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WWE Smackdown 1/14/11


Hype for tonight's huge main event, with the Unified Tag Team Champions The Specialists teaming up with the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena to take on Christian, Mark Henry, and the Big Show.


The Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea pinned Kelly Kelly with a brain buster in 4:09 Katie Lea savaged Kelly Kelly, sending a message to Alexandra Madison for their match for the Royal Rumble. Kelly fought out but Katie Lea kicks her in the face and hits a brain buster for the pin. (D+)


We see John Cena and Batista backstage, with Cena having a chain draped over his shoulders and the World Heavyweight Title Belt draped over his lap, with Batista holding a briefcase. In comes CM Punk but Punk steps back, saying that Cena wanted a fair, one on one meeting, so why is Batista here. Batista states that Cena is holding the belt, thus he holds the cards and Punk's WWE Championship belt means nothing on Smackdown, especially when Cena beat Punk at Bragging Rights. Punk says that the Illuminati destroyed many people and if Cena and Batista aren't careful, they'll be taken out too. Cena states that they might have put Vince McMahon into a coma, and perhaps have been behind the attack of the Undertaker and the accident involving Triple H, Cena doesn't fear them. Cena says that he's beaten men far bigger and far tougher then the entire Illuminati putting together and Batista points himself. Cena says he hopes that Punk can find another partner for the Specialists, because Cena refuses to team with them. Punk says he doesn't want anything to do with Cena and Punk turns, with Batista attacking Punk from behind with a huge lariat! Batista beats on Punk but the door is forced over, with the Specialists, William Regal, and Kaval brawling with Cena and Batista backstage! The battle spills into the hallway, as the Hart Dynasty and Kazarian run in as well! Security breaks it up as even Batista and Cena are not tough enough to fight off the entire Illuminati. Cena has the chain but the Illuminati is ushered out and Cena tells Batista that its not over, with Batista nodding as he goes out for his match with Finlay.


A clip from last April is shown with Batista destroying Finlay, with Finlay being put on the shelf for months.


Batista pins Finlay with the Batista Bomb in 9:52 Finlay hammers on Batista, beating on him but Batista fights out. Chris Jericho stands on the ramp, glaring at Finlay and Batista attacks him from behind. Finlay fights back again and goes for the shillagh, but Jericho takes it and this allows Batista to kick Finlay in the back of the head and hit the Batista Bomb for the pin. (B)


Batista beats on Finlay but Evan Bourne runs out and hits a missile dropkick to Batista, taking him out! Batista flies to the floor but Chris Jericho chop blocks the leg out from underneath Bourne and beats on his leg some, as Batista enters the ring. Jericho throws Bourne into a spinebuster from Batista. A little bit of team work between Jericho and Batista, which seems to be a interesting development, as they exchange a look before leaving.


Ted DiBiase comes out, to cut a promo, as we see clips from Kane getting a fireball shot into his face last week. DiBiase talks about how he might have done Kane a favor, as his looks could only improve. He talks about how two thirds of the Family of Destruction are now indisposed and now, he is going to take on Mike Knox.


Mike Knox defeated Ted DiBiase via disqualification when The Fortunate Sons interfered in 8:30 DiBiase hammers on Knox but Knox fights off DiBiase with his rough neck power, as next week, Mike Knox will challenge Alberto Banderas for the WWE Intercontinental Title. Knox hits a Bicycle Kick but in come the Fortunate Sons and they beat on Knox for the disqualification. (B)


Knox fights them off but DiBiase waffles him from behind with his cast, before hitting the Dream Street and Joe Hennig brings in a briefcase, before popping it open, to reveal scissors and hair clippers. The Fortunate Sons hold down Knox, as DiBiase is cutting Knox's beard! The fans go insane with boos! Knox's beard is being cut off by Ted DiBiase! DiBiase holds the large clumps of hair as Knox lies on the mat, mostly clean shaven. DiBiase stuffs some of the hair in Knox's mouth, causing him to gag. Once again, the Fortunate Sons have struck. The lights suddenly flicker in the arena and DiBiase turns for a moment, as a shadowed figure is shown on the ramp but they flicker again and he is gone. DiBiase just turns, before dismissing it as a trick of the light and an equipment malfunction.


The Miz is out, talking about his triumphant return and anoints himself as the most awesome superstar in Smackdown history. He vows to win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania 27 and also calls out Evan Bourne for their match. Out limps Bourne, who is still worse for wear and his ribs are still a bit sore as well but he's going to fight.


The Miz pinned Evan Bourne after Batista speared him into the steps on the floor in 10:12 An impressive match, with the Miz using some new submission moves in an attempt to wear down Bourne. Bourne fired back, the guts and determination that nearly won him the World Heavyweight Championship two weeks ago. Bourne misses a moonsault and hits his ribs on the floor and Miz slides back into the ring and Batista comes out, spearing Bourne, knocking him into the steps. Nine count and Bourne drags himself into the ring, but he collapses and Miz covers Bourne for the pin. (B)


We see Batista and Miz exchange a stare and Miz holds open the ropes for Batista, allowing him to enter the ring and beat on Bourne some more! Bourne is left in the ring.


Christian, Mark Henry, and the Big Show defeated the Specialists and William Regal when Christian pinned Regal with the Killswitch in 10:11 Regal was the replacement for John Cena and an impressive six man tag team match happened. In the end, Show and Henry took the Specialists to the floor. Regal goes for the Knee Trembler but Christian hits the Killswitch for the pin. (B)


The Illuminati storms into the ring, and begins attacking the three men. The fans are cheering, as Edge rushes in from the crowd and goes after CM Punk but the Illuminati beats down Edge as well. The fans are booing some more, as Batista appears on the ramp with John Cena, before he opens the briefcase, to reveal three chains, in addition to the large one Cena has on his shoulders. The Miz and Chris Jericho appear on either side and Batista hands the chains, before taking one of his own and all four men wrap chains around their fists, before storming in the ring, and attacking the Illuminati, Edge, Christian, Show, and Henry with vicious chain shots. The Illuminati are the ones who are caught off guard with a vicious attack for once. Out comes security as we head to a commercial to get this sorted out.


We see a recap of what just happened and an announcement that based off of it, we're going to see a blockbuster Triple Threat Tag Team Match this Monday on RAW, featuring John Cena and Batista against CM Punk and William Regal against Edge and Christian!





Kijar: 1/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

BHK1978: 2/4

ChrisKid: 2/4

Ian carlisle: 3/4



Ian carlisle: 22/29

BHK1978: 21/29

ChrisKid: 17/29

Kijar: 16/29

MattitudeV2: 14/29

jstarr187: 7/29

Pat21532: 5/29

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/17/11


Edge and Christian vs. The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Batista vs. the WWE Champion CM Punk and William Regal.


Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho.


Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Frankie Kazarian.


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison©

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Edge and Christian vs. The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Batista vs. the WWE Champion CM Punk and William Regal.


Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho.


Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Frankie Kazarian.


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison©

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Edge and Christian vs. The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Batista vs. the WWE Champion CM Punk and William Regal.


Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho.


Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Frankie Kazarian.


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/17/11


Edge and Christian vs. The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Batista vs. the WWE Champion CM Punk and William Regal.


Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho.


Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Frankie Kazarian.


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison©

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Edge and Christian vs. The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Batista vs. the WWE Champion CM Punk and William Regal.


Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho.


Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Frankie Kazarian.


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/17/11


We are backstage, where John Cena, Batista, Chris Jericho, and The Miz arrive, with the Miz carrying the bags of the other three men. Jericho talks about how tonight, he's going to make a statement, by wiping out Shawn Michaels before the Royal Rumble. Cena says tonight, he and Batista are going to take out Christian, Edge, Punk, and Regal in one fell swoop. Batista makes a breaking motion with his hand, indicating what he intends to do to his opponents tonight.


Rene Dupree is out, cutting a promo about Ezekiel Jackson, calling Jackson a punk and a commoner. Without Dupree, Jackson would be washing cars. The fans boo at the arrogance of Dupree, as Dupree says he's going to give Jackson a beating tonight. Jackson comes out and Dupree has a pair of brass knuckles, but Jackson blocks it, before he rips the knuckles out of the hand of Dupree as the bell rings.


Ezekiel Jackson pinned Rene Dupree with sidewalk slam in 0:05 Dupree is drilled with a huge sidewalk slam for the pin in five seconds. Jackson picks up Dupree afterwards and gives him a powerslam. We can consider this partnership severed. (D+)


CM Punk is backstage, giving the Illuminati their marching orders. Tonight, Kazarian takes on Bryan Danielson and Paul London is to take on Randy Orton. Divide and conquer tonight. Also, Jack Swagger is going to bring the United States Title back to the Illuminati after Nick Dinsmore dropped the ball last month at TLC. Punk invites Regal to walk off, to prepare and stratagize for their three way tag match tonight.


Bryan Danielson made Frankie Kazarian submit to a rollthrough half Boston Crab in 8:44 The fans are going insane as both men go back and forth for this match, with several nearfalls. Kazarian hits an impressive flipping Rock Bottom style move off of the second rope but Danielson kicks out. 450 Splash hits the knees and Danielson beats on Kazarian, but Kazarian fights out and Danielson slides down. Kazarian goes for a kick but Danielson rolls through and snaps Kazarian down with a Half Boston Crab, folding his leg backwards and Kazarian had no choice to submit. (C+)


Edge and Christian are backstage, discussing tonight's match and the fact that at the Royal Rumble, they could both walk out as the champions of their respective brands. The Specialists enter the locker room and talk trash about Edge and Christian, saying that they might have won the tag belts eight times, but that was in the period of a year and they're not going to be able to match the Specialists. Some back and forth and Edge and Christian brawl with the Specialists backstage. Courtier and Davis get the worst of this and Davis throws down a challenge for a Unified Tag Team Title match on Smackdown, which Christian accepts, on behalf of their team, promising to be the first team to beat the Specialists. A huge Unified Tag Team Title Match on Smackdown, with Edge and Christian versus the Specialists!


Jack Swagger made John Morrison submit to the Ankle Lock to win the WWE United States Title in 9:02 Morrison and Swagger had a back and forth encounter, with Morrison's high flying, high impact offense keeping the champion off balance! Swagger is wiped out with a Pele but Swagger shoves him off of the top rope to the floor to get the heat and Morrison may have injured his ankle. Swagger picks apart the ankle for the next several minutes but Morrison counters a gutwrench with an armdrag and he hits a tornado DDT for a nearfall! Morrison goes to the top rope and Starship Pain but Swagger moves. Morrison lands on his feet and his ankle just collapses from underneath him, allowing Swagger to apply the Ankle Lock for the submission. (B+)


Swagger takes the United States Title Belt but a man in a scuffy hooded sweatshirt and jeans entered the ring and jumped Swagger from behind, before applying a rear naked choke, but out comes the Hart Dynasty and Kaval from the back, as the hood comes down, to reveal Nick Dinsmore who looks like he has not bathed or slept for the entire month and Dinsmore rushes off yelling that he's going to take out the Illuminati one by one.


Josh Mathews is standing by with Zack Ryder but Dinsmore rushes in to take him down with a lariat and stomps Ryder. Dinsmore grabs the microphone and says that Punk sold him a book of lies when he joined the Illuminati and now he was kicked out. Dinsmore talks about how he was put on the street, losing everything he owned and having to eat out of and live in a dumpster. He had managed to save enough money to hitchhike to RAW and he hopes Punk got his message. Dinsmore yells that he has nothing to lose, he was fired, and now he's going to go crazy on the Illuminati. Dinsmore chokes Josh, before shoving him down and looks on wide eyed like a madman.


Randy Orton defeated ECW Champion Paul London via disqualification in a non title match in 0:18 when London nailed Orton with his belt. The Specialists distract Orton and now London grabs the belt from the referee and he nails Orton for the disqualification. (B-)


The Specialists have Orton set up and double brain buster, before London has Orton set up and gives him a Shooting Star Press! Orton spasms like his ribs have been crushed and now the Specialists hold Orton, so London can nail him right in the side of the face with a series of elbow strikes, before London steps back and rolling elbow smash knocks Orton out! No save for Orton, because he spent much of the last five years alienating everyone on RAW, so he has no friends!


Shawn Michaels pinned Chris Jericho after hooking the leg with a superplex in 15:59 Two of the best wrestlers in the history of WWE and two men in the Royal Rumble are going one on one tonight. Michaels beats on Jericho, but Jericho hits the Code Breaker for a nearfall. Lionsault is countered in mid move with the Sweet Chin Music to an upside down Jericho but Jericho gets on the ropes. Michaels beats on Jericho, before putting him on the top rope but Jericho fights out and shoves Michaels off, hitting a springboard dropkick. Code Breaker and Walls of Jericho but Michaels is in the ropes. Jericho beats on Michaels, before throwing him into the corner. Belly to back suplex but Michaels fights out and Sweet Chin Music is avoided and Jericho kicks Michaels in the face, before putting him on the top rope, and hitting a superplex but Michaels hooks the leg on the way down to score the pin. (B+)


Edge and Christian defeated William Regal and CM Punk, Batista and John Cena when Christian pinned Cena with the Killswitch as Edge pinned Punk with the Spear in 18:22 All three teams collided in a huge back and forth triple threat tag with several nearfalls. In the end, Batista was taken out as was Regal, which allowed Christian to hit the Killswitch on Cena and Edge speared Punk, before Edge and Christian scored simultaneous pins. (A)


Out comes Kevin Nash to announce two huge matches for next week, featuring Edge against John Cena and Christian against CM Punk! The Royal Rumble title matches will be reversed next week on RAW.






BHK1978: 2/5

MattitudeV2: 2/5

Ian carlisle: 4/5

ChrisKid: 4/5



Ian carlisle: 26/34

BHK1978: 23/34

ChrisKid: 21/34

Kijar: 16/34

MattitudeV2: 16/34

jstarr187: 7/34

Pat21532: 5/34

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ECW On Sy Fy 1/18/11


We see CM Punk standing by backstage with Kazarian and London. Punk talks about how these two men have had their problems, but for the greater good of the Illuminati, tonight they're going to work together against Goldust and Nick Dinsmore. Kazarian questions why Dinsmore is wrestling, but Punk states that he arranged for him to compete in one final match, so the Illuminati can stamp him out. London talks about how tonight he's going to show Kazarian how to win a match and Kazarian looks offended, but Punk stops, telling Kazarian that London has the ECW Championship belt, therefore despite the fact that he's been undermining him, he has his usefulness. For now.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Kaval with the Paydirt in 8:55 An inset promo showed Shelton Benjamin stating his intentions of winning the ECW Championship, win the Unified Tag Team Titles with Charlie Haas, and also winning the Royal Rumble. Kaval and Benjamin had an intense battle, trading punches, kicks, stomps, suplexes, and submission holds. Benjamin takes Kaval down with the Paydirt for the win, to get his second straight win over an Illuminati member in two weeks. (B+)


Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, promising to win the Royal Rumble and he calls out his opponent for tonight, the Big Show.


Drew McIntyre defeated the Big Show via countout when the Specialists attacked the Big Show on the floor in 8:11 Show used his rough neck power to throw McIntyre around but McIntyre used some cheap tactics to get Show down and works on his legs but Show shoves him down and beats on him, before hammering him in the corner viciously, before hitting a running kick in the corner. Out come the Specialists, and the Big Show goes after them and pounds away at them on the floor. Show throws the Specialists around and gets counted out. (B-)


Out comes Mark Henry, as the Specialists begin to double team the Big Show. Show fights them off and pounds them down onto the canvas, and the Specialists flee. They have that huge title defense at the Royal Rumble against the Big Show and Mark Henry and so far, the two large men have been something hard for the Specialists to put down.


Goldust and Nick Dinsmore defeated Frankie Kazarian and the ECW Champion Paul London when Randy Orton interfered and went after London, allowing Goldust to hit a Powerslam for the pin on Kazarian in 12:55 Dinsmore was beaten down for most of this match, but Goldust was tagged in and he runs wild, and suddenly Randy Orton comes out. Orton goes after London and Kazarian goes for a reverse Russian Legsweep but Goldust fights out and hits a powerslam and pins Kazarian. (B-)


Orton turns around, showing the side of his face bruised from the attack on RAW. Orton demands a match with Paul London next week on ECW but not just any match, an Extreme Rules Match! London agrees, but its non title and Orton just dismisses London, stating that he's going to send a message to Punk through London.




ECW On Sy Fy:

Kijar: 1/2

Ian carlisle: 1/2

BHK1978: 1/2

ChrisKid: 1/2

MattitudeV2: 1/2



Ian carlisle: 27/36

BHK1978: 25/36

ChrisKid: 22/36

Kijar: 17/36

MattitudeV2: 17/36

jstarr187: 7/36

Pat21532: 5/36

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WWE Superstars 1/20/11


In our feature contest on WGN America, it is a six man tag from RAW, featuring Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Chris Masters taking on Sheamus, Paul Burchill, and Cody Rhodes.


Joe Hennig pinned JTG with the Perfect Plex in 7:11 Brett DiBiase was in the corner of his fellow Fortunate Sons tag team partner, Joe Hennig tonight. It is announced that Shad will be back in a couple of weeks from his injury and Cryme Tyme will return. JTG could have used the back up as he is tripped up by Dibiase and then hit with the Perfect Plex for the pin. (B-)


The Hart Dynasty defeated David Otunga and Justin Gabriel in 8:08 The next match featured a RAW versus ECW tag team match, with the Hart Dynasty, representing the Illuminati against two of the hottest rising young talents on ECW, in Justin Gabriel and David Otunga. The fans are going nuts for this match, as Gabriel is caught in the corner but tags out to Otunga who runs wild, but gets hung up and the Hart Dynasty connect with the Springboard Hart Attack to put Otunga down for the pin. (C+)


Vance Archer pinned Yoshi Tatsu with a Crucifix Power Bomb out of the corner in 5:11 In 2009, Vance Archer debuted as part of ECW and was undefeated for quite some time, but a knee injury put him on the shelf and now he's back and as mean as ever as part of Monday Night RAW. The high flying of Tatsu was barely a match for the rough neck brutality of Archer, who might hold gold on Monday Night RAW in 2011. He finishes off with a violent Crucifix Power Bomb. ©


A recap of all of the events on RAW, leading up to a huge double main event this Monday, with the WWE Champion CM Punk taking on Christian and the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena taking on Edge. The title matches at the Royal Rumble are flipped. Also, the RAW superstars attempt to get their final words in before the Royal Rumble on January 30th.


Hype for Smackdown, featuring a huge Unified Tag team Title Match, with the Specialists putting the gold on the line against Edge and Christian. You don't want to miss Smackdown Friday Nights.


Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes defeated Chris Masters, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth when Burchill pinned Masters with an elevated swinging neckbreaker in 12:11 The announcers talk about the bad blood between Kofi Kingston and Paul Burchill that has occurred all throughout 2010 and also the recent issues between Cody Rhodes and Chris Masters on Superstars. Six of RAW's brightest young stars compete, in an attempt to make a huge impression and there was no bigger of an impression than the one made by Burchill, who hit a dangerous Neckbreaker for the pin on Masters. (B-)




WWE Superstars:

Kijar: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

ChrisKid: 4/4

Ian carlisle: 3/4



Ian carlisle: 30/40

BHK1978: 27/40

ChrisKid: 26/40

Kijar: 20/40

MattitudeV2: 20/40

jstarr187: 7/40

Pat21532: 5/40

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February 15th. ECW on Sy Fy. The biggest announcement in the history of Tuesday nights. Don't miss it.



(And I'll shoot this theory down right away. Its not the end of ECW and the beginning of this dynasty's version of NXT a year later).


WWE Smackdown 1/21/11


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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WWE Smackdown 1/21/11


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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WWE Smackdown 1/21/11


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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