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WWE Wrestlemania 27:


Shawn Michaels puts his career on the line against the WWE Championship

**The title can change hands on countout or a disqualification, the Illuminati is banned from ringside, and Kevin Nash is the guest referee**

Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©


No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz


United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho.


ECW Television Title Match:

Goldust vs Kaval©


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs Mia Mancini vs Katie Lea©

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Shawn Michaels puts his career on the line against the WWE Championship

**The title can change hands on countout or a disqualification, the Illuminati is banned from ringside, and Kevin Nash is the guest referee**

Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©


No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz


United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho.


ECW Television Title Match:

Goldust vs Kaval©


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs Mia Mancini vs Katie Lea©

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Shawn Michaels puts his career on the line against the WWE Championship

**The title can change hands on countout or a disqualification, the Illuminati is banned from ringside, and Kevin Nash is the guest referee**

Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©

Shawn Michaels shouldn't retire, HE CAN DO SO MUCH MORE!


No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes vs Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian vs John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz

Bourne and Morrison are my favorites in this match.


United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©

Kurt Angle > Jack Swagger, simples.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho


ECW Television Title Match:

Goldust vs Kaval©

I support pushing Goldust.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs Mia Mancini vs Katie Lea©

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Wrestlemania 27


We cut to a room, where CM Punk is standing by with the various members of the Illuminati. He talks about how one year ago at Wrestlemania, his win over Triple H started to cement his position in the company and now, tonight, with many huge matches, they are going to dominate. Jack Swagger is going to go out there and keep his United States Title against Kurt Angle. Hernandez is going to cripple Edge once and for all. The Specialists are going to keep the Unified Tag Team Titles against the World's Greatest Tag Team and show why they are the best. Kazarian is going to win Money in the Bank and give Punk his title shot. Paul London is going to humiliate Matt Hardy and make him say I Quit on the microphone. The finally, CM Punk will annihilate Shawn Michaels and end his career, before keeping the WWE Championship.


Fireworks and pryo welcome us to Wrestlemania 27, from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.


The United States Title Match:

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger©


Both men trade holds on the mat, but Angle pops up and hits a pair of arm drags, before Angle picks up Swagger and drills him with a kneelift backing him into the corner. A series of forearm smashes to the face of Swagger and Angle throws Swagger into the corner, before bringing him down with a dropkick. Angle goes behind and waistlock takedown, into a front facelock, cranking on the hold and Swagger is pulled to his feet, before Angle drills him with a kneelift right to the chest. Another kneelift to the chest and now Angle throws him into the corner. Swagger bounces into the corner and single leg takedown. Angle is trying to turn Swagger over into the ankle lock but Swagger is in the ropes. Angle picks up Swagger and goes for the Angle Slam but Swagger lands on his feet and kicks him right in the leg, before raking the eyes. Angle is staggered and Swagger drills him with a series of jabs right to the chest, before throwing him into the corner. Swagger steps back, before hitting a running knee right in the corner and then hooks Angle and brings him over with a gutwrench suplex, before he backs off and hits a leaping stomp, before Swagger leaps to the second rope. Pump splash connects to Angle for a two count.


Swagger continues beats on Angle some more, before throwing him into the ropes. The head is ducked and Angle kicks Swagger in the face, before hooking him and overhead belly to belly suplex and Swagger is dazed, stumbling to his feet, but Angle is beating on Swagger. Back elbow smash is ducked and Swagger goes behind, with a belly to back suplex, before Swagger picks up Angle, before beating on the back of his head, before setting him up and giving him a delayed vertical suplex. Swagger begins to work over the leg of Angle, before Swagger picks up Angle, before going for a gutwrench but Angle blocks it. Angle continues to fight the gutwrench but Swagger manages to knee Angle and hoist him up for the Gutwrench Suplex, but Angle slips down the back and then waistlocks Swagger but Swagger scissors the ankle and rolls through, right into the Ankle Lock. Swagger is cranking on the ankle of Angle but Angle manages to push up and scissors the leg of Swagger, before Angle rolls through into the Ankle Lock of his own! Swagger quickly manages to get to the ropes and Angle releases the hold, before he beats on Swagger and waistlocks. Rolling German Suplexes on Swagger and now Angle goes to the top rope, high risk move on the way and he leaps off with a frog splash, flattening Swagger! Angle makes the cover hooking the leg to score the pin!


Winner and New United States Champion: Kurt Angle(8:11, B-)


Kurt Angle takes the United States Championship, holding it over his head, before he walks from the ringside area with it draped over his shoulder. There will be no one to wear that belt with more pride than Kurt Angle. Angle holds up the United States Belt over his head.


Money in the Bank Match

Alberto Banderas vs Booker T vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes vs Evan Bourne vs Frankie Kazarian vs John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston vs Paul Burchill vs the Miz


All ten men begin brawling in the ring. It is very simple. You have to climb the ladder and retrieve the briefcase high above the ring, that will contain a championship opportunity to be cashed in at any time from the moment the match is completed all the way up until the end of Wrestlemania 28. We see Kofi Kingston and Burchill brawling, with Booker T exchanging some shots with Cody Rhodes and Evan Bourne and Alberto Banderas going at it. Kazarian and Morrison and Christian and Miz are also brawling, but Miz grabs the ladder and tries to sneak up to the championship belt, but Christian dropkicks the Miz. The Miz lands on his feet and Christian beats on him, before clotheslining him down. Kofi and Morrison take out their enemies with stereo leaping dropkicks, sending Burchill and Kazarian and now Morrison turns his attention to Kofi Kingston with a Pele Kick. Morrison is jumped by Rhodes and beaten on as Banderas knocks Bourne over the top rope to the apron, before he sets up the ladder in play, climbing up it, but Evan Bourne is to the middle of the top rope, before he springboards back in, and then is beating on Banderas on the ladder. Rhodes pushes the ladder over, with both men on it. Banderas is hung up on the top rope and Bourne takes a nasty spill to the floor below! Christian and Cody Rhodes are exchanging some chops, but another ladder is brought into the mix by Kazarian, who rushes Christian and takes him down. A shot for Rhodes as well and now Kazarian grabs Morrison and takes him down with a leaping Flatliner, before setting up the ladder. Kazarian has the ladder in play, but keep your eye on Burchill, who climbs up and beats on Kazarian. Kazarian manages to baseball slide Burchill in the stomach through the rungs of the ladder, before front facelocking him and DDTing Burchill right on the top of the ladder. Kazarian delivers a hanging vertical suplex, dumping Burchill on top of the recovering Booker and Kingston! Now Kazarian is going for the briefcase, but Christian is back up, punching away on Kazarian, both the ladder tips.


The ladder is over and both men land on their feet and Banderas leaps into the ring, with a leaping enzuigiri to Christian. He beats on Kazarian and throws him over the top rope! We see the Miz once again try and sneak up the ladder, but he is caught by Kofi Kingston, who slingshots himself up to beat on the Miz. Chops rock the Miz and Kofi goes for the briefcase, trying to unhook it, but the Miz with a gutshot. Another gutshot and now he grabs Kofi Kingston. Surely not a Skull Crushing Finale off of the ladder but Kofi headbutts the Miz. Now Kofi is beating on the Miz knocking him off of the ladder. Kofi leaps off of the ladder with a breath taking missile dropkick, knocking the Miz through the ropes! Banderas now leaps at Kofi, armdrags him and applies the Cross Armbreaker, but Cody Rhodes is now setting up the ladder, sneaking his way up to the Money in the Bank Briefcase, but Booker T grabs Rhodes and drags him down, beating on him. Meanwhile, we see Morrison making his way back to his feet and Bourne is recovering right on the floor. Banderas is back up to be met by Morrison, as we see Kazarian setting up a second ladder in the ring, a taller ladder and now he jumps right up it, but Evan Bourne springboards right to the first ladder set up and then springboard huracanrana to Kazarian from Bourne from one ladder to the other! The fans are chanting: “That was awesome but now Bourne has taken out Morrison and maybe himselve. Banderas is up and he looks up, before he is going up for the Money in the Bank but here comes Booker T. No love loss between Booker T and Banderas and now Christian now has another ladder set up, before he begins to scale that and then he jumps right to the tall ladder. He drills Banderas and Booker with elbow smash after elbow smash, as he is trying to sneak into grab the briefcase, but Burchill is back and Burchill tips the ladder over, causing Banderas, Booker T, and Christian to take a nasty spill.


The Ripper now continues his assault with a brutal headbutt on Cody Rhodes, before he throws Rhodes to the floor and then he kicks Morrison right in the side of the head, before Burchill sets up the ladder. Burchill is going for the Money in the Bank, he is going for the briefcase, but we see Kofi Kingston springboard off. Kingston and Burchill met in a Triple Threat Match last year and now they are fighting for that all important title shot, but Burchill elbows Kofi, before hooking him right on the ladder. Burchill hits a C4 right off of the ladder, destroying Kofi Kingston! Burchill has not pulled out that move, for quite some time and now we see Morrison nail Burchill with a leaping knee strike, before hitting a standing shooting star press and then he kicks Burchill out of the ring. Burchill has been taken out of the game and now Morrison, a battered mess he is, grabs the ladder, giving Banderas and Booker T shots as they recover, before he sets up the ladder. John Morrison is scaling the ladder but the Miz is now bad up and he meets his former partner, drawing boos and the Miz is beating on Morrison, making his way up the ladder. Morrison and the Miz are trading moves, but Morrison manages to catch the Miz with the Pele Kick and now Morrison has the briefcase in his hands, but he is hanging off of the briefcase, wrapping his legs around Miz's head and Morrison catapults Miz off of the ladder, while he is swinging on the cable holding the briefcase! Morrison now is back on the ladder, but Rhodes is back in and he kicks the ladder out from underneath Morrison but Morrison is hanging on! Morrison is hanging from the briefcase by his hands and feet! This is absolutely insane, Morrison is twenty feet above the ring and he is trying to unhook the briefcase but that's his only means of support. If he drops down, he could win the match but he can also severely injury himself! The fans are going absolutely nuts, but Morrison can't quite get the briefcase unhooked and looks to have lost his balance, no wait he recovers and wipes out Rhodes, Banders, and Booker with a Shooting Star Press from the heavens!


Four men in this match are down in a heap, but Kazarian is back up and he manages to throw Booker, Banderas, Morrison, Rhodes, and Miz to the outside, to clear out the ring. Kazarian now has the ladder set up right underneath the Money in the Bank briefcase. We see Kingston and Burchill both wiped out in the ring but Evan Bourne is finding his way back and now he is beating on Kazarian. Both Kazarian and Bourne are exchanging punches and chops. Bourne is forearming away at Kazarian and Kazarian is knocked down the ladder and Bourne is making his way up the ladder, going for the briefcase, which might have been weakened by Morrison but Kazarian with an uppercut, to break it up. Another uppercut and Kazarian beats on Bourne some more, before setting him up. Sunset flip into a power bomb right off of the ladder! Bourne has been folded up like an accordion and now Kazarian is pulling himself back up, before he is climbing his way up, right up the ladder, going for the briefcase. The fans are booing, Kazarian might fulfill the purpose that Punk sent him into the ring for but Christian grabs the ankle and beats on Kazarian. Christian and Kazarian are the only two men left standing right at the moment, as everyone else is down in various battered heaps. Kazarian and Christian are exchanging chops and Kazarian is going for the briefcase, but Christian is fighting off Kazarian, before he kneelifts him. Christian has Kazarian and now Christian is kneeling on the back of the head of Kazarian pinning him down on the ladder, but Kazarian manages to fight out and now he beats on Christian.


Both men continue to exchange shots right on the ladder and Kazarian manages to go low and now he has Christian set up. He is going to go for the same super sunset flip power bomb that he took Bourne out but Christian manages to hang onto the ladder and Kazarian flips over, to land right on the canvas, wiping himself out! Christian now is up and Kazarian is dazed, rolling the wrong way in his confusion, as Christian is scaling the ladder higher, one rung at a time. Kazarian realizes that he's nearly out of the ring so he turns around and dives, but he's too late, as Christian drops down, with the briefcase in his hands!


Winner and Money in the Bank Holder: Christian(19:51, B)


Christian holds up the briefcase to a big pop! The fans are going insane, as their hero has won the Money in the Bank Briefcase and he could very well turn that into championship gold. The odds are in his favor, as every single person to cash in with that briefcase has won the championship that they were contending for.


ECW Television Championship Match

Goldust vs Kaval©


Kaval looks serious and determined, as the bell rings and Kaval immediately goes right to work with a series of kicks to the ribs of Goldust, before throwing him into the ropes. A kick to the head is avoided and Goldust explodes right into Kaval with a clothesline. Goldust is beating on Kaval, before hitting a vertical suplex and then he drops the elbow twice down across the chest, before he picks up Kaval and hammers away at Kaval, before throwing him into the corner. Butt butt in the corner and now Goldust beats on Kaval, before hitting an inverted atomic drop and then explosive clothesline, before hitting a kneedrop down across the chest before Kaval is thrown into the corner and Goldust grabs Kaval, before going for a belly to back suplex but Kaval drops to his feet and leg lariat right to the back of the head and Kaval beats on Goldust, with a series of Tomahawk Chops, before hitting a kneelift right to the chest, before setting up Goldust, before hitting a brain buster, before Kaval steps over the top rope, before Kaval is making his way to the top rope and goes for a Double Foot Stomp but Goldust rolls out of the way. Kaval lands on his feet and walks into the Powerslam where Goldust gets the pin!


Winner and New ECW Television Champion: Goldust(5:11, C)


Goldust takes the ECW Television Championship. He has really made a comeback over the last couple of but he finally got the championship around his waist.


Look at the World's Greatest Tag Team against the Specialists for the Unified Tag Team Titles. We see The World's Greatest Tag Team talk about how they have not held any championship gold since 2003, but they are feeling it, Wrestlemania 27. We see the Specialists, who are talking about how they have defeated pretty much every single team in their wake over the past nine months. They have never lost in WWE as a tag team and it won't change. They're going to expose Haas and Benjamin and prove that they are not worthy of the moniker of the World's Greatest Tag Team.


Unified Tag Team Titles:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs the Specialists©


Michael Courtier starts out with Charlie Haas. Both men lock up and Haas quickly takes down Courtier and works him over on the mat, before rolling him over and kneelift to the midsection. Haas throws Courtier into the ropes, before kicking him in the midsection. A series of kicks right to the midsection, before Haas takes on Courtier with a double leg takedown, before he rocks back and catapults Courtier into the corner. Courtier is set up and tag made to Benjamin. The World's Greatest Tag Team throws Courtier into the ropes and a double flapjack brings him down to the canvas! Benjamin beats on Courtier, before throwing him into the corner, before following in with a clothesline and then steps back, before leaping into the corner and then monkey flips him out of the corner. Benjamin steps back and running dropkick right to the back of the head, before he picks up Courtier and hammers away at him, before setting him up and into the ropes. Blind tag is made to Lawrence Davis. Benjamin leapfrogs over Courtier, but Davis comes into with a leg lariat right to the back of the head, before Davis beats on Benjamin, before setting him up in a full nelson and then brings him down onto the backbreaker! Benjamin turns around, favoring his back and Davis is beating on Benjamin, before rolling him over, before stepping back and running neck snap brings Benjamin down, before Davis rolls him over and front facelock, before Courtier climbs to the top rope. Springboard forearm down across the back of Benjamin, as Davis holds him.


Courtier chops away at Benjamin and throws him into the corner. Courtier delivers a running kneelift right to the back of Benjamin and hoists up Benjamin, before making the tag to Davis. Belly to Back Suplex/Springboard Elbow Drop combination move from the Specialists! Davis makes the cover on Benjamin, who kicks out. Davis now moves over, blocking Benjamin from his own corner and a series of chops right to the chest. The Specialists are cutting the ring in half, keeping Shelton Benjamin over on their end on the ring and Benjamin is thrown into the corner. Davis snap mares Benjamin down and a series of kicks right to the shoulder, before he picks up Benjamin, in a gutwrench, before bringing him down with a gutbuster, before making the tag to Courtier, who delivers a springboard right into an Oklahoma Side Roll for a two count. Benjamin rolls right to his feet and Courtier drills Benjamin with an European Uppercut, before putting him on the top rope. Courtier climbs up with Benjamin and then has him on the shoulders. Forward rolling Samoan Drop brings Benjamin down! Quick tag to Davis, keeping the fresh man into the ring and Davis delivers a somersault springboard elbow drop into the ring. He covers Benjamin hooking the leg, but only gets a two and nine tenths count. Davis beats on Benjamin some more and shoves him off into the ropes. Kick to the back of the head by Courtier and now Davis hoists up Benjamin, before making the tag and Courtier is on the middle of the second rope, before he delivers a springboard DDT, as Davis falls backwards into a flapjack! That was quite the double team move and now Courtier covers Benjamin for a two and nine tenths count!


Courtier positions himself right in front of Benjamin and hammers away at him, before throwing Benjamin right into the corner. Davis holds Benjamin, allowing Courtier to hit a running kneelift right to the face. Courtier sets up Benjamin and hits a version of the Sky High, bringing down Benjamin to the canvas. Benjamin has been wiped out and now Courtier makes the cover hooking the leg for a two and a half count. Courtier picks up Benjamin, hammering away at the back of his head, before throwing Benjamin into the corner hard. Benjamin is doubled over in the corner and Courtier goes for a suplex but Benjamin lands on his feet. He goes for a kick but Courtier blocks it and Benjamin spins around, before he nails Courtier with the Dragon Whip! Both men are down on the canvas, before men are trying to find their way into the corner. Benjamin is reaching to the corner but Davis steps into the ring The tag is made to Charlie Haas, who is running wild, taking both men out but the referee forces Haas back into the corner. This allows the Specialists to double team Benjamin in the corner, before the Specialists take out Benjamin with a Double Stun Gun. Benjamin is hung up and now Davis is beating on Benjamin, before setting him up and going for a double underhook but Benjamin fights Davis off and backs him into the corner, before hitting a Stinger Splash to take out Davis! Benjamin drops down to his knees, before he is rolling over. Courtier is tagged in and he grabs the foot of Benjamin, holding him off but Benjamin is fighting it and he kicks off Courtier before rolling through and hot tag made to Charlie Haas!


Haas enters the ring, pounding away with chops and elbow smashes, before Haas throws Courtier into the ropes and launches him into the air with a high back body drop. Davis goes for a kick but Haas blocks it and dragon screw leg whip to Davis and he does the same to Courtier. Benjamin is back into the ring and Davis is dropkicked through the ropes to the floor, before Benjamin leaps over the top rope, with a Pescado! Davis has been wiped out and now Courtier and Haas are trading forearm smashes, with Haas going behind, waistlocking him but Courtier begins to elbow Haas right in the face numerous times. Courtier throws Haas into the ropes and cradles him. Fisherman Suplex delivered to Haas for a two and a half count, before Benjamin makes the save! Benjamin picks up Courtier and beats on him, but Courtier goes low on Benjamin, before hitting a jawbreaker and then he takes Benjamin through the ropes, to the arena floor. Courtier now beats on Haas and goes for a Victory Roll but Haas fights him off and wheelbarrow German Suplex, right into the Haas of Pain! This submission move is locked right onto Courtier and now Haas is cranking on the hold but Davis breaks up the hold with a Yakuza Kick right to the head! Benjamin is back into the ring, leaping right at Davis, to take him to the outside of the ring and Courtier makes the cover on Haas but only gets a two and a half count!


Irish Whip on the arena floor is reversed and Benjamin crashes into the ringpost. Now we see Courtier beating on Haas, before Haas is set up, and slammed down, before Davis is now making it to the top rope, tagged right into the match, but Shooting Star Press is missed when Haas rolls out of the way! Davis is in the ring and Benjamin enters the ring, before he spin kicks Davis right into the German Suplex into a bridge from Haas! The fans explode into cheers as Benjamin holds Courtier back to score the pin.


Winners and New Unified Tag Team Champions: The World's Greatest Tag Team(18:59, B+)


The fans are going absolutely insane, as the World's Greatest Tag Team celebrate their victory. They have finally snapped the undefeated streak of the Specialists and have become the Unified Tag Team Champions, their first title reign in eight years.


We take a look at the ECW Championship I Quit Match between Matt Hardy and Paul London. Paul London returned to the company, under a mask, attacking Matt Hardy. We see London putting Hardy on the shelf for a number of months. Hardy returns and sets his sights on London, costing London his chance to main event Wrestlemania in the Elimination Chamber. Then last week, London lays a beating. London cuts a promo, talking about how Matt Hardy never lived up to his full potential and would be always in the shadow of a screw up of a brother. Hardy talks about how the time is now for him, now more than ever before, he might not have another chance. He will make London scream I Quit on the microphone. Something has to give and its Matt Hardy against Paul London for the ECW Championship in an I Quit Match, April 3rd in Atlanta.


I Quit Match for the ECW Championship:

Matt Hardy vs Paul London©


London exposed the concrete floor before the match and attacks Hardy at the bell but Hardy counters with a high back body drop, causing London to land onto the concrete hard! Hardy slides to the outside and is beating right across the back of the head. He grabs London by the hair and rams him into the ring apron, before he nails London with a series of gut shots and now Hardy scoops up London, before he bodyslams him right on the concrete floor! The fans are cheering and Hardy begins to choke London, before beating on him with a series of punches. Hardy now with a series of knee strikes to the face, before he picks up London, drilling him with a series of elbows right to the top of the head. Hardy takes London with a short clothesline on the floor and then rolls him into the ring, before he enters the ring, and then kneelifts London right in the ribs, before going for the Twist of Fate but London hangs on and Hardy hits the canvas, before London steps back, before hitting a dropkick right to the face. London stomps away at Hardy, before hitting a leaping double stomp right to the face and then he beats on Hardy, before applying a bodyscissored sleeperhold. The referee is asking Hardy if he wants to give up but Hardy begins to bite the fingers of London, drawing cheers and London is backed off, but he drills him with a knee to the head. London steps back and swinging neckbreaker brings Hardy down and now London rolls Hardy over, before dropping a series of elbows down across the back and now he picks up Hardy, before crotching him on the top rope and then London chops Hardy across the chest as he is hung up on the top rope, before he nails Hardy with a leaping roundhouse kick, with Hardy landing right on the concrete face first!


London now goes to the floor and grabs Hardy, before setting him up and giving him a front suplex right onto the ring steps! Hardy cracks against the steps with a thud and now London is beating on Hardy, before he climbs to the apron and drops an elbow down across the back of the head. He continues to stomp Hardy viciously, before giving him a suplex right on the exposed concrete. London goes for the microphone and asks Hardy if he is going to give up but a kick to the groin answers that question! London is doubled over, but Hardy can barely stand, due to the punishment, so London knees Hardy right in the face numerous times and then he crotches Hardy on the guardrail, before he sets up the steps. London takes a running start, leaping off the steps and springboard elbow smash off of the steps, knocking Hardy right off of the barricade, causing him to land right on the floor hard. London now is beating Hardy with stomps and throws him into the ring. London reaches underneath the ring, before he pulls out a Singapore cane, along with a black bag. London throws the cane into the ring and steps back, before he waffles Hardy with a shot to the ribs! London tucks the Singapore Cane underneath the chin of Hardy and delivers a Russian Legsweep with the cane, before turning around and then leaping back, with a camel clutch with the Singapore Cane.


London is pulling back, digging the cane right into the throat of Hardy, but Hardy is refusing to submit. London releases the move and gives Hardy three shots right to the back, before applying a bow and arrow submission hold. The back of Hardy has been weakened throughout this match but Hardy is fighting and he refuses to quit. London picks up Hardy and beats on him some more, before throwing him into the corner. Leaping forearm smash right into Hardy's face and London scoops up Hardy, before tying him up in the Tree of Woe. London grabs the cane and walks over, asking Hardy if he wants to quit. Hardy says no and London waffles Hardy right in the knees with a violent cane shot. London asks Hardy again and Hardy refuses. Another violent cane shot right to the knees. Again and Hardy says no and London cracks the cane again. Hardy is being brutalized and London asks Hardy if he wants to quit once again. Hardy refuses and London shatters the cane right over the knees of Hardy! The fans are booing and Hardy refuses to quit. He won't quit. London drags Hardy over to the ringpost and then reaches into his black bag, before he pulls out a wrench. He asks Hardy if he wants to give up. Hardy yells no and London smashes the right knee of Hardy as it is up against the ringpost with the wrench. London drops the wrench and now he applies the Figure Four Leglock, wrapping the legs of Hardy around the ringpost. You can feel those ligaments tearing, those bones cracking and snapping but Hardy is refusing to give up. The pain is etched upon his face, and the referee asks Hardy, almost in a pleading manner but Hardy just refuses, until London releases the ringpost Figure Four Leglock.


London now enters the ring and continues to beat down on Hardy, before hammering away at him and then dropkicks the knee, before forward rolling into a Half Boston Crab. London leans back on the leg, folding it back and the referee asks Hardy if he wants to submit, but the fans are going absolutely nuts, as Hardy refuses and he powers out, before grabbing the referee, before he pulls the referee into London, causing the back of their heads to clonk and break the hold. The referee is down and now Matt Hardy is down, but London quickly staggers back to his feet, pulling up Hardy, so he can give him a rolling elbow smash. Dragon Sleeper applied to Hardy, wrenching the knee into the back, as the referee begins to come to and once again grabs the microphone, before asking Hardy, but Hardy is trying to claw his way out of the hold. He manages to get his hands on London's elbow pad and removes it, before he waffles London with it, to break the hold. London is slightly dazed, as Hardy hits London a second time, so hard that lead fillings spill out of the elbow pad. Hardy now manages to hold onto the top rope, to give himself some footing and he grabs London. Twist of Fate but Hardy's legs crumple out from underneath him. London kicks Hardy right in the ribs and sets up Hardy on the ring apron, before beating on him. London asks Hardy if he wants to quit now, but Hardy fires back with a few kicks but London nails Hardy with a forearm smash and a kick. Tornado DDT right off of apron all the way to the exposed concrete below! Hardy's neck might have been broken with that one and now London reaches over, before he grabs the microphone, and slaps Matt a couple of times, before asking if he wants to quick. Hardy manages to lift his hands up, to strangle London with all of the strength that he could manage but London quickly boots Hardy in the face to break.


London grabs Hardy and rams him headfirst into the top of the guardrail, before he picks up the black bag that he enters the ring and swings it, before he nails Hardy right in the face with it. The bag bursts open, to reveal several metal tools falling out, along with a pair of handcuffs and a handcuff key. London wraps the chain of the handcuff around his fist and punches Hardy with it twice, before he handcuffs Hardy to himself. The fans are going absolutely insane with boos, as London now is dragging Hardy around the ringside area roughly, forcing his busted up legs to drag, London forcefully bumping them into the steps, the side of the announcer's table, the ring, and the barricade. London asks Hardy if he's had enough and Hardy tries to swing but London hits him with the microphone, causing a loud thump to echo throughout the arena. London now grabs Hardy and headlocks him, both men still handcuffed together, London dangling the key right out of Hardy's reach in a taunting manner and now...London is starting to climb up the Titan Tron, with Matt Hardy handcuffed right to him.


London is dragging Hardy up the Titan Tron. At this time, if Hardy knocks London off, both men are going to take a nasty spill and London is exploiting this, taunting Hardy with the knee, as he begins kicking Hardy in the face, before he is pulling Hardy up to the very top of the Titan Tron. This is nearly fifty feet above the arena and London beats on Hardy with elbows to the back of the head, as both men are standing right on the top of the Titan Tron, before London unhooks the handcuffs and sets up Hardy. He has a microphone and he asks Hardy, if he wants to give it up but Hardy is fighting London and low blow. Hardy nails London with the Twist of Fate right on top of the titan tron! London nearly rolls off but manages to barely hang on. Hardy grabs London and says in a quiet, deadly voice, that if London doesn't quit, he'll throw London off the Titan Tron to the floor below. The fans are on their feet, cheering and London spits at Hardy, telling him that he doesn't have the guts. Hardy grabs London by the hair and goes to fling him off but London yells: “Alright, alright, I QUIT, I QUIT, I QUIT, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I QUIT!”


Winner and New ECW Champion: Matt Hardy(17:41, B+)


London lets out a sigh of relief and Hardy throws him right off of the side of the Titan Tron, facing the backstage area! The arena goes into a hush, there are a few uneasy cheers a moments later. Hardy looks down at where London may have landed, with a psychotic expression in his eyes, before he manages to make his way down the Titan Tron, limping painfully, as he takes the ECW Championship from the referee. The announcers are talking in quiet hushed voices, talking about how Hardy might have taken this one step too far. We see a replay of Hardy launching London right to the concrete below in the backstage area. Hardy straps the ECW Championship belt to his waist and gimps to the back, where we see paramedics around the battered body of Paul London. Hardy yells that London brought it upon himself, before he walks off.


We see another replay, that was just absolutely sadistic by Matt Hardy. Hardy might have crossed a line although it must be pointed out that had London not taken Hardy to the top of the Titan Tron, none of this would have happen. It appears that London might have broken every single bone in his body but he's still breathing, just barely. This match was brutality at its most harshest but the end, might have crossed a line.


We're going to continue at Wrestlemania 27, with the Undisputed Women's Title on the line, with Katie Lea defending against Beth Phoenix and Mia Mancini in a Triple Threat Match. Mancini has to win the belt tonight, or her poor sick mother might be thrown out on the street, as she will be out of a job. Beth Phoenix wants the belt back and Katie Lea will stop at nothing to keep it.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Mia Mancini vs Beth Phoenix vs Katie Lea©


All three women brawl to start this match, with Beth Phoenix taking her opponents down with a series of clotheslines. She grabs Katie Lea by the hair and throws her across the ring and Mancini is fighting with a series of palm strikes, each blow becoming more vicious, as for Mancini, more than the title is at stake. Mancini throws Beth Phoenix into the corner hard but the elbow is in the face and Beth Phoenix underhooks the arms, before she brings Mancini over with a double underhook suplex. We see Katie Lea kicking Beth Phoenix from behind and now she sets up Beth Phoenix, before drilling her with an inverted DDT. Going for the cover but Beth Phoenix powers out. Now Katie Lea beats on Phoenix and a series of elbows right to the side of the head sets up an enzuigiri. She waistlocks Mancini and German Suplexes her for a two count and grabs her attention right to Beth Phoenix but Phoenix catches Katie Lea and hoists her up. Gorilla Presses her down right on top of Mia Mancini. Katie Lea is pulled off and now Phoenix sets up Katie Lea, before giving her a delayed vertical suplex, but Mancini right to the side with a knee to the head and sets up Phoenix, before hitting a T-Bone Suplex for a two count.


Mia Mancini is beating on Beth Phoenix, before throwing her into the corner chest first. Mancini batters Beth Phoenix, before setting her up and hitting a neckbreaker, before rolling her over and beating her down but Katie Lea kicks her right in the back of the head and sets her up, going for a Tornado DDT but Mancini blocks it and counters with a T-Bone Suplex right in mid air! The fans are giving a mixed reaction and Beth Phoenix is up, before kicking Mancini in the ribs twice and then setting her up for the Glam Slam, but Mancini counters with a high back body drop. Beth Phoenix is dazed and Mancini sets up Beth Phoenix on her shoulders, before hitting a double knee gutbuster and rolls her over, but Katie Lea grabs her and beats on her, before going for a power bomb but Mancini fights out and applies a guillotine choke to Katie Lea! She is cranking on the hold and suddenly, she taps out, just as Beth Phoenix moves over to break it up.


Winner and New Undisputed Women's Champion: Mia Mancini(6:41, C-)


Mancini grabs the Undisputed Women's Title Belt but Beth Phoenix is on her feet, staring down Mancini before mouthing, “next time” and walking off, to allow Mancini to being her second title reign as Undisputed Women's Champion.


It is now time for the Stretcher Match between Edge and Hernandez.


Stretcher Match:

Edge vs Hernandez


Edge attacks Hernandez at the bell but Hernandez biels him out of the corner and then explodes at Edge, with a pair of shoulder blocks before he throws him into the corner hard and Hernandez begins stomping right at Edge, before he steps back and avalanches him right in the corner. Hernandez hits a vicious spinebuster right to Edge and now Hernandez grabs Edge, picking him up and side slam brings the Rated R Superstar down to the canvas. Hernandez goes to the outside and goes for a somersault senton but Edge moves out of the way. Hernandez staggers and Edge hits the Edge-O-Matic, bringing Hernandez down for a two count. Hernandez is barely put down and Edge is beating him down but Hernandez waffles him with a huge clothesline. Hernandez with a series of headbutts down across the head of Edge and a Gorilla Press slam, before he picks up Edge and boots him right to the floor. Hernandez jumps over the top rope with a slingshot cross body, wiping Edge out! Edge rolls over and Hernandez beats on Edge, ramming him back first into the post. Another ram back first into the post and Hernandez has Edge, before setting him up in a crucifix power bomb position but Edge hangs onto the top rope.


Hernandez manages to pull Edge off but Edge leaps to the outside with a springboard knee right to the face. Hernandez is down staggered and Edge is beating on Hernandez but as Edge charges Hernandez, he gets a back drop right onto the stretcher. Edge is stunned and Hernandez begins to beat on Edge with stiff forearms, before setting him up but Edge with a low blow. Hernandez is doubled over and Edge has a chair, before he gives Hernandez two shots to the back. Edge steps back and spears Hernandez. A second spear and Hernandez is down on the stretcher. Edge reaches over and pounds Hernandez, before trying to strap him to the Stretcher, but Hernandez is pulling himself up to his feet, while on the Stretcher and Edge spears Hernandez a third time, causing both the stretcher and Hernandez to topple over! Edge grabs a chair and gives Hernandez two shots, before he pushes the Stretcher up the ramp, over the yellow line to get the win.


Winner: Edge(8:52, B)


Edge has won the Stretcher Match tonight, gaining revenge from Hernandez after Hernandez cost him the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble.


Coming up next, No Holds Barred for the World Heavyweight Title, with Batista defending against Randy Orton. Both men had a storied history over their entire career.


We cut to August 16th 2004, with Randy Orton on the shoulders of Batista, but Triple H gives the thumbs down, and then Batista falls back, to lead to Evolution to beat on Randy Orton, to turf him out of the group. We cut back to 2008, where Randy Orton forms Legacy, and one of his targets, is Batista, who he puts on the shelf two times. In September of 2009, Batista obliterates Randy Orton one on one in his final match on RAW, before going to Smackdown, before he has an entirely new attitude and inside the Elimination Chamber in 2011, becomes the World Heavyweight Champion for the fifth time. Batista has words for Randy Orton, calling him the low man on the totem pole in Evolution and Batista jumps Orton when he becomes the number one contender for Wrestlemania 27. Batista and Orton set up for Wrestlemania 27, with Orton punting John Cena in the head to take the undisputed number one contendership for the World Heavyweight Championship for Wrestlemania 27. Batista lays out Orton several times, before breaking Orton's arm and setting up their No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight Title.


World Heavyweight Title No Holds Barred:

Randy Orton vs Batista©


Orton has casts on both arms in this match and he attacks Batista at the bell, beating on Batista with both of the cast covered arms and Batista covers up, before he rolls underneath the ropes to the arena floor and Orton steps back, before hitting a baseball slide dropkick right to the floor. Orton drills him right with a kneelift right to the midsection and backs Batista into the guardrail, before drilling him with a kneelift right to the chest. Another kneelift right to the chest and Orton rolls into the ring, before wrapping his legs around the head of Batista and managing to pull him back into the ring. Orton kicks away at Batista and steps back, before he delivers a leaping dropkick to the chest of Batista. He steps back and kneedrop right to the chest of Batista. Another kneedrop right to the chest of Batista, before rolling him over and tries to apply a headlock, but the clunky cast on his arm makes it hard to do so. Orton kicks Batista in the ribs and he goes for the punt but Batista wisely evades it. Batista grabs Orton's leg and pulls him to the floor before Batista obliterates Orton with a huge clothesline!


Batista picks up Orton and smashes his cast covered arm right into the ring steps. A series of jabs right to the chest and Batista grabs Orton's arm, before folding it behind his back and ramming into the ringpost, breaking open the cast and now Batista spears Orton right into the steel steps. Orton is bent over, his arm reddened, wincing as Batista beats Orton's elbow, before sliding him underneath the bottom rope and now Batista grabs the arm of Orton, before hitting a single arm DDT and Orton rolls over, before Batista grabs the arm, before drilling him with a series of elbows right to the injured arm of Orton and now Batista picks up Orton and a clothesline, before he picks up Orton, scooping him up, before delivering a shoulderbreaker and now he applies an arm grapevine, before he sits down on the arm and beats on Orton, before rolling him over and draping the arm over the bottom rope, before Batista knees him right in the arm twice, before Batista picks Orton up and shoulder throws him down, before he goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair, before entering the ring. Batista raises the chair and goes to nail Orton in the arm but Orton counters by kicking the chair right in the face of Batista!


Batista is staggered and Orton is fighting, with two kicks to the ribs and he manages to grab Batista, before hitting an RKO on him, right on the steel chair! Orton might have blown out his arm, rolling over, favoring his arm and Orton is dragging himself over for the cover, for a nearfall! The fans are cheering, as Orton looks to be hearing those voices inside his head and he is going for the Punt but Batista avoids it and then pops up, to hit a Spinebuster on Orton. Batista stands, giving Orton the thumbs down, before he is going for the Batista Bomb but Orton fights out and lands on his feet, before he dodges a lariat and then has Batista set up, for a modified backbreaker. Batista is stunned and Orton nails Batista right between the eyes with his cast covered arm. Batista is staggered and now Orton legsweeps him, before beating on him. Orton is going for the Punt for the third time in this match but a fan has just grabbed the leg of Orton! Security rushes over and Orton pulls the fan into the ring, punching away at him, to pull off his hat and glasses to reveal John Cena! Orton punted Cena in the head six weeks ago to keep him off of Wrestlemania but Batista chairs Orton from behind! Orton goes down and Batista has him set up and Batista Bomb. Batista makes the cover hooking the leg, to score the pin.


Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: Batista(12:51, B+)


The fans are going insane, as Batista has keep the Championship and now John Cena enters the ring, beating on Orton, before applying the STF right on Orton. The fans are going nuts, as that's...Rey Mysterio! Mysterio slides underneath the bottom rope and avoids Batista, before hitting the 6-1-9 to Batista. Cena grabs Mysterio, going for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rey hits the Huracarana. Rey has been put on the shelf for months thanks to John Cena, but now he's back and Cena and Batista bail, with Batista holding the World Heavyweight Championship in the air, taunting Mysterio and the recovering Orton.


Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho


Both men lock up and Danielson quickly catches Jericho with an European Uppercut and then a fireman's carry, before he applies a chickenwing to Jericho. Danielson is cranking on the shoulder, beating on Jericho but Jericho is fighting back out of the hold, up to his feet and in the ropes, but Danielson with a kick right to the chest. Danielson brings Jericho into the ring and a series of chops right to the chest, before throwing him into the ropes. Leapfrog right over Jericho and Danielson catches Jericho with a hiptoss, before bringing him down with an elbow across the side of the head. Another elbow to the side of the head and now Danielson forearms Jericho across the face over and over again, before he rolls Jericho to his feet, before setting him up for a belly to back suplex but Jericho lands on his feet. Danielson turns around and Jericho clotheslines him down. Jericho taunts on Danielson, before hammering him with a series of punches right to the chest and now Jericho pulls Danielson over, before blistering his chest with a series of chops and into the other corner. Running kneelift right into the corner and now Jericho sets up Danielson and goes for a gutwrench but Danielson blocks it.


Jericho hammers away at Danielson and pulls him into a short arm elbow smash, before he leaps to the second rope and then back elbow smash brings Danielson down to the canvas. Jericho rolls Danielson over on the canvas and a series of forearms blister Danielson right in the face, before setting him up with a kneelift, before backing off and swinging neckbreaker, before Jericho steps back and running backsplash down across the chest. Jericho picks up Danielson, before drilling him with forearms. Double underhook but Danielson blocks it and Jericho kneelifts him again and Jericho hits a double underhook backbreaker right down across the knees. Jericho steps back and running soccer kick to the face of Danielson. Jericho picks up Danielson and props him into the corner, before giving forearm smashes, before taking him down with a short arm clothesline, before he leaps to the middle rope and Danielson rolls out of the way. Jericho lands on his feet and running somersault neckbreaker brings him down to the canvas. Jericho picks up Danielson and fireman's carry but Danielson is fighting out with elbows. Jericho drops him down and leaping enzugiri right to the back of the head, before picking blistering his chest with a series of jabs, before picking up Danielson and dropping him into the corner, before Jericho takes him down with a snap suplex, before delivering a spinning boot scrape to the face and then he taunts Danielson. Jericho chokes Danielson in the corner, with the referee trying to force the break, but he mockingly yells: “I have till five, ref!” Jericho slaps Danielson twice before picking him up, going for the Code Breaker but Danielson blocks the move and Jericho is staggered before Danielson drills Jericho right in the face with a huge elbow smash! Jericho crumples down to the canvas and now Danielson covers for a two count.


Danielson picks up Jericho and drills him with a series of chops, before throwing him into the ropes. Elbow is ducked but Danielson catches Jericho with a Yakuza Kick as he comes off of the ropes. The fans are going absolutely insane as Jericho rolls to the floor and turns around ,right into a tope suicida from Bryan Danielson! Danielson has just wiped out Jericho and now Danielson picks up Jericho, before drilling him with a forearm smash, before rolling him underneath the bottom rope and now Danielson is up to the top rope and missile dropkick right to Jericho. Cover on Jericho hooking the leg. Two count and now Danielson delivers a series of stomps, before picking up Jericho, Danielson sets up Jericho in a fireman's carry and airplane spins him, before he is dizzied and he falls back with a Samoan Drop, before making a cover hooking the leg for a two count. Danielson picks up Jericho, before headbutting him twice. Jericho is staggered and now Danielson with a belly to back but Jericho lands on his feet and Danielson turns around, right into the Code Breaker from Jericho! Jericho has Danielson and rolls him over for the cover. Two and a half count.


Jericho looks at Danielson with contempt and Jericho picks up Danielson, before drilling him with a series of jabs, before Danielson is thrown into the corner hard. Jericho follows him with a clothesline and now he pushes Danielson up to the top rope, before Jericho drills him with a series of elbows to the side of the head. Jericho is on the top rope with Danielson and goes for a superplex, but Danielson is blocking it. Jericho leaps onto the shoulders with both men on the top rope and brings Danielson down with the Jericho Spike! The fans cheer, as Jericho has not pulled out that move in years. He might have wiped himself out and the standing ten count is put on and Jericho makes the cover hooking the leg. Two and nine tenths count! Jericho looks rather agitated and he begins to hit a series of kicks, before drilling him with a series of forearm smashes, before picking up Danielson and propping him up in the corner, and hammering him with forearms. Jericho trips Danielson up, before going for the Walls of Jericho but Danielson is struggling and he is being turned over right into the ropes. Five count and Jericho breaks it, before he picks up Danielson, before beating on him some more and throwing him into the corner hard. Jericho goes for the Code Breaker, but Danielson hangs onto the ropes to block and Jericho hits hard, before Danielson hits him with a running Yakuza Kick to the face. He leaps around, crucifixing the arms of Jericho and beating on the side of his head with a series of elbow smashes, before he rolls him into a pinning predicament to score the three!


Winner: Bryan Danielson(15:08, A)


Bryan Danielson has scored an impressive win, beating Chris Jericho tonight at Wrestlemania 27. This was a solid match to say the very least.


Coming up next, the Undertaker puts his Wrestlemania streak on the line against Ted DiBiase. 18-0, could it become 19-0 for the Undertaker or will DiBiase make it 18-1.


We take a look at the Ted DiBiase against the Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 27, with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, the father of the current DiBiase, unveiling the Undertaker to the world as the fourth man on the Million Dollar Team. We see the Undertaker decimating eighteen superstars, enroute to a Wrestlemania record that will never be broken. Then twenty years later, the young, brash DiBiase informs the Undertaker that he owes his two decades of destruction and his Wrestlemania winning streak to the name DiBiase. Ted DiBiase pins the Undertaker at the Survivor Series, after the Undertaker mowed down the other two Fortunate Sons. The Undertaker is then taken out by a group of masked thugs and then trapped inside a casket which is promptly blown up and the Undertaker is gone. DiBiase continues on Smackdown, but he is haunted by the spectre of the Undertaker, not to mention he has to deal with the wrath of Kane. The Undertaker returns, to stalk DiBiase, but DiBiase managed to get the better of the Undertaker again...(footage of DiBiase hitting the Undertaker with a gold brick)....again(footage of DiBiase laying out the Undertaker with a shot with a golden shovel and then strapping him on the million dollar symbol)...and again(DiBiase pinning the Undertaker with his own Tombstone). Has DiBiase cracked the code of the Undertaker enough to end the streak or will it be 19-0 for the Dead Man at Wrestlemania 27.


The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase


The Undertaker goes for a shot at DiBiase but DiBiase ducks down underneath it and he begins to fire away at the side of the Undertaker's leg with jab after jab. DiBiase drills the Undertaker with a kneelift right to the face and he begins to hammer him with a series of chops, before he tries to throw the Undertaker into the ropes but the Undertaker blocks it and he clotheslines DiBiase down. The Undertaker continues to pound away at DiBiase in the corner and into the ropes. Corner clothesline and now the Undertaker begins to fire in those jabs to DiBiase and throws him into the ropes. High back body drop and now the Undertaker steps back, before he mows DiBiase down with the clothesline. The Undertaker drills DiBiase right in the side of the head with a series of elbow smashes and now he rams DiBiase right into the corner and boot choke in the corner. Another corner clothesline and now the Undertaker grabs DiBiase, before he begins to walk the ropes. Vintage Undertaker here tonight at Wretlemania but DiBiase drops down, to crotch the Undertaker down across the top rope. The Undertaker is doubled over and DiBiase dropkicks him off of the top rope, causing him to land on the apron and a running headbutt to the chest, causes the Undertaker to connect with the guardrail.


DiBiase drops down on the arena floor and now he begins to pound away on the Undertaker, ramming him into the side of the ring apron. DiBiase begins to hammer away on the Undertaker, beating on him severely, with a series of forearm smashes right down across the chest and now he throws The Undertaker back into the ring. DiBiase begins to stomp the top of the head of the Undertaker and picks him up, before he throws him into the corner. Right with a kneelift to the chest and now DiBiase has the Undertaker set up and hits him with a DDT, for a two count. DiBiase drills the Undertaker with a series of double axe handle chops down to the back of the head. The Undertaker is pulled up and set up with a vertical suplex. DiBiase now climbs to the second rope and leaps off with a kneedrop. Another cover and only a two count! The fans are going absolutely insane with boos as DiBiase continues to beat down the Undertaker, into the ropes goes the Undertaker. Spinebuster to the Undertaker and DiBiase turns around, but the Undertaker sits right up! DiBiase quickly punches away at the Undertaker and double underhook suplex and DiBiase floats over for a two count. Now the Undertaker is down and DiBiase beats on him. Going for the Dream Street but the Undertaker counters it with a Judo Throw. He big boots DiBiase down and grabs him by the throat, going for the Choke Slam, but DiBiase hooks onto the ropes and goes to the arena floor.


The Undertaker stalks DiBiase right on the arena floor but one of those Million Dollar druids attacks the Undertaker from behind. A second druid does so as well and they are beating on the Undertaker, as DiBiase has the referee tied up, before the druids get their hoods ripped off, to reveal Joe Hennig and Brett DiBiase, the Fortunate Sons. The referee sees them and warns them, and this allows DiBiase to reach over into the robe that he brought to the ring and he has the gold brick once again. He used this to take the Undertaker but the Undertaker blocks the shot and kicks DiBiase, before big booting him down and now the Undertaker is back in the ring. The Fortunate Sons are huddled together and the Undertaker takes a step back, before he takes a running start. The Undertaker dives over the top rope with a dive, wiping out Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, and Ted DiBiase all in one fell swoop!


All three men are down and the Undertaker throws DiBiase back into the ring. The Undertaker is now hammering away at DiBiase and he throws him into the ropes. A leaping clothesline rocks DiBiase, bringing him down to the canvas and now the Undertaker has DiBiase, before drilling him with an elbow smash and flipping him into the corner. The Undertaker drills DiBiase with a big boot and now the Undertaker hammers away at DiBiase, going for a choke slam but DiBiase fights out of that one. Going for the Dream Street but the Undertaker backs DiBiase off into the corner and beats him with a series of throat thrusts and now the Undertaker whips DiBiase right into the opposite corner once again, before he grabs DiBiase by the throat again. Choke Slam connects this time! The fans are coming unglued tonight at Wrestlemania 27 but Brett DiBiase as the referee as Joe Hennig enters the ring and he gets throttled and drilled with a choke slam. Brett DiBiase gets pulled in and choke slammed as well but DiBiase is up and he grabs the Undertaker, before setting him up and bringing him down with the Dream Street. DiBiase has the Undertaker covered and the referee counts...two and nine tenths for the Undertaker gets the shoulder up!


DiBiase drills the Undertaker with a double axe handle right to the side of the head and now DiBiase has the Undertaker, applying the Million Dollar Dream. Shades of his father, the Million Dollar Man. DiBiase is trying to put the Undertaker out, to take the Streak. DiBiase is cranking on the hold, and the Undertaker may be fading. The fans are going absolutely insane but the Undertaker is coming back to life, fighting out of the Dream, so DiBiase suplexes him backwards right out of the Million Dollar Dream! The fans are booing as DiBiase has a smug expression on his face but the Undertaker sits up to a loud pop to the crowd. DiBiase rushes in with a kneelift to the chest and then he gives The Undertaker a huge DDT! The Undertaker is down and now DiBiase is going to the top rope. High risk move on the way and DiBiase leaps off, right into the goozle of the Undertaker! The Undertaker has DiBiase by the throat and choke slam brings him down to the canvas. The Undertaker now is slitting his throat and with both of the Fortunate Sons wiped out, the Undertaker has DiBiase one on one and now The Undertaker scoops up DiBiase, but DiBiase manages to slide out the back door and goes for a Tombstone of his own. This is how he beat the Undertaker but the Undertaker reverses it once again and Tombstones DiBiase! Arms across the chest and the Undertaker scores the pin!


Winner: The Undertaker(12:19, B+)


The Undertaker is 19-0 at Wrestlemania, the streak lives on once again. Who can really defeat the Undertaker? At this point who really knows.


We are back, with the various members of the Illuminati(minus Paul London who has been taken to the hospital) and CM Punk is looking at them, oddly calm. He talks about tonight was supposed to be the night where the Illuminati was supposed to dominate and cement their place on the top of WWE. Yet they lost every single match. Punk yells that they had it, the plan that was going on, tonight was supposed to be the end, they were supposed to be dominant and every single member of the Illuminati fumbled it. Punk yells for the Illuminati to get out of the arena and get out of his sight. He yells that tonight, he's going to show them that he can get the job done on his own. The members of the Illuminati leave, shooting Punk dirty looks, before they all walks and Punk yells at them to keep walking, because he doesn't need them.


WWE Championship Match(The Career of Shawn Michaels is also on the line and Kevin Nash is the special guest referee)

Shawn Michaels vs CM Punk©


Both men circle each other and Punk goes for Michaels at the bell but Michaels ducks the move and headlocks Punk, before flipping him down to the canvas with a side headlock takedown in an attempt to get a flash pin but Punk quickly gets out at one. Michaels jabs away at Punk, before throwing Punk into the ropes. Michaels goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks it and now Michaels drop toe holds Punk back down as he comes off of the ropes. Michaels grabs the leg of Punk and spinning toe hold is applied, before he releases and drops a pair of elbows down across the chest of Punk. Michaels beats on Punk in the corner with a series of chops, blistering his chest in the corner and Michaels throws Punk into the corner hard chest first and Michaels waistlocks Punk but Punk elbows out. Michaels fights back with an elbowsmash of his own and he sets up Punk, before slamming him down. Michaels delivers a leaping stomp down across the chest of Punk and Michaels picks up Punk and hammers away at the chest, before throwing him into the ropes. Sleeperhold from Michaels but Punk is in the ropes. Michaels jabs away at Punk some more and into the ropes. The head of Michaels is ducked and Punk kicks Michaels right in the face, setting up a kneeling jawbreaker! Punk is now in control and he picks up Michaels, headbutt rocks the challenger and now Punk with a series of knees to the chest, before he shoves Michaels into the corner. Running kneelift to the chest and Punk delivers a bulldog out of the corner. Punk rolls over Michaels and covers but only a one and a half count.


Its not going to be that easy and Punk knows it, he is beating down on Michaels, before hammering away at him with a series of chops but Michaels is firing back. Punk backs off and Michaels grabs Punk, before setting him up and inverted atomic drop. Michaels delivers an uppercut right to the chest. Another uppercut blasts Punk and Michaels is really hammering at Punk, before throwing him into the ropes. Flying forearm smash and now Michaels has Punk, measuring him, before scooping him up and slamming him down. Michaels is heading to the top rope, going for the Flying Elbow Drop but Punk rolls out of the way. Michaels lands on his feet and Punk is back to his feet. Sweet Chin Music already, no Punk quickly bolts to the floor! It could have been over just like that and now Michaels baseball slides Punk as he comes back around and Michaels hammers away at Punk, before sliding back into the ring. Michaels pulls Punk back into the ring and then vertical suplex brings him down. Michaels steps back and kick to the ribs. Another kick to the ribs of Punk and Michaels with a legsweep, before he goes around the leg and reverse figure four leglock applied! Michaels is going to try and get a submission on Punk tonight and Nash is in to check, but Punk is in the ropes. Nash, to his credit, calls the match down the middle and breaks the hold.


Michaels beats on Punk stomping him but Punk is fighting out from underneath, so Michaels applies the Cross Face Submission, working on Punk. Michaels pulls out that move, in an attempt to put Punk down to the canvas once but once again the WWE Champion is in the ropes. Michaels is battering Punk with a series of jabs, before throwing him into the ropes. Powerslam brings Punk down and Michaels cradles Punk for a two count. Michaels picks up Punk and waistlock, before pulling out a German Suplex, but Punk rolls the shoulder up at a two and a half count. More chops by Michaels rattles the chest of Punk and Michaels throws Punk into the ropes. He catches Punk in a knee crunching atomic drop and once again into the reverse figure four leglock! Michaels is really trying to put Punk away and Punk is making his way, once again getting to the ropes. Michaels picks up Punk, drilling him with a series of jabs right to the chest and throwing him into the ropes. Michaels and Punk criss cross off of the ropes and Michaels goes for a flying forearm smash, connecting but Kevin Nash gets bumped in the collision as well. Punk rolls to the floor, as Michaels checks on Nash, who looks dazed and confused, but he sees Punk recovering, so he steps up and does a tope suicida, right into a vicious and violent chairshot from Punk!


The fans explode into boos and since Nash was still down, he can't disqualify Punk! Punk asks Michaels if that was his Wrestlemania moment and he kicks Michaels right in the face, drawing more boos. We see the chair just bust right into the head of Michaels, the seat was busted right out of the frame and completely dented. We are back and Punk throws Michaels face first right into the ringsteps! Michaels rolls over, as Punk disposes of the evidence and Michaels has been split wide open, underneath his eye! The fans are booing as Punk is in the ring, with Nash managing to pull himself to his feet and Punk tells Nash to count. Michaels is dizzied, between the chairshot, the kick, and the trip into the ringsteps, he's lucky to not have a concussion, never mind the amount of blood he's losing at a rapid rate. Nash puts the count on Michaels and Michaels somehow summons the resolve to stand and he collapses on the ring apron, before dragging himself back into the ring, where Punk grabs Michaels and begins ruthlessly pounding into the side of his face, with a series of closed fisted punches. We see the blood of Michaels splattered all over the ring, all over his body, all over the blood, all over the ring apron, and now all over the fist of Punk. Punk continues to hammer away and he nails him with another kick, before he sets up Michaels and gives him a brain buster! Punk steps over to the outside, climbing to the top rope, facing the crowd and leaps off with a moonsault! Punk deliberately smashed his knees right into the head of Michaels on the way down! Shawn Michaels might be finished, and now Punk with a confident cover. Michaels brings the shoulder up at two and a half!


The fans are going insane with a loud round of cheers and now Punk picks up Michaels, before hammering away at the back of his head with a series of elbow strikes and now Punk takes him down with a clothesline. The blood splattered face of Michaels is obvious and now Punk picks up Michaels, taunting him, with a palm blow and another series of palm blows. Nash checks Michaels, it looks like his vision might be impaired as well but Michaels shakes his head, staggering from the corner and Punk beats on Michaels some more, before hitting a double underhook into a backbreaker and then sets up Michaels, applying a Texas Cloverleaf! We see the the blood stained face and chest of Michaels, as he is trying to scratch, trying to pull his way to the ropes. Punk is really trying to put Michaels in traction like he said and Michaels gets to the ropes, but Punk does and kicks Michaels right in the face, causing him to land on the outside of the floor. He lands hard on the floor and now Michaels is scooped up by Punk and driven right into the ringpost backfirst! The fans are going absolutely insane with boos and Punk slides into the ring, before he enters the ring and Nash puts the count on Michaels. Punk is going to steal this one, by forcing a countout but Michaels, somehow, someway is dragging himself to his feet and now Punk stands in the ring, before he is poised. Punk nails Michaels with his own move, the Sweet Chin Music! Michaels has been dropped to the canvas and Punk covers him once again. Once again Michaels just barely rolls the shoulder up!


Punk grabs Michaels and begins nailing him right in the side of the head with elbows but Michaels is trying to fire back and Punk fires back with a headbutt right to the face, before he throws Michaels into the corner hard. Michaels bounces out of the corner and Punk drills him with a kneelift, before going for the second rope. Tornado DDT but Michaels blocks it and Punk lands on his feet, Sweet Chin Music is avoided and Punk nails Michaels with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head! A desperation move from Michaels, and now Punk seizes the opportunity, by beating on Michaels some more and three backbreakers in succession, before he holds it, trying to snap the spine of Michaels right across the knee. Punk releases the hold and beats on Michaels. Michaels is soaked in his blood, as is Punk, the ring, the ringside area, and even Kevin Nash. Punk drills Michaels with a headbutt and rocks him with a high knee right to the face. Punk now beats on Michaels, before viciously stomping his face! Michaels is down and Punk is heading to the outside. High risk move on the way from the WWE Champion. Michaels makes it back to his feet and Punk leaps off, with Michaels catching him right with the Superkick! The fans explode with cheers and Michaels collapses, away from Punk. Nash is putting the standing ten count on both men. If he reaches ten, this match is over and since Michaels didn't win the title, his career is done. The fans are on their feet, as Michaels is scratching, crawling his way towards Punk, before he collapses on top. Two and a half when Punk just barely brings the shoulder up!


Punk is rolling to the outside and Michaels pulls himself up, the fans are chanting “H-B-K” loudly and Michaels is pulled underneath the bottom rope, to the arena floor, where Punk rams Michaels right into the top of the barricade, before picking him up and dropping him chest first down. Punk drills away at Michaels but Michaels is firing back, only with half of the shots hitting Punk due to his impaired vision. Punk steps back and just casually thumbs Michaels right in the eye, drawing boos from the crowd and Michaels staggers around, before Punk grabs Michaels and throws him headfirst into the ringpost! The blood of Michaels splatters upwards and Punk rolls into the ringside area, before he sits in the corner, pointing at Nash, telling him to count Michaels out but Nash steps over the top rope, to check on Michaels. Punk yells: “DO YOUR JOB, AND COUNT HIM OUT!” Nash returns to the ring, to tell Punk to get back into the corner and Punk raises his fist but thinks better of it. If he hits Nash, he'll get disqualified and lose the title. Despite spending almost a minute on the floor, Michaels drags his body back into the ring and now Punk walks over and DDTs Michaels down! Punk grabs Michaels and applies the Anaconda Vice. That dangerously, dangerous submission move and now Punk is really putting the pressure on, really grinding the hold in. Nash is looking at Michaels, the blood loss might have caught up to him. He checks Michaels. The arm lifts up and the arm drops down. That's one. The fans are trying to rally behind Michaels and the arm is up and the arm is down, for the second time. If the arm drops down the third time, this match is over. The arm is lifted up and Nash slowly drops it down but it only drops down halfway, with Michaels fighting his way out of the Anaconda Vice!


The hold is broken and Michaels is fighting out from underneath. The fans are going absolutely insane and Shawn Michaels is somehow, despite all that he's gone through, he is still fighting but Punk cuts his offensive flurry off with a kneelift right to the chest and then he picks up Michaels. Off into the ropes but an elbow smash is ducked and Michaels manages to hit Punk with a forearm smash, knocking him down. Michaels could not hit all that he wanted to, his aim was off but he hit enough of it to daze, Punk, to give him some time to buy and Michaels is on the canvas, his feet kicking, but he only kips halfway up, before he collapses to the canvas. Punk is back up, like a shark smelling blood and he goes right to the side of the head, with some elbow smashes, once again beating down Shawn Michaels and now Punk is nailing Michaels with some more shots right to the side of head. Now Punk is giving the signal. This could be the end for Shawn Michaels. His career could be finished right now and now Punk has Michaels on the shoulders and he hoists him up for the Go to Sleep. Michaels flips onto his feet and once again, he Superkicks Punk! The fans are exploding in cheers and Michaels collapses right on top of the body of Punk. Michaels is going to do it, he's going to do it. Michaels has scored the pin on Punk...if Punk did not drape his foot over the bottom rope at the last possible second.


The fans deflate, they thought the match is over, and Michaels looks completely drained, but he looks high above the rings, hands clasped, almost in a prayer, as he drags his limp, battered, bloodied body, trying to wipe blood away from his right eye, which looks to be have swollen shut as well, to add to the problems. Yet Michaels is drawing energy from his fans, the Kliq as he once called them, he is going to cue the band at Wrestlemania 27. He is going to deliver Sweet Chin Music to CM Punk and third time could be the charm for the challenger! Michaels is going for the Sweet Chin Music, but as he releases the ropes, he takes three steps before he collapses!The fans go into a hush and Punk is up. For a brief second, it appears as if Michaels is going to recover, but he can only summon his strength up to his knees and Punk drills Michaels right in the head with a vicious Shining Wizard! Punk covers Michaels and Kevin Nash has no choice but to count his best friend out for the three!


Winner and Still WWE Champion: CM Punk(25:41, A*)


The fans are in shock, as Punk looks smug as he has defeated Shawn Michaels and Michaels fell, having come oh so close, had he managed to hit that Sweet Chin Music, it would have been over and he still would have had a future. The entire WWE Universe is shocked, we see children and women in tears as we pan around the arena. Punk mocks them, by wiping his eyes, which draws cheers. We see Kevin Nash kneeling over Michaels, as Punk accepts his belt. What a downer ending to such a classic Wrestlemania. Punk takes the WWE Championship Belt as Michaels is sat up, as Punk steps forward, putting the belt right in front of the face of Michaels, almost rubbing the belt in his face and now Punk goes and grabs a microphone.


Punk congratulates Michaels for putting on another five star performance, for giving him a great match, for doing the best he could. “But you know what Showstopper, you know what Mr. Wrestlemania, your best wasn't good enough to win the WWE Championship from CM Punk.” Punk talks about how tonight, Shawn let his fans down and as a result, Punk is still the WWE Champion. Michaels is up on his feet. “What's the matter Shawn? Lost your smile?” Punk talks about how tonight, he out performed Shawn Michaels and the WWE Championship is still around his waist. Punk tries to lead the crowd in a chant of “H-B-K, H-B-K, H-B-K!” but gets boos and Punk talks about how the last image that they'll see of Shawn Michaels is being decimated by CM Punk at Wrestlemania 27. Punk says that there is nothing, but Michaels can do about it, nothing that he can do, tonight Punk put the bullet in the head of Shawn Michaels. Punk asks Michaels if he is going to cry and Michaels responds by Superkicking CM Punk to thunderous cheers!”


The fans are on their feet and they are rocking, really getting behind Shawn Michaels and we see Michaels stagger to the ring, helped to the back by paramedics and Kevin Nash. The fans are cheering loudly, as Michaels is slowly helped to the back, his cuts being cleaned slightly, as the fans are chanting , “Thank you Shawn!” loudly. You can barely hear yourself think, as Michaels managed to get one last shot in on CM Punk, before he was helped out. For a few minutes, Michaels is cheered.


“A loser, you people a cheering a loser!”


The fans are booing as CM Punk is back up, massaging his jaw slightly and moving his head around from side to side.


“It doesn't surprise me really. You people lived for years through Shawn Michaels but now I ripped you away from your fantasy into a harsh reality. You just had to have one final moment through your hero but in the end, it doesn't matter and I'll tell you why it doesn't matter. I'm still standing right here, I'm still the WWE Champion. I'll be here on RAW tomorrow night, still the WWE Champion. He thought he would get the last word with one cheapshot but I'm going to have the last word. I'm still the WWE Champion. There's not a single person in the back that could ever hope to beat me for this time. The show's over, thank you for tuning into Wrestlemania 27, and I'll see you on RAW. Good night to you all!”


Punk takes a step forward, still the WWE Champion but “Close Your Eyes” begins to play. The fans are on their feet and out comes Christian. Punk's eyes go wide, and he shakes his head, before he screams for Christian to get back, but Christian holds up the Money in the Bank Briefcase with a slight smirk on his face. Punk yells for the Illuminati to come out and stop him, but Punk eyes widen, when he remembers, the Illuminati had been banished from the building by him. Christian and a referee enter the ring and he hands the briefcase off and the match begins.


WWE Championship Match:

Christian vs CM Punk©


Punk goes for the attack but Christian blocks his attack with a series of punches and throws Punk off into the ropes. Punk slides to the outside and attempts to escape up the ramp but Christian leaps over the top rope, before he dives onto Punk to stop him. Christian begins to beat on Punk and rolls him back into the ring. Christian is hammering away at Punk and now Christian throws Punk into the corner. Kneelift into the corner and now Christian has Punk set up for the Killswitch but Punk shoves him off into the ropes. Kicks to the ribs on Christian and now Punk is hoisting Christian up for the GTS but Christian drops down and hooks the arms, before going for the Killswitch once again and this time he connects. Christian makes the cover hooking the leg and scores the pin.


Winner and New WWE Champion: Christian(1:21, B+)


The fans are going absolutely insane. We have a new WWE Champion here at Wrestlemania 27. Christian takes the WWE Championship. Tonight CM Punk has been hoisted upon his own petard and he is no longer the WWE Champion. Out comes Edge and Kurt Angle to celebrate with Christian and the Illuminati has shattered tonight, with them losing every match but most importantly, the crown jewel, the WWE Championship. Christian takes the WWE Championship, before he holds it over his head. Many fans obviously think this is a moment that was a long time coming. Christian celebrates with Edge and Angle as we fade out. Good night everyone.





BHK1978: 15/33

Ian Carlisle: 18/33

ChrisKid: 12/33

LulzMachine: 18/33

Kijar: 9/33


March Standings

Ian carlisle:79/115

BHK1978: 78/115

ChrisKid: 69/115

MattitudeV2: 31/115

EdgeHeaD: 21/115

Kijar: 18/115

LulzMachine: 18/115


Well Ian won and I'll be getting out your prize...I don't know when. Off to take my hiatus, see you all again someday and I hope you enjoyed Wrestlemania 27.

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ZOMG hiatus? I may not have predicted (couldn't mainly cause I am not on here regularly enough) but have caught up and basically followed "religiously", lol. I love this diary so I hope the hiatus won't take too long ^^ ... Cheers mate.
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  • 2 weeks later...

A teaser. Dynasty proper may be returning this weekend or early next week but obviously not on a real time schedule. During that time, I'll finally PM Ian the details of his prize. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. Why don't you check out Wrestlemania 26 again. The Shawn Michaels/CM Punk match might be the best match in this dynasty, but that's just my opinion.



Once again, The brand on Tuesday Nights has struck again. The ECW New Talent Initiative have brought you many big names to the forefront of WWE to the first time. Former WWE Champ CM Punk, Former United States Champion Jack Swagger, Current WWE Intercontinental Champion Evan Bourne, Braden Walker, the list goes on and on really. Yet, ECW General Manager Tommy Dreamer may have really outdone himself. See this roster of talent that will be making their grand debut on the land of Extreme in the next few weeks.


Ace Donovon and Chris Steel...The Wizards of Innovation These two young bucks are looking to make a splash in ECW, as they are looking to lock and load on the company and show their vast array of high flying moves and suplexes. Surely they have the moveset, but can they entertain? We'll find out on ECW.


”The Rottweiler” Rodriguez Erazo A nasty man of Hispanic descent, but we register he be as tough as they come, no matter what ethnic background. Boasts of a deadly lariat and the nastiest frog splash this side of the late great Eddie Guerrero. A true Rottweiler in the ring and nastier than his namesake.


”Canada's Greatest Athlete” Garrett Steen A C-O-C-K-Y competitor from North of the Border, boasts of being the greatest athlete ever to come out of Canada. He may be a larger individual but he boasts of a great high flying and technical ability, plus he can really mix it up with you.


Reginald Williams and Wade Barrett...The Squared Circle Society Two C-O-C-K-Y British gentlemen who are going to really make a splash on ECW and may have their sights set on the Unified Tag Team Titles held by the World's Greatest Tag Team. Reginald Williams is a technical wizard and Barrett is over six and a half feet tall, just ready to hurt you. They'll be a forced to reckon with on Tuesday Nights.


No doubt these six superstars will find it a tough road on ECW. While these men are hungry enough to make an impact, there is an entire locker room full of superstars, who will fight to the end for their spots.


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  • 2 weeks later...

And I'm back, Jack :)


WWE Monday Night RAW 4/4/11


Kurt Angle and Edge vs Paul Burchill and Sheamus


Kofi Kingston and John Morrison vs Unified Tag Team Champions the World's Greatest Tag Team(Non Title Match)


Mark Henry vs Cody Rhodes.


Plus all the Wrestlemania 27 fallout you can shake a stick at.

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Glad to see you back!


Kurt Angle and Edge vs Paul Burchill and Sheamus


Sorry but I cannot pick against a team with both Angle and Edge on it.


Kofi Kingston and John Morrison vs Unified Tag Team Champions the World's Greatest Tag Team(Non Title Match)


Mark Henry vs Cody Rhodes.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/4/11


We see the brand new WWE Champion Christian arriving, to a crew of wrestlers, to loud applause. The boys in the back are cheering, as Christian is walking up one by one, shaking hands with Chris Masters, Yoshi Tatsu, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Bryan Danielson, Santino Marella, and the Hurricane. Then he continues to a group with Sheamus, Paul Burchill, Cody Rhodes, Zack Ryder, Vance Archer, Rene Dupree, Robert Conway, and Ezekiel Jackson, who all look gruff but applaud the champion, showing their respect for the man who ended CM Punk's reign of terror last night at Wrestlemania 27. Then we get the divas, Melina, Gail Kim, Eve Torres, Beth Phoenix in one group, hugging Christian, with Katie Lea, Alicia Fox, and Maryse applauding Christian and Mia Mancini looking stoic, but cracking Christian in a brief smile. We see Kurt Angle and Edge at the end, applauding Christian, shaking hand and hugging them. Finally we see RAW General Manager Kevin Nash, who congratulates Christian on winning the belt, the same belt that Nash held for a year, but the easy part was over, the hard part begins, with Christian winning the belt. Christian says that he's going to take a few minutes to compose himself, before addressing his peeps and Kevin Nash nods, saying that he needs to make a huge announcement.


Out comes the RAW General Manager Kevin Nash, who announces that in four weeks time, May 1st at Extreme Rules, RAW, Smackdown, and ECW will be taking it to the Extreme, with a series of matches with stipulations to be named. More on that in the coming weeks. Nash announces that the night after Extreme Rules, will be at three hour RAW, featuring the 2011 Draft Lottery. Many of your old favorites on RAW may be finding a brand new home but there will be stars from Smackdown and ECW getting new homes. Last night was perhaps the biggest Wrestlemania of all time and the Illuminati were utterly destroyed. Kevin Nash talks about how the WWE Board of Directors have been in meetings all day. Each and every single member of the Illuminati have had their contracts null and voided, however they may sign a new one, after a period of thirty days. However, they will be on probation for the next year and in fact, will not be eligible to contend for any championships for ninety days after signing their contract. Nash adds that there is one exception and that man is the leader of the pack, the former WWE Champion CM Punk.


Nash adds that over the past year, CM Punk has done severely underhanded things. He tried to gain control of the company and he had his pack of dogs attack everyone. He also committed fraud, by setting up Vince McMahon, to look as if he had signed over the company to CM Punk and he also committed premeditated assault on Triple H, sabotaging his vehicle, causing him to suffer severe injuries. Therefore Nash states that CM Punk is not only being investigated by the law for all of his misdeeds, but he has been banned from WWE for life! The fans explode into cheers at this and Nash nods, before stating that its time to move forward and what better way to introduce the new WWE Champion, Christian!


“My Fire Burns” kicks up and that's not Christian, that's CM Punk, looking like he has not slept in the past twenty four hours and security quickly swarms Punk on the ramp, a couple of them fingering their guns and a couple pulling out pepper spray. Punk has a microphone, stating that if Kevin Nash thinks that he can just be banished, he has another thing coming. Punk states that there is one simple matter to resolve and that's the matter of his legally binding return match clause from losing the WWE Championship. Nash asks what part of “banned for life” did Punk not understand. CM Punk states that his goal was to eradicate the corrupt elements of Sports Entertainment from this company with the Illuminati but he is going to settle for bankrupting them by suing them for every single thing that he's worth. Punk talks about how he held the WWE Championship for six months and beat everyone. It was by a mere fluke that Punk lost his belt.


“Just close your eyes” by Waterproof Blond kicks up and out comes the WWE Champion Christian. Christian states that he was hear to address his peeps but CM Punk talks about how Christian should tell his peeps how he stooped to the level of someone that they despised in CM Punk. Remember, for two years, CM Punk won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and he cashed in on the Money in the Bank, winning the championship against a vulnerable champion. Punk talks about how the show as over, he had the belt, Christian caught him off guard. Christian will never be taken seriously as WWE Champion because he never beat the champion legit. Christian just looks at CM Punk, as he tells Nash to give CM Punk one more match in the company and to put the WWE Championship on the line. Punk looks smug but Christian says that he can beat Punk at any time and there's no better time that tonight. CM Punk says that tonight Christian will be right next to Ivan Koloff and Stan Stasiak in the record books, when the WWE Championship comes back to Punk, a one note wonder. Nash makes the match, very reluctantly, stating that he could lose his job or worse get a cut in pay, if he gave this match against CM Punk. The match is made, one on one, for the WWE Championship, with Christian putting the WWE Championship on the line against CM Punk.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Kofi Kingston and John Morrison when Haas pinned Kofi with the German Suplex 9:15 The fans are going absolutely insane, with Kofi Kingston and John Morrison against the World's Greatest Tag Team. Kofi seems to play nice with the World's Greatest Tag Team but when Morrison is in, he roughly beats on the champions, perhaps in a bad mood for some reason. Morrison gets cut off and double teamed but he makes the hot tag and Kofi runs wild, taking out the World's Greatest Tag Team. He hits the Boom Drop to Charlie Haas but Benjamin is on the top rope. Morrison runs up and shoves Benjamin off, causing him to be crotched on the top rope. Kofi is a bit distracted, checking on Benjamin, and this allows Haas to step in and hit the German Suplex on Kofi for the pin. (B-)


Benjamin limps into the ring and they help Kofi Kingston up and they shake hands and then Morrison stands on the other side of the ring. The World's Greatest Tag Team offer him handshakes as a sign of respect, but Morrison turns and blows them off, yelling that he's sick of all of this and sick of taking a backseat. Obviously John Morrison's slump since winning the main event of Wrestlemania 26 and the World Heavyweight Title is starting to get to him. He's fallen short of winning Money in the Bank as well and he's had a very lopsided win-loss record, more towards the loss column.


Out comes Cody Rhodes, talking about how his father might have been the American Dream, but he's America's Dream, with looks so good that they could only be God given. Cody Rhodes talks about how he has his sights set on the United States Championship and he tells Kurt Angle to watch this match closely, as the United States Championship should be around the waist of someone who has wrestling in his veins, not someone who's entire career has been defined by a piece of tin.


Cody Rhodes pinned Mark Henry with the Cross Rhodes in 7:11 Cody Rhodes showed that he's not someone to be taken lightly, getting the win over the World's Strongest Man. An avalanche is narrowly avoided and Rhodes snaps off the Cross Rhodes for the pin. (C+)


Mia Mancini made Alicia Fox tap out to a guillotine choke in 3:21 We see insert promos by Beth Phoenix and Katie Lea, who talk about their number one contenders match, where the winner faces Mia Mancini for the belt at Extreme Rules. Mancini gets the win, proving that she can stand on her own as Undisputed Women's Champion without Maryse and perhaps her second run will be more respectable than her first. (C-)


We see Kurt Angle and Edge standing by with Josh Mathews, with Kurt Angle talking about his United Sates Championship win against Jack Swagger last night and Edge talking about how he finally avenged his injuries at the hands of Hernandez, beating him in a Stretcher Match. Suddenly, we see Paul Burchill, who talks about how he's been given the short change on RAW, despite beating some of their golden boys. Burchill says that he wants a WWE Championship Title Shot or to get drafted to a show that will better appreciate his talents. Edge talks about how Burchill hasn't done much on RAW lately, he did make to Wrestlemania but he didn't even come close to winning Money in the Bank. Sheamus shows up, telling Burchill don't worry about it, they can take out these two brittle necked fellas and the WWE will have no choice but to give them their just do. Angle says that he'll do his talking in the ring.


Kurt Angle and Edge defeated Sheamus and Paul Burchill when Kurt Angle pinned Burchill with a spear into a roll up in 12:11 Sheamus and Burchill are two young men who have chips on their shoulder, looking to try to make a name for themselves, post Wrestlemania 27, with the dismantling and banishment of the entire Illuminati freeing up some room for certain WWE Superstars to make a name for themselves. Edge suffered a severe beating, but he manages to make a hot tag to Angle, completely beaten. Angle runs wild with suplexes. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Angle and Angle nearly gets pinned by Burchill. Burchill and Sheamus have the meeting of the minds and Edge manages to Spear Burchill, allowing Angle to roll him up for the pin. (B)


We see Burchill jump Edge after the bell but Kurt Angle manages to fight him off with forearms and headbutts him to the floor. Angle takes the United States Title and Edge is down on the canvas, but manages to pull himself up. Edge hatefully stares down at Burchill, who yells that he'll break Edge when Angle isn't there to protect him.


Last night, one of the greatest superstars of all time, Shawn Michaels had his final match, against CM Punk for the WWE Champion. He stole the show and very nearly pulled off a victory, but CM Punk beat Shawn Michaels in the end. Shawn Michaels declined to give further comments to WWE, when he left the stage at Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels truly left the building for good. There will never be another Shawn Michaels and we in WWE thank him for his years of service and wish him the best in his retirement years. We see an extended video package of all of the career highlights of Shawn Michaels, with the chants of “Thank you Shawn” and “H-B-K” from last night over it.


WWE Champion Christian pinned CM Punk with the Killswitch in 15:15 CM Punk attacked Christian on the ramp and nailed him with a series of vicious shots, before throwing him into the ring, beating on him, gaining a series of quick nearfalls but Christian fires back. Superplex connects from Punk as Christian goes up top. Punk continues to go to work on Christian, Anaconda Vice applied but Christian powers out. Reverse DDT and Frog Splash but Punk kicks out. Punk reverses a Killswitch and then kicks Christian in the ribs, before hitting a lariat and a Shining Wizard. GTS is reversed into a sunset flip and Punk nails Christian. Punk hits a springboard elbow drop and a moonsault, but still its not enough to put down Christian. The fans are going absolutely insane as Christian reverses the second GTS into a swinging DDT. Christian then flips the switch to score the pin and CM Punk's last chance is done! (A)


We have just seen an epic encounter and security is out, to drag CM Punk out. Punk tries to fight them but he is dragged off. Christian leads the fans in chants of, “na, na, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, good bye.” John Morrison jumps Christian from behind! Christian is beaten down and Morrison picks up the WWE Championship and nails Christian with the gold! John Morrison yells that it should have been him and “this should be mine”, obviously thinking that he should have been the man to win Money in the Bank and beat Punk for the title last night. Morrison puts the belt on Christian's face and hits the Starship Pain, driving the belt into the face of Christian! The fans are going insane with boos as we fade out, with Christian laid out, perhaps with a busted nose at the hands of John Morrison.





BHK1978: 2/3

ChrisKid: 3/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

Tiberius Bombard: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3



ChrisKid: 3/3

Ian carlisle: 3/3

Tiberius Bombard: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

BHK1978: 2/3

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW on Sy Fy 4/5/11</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the ECW Television Title:</p><p>

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Drew McIntyre.</p>

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy Fy 4/5/11</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

We see the new ECW Champion Matt Hardy walk down to the ring, to a reaction that is mixed, with some boos, but some cheers as well. Last Sunday, Matt Hardy won the ECW Championship in an I Quit Match, after Paul London gave up to avoid being thrown off of the top of the Titan Tron, but then Matt Hardy in a sadistic and cold blooded display of brutality threw Paul London off of the Titan Tron below. London suffered a cracked skull, several broken ribs, spinal trauma, a punctured lung, two broken arms, and two broken legs. It will be some time before he's able to walk again but it could have turned out rather ugly. If London had not been in tip top condition, we shudder to think. ECW will not show Matt Hardy's violent actions on this show or on any future broadcast. </p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy talks about how last Sunday, he went on the Internet, hoping to see the fans rejoicing about what he did to Paul London, but he saw fans condemning what he did, saying that it was out of line and tasteless. Hardy talks about how thought the fans of ECW were extreme. He talks about how they've gone soft. Matt Hardy talks about at one time, he had hopes, he had dreams, but now he's beaten down and broken down. The Illuminati attacked him and tried to end his career, and WWE did not lift a finger, but when Hardy gives London his receipt, he's condemned. Then again, Hardy should not be surprised. For years, the fans have disrespected him and the boys in the back have tried to keep Hardy down. Matt Hardy yells that he's given his blood, his sweat, and his tears to the business and he's busted up, battered, and he aged fifty years in ten. He says that now the wrestlers in the back refuse to wrestle Matt Hardy, because he's dangerous and unstable. Hardy says that he's not unstable, he's extreme, he's the epitome of what ECW once was and should be. </p><p> </p><p>

Brian Kendrick gets up from the announcer's table and states that he's done some shady things in his time, but there is an unspoken agreement in that locker room to stop short of cold blooded murder. That's what Matt Hardy tried to do last Sunday, he tried to murder Paul London live on Pay Per View and had London hit a bit harder, it would have ended badly. Kendrick says that London's his friend, they rode up and down the road. Hardy talks about how Kendrick is now a broadcaster on ECW, because he can't hack it in the ring. Hardy says that since no wrestler in the back seems to want to face him, how about the broadcaster give it a try? Brian Kendrick says that if Hardy wants a fight, he'll get one. Extreme Rules for the ECW Championship and Hardy accepts, telling that if Kendrick is lucky, he'll be in traction right next to Paul London. If he is lucky. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>The Wizards of Innovation defeated The Dudebusters when Ace Donovon pinned Caylen Croft with a Phoenix Splash that was set up by a top rope reverse Frankensteiner in 6:14</strong></span> The Wizards of Innovation are a pair of young bucks that really are trying to take advantage of the ECW New Talent Iniative. An insane tag team match, with the Wizards looking rather impressive, with lots of insane moves. Josh Mathews and Matt Striker on commentary talk about how its going to take more than a flashy move set to get far in ECW, and how the Wizards of Innovation will be able to advance when adapting to the WWE Style. Ace Donovon launches Chris Storm into reverse Frankensteiner onto Croft and then Storm kips up into a swanton bomb to Baretta over the top rope onto the arena floor and Donovon leas up, hitting the Phoenix Splash. <strong>(D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see Wade Barrett, who talks for a while, before introducing his partner, Reginald Douglas. They are the Squared Circle Society and they are going to storm ECW and take the Unified Tag Team Titles, putting the World's Greatest Tag Team on notice. We'll get our first look at the Squared Circle Society next week when they are in action on ECW on Sy Fy. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Curt Hawkins pinned Justin Gabriel after holding the tights on a Victory Roll in 7:11</strong></span> Curt Hawkins is back after a long lay off and ready for a fresh start as part of the ECW roster. Gabriel looked ready to dazzle Hawkins, but he made a crucial error and the Victory Roll is reversed for the pin. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see Garrett Steen make his way out. He's Canada's Greatest Athlete ever, the greatest sports entertainer to ever come out of Canada, better than Bret Hart, better than Chris Jericho, better than Christian, and better than Edge. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Garrett Steen pinned Jimmy Yang Yang with a fisherman cradle into a Michinoku Driver in 4:11</strong></span> The resident Redneck of ECW took it to Steen and gave him a few anxious moments, but in the end, Steen hit a pair of lariats, an elbow smash and hits a fisherman cradle into a Michinoku Driver for the pin. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Goldust joins us for some color commentary for the next match, the winner facing him for the ECW Television Championship next week.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Drew McIntyre pinned Bubba Ray Dudley with the Future Shock in 15:11</strong></span> The veteran Bubba Ray Dudley really took it to McIntyre but the youth and determination of McIntyre showed through. Bubba fought back and hits a spinebuster, before going for a senton but McIntyre rolled out of the way and hit the Future Shock for the pin. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

McIntrye gets in the face of Goldust and says that he's going to have gold around his waist, when he takes the ECW Television Championship next week.McIntyre slaps Goldust and Goldust fires back, brawling with McIntyre. McIntyre slams Goldust into the steps and nails him with the Future Shock DDT on the padded mats, before he holds up the ECW Television Championship, saying that he'll take it next week. </p><p> </p><p>

We see the World's Greatest Tag Team in a prerecorded interview. Haas and Benjamin talk about how finally, after eight years, they have the belts back and are winning to take on all comers. They vow to defend the titles night in and night out on RAW, Smackdown, and ECW. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Matt Hardy pinned Brian Kendrick after the Twist of Fate off of the top rope on a set up Steel chair in 18:51 to keep the ECW Championship. </strong></span> Kendrick attacks Hardy at the bell, but Hardy fights back and throws Kendrick over the top rope, causing him to be hung by the top rope by his neck and Hardy removes his belt, whipping Kendrick like a dog as he is hung up. Hardy removes the padded mats and gives Kendrick a pair of suplexes on the arena floor. Hardy slams Kendrick right on top of the ring steps, throwing his mean streak and chokes Kendrick. Extreme Rules, so all the referee could do is plead for Hardy. Kendrick manages to rally behind the fans and fight back. He grabs a Singapore Cane and goes to work on Hardy. Hardy counters the Sliced Bread #2 by hanging onto the ropes and goes for the Rear Naked Choke but Kendrick flips into a bridge for a nearfall and then applies a cobra clutch, trying to put Hardy out but Hardy manages to pull the referee in, causing a collision and then leaves the ring, returning with a chair and giving Kendrick a sick chair shot right to the spine and then putting him on the top rope, with the chair set up and super Twist of Fate, bouncing Kendrick's head off of the chair. This is enough to get the pin. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are going absolutely nuts as Hardy begins to beat on Kendrick with punches and then puts the chair over his neck, before dropping a knee onto the chair, snapping it shut! The fans are going absolutely insane with boos and now Hardy is back, with the hammer to the ring bell and he grabs the claw of the hammer, before he digs it right into the eye socket of Kendrick, in an attempt to remove his eye ball. Matt Hardy has lost his mind and security comes out to pull Hardy off, before he can do much damage. Kendrick is screaming in pain, clutching his eye and now the paramedics come to check him, but Hardy breaks free, kicking Kendrick to the floor, before hitting a Twist of Fate right on the steel ramp. </p><p> </p><p>

Kendrick has been obliterated by that move and now the paramedics move in and begin to carefully put Kendrick right on the stretcher, but Hardy has the nightstick from one of the security guards and begins to beat up the paramedics, before he pulls Kendrick down the ramp, strapped on the stretcher, unable to defend himself. Hardy beats up Kendrick with his belt some more, raising welts on his chest and now Hardy looks to the Titan Tron with a sadistic look on his face and he starts to climb up. Hardy is now on the halfway point and <strong>he dives halfway up the titan tron with a super legdrop!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The stretcher breaks in half and Kendrick's back and ribs might of as well. Blood gushes from his mouth and now Matt Hardy stands over him, before he grabs the microphone and calmly asks, "Was that too extreme for you?" He walks off, as the fans are booing and the paramedics that were supposed to be helping might need medical attention themselves. We see the ECW General Manager Tommy Dreamer walk out and begin yelling at Matt Hardy, nearly getting in his face, but security is now out with reenforcements, as Dreamer looks like he was about to take a shot at the ECW Champion. We fade to black on this note.</p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 0/1</p><p>

ChrisKid: 1/1</p><p>

Ian carlisle: 1/1</p><p>

Tiberius Bombard: 1/1</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 1/1</p><p> </p><p>


ChrisKid: 4/4</p><p>

Ian carlisle: 4/4</p><p>

Tiberius Bombard: 4/4</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 4/4</p><p>

BHK1978: 2/4</p>

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<p><strong>WWE Superstars 4/7/11</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson vs Vance Archer.</p><p> </p><p>

Yoshi Tatsu vs Zack Ryder.</p><p> </p><p>

David Otunga vs Tyler Reks.</p><p> </p><p>

Primo vs Finlay.</p>

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I should have known Bubba was not going to win. However, I really like what he has been doing in TNA recently (Which is odd because I have never been a fan of his going back to ECW.) and I thought it might translate here. Guess not...:D


Bryan Danielson vs Vance Archer.


Yoshi Tatsu vs Zack Ryder.


David Otunga vs Tyler Reks.


Primo vs Finlay.

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