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WWE Smackdown 1/8/10


Tonight, Eric Escobar has the toughest test in his short career, against the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, the Undertaker. Also Drew McIntyre faces off against Booker T, CM Punk takes on Finlay, and much more tonight. Let’s get down to the ring for the first match, between Batista and Kane.


Kane vs. Batista


Kane unloads on Batista at the bell but an Irish Whip into the steps on the floor swings things back into the favor of Batista. Batista works over the ribs of Kane, that are still injured from that table’s match at TLC. Batista continues to destroy Kane for most of this match but Kane kicks Batista in the face and a pair of clotheslines. Yakuza Kick and a side slam, before Kane climbs to the top rope but Batista crotches Kane and slams him off. A vicious spear destroys Kane and two spine busters, before Batista gives Kane the thumbs down and delivers a deadly Batista Bomb. Kane is smashed into the canvas and Batista covers Kane to score the pin.


Winner: Batista(8:29, B)


Afterwards, Batista cuts a promo, talking about how he’s won the Royal Rumble before in 2005 and he can do it again, this year. Batista says whoever the champion is, he will see them in the main event at Wrestlemania 26 and he leaves the ring, to grab a chair which he plasters Kane with. Kane has been taken down and Batista has made a statement leading into the Royal Rumble.


***********************Commercial Break*********************


John Morrison vs. Alex Riley


Riley is the newest member of the Smackdown roster but he is no match for Morrison, who wrestles circles around Riley. A nice springboard kick sets up the Starship Pain for the pin.


Winner: John Morrison(3:21, D)


John Morrison has won the match and will be one of the thirty men in the Royal Rumble. Could 2010 be the year that John Morrison shoots all the way to the top?


We see Vickie Guerrero backstage at catering when Chris Jericho confronts her. Jericho talks about that her man Eric Escobar has a match with the Undertaker and hints that if Escobar could somehow injure the Undertaker, then the number one contendership at the Royal Rumble would be up for grabs and a young, ambitious superstar like Escobar could move into that slot. Vickie seems enamored about the possibility of managing the World Heavyweight Champion and Jericho gives her a present that will help Escobar accomplish his goal. Vickie opens it and it’s a pair of brass knuckles. An evil calculating grin appears on Vickie’s face as we fade out.


******************Commercial Break***********************


Mike Knox cuts a prerecorded promo prior to the next match, talking about how there are nineteen ways to pop a knee directly out of its socket. Shad will be kept guessing what one Knox intends to use tonight.


Shad vs. Mike Knox


Knox and Shad have a rough brawl, with both men trading punches and kicks. Knox gains the advantage, taking Shad down to the canvas but JTG runs out and leaps off the top rope, with a missile dropkick for the disqualification!


Winner By Disqualification: Mike Knox(4:04, D+)


Knox is being double teamed by Cryme Tyme after the bell and a double flapjack brings Knox down. Knox rolls over and JTG has a pair of scissors! The fans are cheering, as Shad grabs a handful of Knox’s beard! Cryme Tyme are going to cut off Mike Knox’s beard! Knox’s manages to avoid the inevitable, grand theft beard, as he fights them both off, before rolling to the floor. Cryme Tyme stand in the ring, as Knox holds his still intact beard.


**************Commercial Break*******************


CM Punk is out to the ring, talking about how as usual he’s surrounded by low lifes, drug addicts, and degenerates. Punk reminds us that he plans to be the first ever straight edge winner of the Royal Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania 26 to challenge for the championship in the main event. Punk talks about his opponent for tonight, Finlay, is an Irish Man and the Irish are quite fond of drinking. Punk is appalled that he has to lower himself to this but he will show the world why straight edge means Punk is better than him.


Finlay vs. CM Punk


Finlay beats on Punk at the bell, throwing him into the corner hard and waffling him with a clothesline. Stomps in the corner and Finlay slams Punk down, before hoisting himself up using the top rope and driving both knees into the stomach of Punk. Finlay assaults Punk with a series of forearms right to the chest and into the ropes. Finlay ducks the head and Punk kicks him in the face twice. He goes for a kick but Finlay blocks it and Punk hits a stepover spin kick on Finlay. Punk beats down Finlay with elbow strikes to the head and dropkicks Finlay into the corner. Leaping knee smash in the corner sets up a bulldog to Finlay for a two count. Punk steps to the outside and springboard legdrop to the chest of Finlay for another two count. Pulling Finlay up and Punk hammers away at him. Tilt a whirl backbreaker and Punk applies a neck crank, working over Punk. This move is applied for some time, but Finlay fires out.


Finlay pounds away at Punk and hard into the corner. Punk is slumped in the corner and Finlay waffles Punk with a clothesline to the back of the head. Belly to back suplex brings Punk down and Finlay rolls Punk over, hammering him with stiff forearms, raising welts on the back of Punk, before taking him over with a suplex. Finlay motions for Punk to get up and Punk is up, getting waffled with an uppercut that nearly knocks Punk’s nose off of his face. A cover by Finlay but a two count only. Finlay picks up Punk and scoops him up for the Celtic Cross but Punk drops down. Waistlock but Finlay elbows him right in the face. Finlay drills Punk with a kneelift right to the face! Finlay beats on Punk in the corner but the referee forces him out. Punk kicks Finlay in the face as he comes back in, before he scoops up the legs of Finlay and scores the pin with his feet on the middle rope!


Winner: CM Punk(12:08, B)


Finlay is not pleased and he grabs his shillelagh is Punk is celebrating and as Punk turns around, he is struck right in the head with it. Punk drops to the canvas as Finlay stands over him. Punk has been knocked unconscious and Finlay gets on the microphone, telling Punk that next time they fight, he’ll beat Punk so badly that he’ll be forced to take prescription painkillers. The fans cheer big time for that. Finlay leaves the ring as Punk clutches his head in th erring.


********************Commercial Break**************************


Mickie James and Beth Phoenix vs. Layla and Michelle McCool


This is Michelle’s first match back in a couple of months and Mickie was trapped in the ring for most of the match, double teamed by Michelle and Layla, but she flies out with a leaping clothesline, wiping both of her opponents out. Tag made to Beth Phoenix, who runs wild, taking both of her opponent’s out. Michelle bails and this leads to Beth laying out Layla with the Glam Slam for the pin.


Winners: Beth Phoenix and Mickie James(5:52, C-)


Michelle McCool escapes up the ramp with the WWE Women’s Title but there will be nowhere to run at the Royal Rumble, where Michelle has to finally put her belt on the line against the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix.


The Hart Dynasty cut a promo backstage, hyping up their involvement in the Royal Rumble. They say they’re going to work together and eliminate twenty eight other men and then may the better man win. They also talk about their triple threat tag match on Monday, with Legacy and DX and vow to beat the two top teams on RAW in one fell swoop.


***********************Commercial Break*******************


Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, talking up his involvement in the Royal Rumble and promising victory, saying that Mr. McMahon called him a future World Champion and at the Rumble, that prediction will take the first step of coming true, when McIntyre defeats twenty nine other men. Out comes Booker T to interrupt, saying that he’s going to win the Royal Rumble and calls McIntyre nothing but a corporate puppet. Both men banter back and forth for a bit and the bell rings, kicking off this match.


Booker T vs. Drew McIntyre


McIntyre and Booker T brawl at the bell. McIntyre throws Booker into the corner hard but Booker comes back with a reverse kick. McIntyre is doubled over and Booker hammers him with chops, before throwing him into the ropes. Leaping forearm smash brings McIntyre down and Booker picks him up, before hammering away at the back of the head but McIntyre hits a pair of clotheslines. Belly to back suplex brings Booker down to the canvas. McIntyre rolls over Booker and drills him with a series of forearms across the back. Snake eyes drop in the corner and McIntyre hits a series of kneelifts in the corner. He delivers a gutbuster bringing Booker down for a two count. Running forearm to the face and McIntyre slams Booker down to the canvas. McIntyre picks up Booker but clothesline is ducked and Booker dropkicks McIntyre down to the canvas.


McIntyre is up and Booker hammers away at him, before drilling a kneelift into his midsection. Scissors kick down across the back of the head of McIntyre and Booker rolls him over, to get a two and a half count. Booker backs up and leaping kneedrop right to the chest. McIntyre is picked up and into the ropes. Leaping side kick brings McIntyre down! McIntyre is on the canvas and Booker kneels on the canvas, looking at his hand, before he does the spinaroonie. Booker bounces up and gets kicked by McIntyre right in the chest, doubling him over. Double Underhook DDT brings Booker down! McIntyre rolls Booker over and scores the pin!


Winner: Drew McIntyre(10:55, B+)


McIntyre gets the win tonight and backs off, before leaving the ring, as he remains undefeated in one on one competition on Smackdown.


Coming up next, Eric Escobar has a tough test against the Undertaker. More Smackdown right after this in our main event.


*************************Commercial Break********************


Chris Jericho joins Todd Grisham and Matt Striker at ringside for commentary. Jericho says the critics will be forced to eat their words at the Royal Rumble, when Jericho brings down the Undertaker. He brings up the fact that everyone says that Jericho would not have been able to pin the Undertaker back at Survivor Series had the Big Show not knocked him out but Jericho is going to beat the Undertaker, adding him to the list of big time superstars that Jericho has beaten one on one. He’s beaten Austin, he’s beaten Rock, he’s beaten Triple H, he’s beaten Shawn Michaels, he’s beaten Cena, the list goes on and on.


The Undertaker vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Escobar attacks the Undertaker but gets beaten. Vickie distracts the Undertaker and the referee, allowing Escobar to put on the brass knuckles that Jericho gave to Vickie earlier and Escobar hits the Undertaker them. The Undertaker goes down and Escobar raises his hands into the air, but the Undertaker sits up! The Undertaker is back on his feet and grabs Escobar by the throat. Escobar begs off and the Undertaker choke slams Escobar down! The announcers wonder if this could be Chris Jericho at the Royal Rumble and Jericho freaks out, as the Undertaker scoops up Escobar. Vickie shrieks, as the Undertaker hits the Tombstone and crosses the arms across the chest, to score the pin!


Winner: The Undertaker(3:02, B-)


The lights are dimmed, as the Undertaker celebrates, but Chris Jericho rushes to the ring and attacks the Undertaker with a shot with the World Heavyweight Championship belt!. The Undertaker has been taken out and Jericho stomps the Undertaker! The fans are booing, as Jericho delivers the Code Breaker on the Undertaker! The lights come back on and the Undertaker is laid out. Jericho yells, telling the Undertaker to sit up from that but the Undertaker has been taken out. The announcers wonder if Jericho is right, if he can defeat the Undertaker!

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Smackdown Results:


Rayelek: 6/6

MartinC: 4/6

TracyBrooksFan: 4/6



Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 14/22

Rayelek: 12/22

MartinC: 9/22

BHK1978: 6/22

MattitudeV2: 4/22

Lo-Drew: 3/22

TheOmniWarrior: 3/22


WWE Monday Night RAW:


Unified Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match:

DeGeneration X vs. Legacy vs. the Hart Dynasty©


Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton


Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger


John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Jillian(Non Title Match)

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Unified Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match:

DeGeneration X vs. Legacy vs. the Hart Dynasty©


Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton


Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger


John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Jillian(Non Title Match)


I don't think that Jillian will win but I love her gimmick.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/11/10


We cut to the back, where Legacy is arriving and immediately Kofi Kingston rushes to the back, with a pipe in hand! Orton barely avoids getting smashed with a pipe, causing it to smash against the side of the car. Rhodes and DiBiase follow their leader into the building, as Kofi rushes after them going into the building, but security is there to hold off Kofi Kingston. Kofi thrashes and tries to get at Orton, for Orton punting Ricky Steamboat in the head last week but security will not let him up.


Jillian vs. WWE Diva’s Champion Melina(Non Title Match)


Jillian got in some offense but Melina eventually got the better of her, hitting the Primal Scream for the pin.


Winner: Melina(3:03, D)


After the match, Katie Lea Burchill rushes in to attack Melina. The WWE Diva’s Champion fights back, as they exchange punches, with Melina getting the better for the moment but Katie hits a kick to the stomach, before she turns Melina and plants her with an inverted DDT, laying her out in the center of the ring. Katie Lea holds up the WWE Diva’s Title belt in the air and then drops it on Melina’s downed body, walks out.


We cut to the back where our RAW guest host, Chuck Norris, is making his way through the locker room area. Our guest host will have several announcements for the card tonight. Don’t go away.


**************************Commercial Break*************************


A clip of Chuck Norris holding off interference in the 1994 Survivor Series is shown, with the Undertaker beating Yokozuna in a Casket Match.


Out comes Chuck Norris to much fan fare. The RAW guest host talks about how tonight will be a big night, as it has been each and every week for the past sixteen years on RAW. He takes time to hype up the Triple Threat Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles between the Hart Dynasty, Legacy, and DX. Also Paul Burchill and John Cena go one on one tonight. He adds that’s not all. Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston have been going at each other’s throats for weeks now. They will have a match at the Royal Rumble but as of tonight, they are banned in laying one hand on each other. Norris adds that if they want to get their aggressions out, they can do so when Kofi Kingston takes on Jack Swagger and Randy Orton goes one on one with “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry. Norris says tonight’s show will be big and tells the WWE Universe to enjoy the show.


Jack Swagger is standing backstage, with Todd Grisham. Swagger says its nice that someone finally remembers that he exists and “The All American American” is now on RAW. Swagger says everyone is talking about how Kofi Kingston is the fastest rising star on RAW. Well, Jack Swagger is going to show them different when he stops Kofi’s rise tonight. He also announces his participation in the Royal Rumble and vows victory.


*********************Commercial Break******************


Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger


Swagger was not kidding when he said he was ready to make a statement at the expense of Kofi Kingston. He beat up Kofi in the center of the ring, battering him. A huge tilt a whirl is countered into a spinning headscissors and Kofi gets a comeback, but not for long, as Swagger cuts him off with a clothesline and pump splash out of the corner gets a two count. Going for the Gutwrench but Kofi slides down and Swagger turns around, before he eats the Trouble in Paradise which gets the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(7:04, C)


Kofi has proven that he can take out pretty much anyone with that Trouble in Paradise. Swagger suffered it tonight, as did the Big Show last week. If he hits the move on Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble it could be lights out for the viper.


We cut backstage, where Chavo Guerrero is carrying several heavy bags, as Hornswoggle directs traffic. Santino arrives, laughing and making fun of Chavo, but unfortunately, Hornswoggle has ordered Chavo not to beat on Santino, so he has to take all of Santino’s mocking, including a barrage of Kerwin White references. Santino informs Chavo that he should get ready for their match tonight, because they’re up next. Chuck Norris made Santino and Chavo against Carlito and Chris Masters. Chavo says he doesn’t care what Chuck Norris said and vows to kick his ass. Santino looks appalled that Chavo would suggest such a thing, informing Chavo that when the Boogeyman goes to sleep, he looks for Chuck Norris in his close. Chavo’s legs buckle underneath the heavy suit cases and they burst open to reveal nothing but rocks and bricks. Hornswoggle and Santino exchange a low five, as Chavo looks to be in for a long month of misery.


********************Commercial Break************************


Santino Marella and Chavo Guerrero(w/Hornswoggle) vs. Chris Masters and Carlito


Santino spends most of this match, being beaten, as Chavo looks on with glee at the ring apron but is forced to break up a pinfall by Hornswoggle. Of course, Chavo feigns an ankle injury, allowing Masters and Carlito to beat down Santino but Santino fires up and makes the hot tag to Chavo. Chavo enters the ring and does a half hearted running wild, but gets taken out by Masters. Santino enters the ring and attacks Masters, as the referee forces Masters back into the corner. Hornswoggle enters the ring and Santino grabs Hornswoggle, before throwing him head first into the crotch of Carlito! Carlito is doubled over and Chavo delivers a sunset flip to Carlito, to score the pin as the referee turns around!


Winners: Chavo Guerrero and Santino(4:04, C)


Chavo looks shocked and in aw! He actually won a match after the first time in many months, doing a little dance in celebrationbut Masters takes Chavo to the floor, before he beats on Santino and applies the Masterlock! Hornswoggle attempts to help but Carlito grabs him. Carlito is going to get some revenge on Hornswoggle but Evan Bourne rushes down to the ring before the lepracauncide can be preformed and dropkicks Carlito to the floor. Carlito and Bourne have been having their problems on Superstars as of late and now Bourne knocks Carlito to the floor, before diving onto him with a springboard shooting star press to the floor! Carlito has been wiped out, as Hornswoggle is now biting Chris Masters, which breaks the Masterlock! Masters turns around and Santino delivers a low blow. Masters is stunned, as this allows Hornswoggle, Santino, and a conflicted Chavo go to the back.


Paul Burchill and John Cena are making their way to the ring. That match is next.




John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


Cena gets a brief flurry at the bell but Burchill nearly takes his head off with a huge clothesline. Burchill utterly destroys Cena for most of this match, with power moves. Cena valiantly fights, but he eats a knee smash right to the face and a huge side slam but Cena manages to kick out. Burchill beats on Cena some more and into the ropes. Huge powerslam brings Cena down for a nearfall. He beats on Cena some more but Cena looks to be out of it. Burchill pulls up Cena but gets small packaged for the pin!


Winner: John Cena(6:14, B)


Burchill is back up immediately and he mows down Cena with a clothesline! Burchill hoists up Cena and gives him a Snake Eyes into the turnbuckles, before grabbing him and snapping him down with a vicious STO! Burchill turns Cena over and Curb Stomps him down! Burchill hoists up Cena onto his shoulders and gives him an Attitude Adjustment of his own, only more vicious(more like a Death Valley Driver than a fireman’s carry bodyslam). Burchill gets to the microphone and says that Cena might have a little mark next to his victory column, but tonight Burchill’s going back to his hotel room while Cena’s going to the emergency room. Burchill says that he’s not done with Cena yet and he will not rest until he’s no longer able to get into a WWE ring.


****************************Commercial Break********************


We see footage of moments ago with that vicious beating and Cena being carried from the ring during the break.


Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring with a microphone having a few words to say before his match with Mark Henry. Orton says he’s going to beat Henry, just like he’ll beat Kofi Kingston. Then, he’s coming for the WWE Championship but that’s later. Apparently, some feathers were ruffled when Orton made a comment about the Rock last week. Orton says that the rumors were true, WWE was going to bring in the Rock for a guest host spot on RAW and Orton says that he strongly recommends that WWE officials reconsider. Orton says the Rock ran off to Hollywood, not to make movies, not to make money, but because he was afraid. He was afraid of Randy Orton. Afraid that Orton would expose him in the ring. Orton says that the Rock knew that when Randy Orton came up, his time as the top star was over and it was time to tuck his tail between his legs and run off to Hollywood. Orton says he’s struck down legend after legend, top star after top star, for the past eight years. Orton talks some more trash about the Rock before his microphone is suddenly cut and Mark Henry makes his way down to the ring. The announcers once again apologize about Randy Orton’s comments and hope that they have not caused any snags in negotiations to get the Rock live on RAW to be the Guest Host.


Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton


Orton used his cunning to take Henry down but Henry fought back with some impressive power offense. A Gorilla Press and Henry works over Orton in the corner. Orton is taken down with a powerslam and a splash, with Orton just barely able to get on the ropes. Orton just gets to the apron and Henry grabs him, but Orton thumbs him in the eye and snaps the throat of Henry over the top rope. Orton enters the ring and takes out Henry with the RKO to score the pin!


Winner: Randy Orton(5:41, B)


Sheamus comes out after the match, as Orton walks off, with the win. Henry is on his feet and Sheamus takes him out with a big boot! Sheamus stands over Mark Henry, talking trash. Another feud that has been brewing a bit recently with Sheamus and Mark Henry and both of these titans are in the Royal Rumble Match, so they could very well lock up.


*******************Commercial Break**************************


Festus vs. the Big Show


Festus is all fired up at the bell but he runs into a knockout punch from the Big Show which gets the easy pin.


Winner: The Big Show(0:14, C+)


The Big Show cuts a promo, vowing to win the Royal Rumble. He also talks about how he may use his victory to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown, if Chris Jericho is the champion because Show has some unfinished business with Jericho after he stabbed Show in the back at Survivor Series. Show says there isn’t a man who can put him over the top rope and he walks out.


We cut backstage, where Chavo looks to be about ready to give Chuck Norris a peace of his mind, but Carlito enters the office. Norris gets on his feet and Carlito yells at Norris, demanding that he would reverse the decision, because Santino and Chavo used a foreign object in Hornswoggle to beat him. Norris refuses to do so and Carlito gets the apple, but Norris grabs it from him and eats Carlito’s apple. The fans in the arena cheer as Carlito balls his fists and goes to punch Norris but Norris ducks and waffles Carlito with a vicious roundhouse kick! Carlito has been knocked out cold by Chuck Norris. Chavo looks on from the office as Norris walks off, before he turns to the camera, saying that he enjoyed being a part of RAW as Carlito lays on the floor of his office, knocked completely cold. Evan Bourne shows up, to look at the downed form of his rival, before remarking “that’s cool” and walking off.


Coming up next week, as we go into the Royal Rumble, the man who won the first Rumble in 1988, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, will be the special guest host of RAW!


***************************Commercial Break*****************


DX come out before the match, to do their usual intro, promising to regain the Unified Tag Team Titles and send the Hart Dynasty packing back to Smackdown. Also, Triple H says that if he wins the Royal Rumble and if HBK keeps the title until Wrestlemania 26, we could have an all DX main event. DX is ready but can they regain the titles?


Triple Threat Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Legacy vs. DX vs. The Hart Dynasty©


A wild tag team match to say the least, with all three teams beating on each other. Triple H pulls out a spine buster on Cody Rhodes for a nearfall but David Hart Smith breaks it up and we have a huge brawl. DiBiase connects with the Dream Street on Shawn Michaels, but Tyson Kidd leaps into the ring with a missile dropkick, taking DiBiase down. Rhodes is in the ring and attacks Kidd, but Smith attacks him and Triple H attacks Smith, connecting with the Pedigree! Kidd leaps at Triple H, taking him over the top rope, to the arena floor. The Game is down and DiBiase tries to go for a cover on Michaels, but only a nearfall! Michaels fights off DiBiase but Kidd steals the tag and enters the ring, hitting a high cross body on DiBiase for a nearfall. Rhodes is brought in and Legacy double teams Kidd, while taking out DX! Kidd is thrown into the ropes but Smith enters the ring and takes out DiBiase with a clothesline. Kidd bounces off with a dropkick, before Smith hoists Rhodes up and they hit the Springboard Hart Attack to score the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(9:00, B)


The Hart Dynasty keep the titles tonight on RAW, beating two of the top teams. An impressive win tonight, but that’s all the time we have. See you next week with “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan as the road to the Royal Rumble continues.

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TracyBrooksFan: 4/5

BHK1978: 4/5

MartinC: 4/5

EdgeHeadD: 4/5

Rayelek: 3/5



Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 18/27

Rayelek: 15/27

MartinC: 13/27

BHK1978: 10/27

MattitudeV2: 4/27

EdgeHeaD: 4/27

Lo-Drew: 3/27

TheOmniWarrior: 3/27


ECW On Sy Fy 1/12/2010


The Hurricane, Christian, and Goldust vs. William Regal, Vladimir Koslov, and Ezekiel Jackson.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder


Shelton Benjamin vs. Lance Cade.

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ECW On Sy FY 1/12/10


Shelton Benjamin vs. Lance Cade


We kick things right off the back with Cade and Benjamin, a match set up last week, when Shelton Benjamin pinned Lance Cade in a fatal four way match. This week, Cade pummels Benjamin but Benjamin fights back with his high impact, striking and suplexes. Hotshot by Cade and Cade destroys Shelton for most of this match, but a power bomb is blocked and Shelton flips onto his feet, before hitting the Paydirt for the pin.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(7:09, C+)


Shelton gets the win tonight, leaving the ring. Both of these men are in the Royal Rumble match but Shelton Benjamin goes to the Royal Rumble, with some much needed momentum on his side.


*****************Commercial Break***********************


We cut to the ring, where Goldust makes his way out. Goldust hypes up the fact that he’s beaten both Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov in back to back weeks, cementing his status as the number one contender for the ECW Championship. Out comes William Regal, who calls Goldust a freak and someone who does not deserve to be near the championship. Goldust says this might be his last chance to capture the ECW championship so he’ll strike out and capture it. Goldust punches Regal down but out comes Jackson and Koslov and three on one on Goldust, until Christian rushes out from the back. The Hurricane rushes down to the ring to help even up the odds even further and the faces run off the Ruthless Rountable, to set up a six man tag team match for later on tonight.


We see Tommy Dreamer arrive in the back. Dreamer is on crutches as he walks from the back. This is the first time we’ve seen Dreamer since Vance Archer broke his ankle several weeks ago. Tonight, Dreamer has some words and this could be a big announcement by Dreamer. Stay tuned to ECW.


*********************Commercial Break************************


Tommy Dreamer walks down to the ring and cuts a promo about Vance Archer and Zack Ryder. Dreamer says that he’s the last string holding together the original ECW. When he snaps, then the legacy will truly be dead but out comes Zack Ryder to interrupt Dreamer. Ryder says that Dreamer should just hang it up and give it up, because the future of ECW is now. The days of Dreamer’s ECW is long dead. Ryder says anyone who holds onto that hope is pathetic and says that Dreamer suffered a broken ankle, which would not even keep him out of the ring for long years ago. Dreamer would have bounced back but now he’s been shelved. Ryder promises to win the Royal Rumble and says that he’s going to let Dreamer walk. He turns his back and deliver his catchphrase and Dreamer waffles Ryder with the crutch from behind! Ryder is being beaten down but Vance Archer rushes down to the ring and takes Dreamer out from behind. Archer beats on Dreamer, working over his leg, until Yoshi Tatsu and Tyler Reks rush out to make the save. Tatsu and Reks clear the ring, as Dreamer is down, favoring his ankle. Yoshi Tatsu kicks Ryder in the face, to begin the Ryder-Tatsu match.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder


Tatsu pounds away at Ryder for a lot of this match. A springboard cross body wipes him out for a nearfall. Ryder gains control with a low blow and Ryder hits a running kick right to the face. Zack Attack is blocked and a series of kicks but Ryder undoes the turnbuckle padding. Ryder drops Yoshi into the buckle headfirst and Ryder hits the Zack Attack to score the pin.


Winner: Zack Ryder(6:41, C).


Ryder gets another win tonight on ECW. Getting up to his feet, Ryder raises his hand in victory.


Coming up next, six man tag. The Ruthless Roundtable meets the trio of Christian, the Hurricane, and Goldust. More ECW after this.


*********************Commercial Break**************************


The Hurricane, Christian, and Goldust vs. the Ruthless Roundtable


A wild brawl to start out. Eventually, Koslov takes down the Hurricane, allowing the Roundtable to take turns to beat him down for several minutes. The Hurricane fights out of the corner and the hot tag is made to Goldust. Goldust runs into the ring and hammers away at the Roundtable, taking them one by one. Bulldog on Regal but Jackson breaks it up. Christian delivers a dropkick right to the chest, sends Jackson to the floor. Jackson is down and Regal beats on Goldust and goes for the Knee Trembler, but Goldust avoids it and backslides Regal to score the pin! Goldust has just beaten the ECW Champion.


Winner: The Hurricane, Christian, and Goldust(10:01, C+)


Goludst has pinned William Regal in the center of the ring. If he does that at the Royal Rumble, on January 31st, he will be the ECW Champion! Regal and Goldust for the ECW Championship at the Rumble, with Jackson, Koslov, Hurricane, and Christian in the Rumble.

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Rayelek: 2/3

TracyBrooksFan: 3/3

MartinC: 2/3

EdgeHeaD: 1/3

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Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 21/30

Rayelek: 17/30

MartinC: 15/30

BHK1978: 11/30

EdgeHeaD: 5/30

MattitudeV2: 4/30

Lo-Drew: 3/30

TheOmniWarrior: 3/30


WWE Superstars 1/14/2010


John Morrison vs. Batista


M.V.P. vs. Sheamus


JTG vs. Drew McIntyre


Mickie James vs. Natalya.

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WWE Superstars 1/14/10


Look at tonight’s big main event from Smackdown, when John Morrison takes on Batista in what should be a great match. Also, M.V.P goes one on one with the “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus. Let’s kick off things with the diva’s of Smackdown.


Mickie James vs. Natalya


Natalya and Mickie have a pretty tense back and forth match, with Natalya getting the advantage on Mickie, working over her right knee and lower back. Mickie makes a fiery comeback, on one leg, but gets caught in a spinebuster by Natalya when she tries the swinging DDT and right into the Sharpshooter! Shades her uncle, Smackdown’s General Manager, Bret Hart. Mickie is too beaten up to continue, so she taps out, giving Natalya the win.


Winner: Natalya(5:42, C+)


Natalya gets the win tonight on Superstars and there’s no doubt she’ll be watching the WWE Women’s Title Match at the Royal Rumble between Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool rather closely and perhaps with this victory, she’ll be in line for a future championship shot.


Still to come, Morrison/Batista, M.V.P/Sheamus but coming up next, Drew McIntyre takes on one half of Cryme Tyme, JTG. More Superstars coming up after this.


*******************Commercial Break************************


JTG vs. Drew McIntyre


Shad is sent to the back shortly, as McIntyre beats on JTG for the duration of this match. The announcers call McIntyre the fastest rising superstar of Smackdown in 2009 and how 2010 could be his year. He started off with a bang, with a huge win over Booker T, a former six time World Champion on Smackdown. JTG manages to come back but McIntyre catches him off the top rope, before connecting with the Double Underhook DDT to score the pin and remain undefeated in one on one competition on Smackdown.


Winner: Drew McIntyre(4:32, D+)


McIntyre cuts a promo, promising to win the Royal Rumble and win the championship in the main event at Wrestlemania 26. Given the roll that McIntyre has been on as of late, he could very well be the winner. He’s beaten R-Truth, Finlay, Kane, and Booker T as of late, men who are among the most talented that Smackdown has to offer.


We cut backstage, where Josh Mathews has a few words with Batista. Batista promises destruction of John Morrison tonight and also says that the Royal Rumble will be is. Whether it be Chris Jericho, the Undertaker, or anyone else, he will win the Rumble and at Wrestlemania 26, he will walk out of Phoenix as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Batista has a menacing glare on his face as he walks off, ready for his match with John Morrison. That’s our main event on Superstars.


*******************Commercial Break***********************


M.V.P vs. Sheamus


M.V.P used a great amount of speed and agility to take the Celtic Warrior off balance. Including an impressive missile dropkick that staggered him but Sheamus quickly took control with a great deal of power moves. Sheamus beat on M.V.P, pulling out a vicious Uranage Slam and a big boot but M.V.P kept kicking out. Side suplex and he still kicked out. Sheamus is on the top rope but M.V.P crotches him, before managing to pull off a superplex for a two count. Ballin’ Elbowdrop and M.V.P dropkicks Sheamus into the corner. Drive By Kick misses and Sheamus kicks M.V.P, going for the Crucifix Power Bomb but he fights it. M.V.P drops down the back and rolls up Sheamus with a sunset flip to score the pin!


Winner: M.V.P(7:01, C)


Sheamus is in a state of shock and he nearly decapitates M.V.P with a deadly clothesline. He stomps on M.V.P and big boot wipes him out. Sheamus prepares to strip the corner pad to expose the steel buckle and he has deadly intentions in mind but out comes Mark Henry. Mark Henry rushes out and beats on Sheamus in the ring. Sheamus manages to go low and he rams Henry into the exposed turnbuckle. The World’s Strongest Man has been knocked unconscious and Sheamus backs up, before he delivers a huge running big boot to the chest of Henry. Henry is down, as is M.V.P, as Sheamus may have lost the match but he made quite the statement tonight. All three of these men are in the Royal Rumble and despite M.V.P. managing to use his smarts to pull off the win, Sheamus looks like a dominant force tonight. This is the second show in a row that he’s gotten the better of Mark Henry.


Coming up next, Batista and John Morrison, two of Smackdown’s biggest stars one on one as Superstars on WGN America continues.


*********************Commercial Break*********************


John Morrison vs. Batista


Batista looks smug, as if he thinks this victory is in the bag. He shoves Morrison back and Morrison explodes onto Batista with a series of jabs. Followed by a series of knife edge chops, as Morrison throws Batista into the ropes. Leapfrog over the Animal and Batista turns around, right into a dropkick. Two more dropkicks and Batista is staggered, before Morrison springboards off the middle rope and elbowsmash right into the face of Batista! The fans are cheering, as Batista takes a powder to the floor and Morrison delivers a slingshot cross body block over the top rope, to the arena floor! The fans are really going nuts, as Morrison grabs Batista and rams him into the ring apron, before rolling back into the ring. Springboard legdrop back in and Batista is covered for a two count. Morrison picks up Batista and a series of kicks to the chest, before a leaping kick right to the back of the head of Batista. Morrison leaps to the top rope but Batista smartly rolls to the floor, to avoid the Starship Pain. Or maybe not, as Morrison quickly leaps off with a missile dropkick all the way to the floor, wiping Batista out! The fans are going nuts for Morrison but he may have hurt himself as well. Batista is rolled into the ring but as Morrison enters the ring, Batista pummels him!


Morrison is fighting the assault by Batista and thrown into the ropes. Kick right to the chest and Batista waffles Morrison with a stiff clothesline. Batista kneels down and punches away at Morrison. Kneedrop right to the chest of Morrison and Batista yells at Morrison, asking where all his athleticism is now, before ramming him into the turnbuckle and scooping him up. Throat first onto the top rope and Batista beats on Morrison, before he sends him into the ropes. Explosive tilt a whirl suplex and Batista makes a cover for a two count! Batista picks up Morrison and beats on him some more. Headbutt rocks Morrison and off into the ropes goes Morrison. Batista hoists up Morrison and huge spine buster brings him down! The fans are booing, as Batista gives the thumbs down. He picks up Morrison and Batista Bomb attempt, but Morrison counters with a headscissors takeover! Out of nowhere and he delivers a standing shooting star press. Cover on Batista but a two count! Batista is beaten down some more and Morrison goes up top for a Starship Pain but Batista is up. Morrison tries for a backspring cross body but Batista catches him and muscles him up, before hitting an over the shoulder powerslam! Two and nine tenths count from Batista!


The fans are really getting behind Morrison and Batista hoists him up. Vicious clothesline nearly rips Morrison’s head off. A nearfall and now Batista is frustrated. He beats on Morrison some more. He kicks him right to the head as Morrison struggles to his feet. Cover on Morrison but another nearfall. Gutwrench suplex and Batista again only scores a nearfall. Now Batista is getting frustrated and he headbutts Morrison, before hitting another huge clothesline! Another close nearfall, as Morrison just won’t stay down! Batista takes a step back and charges Morrison with a huge spear but Morrison leapfrogs over it. Batista attempts to put the breaks on, but loses his balance and Morrison manages to roll him up with a running Oklahoma Side Roll to score the pin!


Winner: John Morrison(14:39, B)


Batista bounces up, he’s not too pleased and he goes for a clothesline but Morrison ducks and takes Batista down with a huge dropkick! Morrison wisely bails when he has a chance! John Morrison has scored the win tonight, as Batista is fuming in the ring!

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TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

MartinC: 4/4

Rayelek: 2/4


Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 23/34

Rayelek: 19/34

MartinC: 19/34

BHK1978: 11/34

MattitudeV2: 6/34

EdgeHeaD: 5/34

Lo-Drew: 3/34

TheOmniWarrior: 3/34


WWE Smackdown 1/15/2010


Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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