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WWE Smackdown 3/25/11


Out comes CM Punk, with the entire Illuminati in full force. The ECW Champion Paul London, the Unified Tag Team Champions The Specialists, the ECW Television Champion Kaval, the United States Champion Jack Swagger, William Regal, Frankie Kazarian, Hernandez, and the Hart Dynasty. Punk talks about how Wrestlemania is only nine days away and it is only nine days until CM Punk and the Illuminati reign supreme over the entire WWE and all of wrestling. Punk talks about how Shawn Michaels is putting his entire life on the line, his career, his reason for being, but his life will be without meaning. Michaels might have accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, but Punk is the savior of WWE and he will cleanse the WWE of the hypocritical evil that his DeGeneration X once and for all. Half of them have been eliminated, Triple H will never return, he's out for good, and at Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels will be forced to realize his own morality. Punk will in fact be Mr. Wrestlemania. He talks about how even the good friend of Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, can't help him. Punk says that despite the fact that the Illuminati are banished from this match and if Punk gets disqualified or counted out, he loses the belt. Punk states the deck that is stacked against him will crumble to dust. Punk states that every one who has stood up to the Illuminati has crumbled like a house of cards.


At Wrestlemania, Hernandez will finish the job that he started on Edge and Edge will be put in traction permanently as he is stretched out of the arena. The Specialists will prove that Haas and Benjamin are unfit to be the World's Greatest Tag Team. London will brutalize Matt Hardy in an I Quit Match and put him out for good, while keeping the ECW Championship. Jack Swagger will prove that he is the supreme submission expert and make Kurt Angle submit. Kaval will obliterate the blemish that is Goldust and keep the ECW Television Championship. Frankie Kazarian will head into Money in the Bank and win the title shot, as the dutiful team member that he is, for CM Punk. Punk will then have the title shot signed over him, the papers are already ready, to prevent the fiasco that happened post Royal Rumble. After Punk retires Shawn Michaels, he will then take out the winner of Batista and Orton, after their No Holds Barred Match, cashing in on Money in the Bank, and he will be the Undisputed Champion. Punk will finalize the grand plan that he started into motion one year ago, and the Illuminati will reign higher than ever, with the company being rebuilt in their own image.


Punk turns his attention to the Undertaker. He talks about how the Undertaker is a feared competitor, someone who Punk knows all too well. However Punk is not afraid of things that go bump in the night and the Undertaker's participation at Wrestlemania 27 will be a non factor, as Punk will eliminate the Undertaker. Punk talks about how the fans will learn to accept him whether they want to or not. The Illuminati will unite wrestling under one banner, under one Undisputed Champion and the Wrestlemania dreams of many will turn into a nightmare.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne pinned the Miz to retain the United States Title with the Air Bourne to keep the title Last week Evan Bourne beat Alberto Banderas to win the Intercontinental Title and this week, he is going to face the Miz. Both men are going to be a part of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Bourne pounds on the Miz but the Miz fights back out of the corner. The Miz gets caught with an enzuigiri and then Bourne hits the Air Bourne to make his first title defense a successful one. (C+)


The lights go out and the druids with torches are on the ramp, as the music of the Undertaker is playing, but it quickly shifts into “Priceless” and the lights come back on, to reveal that the druids are wearing green robes with dollar signs on it, as Ted DiBiase, on lifts, walks to the ring, dressed in a robe like the Undertaker did during his Ministry of Darkness days. Ted DiBiase has his chance to prove himself at Wrestlemania 27, has a chance to succeed where others have failed. DiBiase slides into the ring and his opponent JTG comes out. As JTG turns to pose to the crowd, DiBiase nails JTG right in the back of the head with one of the lifts.


Ted DiBiase pinned JTG with the Tombstone Piledriver in 0:48


DiBiase pounds on JTG, beating him up, and hits a version of a choke slam, before he hits the Tombstone and then crosses the arms over the chest to score the pin, just like the Undertaker. (D)


DiBiase gets on the microphone, talking about how last week he proved, that anything the Undertaker can do, he can do as well, by putting money into the right special effects and he also has the Undertaker's signature moves down cold, how to do them and how to counter them. DiBiase gives JTG the Last Ride as well, to illustrate this point. He tries to put on the Hell's Gate, but it appears that DiBiase might not have figured that move quite yet, so he kicks JTG to the floor. DiBiase gets on the microphone, yelling that at Wrestlemania 27, the greatest streak in wrestling history will be over. 18-1 and it will be the demise of the Undertaker. DiBiase talks about how the Undertaker knows that he's priceless, as two weeks ago on RAW, DiBiase knocked the Undertaker out cold, through the power of money, with a gold brick. Yet there is no price that anyone can put on DiBiase, because he is priceless. He states that the Undertaker once also had a symbol in his days in the Ministry of Darkness, but now DiBiase does as well, as a giant dollar sign is lowered from the roof. DiBiase states that the Undertaker will be the one that Rests in Peace. DiBiase is oozing with confidence but many have been sure that the streak would be ended in the past and the Undertaker is still undefeated. Only time will tell at Wrestlemania 27.


Bryan Danielson defeated Dolph Ziggler with the Cattle Mutilation in 5:51 Ziggler seemed rather intent to prove something, having not been a part of this year's Wrestlemania line up but Danielson fights him off, working him over, before slapping on the Cattle Mutilation for the submission. (C+)


Out comes Chris Jericho, who once again applauds Bryan Danielson for his win. Jericho says that he never really said that Danielson was anything far from good, because he is, Danielson is pretty good in the ring but he's not on the level of Chris Jericho. Jericho talks about how he's still the best in the world at what he does and Danielson is lucky to even get a shot against someone like Jericho at Wrestlemania. Jericho promises that if Danielson can beat him, he will personally shake Danielson's hand after the match and declare him to be the better man, but since that's not going to happen, Jericho is not going to have to worry about that. Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson one on one at Wrestlemania 27.


Batista pinned David Otunga with three Batista Bombs in 1:44 Batista comes to the ring in a snazzy three piece suit and sun glasses, not even bothering to wrestle in his gear. Otunga is fired up and he fires a shot at Batista, which knock the sunglasses off and Batista promptly maims him with a series of stiff shots, before throwing him down with the spinebuster. Batista hits two Batista Bombs and then he rolls over Otunga, before putting the sunglasses back on and hitting the third Batista Bomb before putting a foot on the chest for the pin. (D)


Batista gets on the microphone, talking about how Wrestlemania 27 is upon us and how he will annihilate Orton to keep the World Heavyweight Championship. Orton is on the shelf with a busted arm and how Batista is going to break his neck at Wrestlemania 27, before keeping the World Heavyweight Championship. Batista talks about how Orton was the weak link in Evolution and Batista will crush him.


Alberto Banderas made Kofi Kingston submit to the Cross Armbreaker in 10:21 Another two men are in the Money in the Bank Match. Kofi delivers his high octane offense, into Banderas puts him down. Kofi fires back but misses a charge into the ringpost, smashing his shoulder, allowing Banderas to arm drag him and put him into the Cross Arm Breaker for the submission. (B)


A look at Kazarian beating Christian on ECW in a tag team match, to leading to a one on one match tonight.


Christian pinned Frankie Kazarian with the Killswitch in 9:21 A back and forth match, with a lot of nearfalls. Kazarian nearly beats Christian several times but Kazarian misses a charge in the corner and gets nailed with the Killswitch for the pin. (B+)


We see Randy Orton cutting a promo prerecording talking about how Batista might have thought he was doing Orton a disservice by breaking his arm last week but really he did Orton a favor, as Orton shows us the large plaster cast on his arm. Batista just gave Orton a weapon for the No Holds Barred Match so Orton would like to thank Batista for breaking his arm but at Wrestlemania 27, Orton has an appointment set up between his foot and Batista's head. He will punt Batista right in the skull at Wrestlemania 27.


The Undertaker defeated CM Punk via disqualification after Hernandez rushed to the ring and saved Punk from the Tombstone in 5:41 We see Punk play a cat and mouse game, before he manages to catch the Undertaker with a series of shots but the Undertaker fought back. Punk escaped the Choke Slam and a knee strike gets a two count, before he beats on the Undertaker with elbows to the head. Punk slams the Undertaker into the corner, and superplex on the Undertaker. GTS but the Undertaker fights out and boots Punk down. Choke Slam but Hernandez bolts to the ring, followed by the rest of the Illuminati for the disqualification before Punk can get Tombstoned! (B)


The fans are going insane, as the Illuminati are now beating on the Undertaker but the Undertaker manages to grab the WWE Championship belt from Punk and use it as a weapon to back them off, but the Specialists come in from the back side with a double chop block and the Knee Trembler by Regal to the Undertaker. The Illuminati stomp the Undertaker but the Undertaker sits right back up. They pound away at the Undertaker but the Undertaker knocks them down one by one with punches. London leaps on the back of Undertaker and the Hart Dynasty and Swagger are beating on the Undertaker but Taker flings London off and then fights off big Hernandez, but once again, the Illuminati are beating the Undertaker down with Hernandez hitting a huge spear to the Undertaker. Punk gets on the microphone but The Undertaker sits up once again to cheers from the fans!


Double Choke Slam to the Hart Dynasty, the Undertaker just won't stay down for the count! Ted DiBiase sneaks in with a golden shovel and waffles the Undertaker right in the back of the head with it! The Undertaker has been dropped by DiBiase, when the Illuminati could not. The Illuminati leave the ring, as DiBiase throws them all stacks of money, obviously a set up. DiBiase calls for the giant Million Dollar Symbol to be lowered from the ceiling.


The Undertaker sits up, dazed and now DiBiase hooks him, before drilling him with the Dream Street. Now DiBiase beats on the Undertaker, before rolling the Undertaker out of the ring, before reaching into his boots to pull out handcuffs. DiBiase rams the Undertaker head first into the symbol and then throws him right onto it, before DiBiase is now handcuffing the Undertaker right to that giant dollar sign, that Million Dollar Symbol.


DiBiase steps back, before he takes the Undertaker's robe and puts it on, before he raises his arms up, with the arena being bathed in not an eerie blue light, but a green light, as DiBiase rolls his eyes in the back of his head, raising his arms up, before laughing evilly, as the Undertaker is slowly lifted up, strapped to that symbol, like a martyr. DiBiase might have crossed the line with the Undertaker and vengeance could occur at Wrestlemania 27. “Priceless” plays as the battered Undertaker is hanging on that Million Dollar Symbol.





BHK1978: 5/7(+1 Point for Predicting First)

ChrisKid: 5/7

Ian carlisle: 6/7


March Standings

BHK1978: 54/69

ChrisKid: 51/69

Ian carlisle:49/69

MattitudeV2: 31/69

EdgeHeaD: 21/69

Kijar: 7/69

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Just a little programming note that after Wrestlemania, this dynasty is likely to go on a bit of a hiatus, partially due to burn out on my part, and partially due to the fact that I've become extremely busy in real life. Hopefully it will return but it won't be under the same real time format. I had once said that I was going to likely end this dynasty at Wrestlemania 27, but now its just being put on hiatus for the time being. Hopefully it will return, unlike my WCW 1996 dynasty. Funny story about that one actually, might tell it one day.


WWE Monday Night RAW 3/28/11


Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho.


John Morrison vs Paul London.


Bryan Danielson vs Jack Swagger.


Christian vs Hernandez.


Beth Phoenix vs Team Laycool.

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I am a bit shocked that you have been able to keep writing this at the pace that you write at. I have suffered from diray writing burnout in the past, and my stuff is know where near what you write every week.


I would like to hear the WCW diary story. That was a great diary, I loved the humor that you injected into it in regards to Loch Ness.


Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho.


John Morrison vs Paul London.


Bryan Danielson vs Jack Swagger.


Christian vs Hernandez.


Not a fan of Hernandez in real life so I just can't bring myself to vote for him in here.


Beth Phoenix vs Team Laycool.

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What could have been, 1996 WCW


I actually had a month more simmed and ready to go. Still I was house cleaning and...well word of advice. Don't name two saved games something similar, especially if one of them is essential for a dynasty and you delete them in a half brain dead state that you might be in.


Still I did have some fun plans for that dynasty. After getting smited by the all mighty Hulkster, Loch Ness would see the error of his ways and step over from the darkside, to fight alongside the forces of good. And feud with the Dungeon of Doom, in what I'm sure would be an epic series of matches, that would get the snarky recaps that the recapper did for that diary.


Also, I did poach a few people from WWF. Yokozuna being one of the one's that I remember. Obviously The Hulkster needs to get that job back, brother.


Also, I signed the Gangstas. Yes those Gangstas. New Jack and Mustafa Saed, who would become friendly kid friendly heel rappers, rapping about the importance of dental hygiene and eating your vegetables. I have a feeling much amusement would be from this. They would feud with the American Males. This would offer many lulz.


Oh, I did poach Tatanka as well and he would join Men At Work and the State Patrol as a Village People knock off stable.


Also, Glacier was going to debut as he did on real life, but on a much, much grander and absurd scale.


Plus there were going to be a lot of classic Cruiserweight Matches and perhaps I could find some main eventers that Ric Flair did not have negative chemistry with(seriously, the man got negative chemistry with Sting, Savage, Hogan, Luger, and the Giant, this is why I now set that sort of thing in the pre-defined chemistry, but is it quite frankly bugs me. But that's another rant for another time and this was in TEW 08 before you could set such a thing). There was going to be a lot of intentional Wrestlecrap, but there was also going to be some great wrestling storylines planned.


Ah, what could have been? And who knows what other insane ideas that I could have come up with at three o clock in the morning while lying in bed. See WCW before the NWO was formed did have an insane deal of absurdity. Need we forget, those epic WCW Mini Movies starring Cheetum the Evil Midget.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/28/11


We are six days until Wrestlemania and Ted DiBiase makes his way down to the ring. Dibiase walks down to the ring, sliding into the ring and rocking back near the ropes. DiBiase calls up the footage from this past Friday on Smackdown, where he attacked the Undertaker from behind and nailed him with a gold shovel, before strapping him right on the Million Dollar Symbol. DiBiase talks about how in six days, its going to end, in six days, the Undertaker is going to be just another competitor, the myth of the Wrestlemania winning streak is going to be shattered and DiBiase is going to start his Mania winning streak.


Out comes Shawn Michaels, drawing cheers from the crowd. Michaels slides into the ring, and tells DiBiase that he has been impressive but Michaels talks about how two years ago, he took a crack at the Streak. He learned a valuable lesson. At Wrestlemania, the Undertaker is better than his best and his best is rather good. DiBiase scoffs, stating that two things are going to be over, both the career of Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker's Streak. DiBiase shoves Michaels and Michaels responds with a series of punches.


Out rushes the WWE Champion CM Punk, who enters the ring and beats on Michaels but the lights go out and the Undertaker is in the ring. Punk and DiBiase get sent to the floor, with the RAW General Manager Kevin Nash coming out, to make Punk and DiBiase against the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels in a huge tag team match tonight.


Beth Phoenix defeated Laycool in a handicap match in 2:41 Beth Phoenix gets the win tonight, against Michelle and Layla. Beth Phoenix steamrolls two divas at once, and is a woman on a mission. She crushes Michelle with a power bomb, before hitting the Glam Slam on Layla for the pin. (C-)


Out comes the Undisputed Women's Champion Katie Lea, who is clapping, talking about how it isn't going to be that easy for Beth Phoenix this Sunday, in the Triple Threat Match for the Undisputed Women's Championship. Maryse makes her way out as well, arguing with Mia Mancini and Maryse yells that Mancini was a tool and she can be replaced, so she's being fired effective next Monday! Mancini grabs Maryse by the throat and Katie Lea attacks Mancini from behind. Beth Phoenix rushes down the ramp, beating on her some more, as the brawl continues. We see Maryse, sliding into the ring, to state that Mancini blew it, and she can explain to her sick mother why she's going to be out on the street, because there will be no more money. Because she didn't listen. Mancini took the job with Maryse to pay for medical bills with her sick mother, as her personal assassin to gain revenge on Beth Phoenix but apparently, she was driven by the desire to regain the Undisputed Women's Title.


Phoenix and Katie Lea are separated, as Katie Lea states that she'll crush both of her opponents. The only way that Mancini can stay in WWE after next Monday is if she wins the Undisputed Women's Title, otherwise she's out of a job. Phoenix says its not her problem what might happen to Mancini or her mother or anyone else, she's a competitor and she's in to win the Undisputed Women's Title. The fans are cheering, as the Glamazon has been waiting for four months to get her hands on Katie Lea but Mia Mancini might have some determination as well.


Bryan Danielson defeated the United States Champion Jack Swagger via disqualification when Swagger refused to break the Ankle Lock on the count of five in 5:11 A back and forth match, with lots of submission moves. Danielson is hung up and Swagger beats on the ankle, before applying the Ankle Lock. Danielson grabs the ropes and the referee puts the five count on but Swagger refuses to break and the bell rings for the disqualification. (C+)


Swagger stomps the ankle some more and gets on the microphone, talking about how he hoped Kurt Angle saw that, because it will be a small taste of what he'll get at Wrestlemania. Swagger has been tasked by CM Punk to take out Kurt Angle once and for all. Bryan Danielson will meet Chris Jericho but you got to believe that Danielson might be a bit handicapped on a busted up ankle.


Christian defeated Hernandez via disqualification when Hernandez hung Christian over the ropes with his own t-shirt in 4:11 Hernandez is going to meet Edge at Wrestlemania 27 in a Stretcher Match and Christian is going to be in Money in the Bank. Christian is beating on Hernandez, and Christian manages to get some offense, but Hernandez nails Christian with a shoulder tackle and then picks up Christian's shirt and wraps it around his throat, before he throws Christian over the top rope, hanging him. The referee disqualifies Hernandez. (C+)


Hernandez dumps Christian over the top rope and grabs a steel chair, before he rams it into the throat of Christian and then pulls back the ring mats. He is going to power bomb Christian on the floor, to cripple him like he did Edge. Hernandez sets up Christian but Edge rushes down around the ring from the back and clotheslines Hernandez! Edge and Hernandez are brawling. Edge takes a step back and kneelift right to the face, before ramming Hernandez into the ring steps and then he steps back, before going for the Spear but Hernandez moves and Edge hits the ring steps! Edge is not a hundred percent still, as he favors his neck, but Christian nails Hernandez right to the back. Hernandez staggers and Edge recovers, hitting a second chair but out rushes Frankie Kazarian running down to the ring, with the Hart Dynasty and Kaval. Hernandez is held back, as Edge and Christian are fighting them off with chairs.


Batista pinned Zack Ryder with the Batista Bomb in 0:01:31 Batista once again dressed in and suit and sunglasses and he promptly kills Zack Ryder, with a prolonged assault, hitting a vicious Batista Bomb and pinning him with a pinky. Batista will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred Match. (C-)


Paul London made John Morrison submit to a rolling Half Bston Crab in 9:21 Morrison and London exchange shots during this match, chops and punches, with Morrison beating London into the corner but London manages a comeback, beating on the leg of Morrison. London beats on Morrison but misses a move in the corner and Morrison gains several nearfalls, before going for a twisting leg lariat but London moves and Morrison's ankle rolls, before London slides through, slapping on the Half Boston Crab for the tap out. (B-)


Paul London gets on the microphone when Matt Hardy walks out, face slightly busted and scraped up from last week. Hardy talks about how London did a number on him last week, but Matt Hardy never quits and Matt Hardy never dies and at Wrestlemania 27, he's coming for the ECW Championship. Two simple words and London interrupts, talking about he will beat Matt Hardy and force him to say the words “I Quit” on the microphone. London says that Wrestlemania 27 will be the final curtain for the career of Matt Hardy and he will keep the ECW Championship. Paul London and Matt Hardy at Wrestlemania 27, in an I Quit Match.


Chris Jericho pinned Kurt Angle with the Code Breaker in 10:11 A back and forth match, with Angle going for the ankle but Jericho fighting out. Walls of Jericho but Angle fights out and Triple German Suplex. He goes up top but Jericho beats on him. He gets shoved off and missile dropkick, before Angle beats on him. Angle Slam gets a nearfall. Ankle Lock but Jericho fights it. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Angle manages to scissor his legs around one of Jericho's legs and bring him down with an Ankle Lock but Jericho fights up his feet, before he manages to knock Angle off into the ropes and catches him with the Code Breaker for the pin. (B+)


CM Punk and Ted DiBiase defeated the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels when DiBiase pinned the Undertaker with the Tombstone Piledriver in 13:31 Two of the huge main matches at Wrestlemania combine for a huge tag team match. Shawn Michaels is putting his career on the line against the WWE Championship of CM Punk and Ted DiBiase is the latest man to attempt to end the streak. Lots of back and forth action in this match, until Michaels is caught in the corner. He fights out and tags the Undertaker, who runs wild. Punk is knocked to the floor and then The Undertaker goes for a choke slam but DiBiase fights out. Dream Street but the Undertaker judo throws DiBiase out of that and scoops him up, but DiBiase flips onto his feet and plants the Undertaker with the Tombstone! DiBiase crosses the arms across the chest of the Undertaker to score the pin. (B+)


Ted DiBiase defeated the Undertaker with his own Tombstone Piledriver. That was huge. Thank you for joining us tonight on RAW, six days before Wrestlemania 27. We will be back one week, as the road to Wrestlemania 28 kicks off but we've got the biggest event of the year this Sunday.





Ian carlisle: 4/5(+1 point for predicting first)

BHK1978: 4/5


March Standings

BHK1978: 58/74

Ian carlisle:54/74

ChrisKid: 51/74

MattitudeV2: 31/74

EdgeHeaD: 21/74

Kijar: 7/74

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That WCW stuff sounds great! It would have been awesome to read some of the classic matches you would have gotten out of Loch Ness.:D


Christian, Evan Bourne, Booker T, John Morrison, and Kofi Kingston vs The Miz, Alberto Banderas, Paul Burchill, Frankie Kazarian, and Cody Rhodes.


Kurt Angle vs. Drew McIntyre.

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ECW On Sy Fy 3/29/11


We take a look at the ECW Championship I Quit Match between Matt Hardy and Paul London. Paul London returned to the company, under a mask, attacking Matt Hardy. We see London putting Hardy on the shelf for a number of months. Hardy returns and sets his sights on London, costing London his chance to main event Wrestlemania in the Elimination Chamber. Then last week, London lays a beating. London cuts a promo, talking about how Matt Hardy never lived up to his full potential and would be always in the shadow of a screw up of a brother. Hardy talks about how the time is now for him, now more than ever before, he might not have another chance. He will make London scream I Quit on the microphone. Something has to give and its Matt Hardy against Paul London for the ECW Championship in an I Quit Match, April 3rd in Atlanta.


Kurt Angle made Drew McIntyre submit to the Ankle Lock in 8:01 McIntyre beats on Angle during the early portion of this match, but Angle fights back. McIntyre takes him down and beats on him. Double Underhook DDT is countered into the Northern Lights Suplex. Taking him down and Angle applies the Ankle lock for the tap out! Angle will challenge Jack Swagger for the United States Title at Wrestlemania 27. (B)


Look at the World's Greatest Tag Team against the Specialists for the Unified Tag Team Titles. We see The World's Greatest Tag Team talk about how they have not held any championship gold since 2003, but they are feeling it, Wrestlemania 27. We see the Specialists, who are talking about how they have defeated pretty much every single team in their wake over the past nine months. They have never lost in WWE as a tag team and it won't change. They're going to expose Haas and Benjamin and prove that they are not worthy of the moniker of the World's Greatest Tag Team.


Kaval pinned Justin Gabriel to retain the ECW Television Championship in 10:41 Gabriel gets a number of nearfalls on Kaval, before Kaval goes right to work, beating on Gabriel, before drilling him with a series of knees right to the face. Kaval has Gabriel on the top rope with a fireman's carry into a gutbuster and then double stomps the back of his head, for the pin. (B-)


Matt Hardy made Tyler Reks submit to the Rear Naked Choke in 10:21 Reks is really trying to make a name for himself a the expense of the number one contender to the ECW Championship but Hardy continues to fight out from underneath, beating on Reks, knocking him into the ropes. Reks pulls out a reverse fireman's carry into a pancake but Hardy kicks out. Reks goes for a power bomb but Hardy counters with the Twist of Fate, before slapping on the Rear Naked Choke. ©


The fans are booing as the ECW Champion Paul London walks out, applauding Hardy, in a sarcastic manner. London talks about how Hardy seems to be a one trick pony, with that Rear Naked Choke. London says that he knows a lot of submission moves, some that he's shown but many that he has not. London states that Matt Hardy will quit or Matt Hardy WILL DIE! London holds up the ECW Championship.


John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Christian, Evan Bourne, and Booker T defeated Cody Rhodes, Paul Burchill, Alberto Banderas, the Miz, and Frankie Kazarian in 22:11 A wild ten man tag team match, with the Money in the Bank competitors. All ten men battled throughout this match but in the end, it was the Miz eating the Starship Pain from his former partner Morrison which got the pin. (B)


We take a look at the United States Title match between Jack Swagger and Kurt Angle. Angle talks about how he returned to WWE after a long and winding five years, but this is home. Swagger talks about how Kurt Angle caught him off guard once, but its not going to happen at Wrestlemania 27. Swagger is smarter, faster, quicker, and better than Angle, not to mention he's in the prime of his life. Swagger will win at Wrestlemania 27.


We fade out with a reminder to order Wrestlemania 27 this Sunday.





Ian carlisle: 2/2(+1 point for predicting first)

BHK1978: 2/2

ChrisKid: 2/2


March Standings

BHK1978: 60/76

Ian carlisle:57/76

ChrisKid: 53/76

MattitudeV2: 31/76

EdgeHeaD: 21/76

Kijar: 7/76

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WWE Superstars 3/31/11


Expect everything on WWE Superstars, with a huge tag team main event, a Flag Match, with La Resistance taking on the Big Show and Mark Henry. The flag of Quebec will be in one corner and the United States Flag will be hanging in the other corner, just three days before Wrestlemania 27. Plus we have some words from Shawn Michaels, three days before he puts his career on the line at Wrestlemania 27, for one more chance to become the WWE Champion against CM Punk.


Goldust pinned Trent Baretta with the Powerslam in 3:12 Goldust is set to go for an ECW Television Title shot at Wrestlemania 27 against Kaval and Baretta is beating Goldust down, but he gets hung up on the top rope and then driven down, before nailed with a bulldog and the powerslam for the pin. (C+)


We take a look at the ECW Championship I Quit Match between Matt Hardy and Paul London. Paul London returned to the company, under a mask, attacking Matt Hardy. We see London putting Hardy on the shelf for a number of months. Hardy returns and sets his sights on London, costing London his chance to main event Wrestlemania in the Elimination Chamber. Then last week, London lays a beating. London cuts a promo, talking about how Matt Hardy never lived up to his full potential and would be always in the shadow of a screw up of a brother. Hardy talks about how the time is now for him, now more than ever before, he might not have another chance. He will make London scream I Quit on the microphone. Something has to give and its Matt Hardy against Paul London for the ECW Championship in an I Quit Match, April 3rd in Atlanta.


We take a look at the Ted DiBiase against the Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 27, with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, the father of the current DiBiase, unveiling the Undertaker to the world as the fourth man on the Million Dollar Team. We see the Undertaker decimating eighteen superstars, enroute to a Wrestlemania record that will never be broken. Then twenty years later, the young, brash DiBiase informs the Undertaker that he owes his two decades of destruction and his Wrestlemania winning streak to the name DiBiase. Ted DiBiase pins the Undertaker at the Survivor Series, after the Undertaker mowed down the other two Fortunate Sons. The Undertaker is then taken out by a group of masked thugs and then trapped inside a casket which is promptly blown up and the Undertaker is gone. DiBiase continues on Smackdown, but he is haunted by the spectre of the Undertaker, not to mention he has to deal with the wrath of Kane. The Undertaker returns, to stalk DiBiase, but DiBiase managed to get the better of the Undertaker again...(footage of DiBiase hitting the Undertaker with a gold brick)....again(footage of DiBiase laying out the Undertaker with a shot with a golden shovel and then strapping him on the million dollar symbol)...and again(DiBiase pinning the Undertaker with his own Tombstone). Has DiBiase cracked the code of the Undertaker enough to end the streak or will it be 19-0 for the Dead Man at Wrestlemania 27.


R-Truth pinned Vance Archer with the Lie Detector in 5:11 Archer was in a foul mood, as he beat up R-Truth, obviously none too happy that his own shot on RAW, he was humbled by Shawn Michaels. R-Truth manages to catch Archer with the Lie Detector and score the pin. (C-)


We cut to August 16th 2004, with Randy Orton on the shoulders of Batista, but Triple H gives the thumbs down, and then Batista falls back, to lead to Evolution to beat on Randy Orton, to turf him out of the group. We cut back to 2008, where Randy Orton forms Legacy, and one of his targets, is Batista, who he puts on the shelf two times. In September of 2009, Batista obliterates Randy Orton one on one in his final match on RAW, before going to Smackdown, before he has an entirely new attitude and inside the Elimination Chamber in 2011, becomes the World Heavyweight Champion for the fifth time. Batista has words for Randy Orton, calling him the low man on the totem pole in Evolution and Batista jumps Orton when he becomes the number one contender for Wrestlemania 27. Batista and Orton set up for Wrestlemania 27, with Orton punting John Cena in the head to take the undisputed number one contendership for the World Heavyweight Championship for Wrestlemania 27. Batista lays out Orton several times, before breaking Orton's arm and setting up their No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title.


A huge double header tomorrow night on Smackdown, the final stop on the Road to Wrestlemania. Team ECK reunites for the first time in ten years, when Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle takes on Hernandez, Frankie Kazarian, and Jack Swagger of the Illuminati and Shelton Benjamin squares off against the WWE Champion CM Punk.


The Big Show and Mark Henry defeated La Resistance in a Flag Match in 6:55 Both teams battle in this match, with La Resistance using grease to slick the pole with the American Flag, which causes Mark Henry to be unable to scale the floor. La Resistance use illegal tactics, with Conway going up his pole, but the Big Show punches him down and then Henry slams Dupree down. Henry walks over, grabbing onto the pole, as he is standing on the buckle and he grips it tight, before he manages to force it down. That insane show of strength by Mark Henry, as he bends the pole low enough for the Big Show to grab the flag for the win. (C+)


“The Boyhood Dream has come true for Shawn Michaels!”


That quote from Wrestlemania 12, over Shawn Michaels pinning Bret Hart to win his first WWE Championship, before we fade to Shawn Michaels sitting in an empty arena with Josh Mathews. Mathews talks about this Sunday, it could potentially be the last match for Shawn Michaels. Michaels takes a breath and talks about how he knew this was inevitable, there would be a time, where he would no longer be the Showstopper, he would no longer be Mr. Wrestlemania, which is why he made that vow back in January. If he failed to walk out of the Georgia Dome with the WWE Championship around his waist, then he did not deserve to step into an arena again. Fifteen years ago, Shawn Michaels won his first championship and fifteen years later, it could be the very end. Yet, he's not going to lie down for Punk, he's going to fight until his very last breath, he's going to fight until the last drop of blood in his body and he will win the WWE Championship or die trying. Michaels talks about how he might have one more grand Wrestlemania performance buried deep into him. He will steal the show once again and if he doesn't win the WWE Championship against Punk, then its the end. He will walk away and never look back. Mathews talks about how regardless of what happens, the WWE Universe will appreciate all of the great performances that Shawn Michaels has given them over the years, until the end of time and it has been a pleasure to follow his career. Michaels states that the pleasure was all his but if he has anything to say about it, there will be a few more Wrestlemanias to go and we fade out.





BHK1978: 1/3(+1 point for predicting first)

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3



March Standings

BHK1978: 62/79

Ian carlisle:60/79

ChrisKid: 55/79

MattitudeV2: 31/79

EdgeHeaD: 21/79

Kijar: 7/79


Two things of note. First, despite Smackdown and Wrestlemania technically being in April, they will be a part of the March prediction contest. Because it is senseless to really start a new round of predictions with only two shows before I go on a hiatus.


And second, CM Punk lifted the locker room by providing enough alcohol to float a battleship. I loled, even more so than Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy bonding over gardening in my TNA game. Or Shark Boy and Hulk Hogan over Swedish Cinema.

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WWE Smackdown 4/1/11


Its no April Fool's Joke, when you see Double Main Event we have for you, forty eight hours before Wrestlemania 27, with Team ECK reuniting for the first time in a decade, with Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle taking on Jack Swagger, Hernandez, and Frankie Kazarian. Also The WWE Champion CM Punk has a tune up match tonight against Shelton Benjamin.


The WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne and John Morrison defeated Paul Burchill and Alberto Banderas when Bourne pinned Burchill with the Air Bourne in 8:55 An impressive tag team match to set up Money in the Bank, featuring the high flying of Bourne and Morrison against the rough neck style of Banderas and Burchill. Morrison is beaten down but he makes the hot tag. Bourne runs wild, Morrison dropkicks Banderas to the floor and now Bourne reverses a power bomb into a rana and hits the Air Bourne for the pin. (B-)


The lights go out and a group of green robed druids with money symbols their outfits comes out and then the creepy monotone chanting of “MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, HA, HA, HA” echoes throughout the arena, before Ted DiBiase walks down to the ring, in the robe that he took from the Undertaker last Friday Night before he strapped him to the Million Dollar symbol. DiBiase slides underneath the bottom rope and removes the rope and then the lifts off of his boots, before he gets on the microphone, talking about two days, the legend is over, two days, the legend dies, two days the street is over. DiBiase talks about how he has one last trump card to play at Wrestlemania 27 where the Undertaker is going to know where the power lies and at Wrestlemania 27, DiBiase cements his legacy for good, by destroying the Undertaker.


Ted DiBiase pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with the Tombstone in 1:41 DiBiase destroys Yang handily, hitting the Dream Street, before he hits a choke slam, Last Ride Power Bomb, and then Tombstones Yang, crossing the arms over for the pin. (C+)


Bryan Danielson made William Regal submit to the Cattle Mutilation in 4:11 Both Danielson and Regal trade holds, strikes, suplexes, and uppercuts, as Danielson gears up for his match with Chris Jericho this Sunday at Wrestlemania 27. Regal misses the Knee Trembler and Danielson back suplexes him, before he floats over and drills the elbows to the head, before he rolls into the Cattle Mutilation for the tap out. (B-)


We see clips of weeks back, where Batista broke the arm of Randy Orton. Tonight, Orton steps into the ring, two days before Wrestlemania.


Randy Orton pinned Chavo Guerrero after nailing him with the cast before the bell and hitting the RKO in 0:05 When Chavo turned to taunt the crowd, the viper struck, waylaying Chavo with the cast and then nailing him with the RKO for the pin with his uninjured arm. (C+)


Orton gets to his feet but Batista is in the ring and Orton manages to see Batista. Batista and Orton are brawling, a series of punches are being traded, and Orton manages to set up Batista for the RKO but Batista shoves Orton off and lariats him down to the canvas. Batista then kicks Orton right in the face and beats on him, before he steps to the outside and reaches underneath the ring, to grab a crowbar. Batista waffles Orton in the ribs with the crowbar and then breaks the cast open with a stiff shot! The cast is off and now, Batista picks up the cast, before he nails Orton twice with it and applies a reverse armbar, wrenching at the elbow and arm of Orton. Batista hits a single arm DDT and then stomps the arm several times, before going to the outside, grabbing a steel chair and putting Orton's arm in the steel chair. Batista grabs the crowbar but he stops. He removes the chair from Orton's bad arm and puts the chair on the good arm of Orton. Batista smashes the chair wrapped around the good arm twice! Orton spasms in absolute pain! Batista might have broken Orton's other arm and that would mean bad news, as Orton would not be able to hit the RKO with two broken arms! Batista gets on the microphone, setting up the chair, sitting it on Orton's throat and chest and he says in a calm, deadly whisper that this Sunday, it will be Orton's neck that's broken. No Holds Barred this Sunday, with Randy Orton against Batista for the World Heavyweight Title and Orton has not one but two broken arms, making it an uphill battle.


Jack Swagger, Hernandez, and Frankie Kazarian defeated Christian, Edge, and Kurt Angle when Swagger defeated Angle via knockout with the Ankle Lock, after Swagger nailed Angle with the United States Title Belt right in the back of the head in 12:11 Hernandez against Edge in a Stretcher Match, Angle against Swagger for the United States Title, and Kazarian and Christian will both be in Money in the Bank. Lots of back and forth action. Edge disappears to the back with Hernandez, brawling with him. Christian wipes out Kazarian, with the referee distracted and Swagger takes the belt, going low on Angle, before waffling him right with the belt. He kicks Christian in the back of the head, causing him to smash against the barricade, before Swagger applies the Ankle Lock on an unconscious Kurt Angle. The arm drops three times in succession and Swagger is judged the winner via knockout! Swagger stands over the fallen form of the man who he will defend his United States Title against this Sunday. (B-)


Batista cuts a promo, talking about Orton won't be able to even lock up with him, won't be able to throw a punch, won't be able to swing a weapon, because Batista shattered both of his arms and now Batista is going to shatter Orton's confidence, before breaking his neck and keeping the World Heavyweight Championship. Batista talks about how Orton could have chosen Punk, but instead he brought this upon himself. Batista says every single day in his life, he wanted to snap Orton's neck, for Orton trying to end his career twice and now he's going to rip the head right off of the viper. Batista holds up the World Heavyweight Title and invites Orton to try and take it from him, he'll just lose the use of more limbs.


WWE Champion CM Punk made Shelton Benjamin submit to the Anaconda Vice in 9:41 Benjamin and Punk had an impressive battle, with a lot of back and forth moves and Benjamin nearly got a victory on the WWE Champion, but Punk showed why he is the champion,

handily avoiding a springboard clothesline, kneeing Benjamin in the head and slapping on the Anaconda Vice for the tap out. (B+)


CM Punk calls for the microphone and he talks about how tonight he scored another commanding victory, against a great competitor who gave him everything he had. Punk talks about how Shawn Michaels had some comments that he made recently, perhaps the final comments he'll ever make as part on a WWE broadcast, on Superstars last night, so Punk asks for the production truck to show what Shawn Michaels had to say.


We fade to Shawn Michaels sitting in an empty arena with Josh Mathews. Mathews talks about this Sunday, it could potentially be the last match for Shawn Michaels. Michaels takes a breath and talks about how he knew this was inevitable, there would be a time, where he would no longer be the Showstopper, he would no longer be Mr. Wrestlemania, which is why he made that vow back in January. If he failed to walk out of the Georgia Dome with the WWE Championship around his waist, then he did not deserve to step into an arena again. Fifteen years ago, Shawn Michaels won his first championship and fifteen years later, it could be the very end. Yet, he's not going to lie down for Punk, he's going to fight until his very last breath, he's going to fight until the last drop of blood in his body and he will win the WWE Championship or die trying. Michaels talks about how he might have one more grand Wrestlemania performance buried deep into him. He will steal the show once again and if he doesn't win the WWE Championship against Punk, then its the end. He will walk away and never look back. Mathews talks about how regardless of what happens, the WWE Universe will appreciate all of the great performances that Shawn Michaels has given them over the years, until the end of time and it has been a pleasure to follow his career. Michaels states that the pleasure was all his but if he has anything to say about it, there will be a few more Wrestlemanias to go and we fade out.


We are back and Punk is in the ring, wiping away mock tears, before he says that Michaels is quite the hypocrite. He took one big Wrestlemania match away from a rising young star, to satisfy his own ego, by getting one last run in the sun, with the WWE Championship. Punk talks about how he's been the WWE Champion since October of last year and he's defended the belt against the very best WWE has to offer. Punk says that at one time, Michaels was the man, the showstopper, the headliner, the main event, the icon, Mr. Wrestlemania, but his time has passed. Punk talks about how the Illuminati will achieve its great dominance this Sunday, where the company will fall into their control without doubt and without question. If Michaels wants one last Wrestlemania moment, then so be it, Punk will put Michaels down for good and then the last bit of hope from the Sports Entertainment purists will be extinguished when Shawn Michaels walks down that aisle for the last time but Punk says that Michaels won't be walking from that ring under his own power. The fans are booing and Punk pauses for a brief moment, to allow them to get it out of their system.


Punk talks about how he does have mercy, he'll leave Michaels with just enough strength to tell his children, to explain them that Daddy just had to have his one final Wrestlemania moment, his one final WWE Championship reign, but because of his selfish desire to be the center of the show, he is now in traction. Punk also talks about how he's sure Shawn's wife will be sickened with grief and Punk offers his services to comfort her, which gets massive heel heat from the fans, as Punk has a creepy sadistic smile, before leaving this final words“This Sunday...Shawn...I want you to look into my eyes and see that this WWE Championship Belt is not leaving me any time soon. You should have just walked away. You should have just enjoyed retirement. But, no you just had to have your one last moment, Mr. Wrestlemania. Your mistake. Now, you'll lose everything. Your career, the respect of your fans, the respect of your friends, and family, and the ability to walk. I will cripple you Shawn and I won't feel any remorse doing it. Everyone who has tried to take down the Illuminati and take this belt away from me has failed. What makes you so different? What makes you so special? You think that maybe because your buddy Nash is the referee, that if the Illuminati interferes, I lose the belt, that gives you an advantage? It won't matter. You see Shawn, this Sunday at Wrestlemania 27, at the Georgia Dome, I'm not going to steal the show. Rather I'm going to stop yours.”


We fade out with Punk looking like a smug snake and fade to black with a reminder to order Wrestlemania 27 where Shawn Michaels will be putting his career on the line against the WWE Championship of CM Punk where the title can change hands on a countout or a disqualification or if one member of the Illuminati steps foot in the arena during the match and Kevin Nash will be the third man in the ring, the special guest referee.





Kijar: 2/3(+1 point for predicting first)

BHK1978: 1/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Ian carlisle: 1/3


March Standings

BHK1978: 63/82

Ian carlisle:61/82

ChrisKid: 57/82

MattitudeV2: 31/82

EdgeHeaD: 21/82

Kijar: 10/82

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WWE Wrestlemania 27:


Shawn Michaels puts his career on the line against the WWE Championship

**The title can change hands on countout or a disqualification, the Illuminati is banned from ringside, and Kevin Nash is the guest referee**

Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©


No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz


United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho.


ECW Television Title Match:

Goldust vs Kaval©


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs Mia Mancini vs Katie Lea©

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Shawn Michaels puts his career on the line against the WWE Championship

**The title can change hands on countout or a disqualification, the Illuminati is banned from ringside, and Kevin Nash is the guest referee**

Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©


Tough call here, I just have a feeling that Shawn is going to win here. Not sure why.


No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz


United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho.


ECW Television Title Match:

Goldust vs Kaval©


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs Mia Mancini vs Katie Lea©

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