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WWE Smackdown 3/18/11


The fans are going nuts as the lights go out, as the music of the Undertaker plays and we see a figure walking to the ring, in darkness. We the lights come back on, it is obviously not the Undertaker, as the hood comes down, to reveal Ted DiBiase, who slips off boots with lifts on them and his robes. DiBiase talks about how this past Monday, he showed the world where the power lies. Its not with the darkside, but it is with the power of money. We see a recap of Monday, where Ted DiBiase snuck into the ring and nailed the Undertaker with a gold brick. DiBiase talks about how the Undertaker is this big mythical mystery but he is nothing but smoke and mirrors. The fans boo at the disrespect of the Undertaker, his 18-0 winning streak goes without saying. DiBiase states that the Undertaker has all sorts of magical powers, he can turn the lights off, he can create lightning, and he can disappear. DiBiase just scoffs talking about how money can buy those powers and more. DiBiase calls for the lights to go out and they do. He then calls for lighting and a large bolt hits the stage. Then DiBiase waves his hands and the lights go off. When they come back on, DiBiase is gone. When they return, DiBiase reappears, going underneath the ring and pulling back the mats, to reveal that a trap door has been installed underneath the ring. DiBiase states that he's a level beyond the previous eighteen opponents and the streak will be snapped on April 3rd.




The fans are really cheering, as Randy Orton walks to the ring. DiBiase just sneers, talking about how he figured Orton would come out here, to steal his spotlight. He was threatened by DiBiase, so that's why he tried to hold him down in Legacy. DiBiase talks about how he's succeeded many times other where Orton has failed. At Wrestlemania 21, Orton failed to get the streak and at Wrestlemania 27, DiBiase will get the streak. DiBiase then steps, he hopes that Orton does win the title, even if its faint, as DiBiase would love nothing better to get the World Heavyweight Title Belt, by beating Orton. Orton calmly states that DiBiase talks a very smug game, for someone who has never beaten Orton in a one on one match. Orton promises that he will show DiBiase the meaning of respect and how Legacy crumbled because they failed to listen to Orton. DiBiase yells that he was the World Heavyweight Champion for six months and he's going to end the streak but Orton tells DiBiase to shut up and accept the challenge for a match tonight, unless DiBiase is scared. DiBiase accepts, vowing to teach Orton who carried who in Legacy.


Tonight three championshp matches, plus Christian against Chris Jericho and Ted DiBiase against Randy Orton as the Road to Wrestlemania 27 continues.


Unified Tag Team Champions The Specialists defeated Kane and Mike Knox when Davis pins Kane with a springboard elbow drop in 10:22 The brutal bruisers in Kane and Mike Knox had a chance to become Unified Tag Team Champions tonight, but Knox is trapped in the corner, for a series of double team moves until Kane makes the tag and runs wild. Davis trips up Kane and Courtier delivers a somersault neckbreaker off of the second rope, setting up the springboard elbow drop for the pin. (B-)


The Specialists keep the Unified Tag Team Titles and they will be defending against the World's Greatest Tag Team at Wrestlemania 27 in sixteen days time.


Evan Bourne pinned Alberto Banderas to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship in 12:33 after a sunset flip countered a power bomb. The fans are going nuts, as Banderas and Bourne, two men in the Money in the Bank Match, have a back and forth match. Bourne gets an early nearfall with a crucifix but Banderas beats on him, German Suplex for a nearfall and now Banderas goes to work on the shoulder, but Bourne fights out and hits a missile dropkick and a face plant, before he goes to the top rope. Air Bourne hits the knees and Banderas goes for the arm, beating on it, before he sets up the Cross Arm Breaker but Bourne is fighting it and rolls towards the ropes. Banderas beats on Bourne and goes for a power bomb but Bourne rolls into a sunset flip to score the pin and becomes the new WWE Intercontinental Champion.(B-)


Bourne raises his hand into the air in a token of victory and immediately, Banderas jumps him from behind and applies the Cross Armbreaker. We have a new WWE Intercontinental Champion and Banderas is trying to injure the arm. Bourne is fighting but Banderas cranks on the arm and finally releases the hold, with Bourne clutching his arm.


A look at Chris Jericho against Bryan Danielson for Wrestlemania 27.


Chris Jericho pinned Christian with the Code Breaker in 15:55 An impressive back and forth match with a lot of nearfalls, with both men knowing each other very well. Christian hits a ten count punch in the corner and then a gutbuster, before he goes up top but Jericho catches him off of the top rope. Code Breaker is blocked and Christian hits a series of forearms, tornado DDT and Frog Splash for a nearfall. Killswitch is countered into the Walls of Jericho, which is countered into a small package for a nearfall. Jericho then hits the Code Breaker for the pin. (A)


Batista pinned Booker T with the Batista Bomb in 10:22 to retain the World Heavyweight Title Booker T and Batista have had a number of battles but tonight, Batista is really beating Booker T senseless but Booker T fights back and hits the Axe Kick for a nearfall. Book End is blocked and Batista shoves Booker T into the corner and hits the spinebuster for a two count. Spear and Batista Bomb is countered with a sunset flip for a nearfall. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb again but Booker T lands on his feet and Harlem Side Kick gets a nearfall. Another Book End is elbowed out and this time Batista low blows Booker T to set up the Batista Bomb for the pin. (B)


Batista gets on the microphone, talking about how this was just a sample of what was to come. He talks about how in Evolution, Randy Orton was the low man on the totem pole and when he was booted from the group, he choked. Batista on the other hand, cut loose his ties and beat Triple H three straight times. He talks about how Orton has obsessed over regaining the World Heavyweight Championship for over six years but he's not getting it back, not at Wrestlemania, and not ever. Batista talks about how Orton dubbed himself the Legend Killer at one time, but Batista is better than the best and bigger than legend. Batista vows to crush Orton once and for all April 3rd in Atlanta.


Ted DiBiase pinned Randy Orton with the Dream Street after Batista nailed Orton with the belt on the floor in 11:55 Both men trade moves, with DiBiase going right after the arm of Randy Orton, that was broken by Batista last week. The RKO is hit, but Orton is too injured to go for the cover. DiBiase rolls to the floor and Orton follows him, with Orton beating on him and DiBiase is rolled back into the ring, right into the legs of the referee, inadvertently knocking him down. Batista jumps Orton from behind, hitting him with the World Heavyweight Championship Belt right to his head! Orton is scooped up and rolled into the ring and now DiBiase hooks Orton, before hitting the Dream Street for the pin, crossing the arms across the chest, to mock the Undertaker, for the pin. (B+)


In comes Batista into the ring and Batista beats on Orton, giving him a spinebuster and then a Batista Bomb. Batista rolls Orton and applies a Fujiwara Armbar to the bad arm of Orton, twisting it. Orton winces in pain and Batista leans back, before releasing the hold. Once again, Batista has gotten the better of Randy Orton, after Orton had a tough battle. It will be a No Holds Barred Match between former team mates, when Batista defends the World Heavyweight Title against Randy Orton in the main event of Wrestlemania 27. One on one we'll see who the better man is in sixteen days.





BHK1978: 2/4(+1 point for predicting first)

ChrisKid: 2/4

Ian carlisle: 4/4

EdgeHeaD: 2/4



March Standings

ChrisKid: 35/47

BHK1978: 34/47

Ian carlisle:33/47

MattitudeV2: 31/47

EdgeHeaD: 17/47

Kijar: 7/47

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/21/11


Shawn Michaels vs an opponent handpicked by CM Punk.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hernandez and William Regal.


Kurt Angle vs ECW Champion Kaval(Non Title)


Matt Hardy vs United States Champion Jack Swagger(Non Title Match)

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Shawn Michaels vs an opponent handpicked by CM Punk.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hernandez and William Regal.


Kurt Angle vs ECW Champion Kaval(Non Title)


Matt Hardy vs United States Champion Jack Swagger(Non Title Match)

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Shawn Michaels vs an opponent handpicked by CM Punk.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hernandez and William Regal.


Kurt Angle vs ECW Champion Kaval(Non Title)


Matt Hardy vs United States Champion Jack Swagger(Non Title Match)

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/21/11


Shawn Michaels vs an opponent handpicked by CM Punk.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hernandez and William Regal.


Kurt Angle vs ECW Champion Kaval(Non Title)


Matt Hardy vs United States Champion Jack Swagger(Non Title Match)

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Shawn Michaels vs an opponent handpicked by CM Punk.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Hernandez and William Regal.


Kurt Angle vs ECW Champion Kaval(Non Title)


Matt Hardy vs United States Champion Jack Swagger(Non Title Match)

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/21/11


Out comes the WWE Champion CM Punk, who gives the Illuminati their marching orders for tonight. Punk will show the Illuminati how its done when he takes on Evan Bourne first of all, because Bourne has gotten the better of them too many times. Jack Swagger will teach Matt Hardy a lesson in respect tonight. The World's Greatest Tag Team will take on William Regal and Hernandez and Kaval will take on Kurt Angle. As for Shawn Michaels, despite the fact that Punk will finish him off once and for all, despite the odds being stacked against him with Kevin Nash, an old friend of Michaels, being the Special Guest Referee and the title will be able to change hands on a countout or a disqualification, Punk has a special surprise for Michaels, someone who is dominant. Tonight will be the night of the Illuminati.


Bryan Danielson made Zack Ryder submit to the Cattle Mutilation in 2:41 Chris Jericho watches the match from ringside, but he does not say anything or get involved. Ryder gets a series of quick moves, but Danielson quickly fights back, beating down Ryder, and hitting a double underhook, right into the Cattle Mutilation for the tap out. (C+)


Maryse and Katie Lea defeated Mia Mancini and Beth Phoenix, when Mancini nailed Phoenix and Katie Lea hits an inverted DDT for the pin 5:11 Mancini and Phoenix had some tense moments but during the match, Mancini attacks Beth Phoenix, on the orders of Maryse and Katie Lea hits an inverted DDT. (C+)


Afterwards, Katie Lea gets in the face of Mancini but Mancini grabs Katie Lea and nails her with a T-Bone Suplex. Maryse steps over, yelling at Mancini, that all it will take is a few words to “put them on the streets” and Maryse goes to slap Mancini, but Mancini grabs the wrist and shoves it back, but she walks off. Maryse yells in French at Mancini as she walks out.


It is announced that a Triple Threat Match for the Undisputed Women's Title will take place at Wrestlemania 27, with Mia Mancini, Beth Phoenix, and Katie Lea for the Undisputed Women's Title.


Jack Swagger pinned Matt Hardy with the Gutwrench Power Bomb in 10:25 An intense back and forth match, as Swagger and Hardy had a feud over the ECW Championship back in 2008 and 2009. Swagger beats on Hardy, but Hardy fights back. A legdrop off of the second rope misses and Swagger goes for the Gutwrench Power Bomb but Hardy blocks it. Ankle Lock but Hardy rolls through that as well and he gets sent to the floor on a criss cross where Paul London runs him head first into the post. (B)


We head with Josh Mathews who is with Edge in a prerecorded interview. Almost a month ago, Edge suffered a vicious power bomb from the stage to the concrete below at the hands of Hernandez. Edge was stretchered out and weeks later, he is managing to regain some feelings in his arms and legs. Edge states that he never forgot that Hernandez sent him out on a Stretcher and he says despite the fact that doctors are advising him otherwise, he wants a match with Hernandez at Wrestlemania 27, a Stretcher Match! Edge says that he hopes Hernandez will accept, as Edge has a score to settle.


Kurt Angle made the ECW Television Champion Kaval submit to the Ankle Lock in a non title match in 8:11 The battle between Angle and the Illuminati's assassin, was an impressive back and forth encounter. Angle blocks a kick and applies an ankle lock for the tap out. (B)


The fans are going insane, but Jack Swagger rushes into the ring and hits the Angle Slam on Kurt Angle. Swagger kneels down, saying that Angle might have gotten lucky once but Swagger has his number at Wrestlemania 27, he'll punish Angle and put him out to pasture.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated William Regal and Hernandez when Benjamin pinned Regal with the T-Bone Suplex in 11:41 Haas was isolated in the ring and beaten down, until he makes the hot tag, with Benjamin running wild. Hernandez is knocked to the floor and Haas manages to hold him back, long enough for Benjamin to snap Regal down with the T-Bone Suplex for the pin. The World's Greatest Tag Team continue their road to the Unified Tag Team Tag Team Title Match in thirteen days against the Specialists at Wrestlemania 27. (B)


We see the WWE Champion CM Punk making his way down to the ring, to call out Evan Bourne, who has his arm taped up. Punk talks about how six months ago, Bourne was offered a spot in the Illuminati, but he turned him down. As it turns out, Punk is a forgiving man and he is offering Bourne a second chance to join. Punk talks about how as good as Bourne is, he could be even better if he joined the Illuminati. Punk offers Bourne a handshake, but Bourne slaps it away and dropkicks Punk to a series of cheers from the fans.


CM Punk pinned Evan Bourne with the GTS off of the top rope in 12:11 Both men have a back and forth match, with a lot of nearfalls. Bourne looked to get the win against the biggest Illuminati member of them all. Bourne was caught off guard but he counters the first GTS into a rana and Bourne goes up top but Punk shoves him and then climbs up, to hits a thunderous GTS for the pin and pins Bourne. (B+)


We are back and CM Punk comes out, to say that tonight, Shawn Michaels is going to meet his match, a man who is undefeated in WWE so far, and a man who has been campaigning for a shot on RAW in recent weeks. Punk talks about how he makes dreams come true and he calls out Vance Archer, who makes his way to the ring, looking threatening. Punk states that Archer is looking to make an impact and Michaels is going to be in trouble.


Shawn Michaels pinned Vance Archer with the Sweet Chin Music in 10:19 Archer batters Michaels with a series of high impact moves, but Michaels fights out. Archer hits a version of the F-5 to take out Michaels for a nearfall. Archer beats on Michaels and goes for a power bomb but Michaels fights out and a flying clothesline, before going to the outside and Flying elbow Drop. Michaels pulls himself up and signals for the Sweet Chin Music, but Archer ducks it. Big Boot is ducked and Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music for the pin. (B)


Punk slides into the ring and goes for a belt shot but Michaels ducks it and leaps at Punk, nailing him, before setting him up and GTS drills Punk! Just like last week, Punk laid out Michaels with his move, Punk got hit with his own move and Michaels leaps over the top rope, with the Illuminati rushing out but Michaels is in the crowd, before giving a taunting crotch chop. Shawn Michaels against CM Punk at Wrestlemania 27, where the belt can change hands on Countout or Disqualification, with Kevin Nash as the guest referee. If Michaels loses his career is over.





BHK1978: 5/5(+1 Point for Predicting First)

ChrisKid: 5/5

Ian carlisle: 4/5

EdgeHeaD: 4/5


March Standings

ChrisKid: 40/52

BHK1978: 40/52

Ian carlisle:37/52

MattitudeV2: 31/52

EdgeHeaD: 21/52

Kijar: 7/52

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/22/11


Bubba Ray Dudley vs Matt Hardy.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs. Kaval©


Booker T and Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes and the Miz.


Christian and John Morrison vs. Frankie Kazarian and Paul Burchill.


Goldust vs Tyler Reks.

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Bubba Ray Dudley vs Matt Hardy.


ECW Television Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs. Kaval©


Normally I would pick Kurt to win this match. However, it is a huge step down for him to win the ECW T.V. title in my opinion.


Booker T and Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes and the Miz.


Christian and John Morrison vs. Frankie Kazarian and Paul Burchill.


Goldust vs Tyler Reks.

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/22/11


Hype for tonight based off of the events of last week, Matt Hardy will go one on one with Bubba Ray Dudley. Also after last night, Kurt Angle will receive an ECW Television Championship Match against Kaval.


Goldust pinned Tyler Reks with the Powerslam in 5:22 Goldust is geared up for Wrestlemania in twelve days and an ECW Television Title Match against Kaval, providing of course Kaval makes it past Kurt Angle tonight. Goldust knocks Reks around the ring, drawing cheers. Reks gains a nearfall but Goldust catches him on the top rope and then hits the Powerslam for the pin. (C+)


Out rushes Kaval and Kaval hammers Goldust right with a series of kicks right to the back of the leg, before hitting a Yakuza Kick right to the head. Kaval then drills Goldust with a double foot stomp right to the chest, before he kicks Goldust right in the face and then turns, walking off.


Frankie Kazarian and Paul Burchill defeated John Morrison and Christian when Kazarian pinned Christian after using a backslide with the feet on the ropes in 9:59 Both teams are with men who are in the Money in the Bank Match and have a spirited contest. Kazarian manages to use dubious means, countering the Killswitch with a low blow and backsliding Christian for the pin, feet on the ropes for leverage. (B)


A look at the history between the World's Greatest Tag Team and the Specialists, leading to their Unified Tag Team Title Match.


Kurt Angle defeated ECW Television Champion Kaval via disqualification when Jack Swagger entered the ring and began beating on Angle in 15:57 Both of these men had an intense, physical battle, as you would expect. Kaval really tried to gain face after last night but Angle had the Ankle Lock on, forcing Jack Swagger to rush in and beat on Angle, for the disqualification. (B+)


Swagger and Kaval are double teaming Angle and Swagger has the United States Championship Belt, but Angle ducks a shot and German Suplex to Swagger. German Suplex to Kaval and the Hart Dynasty run out, along with Kazarian and Regal but Angle wisely bails, not wanting to test his luck against an army of Illuminati members. Angle and Jack Swagger will meet one on one for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania 27.


The Miz and Cody Rhodes defeated Booker T and Kofi Kingston when Rhodes pinned Kingston with the Cross Rhodes in 10:11 Once again, four more men who are competing in the Money in the Bank Match and another intense back and forth contest, with Booker T getting beaten down in the corner but Kofi makes a hot tag and begins running wild, knocking both men men around the ring but he gets hung up and hit the Cross Rhodes for the pin. (B-)


A long recap of the Matt Hardy/Paul London ECW Championship feud that has raged on for the past six months but the final chapter will be written in Atlanta on April 3rd, in an I Quit Match.


Matt Hardy made Bubba Ray Dudley submit to the Rear Naked Choke in 12:11 Bubba Ray was intending to make Matt Hardy pay, for costing him his chance to become ECW Champion this past week and he knocks Hardy around the ring. Bubba gains several nearfalls but a power bomb is countered into a DDT. Twist of Fate is countered into the Bubba Bomb for a nearfall but Bubba misses the senton off of the top rope and Hardy slaps on the rear naked choke for the submission. (B-)


Immediately, Paul London nails Matt Hardy from behind with the elbowpad covered rolling elbow smash. Hardy is out and now London is stomping right on Hardy, before he drags him over on the outside of the ring and slams him into the steps. London is beating on Hardy some more and he throws him right into the announcer's table. London is detaching the monitors and clearing off of the table. London pulls Hardy on the table and gives him a DDT right through the table! The fans are going insane with boos and London hangs on with the front facelock, before he flips back, wrenching the neck of Hardy. London yells: “DO YOU QUIT HARDY! DO YOU! MATT HARDY NEVER QUITS, MATT HARDY NEVER DIES!”, as he is cranking on this hold, punishing the neck and back of Matt Hardy. This sadistic submission hold and London breaks it, only to drill a series of elbow smashes right across the back of the head and then he throws Hardy right into the side of the timekeeper's table head first and now London picks up Hardy, holding him up, to reveal his slightly bruised and bloodied face! London tosses Hardy down and beats on the back of his head some more, before applying a dragon sleeper! Security and officials are out, to pull the crazed London off of Matt Hardy, as both of these men are going to square off in an I Quit Match for the ECW Championship. Hardy has been knocked cold but the only way you can win is making your opponent say “I Quit” on the microphone for the entire world to hear.




BHK1978: 2/5(+1 for predicting first)

ChrisKid: 2/5

Ian carlisle: 2/5


March Standings

BHK1978: 43/57

ChrisKid: 42/57

Ian carlisle:39/57

MattitudeV2: 31/57

EdgeHeaD: 21/57

Kijar: 7/57

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I really liked the Paul London attack on Matt Hardy to end the last show. It was very well written, plus anytime Matt gets his butt kicked is great to me.


The Big Show and Mark Henry vs La Resistance.


Chris Masters vs Sheamus.


Justin Gabriel vs Trent Baretta.


Alexandra Madison and Kelly Kelly vs Laycool.

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WWE Superstars 3/24/11


Tonight's main event on WGN America is a tag team encounter, with La Resistance taking on the Big Show and Mark Henry.


Laycool defeated Kelly Kelly and Alexandra Madison when Michelle pinned Alexandra when Layla pushed over a rolling cradle in 6:11 The women of Smackdown battle in tag team action on Smackdown. Kelly Kelly was caught in the corner and beaten in the corner, but she makes the hot tag and Alexandra Madison runs wild, knocking everyone around, but her attempt to pin Michelle was foiled by Layla and Laycool steals one. (D)


Justin Gabriel pinned Trent Baretta with the 450 Splash in 7:01 Baretta and Gabriel had a back and forth match, with nearfalls back and forth. Baretta misses a Shooting Star Press which sets up the 450 for Gabriel for the pin. (D)


Sheamus pinned Chris Masters with the Brogue Kick in 7:11 A battle between two strong men. Masters keeps going for the Masterlock but Sheamus keeps fighting him off and sends Masters into the corner. Masterlock attempt but Sheamus is on the ropes. Low blow sets up the Brogue Kick for the pin. (C+)


A recap of RAW, leading to Shawn Michaels beating Vance Archer and then nailing CM Punk with the GTS at the end of RAW.


A huge main event for Smackdown this week, with the Undertaker returning Friday Nights to take on the Illuminati Leader CM Punk! You don't want to miss a moment of Smackdown, nine days prior to Wrestlemania 27.


The Big Show and Mark Henry defeated La Resistance via disqualification in 10:22 when Robert Conway nailed the Big Show with the Quebec Flag just as Show was about ready to Choke Slam Dupree The Big Show tosses down Dupree and Conway for most of this match until Mark Henry was trapped in the ring for most of this match and double teamed. Henry makes the hot tag and Show once again went to work. Choke Slam is attempted on Dupree, but Conway busted the flagpole over the back of the Big Show. (C+)


Disqualification and Dupree has the flag, before he is wrapping it around the throat of the Big Show, as Conway goes to work with the pieces of the flagpole, beating on the Big Show. Mark Henry tries to return to the ring, but Conway and Dupree take him out with a double suplex. The Big Show is down and now La Resistance drape the Quebec Flag over the Big Show and pose ****ily. This is far from over between these two teams, but Conway and Dupree have gotten the better of Show and Henry tonight.





BHK1978: 4/4(+1 for predicting first)

ChrisKid: 4/4

Ian carlisle: 4/4



March Standings

BHK1978: 48/61

ChrisKid: 46/61

Ian carlisle:43/61

MattitudeV2: 31/61

EdgeHeaD: 21/61

Kijar: 7/61

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WWE Smackdown 3/25/11


The Undertaker vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Christian vs Frankie Kazarian


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Banderas.


David Otunga vs World Heavyweight Champion Batista(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs Dolph Ziggler.


JTG vs Ted DiBiase.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

The Miz vs Evan Bourne©

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The Undertaker vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Christian vs Frankie Kazarian


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Banderas.


David Otunga vs World Heavyweight Champion Batista(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs Dolph Ziggler.


JTG vs Ted DiBiase.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

The Miz vs Evan Bourne©

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The Undertaker vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)


Christian vs Frankie Kazarian


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Banderas.


David Otunga vs World Heavyweight Champion Batista(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs Dolph Ziggler.


JTG vs Ted DiBiase.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

The Miz vs Evan Bourne©

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WWE Smackdown 3/25/11


The Undertaker vs WWE Champion CM Punk(Non Title Match)- by dq


Christian vs Frankie Kazarian


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Banderas.


David Otunga vs World Heavyweight Champion Batista(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs Dolph Ziggler.


JTG vs Ted DiBiase.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

The Miz vs Evan Bourne©

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