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WWE Monday Night RAW 2/28/11


The World Heavyweight Champion Batista makes his way down to the ring, to a loud chorus of boos. Batista walks down to the ring and like he told the fans on Smackdown, they can sit down and shut up, because they've already paid and thus Batista has already been paid. Batista talks about how he's come onto Randy Orton's playground, Monday Night RAW, to call out the Viper. Batista talks about how Orton is a big man, taking out a one armed man in John Cena and kicking him right in the skull but Batista is at the top of his game, in peak condition, and he will have Orton in his grasp.




Out comes Randy Orton, slowly, calming, walking to the ring. Orton slides into the ring and glares a hole right through Batista. Batista rips into Orton, saying that when he was Evolution, he was the low man on the totem pole and all he was good for, was carrying Triple H's bags and when he was kicked out, he collapsed. Batista asks Orton what's he going to do when he has no one left to bail him out when Batista gets him into the ring. Batista talks about how the World Heavyweight Championship is something that Orton never regained once Triple H destroyed him for it in 2004 and that fact has been eating him up inside for seven years. Batista also tells Orton that despite all of the times he tried to end Batista's career, Batista will succeed and will keep the World Heavyweight Title past Wrestlemania 27. Batista asks Orton what he has to say about that and Orton refuses to respond, just staring Batista down, unblinking and not intimidated. Batista goes to shove Orton but Orton fires back with a series of punches and goes for the RKO but Batista shoves him off and gives Orton a spear! Batista steps back and goes for the punt on Orton, but Orton avoids the attack and then hits a modified backbreaker, before he rolls to the floor and takes a steel chair. Batista bails but he left his World Heavyweight Title Belt in the ring, so Orton picks it up and holds it over his head, inviting Batista to come and get the belt. Batista yells for Orton to give him his belt and out comes security, lead by RAW General Manager Kevin Nash, who manages to tell Orton to relinquish the belt and he says that both Batista and Orton are barred from the arena for the rest of the night and next week, they're going to have the official contract signing which they will conduct like civilized gentlemen. Batista snatches the belt from Orton and says that he'll see Orton on Friday, when he has a match with Chris Jericho.


John Morrison pinned Frankie Kazarian with the Starship Pain in 8:55 Kazarian and Morrison had an insane back and forth encounter, with numerous nearfalls. Kazarian goes for a superplex but Morrison blocks it, before knocking him off the top rope and hitting the Starship Pain for the pin. Both of these men are in the Money in the Bank Match and Morrison goes into the match, perhaps the odds on favorite with momentum on his side. (B-)


We see Shawn Michaels sitting backstage, looking serene when Josh Mathews tries to get a word with him. Michaels talks about how eight days ago, he had come to the realization that this might be the end for him, that might have been his final chance to make good on his Wrestlemania promise to hold the WWE Championship once more. He entertained the notion of entering Money in the Bank and should he win, cashing in the briefcase later that night, but he does wonder how much of him would be left after such a brutal match to make good on his promise. Michaels says there were times in his career where he went back on his word but he swears that this time he means it. There is still hope, where there is life there is hope but his window of opportunity for one more run on the top, is shrinking. Still Shawn Michaels has always come back when everyone has counted him out and one more time, he's going to do so.


Beth Phoenix pinned Mia Mancini with the Glam Slam in 7:22 after Katie Lea accidentally nailed Mancini with the Women's Championship A brutal back and forth encounter between two divas who had a violent feud in 2010, including the first ever women's Hell in a Cell match. Katie Lea was at ringside, along with Maryse but when she tried to go after Beth Phoenix, she nailed Mia Mancini, allowing Phoenix to kick her and then hit the Glam Slam to Mancini for the pin. (C-)


Katie Lea enters the ring and gives Phoenix a belt shot and then a DDT! Katie Lea talks about how she reduced Phoenix's brains to paste with a chairshot and if she wants an encore, this time Katie Lea will end her career and she's the dominant diva on RAW and the Undisputed Women's Champion. She also gives Mancini a belt shot and a DDT, which Maryse doesn't seem too concerned about.


We see Kevin Nash who greets his old friend Shawn Michaels, before telling him that he has some bad news, straight from the board of directors, in that Michaels might attack Punk tonight in an attempt to cost Punk a chance to qualify in Money in the bank and force a championship match. Therefore if Michaels touches Punk, if he puts one hand or rather one foot on Punk, then Michaels won't have to worry about retiring, because he'll be fired. Nash says that if Michaels touches Punk, then he's gone, if he attacks Punk, then he is gone, if he has any kind of physical interaction with Punk, then the he's fired. Nash and Michaels exchange a knowing look and a nod, before Nash walks off.


Paul Burchill defeated Edge and Hernandez to qualify for the Money in the Bank Match in 15:22 All three men fought to be the seventh man to qualify for the ten man Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania, to join John Morrison, Cody Rhodes, Frankie Kazarian, Booker T, Alberto Banderas, and Christian. Edge and Hernandez continued their intense feud that has been boiling since the Royal Rumble, ever since Hernandez cost Edge the WWE Championship. Edge hit three spears on Hernandez but the third one knocked him to the floor and Burchill snuck in with a roll up, pulling the tights and securing his place in the Money in the Bank. (B)


Hernandez is entering the ring and beating on Edge. It appears that once again, Hernandez had a very simple job and that was to find a way to keep Edge out of Money in the Bank and Hernandez hoists up Edge in a Gorilla Press, before dumping him over the top rope, onto the floor right onto the top of his head! Edge crumples and now Hernandez dives over the top rope, onto Edge, collapsing his ribs with an elbow and now Hernandez beats on Edge, before taking him up into the stands and he now has Edge set up, on an elevated landing right above a production table. Hernandez drives Edge straight down with a release power bomb! Edge has been obliterated and he is laid out in the wreckage. Edge might have suffered a severe injure to his spine and Hernandez looks at him with a sadistic expression. Edge lost a year of his career in 2003 to spinal fusion and now he might have been reinjured, as he's not moving his limbs.


We come back to announce Edge has been stretchered out and has still not regained feelings in his limbs.


We have hype for the first ever ninety minute edition of ECW on Sy Fy, featuring Paul London putting the ECW Championship on the line against Shelton Benjamin, the Dudley Boyz challenging the Specialists for the Unified Tag Team Titles in a return match from Elimination Chamber, the semi finals and finals of the Television Title Tournament, and Jack Swagger has a huge challenge in his all American American challenge, live from Pittsburg.


CM Punk is backstage, with the entire assembled Illuminati. Hernandez returns as Punk praises him for wiping the blemish Edge off the mat. Punk announces that the Specialists, Kaval, Jack Swagger, and Paul London all have big matches in twenty four hours. Kaval will bring the ECW Television Title to the Illuminati to make them even stronger. The Specialists and London will keep their belts. Swagger will triumph to prove that there is not a man who can outwrestle him. Kazarian is insurance for Punk in Money in the Bank and Regal has a qualifying match with Evan Bourne on Smackdown, so he expects Regal as well. The Hart Dynasty are going to do what they need to prove they deserve the Unified Tag Team Title Shot come Wrestlemania against the Specialists. Punk talks about how tonight, he will go to Wrestlemania and then win Money in the Bank and then take the World Heavyweight Title, to add to the WWE Championship. The Illuminati look stronger then ever, going into Wrestlemania 27.


Kofi Kingston defeated WWE Champion CM Punk via disqualification in 15:11 when Michaels entered the ring and hit the Sweet Chin Music against Kingston The fans are going back and forth, with this insane match. Kofi seemed intense and ready to beat the WWE Champion and gained several nearfalls. Punk fought back and pounded on Kofi, but Kofi swung the match back into his favor, gaining a couple of quick nearfalls. Ten count punches in the corner and now Kofi goes for the Trouble in Paradise but Punk ducks it and now both men knock each other down. Shawn Michaels walks to the ring and Punk is up, pointing to his chin, almost offering it to Michaels, so Michaels can nail him with the Sweet Chin Music to get fired and Michaels stands right by Punk, right in position and and turns, to nail Kofi Kingston with the Sweet Chin Music! The fans are confused but as Michaels just shrugs his shoulders, the bell rings and the official word is rendered. Kofi Kingston wins this match as a result of a disqualification after Shawn Michaels attacked him and Punk's dreams of unifying the titles have just shot up into flames! (B+)


Punk is freaking out and Michaels gets on the microphone, calmly stating that he thought he could get away with that, without the referee seeing it, he was trying to help Punk out, but it looks like Punk's out of luck now. Michaels wipes away fake tears and Punk just grits his teeth, stating that if Michaels wants a title shot so bad, then he has one, April 5th in Atlanta at Wrestlemania 27. Punk promises that Michaels will find out what happens to those who cross Punk and the Illuminati, just like Triple H. Michaels balls up his fists, when he realizes what Punk is implicating, who was behind the accident that sidelined Triple H.


Suddenly the Illuminati rush down the ramp and begin to attack Shawn Michaels! Michaels fights them off for a brief moment but the ten on one advantage is just too much for one men, and Punk rushes down the aisle and nails him right across the back of the head. Michaels goes down and the Illuminati stomp Michaels, before holding him. Punk vows that Wrestlemania 27 will be HBK's Waterloo and when Punk decisively beats him, the last Wrestlemania memory that the fans will have of Shawn Michaels will be him being decisively and utterly decimated by Punk. Punk spits on the fallen form of Michaels, showing the ultimate disrespect. Two huge main events are set in stone for the showcase of the Immortals. Shawn Michaels having one more shot to make good on his promise to hold the WWE Championship by the end of Wrestlemania 27 or retire against CM Punk and Batista putting the World Heavyweight Title on the line against Randy Orton.





MattitudeV2: 3/4

Kijar: 3/4

Ian carlisle: 4/4

BHK1978: 1/4

ChrisKid: 1/4


February Standings:

Ian carlisle: 65/75

BHK1978: 54/75

ChrisKid: 49/71

MattitudeV2: 49/71

Kijar: 14/71

Togg: 1/71


Ian Carlisle wins the prediction contest, thus getting six points next month. BHK1978 gets four points and ChrisKid gets two points. March is going to big as the road to Wrestlemania is upon us, as the first person to make their predictions for every card gets a bonus point and there may be several other opportunities for bonus points throughout the month, so stay tuned.

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/1/11


ECW Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul London©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Specialists©


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Justin Gabriel vs Drew McIntrye


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Charlie Haas vs Kaval.


Television Title Tournament Finals

Winner of Gabriel/McIntyre vs Winner of Haas/Kaval

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ECW Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul London©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Specialists©


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Justin Gabriel vs Drew McIntrye


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Charlie Haas vs Kaval.


Television Title Tournament Finals

Gabriel vs Kaval

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/1/11


ECW Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul London©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Specialists©- by countout


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Justin Gabriel vs Drew McIntrye


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Charlie Haas vs Kaval.


Television Title Tournament Finals

Charlie Haas v Drew McIntyre

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ECW Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul London©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Specialists©


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Justin Gabriel vs Drew McIntrye


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Charlie Haas vs Kaval.


Television Title Tournament Finals

Winner of Gabriel/McIntyre vs Winner of Haas/Kaval

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ECW Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul London©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Dudley Boyz vs The Specialists©


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Justin Gabriel vs Drew McIntrye


ECW Television Title Tournament Semifinals

Charlie Haas vs Kaval.


Television Title Tournament Finals

Winner of Gabriel/McIntyre vs Winner of Haas/Kaval

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/1/11


A history package, detailing the history of ECW on the Sy Fy(formally Sci Fi). Footage is shown from the Sandman beating up the Zombie on the first ECW show. The early days of Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Big Show, and Bobby Lashley are highlighted. Then the time of John Morrison, CM Punk, and the Miz are highlighted, slowly fading into the rise of Jack Swagger and Christian's return on the ECW brand. Then William Regal, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, and Bryan Danielson and their ECW Title runs are highlighted. Then the rise of the Illuminati on ECW, and Paul London's current reign as ECW Champion fades out. Three huge championship matches tonight, with Paul London putting the ECW Championship on the line against Shelton Benjamin, the Specialists defending the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Dudley Boyz, and then the ECW Television Title Tournament with Kaval against Charlie Haas and Drew McIntyre against Justin Gabriel in the semifinals, with the winners facing each other.


We are out with Josh Mathews and the newest member of the ECW Broadcasting team, Brian Kendrick, who goofs around at the camera. Kendrick talks about how the crowd is electric, static, and it will be a rocking show tonight, as we have ninety minutes of power and a wild night. Let's kick things off with the first of two Semifinal matches for the ECW Television Championship.


Justin Gabriel pinned Drew McIntyre with the 450 Splash in 8:11 McIntyre and Gabriel had a feud last Fall and they pick their war right back up, trading moves. The speed of Gabriel gets him forward and gains him several close nearfalls against McIntyre. McIntyre slips out, gaining a huge tilt a whirl suplex and goes for the Future Shock, but Gabriel counters with a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Facebuster and then a 450 Splash and Gabriel is right in the finals, for a chance to be the first ECW Television Champion in ten years. (B)


The current WWE Champion CM Punk began his career on ECW. Any one of the men on this roster could be a future WWE Champion. Stay tuned, as you see the superstars of the future today, as more action continues, with Charlie Haas squaring off against the Illuminati's cold blooded assassin Kaval.


Kaval pinned Charlie Haas with a super double foot stomp in 10:01. During the match, the Specialists came to ringside, and Courtier distracted the referee, when Haas pulled out a German Suplex and thus caused Haas not to get the pin. Haas and Kaval had an impressive match, back and forth, with a lot of nearfalls. The Specialists ran out and caused havoc. Haas had Kaval pinned with a German Suplex but Courtier distracted the referee. Haas goes after the Specialists and Kaval hits a Yakuza Kick, before setting up with Haas with a double stomp right to his chest from the time. (B-)


We are in the ring and the Specialists are now beating on Haas in the ring, with Kaval joining him. Out rushes Shelton Benjamin to clear the ring and now Benjamin is standing in the ring, to check on Haas and Lawrence Davis enters the ring, to clip Benjamin right in the back of the leg and then the Specialists double team Shelton Benjamin, taking turns beating on his right knee and Davis holds the leg, before Courtier hits a springboard elbow drop to the leg. Benjamin spasms, favoring his right knee.


We see Jack Swagger backstage, talking about how he rose on ECW and tonight its grown to be ninety minutes, with Swagger in the feature bout tonight. Tonight in Pittsburgh, he's going to do his classic, All American American challenge and for a super sized ECW, he's going to make the All American American challenge supersized. Ten whole minutes. If this mystery opponent lasts ten minutes or beats him, then he will get one million dollars cash and a shot at the United States Title. There is no one who can beat him. And that is the one thing that is true.


Shelton Benjamin is getting his knee wrapped backstage, but he pushes his way back. Haas is hurt as well, but Benjamin states that tonight, he's going to step into the ring and have a chance to get the ECW Championship back. He is ready and he winces, but he is gimping down to the ring. He has to fight Paul London on one leg but Benjamin is determined. Both members of the World's Greatest Tag Team were battered by the Unified Tag Team Champions.


Paul London cuts a promo backstage, talking about how he's the ECW Champion and whether Shelton Benjamin has one leg, two legs or eight, he can beat him regardless. He talks about how Matt Hardy cost him his chance to main event Wrestlemania and now London is going to make Hardy pay. Lodnon states that Matt Hardy says he never quits and he never dies. Well, perhaps if he said that he never diets that would be a more accurate statement. London states that tonight, he's told the Illuminati to stay in the back, he will beat Benjamin on his own.


Paul London defeated Shelton Benjamin after Benjamin blacked out in the figure four leglock in 12:22 to retain the ECW Championship. A courageous performance by Benjamin, who took it to the champion, but one leg was not enough for the ECW Champion to triumph. His knee buckled out from underneath him on the top rope and London quickly went to work. T-Bone gets a close nearfall and Benjamin misses a spin kick and London dragon screws him before slapping the figure four leglock on Benjamin. Benjamin fights but blacks out from the pain and the referee has to stop the match. (B+)


London continues to attack Shelton Benjamin but out rushes Matt Hardy, to attack London. The Hart Dynasty run out and Hardy fights them off, but London knocks Hardy out with a rolling elbow smash. Hardy is laid out and London stands on him, yelling that he'll never be the ECW Champion again and slaps Hardy in the face twice.


A look at the history of the Dudley Boyz over the years in ECW and WWE, winning the ECW, WWE, and WCW Tag Team Titles. They've never become the Unified Tag Team Champions and then we see a look at the Specialists, who have yet to taste defeat as a tag team on the land of extreme.


Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists defeated the Dudley Boyz when D-Von was pinned with the Spiked Brain Buster in 10:32 Both of these tag teams compete in an intense, back and force encounter. The Dudley Boyz gain the early advantage but Bubba Ray is trapped in the corner. The hot tag to D-Von who runs wild and hits the 3D on Davis but the referee is distracted. The Dudley Boyz attack Courtier but Bubba Ray is sent to the floor, which allowed the Specialists to finish off D-Von with the Spiked Brain Buster. (B-)


We take a look recapping the ECW Television Title Tournament, leading to the finals, featuring Justin Gabriel against Kaval.


Kaval pinned Justin Gabriel with a Yakuza Kick to the face to win the ECW Television Title in 8:28 An impressive back and forth match, with Gabriel and Kaval exchanging high flying moves. Gabriel hit a super huracarana to gain a nearfall but the 450 Splash misses. As Gabriel gets to his knees, Kaval nails Gabriel with the Yakuza Kick, knocking him out to score the pin. Another championship finds its way to the torrid clutches of the Illuminati and dark days for ECW. (B-)


Kaval drapes the ECW Television Championship over his shoulder but suddenly the lights dim and the music of Goldust starts playing, with gold dust falling from the ceiling, as the screen is letterboxed. Goldust talks about in his life, he has held many belts, much gold, but given that he is Hollywood and most productions find their way on Television, there is no belt that fits him more then the ECW Television Title. Soon Kaval will feel him. Soon Goldust will add more gold in the ECW Television Championship and Kaval will never forget the name of (breaths) Goldust. Kaval looks very annoyed about Goldust interrupting his title celebration, the very antithesis of the Illuminati.


We see Jack Swagger make his way out for the All American American challenge. The fans are going insane as Swagger states that no one has beaten him so far in these challenge and he has a million dollars riding this. He holds the United States Championship, saying that he is the greatest athlete to ever be an All American and he's the greatest United States Title.


Suddenly the lights dim and then “Medal” kicks up, to reveal Kurt Angle walking down to the ring. Angle walks down to the the ring to a loud round of cheers and applause as Swagger looks like he saw a ghost. Angle enters the ring and Swagger mouths: “I thought you were dead.” Angle looks focused, intense, not blinking, as he is ready to accept the All American American challenge.


All American American Challenge(10 Minutes or beating Swagger for the United States Title Shot and One Million Dollars)

Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger


Both men trade some standard holds, with Angle nearly getting a quick pin on Swagger and pounding on him with a series of forearm smashes, with Angle hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex and a running dropkick to the side of the head. Angle continues to beat on Swagger and rams a series of knees to the back of the head, before drilling him with more elbows. Swagger calls for a time out, but Angle headbutts him and beats on him. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Angle continues to work over Swagger, putting him in a series of submission holds, before releasing, almost like a cat toying with his prey. Angle nails Swagger with elbows but Swagger thumbs Angle in the eye and runs him over with a clothesline, before beating on Angle. Swagger continues to hammer away on Angle, shoving him into the corner and beating him with a series of chops, before taking him up into the corner and elbows to the head, before Swagger hits a spinebuster and leaps to the second rope. Pump splash connects on Angle, making the cover and getting a two count.


Swagger is beating on Angle and hammers away at him, before kneeing at the ankle of Angle but Angle pops up with an enzuigiri kick. Angle hammers away at Swagger and hits three German Suplexes, before he makes the cover. To the top rope goes Angle but Swagger goes for the pop up superplex but Angle blocks it and shoves Swagger off of the top rope. Angle hits a missile dropkick for a two count and then goes for the Angle Slam but Swagger drops down and a waistlock roll up for a two count. Swagger beats on Angle and sets him up. Gutwrench Power Bomb gets a nearfall and Swagger picks up Angle, before hitting a high angle belly to back suplex and Swagger is nervously looking at the clock, as he heads up top but Angle kips up and runs up the buckles, before hitting a superplex! Standing ten count and Swagger is dazed, but Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Swagger fights it so Angle opts for an amateur style roll up out of the Angle Slam position to get the pin.


Winner: Kurt Angle(8:23, B-)


Kurt Angle is your winner, having won the All American American challenge and Swagger goes for Angle but Angle back drops Swagger over the top rope. Angle takes the case of money and begins to distribute it to the fans at ringside, to loud cheers as Swagger looks like he is on the verge of heart failure seeing the fans get his money. Swagger walks over and tries to reclaim some money from an old woman who received some of it, but a rap on the head with her cane convinces Swagger. Brian Kendrick is jumping up and down and catches a one hundred bill with a big grin on his face. Kurt Angle has returned and he has a United States Title shot.




ECW On Sy Fy:


MattitudeV2: 5/5(+1 bonus point for being the first to predict)

Ian carlisle: 1/5(+6 bonus points for being first in February)

BHK1978: 2/5(+4 bonus points for being second in February)

ChrisKid: 4/5(+2 bonus points for being third in February)


March Standings

Ian carlisle: 7/5

BHK1978: 7/5

MattitudeV2: 6/5

ChrisKid: 7/5




(IMPORTANT: Make sure your answer is complete before responding. If your post is marked as edited regardless it will be disqualified from receiving bonus points. Once you hit Post Reply, your guess is locked)


Four Wrestlemania Matches were set up during this ECW show(although not announced yet). The first

person to name them all receives three bonus points towards the March prediction contest.

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Four Wrestlemania Matches were set up during this ECW show(although not announced yet). The first

person to name them all receives three bonus points towards the March prediction contest.


The Specialists vs. The WGTT


Kaval vs. Goldust


Paul London vs. Matt Hardy


Swagger vs. Angle

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Four Wrestlemania Matches were set up during this ECW show(although not announced yet). The first

person to name them all receives three bonus points towards the March prediction contest.


The Specialists vs. The WGTT


Kaval vs. Goldust


Paul London vs. Matt Hardy


Swagger vs. Angle


Bingo! Thanks for playing. The standings are now.


March Standings

MattitudeV2: 9/5

Ian carlisle: 7/5

BHK1978: 7/5

ChrisKid: 7/5


More chances to win more points throughout the month for the big prize post-Wrestlemania 27.

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WWE Superstars 3/3/11


Tonight's main event on WGN America is a tag team encounter with La Resistance taking on the Big Show and Mark Henry in a return match from last week.


Dolph Ziggler pinned Primo with the Zig Zag in 5:45 An impressive back and forth match between these two men. Primo delivers the ten count punches in the corner towards the end, but Ziggler shoves him off and hits the Zig Zag for the pin. (C-)


A recap of all of the events of the first ever ninety minute ECW. Six man tag team match this week, when Team Angle reunites with the World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle taking on the Specialists and Jack Swagger in a six man tag team match.


Vladimir Koslov pinned Jimmy Wang Yang in 1:49 with a throat slam out of the corner ECW's resident Redneck fought the Roughneck Russian. Koslov destroyed Yang, setting him up in the corner, grabbing him by the throat, and throwing him down for the pin. (D+)


R-Truth defeated Vance Archer via disqualification when Truth hung by the rope by the neck and Archer would not stop beating him up in 8:00 The high octane R-Truth and Vance Archer were in the ring next, for WWE Superstars. Archer managed to use Truth's momentum against him and he was hanging in the top rope, so Archer began to beat on him. The referee warned him to break but no dice and the referee calls for the disqualification. (C-)


Archer hits a big boot on R-Truth and gets on the microphone, demanding a shot to compete on RAW. He won't stop racking up a body count, until he gets his spot on Monday Night RAW.


Hype for Smackdown, featuring Chris Jericho against Randy Orton and Kane against Ted DiBiase in a Casket Match.


La Resistance defeated the Big Show and Mark Henry when Conway pinned Henry after Dupree hit Henry with the Quebec Flag when Henry had the pinfall in 10:32 It was the dastardly Quebecers(not to be confused with those Quebecers that are not the Mounties) trying to play keep away from the bigger, stronger men. Show tossed them around and Henry powerslammed Conway, but Show is ushered out and Dupree bashes the flagpole down on the back of Henry's head and reverses the pin. (C+)


The Big Show enters the ring and knockout punch to both of the French Canadians, taking them out. Show checks on Mark Henry. La Resistance won this match but the Big Show took them out handily.





MattitudeV2: 3/4(+1 Point For Being the First to Predict)

Kijar: 0/4

BHK1978: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4

Ian carlisle: 2/4


March Standings

MattitudeV2: 13/9

BHK1978: 10/9

ChrisKid: 10/9

Ian carlisle:9/9

Kijar: 0/9

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WWE Smackdown 3/4/11


Casket Match:

Kane vs Ted DiBiase.


Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho.


Booker T, Christian, and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas, Cody Rhodes, and Paul Burchill.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Mike Knox vs. Chavo Guerrero vs the Miz.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Evan Bourne vs William Regal.

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WWE Smackdown 3/4/11


Casket Match:

Kane vs Ted DiBiase.


Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho.


Booker T, Christian, and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas, Cody Rhodes, and Paul Burchill.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Mike Knox vs. Chavo Guerrero vs the Miz.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Evan Bourne vs William Regal.

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Casket Match:

Kane vs Ted DiBiase.


The Casket match is more of Undertaker's thing. That being said I highly doubt Ted would win in such a match against Kane.


Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho.


Booker T, Christian, and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas, Cody Rhodes, and Paul Burchill.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Mike Knox vs. Chavo Guerrero vs the Miz.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Evan Bourne vs William Regal.

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Casket Match:

Kane vs Ted DiBiase.


Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho.


Booker T, Christian, and John Morrison vs. Alberto Banderas, Cody Rhodes, and Paul Burchill.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Mike Knox vs. Chavo Guerrero vs the Miz.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Evan Bourne vs William Regal.

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WWE Smackdown 3/4/11


A video package airs, showing tonights double main event, with Chris Jericho taking on Randy Orton and Kane taking on Ted DiBiase in a Casket Match in tonight's double main event on Smackdown.


Evan Bourne pinned William Regal with the Air Bourne in 8:41 Bourne and Regal have a battle with speed against power. Both men are beating down each other, hammering each other. Bourne leaps over the top rope, onto Regal with a springboard cross body and throws him into the ring. Air Bourne connects on Regal for the pin and become the ninth man in Money in the Bank (B-)


The Miz defeated Chavo Guerrero and Mike Know to qualify for the Money in the Bank Match in 7:11 For the final spot in the ten men Money in the Bank Match, Miz, Chavo, and Knox did battle. Knox took out Chavo with a huge power bomb but the Miz went low and sent Knox to the floor, before making the cover on Chavo to score the pin. (B-)


We are backstage, with Chris Jericho and Batista, talking about how tonight, they're going to start softening up Randy Orton, with Jericho taking him down tonight, but leaving just enough for Batista to finish the job at Wrestlemania 27. They will get their vengeance for Orton putting John Cena on the shelf. Hype for Jericho against Orton tonight and Orton against Batista for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 27.


Alberto Banderas, Paul Burchill, and Cody Rhodes defeated John Morrison, Christian, and Booker T when Banderas made Morrison submit to the Cross Armbreaker in 11:10 Six of the ten men in the Money in the Bank Match battle in a six man tag team match. Lots of action and Morrison leaps off the ropes, but Banderas catches him, before hitting the Cross Armbreaker for the tap out. These six men, along with Kofi Kingston, Frankie Kazarian, Evan Bourne, and the Miz will compete in the ten men Money in the Bank Match. (B-)


Randy Orton pinned Chris Jericho with the RKO in 17:44 Jericho beats on Orton early but Orton fights back, gaining a few nearfalls but Jericho nails him and hits a Code Breaker for a nearfall, before beating on Orton, but Orton catches him and DDT drills him. RKO is blocked and Walls of Jericho but Orton is in the ropes. Lionsault misses and Orton hits the RKO for the pin. (B+)


After the match, Batista nailed Orton with a lariat to the back of the head and nailed him with the World Heavyweight Title Belt. Batista hits the Batista Bomb and stands over Orton, yelling that he'll destroy him at Wrestlemania 27. This Monday, we'll have the contract signing.


A look at the recent history, with Ted DiBiase burning Kane's face with a fireball and then Kane stalking DiBiase. Also the mysterious incident with the lights going out and Brett DiBiase, and then Joe Hennig getting laid out.


Ted DiBiase defeated Kane in a Casket Match in 12:44 when DiBiase nailed Kane with multiple chairshots as his leg was trapped in the half closed casket. Kane beats on DiBiase at the bell, trying to put in the the casket, but DiBiase fights back and hits a swinging neckbreaker and applies a Million Dollar Dream but Kane fights out. Kane goes for a big boot on the floor but DiBiase ducks and Kane boots into the casket lid and it shuts right on his leg. Kane is trapped and DiBiase quickly grabs a chair, nailing him into the back of the head, before hitting a series of shots and then banging Kane's head into the top of the casket, before giving him a few more chair shots and releasing his leg. Another chair shot and DiBiase closes the casket to get the win. (B-)


DiBiase gets to his feet and stands, celebrating the wind. The lights begin to flicker and a loud “DONG” echoed throughout the arena before a bolt of lightning strikes the casket! The casket begins to smoke and it pops open, to reveal the unmoving body of the Undertaker, who's eyes snapped open and the Undertaker sits up! DiBiase steps back, in fear, as he begins beating on the Undertaker, who shrugs his attacks off and knocks DiBiase to the floor. The Undertaker stands in the ring and stares down at DiBiase who is backing off. We fade out with the Undertaker standing in the ring to loud cheers.





ChrisKid: 2/5(+1 Point For Being the first to predict)

BHK1978: 1/5

Kijar: 1/5


March Standings

MattitudeV2: 13/14

ChrisKid: 13/14

BHK1978: 11/14

Ian carlisle:9/14

Kijar: 1/14

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