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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Edge and Christian vs. the Specialists©


Finlay vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. Alberto Banderas©


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs. Team Laycool.

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WWE Smackdown 1/21/11


We see John Cena make his way down to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship Belt draped over his shoulder. He talks about how he saw the fans as an means to retire at a young age and to line his pockets. Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, you can't see me, the chain gang, all ploys to sell merchandise. Cena states that right now he could retire as World Heavyweight Champion and turn his back on Smackdown and not even regret it. The fans boo and chant “just go” but Cena says that's what the fans want and Cena talks about how he might have dressed down to their level, but he's really one of the richest men in wrestling.


“Mah name is Finlay and I love to fight!”


Finlay comes out and talks about how at one time, he had a bit of respect for Cena. He might have not thought he was all that tought and he would get beaten if he had to fight for his life in a parking lot or in a bar room like Finlay did, but Cena has had wars. Now Cena has sold out and Cena nods, saying that he's sold out many arenas around the world. Finlay talks about how Cena's fought the odds before, but he wouldn't last a minute in the pubs of Ireland, where brawls broke out by blinking too many times. Finlay says tonight, he's going to beat some respect into Cena and if he can't do it with his fists, he'll do it with this. Finlay pulls out his shillagh and says that the title's not on the line, but tonight Cena will have a few more bumps, bruises, and joints that don't work the way they used to. Later tonight, the Fighting Irishman faces the World Heavyweight Champion in a non title match.


Kelly Kelly and Alexandra Madison defeated Team Laycool when Kelly Kelly pinned Layla with a sunset flip in 5:11 The Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea was on commentary, calling the rest of the divas soft and stating she could beat any of them, just like she did with Kelly Kelly last week and just like she would do with Alexandra Madison at the Royal Rumble. Team Laycool had a miscommunication and this allowed Kelly to sunset flip Layla for the pin. (D+)


We see the Fortunate Sons backstage with Ted DiBiase talking about how he's going to win the Royal Rumble and regain his World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 27. In comes a stagehand, who hands DiBiase a crumpled up paper and DiBiase looks at it, as there is a picture of WWE superstars arriving in town, but there is a blurry figure and DiBiase steps back, before he turns around, and mouths: “It can't be.” The picture is thrown down and the announcers say that its looks like the Undertaker. But he was put in a casket and blown up! Yet they never found the body.


Alberto Banderas defeated Mike Knox via submission with the Cross Armbreaker in 8:13 to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title Knox comes out, his beard shaved off and he is in a bad mood, attacking Banderas is hoisted up and a stun gun gets two. The shoulder hits the ringpost and Banderas works on the arm, before hitting a shoulderbreaker, before a swinging single arm DDT out of the corner. Banderas beats on Knox and Knox fights out with a bicycle kick for a nearfall! Knox goes for a brain buster but Banderas fights out and beats on the arm, before hitting an arm drag, before cranking the arm and cranking on the arm with a Cross Arm Breaker for the tap out. (B-)


Alberto Banderas celebrates and cuts a promo, talking about how he's going to win the Royal Rumble but Booker T rushes to the ring and hits a series of punches and goes for a Harlem Side Kick but Banderas slides to the floor and Booker T stands in the ring, stating that he wants his rematch next week for the Intercontinental Title.


We see Ted DiBiase backstage, where a young, roughly dressed woman walks in, lead by a security guard, to tell him that she was being roughed up by two thugs when suddenly he appeared and with a stare, they dropped down, never to wake back up. It was the Undertaker and he saved her life! DiBiase talks about how this is absurd and when Brett mentions the lights flickering, DiBiase brushes it off and DiBiase calls the woman insane and mentally unstable, before throwing her a few hundreds, urging her to get some help and maybe some clothes that don't make her look like a streetwalker.


We see Evan Bourne talking about courage and the fact that he might not be the biggest dog in the fight but he has a bigger fight then most of the dogs. He talks about it doesn't matter if its John Cena, his close personal friend Christian, or anyone else. He is going to win the Royal Rumble and go onto challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 27. He dedicates the Royal Rumble to the injured Rey Mysterio and tells him to get well soon. He might have busted ribs, a busted up knee, and is just hurting all over, but as long as there is still fight left in Evan Bourne, he won't give up and he won't stop fighting.


Evan Bourne defeated Chris Jericho via disqualification when Batista destroyed Bourne with a lariat after Bourne was about to go for the pin after already fighting off the Miz in 10:44 Both of these men had a series of impressive matches this past swing and Striker and Grisham talk about how Bourne could be a potential World Heavyweight Champion in 2011 and what better way could he do that but by winning the Royal Rumble. Still twenty nine other men are there. Bourne reverses the Walls of Jericho into a small package and then he beats on Jericho. The Miz runs in but Bourne takes him out with a huge DDT, before he hits a bodyscissors bulldog on Jericho and sets him up. Air Bourne connects but Batista pops into the ring with a huge lariat and obliterates Bourne with a lariat. (B+)


Bourne is down and The Miz grabs him, before giving him the Skull Crushing Finale and Batista gives him a spinebuster, but out rushes Edge and Christian with chairs to save Bourne but it might be too little, too late. Bourne has won this match as a result of a disqualification but he is left battered in the ring.


John Cena defeated Finlay with the STF in 12:11 The fans are going insane as Finlay is beating Cena, with Cena covering up but he manages to go low to get the heat and he beats on Finlay, before doing the “you can't see me” hand gesture, in a mocking manner and be beats on Finlay. Finlay fights out and hits a tilt a whirl powerslam! Finlay beats on Cena but Chris Jericho is out. Finlay punches him in the face, but Cena takes out the back of Finlay's leg with the shillagh, and cranks him into the STF for the tap out. (B+)


Out comes Ted DiBiase along with the Fortunate Sons and he talks about how tonight, he's been told of these sightings of the Undertaker. They are just that, sightings and suddenly the lights go out and the chanting begins in the ring. In the ring comes a hooded figure, who talks about how DiBiase has stirred the spirit of vengeance and doom will come about him. The hooded figure brings a message from the Undertaker, with DiBiase yelling that he's dead and DIBiase suddenly steps back, regaining his composure, stating that he wished for the Undertaker and he wants his Wrestlemania Streak but he's got the Rumble, he's got the Rumble and whoever is playing this hoax on him is not being funny. The hooded figure says that DiBiase will come face to face with the Undertaker next week on Smackdown. DiBiase yells if the Undertaker arrives, he'll wrestle him but he doubts that the Undertaker will show up, because he was finished once and for all. The hooded figure says so be it and next week, we apparently got the Undertaker against Ted DiBiase, after the weird set of events tonight.


The Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists defeated Edge and Christian when Davis pinned Edge with a roll up using the ropes after John Cena got involved and brawled with Christian in 10:33 Both of these teams collided in a back and forth encounter, with Edge and Christian trying to get the belts back. Hot tag to Edge after Christian is beaten down and Edge runs wild but Christian goes after John Cena on the floor and beats on him, but this allows Courtier to nail Edge with one of the title belts and allow Davis to roll him up using the ropes for leverage. (B+)


Cena and Christian continue to brawl on the floor, but out runs Batista, The Miz, and Chris Jericho, but Finlay and Evan Bourne join the brawl. Edge returns to join the fray and out comes Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart, to announce a huge eight man tag, with Edge, Christian, Bourne, and Finlay against Batista, Jericho, Miz, and Cena next week! A blockbuster main event for Smackdown just two nights before the Rumble!





ChrisKid: 2/5

Ian carlisle: 4/5

Kijar: 3/5

BHK1978: 2/5

MattitudeV2: 2/5




Ian carlisle: 34/45

BHK1978: 29/45

ChrisKid: 28/45

Kijar: 23/45

MattitudeV2: 22/45

jstarr187: 7/45

Pat21532: 5/45

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/24/11


Edge vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Christian vs. WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the ECW Champion Paul London


Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, Natalya, and Mia Mancini.

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Edge vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Christian vs. WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the ECW Champion Paul London


Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, Natalya, and Mia Mancini.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/24/11


Edge vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Christian vs. WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the ECW Champion Paul London


Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, Natalya, and Mia Mancini.

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Edge vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Christian vs. WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the ECW Champion Paul London


I just do not think anybody has the star power to match up with HBK on Team London.


Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, Natalya, and Mia Mancini.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/24/11


Edge vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena(Non Title Match)


Christian vs. WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels vs. Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the ECW Champion Paul London


Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, Natalya, and Mia Mancini.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/24/11


We kick things off tonight with a steel cage being lowered from the ceiling. This cage has the door already locked and it also has a top on it. “Diesel Power” brings out the RAW General Manager Kevin Nash, who announces that at the Rumble, CM Punk will put his WWE Championship on the line against Edge, where the only way to win is pinfall or submission. However, while the cage would normally be enough to keep people out, Nash suspects that the Illuminati would try and find a way in. Therefore, he ordered a specially reinforced steel cage, with a top on it to be created for this match. The door has been welded shut as well. The cage will lower when both men are in the ring and then raise when the match is over. Nash states that the cage door will not open for any reason and he pulls out a solid steel pipe and a pair of bolt cutters, that he said he sharpened before the show. Nash puts the pipe in the bolt cutters and snaps it right in half! The two halves of the metal pipe clang to the ground and Nash says that these bolt cutters are pretty sharp to cut through a steel pipe and Nash walks over, in an attempt to cut through the cage, but they will not even bend the cage.


Nash then calls out the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry for a further demonstration. Nash puts over Henry as lifting cars and buses and entire city blocks but he wants Henry to give his best shot and open the cage door. Henry steps over, grabbing onto the door and pulls with his might, but the cage door is just not budging. After a couple more attempts, Henry backs off, talking about how the door is shut and won't be coming off. If the World's Strongest Man can't pull the door open, then no member of the Illuminati can.


Out comes Edge who looks at the cage, talking about how it is going to be him and Punk in the cage, with a referee for the WWE Championship. He has been waiting for this moment, for three months, to get his return match, to regain the title. He talks about how some people call him one dimensional, how he is a spear and nothing else, but Edge talks about how one spear is all its going to take to put out CM Punk, one, two, three. At the Royal Rumble, he will get Punk, and there will be no Illuminati to bail him out this time. It will be Spear, Spear, Spear, One, Two, Three, and Edge will be the WWE Champion. The fans cheer as Edge is focused on one goal and that's regaining the WWE Championship.


Gail Kim, Eve Torres, and Melina defeated Natalya, Mia Mancini and The Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea when Gail Kim made Natalya submit to a spinning headscissors into a figure four sleeperhold in 5:11 Lots of impressive action from the divas tonight on RAW, and they will be featured at the Rumble event, when Katie Lea puts the Undisputed Women's Championship on the line against Alexandra Madison. Gail Kim looked impressive, making Natalya submit. Gail Kim has been impressive since returning to WWE a couple years ago, but she has never recaptured the Women's Championship but there is a staredown between her and Katie Lea to huge cheers. (C-)


We see CM Punk sitting backstage with the WWE Championship belt, as the Illuminati is sitting around him. Punk takes a deep breath and talks about how he finds the obsession of people who have destroyed this sport like Kevin Nash amusing. Punk talks about how Nash might find himself like his good friend Triple H if he is not careful. He talks about how the cage does look impressive and he's in there alone with Edge. All alone but Punk has never been the one to put all of his cards on the table before the show. It turns out he has an ace in the hold and a big ace at that. Edge won't ever see this one coming. Providing he makes it to the Royal Rumble.


We are backstage, with Shawn Michaels stretching and in comes Bryan Danielson, who talks about how Michaels really backed himself into a corner a couple of weeks ago, when he vowed to win the WWE Championship by the end of Wrestlemania 27 or retire. Michaels says he thrives on the pressure of being the best and Danielson says that he would hate to see the end of the era of Shawn Michaels, as he respects him, but one thing that Michaels should know is that Danielson fully intends to win the Royal Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania 27 and if CM Punk is the champion by then, so much the better. We see Michaels get up, talking about how he taught Danielson everything he knows, but not everything that Shawn Michaels knows, which Danielson disputes, saying that Michaels only taught him a small fraction of what he knows and Danielson has picked up some tricks that Michaels won't know. Michaels doubts it, because over twenty five years, he has forgotten even more then Danielson knows. In walks John Morrison. Morrison talks about how tonight, they need to be united, and besides they are just wasting their time, arguing who is going to win the Royal Rumble, because the winner is John Morrison. He entered the Rumble at number one and won last year and unlike Shawn Michaels, he didn't do it with shortened entries. Michaels looks as if he wants to Superkick Morrison but states that he's going to save it for the Rumble. Morrison adds that he beat CM Punk before and if he's still the champion by Wrestlemania 27, he can do it again. Tonight Morrison, HBK, and Danielson have to team up against three members of the Illuminati.


Out comes Cody Rhodes to complain about the fact that he should be competing in the Royal Rumble and demands that someone comes out and throws someone out and puts him in. Rhodes yells that he is a second generation superstar and what has Sheamus's Daddy ever done for the Wrestling business or Kofi Kingston or John Morrison or the Miz. Cody Rhodes is wrestling greatness and out comes Randy Orton to shut him up. Orton talks about how he has an Extreme Rules match with Paul London tomorrow night on ECW on Sy Fy, but tonight he could not help to hear Cody Rhodes running his mouth, as if he was actually something. Orton talks about how Rhodes was his lapdog in Legacy and Rhodes yells that he's over Orton, Legacy is done, and Orton is yesterday's news but Orton tells Rhodes to shut up and tells Rhodes that if he thinks he should have a Rumble spot, maybe he should try and take it from Orton. Orton puts his Royal Rumble spot on the line against Cody Rhodes tonight and if Rhodes beats him, then Orton will forfeit his spot in the Rumble. Rhodes calls Orton into the ring, saying that he's going to prove that it was Rhodes that made Legacy by bailing Orton out and not Orton made Rhodes.


Randy Orton pinned Cody Rhodes with the RKO in 0:10 Clothesline is ducked and Orton hit Rhodes with the RKO for the pin! Orton gets up, talking about how he proved his point and says he'll see Paul London tomorrow night and he says that he will win the Royal Rumble and get his WWE Championship back at Wrestlemania 27. (C-)


We see Santino and Yoshi Tatsu in the ring and out comes Rene Dupree, who talks about he cut the ties from Ezekiel Jackson last week. After Jackson squashed him in eight seconds. Dupree announces that his goal is to win the Unified Tag Team Titles and he calls out an old friend, Robert Conway. The music of La Resistance plays and out comes Conway, who walks down to the ring, waving the Quebec Flag. Conway has returned and La Resistance is back together on RAW.


La Resistance defeated Santino and Yoshi Tatsu when Dupree pinned Santino with the Au Revior in 4:11 La Resistance get a commanding win, as tag team competition is heating up in WWE, and no doubt they're be watching the Unified Tag Team Title Match with the Specialists defending against the Big Show and Mark Henry at the Rumble closely. (C-)


Christian pinned CM Punk with a small package in 10:44 We see Punk and Christian have an impressive back and forth match, with a hot of nearfalls. The WWE Champion is beaten down to the canvas but Christian fights back, hitting a Tornado DDT and a Frog Splash. Killswitch is blocked and then Punk beats on Christian but as the GTS is gone for, Punk is rolled up in a small package for the pin. (B)


The Illuminati enter the ring but Christian smartly bails, before anything can happen and suddenly John Cena is on the ramp behind Christian but Christian blocks a punch and beats on Cena with a series of punches. Christian pounds on Cena on the ramp with punches, backing the World Heavyweight Champion off and Cena runs off, something that you would never have seen from John Cena six weeks ago! Christian taunts Cena but suddenly the Illuminati are up the ramp and out comes Edge with two chairs and he hands one to Christian, who back off of the Illuminati on the ramp. Danielson, Morrison, and Shawn Michaels all join the fray to further even the odds, followed by Kofi Kingston and R-Truth. Punk calls for the Illuminati to retreat, for now.


We are out with Jack Swagger, holding his United States Title with three security guards and a glass case full of money. Swagger announces that tonight is the first ever All American American challenge, where if anyone can last three minutes with Swagger or beat him, they get a million dollars of cold hard cash and also a United States Title Shot the following week. Swagger asks if there are any takers and says that surely with the tough economic times, there has to be someone who would want to go for a million dollars. Out comes a young man with ginger hair and Swagger states it looks like the girl from Wendy's is going to accept the challenge. The man introduces himself as Heath Slater and says that he's going to get a Million Dollars. He then dropkicks Swagger right in the mouth to cheers.


Jack Swagger made Heath Slater submit to an ankle lock in 1:22 Slater hit a series of punches and manages a sunset flip for a two count, but Swagger waistlocks Slater and then drills the knee into the back of the leg several times, before locking on the Ankle Lock and wrenching on the hold, before he gives it a twist and it cracks and Slater taps out. (C+)


Swagger talks about how he holds onto his million for one week and this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, he is going to make sure that the Illuminati is going to handpick who wins. Swagger drapes the United States Title over his shoulder and walks off.


Shawn Michaels, John Morrison, and Bryan Danielson defeated Frankie Kazarian, Kaval, and the ECW Champion Paul London when Morrison pinned Kaval with the Starship Pain in 10:22 A high flying, high impact six man tag team match, with six men who will be in the Royal Rumble Match going at it. Morrison takes out Kaval, as Kazarian and London are held at bay and Starship Pain gets the win. (B+)


We are backstage, as Edge once again cuts a promo, talking about how tonight he's going to take on John Cena. Just a little over five years ago, Edge cashed in on his Money in the Bank and beat Cena to win his first WWE Championship. Tonight, he's going to beat Cena in the ring and he hopes Punk is watching. Edge plans to Spear Cena and put him out, one, two, three, just like he is going to Punk this Sunday inside the cage.


Edge defeated World Heavyweight Champion John Cena via disqualification when CM Punk interfered in 1:01 Before the match could really get going, Punk enters the ring and attacks Edge from behind, beating him down and Christian runs out but he gets cut off by Cena as they brawl to the back. (B-)


The fans are going insane with boos, as the Illuminati, with the exception of Paul London is out and Punk is yelling for London to lower the cage! The Illuminati slide into the ring as the cage is lowering fast in the ring. No, Edge is going to be trapped in that reinforced steel cage with no way in, no way out, against the entire Illuminati. We see the cage lowering but Edge knocks Punk through the ropes and slides through the ropes, outside of the cage, at the last possible moment, as the Illuminati rush but the cage is completely down!


Suddenly in the stands, Randy Orton is attacking Paul London, beating him down and he is trying to throw London off of the balcony below but London fights him off, as the fans are cheering, as the Illuminati are trapped inside the cage, unable to make the save and the only member on the outside London, is preoccupied with Orton, which leaves Edge and Punk one on one on the outside of the cage. The Illuminati are trying to force there way through the cage, but the combined effort of nine men are not enough to bring the cage down! The fans are losing their minds, as Edge just takes out Punk with the Spear! The WWE Champion is down and Randy Orton and Paul London are brawling into the arena, but the cage is being raised back up, but Shawn Michaels, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Bryan Danielson all slide into the ring and begin exchanging blows with the Illuminati, as Christian and Cena are coming back into the arena! It is a wild RAW and if this is happening on RAW, what is the Royal Rumble going to be like?


Miz, Jericho, and Batista rush out but out comes Evan Bourne and Finlay. The Big Show and Mark Henry come out to get them some of the Specialists. Sheamus and Paul Burchill are joining the fray at ringside and Shelton Benjamin is out. These are just some of the men in the Royal Rumble and it is all breaking down tonight on RAW. Back in the ring, we see Randy Orton and Batista go face to face but the Hart Dynasty are in. Spinebuster to Kidd and RKO to Smith. Orton and Batista have another face off, but London jumps Orton and Bourne dropkicks Batista. Batista is sent to the floor and now Bourne dives right onto Regal and the Miz with a slingshot cross body block! Danielson aids Orton against London, causing him to get launched over the top rope and Orton hits the RKO, as bodies are down everywhere! Randy Orton is standing tall.


Shawn Michaels nails Orton with the Sweet Chin Music and sends him over the top rope to the floor! The fans are exploding into cheers, as Shawn Michaels is the last man standing in the ring, but will he be the last man standing in the Royal Rumble? We fade to the copyright notice on this note!





Kijar: 3/4

CHrisKid: 2/4

BHK1978: 1/4

Ian carlisle: 2/4



Ian carlisle: 36/49

BHK1978: 30/49

ChrisKid: 30/49

Kijar: 26/49

MattitudeV2: 22/49

jstarr187: 7/49

Pat21532: 5/49

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Randy Orton vs. ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Extreme Rules)


Shelton Benjamin vs. Frankie Kazarian.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J vs. David Otunga and Justin Gabriel vs. The Dudebusters.

Can't vote against Trent Barreta or Jimmy Yang, but can't vote for Slam Master J or Caylen Croft... No Contest.

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ECW On Sy Fy 1/25/11


Paul London cuts a promo, talking about how tonight, he is going to prove that he deserves the ECW Championship belt when he takes out Randy Orton in an Extreme Rules Match. All that talk about winning the Rumble, well Orton won't even make it to the Rumble. He talks about Goldust and out comes the Bizzare One, who talks about how he might be on his last legs as far as his career goes, but if he is going to go out, he's going to out swinging and he's going to take the ECW Championship from London at the Royal Rumble and he'll never forget the name of Goldust. Goldust states that he'll take whatever's left of London after Randy Orton beats him, which London is not too happy with the implication that he can't hang with a big time superstar like Randy Orton.


David Otunga and Justin Gabriel and the Dudebusters and Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J when Otunga pinned Croft with a huge spinebuster in 6:11 Three big teams on ECW collided, with no doubt all three of them attempting to make a case for the next Unified Tag Team Title shot at the Rumble. Tonight, the tag team of Otunga and Gabriel proved to be the better of the three, getting the win and moving up the tag ranks. (C-)


We see the Specialists backstage cut a promo, talking about how they are the best team to ever walk through the halls of ECW in either the WWE brand or at the Bingo Hall. Lawrence Davis states that there is no team in ECW who can match up to them and despite the fact that the Big Show and Mark Henry have size, they do not team work or the raw ability that they have and they will keep the Unified Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Frankie Kazarian with a rolling cradle in 10:11 Both of these men battled back and forth for a chance to really make an impact before the Royal Rumble. Kazarian got several nearfalls but in the end, Benjamin got his third straight win in three straight weeks against an Illuminati member, pinning Kazarian! Benjamin talks about how he will win the Royal Rumble afterwards and he's going straight to the top, and winning the WWE Championship and once again, he hopes that CM Punk is the champ come Wrestlemania 27, because he's been beating Illuminati members right and left in recent weeks, (B+)


Non Title Extreme Rules Match:

Randy Orton vs. the ECW Champion Paul London


Paul London attacks Orton at the bell but Orton fights him off with a series of punches and a pair of clotheslines, before he beats on London and knocks him to the floor. Orton slams London into the barricade, as this is no disqualification and no countout! Orton peels back the ring mats and gives London a suplex right on the concrete, drawing cheers from the crowd and now Orton throws London into the ring, beating on him but London fights back with a low blow and then he hits a dropsault on Orton, before giving him a DDT! London exits the ring and grabs a singapore cane from underneath the ring and waffles Orton over the back with it twice and then steps back, going for a shot to the head but Orton ducks. London puts the breaks on and grabs Orton, hitting a White Russian Legsweep and now he hits a series of kneedrops right to the head of Orton and mocks his slow methodical posing, before giving him a running somersault neckbreaker and picking up up, before giving him a running kneelift in the corner and then a bulldog out of the corner for a two count!


London applies a rear naked choke and cross-face submission hold but Orton is not giving up. London leaves the ring, to slide a table into the ring and he beats on Orton, before giving him a spinning headscissors. The table is set up and Orton is put on the table, with London heading to the top rope but Orton is off the table, so London opts for a missile dropkick and a sleeperhold on Orton but Orton fights out and now he is staging a comeback. Modified backbreaker and now Orton pounds on London, going for the RKO but London fights out and then hits a huge leaping DDT, putting Orton through the table! A nearfall and now London to the outside and a vicious 450 Splash gets another nearfall! London returns to the ringside area and grabs the ring bell but Orton counters with a drop toe hold and beats on London. Orton gives London a huge neckbreaker and now Orton sets him up. Another RKO is blocked and London with a dropkick to the back of the head, followed by a swingin facebuster for a nearfall! London sets up Orton and he is going for the London Calling but as London comes off the top rope, Orton is on his feet and he catches London with an RKO in mid move! London has been impaled into the canvas headfirst and Orton scores the pin.


Winner: Randy Orton(10:55, A)


Randy Orton gets the win tonight and then he gets on the microphone, talking the time will come when Punk can no longer hide behind the Illuminati. At Wrestlemania 27, Punk had better hope he doesn't have the title, because Orton will win the Royal Rumble and then take what he feels is his, his WWE Championship belt back. Orton looks intense as we slowly fade out.





Kijar: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 1/3

BHK1978: 3/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 2/3



Ian carlisle: 38/52

BHK1978: 33/52

ChrisKid: 32/52

Kijar: 27/52

MattitudeV2: 23/52

jstarr187: 7/52

Pat21532: 5/52

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WWE Superstars 1/27/11


We are three days away from the Royal Rumble with two men in the Rumble, R-Truth and Paul Burchill colliding in tonight's main event on WGN America.


William Regal pinned JTG with the Knee Trembler in 7:12 Shad will be returning in a couple of weeks and perhaps it is for the best, as JTG has not really gotten out of the gate as a singles competitor, being battered by Regal tonight on Superstars, in this Smackdown showcase. (C-)


Charlie Haas pinned Tyler Reks with a German Suplex in 9:41 The rough neck Reks took on the technician Charlie Haas, who managed to wrestle circles around him. Haas is no doubt going to be rooting for his partner Shelton Benjamin to win the Royal Rumble. Haas sent Reks into the corner and finishes him with a German Suplex for the pin. (C+)


A recap of the chaos of this past week's RAW.


Paul Burchill pinned R-Truth with an elevated swinging neckbreaker in 14:11 Last week both of these men were opposite teams of a six man tag team match. Tonight they are competing against other, in an attempt to gain some momentum. Burchill has took people like John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Edge to the limit a number of times so he is as tough as they come but Truth beats on Burchill but Burchill hangs him up, before hitting him with a vicious snap swinging neckbreaker off of a cradle. (B)





BHK1978: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

Kijar: 2/3



Ian carlisle: 41/55

BHK1978: 36/55

ChrisKid: 35/55

Kijar: 29/55

MattitudeV2: 26/55

jstarr187: 7/55

Pat21532: 5/55

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