pin. ©


The Dudebusters are out, demanding that Mark Henry and the Big Show put up the Unified Tag Team Title shot at the Royal Rumble. Croft says that they bust dudes and Baretta says that they are the dudes that bust in young women, but they want the Unified Tag Team Titles, because they get all of the perks, all of the chicks, all of the money, and everything else. Out comes Show and Henry, with Show asking the Busters if they learned anything about their ill fated run in with Show and Henry a couple of weeks ago on Superstars. After some back and forth, they agree to put the Unified Tag Team Title shot on the line, to shut the Dudebusters up.


The Big Show and Mark Henry defeated the Dudebusters when Show pinned Baretta with the Knockout Punch in 8:01 To their credit, the Dudebusters more then held their own, with lots of swift double teams and sneaky tactics. Henry was beaten, but he reversed a double suplex into one of his own, dumping the Dudebusters, and Show is tagged in, running wild. He hoists both of the Dudebusters, stacked on top of each other, above his head, with a massive Gorilla Press! Henry enters the ring and wipes out Croft and Barretta avoids the Choke Slam, but he runs right into the Knockout Punch. (C-)


The Specialists enter the ring and ram Mark Henry into the ringsteps! Lawrence Davis enters the ring and jumps on the Big Show's back, with a sleeperhold, as Courtier enters the ring, kicking away at the legs of Show but Show manages to swing Davis off. The Unified Tag Team Champions scatter, as the Big Show preps for the Knockout Punch. The announcers wonder if the Specialists have any double team moves that can take out someone like the Big Show. We'll find out at the Rumble, but they have quite the task ahead of them. Still you better believe that Courtier and Davis have a few tricks up their sleeve, they are Unified Tag Team Champions for a reason.


Drew McIntyre pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with the Future Shock DDT in 4:51 McIntyre cuts an inset during this match, promising to win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania 27. Yang used a few swift moves but McIntyre obviously is focused and he snaps off the Future Shock for the pin. McIntyre could really elevate his game, by winning the 2011 Royal Rumble. (B-)


We see Paul London backstage, talking to the Illuminati(minus Punk who is defending the WWE Championship at a live event elsewhere), saying that its important that they have his back if Goldust tries anything. We see London walk off and then when he's gone, Frankie Kazarian suddenly tell the rest of the Illuminati, that CM Punk just called him, saying that they can take the rest of the night off. Kazarian smirks slightly, as the Specialists, Kaval, Regal, Swagger, and the Hart Dynasty all exchange shrugs, before they leave the locker room area, with London unaware that the rest of the Illuminati has been given the night off.


Out comes Goldust, who calls out London's opponent, Shelton Benjamin. Shelton, fresh off of his loss to Jack Swagger, looks to want to prove something. London does not look too pleased.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Paul London with the Top Rope T Bone Suplex in 15:55 Both men had an epic encounter, with Shelton Benjamin wanting to make a name for himself, at the expense of Paul London. London fights Shelton Benjamin and knocks him to the floor with a dropkick and looks towards the ramp, as he distracts the referee but Benjamin returns to the ring, with London thrown slightly off of his game and Benjamin kicks him right in the face. Paydirt connects but London drapes his foot over the bottom rope. Benjamin is taken out on a springboard, knocked to the floor and London is watching from the ring, before distracting the referee, but there is no Illuminati and London opts for a somersault plancha to wipe out Benjamin. London hits a fisherman buster in the ring for a nearfall! London goes up top but Benjamin kips up and runs up the buckles, before hitting a super T Bone Suplex, folding up London like a piece of paper and making the pin. (B+)


The fans are going absolutely insane with cheers, as Shelton Benjamin leaves the ring but turns, saying that he wants a title shot against either London or Goldust, whoever walks out of the Rumble with the belt and walks off, with Goldust returning to the ring and beating on London. London has lost the match and now Goldust is getting him some of Paul London. The fans cheer as Goldust has London set up in the corner, before he hits the Shattered Dreams! London falls down, in a fetal ball and Goldust hoists the ECW Championship Belt over his head! London won't be too happy when he finds out that Kazarian told the Illuminati that they could have the rest of the night off, on CM Punk's presumed orders!





BHK1978: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 2/3

Kijar: 2/3



Ian carlisle: 16/22

BHK1978: 16/22

Kijar: 13/22

ChrisKid: 12/22

MattitudeV2: 9/22

jstarr187: 7/22

Pat21532: 5/22

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WWE Superstars 1/13/11


Tonight's main event on WGN America is the United States Champion John Morrison taking on the Celtic Warrior Sheamus.


Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler defeated JTG and Primo when Ziggler pinned Primo with the Zig Zag in 8:11 A back and forth encounter to kick things off on Superstars. Both teams rocked back and forth into battle, with JTG being trapped in the corner. He makes the hot tag to Primo, but he runs wild. Primo takes out Chavo with a missile dropkick but Ziggler makes a blind tag. He enters the ring and pops Primo with the Zig Zag to score the pin. ©


Kaval pinned Justin Gabriel with a double foot stomp off of the second rope in 12:33 The cagey assassin of the Illuminati took on Justin Gabriel. Gabriel and Kaval had a solid back and forth encounter, with the violent attacks of Kaval beating down Gabriel, driving him down to the canvas, with a reverse brain buster, before pulling himself up to the second rope and nailing him with a double foot stomp. (C-)


Recap of the events of RAW, involving Edge, Randy Orton, and CM Punk.


United States Champion John Morrison pinned Sheamus with the Starship Pain in a non title match 18:59 One of the biggest main events on Superstars on quite some time featured John Morrison doing battle with Sheamus. Sheamus used his raw power, as the announcers hype that this Monday on RAW, John Morrison will be putting his United States Title on the line against Jack Swagger. Morrison avoids the Celtic Cross and hits the Pele Kick and Starship Pain gets the pin. (B)





Kijar: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

BHK1978: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3



Ian carlisle: 19/25

BHK1978: 19/25

Kijar: 15/25

ChrisKid: 15/25

MattitudeV2: 12/25

jstarr187: 7/25

Pat21532: 5/25

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