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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 2, July 2003

South UK






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Militia defeated Old School Anarchists in 14:12 when Mista Ed defeated Zachary Punk by pinfall with a DDC.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Gambit defeated Kid Flash in 6:19 by pinfall with a Card Trick.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, The Sebastian Franchise defeated Frontline in 8:16 when Payne-X Sebastian defeated Shawn Borders by pinfall with a Franchiser following interference from John Sebastian.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kate Avatar defeated Scott Ericson in 15:25 by pinfall with an Avatar Clash.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Devon Storm defeated Edgar Dunvegan in 19:05 by pinfall.




Final Rating: 88 (B+)

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IWF Summer of War



IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Mad Dog" Justin Sayne vs. Big Kahuna ©


Sarah Dunvegan vs. Alex Dunvegan


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Air Raid vs. The Militia ©


Shoot Fight

Jimmy Dragon vs. Brandon Harwell


"Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan vs. Dawson Polaris


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match

Ministry © vs. Randy Orton

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IWF Summer of War



IWF Television Title Bout


"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Mad Dog" Justin Sayne vs. Big Kahuna ©


Sarah Dunvegan vs. Alex Dunvegan


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Air Raid vs. The Militia ©


Shoot Fight

Jimmy Dragon vs. Brandon Harwell


"Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan vs. Dawson Polaris


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match


Ministry © vs. Randy Orton

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IWF Summer of War

Sunday, Week 2, July 2003






In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Felicia Duarte defeated Dais in 7:49 by pinfall with a Como Usted Quiera.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Split Seconds defeated Corruption and Venom in 8:14 when Joey T defeated Sekhmet by pinfall with a Time Bomb.




Main Show




The camera pans around the arena and down to the announcers' table where George Foreman, Eric Sweetwood, and Josie Hendrix are seated. After some witty banter, Foreman goes over the night's matches and hypes them all.


Rating: 89


A hype video plays for Kate Avatar and Rob Van Dam. Avatar's attempted to win several titles already, though she has failed. That hasn't held her back, though, and she has some impressive wins, especially in Imperial Games before falling to Jerry Dunvegan. Rob Van Dam, meanwhile, only has one loss recently, when he was knocked out of Imperial Games by Brandon Harwell. He's on a hot streak and has held the IWF Television Title for 10 months. Now they'll face each other for the IWF Television Title.


Rating: 88





IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


Rob Van Dam throws some test kicks at Kate Avatar and she tries to grapple with him. RVD gives her a pair of kicks and ends with an inside crescent kick that pushes her back. They lock up, and after a chain of moves, Rob Van Dam comes out on top. He whips her into the turnbuckle, gives her a pair of shoulder thrusts, then does a backflip, runs in, and his a monkey flip. RVD takes him down with a bodyslam, then hits the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. Avatar grapples with him and pulls him into two stiff knee strikes, then grabs him. Avatar goes for a DDT, but RVD takes her over with a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. RVD takes her down with another bodyslam, then hits the Split Legged Moonsault for a two-count. Avatar comes back with an STO for a two-count. RVD tries to whip her into the ropes, but she reverses it and hits the pele kick on the rebound. Avatar pulls RVD up, and is taken over by a backdrop. Bill Alfonso distracts the referee then right after sliding a chair into the ring to RVD. He tosses it to Avatar and nails the Van Daminator, busting her open! He gets rid of the chair, and Fonzie jumps down to the floor. RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash to finish her off!


Rating: 99





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Mad Dog" Justin Sayne vs. Big Kahuna ©


This is a slugfest without the best flow. Justin Sayne and Big Kahuna have each other bloody early on. They make it a hardcore brawl, basically beating on each other with chairs, the ring bell, and the ring steps. Sayne gets the upper-hand eventually and is amazingly able to take the big man off his feet. Sayne gives Kahuna a front-layout superplex off the stage, then jumps on him with a diving splash. Sayne finally hits the Death Sentence and gets the win! Justin Sayne wins the IWF Hardcore Title!


Rating: 76




Sarah Dunvegan vs. Alex Dunvegan


Sarah Dunvegan and Alex Dunvegan lock up, and he looks to use his size and strength to overpower her. He pushes her into a corner and gives her a big boot. He applies a boot choke and stops at four. Alex kicks and stomps her down in the corner, then applies another boot choke and again stops at four. Alex pulls Sarah up by the hair and goes for a punch, but Sarah blocks it amd bitch slaps him. Alex looks infuriated, and Sarah takes the opportunity to pull him into a clinch and hit several stiff knee strikes before taking him down to the mat and locking on an STF. Alex reaches the ropes after 20 seconds. Sarah works on Alex's neck, putting him in a crossface submission. He breaks out after 15 seconds. Sarah gives him a legdrop across the back of his neck, then turns him over and hits a standing moonsault for a two-count. Sarah pulls him up and whips him into the corner, then hits a jumping avalanche. Alex stumbles out of the corner, and she gives him a flying bulldog for a two-count. Alex fights back to his feet and hits a series of punches on Sarah, busting her open. Sarah whips him into the ropes, though, and gives him a big ropeflip clothesline. Alex gets up, and Sarah wipes him out with a tope con hilo. Alex finally loses it completely, grabs a chair, and smashes Sarah with it. He then picks up the ring steps and nails her with those. The referee calls for the bell and gives Sarah the match by disqualification!


Rating: 95





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Air Raid vs. The Militia ©


Mista Ed and Apathy start things out by brawling around the ring. Apathy catches Ed in her team's corner, and she and Brad Tibbs double-team him. Tibbs takes him down with a full nelson bomb, then Apathy gives him a dropkick to the face and Tibbs hits a 450 splash for a two-count. Tibbs picks Ed up, and Apathy hits a flying somersault cutter for a two-count. Shorty Biggs finally gets involved and lays them both out. Ed and Apathy fight some more and take each other out with clotheslines. They make hot tags to Tibbs and Biggs, who enter the ring and start brawling. Tibbs takes Biggs down with a bodyslam, then goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a flying somersault senton for a two-count. Biggs takes Tibbs over with a backdrop, then tags in Ed. Biggs knocks Apathy off the ring apron, and they hit the DDC on Tibbs for the win!


Rating: 94




Randy Orton is backstage cutting a promo against Ministry. He says this main event is the reason he became a professional wrestler to begin with. He says he's in the greatest wrestling company in the world and he's gonna make his name when he tears into Ministry and rips The Dark Warlords apart.


Rating: 94




Shoot Fight

Jimmy Dragon vs. Brandon Harwell


Jimmy Dragon and Brandon Harwell lock up to start and wrestle for position. They perform a chain of moves, and Dragon comes out on top. Dragon has him in a side headlock, but Harwell throws him into the ropes. Harwell ducks a superkick, then they go through another chain of moves with Harwell coming out on top with a hammerlock this time. Dragon rolls through it and takes Harwell down with an ipponzei. Harwell gets up, and Dragon shoots in on him. Harwell sprawls and pulls Dragon into a clinch. Harwell gives Dragon several vicious knee strikes, then gives him a high knee to the face that busts him open! Harwell rocks him with several punches, then takes him down to the mat. Harwell goes for an STF, but Dragon rolls over and kicks him off before getting up with a kip-up. Harwell shoots in on him, but eats a knee lift that busts him open. Dragon nails him with a high kick, then mounts him and rains punches down upon him. Blood is everywhere, but Harwell rolls him down on his shoulders and gets a two-count. They both get up, and Dragon avoids getting pulled into another clinch. Dragon hits a series of kicks, then lays Harwell out with a savate kick. Dragon hits a springboard 450 splash for a two-count. Dragon goes to the top turnbuckle, but Harwell catches him and throws him with a belly-to-back superplex. Dragon tries to get back into it, but Harwell hits a stiff Yakuza kick. Harwell then pulls Dragon up and hits the Cutting Edge, but Dragon kicks out! Dragon tries to get back to his feet, but Harwell gives him the Cutting Edge a second time. Dragon kicks out again! Dragon hits a series of chops to stagger Harwell, then goes to the top turnbuckle. Dragon goes for the Dragon Fly, but Harwell actually catches him and drops him with a nasty powerbomb. Harwell then pulls him up and hits the Cutting Edge a third time, and finally gets the pin!


Rating: 97




After the match, Brandon Harwell and Jimmy Dragon celebrate the good match and go into the crowd to celebrate some more.


Rating: 99




"Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan vs. Dawson Polaris


Jerry Dunvegan and Dawson Polaris lock up, and Dawson pulls him into a front facelock. They do a chain of moves, and Dawson comes out on top. Dawson puts Jerry in a side headlock, then takes him to the mat. Dawson puts him in an armlock leglock submission, but Jerry reaches the ropes after 10 seconds. Dawson works Jerry's legs over, dropping elbows across the knee. Dawson goes for the Polaris Special, but Jerry kicks him away. Jerry gets up, lays Dawson out with a clothesline, then hits a kneedrop and gets a two-count. Dawson whips Jerry into the ropes. Jerry goes for the Enforcer, but Dawson catches him in a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. They both get up, and Jerry hammers Dawson into the corner. Jerry brings him down with a snap mare, then somersaults over him and snaps his head back. Jerry turns and kicks Dawson in the head, then gets a one-count. Jerry pulls Dawson to his feet and pounds him with several punches and sends him into the corner. Jerry gives Dawson a boot choke, but stops at four. Jerry hits a superplex for a two-count. Dawson fights back to his feet and wrestles Jerry back down, working over the legs again. Dawson tries to whip Jerry into the ropes, but Jerry reverses and sends Dawson into the referee, knocking him down. Dawson comes back, catches Jerry, and hits the Polaris Deathdrop. Lianne Lee enters the ring then and uses pepper spray on Dawson! Jerry finally picks the hurt Dawson up and hits the Enforcer. Lianne Lee revives the referee, and Jerry gets the three-count.


Rating: 100




Ministry is back in his darkened room with Mr. Night. Night says it's time he unleashes the full might of The Dark Warlords on that rookie upstart Randy Orton. Ministry says that Orton is not ready to be in the main event, and that's about to be made painfully clear to the fans in attendance.


Rating: 100





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match

Ministry © vs. Randy Orton


Ministry and Randy Orton start the match off with a brawl, but the match seems a bit off with the flow not going quite right. Ministry overpowers Orton and slams him into the corner. Ministry gives Orton a boot choke, stopping at four. Ministry does it a second time and stops at four again. Ministry finally tosses Orton out of the ring. Orton fights back and throws Ministry into the ring steps, then kicks him in the head. Orton tries to pull Ministry to the casket, but Ministry rushes him into the guardrail. Orton fights back again, slams Ministry's back on the casket, then hits a DDT. Devon Storm comes out then for some unknown reason and hits the Drop Off on Orton. The fans are totally confused as to what's going on, but it allows Ministry to stuff Orton in the casket and close the lid to win the match!


Rating: 83




Final Rating: 90 (A)

PPV Buy Rate: 3.53




Prediction Results:

Apathy: 5/7

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 3, July 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Sebastian Franchise defeated Rob E. Dangerously and Justin Sayne in 8:21 when Payne-X Sebastian defeated Justin Sayne by pinfall after using a foreign object.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Henderson and Steve Liermann defeated Dais and Marilith in 8:06 when John Henderson defeated Marilith by pinfall with a Crusher DDT.




Main Show





IWF Television Title Bout

"Shooter" Sam Hart vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


The match opens with some kicks from Rob Van Dam. Sam Hart avoids them, then fires a few punches of his own. RVD takes advantage and gives him a stepover heel kick. Hart stumbles, and RVD lays him out with a savate kick. RVD pulls Hart up, and Hart pulls him into a clinch and gives him several stiff knee strikes. Hart whips RVD into the ropes, but misses a clothesline. RVD comes back with a high-angle dropkick that puts Hart on the mat. RVD hits the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. RVD whips Hart into the corner, then runs in a hits a monkey flip. Hart fights to his feet and shoots in on RVD, who sprawls and levels him with an elbowsmash that busts Hart open! After another savate kick puts Hart on the mat, RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash to get the win!


Rating: 96




Ministry and Mr. Night are backstage where Night reveals that he hired Devon Storm as a sort of insurance policy to make sure that young upstart Randy Orton didn't somehow win by some sort of fluke.


Rating: 84




Backstage, Alex Dunvegan and Edgar Dunvegan have gotten into a brawl. They're quickly pulled apart by security.


Rating: 94




Pico Flush vs. Big Kahuna


An irate Big Kahuna comes into the match looking for blood, fresh off his loss to Justin Sayne. Kahuna beats Pico Flush mercilessly until he's busted open! Kahuna smears some of Pico's blood on himself, then hits the Kahuna Bomb for the win!


Rating: 69






The Juice is backstage with the camera and a mic. He starts announcing, as if it's a match, a beatdown on Sarah Dunvegan by Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones with baseball bats. Suddenly, George Doyle bursts onto the scene with a chair, swinging it around and moving Jerry and BABJ off. Suddenly, he joins in the attack on Sarah, busting her open! The Juice announces George Doyle as the newest member of The Dynasty and hypes the swerve. Suddenly, Felicia Duarte also bursts onto the scene with a chair, but she starts laying out the members of The Dynasty, including Juice. Felicia pulls Sarah up and gets her out of there, making the save.


Rating: 88




Frontline vs. Split Seconds


Joey T and Duff Man start the action with a chain of moves. Duff Man comes out ahead and takes the fight to the mat. Duff Man and Shawn Borders double-team T, working on his leg. T eventually lays them both out with a double T-Line and makes the tag to BakerMan, who immediately goes to the top turnbuckle and takes Duff Man and Borders down with a double missile dropkick. BakerMan hits a spinning heel kick on Duff Man to knock him out of the ring, then staggers Borders with a dropkick before hitting an Asai bodyblock for a two-count. They brawl a little, and Borders gets back into it, but they take each other down with clotheslines. They make hot tags to Duff Man and T, and T enters the ring and cleans house. After sending Borders to the outside with a ropeflip T-Line, they hit the Time Bomb on Duff Man to get the win!


Rating: 92




Backstage, Randy Orton has the balls to assault Devon Storm, and they brawl all over backstage. Orton hammers Storm, but doesn't get very far. Storm lays out Orton, winning the exchange.


Rating: 100




They air the now-standard Jimmy Dragon training session along with the "Don't Try This At Home" message.


Rating: 100




Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte comes to the ring to cheers from the crowd. They get on the mic and inform everyone that they're back together and that they're in this to win it. They then challenge Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs to put up or shut up against their worst nightmare.


Rating: 96




Ed and Biggs come out and say it's about time the two of them got their heads out of their asses and back in the fight. They gladly accept the challenge, to take place next week on Monday Night Fights.


Rating: 90




Randy Orton and Dawson Polaris vs. Corruption and Venom


Randy Orton and Cale come out. They argue a bit, and Orton pimp slaps Cale! Cale is enraged and attacks Orton, who gets out of the way of the initial attack and lays into Cale with some punches of his own. In his team's corner, Orton and Dawson Polaris double-team Cale, working on his legs. Dawson pulls Cale up, but Cale lays him out with a lariat and tags in Sekhmet. Sekhmet goes after Dawson, but Dawson is back in the fight and takes Sekhmet to the mat. Sekhmet fights back and hammers Dawson with forearm smashes. After an inverted atomic drop, Sekhmet isolates Dawson in his team's corner where he and Cale double-team him. Dais comes down to the ring and attacks Orton just as Dawson gets away and tries to make the tag. Dais brawls with Orton in the outside, but falls victim to the RKO on the floor. Dawson and Sekhmet lay each other out with clotheslines, and this time they make tags to Orton and Cale. Cale takes initiative with a series of punches, but Orton starts blocking them and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Cale gets back in the fight and whips Orton into the ropes, but he comes back and hits the RKO out of nowhere to get the win!


Rating: 94




Brandon Harwell is backstage where he cuts a promo about his upcoming match against Kate Avatar. He apologizes for how their relationship ended, and says he imagines Avatar wants a bit of revenge. He asks her not to let anger cloud her thoughts because he wants a good clean fight. He says he plans to take on all the top contenders of IWF on his way to Extreme Warfare.


Rating: 98




Felicia Duarte vs. Edgar Dunvegan


Felicia Duarte and Edgar Dunvegan lock up and wrestle for position. Felicia lays into Edgar with a series of punches, backing him into the corner. She gives him a couple kicks, but he fights his way out of the corner and hits a spinning heel kick. From the outside, Edgar hits a slingshot legdrop for a two-count. Felicia fights back to her feet and gives Edgar an Asai bodyblock for a two-count. She then goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for a 450 splash, but Edgar gets his knees up. Edgar hits a second-turnbuckle moonsault for a two-count. Edgar locks her in a side headlock, trying to keep her on the mat, but Felicia gets to her feet and takes him over with a bell-to-back suplex. Edgar gets up and Felicia hits the Como Usted Quiera for the win!


Rating: 85




Felicia Duarte gets on the mic and declares that she's earned a shot at Ministry and the IWF World Heavyweight Title, and wants to face him at Mutually Assured Destruction.




Jerry Dunvegan interrupts Felicia, claiming that he's next in line after his victory over Dawson Polaris last night at Summer of War. Felicia counters that she beat Jerry's elder brother. They have a huge argument about it, and Felicia eventually says that she already has a match next week, but will face Jerry the week after to determine the number-one-contender.


Rating: 100




Kate Avatar is backstage cutting a promo on Brandon Harwell. She admits that yes, he did hurt her and yes, she wants revenge. She says she'll end Harwell's stupid little crusade tonight, and then maybe she can get on the ball and defeat Ministry herself. She says she knows she's lost a lot of matches this year, but she plans to make up for it starting tonight.


Rating: 89




"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Brandon Harwell


They lock up and wrestle for position. Kate Avatar lays into Brandon Harwell with some furious punches, but they are wild punches and Harwell slips in and tackles her. Harwell gets a mount and rains punches down on her, busting her open. She kicks him off, and is almost stunned. Harwell moves in, and she gives him a kick to the midsection followed by a tiger bomb for a two-count. Harwell is up, but gets taken right back down with an STO for a two-count. Harwell gets free and catches Avatar in a guillotine choke, but Avatar reaches the ropes after 13 seconds. Harwell gives her a paid of knee strikes to the face, then slams her down backward and gets a one-count. Avatar fights to her feet, hits a pair of palm thrusts, then levels Harwell with a savate kick. She hits a moonsault for a two-count. Harwell is up, and Avatar catches him with a pele kick. Avatar goes for the Avatar Clash, but Harwell counters with a backdrop. She gets up, and Harwell nails her with a nasty superkick. Harwell hits the Cutting Edge for the win!


Rating: 92




Final Rating: 95 (A)

TV Rating: 7.71 (USA Sports 1), 0.07 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.95 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 3, July 2003






In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, JohnMan defeated Erik Pigman in 8:08 by pinfall with a JohnBomb.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ander Carvetti defeated The Crusader in 8:20 by pinfall with a Heaven'n'Hell.




Main Show


Backstage, Devon Storm is seen walking along by Gerg, Josh Allen, Mike Malice, Trevor Finnell, Chase Roberts, Aphrodisia Jordan, and Trent Helms, and are scared of him.


Pete Anselmo cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Chris Patinkin.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Pete Anselmo defeated Chris Patinkin in 7:52 by pinfall with a LiE. (81)


Devon Storm cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Teddy Patinkin.


In an extremely short match, Devon Storm defeated Teddy Patinkin in 1:06 by pinfall with a Drop Off. (69)


Devon Storm cuts a backstage promo.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sampson Griffith defeated Gerg in 5:52 by submission with a Groovy Grip. (78)


Paco Rodeguiz cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Darren Patinkin.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Darren Patinkin in 8:35 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel. (81)


Randy Orton cuts a backstage promo.


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Randy Orton defeated Alan Travis, Alisyn Stormsong and Dawson Polaris in 13:28 when Randy Orton defeated Alisyn Stormsong by pinfall with a RKO. (84)


Randy Orton cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Devon Storm.




Final Rating: 88 (B+)

TV Rating: 0.84 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 3, July 2003

South UK






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Sebastian defeated Sampson Griffith in 12:39 by pinfall with a "Classic" Beat Slam.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Marilith defeated Natalie Patinkin in 8:48 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Split Seconds defeated Frontline in 10:02 when Joey T defeated Shawn Borders by pinfall with a Time Bomb.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Felicia Duarte defeated Edgar Dunvegan in 15:26 by pinfall with a Como Usted Quiera.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jerry Dunvegan defeated Dawson Polaris in 21:29 by pinfall with an Enforcer after Lianne Lee interfered.




Final Rating: 88 (B+)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 4, July 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sam Hart defeated Draco in 7:50 by pinfall with a Hart-Breaker.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Death Machine defeated Frontline in 7:46 when Ministry defeated Shawn Borders by pinfall with an Eternal Damnation.




Main Show





IWF Television Title Bout

Dawson Polaris vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


They lock up, and quickly perform a chain of moves that sees Rob Van Dam coming out on top. After a bulldog, he waits for Dawson to get up and hits a series of kicks to back him into the corner. RVD runs in and gives him a monkey flip. RVD goes to the top turnbuckle, but Dawson is on his feet and catches him up there, taking him down with a superplex. Dawson starts working RVD's legs, to keep him down and to prepare him for the finish. RVD kicks him off, then nails him with a savate kick. He tries for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Dawson moves out of the way. Dais comes to ringside then, and Bill Alfonso is quick to distract the referee. Dais brings a chair into the ring and hits Dawson with it. Dawson is staggered, and Dais throws him the chair so RVD can hit the Van Daminator, busting Dawson open! Dais leaves the ring with the chair, Fonzie leaves the referee alone, and RVD gets the three-count!


Rating: 94




Rob Van Dam gets on the mic and hypes himself some more, saying he's unbeatable. He then goes out of the way to insult Kate Avatar, saying that she couldn't even beat Brandon Harwell, so what made her think she could beat RVD? He calls her some names, says she's a loser, and leaves the ring.


Rating: 72




"Savage" Shawn Borders vs. Big Kahuna


Big Kahuna is as vicious as ever, coming in and beating Shawn Borders down. Kahuna dominates, then hits the Kahuna Bomb for the win!


Rating: 71




A Jimmy Dragon training session video is shown on the Imperia-Tron. Don't try this at home, kids.


Rating: 100




Climbatize vs. "The Real Deal" Scott Ericson


Climbatize and Scott Ericson start with a brawl, and Climbatize takes him over with a vertical suplex. After some stops, Climbatize gives Ericson a kneedrop and gets a one-count. Ericson fights to his feet and hammers Climbatize into the corner before stomping him down. Climbatize fights back to his feet and turns the table, but Ericson whips him into the referee. Marilith hits the ring and executes the Choke Slam on Climbatize. She leaves the ring, Ericson gets the referee back, and hits the Dealing the Deal for the win!


Rating: 79




After the match, Marilith enters the ring with a chair and starts beating Climbatize with it, busting him open. Randy Orton hits the ring and gives Marilith the RKO, making the save.


Rating: 87




Four-Way Dance

Zachary Punk vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Joey T vs. Brandon Harwell


Joey T goes after Brandon Harwell early on, and Zachary Punk faces off against Kate Avatar. T hammers Harwell into the corner and stomps him down, and Punk tries to wrestle with Avatar. After a chain of moves, Avatar is on top and has him in a hammerlock. Harwell tackles T and gets a mount, raining punches down on him, busting him open quickly! Avatar hits an STO on Punk for a two-count. T throws Harwell off and hits a couple of nasty T-Lines followed by a T-Bone Suplex for a two-count. Punk gives Avatar a few punches in the stomach, knocking her into the corner, but Avatar kicks him away and hits a bulldog. Harwell wrestles T to the mat and starts working over his leg. Avatar hits the Avatar Clash on Punk to get the three-count! Zachary Punk is eliminated!


Avatar nails Harwell with a superkick, then stomps T's bad leg. Avatar goes for a Sharpshooter, but T kicks her away. T levels her with a T-Line, but Harwell catches him with a springboard DDT for a two-count. Harwell covers Avatar for a two-count. Avatar and Harwell then double-team T, tweaking both of his legs. Avatar goes for a Cloverleaf, but T kicks her away. He gets up and eats the Dark Millennium from Harwell. Avatar catches him and hits the Avatar Clash for the pin! Joey T is eliminated!


Harwell and Avatar face off again. Harwell shoots him and Avatar sprawls. Avatar catches him in a guillotine choke, but Harwell reaches the ropes after 15 seconds. Harwell gives Avatar a couple of elbow strikes, busting her open! Harwell whips Avatar into the ropes, and hits a Yakuza kick when she rebounds. Harwell finally ends it with the Cutting Edge! Kate Avatar is eliminated! Brandon Harwell wins the match!


Rating: 91




Brandon Harwell gets on the mic and says there's no stopping the momentum he's creating for himself. He says he's toppled all of the top contenders at this point, so it's only a matter of time before he wins the IWF World Heavyweight Title. He says it doesn't matter if it's Ministry or Felicia Duarte or anyone else. He's going to proove he deserves his spot in the main event.


Rating: 99




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs cut a promo on Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte. They say all their actions of late was to get those two back together. They consider them the only real competition they's ever had. They praise Sarah and Felicia and say they're looking forward to tonight's match.


Rating: 90




"Sadistic" Steve Liermann vs. Alex Dunvegan


In a disappointing match, Steve Liermamm and Alex Dunvegan turn things into a boxing match. It went back and forth, with both of them hammering the snot out of each other. Alex busts Liermann open early! Liermann won't be deterred, though, and busts Alex open as well. It wasn't that great of a match, and Alex hits the Avenger to win it!


Rating: 80






After the match, Devon Storm, Rob Van Dam, and David Riff join Alex Dunvegan in giving Steve Liermann the worst beating of his life. Edgar Dunvegan and John Henderson hit the ring with chairs to make the save.


Rating: 88




Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte are backstage before their match, talking about their renewed friendship and desire to be a winning team again. They say it all began with Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs and it'll all end with them as well. They say they haven't missed a beat and will be more than ready to take them on.


Rating: 99





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Girl Power vs. The Militia ©


Sarah Dunvegan and Mista Ed start things out. They actually shake hands when the bell rings. They lock up, and Ed turns it into a brawl, giving Sarah a series of punches. Sarah comes back with a spinning back kick, then takes him down with a sitdown faceslam for a two-count. Sarah tags in Felicia Duarte, and they double-team Ed. Sarah holds Ed up while Felicia hits a slingshot legdrop for a two-count. They throws him into the corner, and Sarah bends down so Felicia can catapult off her into a jumping avalanch. Ed is staggered, and Felicia hits a flying bulldog. Ed fights back to his feet, and eventually takes Felicia down with a clothesline. They tag in Sarah and Shorty Biggs, and Biggs tries to clean house. He stomps Felicia and kicks her out of the ring, then lays into Sarah and hammers her into the corner when he takes her down with a superplex. Biggs comes off the second turnbuckle with an elbowdrop and gets a two-count. Biggs throws Sarah into the corner and goes for the Short Cut, but Sarah counters with a backbreaker for a two-count. Biggs tags Ed in, who enters the ring and they double-team Sarah. They go for the DDC, but Sarah counters with a DDT on Ed followed by a superkick on Biggs. Felicia enters the ring, and they hit the On Top of the World on Ed. Sarah gets the pin! Girl Power win the IWF Tag Team Titles!


Rating: 95




The Dynasty hit the ring, and George Doyle goes after Sarah Dunvegan with a chair while the others beat down Felicia Duarte. Doyle takes Sarah to the outside and powerbombs her through the announcers' table.


Rating: 91






in the ring, Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, and The Juice are triple-teaming Felicia. She's beaten bloody when suddenly Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs grab chairs and start attacking Jerry, BABJ, and Juice. They lay out the members of The Dynasty, then leave the ring and hit the DDC on a chair on Doyle to save Sarah from her own beating. Ed and Biggs chase them off before tending to Sarah and Felicia.


Rating: 86




Final Rating: 87 (B+)

TV Rating: 7.70 (USA Sports 1), 0.09 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.94 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 4, July 2003






In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Crusader defeated Viper in 8:21 by pinfall with a Final Judgment.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Alisyn Stormsong defeated Pete Anselmo in 7:54 by submission.




Main Show


Backstage, Devon Storm is seen walking along by Gerg, Teddy Patinkin, Chase Roberts, Aphrodisia Jordan, Mike Malice, Dalton, and Ford Fairlane, and are scared of him.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Apathy defeated Trent Helms in 8:58 by submission with a White Oleander. (77)


Apathy cuts a backstage promo.


In an extremely short match, Fullgore defeated Josh Allen in 2:42 by pinfall with a Legsweep Faceslam. (65)


Randy Orton cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Devon Storm.


In an extremely short match, Mad Max defeated Trevor Finnell in 3:18 by pinfall with a Screwdriver. (66)


MaxGore cut a backstage promo.


Devon Storm cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Randy Orton.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ander Carvetti defeated Brad Tibbs in 11:06 by submission with a Kimura Deathlock. (82)


Ander Carvetti cuts a backstage promo.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Devon Storm defeated Randy Orton in 11:41 by pinfall. Devon Storm makes defence number 4 of his WCW National title. (81)


The match is over, and Randy Orton is left down. Devon Storm is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.




Final Rating: 85 (B+)

TV Rating: 0.81 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 4, July 2003

South UK






In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Sarah Dunvegan defeated George Doyle in 12:50 by pinfall with a Hurricane Press.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Air Raid defeated MaxGore and Carvetti & Helms in 7:49; the order of elimination was Carvetti & Helms first, and finally MaxGore.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Patinkin Brothers defeated Burning Desire in 7:39 when Darren Patinkin defeated Aphrodisia Jordan by pinfall after using a foreign object.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brandon Harwell defeated Kate Avatar, Joey T and Zachary Punk in 12:55; the order of elimination was Kate Avatar first, then Joey T, and finally Zachary Punk.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Edgar Dunvegan defeated Felicia Duarte in 20:34 by pinfall with an Air Anchor.




Final Rating: 82 (B)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, August 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sam Hart defeated Marilith in 7:48 by pinfall with a Hart-Breaker.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Rob E. Dangerously and Justin Sayne defeated Frontline in 8:15 when Rob E. Dangerously defeated Shawn Borders by pinfall after Joel Gertner interfered.




Main Show





IWF Television Title Bout

John Henderson vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


John Henderson lays into Rob Van Dam with a series of punches, then takes him down with a bodyslam. After a kneedrop, he gets a two-count. Henderson clotheslines RVD and gets a one-count. Henderson pulls RVD up, who hits a series of kicks and lays him out with a savate kick. RVD went to the top turnbuckle, but Henderson caught him and took him down with a superplex. Bill Alfonso distracts the referee as he tosses a chair in to RVD. Henderson grabs it first, but eats a Van Daminator. RVD then puts him in position and hits the Van Terminator. Fonzie gets back down and RVD gets the three-count!


Rating: 80




Kate Avatar comes out and says that's all Rob Van Dam can do to keep winning, by cheating. She challenges him for a rematch at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 88




RVD says he could beat Avatar any day of the week under any circumstances. He accepts the rematch challenge and says he'll just show everyone once again he's "The Whole F'n Show".


Rating: 81




Duff Man vs. Big Kahuna


Big Kahuna lays into Duff Man mercilessly from the opening bell. He has him beaten bloody very quickly. He hits the Kahuna Bomb to get the three-count!


Rating: 71




Edgar Dunvegan is in the back with Kate Avatar, John Henderson, and Steve Liermann. Edgar announces that Liermann is the newest member of the No Limit Soldiers and that they're going to take on The Mega Powers and win.


Rating: 97




Brandon Harwell makes his way to the ring and calls out Dawson Polaris, saying he has some business with him.


Rating: 93




Dawson Polaris comes out. Harwell says Dawson wasn't in Imperial Games, so he didn't have his chance to face him. He says he has nothing but respect for Dawson and wants to test himself against the best before his showdown with Ministry. Dawson appreciates that Harwell is a changed man and has seen the light, and says he accepts the challenge, to take place next week.


Rating: 83




Pico Flush vs. Randy Orton


Pico Flush comes into the match swinging, connecting with a few punches on Randy Orton. Orton comes back with a clothesline, then an inverted atomic drop. Orton bodyslams Pico, but he fights back to his feet. Pico slams him into the corner, but Orton comes back with a dropkick. Pico is up, and Orton catches him with the RKO for the win!


Rating: 79




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs are backstage and are approached by Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte. Sarah and Felicia suggest an alliance, a merging of Girl Power and The Militia. Ed and Biggs get into their faces, and there's a tense moment, then they shake their hands. Sarah and Felicia are part of The Militia now.


Rating: 92




A Jimmy Dragon training session video is shown on the Imperia-Tron. Don't try this at home, kids.


Rating: 100




The Militia vs. The Dynasty


Mista Ed and Bad Ass Brad Jones start out. They brawl for a time, and BABJ looks to take it to the mat. BABJ starts working on Ed's neck, then pulls him to his team's corner and tags in George Doyle. Doyle continues working on Ed's neck, but he powers to his feet and clotheslines him. Ed tags in Shorty Biggs, and the two double-team Doyle. They hammer him back and forth, then give him a double backdrop. Biggs gives Doyle a belly-to-back suplex and gets a two-count. Biggs tags in Sarah Dunvegan, who immediately hits a missile dropkick. They wrestle for position, and after a chain of moves, Doyle comes out on top and pulls her over and tags in The Juice. Juice gives Sarah a kick to the midsection and then a knee lift. After a bulldog, he gets a two-count. Juice brawls with Sarah, and she gives him a dropkick. Juice tags Doyle back in. Sarah hits a series of chops, but Doyle comes back with a vertical suplex. Doyle tries to work her over on the mat, but she gets to her feet, takes him over with a snap mare, then gives him a dropkick to the face. Ed and Biggs go after BABJ and Juice as Sarah hits the Hurricane Press on Doyle to get the win!


Rating: 99




Felicia Duarte is backstage cutting a promo on Jerry Dunvegan. She says she'll show him that she's the true number-one-contender to the IWF World Heavyweight Title. It's time for a woman to be on top to take IWF into a new age.


Rating: 100




No Limit Soldiers vs. The Mega Powers


Edgar Dunvegan and Alex Dunvegan start the match off with a brawl. Alex takes control and hammers Edgar down in the corner. He gives him a boot choke and stops at four. Kate Avatar tries to interfere, but Alex knocks her off the ring apron. Alex kicks and stomps Edgar, and then he and David Riff double-team him. Alex lifts Edgar onto his shoulders, and Oddball gives him a flying clothesline for a two-count. Oddball has Edgar up, and they both wrestle for position. Oddball whips Edgar into the ropes, and Edgar comes back with a springboard DDT. Edgar makes the hot tag to Avatar, who cuts off Oddball and prevents him from making the tag. Edgar cuts off Alex, and Avatar is left alone to deal with Oddball. She gvies him a spike belly-to-belly suplex for a two-count, then an STO for a two-count. Finally she hits the Avatar Clash for the pin!


Rating: 97




Jerry Dunvegan blasts Felicia Duarte verbally, saying that she and his sister Sarah Dunvegan should be tending to the "Emperor's" kitchen, not wrestling in the "Emperor's" ring. He says he'll take Felicia out once and for all and then get his belt back from Ministry at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 96




Number-One-Contender to the IWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Felicia Duarte vs. "Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan


They lock up, and Jerry Dunvegan messes around, shoving her back, pushing her around, and then slapping her. Felicia Duarte pimp slaps him for it, then spears him. Jerry fights back to his feet, but it's obvious that the match is a little awkward and their timing is a bit off. Jerry knocks Felicia into the corner and stomps her down, but she gets away from him and hits a spinning heel kick. Jerry stumbles back, and Felicia gives him a vicious superkick that busts him open! Jerry comes back and goes for the Enforcer, but Felicia throws him off and hits a high-angle dropkick. Jerry is staggered, and that gives Felicia the opening to hit the Como Usted Quiera for the win!


Rating: 89




Felicia Duarte gets on the mic and says that's how she takes care of business, and it's how The Militia takes care of business. She tells Ministry to shine the belt up for her because she's coming to take it from him.


Rating: 100




Final Rating: 93 (A)

TV Rating: 7.79 (USA Sports 1), 0.09 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.92 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 1, August 2003






In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pete Anselmo defeated Viper in 8:30 by pinfall with a LiE.


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, MaxGore defeated Burning Desire in 8:25 when Mad Max defeated Chase Roberts by pinfall with a Screwdriver.




Main Show


Backstage, Devon Storm is seen walking along by Gerg, Josh Allen, Teddy Patinkin, Trevor Finnell, Aphrodisia Jordan, Chase Roberts, and Trent Helms, and are scared of him.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Crusader defeated Ander Carvetti in 8:13 by pinfall with a Final Judgment. (86)


Ford Fairlane cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Paco Rodeguiz.


In an extremely short match, Big Kahuna defeated Gerg in 3:21 by pinfall with a Hawaii Hurt. (72)


Big Kahuna cuts a backstage promo.


Paco Rodeguiz cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Ford Fairlane.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Devon Storm defeated Erik Pigman in 5:44 by pinfall with a Drop Off. (72)


Devon Storm cuts a backstage promo.


Air Raid cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Travis and Alisyn.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Ford Fairlane in 8:13 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel. (81)


Travis and Alisyn cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Air Raid.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Alan Travis and Alisyn Stormsong defeated Air Raid in 13:26 when Alisyn Stormsong defeated Apathy by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. (82)




Final Rating: 84 (B+)

TV Rating: 0.81 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 1, August 2003

Northern Mexico






In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Ford Fairlane in 12:36 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, JohnMan defeated Jon Stevens in 9:28 by pinfall with a JohnBomb.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Pete Anselmo defeated The Juice in 10:32 by pinfall with a LiE.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Edgar Dunvegan and Kate Avatar defeated Alex Dunvegan and David Riff in 14:42 when Kate Avatar defeated David Riff by pinfall with an Avatar Clash.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Felicia Duarte defeated Jerry Dunvegan in 20:03 by pinfall with a Como Usted Quiera. Felicia Duarte makes defence number 5 of her WWF Mexican title.




Final Rating: 89 (B+)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 2, August 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sinister defeated Yukon Jack Daniels in 7:47 by pinfall with an ELE.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Scott Ericson defeated Dais in 8:27 by pinfall with a Sealing the Deal.




Main Show





IWF Television Title Bout

Gambit vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


Gambit and Rob Van Dam trade punches early on, but RVD gets him with some kicks. Gambit fights back and bodyslams RVD. Gambit hits a legdrop and gets a one-count. RVD fighting back with some elbows to the stomach, then he nails Gambit with a savate kick. RVD goes to the top turnbuckle, but Gambit catches him and brings him down with a superplex. Gambit stomps RVD, who fights his way to his feet. RVD whips Gambit into the turnbuckle and then drops him with an inverted DDT. RVD hits the Split Legged Moonsault and gets the pin!


Rating: 77




Kate Avatar comes out and tells Rob Van Dam to enjoy being the IWF Television Champion while he can, because next time they meet, at Mutually Assured destruction, she guarantees RVD'd destruction.


Rating: 100




Dalton vs. "The Hellacious One" Draco


Dalton and Draco trade blows to begin with, and Dalton takes him over with a vertical suplex. Dalton whips Draco into the ropes, and he springboards back, catches Dalton's head, and drops him with an inverted DDT. Draco hits the Hellacious to win the match!


Rating: 76




Rob Van Dam catches Kate Avatar backstage. RVD immediately lays into her with some kicks, busting her open! A violent brawl begins between the two of them, and nobody can seem to stop it. They brawl all over backstage, and RVD rams Avatar into the wall. Avatar comes back with a pele kick. Avatar pushes some steel racks over on top of RVD and walks away laughing.


Rating: 83




Zachary Punk vs. Alex Dunvegan


This was an awkward bout, as Zachary Punk and Alex Dunvegan didn't seem to click. Their timing is off during the initial brawl, then Alex takes control of the match. Alex stomps Punk down in the corner and gives him a boot choke, stopping at four. They brawl some more, with Alex clearly the better of the two. Suddenly, Randy Orton hits the ring and gives Alex the RKO out of nowhere. The referee calls for the bell and gives Alex the win by disqualification!


Rating: 80




Kate Avatar and Steve Liermann of No Limit Soldiers want a piece of The Mega Powers and ask IWF Owner Brandon Harwell for a match next week against Rob Van Dam and David Riff. Harwell agrees to it and books the match.


Rating: 89





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

The Dynasty vs. Girl Power ©


Jerry Dunvegan and Sarah Dunvegan start off with some wild punches on each other. Jerry quickly overpowers her that way, so she shoots in for his legs. Jerry hits a high knee, busting her open! Jerry whips Sarah into the ropes, but she comes back with a springboard clothesline. She then hits an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Sarah goes to the top turnbuckle, and Bad Ass Brad Jones shoves her off. Jerry tags in BABJ, who pulls Sarah to their corner. BABJ kicks Avatar while Jerry beats her from behind. The referee pulls them out of the corner, and Avatar hits a desperation STO. Sarah makes it to Felicia Duarte to tag her in. BABJ locks up with her and tries to wrestle her to the mat, but after a chain of moves, she shoves him off into the ropes and gets him with a spinning heel kick on the rebound. Felicia runs up and hits a second turnbuckle moonsault for a two-count. Felicia goes to the top turnbuckle again, but Jerry shoves her off. Sarah moves around the ring and blindsides Jerry, throwing him into the guardrail. BABJ has Felicia on the mat and is working on her neck. He locks her in an STF, but she reaches the ropes after 15 seconds. Sarah throws Jerry into the ring and climbs in, then hits a DDT. Jerry and Sarah leave the ring, and Felicia fights back to her feet. She hits several elbows from a side headlock, then takes him over with a belly-to-back suplex. Felicia is out of gas and BABJ is hurting. They make hot tags to Jerry and Sarah, who trade more blows. BABJ exposes the turnbuckle. Jerry tries to whip Sarah into the exposed turnbuckle, but she reverses it and sends him into it. She then smashes his face on the exposed turnbuckle, busting him open and getting a warning from the referee. Sarah knocks BABJ to the floor, and then she and Felicia hit the On Top of the World on Jerry to get the win!


Rating: 95





Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones attack Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte with chairs after the match, but Mista Ed and Shorty biggs arrive with baseball bats to make the save.


Rating: 94




Ministry is back in his darkened room with Mr. Night. Night says that Randy Orton's little group are starting to cross the line. Ministry says that tonight, one of Orton's allies will be laid to rest.


Rating: 100




A Jimmy Dragon training session video is shown on the Imperia-Tron. Don't try this at home, kids.


Rating: 100




Dawson Polaris vs. Brandon Harwell


They lock up and wrestle for position. Brandon Harwell looks to pull Dawson Polaris into a clinch, but Dawson won't allow it. Dawson gets him in a side headlock and tries to take it to the mat, but Harwell pushes him off. He stops in his tracks, but when he turns around, Harwell lunges at him. Dawson sprawls and hits Harwell with some forearm shots. Dawson gets a front facelock and takes Harwell down to the mat. After some punches, Dawson starts working on Harwell's legs. He tweaks one of them and drops elbows across his knee. Dawson applies a spinning toe hold, but Harwell kicks him away. Harwell moves in and pulls Dawson into a clinch where he gives him several hard knee strikes. After a high knee, Dawson is busted open! Harwell takes him down and quickly gets a mount from which he rains punches down on Dawson. Dawson covers up and eventually throws Harwell off. Harwell moves in again and Dawson takes him to the mat with an ipponzei, transitioning into an armbar submission. Harwell reaches the ropes in 5 seconds. Harwell gives Dawson a series of kicks, then nearly takes his head off with a savate kick that looks like it may have knocked Dawson out. Harwell pulls him up and goes for the Cutting Edge, but Dawson drops down behind him, grabs him, and hits the Polaris Deathdrop. He goes for the pin, and Harwell kicks out! Dawson goes right back to the attack, trying for the Polaris Special, but Harwell kicks him off. Dawson turns and eats a high-angle dropkick from Harwell. Dawson is staggered, and it gives Harwell a chance to hit the Cutting Edge for the win!


Rating: 99




Brandon Harwell thanks Dawson Polaris for not holding back and giving him one of the best matches of his career. They shake hands, and Harwell addresses the crowd. He asks if he's finally earned their trust, and he gets a huge pop. He asks if they're ready to see a new IWF World Heavyweight Champion, and the crowd roars with approval.


Rating: 100




Climbatize says the war against The Dark Warlords involve everyone. Brandon Harwell might want all the glory to himself, but he plans on taking Ministry out tonight.


Rating: 83





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Climbatize vs. Ministry ©


Climbatize is able to brawl evenly with Ministry at the start of the match, and he backs the big man into the corner. Ministry grabs him by the throat and gives him a choke slam for a two-count. Climbatize fights to his feet, but it's an uneven match. Climbatize goes for a series of punches, but Ministry shrugs them off and gives him a brutal haymaker that knocks him down. Climbatize refuses to give up, though, and whips Ministry hard into the corner and hits an avalanche. Climbatize starts stomping Ministry down in the corner and has turned the match around. Climbatize pulls Ministry up, who whips him into the referee and they both go down. Marilith hits the ring and double-teams Climbatize with Ministry. Marilith gives Climbatize the Choke Slam. Randy Orton hits the ring next, and he manages to take Ministry and Marilith down with a double RKO! Orton leaves the ring and pulls Marilith out, and the referee stirs. Climbatize drapes an arm over Ministry, but only gets a two-count before Ministry sits up! Orton is giving Marilith a savage beating on the outside, ending with a kick to her head. Ministry pulls Climbatize up and hits the Eternal Damnation for the win!


Rating: 85




Felicia Duarte goes to the ring and faces Ministry. Soon, The Militia and The Dark Warlords have arrived. Felicia and Ministry have a staredown as Dawson Polaris and Sam Hart join Randy Orton and Climbatize. It looks like a brawl is ready to erupt when the locker room empties and starts pulling them apart with help from security. Felicia is screaming at Ministry in Spanish as the show goes off the air.


Rating: 100




Final Rating: 93 (A)

TV Rating: 7.76 (USA Sports 1), 0.10 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.90 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 2, August 2003






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, MaxGore defeated The Assassins in 8:19 when Mad Max defeated Viper by pinfall with a Screwdriver.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Pete Anselmo defeated Erik Pigman in 8:02 by pinfall with a LiE.




Main Show


Backstage, Devon Storm is seen walking along by Gerg, Josh Allen, Teddy Patinkin, Trevor Finnell, Trent Helms, Sampson Griffith, and Chris Fate, and are scared of him.


Alisyn Stormsong cuts a promo hyping up her upcoming match with Devon Storm.


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Devon Storm defeated Alisyn Stormsong in 8:02 by pinfall. (84)


In an extremely short match, Big Kahuna defeated Natalie Patinkin in 2:41 by pinfall with a Hawaii Hurt. (72)


Big Kahuna cuts a backstage promo.


Burning Desire cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with The Patinkin Brothers.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Patinkin Brothers defeated Burning Desire in 5:44 when Darren Patinkin defeated Aphrodisia Jordan by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. (83)


Air Raid cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Split Seconds.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Alan Travis in 8:27 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel. (76)


Devon Storm and Big Kahuna face each other down in the ring. After taking some time to psych themselves up, they initiate a wild brawl that spills out of the ring, both ending up bloody. Security have to pull them apart.


Split Seconds cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Air Raid.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Split Seconds defeated Air Raid in 13:09 when Joey T defeated Brad Tibbs by pinfall with a Time Bomb. (86)




Final Rating: 86 (B+)

TV Rating: 0.81 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 2, August 2003

South UK






In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Ford Fairlane in 12:55 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Draco defeated Dalton in 8:16 by pinfall with a Hellacious.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Patinkin Brothers defeated Burning Desire in 8:07 when Darren Patinkin defeated Chase Roberts by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brandon Harwell defeated Dawson Polaris in 19:24 by pinfall with a Cutting Edge.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Sebastian and The Sebastian Franchise defeated Edgar Dunvegan, Kate Avatar and John Henderson in 18:39 when John Sebastian defeated John Henderson by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.




Final Rating: 82 (B)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 3, August 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, George Doyle won a battle royal in 14:47. The final four competitors also included Scott Ericson, Payne-X Sebastian and B.A. Sebastian, with Scott Ericson being the final elimination.




Main Show




The Dark Warlords vs. Harwell, Dawson, and Dragon


Brandon Harwell and Cale start the match. Harwell tries to tangle him up in a clinch, but Cale hammers him back into the corner and stomps him down. Cale tags in Dais, who hits a dropkick to the face on Harwell. Dais hangs him in a Tree of Woe and hits another dropkick to the face. With a senton, Dais gets a one-count. Dais pulls Harwell up and is sent flying with a backdrop. Harwell tags in Dawson Polaris, who comes in and works on Dais's legs on the mat. They perform a chain of moves, and Dawson still comes out on top. Dais tries to roll through a hammerlock, but Dawson maintains the hold and runs him into the corner. Dais hits a back elbow to make Dawson stumble, then tags in Sekhmet. Sekhmet comes in and is caught by Dawson in a belly-to-belly suplex. Sekhmet turns it into a brawl, but Dawson takes him down with a clothesline and tags in Jimmy Dragon. Dragon immediately hits the Dragon Fly, but Cale and Dais enter the ring and lay him out with a double-clothesline. Chaos erupts and the referee loses control as Harwell and Dawson enter the ring and a huge brawl erupts. At the end of it, Dais and Harwell are left as the legal men. Dawson and Dragon attack Cale and Sekhmet on the outside as Harwell hits a Yakuza kick on Dais and then gives him the Cutting Edge for the pin!


Rating: 98




Brandon Harwell gets on the mic and hypes his partners Dawson Polaris and Jimmy Dragon, then says that the time is drawing near for him to show the world that he's ready to hold the IWF World Heavyweight Title once more. He says he doesn't care if it's Ministry or Felicia Duarte that he faces at Extreme Warfare, he's going to be ready for anything, and the match he has picked out will take it to the next level.


Rating: 100




Rob E. Dangerously comes out with Joel Gertner. Gertner introduces himself and Dangerously in his usual manner, then poses the question of why people seem to have forgotten The Dangerously Alliance. Dangerously says it's because of traitors like Rob Van Dam and David Riff, but he says it'll all change. He has a plan to bring glory back to The Dangerous alliance, and it all starts at Mutually Assured Destruction when he takes on The Crusader. He says The Dangerous Alliance will rise again.


Rating: 86





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

Gerg vs. "Mad Dog" Justin Sayne ©


Gerg bursts into the match with a nerd-like fury, laying into Justin Sayne with a series of punches that busts him right open! Gerg throws Sayne out of the ring, then hits a tope suicida. Sayne is taken compeltely by surprise. Gerg wails on him with a chair and keeps up the assault. They seem to have great chemistry as opponents. Finally, Sayne has enough and gives him a big boot to stop him in his tracks. After getting some revenge by stomping the crap out of Gerg, he hits the Shock Therapy for the win!


Rating: 82




Steve Liermann comes out and asks Justin Sayne if he's enjoyed being the IWF Hardcore Champion. Liermann calls Sayne a fraud that doesn't know the meaning of the word "hardcore". He says he'll give him a lesson at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 89




Sinister vs. "Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan


Jerry Dunvegan starts with some punches on Sinister. Sinister comes back with a spinning heel kick that causes Jerry to stumble. Sinister grabs him and hits a Tornado DDT for a two-count. Jerry seems aggravated by the gesture and lays into Sinister, beating him into a corner and stomping him down. When Sinister gets up, Jerry hits the Enforcer and gets the pin!


Rating: 82




Randy Orton comes out and hypes his match against Alex Dunvegan. He says he wonders what would happen if Alex loses his match tonight against Kate Avatar. Orton toys with the idea and taunts Alex, then says that either way, he'll still be the IWF United States Champion after Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 95




No Limit Soldiers vs. The Mega Powers


Steve Liermann and David Riff start the match and lay into each other with punches. Liermann takes him down with a shoulderblock, then hits a legdrop and gets a one-count. Oddball gives Liermann a vertical suplex, then tags in Rob Van Dam, who hits a flying side kick. Bill Alfonso distracts John Henderson from the outside while RVD nails Liermann with a series of kicks. Henderson chases Fonzie around the ring, and gets clotheslined by Oddball. RVD bodyslams Liermann and hits the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. RVD whips Liermann into the turnbuckle. Henderson gets back in his corner. Liermann takes RVD down with a belly-to-belly suplex, then tags in Henderson. Henderson hits an atomic drop, then takes RVD down with a bulldog. RVD fights back with some kicks, then hits a Roaring Elbow. RVD gets a two-count with the Split Legged Moonsault. They brawl a bit, then take each other down with clotheslines. They make hot tags to Liermann and Oddball. Henderson leaves the ring and lays out Fonzie while Liermann clears the ring. Henderson cuts off RVD while Liermann hits the Shellshock on Oddball for the win!


Rating: 99




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs find Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones backstage, and a brawl breaks out. Ed and Biggs use their teamwork to get the upper-hand, and beat Jerry and BABJ down until security breaks up the fight.


Rating: 90




Ministry is in his darkened room backstage, and says he's going to enjoy putting Felicia Duarte's ego in check before burying her.


Rating: 100




"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Alex Dunvegan


Kate Avatar locks up with Alex Dunvegan, but he soon overpowers her and hammers her into the corner. After stomping her down, he puts on a boot choke and stops at four. Alex pulls Avatar up by the hair, but she knocks him back with a palm strike, then gives him a dropkick to the knee. Alex stumbles, and she hits another dropkick to the knee. Alex drops to his knees, and Avatar gives him a Shining Wizard for a two-count. Alex fights back to his feet and punches Avatar a few more times, but she comes back with a desperation STO that gets a one-count. Avatar gives him a high-angle dropkick, then takes him down with an inverted bulldog for a two-count. Alex fights back to his feet again and takes Avatar down with a side suplex for a two-count. Alex hits the Big Leg Drop, but Avatar kicks out. Alex pulls Avatar up by her hair again, and this time she fires off a series of uppercuts that stagger Alex. Alex grabs her and throws her, and she collides with the referee. Devon Storm makes his way down to the ring, and gives Avatar the Drop0 Off. That's when Randy Orton runs down to the ring. He catches Storm by surprise and lays him out with the RKO. Alex comes around, and Orton gives him the RKO as well. Orton and Storm leave the ring, and Avatar covers Alex. Alex gets a shoulder up! They both get up, and Alex goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Avatar reverses it. Avatar then shows her new submission move, the Avatar Lock, and puts Alex in it. He's close to the ropes, but he can't go anywhere. Alex has no choice but to tap out after 20 seconds!


Rating: 97




Kate Avatar is celebrating her win when Rob Van Dam runs down to the ring and assaults her with a chair, culminating with the Van Daminator that busts her open!


Rating: 84




Felicia Duarte is backstage before her match, and she says she's more than ready for Ministry. She's been studying him in every way, every move he makes, every tactic he uses. She says she knows the secret to winning and she's going to use it not only tonight, but at Mutually Assured Destruction as well.


Rating: 100




Girl Power vs. Death Machine


Felicia Duarte and Marilith start out. They brawl a bit, then Felicia whips Marilith into the ropes and gives her a jumping clothesline. Marilith tries to take the fight to the mat, but Felicia is too fast for her. Marilith finally tags in Ministry, and the two circle each other. Felicia immediately hits a dropkick to the knee on Ministry, then gives him a European uppercut followed by a springbiard DDT for a two-count. She isolates Ministry, and she and Sarah Dunvegan double-team him. Felicia catapults Ministry up, and Sarah drops in with a flying cross-body block for a two-count. Felicia gives Ministry a kick to the calf, then puts him on one knee, and the two sandwich him with kicks. Felicia grabs Ministry by the head and pulls it back by flipping over him in a bridge, then Sarah kicks him in the sternum. Felicia leaves the ring, and Sarah goes to work on Ministry's legs. Sarah keeps the fight on the mat and puts Ministry in a hammerlock. Ministry breaks the hold after 5 seconds and picks Sarah up and drops her with a belly-to-back suplex. They make hot tags to Felicia and Marilith, and Felicia cleans house. She almost pins Marilith, but she kicks out. Marilith takes Felicia to the mat and tries for an STF, but Felicia breaks free after 8 seconds. Marilith tags in Ministry, and Felicia gives Marilith a dropkick to the ass to knock her out of the ring. Sarah enters the ring, and they nail Ministry with a double superkick. They finally hit the On Top of the World, and Sarah cuts off Marilith as Felicia gets the pin!


Rating: 96



The fight continues after the match with an enraged Ministry going after Felicia Duarte. They get into a violent brawl, and eventually they're both busted open. Sarah Dunvegan and Marilith break them apart with help from security as the show goes off the air.


Rating: 100




Final Rating: 92 (A)

TV Rating: 7.80 (USA Sports 1), 0.09 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.92 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 3, August 2003






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, JohnMan defeated Trevor Finnell in 7:59 by pinfall with a JohnBomb.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Paco Rodeguiz defeated Ford Fairlane in 7:57 by pinfall with a L.A. Motel.




Main Show


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bloodsport defeated Burning Desire in 8:13 when Alan Travis defeated Chase Roberts by pinfall with a STO. (77)


Bloodsport cut a backstage promo.


Ander Carvetti cuts a backstage promo.


In an extremely short match, Chris Patinkin defeated Fullgore in 3:30 by pinfall with a Sharpshooter. (60)


Pete Anselmo cuts a backstage promo.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Darren Patinkin defeated Mad Max in 5:54 by pinfall with a Sharpshooter. (74)


Big Kahuna cuts a backstage promo.


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Natalie Patinkin defeated Kid Flash in 7:51 by pinfall with a N-Sault. (59)


Joey T cuts a backstage promo.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Big Kahuna defeated Ander Carvetti, Pete Anselmo and Joey T in 11:55 when Big Kahuna defeated Ander Carvetti by pinfall. (86)


Amidst a chaotic in-ring scene, Devon Storm and Big Kahuna finally come face to face on opposite sides of the ring. They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Gerg, Teddy Patinkin, Trent Helms, Sampson Griffith, Dalton and Mike Malice.


Big Kahuna cuts a backstage promo.




Final Rating: 84 (B+)

TV Rating: 0.80 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 3, August 2003

South UK






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Sebastian defeated Zachary Punk in 14:11 by submission.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, George Doyle defeated Draco in 7:08 by submission with a Grounded Octopus Hold after blatantly cheating.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Alisyn Stormsong defeated Ander Carvetti in 10:05 by submission.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Alex Dunvegan and Devon Storm defeated Edgar Dunvegan and Kate Avatar in 17:07 when Devon Storm defeated Kate Avatar by pinfall.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Girl Power defeated Death Machine in 20:17 when Felicia Duarte defeated Ministry by pinfall with an On Top of the World.




Final Rating: 93 (A)

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IWF Mutually Assured Destruction



IWF Television Title Bout

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam © vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Sadistic" Steve Liermann vs. "Mad Dog" Justin Sayne ©


The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones) vs. The Militia (Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs)


The Crusader vs. Rob E. Dangerously


IWF United States Title Bout

Alex Dunvegan vs. Randy Orton ©


No Limit Soldiers (Edgar Dunvegan and John Henderson) vs. The Mega Powers (Devon Storm and David Riff)


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match

Felicia Duarte vs. Ministry ©

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IWF Mutually Assured Destruction



IWF Television Title Bout

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam © vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Sadistic" Steve Liermann vs. "Mad Dog" Justin Sayne ©


The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones) vs. The Militia (Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs)


The Crusader vs. Rob E. Dangerously


IWF United States Title Bout

Alex Dunvegan vs. Randy Orton ©


No Limit Soldiers (Edgar Dunvegan and John Henderson) vs. The Mega Powers (Devon Storm and David Riff)


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match

Felicia Duarte vs. Ministry ©

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IWF Mutually Assured Destruction

Sunday, Week 3, August 2003






In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Dragon & Polaris defeated The Sebastian Franchise in 7:34 when Jimmy Dragon defeated Payne-X Sebastian by pinfall with a Dragon Driver.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Brandon Harwell defeated Scott Ericson in 7:47 by pinfall with a Cutting Edge.




Main Show




The camera pans around the arena and down to the announcers' table where George Foreman, Eric Sweetwood, and Josie Hendrix are seated. After some witty banter, Foreman goes over the night's matches and hypes them all.


Rating: 89


A hype video plays for Kate Avatar and Rob Van Dam. More footage of RVD's domination since winning the IWF Television Title as we come close to him holding it for a full year and being the longest reigning champion in IWF Television Title history. Avatar was cheated out of her last attempt, and she has been trying to get on a roll, but has been having trouble.


Rating: 91





IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


Kate Avatar locks up with Rob Van Dam, and they wrestle around a bit before performing a chain of moves. Avatar comes out on top and takes him over with an armdrag takedown. RVD gets up and Avatar hits another armdrag takedown. RVD is up and goes for a roundhouse kick, but Avatar ducks and spears him. Avatar goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault for a two-count. RVD fights to his feet and bodyslams Avatar. He hits the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. RVD hits a series of kicks, then gives her an enzuigiri. Avatar sits up and RVD nails a Shining Wizard for a two-count. RVD goes to the top turnbuckle, Avatar gets up, and RVD hits a flying side kick.Avatar comes back and takes him down with an STO for a two-count. Avatar goes to the top turnbuckle and gets a pop for performing a frog splash on RVD for a two-count. RVD fights to his feet, gvies Avatar a series of punches, then lays her out with a savate kick. RVD tries to go to the top turnbuckle, but she crotches him on the turnbuckle, climbs up, and gives him a belly-to-back superplex. They are slow to rise, but Avatar smashes him with a superkick. Bill Alfonso gets on the ring apron, and Avatar grabs him by the shirt. The referee pulls them apart and holds Avatar off. He turns as Fonzie throws a chair in to RVD. RVD tosses it to Avatar and hits the Van Daminator, but Avatar bumps into the referee, who turns around and sees the chair as Avatar collapses. He calls for the bell and disqualifies RVD!


Rating: 98




Kate Avatar celebrates her win, then gets on the mic and calls out Rob Van Dam for always skipping out on a clean match. She says it's not over, and that next time they meet, Avatar is taking the belt from him.


Rating: 90





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Sadistic" Steve Liermann vs. "Mad Dog" Justin Sayne ©


Steve Liermann brings a barbed wire baseball bat to the ring and starts swinging it. Justin Sayne lays into Liermann and hammers him into the corner. He tosses him out of the ring and hits a baseball slide. Sayne grabs the ring bell and hits Liermann with it. They brawl all over ringside, and Liermann whips Sayne into the guardrail. Liermann gives him a series of punches, then whips him into the ring steps. Sayne fights back to his feet, grabs a chair, and smashes Liermann with it, busting him open! Liermann comes back with a chair of his own and smacks Sayne with it, busting him open. They brawl some more, and Sayne eventually catches him with the Death Sentence for the win!


Rating: 80




The Dynasty vs. The Militia


Jerry Dunvegan and Mista Ed start things off with a brawl. Ed hammers Jerry into the corner. Jerry fights back, kicks him away, and takes him down with a bulldog. Jerry and Bad Ass Brad Jones double-team Ed in the corner, stomping him down and kicking him. Jerry lifts Ed up, and BABJ clotheslines him. BABJ takes Ed to the mat and puts him in an STF, but Ed reaches the ropes after 15 seconds. BABJ pulls him back in a crossface, but Ed reaches the ropes after 22 seconds. Ed fights back to his feet and they clothesline each other. They make tags to Shorty Biggs and Jerry, and Biggs cleans house, throwing Jerry and BABJ out of the ring. Jerry gets back in and gives Biggs an inverted atomic drop before giving him a DDT. Jerry has Biggs on the ropes and gives him a sitdown splash on the second rope. Jerry pulls him out and hits an inverted powerbomb for a two-count. Jerry and BABJ double-team Biggs, but Ed enters the ring to break it up. BABJ and Ed spill to the outside of the ring and start fighting at ringside. Ed slams BABJ into the ring steps and gets back on the ring apron. Biggs takes Jerry down with a bulldog, then tags in Ed. Jerry clotheslines Ed and stomps him repeatedly. Jerry bodyslams Ed and gives him a kneedrop. Jerry goes for the Enforcer, but Ed counters with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Ed tries to go for the Endgame, but Jerry counters with a spinning headscissors. Jerry finally hits the Enforcer, then uses the ropes for leverage to get the pin!


Rating: 85




The Crusader vs. Rob E. Dangerously


This match is a mess from the beginning. The Crusader and Rob E. Dangerously seem to have no chemistry at all, and aren't able to get thigns rolling well. Crusader takes Dangerously to the mat, but that proves to be a mistake because Dangerously out-wrestles him. Crusader fights to his feet and brawls with Dangerously, getting the upper-hand with a gourdbuster. Dangerously feigns a head injury, and Joel Gertner gets in the ring and low blows Crusader. Dangerously rushes in and pulls Crusader down with an inside cradle to get the win!


Rating: 72




Felicia Duarte is having a backstage interview about her main event match against Ministry. She says she knows the odds are against her, but she intends to become the first woman to hold the IWF World Heavyweight Title. She says all the momentum right now is on her side, and that all it'll take is pushing one big ass into one little box to make all of her dreams come true. She dedicates the match to women everywhere.


Rating: 100





IWF United States Title Bout

Alex Dunvegan vs. Randy Orton ©


Randy Orton and Alex Dunvegan lock up, and Orton shows no fear mixing it up with the big man. Alex forces Orton into the corner and gives him a couple of knee lifts. Alex applies a boot choke, stopping at four. Alex goes for it again, but Orton moves out of the way, causing Alex to get caught on the turnbuckle. Orton takes him down with a reverse neckbreaker for a two-count. Orton stomps Alex, then kicks him in the head for a two-count. Alex fights back to his feet, then takes Orton over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Alex puts Orton on the turnbuckle and tries for the Avenger, but Orton kicks him away and hits a missile dropkick for a two-count. Orton pulls Alex up and goes for the RKO, but Alex shoves him away and hits an atomic drop. Alex clotheslines Orton from behind, knocking him to the mat. Alex hits the Big Leg Drop, but only gets a two-count. Orton fights to his feet and gives Alex a series of punches. He gets momentum going and brawls him into the corner. Orton unleashes another series of punches, but Alex uses the rope break to get the referee to pull Orton off. Alex slips on brass knuckles, then nails Orton with a vicious punch with the brass knuckles that busts him open. Alex tosses the weapon out to Bill Alfonso to dispose of and gets the pin! Alex Dunvegan wins the IWF United States Title!


Rating: 84




Ministry is backstage in his darkened room with Mr. Night. He says he doesn't care about the whole men versus women argument. Night says Ministry is above all men and women, so it doesn't matter. Ministry adds that men and women are buried the same way, as Felicia Duarte will soon find out.


Rating: 100




No Limit Soldiers vs. The Mega Powers


Edgar Dunvegan starts out with Devon Storm and shows no fear. Storm lays into him quickly, bashing him repeatedly. Edgar is busted open early! Storm throws him into his team's corner where he and David Riff proceed to double-team him. Edgar fights them both off and clotheslines Storm out of the ring by some miracle. Oddball tries to take Edgar to the mat, but Edgar sprawls and tried to beat him down with forearm smashes. Edgar tries to go for the tag, but Oddball trips him up with a drop toe hold. Oddball transitions to an STF, which Edgar breaks after 10 seconds. Edgar slams Oddball into the corner, and Storm gets back in the ring and lays Edgar out. Oddball seems to be getting agitated and grabs Suzie, getting ready to go to town. Storm takes the chair away from him. The distraction allows Edgar to tag in John Henderson. Henderson charges Storm, who spin and catches him by the throat. Storm hits the Drop Off and gets the pin!


Rating: 99





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Casket Match

Felicia Duarte vs. Ministry ©


Felicia Duarte circles Ministry at first, not allowing him to get close. Ministry moves in, but Felicia throws some kicks at him that do little. Felicia finally charges in and hits a dropkick to the knee. Ministry stumbles a little, and Felicia pulls him down with a drop toe hold. Felicia works on Ministry's legs, stomping them and dropping her knee over them. Ministry fights to his feet and batters Felicia, hammering her into the corner. Ministry gives her a big boot in the corner, busting her open! Ministry gives her a boot choke, stopping at four. Ministry takes her down with a superplex. Ministry finally hurls Felicia out of the ring near the casket. Ministry goes after her and tries to put her in, but she slams his face on the ring apron. Felicia whips Ministry into the guardrail, then climbs up on the ring apron, gets a running start, and hits a running somersault plancha on Ministry from the ring apron. Ministry is stumbling, and Felicia slams him head-first into the ring post. Ministry is staggered, and Felicia drops him with an inverted DDT. Felicia climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault on Ministry on the floor from the top turnbuckle. Felicia drags Ministry up and tries to force him into the casket, but Ministry stops her and beats her head on the side of the casket. Felicia falls backward a little, and Ministry hits the Final Chapter. Ministry goes to put her in the casket, but Felicia is still fighting it. Felicia goes for the Como Usted Quiera, but Ministry counters it with an elevated powerbomb on the floor. Ministry tries to put her in the casket again, but she still fights it off. He clobbers her over the back of the head, staggering her, then pulls back the mats to expose the concrete floor. Ministry grabs Felicia and executes the Eternal Damnation on Felicia on the concrete floor! There's blood everywhere! Ministry finally tosses Felicia into the casket and closes the lid for the win!


Rating: 99




Final Rating: 97 (A*)

PPV Buy Rate: 3.67




Prediction Results:

Apathy: 5/7

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 4, August 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Corruption and Venom defeated Frontline in 5:48 when Cale defeated Shawn Borders by pinfall with a Lightning Strike.


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Rob E. Dangerously defeated George Doyle, Climbatize and Sam Hart in 8:44 when Rob E. Dangerously defeated Climbatize by pinfall.




Main Show





IWF Television Title Bout

"Sadistic" Steve Liermann vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


Steve Liermann and Rob Van Dam brawl to start the match, and RVD performs a chain of moves that gives him an advantage. Liermann fights to his feet and knocks RVD into the corner. Liermann stomps RVD down, but RVD pulls himself back up and hits a series of kicks. RVD bodyslams Liermann and hits the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. Bill Alfonso distracts the referee as he tosses a chair in to RVD. RVD sets Liermann up in the corner and hits the Van Terminator. He tosses the chair and Fonzie gets down, and RVD gets the three-count!


Rating: 78






Steve Liermann is being attacked by Alex Dunvegan, Devon Storm, Rob Van Dam and David Riff. Out from the back come Edgar Dunvegan, Kate Avatar and John Henderson, who hit the ring to make the save. This triggers an eight man brawl, which has to be separated by a whole team of officials and other wrestlers.


Rating: 89




Kate Avatar bursts into the office of IWF Owner Brandon Harwell and demands a rubber match against Rob Van Dam for the IWF Television Title. She says Harwell owes her this. Harwell considers it.


Rating: 92




Draco and Sinister hit each other with a chain of fast-paced moves. Sinister gives Draco an Asai bodyblock for a two-count. Draco takes him to the mat, then gets up and hits a second-turnbuckle moonsault for a two-count. Sinister catches Draco with a powerslam, then hits the ELE to get the win!


Rating: 78




Alex Dunvegan comes out and cuts a promo against Randy Orton, saying he obviously hasn't had enough yet. He says tonight's result will be exactly the same as last night's result, and he'll walk out still the IWF United States Champion.


Rating: 91




"The Real Deal" Scott Ericson vs. John Henderson


They lock up, and Scott Ericson gives John Henderson a series of punches. Henderson hits a few palm strikes, then clotheslines Ericson. Ericson drags Henderson to the mat and hits a kneedrop for a one-count. Ericson whips Henderson into the corner, then charges in only to get kicked in the face by Henderson. Henderson and Ercison fight back and forth, but then Henderson kicks him in the gut and hits the Crusher DDT for the win!


Rating: 99




A Jimmy Dragon training session video is shown on the Imperia-Tron. Don't try this at home, kids.


Rating: 100




Mista Ed, Shorty Biggs, Sarah Dunvegan, and Felicia Duarte cut a promo backstage opening mocking The Dynasty. They say they're going to be working together to make Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones miserable. Once they're done with, they'll have a nice clean match to see who comes out with the IWF Tag Team Titles. They say that no matter what happens, though, The Militia will still have the IWF Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 94




Randy Orton defends himself by saying that Alex Dunvegan only won because he cheated. It's a mistake he intends to correct tonight when he takes back his belt.


Rating: 92





IWF United States Title Bout

Randy Orton vs. Alex Dunvegan ©


They lock up and start brawling from the opening bell. Alex Dunvegan overpowers Randy Orton at first and forces him into the corner, hittign several knee lifts. Orton fights out of the corner, goes to the second turnbuckle, and hits a bulldog for a two-count. Orton goes for the RKO early, but Alex shoves him off. Alex takes him down with with a Russian legsweep for a two-count. Alex hits the Big Leg Drop and gets another two-count. Alex pulls Orton up and hammers him, but Orton gets back into it and nails Alex with a vicious series of punches that busts him open. Alex hits a haymaker, then takes the turnbuckle pad off. Alex whips Orton into the exposed turnbuckle, then gives him a sitout powerbomb for the win!


Rating: 83




Edgar Dunvegan comes to the ring and confronts Alex Dunvegan. They two face off and have some words, and security starts to get involved. They're about to get into a fight, but they get pulled apart. Edgar challenge Alex to bring his team to Extreme Warfare. Alex tells him he's got it.


Rating: 94




Ministry is back in his darkened room with Mr. Night. Night says the supposed heroes are nobodies in the face of the monster that is Ministry. Ministry says that he and Marilith will bury Brandon Harwell and Jimmy Dragon.


Rating: 100









IWF Tag Team Title Bout

The Militia vs. The Dynasty vs. Girl Power ©


Mista Ed, Jerry Dunvegan, and Sarah Dunvegan start the match out. A three-way brawl ensues, and Sarah gets thrown away from it. Ed hammers Jerry into the corner, and he and Sarah stomp him down in the corner. Bad Ass Brad Jones enters the ring to break it up, and Sarah and BABJ get entangled on the mat. Shorty Biggs and Felicia Duarte enter the ring and triple-team Jerry with Ed. Jerry takes a beating but fends them off, throwing Biggs out of the ring and nailing Felicia with a superkick. BABJ gets Sarah in an STF, but she gets out of it after 15 seconds. Sarah goes to the outside, and Ed climbs back in the ring with Biggs. Ed and Biggs look to hit the DDC on Jerry, but BABJ spears Biggs, and Jerry hits the Enforcer on Ed for the pin! The Militia are eliminated!


Felicia and Sarah enter the ring and a wild brawl is the result. Jerry and BABJ get the upper-hand, tossing Felicia out of the ring and double-teaming Sarah. Sarah eventually takes out both of them with a springboard double clothesline. Sarah makes a hot tag to Felicia, then gets up and tangles up with BABJ on the mat. Felicia lays into Jerry and whips him into the ropes. Jerry looks to go for the Enforcer, but Felicia hits him with the Como Usted Quiera instead and gets the pin! The Dynasty are eliminated! Girl Power win the match!


Rating: 96




Brandon Harwell and Jimmy Dragon are backstage before their match. Harwell says he's teamed up with the "Franchise" of IWF to show The Dark Warlords that IWF's finest will stand together against them. He says tonight they'll win their tag team match, and at Extreme Warfare, Ministry will lose the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 100




Brandon Harwell and Jimmy Dragon vs. Death Machine


Brandon Harwell and Marilith start out. They lock up, and Harwell pulls Marilith into a clinch and starts hitting vicious knee strikes. Marilith whips him into the ropes, and gives him a Yakuza kick. Marilith gives him a sitdown faceslam, then grabs him by the head and flips over him in a reverse chinlock. Harwell breaks free after 10 seconds. Harwell tries to wrestle Marilith to the mat, but she forces him to her team's corner and tags in Ministry. Ministry and Marilith double-team Harwell, stomping him down in the corner. Then they pull him up and give him a double shoulder lift into a flapjack. Ministry goes for a powerbomb on Harwell, but Jimmy Dragon hits the Dragon Fly and takes Ministry off his feet. The referee forces Dragon out of the ring, and Harwell makes the tag. Dragon comes in and hits a series of stiff kicks on Ministry, ending with a savate kick with which he gets a one-count. Ministry sits up! Ministry grabs Dragon by the throat and gives him a choke slam for a two-count. Marilith goes around the outside of the ring and pulls Harwell to the floor. Dragon tries to make the tag, but Harwell is fighting Marilith on the outside. Ministry beats Dragon down and looks ready to hit the Final Chapter, but after Harwell gives Marilith a DDT on the outside, he slides into the ring and hits Ministry with a superkick. Harwell is back in his corner, and Dragon makes the tag. Marilith is still laid out on the floor. Dragon nails Ministry with the Dragon Fly again, then wipes out Marilith with a tope con hilo. Harwell, meanwhile, gives Ministry a vicious high knee to the face that seems to stagger the big man, and then Harwell hits the Dark Millennium and gets the pin!


Rating: 99




Final Rating: 97 (A*)

TV Rating: 7.81 (USA Sports 1), 0.09 (El Canal Del Hombre), 0.91 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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WCW Friday Night Smackdown

Friday, Week 4, August 2003






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Pete Anselmo defeated JohnMan in 7:41 by pinfall with a LiE.


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Split Seconds defeated The Assassins in 7:34 when Joey T defeated Viper by pinfall with a Time Bomb.




Main Show


Backstage, Devon Storm is seen walking along by Gerg, Josh Allen, Teddy Patinkin, Trevor Finnell, Kid Flash, Mike Malice, and Dalton, and are scared of him.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Chris Patinkin defeated Apathy in 7:47 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. (82)


The Patinkin Brothers cut a backstage promo.


Amidst a chaotic in-ring scene, Big Kahuna and Devon Storm finally come face to face on opposite sides of the ring. They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Pico Flush, Ford Fairlane, Gambit, Sampson Griffith, Dane Lazarus and Chris Fate.


In an extremely short match, Alan Travis defeated Chase Roberts in 3:09 by pinfall with a STO. (79)


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Alisyn Stormsong defeated Aphrodisia Jordan in 6:07 by submission. (85)


Burning Desire cut a backstage promo.


Big Kahuna cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Devon Storm.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brad Tibbs defeated Darren Patinkin in 8:05 by pinfall with a Tibbular Bells. (82)


Air Raid cut a backstage promo.


Devon Storm cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Big Kahuna.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Devon Storm defeated Big Kahuna in 12:38 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Devon Storm makes defence number 5 of his WCW National title. (76)




Final Rating: 83 (B)

TV Rating: 0.82 (USA Sports 1)

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WWF International Xplosion

Saturday, Week 4, August 2003

South UK






In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, David Riff defeated JohnMan in 14:18 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Draco defeated The Crusader in 7:52 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Alisyn Stormsong defeated Apathy in 10:24 by submission.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sinister defeated Zachary Punk in 13:03 by pinfall with an ELE.


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Edgar Dunvegan defeated John Sebastian in 22:59 by pinfall with an Air Anchor. Edgar Dunvegan makes defence number 2 of his WWF European title.




Final Rating: 88 (B+)

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