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WWE Smackdown 3/11/11


A recap of the end of Smackdown, with Ted DiBiase back off from the Undertaker, who has risen.


We see Ted DiBiase out to the ring. He talks about how last week, he was shocked but in a good way. The Undertaker had returned and now DiBiase gets what he wants and that is a match with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27. DiBiase talks about how his father, the Million Dollar Man, discovered the Undertaker but the Undertaker became too powerful. His father told his young son that soon it would come his time, soon it would be his destiny to end the Undertaker's fabled Wrestlemania winning streak and that day is coming soon.


The lights flicker and we see an image of the graveyard. We see several filled graves. The Tombstones read SNUKA: 1-0, ROBERTS: 2-0, GONZALES: 3-0, BUNDY: 4-0, DIESEL: 5-0, SID: 6-0, KANE: 7-0, BOSS MAN: 8-0, TRIPLE H: 9-0, FLAIR: 10-0, BIG SHOW AND A-TRAIN: 11-0, KANE: 12-0, ORTON: 13-0, HENRY: 14-0, BATISTA: 15-0, EDGE: 16-0, MICHAELS: 17-0, and MCINTYRE: 18-0. The Undertaker appears, over one final grave, opened with the tombstone reading, DIBIASE: 19-0 and gives a round of laughter. DiBiase yells that the Undertaker's mind games are not going to get the better of him and to prove it, he's going to beat Christian tonight, something that he hasn't been able to do as of late. DiBiase and the Undertaker will collide at Wrestlemania 27, with yet another attempt at the Undertaker's Wrestlemania winning streak being broken. No one has cracked the code and maybe no one never will, although DiBiase might have a good shot. He is a former World Heavyweight Champion and last year, he won Money in the Bank.


Evan Bourne pinned United States Champion Jack Swagger with the Air Bourne in a non title match in 12:25 Kurt Angle watched this match from the locker room, but security surrounded him, to make sure that he did not interfere. The announcers talk about the roll that Evan Bourne has been on as of late and how he could be the favorite to win Money in the Bank due to his high flying style being the best fit. Bourne beats on Swagger, but Swagger slowly wears him down. Gutwrench Power Bomb but Bourne is in the ropes. Another is blocked and Bourne hits a faceplant. Air Bourne but Swagger tries for a pop up superplex. Bourne hangs on and Swagger falls right into the position for the Air Bourne for the pin, the third Illuminati member that Evan Bourne has beaten in three matches! (C+)


Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, to throw out a challenge to Bryan Danielson for a match at Wrestlemania 27. Jericho also states that he has two unfinished pieces of business. On RAW, he was to right the wrong from the last Wrestlemania and beat John Morrison and tonight, Finlay returns from a few weeks on the shelf and now he is going to call Finlay out for the match, so he can finish things off.


Chris Jericho made Finlay submit to the Walls of Jericho in 9:55 Finlay beats on Jericho but Jericho fights out, hammering away on Finlay. Finlay catches Jericho on the top rope and Finlay beats on him but Jericho drills him with the Code Breaker. He could go for the pin but instead, he applies the Walls of Jericho for the submission. (B-)


The WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas stands by backstage, hyping up his participation in Money in the Bank and how he vows to win. He also talks about how tonight, he's going to score the biggest win in his career, against the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title, Randy Orton.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero when Shelton Benjamin pinned Chavo Guerrero with the T-Bone Suplex in 8:22 The fans are going insane, as the World's Greatest Tag Team pull together a lot of double team moves, but Haas is trapped in the corner and beaten down in the corner. Tag made to Benjamin, who runs wild, before the T-Bone Suplex puts Chavo down for the pin, as Haas takes Ziggler down with a German Suplex. (B-)


The Specialists make their way down to the ring, applauding the WGTT for their victory, in a slightly sarcastic manner. Michael Courtier talks about how over the past eight months, the Specialists have defeated every single team in front of them and have not suffered one loss as a tag team. Davis talks about they have defeated accomplished techicians, high flyers, big bruisers, and teams of main event superstars. At Wrestlemania 27, the Specialists will prove that Haas and Benjamin are unworthy of the moniker of the World's Greatest Tag Team. Benjamin gets on the microphone, talking about how Courtier and Davis have been running scared from them, only one match, and it took Illuminati involvement for them to get the win. Two against two, Benjamin and Haas will become the Unified Tag Team Champions and hand the Specialists their first defeat as a team. A tense situation, as the Unified Tag Team Titles will be on the line at Wrestlemania 27, between the two top tag teams in the world, the World's Greatest Tag Team against the Specialists.


Ted DiBiase pinned Christian with the Dream Street in 16:57 Back and forth match, with DiBiase determined to show that he is ready to go for his match against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27, but DiBiase fights out and beats on Christian, before hammering away at him. Dream Street is blocked, as is the Killswitch, before DiBiase delivers the Dream Street for the pin. (B)


Batista makes his way to the ring, to join Todd Grisham and Matt Striker for commentary. The World Heavyweight Champion talks about how this Monday, he's going to avenge his loss at Wrestlemania 23 against the Undertaker. He is also going to watch Randy Orton closely.


Randy Orton pinned WWE Intercontinental Champion Alberto Banderas with the RKO in 14:55 A back and forth match, with both men gaining a lot of nearfalls, with Banderas slowly going to work on the shoulder of Orton. Orton has had shoulder problems in the past and Banderas nearly goes for the Armbar twice, but Orton fights him off and hits a DDT, before going for the punt but Banderas avoids it and armdrag into the Cross Armbreaker but Orton is in the ropes. Banderas goes for a single arm DDT, but Orton blocks and hits the RKO for the pin. (B-)


Orton is doubled over and Batista nails Orton with the belt! The fans are going insane and Batista grabs the right arm of Orton and wraps it into the ringpost several times, before grabbing a chair and bashing into into the arm of Orton! Batista yells that he hopes Orton knows how Cena felt now! Batista rolls into the ring and applies a vicious hammerlock on Orton, wrenching on the arm. He is trying to take out one of Orton's limbs prior to Wrestlemania. Batista steps back, acting like he's going to punt Orton but Batista says he'll save that for Wrestlemania and the fans will pay to see Orton's demise. He finishes by saying that the Undertaker will be finished on Monday. We fade out with Orton favoring what might be a broken arm.





MattitudeV2: 4/5(+1 Point for Predicting First)

BHK1978: 4/5

ChrisKid: 3/5

Ian carlisle: 3/5

EdgeHeaD: 4/5


March Standings

ChrisKid: 24/30

MattitudeV2: 25/30

BHK1978: 22/30

Ian carlisle:21/30

EdgeHeaD: 8/30

Kijar: 6/30

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/14/11


We are going to kick things off with the road to Wrestlemania, Monday Night RAW, with three Wrestlemania rewind matches. Out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Batista, ready for his match with the Undertaker. The lights go out and the long and epic entrance of the Undertaker is about to start but there are sounds of combat in the dark. The lights come back out, with Randy Orton dressed in his street clothes, with a cast on his right arm, beating on Batista! Batista is trying to cover up, as Orton is kicking Batista right in the ribs and now Orton is beating Batista over the back with the cast. Security enters the ring and Orton gives one guard the RKO, before he gets sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray and then subdued. Batista is angered, busted open from the shots with Orton's cast and he demands that they send Orton to jail and tells him that he'll press charges. Orton is struggling and he manages to kick Batista right in the groin. The Viper is being hauled off, in handcuffs, as Batista is complaining about an injury. The Undertaker against Batista match will be later tonight, as Batista is going to be checked out.


Chris Jericho pinned John Morrison with the Code Breaker in 10:22 This is a return match from the main event of Wrestlemania 26 last year, with Morrison and Jericho trading blows and high flying moves. Walls of Jericho is blocked and Morrison hits the Pele Kick. Starship Pain misses but Morrison lands on his feet and walks into the Code Breaker for the pin. (B+)


Bryan Danielson comes out and accepts Chris Jericho's challenge for Wrestlemania 27. The fans cheer big time and that should be a great match, between Bryan Danielson and Chris Jericho.


Paul London is out, talking some trash about Matt Hardy. He talks about how tonight, Evan Bourne's luck, his winning streak against Illuminati members, is about to come to an end. Much like the disappointment when Matt Hardy reaches the end of the buffet, Paul London will give Evan Bourne the same type of disappointment. He vows to make Matt Hardy quit at Wrestlemania 27 as well.


Evan Bourne pinned Paul London with the Air Bourne, after Matt Hardy threw London into the ringpost in 8:22 London refused to do any of his high flying offense, opting for submission holds and strikes. Bourne got the match alive and takes London down but London rolls to the floor, where Matt Hardy jumps him and posts London, before setting him up for the Air Bourne, as Bourne has defeated a fourth member of the Illuminati. (C+)


Matt Hardy steps into the ring but once again the Hart Dynasty enter the ring and as Hardy turns his attention them, London slips on the elbow pad and knocks Hardy out with a rolling elbow smash. We see London apply a dragon sleeper on Hardy, as the Hart Dynasty stomp him. Once again, Matt Hardy has been laid out by Paul London. That dragon sleeper is just one of the submission moves that London has locked away for use at Wrestlemania 27.


We are back to action and Kevin Nash announces that due to the recent controversy in the Elimination Chamber and the high stakes nature of the WWE Championship Match, Kevin Nash will be the Special Guest Referee for CM Punk against Shawn Michaels. He also announces that if any Illuminati members interfere, then Punk will lose the championship. Nash promises that with Michaels putting his career on the line, he'll see that he gets a fair title shot.


The Undertaker defeated Batista via disqualification in 8:11 The second Wrestlemania rewind match, with Batista getting a few nearfalls but the Undertaker kept coming. Eventually Batista decided to call it a night by shoving the referee down for the disqualification!(B-)[/b]


The Undertaker beats up Batista but Batista flees and Ted DiBiase sneaks into the ring and nails the Undertaker right in the head with a gold brick! The Undertaker has been taken out and now DiBiase stands over the Undertaker, stating that he's money and what he can't buy, he'll take and he'll take the Undertaker's Winning Streak. It will be 18-1 when DiBiase beats him. He talks about how the power of money will triumph over the power of the Undertaker, holding up the gold brick for emphasis, as the Undertaker is out like a light.


Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim defeated Natalya and the Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea when Beth Phoenix pinned Natalya with the Glam Slam in 5:22 Gail Kim was beaten into the corner for the better part of the match but she fought out and hot tag to Beth Phoenix. The Undisputed Women's Champion quickly escapes and Beth Phoenix drills her with a lariat, before hitting her with the Glam Slam for the pin. (C-)


Suddenly, Mia Mancini enters the ring and attacks Beth Phoenix from behind. Katie Lea enters the ring but Mancini grabs her and T-Bone Suplex. Maryse enters the ring, to lay the bad mouth on Mancini but Macnini blocks her slap and begins to choke Maryse out! The fans are going insane as Maryse is cursing at Mancini and Mancini relaxes her grip slightly. Maryse is massaging her throat as she is dropped and Mancini turns and walks away from Maryse.


Kurt Angle battled Shawn Michaels to a no contest when the Illuminati ran into the ring and attacked both men in 18:44 Both Angle and Michaels have an intense, back and forth match, with several nearfalls and close finishes. Angle beats on the leg, going for the Ankle Lock but Michaels fights out. Flying Elbow Drop and goes for the Sweet Chin Music but Angle catches the foot. Michaels fights out and applies the cross-face submission. Michaels pushes back on the hold and Out rushes the Illuminati in the form of the Specialists, Kaval, Frankie Kazarian, and the Hart Dynasty, attacking both men (B+)


The match is thrown out, as Angle and Michaels after fighting for nearly twenty minutes are getting beaten down, and out comes Jack Swagger, who nails Angle with the championship right in the head, before putting on the Ankle Lock. Swagger punishes Angle, pushing back on the hold. The fans are going insane with boos, and CM Punk enters the ring, before he stands in the corner and begins to stamp his feet. Sweet Chin Music nails Michaels right in the face! Punk just nailed Michaels with his own move, the ultimate in humilation. We fade out with Punk talking trash to Michaels.





BHK1978: 1/5(+1 point for being first to predict)

MattitudeV2: 1/5

ChrisKid: 3/5

Ian carlisle: 2/5

Kijar: 1/5

EdgeHeaD: 3/5


March Standings

ChrisKid: 27/35

MattitudeV2: 26/35

BHK1978: 24/35

Ian carlisle:23/35

EdgeHeaD: 11/35

Kijar: 7/35

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/15/11


ECW Championship Match:

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Paul London©


ECW Television Title Match:

D-Von Dudley vs Kaval©


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Frankie Kazarian and Jack Swagger.


Matt Hardy vs Drew McIntyre.

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/15/11


Tonight, the Dudley Boyz go for singles championship glory, when D-Von Dudley challenges Kaval for the ECW Television Title and Bubba Ray Dudley takes on Paul London for the ECW Championship.


Out comes Drew McIntyre to the ring, to declares that he should get an ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania 27, instead of Matt Hardy and he calls out Hardy. Hardy walks out, not responding and instead he punches McIntyre.


Matt Hardy made Drew McIntyre submit to the Rear Naked Choke in 8:15 A back and forth match, with McIntyre beating on Hardy but Hardy fights back, hitting the Side Effect and the Twist of Fate, setting up the Rear Naked Choke for the tap out. (B-)


Matt Hardy cuts a promo, talking about how Wrestlemania is mere weeks away and how he'll finally get his hands on Paul London in a one on one match, where London will say the words “I Quit” on the microphone when Hardy beats him to a pulp. The fans are going insane, as Paul London defends the ECW Championship against Matt Hardy in an I Quit Match.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Frankie Kazarian and the United States Champion Jack Swagger via disqualification in 15:11 An impressive tag team match, with lots of double team moves. Haas is trapped in the corner but Benjamin is in, running wild but the Specialists run out and wipe out the World's Greatest Tag Team. (B+)


The Specialists, Kazarian, and Swagger beat down the World's Greatest Tag Team. A Spiked Brain Buster on Haas and now the Specialists join Swagger for a super spiked Gutwrench Power Bomb.


We cut to a prerecorded interview from Kurt Angle, who talks about his match with Jack Swagger at Wrestlemania 27. He talks about how Swagger has a lot of potential but he is doing himself a disservice by joining forces with the Illuminati. Angle talks about how Swagger could be the WWE Champion right now but he's playing to the beat of CM Punk's drums. Angle will force Swagger to live up to his potential at Wrestlemania or Angle will wipe him out.


A look at the Specialists and their dominant run as Unified Tag Team Titles. Lawrence Davis talks about how they came to WWE, to correct the disrespect that WWE showed to the tag team ranks. Courtier remarks that they beat every single team WWE has thrown together. They talk about Benjamin and Haas might be the only other team that could challenge them but in the end, it doesn't matter as while Benjamin and Haas call themselves the World's Greatest Tag Team, The Specialists are better than their best.


ECW Television Champion Kaval pinned D-Von Dudley with a double foot stomp in 14:51 A series of kicks right to the ribs, but D-Von hammers away at Kaval. Several nearfalls, back and forth match, with D-Von pulling out a leaping clothesline, before hitting an elbow off of the second rope for a nearfall. Kaval drills D-Von with a kick off of the ropes, hits a brain buster, and then hits him with a double foot stomp for the pin. (B-)


Kaval gets the win and the lights flicker, before the screen is letter boxed and the image of Goldust appears on the titan tron. Goldust talks about how six months ago, the Illuminati made their grand arrival on ECW and he was one of their first targets. Goldust got a win over Kaval and that got the ball rolling in many ways. At Wrestlemania 27, a win by Goldust will seal the fate of Kaval. He will be the ECW Television Champion and Kaval will never forget the name of Goldust.


We see a video package, of Paul London, stating about how he was pushed to the side, despite many substandard wrestlers getting ahead of him a lot of the time. He talks about Matt Hardy robbed him of his Wrestlemania main event and how at Wrestlemania 27, he'll beat Matt Hardy. Either he'll destroy him or Hardy will be humiliated by saying the two words, “I Quit” on the Microphone.


ECW Champion Paul London defeated Bubba Ray Dudley via disqualification when Matt Hardy interfered, beating on London, after Bubba hit a top rope power bomb in 16:38 London rushes in, using a series of dastardly heel tactics but Bubba Ray Dudley gets ahold of him and beats him down, until London hits a low blow and hits a Russian Legsweep, before London beats on him, applying some submission moves but Bubba Ray crotched London on the top rope and power bomb off of the top rope. Suddenly, Matt Hardy ran out and beats on London, for the disqualification. (B)


Bubba Ray Dudley punches away at Matt Hardy, beating on him and out comes D-Von Dudley, who pulls Bubba off, but Matt Hardy attacks Bubba and then D-Von, as London bails. Matt Hardy gives D-Von the Twist of Fate and then he brawls with Bubba, taking him out and now London slides into the ring, but Hardy turns around and beats on London but Bubba attacks Hardy from behind and then beats on London. It is all breaking down as we fade to black.




ECW On Sy Fy:

MattitudeV2: 4/4(+1 Point for Predicting First)

Ian carlisle: 4/4

BHK1978: 3/4

ChrisKid: 4/4

EdgeHeaD: 4/4


March Standings

ChrisKid: 31/39

MattitudeV2: 31/39

BHK1978: 27/39

Ian carlisle:27/39

EdgeHeaD: 15/39

Kijar: 7/39

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WWE Superstars 3/17/11


Expect everything on WWE Superstars, when in tonight's main event on WGN America, two men who will be part of Money in the Bank for Wrestlemania 27 collide from Monday Night Raw, when Cody Rhodes takes on Kofi Kingston.


Chavo Guerrero pinned Finlay with the Frog Splash in 7:25 The fans are going absolutely as these two men have a back and forth encounter, with Chavo punishing Finlay, but Finlay beats on him severely, before hitting him with a series of high impact moves but Chavo loosened the turnbuckle. The referee tied it back up and Chavo snuck in with a low blow and a DDT, before hitting the Frog Splash on Finlay. Chavo scored what could be considered as a minor upset against Finlay. (B-)


Tyler Reks pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with a torture rack into a face plant in 4:22 ECW's Resident Redneck gave it a good effort against the rough and tumble Reks but in the end, Reks beats on down, knocking Yang into the corner and hoisting him up, before hitting a torture rack into a faceplant. (D+)


R-Truth, The Big Show, and Mark Henry defeated La Resistance and Vance Archer when R-Truth pinned Robert Conway with a roll up in 10:22 An intense six man tag team match, with both teams having a lot of back and forth action. Eventually a pier six and R-Truth rolls up Conway in the melee to score the pin. (B-)


A recap of all of the events on Monday Night RAW.


Cody Rhodes pinned Kofi Kingston with the Cross Rhodes in 10:55 An impressive back and forth match, with a lot of impressive nearfalls. Kofi is hung up top and Rhodes beats on him, before hitting a power bomb out of the corner and then going for the Cross Rhodes but Kofi fought out. Trouble in Paradise is avoided and Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes for the pin. (B)





BHK1978: 3/4(+1 point to predict first)

Ian carlisle: 2/4

ChrisKid: 2/4


March Standings

ChrisKid: 33/43

MattitudeV2: 31/43

BHK1978: 31/43

Ian carlisle:29/43

EdgeHeaD: 15/43

Kijar: 7/43

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WWE Smackdown 3/18/11


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs Batista©


Christian vs Chris Jericho.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Evan Bourne vs Alberto Banderas©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kane and Mike Knox vs The Specialists©

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