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WWE RAW 3/7/11


We see Kurt Angle make his way down to the ring, to loud cheers as six days ago on ECW, Kurt Angle returned as part of the Jack Swagger All American American open challenge and as a result, Angle will receive a United States Championship shot in less than a month at Wrestlemania 27. Angle talks about how its great to be back. For nearly five years, Angle has been out of the company and normally, everyone has heard why and what he's said, but they've never heard the true story. Angle says that it is no coincidence that he was turfed from the company the same time CM Punk entered the company, where he was forced to slum it in Orlando for five years. You see, Angle stumbled upon a plot, that CM Punk was sent to WWE as a representative by certain rival promoters, jealous of the success that WWE has had, to slowly gain allies and when the time was right, crush WWE. That would become the Illuminati, the force that is running roughshot over WWE. Every single man in that group as a reason to be angry with WWE. Kazarian was told to be something that he was not. Paul London was fired from WWE for daring to show the wrong emotions. The Specialists pride themselves on tag team competition, something that WWE takes a backseat to. Kaval would be judged to be too small. The Hart family was ripped apart by Vince McMahon, so the Hart Dynasty joined up. William Regal had been pushed to the backburner and Jack Swagger was disrespected due to the way he talked, despite his talent. And Hernandez, well there have been rumors that certain WWE officials have not taken too kindly to those that are not white. Each and every man had reasons, and Punk is a charismatic cult leader but Angle talks about how they can easily be shoved to the side. He tells the Illuminati that they can stand on their own two feet and they don't need Punk. They can just walk away, before its too late.


Out comes the WWE Champion CM Punk who has a smug look on his face. He talks about how Angle put the pieces together, but Punk allowed Angle to come back, so they can finish him off and toss him to the side. Punk talks about how one time, Angle could have been something, someone that Punk would be proud to fight side by side, someone who could be with Punk as equals but now that time is past. Angle is someone who needs to step aside, because he's blinded by the pull of sports entertainment. Angle cuts in, talking about how he's going to beat Jack Swagger at Wrestlemania 27 and then after Wrestlemania, he has his eyes on the prize, the WWE Championship, whether it's Punk or Michaels who has it, Angle's coming for it. Punk freaks out and yells that Angle isn't worthy of being a token title defense, talking about how Angle doesn't measure up to Punk. In many ways, “considering your wife left you for a hick who is a career midcarder at best.” Angle headbutts Punk, drawing cheers from the fans.


Angle and Punk get into a scuffle, but the rest of the Illuminati charge to the ring, but Shawn Michaels follows out, with a steel chair and manages to back off the Illuminati, before he allows Angle to leave the ring and then Michaels follows. Punk talks about how after last week, he would think that Michaels would steer clear of the Illuminati prior to Wrestlemania. However, since both Angle and Michaels are so willing for a fight, they can have it, against Jack Swagger and Hernandez. Michaels calls Punk a coward for not being in the match itself but Punk states that he could have suffered a serious injury tonight, after he got nailed in the face.


Kofi Kingston and John Morrison defeated Frankie Kazarian and Kaval when Kofi pinned Kaval with the Trouble in Paradise in 10:11 An extended tag team match, with lots and back and forth action. Morrison is caught in the corner and beaten down by Kazarian and the ECW Television Championship, but Kofi makes the hot tag. Kofi beats on both men. Morrison takes Kazarian down to the floor and Kofi connects with the Trouble in Paradise for the pin, pinning the ECW Television Champion. (B-)


Announce that in twenty four hours on ECW, Kofi Kingston will venture onto Sy Fy, where he first made his mark in WWE, to challenge Kaval for the ECW Television Title.


We are out, with Katie Lea out, with the Undisputed Women's Title, along with Maryse, and a very unhappy Mia Mancini. Katie Lea says tonight is the night that Beth Phoenix is going to get her return match, but Katie Lea has some insurance, as she has purchased the services of Mia Mancini from Maryse, who better know her role. Beth Phoenix comes out and slides into the ring, to kick off the match.


Beth Phoenix defeated Katie Lea via disqualification when Mia Mancini entered the ring and began beating on Beth Phoenix in 5:22 It seemed to be the night that Phoenix had the number of Katie Lea, throwing her around the ring. Katie Lea gained a series of nearfalls but Phoenix fights back and Mancini slides into the ring beating on Beth Phoenix, blatantly for the disqualification, after some threatening from Maryse. (C-)


Katie Lea is up and she nails Beth Phoenix right in the held with the gold, before she nails Mancini as well and tells both of them that she's the most dangerous diva on RAW and neither of them should forget it.


A recap from last week, with Hernandez destroying Edge. Edge regained use of his limbs in the past week, but he's still not a hundred percent.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated the Hart Dynasty when Shelton pinned Kidd with the T-Bone Suplex in 15:59 The fans are explosive, as the Hart Dynasty are acting as roadblocks to the World's Greatest Tag Team for their planned conquest to the Unified Tag Team Titles. Haas is trapped in the ring two against one, but Benjamin takes in and hits Kidd with the T-Bone Suplex for the pin, to cement their status as the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Team Titles. (C+)


We have the contract signing, with the World Heavyweight Champion Batista and the number one contender Randy Orton, for Wrestlemania 27. Out comes Batista, looking smug and he enters the ring, sitting down, before out comes Randy Orton, stoic and cold as ice, as he sits down, not taking his eyes off of Batista. RAW General Manager Kevin Nash and Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart are there, talking about how this match is a World Heavyweight Championship match, which will be headlining Wrestlemania 27. Due to the heated nature between things involving Batista and Orton, this will be a No Holds Barred Match. Batista nods, saying that he would hate for Orton to get saved, before he was completely done. Orton just motions for the pen and looks it over, before signing the contract. Batista signs it, as does Nash and Bret and its now official, No Holds Barred for the World Heavyweight Title with Randy Orton against Batista. Batista stands to his feet and says that he can't wait until he gets his hands around Orton's neck. As Batista and Orton stare down, Chris Jericho enters the ring and goes for Orton, but Orton fights him off. Batista clobbers Orton from behind with the belt and beats him down, but Bryan Danielson runs out and it is a wild brawl, until security comes out.


After the match, a tag team match is made.


Batista and Chris Jericho defeated Bryan Danielson and Randy Orton when Batista pinned Danielson with the spinebuster in 14:45 The fans are going insane, as both teams trade off, but Danielson is caught in the corner. Despite a valiant effort, Danielson never quite makes it to the corner and is nailed in the face with the enzuigiri to set up the spinebuster from Batista for the pin. (B)


Hernandez and Jack Swagger defeated Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels when Swagger pinned Angle after nailing him with the United States Title Belt in 10:44 Michaels was beaten two on one, with the Illuminati looking to soften up Michaels for their leader, CM Punk, as Michaels has vowed to win the WWE Championship come Wrestlemania or retire. Hot tag and Angle runs in. Michaels runs in but accidentally hits Angle in the melee. Hernandez clotheslines Michaels to the floor and Swagger takes the United States Title Belt, to bop Angle with it for the pin. (B+)


Angle and Shawn Michaels have words, but Kevin Nash announces that there will be three Wrestlemania rewind matches next week. John Morrison against Chris Jericho in a return match fro Wrestlemania 26, Batista against the Undertaker in a return match from Wrestlemania 23, and finally, Kurt Angle against Shawn Michaels in a return match from Wrestlemania 21. The fans pop big at these three huge matches as we fade out.





BHK1978: 1/3(+1 point for being first to predict)

EdgeHeaD: 1/3

Kijar: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 1/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

ChrisKid: 2/3


March Standings

ChrisKid: 16/17

MattitudeV2: 14/17

BHK1978: 13/17

Ian carlisle:12/17

Kijar: 3/17

EdgeHeaD: 1/17

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/8/11


The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd

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The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd

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The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd


I am pretty sure Matt will win but screw it, I have never been a fan of either him or his brother.

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/8/11


The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/8/11


The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd

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The World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle vs The Specialists and Jack Swagger.


Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Kaval©


Jimmy Wang Yang vs the ECW Champion Paul London(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs Tyson Kidd

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/8/11


Matt Hardy made Tyson Kidd submit to the Rear Naked Choke in 8:22 An impressive back and forth match with these two me. Kidd gets caught coming off the top rope, and Hardy hammers away at him, hitting the Twist of Fate, before slapping on the Rear Naked Choke for the tap out. (B-)


Matt Hardy gets on the microphone, talking about how he hoped Paul London was watching that, because at Wrestlemania 27, Matt Hardy is going to take the ECW Championship from Paul London.


A recap from last night on RAW, with Kofi Kingston pinning the ECW Television Champion Kaval in a tag team match, leading to Kofi getting the title shot tonight.


ECW Television Champion Kaval pinned Kofi Kingston with the double foot stomp from the second rope in 10:22 Both of these men had quite the back and forth encounter. Lots of nearfalls and Kofi nearly won the Television Title on a couple of instances, but Kaval nails a kick and then a brain buster, before finishing off Kingston with a violent double foot stomp to the chest. (B)


We see Goldust come out and talk about how ever since the Illuminati came on the scene in ECW, he's been a target but the hunted has become the hunter and Goldust is going to prey upon Kaval and take his ECW Television Championship. He'll never forget the name of Goldust at Wrestlemania 27.


Paul London made Jimmy Wang Yang submit to a Texas Cloverleaf in 4:22 The ECW Champion and ECW's Resident Redneck collided tonight on ECW. Yang was caught off of the top rope and beaten severely and nailed with a super gutbuster, before London applied a Texas Cloverleaf, really sitting into the spine of London, before the submission. (C-)


The crowd are going insane as Matt Hardy rushes in but the Hart Dynasty cut him off and this allows London, once again to knock Hardy out with the rolling elbow smash. London talks about how Hardy will get his match at Wrestlemania 27, but a couple of weeks ago, Hardy said he wouldn't quit and he wouldn't die, but he'll have to do one to end the match at Wrestlemania 27. London says that if Hardy has the guts and judging by his looks, he has a lot, it will be Matt Hardy against Paul London for the ECW Championship in an I Quit Match! The fans are buzzing at that match with loud cheers.


Evan Bourne pinned Frankie Kazarian with the Air Bourne in 12:44 Two men who will be competing in the Money in the Bank Match have a back and forth match tonight on ECW on Sy Fy, with the Illuminati barred from ringside by ECW General Manager Tommy Dreamer. Kazarian goes for the Flux Capacitor but Bourne shoves him off and hits the Air Bourne for the pin to pick up his second straight win against an Illuminati member. Bourne could be the odds on favorite to win Money in the Bank due to his style. (B)


A recap of the six man tag team match, with some words from both sides promising victory.


The Specialists and Jack Swagger defeated Kurt Angle and the World's Greatest Tag Team when Swagger pinned Benjamin with the Gutwrench Power Bomb in 18:55 Two huge Wrestlemania matches come together, with Swagger avoiding Angle and Angle battling the Specialists for most of this match, until Angle fights out of the corner and runs wild, hitting German Suplexes on all. Benjamin is tagged in and a series of double and triple team moves rock all three men but Benjamin gets caught and Swagger snaps off the Gutwrench Power Bomb to score the pin. (B)


Immediately after the match, Swagger and the Specialists bail, with the World's Greatest Tag Team and Kurt Angle standing in the ring. Their time will come at Wrestlemania.





MattitudeV2: 3/5(+1 point for being first to predict)

BHK1978: 2/5

ChrisKid: 3/5

Ian carlisle: 4/5

Kijar: 3/5



March Standings

ChrisKid: 19/22

MattitudeV2: 18/22

BHK1978: 15/22

Ian carlisle:15/22

Kijar: 6/22

EdgeHeaD: 1/22

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WWE Superstars 3/10/11


Expect everything on WWE Superstars, with the World Heavyweight Champion Batista in action in tonight's big main event on WGN America, against the rough and tumble bruiser known as Mike Knox.


Yoshi Tatsu pinned Zack Ryder with a backslide in 6:33 Ryder has not been getting that many wins as of late, but tonight, he looks ready to turn that around tonight against Yoshi Tatsu. Ruff Ryder gets a nearfall and Ryder argues with the referee, perhaps a few seconds too long and then Tatsu pulls out the backslide for the flash pin. (C+)


Vance Archer pinned Rich Ender with a crucifix power bomb out of the corner in 3:22 Archer is in a foul mood and he takes it out on the local talent. Archer yells that he wants a spot on RAW and then crotches Ender, before hitting him with a violent crucifix power bomb, folding him up on the back of his neck, to score the pin. (D)


Archer beats up Ender, until R-Truth rushes from the back and jabs away at Archer. Last week, R-Truth beat Archer by disqualification when Archer laid a vicious beating on Truth when he was hanging from the ropes. Archer leaves, yelling that Truth is a dead man and he will continue the body count until he gets a spot on RAW.


The Dudley Boyz defeated the Dudebusters when Bubba Ray Dudley pinned Caylen Croft with the Dudley Death Drop in 10:11 The Dudebusters seemed determined to throw their names into the hat for the Unified Tag Team Title race, and the Dudley Boyz as always want to be in the title hunt. D-Von is beaten down by the Busters, but he fights out and makes the hot tag to Bubba, who runs wild. The Dudley Death Drop puts Croft away for the pin. (B-)


A recap of the contract signing between Randy Orton and Batista and the tag team match. Batista and Orton are locked and loaded for a No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Championship come Wrestlemania, but Batista has a huge match against the Undertaker in a Wrestlemania rewind match this Monday on RAW. Also, Orton has a match on Friday Night Smackdown against the WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas. What a feather in the cap would it be for Banderas to knock off the number one contender this close to Wrestlemania. Right now, Batista has a huge challenge in the form of the rough and tumble bruiser known as Mike Knox. Knox is looking for that one huge victory to move to the next level.


Batista pinned Mike Knox with the Batista Bomb in 8:22 Knox took it to the World Heavyweight Champion, giving him some anxious moments, including a slingshot crossbody block to the the floor, which almost crushes Batista like a bug. Batista recovers and gains control. First Batista Bomb is blocked and Knox hits the Bicycle Kick, but Batista is in the ropes. Knox misses an elbow off of the second rope and lariat, sets up the spinebuster, which sets up the Batista Bomb for the pin. Batista with an arrogant cover on Knox but that is enough to get the pin. (B)


Batista gets the win to continue his path of dominance on the Road to Wrestlemania 27 and his match against Randy Orton, No Holds Barred, with Batista defending the World Heavyweight Title.





BHK1978: 2/3(+1 point for predicting first)

MattitudeV2: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

EdgeHeaD: 3/3


March Standings

ChrisKid: 21/25

MattitudeV2: 20/25

BHK1978: 18/25

Ian carlisle:18/25

Kijar: 6/25

EdgeHeaD: 4/25

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