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[DreamVerse] Imperia Wrestling Franchise -- Wrestling At Its Finest

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I gotta admit, though, I'm still greatly bothered by the (now) multiple people who are downgrading my diary and don't have the balls to take responsibility for their immature behavior or grow the **** up. Sorry, but I'm very emotional and really bothered by people picking on me . . .


Screw 'em. Keep posting these shows, you gotta following based on you just standing up to them. (psst. . .trying to say in secret to get that show up pronto!! lol)

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Screw 'em. Keep posting these shows, you gotta following based on you just standing up to them. (psst. . .trying to say in secret to get that show up pronto!! lol)


The diary may be dead in the water anyway. The repetitive booking penalty is killing the tag team match completely (D- to be precise based on preliminary runs), even though I thought for sure the high-graded storyline would push it over the top. That and the morale effects are starting to show because everyone on my roster is so finicky (one person is griping about having 2 losses with 6 wins).


I don't think I'm good enough to play at TEW2008's high challenge level, so I may have to wait until TEW2010 in order to be able to turn off all the things getting in the way of me being able to play. I'm just no good at this game. Between the morale penalties (which is too sensitive) and the repetitive booking penalty (which I don't find realistic anyway, not at the extreme that it's at currently at least), I can't put on a good show. I don't know. I have to put some thought into it all. The diary may be dead until TEW2010, though.


I'm willing to listen to your thoughts on the matter. I'm just in a bad place right now with the game itself, and having trouble playing. Although have some personal issues. I just really have to think about things. The card is booked already, but I just don't know what to do with it now. I guess I'm having my worst self-esteem problems yet. I just want to have fun and book shows, I'm not interested in challenge, I just like writing and running a show.

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The diary may be dead in the water anyway. The repetitive booking penalty is killing the tag team match completely (D- to be precise based on preliminary runs), even though I thought for sure the high-graded storyline would push it over the top. That and the morale effects are starting to show because everyone on my roster is so finicky (one person is griping about having 2 losses with 6 wins).


I don't think I'm good enough to play at TEW2008's high challenge level, so I may have to wait until TEW2010 in order to be able to turn off all the things getting in the way of me being able to play. I'm just no good at this game. Between the morale penalties (which is too sensitive) and the repetitive booking penalty (which I don't find realistic anyway, not at the extreme that it's at currently at least), I can't put on a good show. I don't know. I have to put some thought into it all. The diary may be dead until TEW2010, though.


I'm willing to listen to your thoughts on the matter. I'm just in a bad place right now with the game itself, and having trouble playing. Although have some personal issues. I just really have to think about things. The card is booked already, but I just don't know what to do with it now. I guess I'm having my worst self-esteem problems yet. I just want to have fun and book shows, I'm not interested in challenge, I just like writing and running a show.


I will give you my stock answer to this question: You should do whatever you feel right doing. If you are not having fun then kill the diary.


Okay now that my stock answer is out of the way I would like to say: I am much like you in that I am not the best TEW player and it is tough trying to think of ways around the whole repetitive booking penalty. However, I think you have done a great job with this diary thus far and I for one would like to see it go on.


That being said I understand maybe holding off until TEW10. The games seems to be like it is going to be a lot more user friendly for us decent players.

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I will give you my stock answer to this question: You should do whatever you feel right doing. If you are not having fun then kill the diary.


Okay now that my stock answer is out of the way I would like to say: I am much like you in that I am not the best TEW player and it is tough trying to think of ways around the whole repetitive booking penalty. However, I think you have done a great job with this diary thus far and I for one would like to see it go on.


That being said I understand maybe holding off until TEW10. The games seems to be like it is going to be a lot more user friendly for us decent players.


I may just do that, though if I do, the first three months of shows will just end up being repeats most likely. I have a specific set of stories I'd like to tell. As long as nothing new gets added to workers (fingers crossed), DreamVerse will be released very quickly for TEW2010. I already have planned on how to use some of the new features, and the new editor features will be very good at replicating some of the things I had envisioned for DreamVerse.


So maybe when the time comes, I'll redo it in TEW2010 and keep it going from there. I probably should have waited anyway since I started so close to TEW2010 and I'm not good at playing TEW2008's challenge level. I'm just not good enough and the game mechanics don't fit my vision well enough to work.


Perhaps, when the time comes, if it's at all possible, I'll have this thread moved to the TEW2010 diaries section and continue on from Battlezone once I get back there in the game.


So, with that said, I think I'm putting the diary "on hold" until TEW2010. I want you all to see my true vision, and it's just not working in TEW2008.

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I gotta admit, though, I'm still greatly bothered by the (now) multiple people who are downgrading my diary and don't have the balls to take responsibility for their immature behavior or grow the **** up. Sorry, but I'm very emotional and really bothered by people picking on me . . .


I've never actually stepped into the thread to predict but I've read throught it and it's solid work, but maybe they're down grading you because you took it so badly and kind of flipped out when you got the first 1 star rating. It's just a star, if you're really interested in writing the diary you wouldn't care about what the stars mean.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, the game has been taken to the point where we left off, only in TEW2010. Here are some of the changes in the game world that you may need to know if you're interested.


TWF and GGC are both developmental territories of IWF.

XWW never became a developmental territory of IWF.

Signed Erik Pigman to a written deal and sent him to TWF.

Signed Jackie Lewis to a written deal and sent her to GGC.

Signed Mercedes Lewis to a written deal and sent her to GGC.

Signed Sharron Ferber and sent her to GGC as a trainer.

Signed George Doyle and sent him to TWF as a trainer.

Signed Apathy to a PPA deal.

Ric Flair never retired and thus is no longer in the Hall of Immortals.

Tully Blanchard never retired.

Bought out and pillaged THW, taking the THW Heavyweight Title, Draco, Josh Allen, Trevor Finnell, and Ivana Katsunova.

Signed Draco to a written deal.

Signed Josh Allen to a written deal and sent him to TWF.

Signed Trevor Finnell to a written deal and sent him to TWF.

Signed Ivana Katsunova to a written deal.


With that, everyone should be caught up, and Battlezone 2002 will be coming to the thread in the very near future!

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IWF Battlezone 2002

Sunday, Week 4, March 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sniper defeated Santos Gomez in 6:29 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (21)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Draco defeated Dalton in 10:04 by pinfall with a Hellacious. Draco makes defence number 4 of his THW Heavyweight title. (69)



Main Show




The camera pans around the arena and down to the announcers' table where George Foreman, Eric Sweetwood, and Randy Orton are seated. After some witty banter, Foreman goes over the night's matches and hypes them all.


Rating: 75





IWF Television Title Bout

Edgar Dunvegan vs. "The Warlord of Illusion" Dais ©


They lock up, with Edgar Dunvegan getting an early advantage over Dais. Dais raked the eyes and whipped Edgar into the ropes, then hit a leg lariat. Dais went to work on Edgar, putting him in a surfboard. Edgar eventually broke free and got to the ropes, but Dais was all over him. Edgar kicked him off, then started hitting several punches before taking him down with a front facelock. Edgar hits a DDT, then follows up with an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Edgar pulls Dais up, who hits a low blow. Dais goes for the Web of Deception, but Edgar breaks free and tosses Dais into the corner. Dais gets the leg up and kicks Edgar in the face, but Edgar still comes in with a flying avalanche. Dais staggers out of the corner right into the Air Anchor from Edgar for the three-count to win the IWF Television Title.


Rating: 74






Split Seconds, The Crusader, and Kate Avatar vs. A Classic Deal and The Sebastian Franchise


Joey T and John Sebastian started out. T started hammering on Classic, who wrestled him to the mat. Classic started working on T's legs, but got kicked off. T tags out to BakerMan, who hits a springboard leg lariat on Classic. Classic tags out of Payne-X Sebastian. PX hit a flying headscissors, but BakerMan got right back up. BakerMan tosses PX into the corner and hits a monkey flip, then goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault for a one-count. BakerMan pulls PX up, but gets a low blow for his troubles. PX drags him to his team's corner and tags in B.A. Sebastian. The two double-team BakerMan for a bit, stomping him in the corner. The Crusader enters the ring, but is cut off by Scott Ericson. Kate Avatar runs around the ring on the outside and pulls BakerMan out to safety. PX goes for a slingshot plancha, but Avatar catches him and hits a powerbomb to the concrete floor. BakerMan gets back in the ring and takes BA down with a spinning leg lariat. BakerMan tags in Crusader, but BA runs back and tags in Ericson. The two lock up, with Ericson getting the advantage and hitting a series of punches on Crusader. He tries to pull Crusader back, but gets an atomic drop. Crusader tags in Avatar, who immediately wrestles Ericson to the mat and puts him in a Figure-Four. Classic enters the ring and kicks Avatar in the head to break the hold, then is forced back out of the ring. Ericson tags in Classic, and Avatar makes a hot tag to T. T enters the ring and lays out Classic with a T-Line, then knocks Ericson, PX, and BA off the ring apron. T stomps Classic, but Classic grabs his ankle and puts him in a heel hook. T reaches the ropes, but Classic pulls him to his team's corner and tags in BA. BA and Classic double-team T, attacking his legs. BakerMan enters the ring, but is cut off by PX. Avatar and Crusader go after Classic and Ericson. T pulls BA up and nails him with a stiff T-Line, then puts him in the Armageddon. BA taps out, giving T's team the win.


Rating: 74




Anubis comes to the ring, glaring around at the fans, and says that tonight he will end the Dunvegan legacy by taking out its patriarch. He calls Doug Dunvegan an old man who has no business stepping into the ring with a mixed martial artist of his calibur, and that's he's going to break and bury Doug. The fans boo him, but he talks about how foolish the fans are for rooting for an old man, and says he hopes no one put too much money on Doug, because they'd be sorely disappointed.


Rating: 91





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Japanese Death Match

Big Kahuna vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Big Kahuna and Steve Liermann circled each other at the start of the match, taking stock of everything in the ring. They then locked up, Kahuna getting an early advantage thanks to his sheer bulk. Kahuna took Liermann down with a bodyslam and stomped him. Kahuna pulls Liermann up and whips him into the corner into one of the barbed wire boards. Kahuna then hits a massive avalanche. Liermann is busted open. Kahuna hits the Hawaii Hurt and goes for the pin, but only got a two-count. Kahuna pulls Liermann up, who hits a low blow and then hits a drop toe hold on Kahuna to make him fall face-first on another barbed wire board. Kahuna is busted open. Liermann goes outside the ring and brings in one of the explosive barbed wire boards. Liermann tries to pick up Kahuna, but he's too heavy. Kahuna whips Liermann into the barbed wire. Liermann pulls Kahuna in and rakes his face on the barbed wire. Liermann tosses Kahuna into the corner, but is kicked away. Kahuna goes to the top turnbuckle and hits an amazing flying headscissors on Liermann. Kahuna pulls Liermann up and whips him into the ropes, then hits a powerslam on the exploding barbed wire board, causing an explosion. Kahuna gets a two-count, but Liermann manages to kick out. Liermann is staggering as he gets up, ducks a clothesline from Kahuna. Liermann slams Kahuna with a clothesline, then heads outside the ring and gets another explosive barbed wire board. Liermann pulls Kahuna up and tries to whip him into one of the barbed wire boards in the corner, but Kahuna reverses it. Liermann goes through the board and is bleeding all over the place. Kahuna lays him down and gets ready for the Kahuna Bomb, but Liermann gets up and crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Liermann pulls the explosive barbed wire board to the corner, then sets Kahuna up on the top turnbuckle. Liermann gives Kahuna the Shellshock off the top turnbuckle through the exploding barbed wire board! After the explosion, Liermann goes for the pin and gets the three-count to retain the IWF Hardcore Title.


Rating: 79




Doug Dunvegan comes to the ring and starts working the crowd, saying that his son Edgar Dunvegan already took the first step toward ending the era of darkness. He says his daughter and Felicia Duarte will be next, and then he himself will take out Anubis to reclaim the IWF World Heavyweight Title. The crowd is eating it up as Doug proclaims that he's still young at heart and will not let his age be a factor in tonight's match.


Rating: 88





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Girl Power vs. Corruption and Venom ©


Sarah Dunvegan and Cale started out, with Cale going after her like a madman. Sekhmet looks worried a little bit, but lets Cale do his thing. Cale hammers away at Sarah, then tosses her to his team's corner where he and Sekhmet double-team Sarah. Sekhmet is the legal man at the end of it, and pulls Sarah up, who gives him a kick to the midsection followed by a sitdown faceslam. Sarah goes for the pin, but only gets a one-count. Sarah picks Sekhmet up and tosses him into her team's corner, tagging in Felicia Duarte. Felicia hits a spinning headscissors, then follows up with a standing moonsault for a two-count. Felicia picks Sekhmet up and gives him a series of punches to knock him into the corner, then takes him down with a monkey flip. Felicia heads to the top turnbuckle, but Cale runs over on the ring apron, grabs Felicia, and gives her a powerbomb to the floor. Cale goes after Felicia, stomping on her mercilessly. Sarah runs around and gives him a high-angle dropkick. Cale no-sells it and goes after Sarah. Sekhmet goes out and pulls Felicia back into the ring, but only gets a close two-count. Sekhmet pulls Felicia up and starts wrestling with her while Cale whips Sarah into the guardrail. Sarah counters his rush with a kick to the face, then charges at him. Cale ducks her clothesline attempt, but she comes back and hits him with a pele kick. Sekhmet hits a series of punches on Felicia, but she comes back with a series of her own. Felicia then catches him in a side headlock and takes him to the mat. Felicia goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a somersault splash, but only gets a two-count. Sarah and Cale are back at their corners. Felicia pulls Sekhmet up, but he takes her over with a backdrop. Both are worn out and make hot tags to Sarah and Cale. Sarah and Cale go at each other full-force, and Cale smashes her in the face. Sarah is busted open. This only infuriates her, and she hits a Thesz Press on Cale that surprisingly takes him to the mat, and she rains down heavy punches on him. Cale throws her off, but she clips his leg out from under him and back mounts him, raining down elbows and punches on the back of Cale's head. She goes to submit him, but Cale continues fighting it hard, trying to break free. Sekhmet enters the ring, but is cut off by Felicia. Sarah finally manages to lock Cale in the Twister. Cale refuses to tap. Sekhmet tries to break the hold, but Felicia sends him to the outside with a ropeflip clothesline. Sarah puts more power into the hold, and Cale finally taps out, giving Girl Power the IWF Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 82




Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte celebrate their big win, going up opposite turnbuckles with the belts. The fans are going crazy over the girls finally getting their big win.


Rating: 86





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Shoot Fight Match

Doug Dunvegan vs. "The Master of Cruelty" Anubis ©


They lock up, feeling each other out. Breaking away, they circle each other for a moment. Anubis throws a few kicks at Doug to test him, and he backs off a bit. Doug takes a few swings of his own, but Anubis stays back. Anubis is the first to shoot in, going for Doug's legs. Doug comes down on him with a double-axhandle to the back, knocking him down. Doug gives Anubis a few stomps to the head, then gets a one-count. Doug takes Anubis down with a bodyslam for another one-count. Anubis gets up, and they back away from each other again. This time, Doug moves in first, and Anubis catches him with a Yakuza kick followed by a sitdown faceslam. Anubis gets a two-count from that. Anubis goes to work on Doug's neck, putting him in an STF. Doug reaches the ropes after about 10 seconds in the hold. Anubis tries to mount Doug's back, but he holds onto the ropes to keep the break. Doug kicks Anubis away, then stands up. They circle each other, Doug taking a moment to catch his breath. Anubis motions for Doug to bring it on, and he does, going in swinging. Anubis blocks a few of the punches, but gets clipped a couple times.


Anubis is down, and Doug mounts him and starts hammering away at him. Anubis brings his legs up and manages to pull Doug into his guard. Anubis covers up, defending well against Doug's hard punches. Anubis tries to catch Doug in a guillotine choke, but Doug manages to block the move. Doug tries to fight into side control, but Anubis nails him with a stiff palm blow that knocks him back. Doug is down, and Anubis pounces, going after Doug's neck again. Anubis goes for a dragon sleeper, but Doug blocks it. Doug reaches up and hits Anubis with a few weak punches, but Anubis slams him with an elbowsmash. Anubis gets the back mount and goes for a rear naked choke, but Doug manages to fight him off. Doug rolls over under him and kicks him away hard. Doug gets up and moves in on Anubis swinging, hitting him with several good punches. Anubis is rocked against the ropes, and Doug hits him with an atomic drop. After a lariat, Doug goes for the pin and gets a two-count. Doug pulls Anubis up, but Anubis hits a low blow and gets a warning from the referee.


Anubis goes to work on Doug, whipping him into the corner and setting him up on the turnbuckle. Anubis takes Doug down with the Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but only gets a two-count. Anubis gets up and argues with the referee, which allows Doug to pull him down in an inside cradle for a two-count. Anubis is livid and gives Doug a stiff kick to the face. Anubis pulls Doug up and whips him into the cage, raking his face on it and getting another warning from the referee. Anubis takes Doug down with an inverted DDT and gets another two-count. Anubis signals for his finisher and pulls Doug up. Anubis goes for the Cutting Edge, but Doug slides down his back and catches him in a sunset flip for a two-count. Anubis is beyond angry and tries to box with Doug, but is overpowered. Doug whips Anubis into the corner. Anubis comes back out of the corner, looking for a kick, but Doug catches him with the Iron Fist. Anubis goes down. Doug goes for the pin and gets the three-count to win the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 83




It is major celebration time as the doors to the cage open. Edgar Dunvegan, Sarah Dunvegan, and Felicia Duarte join Doug Dunvegan in the ring, and they stand tall over the fallen Anubis, with Doug holding the IWF World Heavyweight Title belt high and proud. The fans are going wild.


Rating: 93








Bad Ass Brad Jones starts as the first entrant with Joey T as the second. They lock up. Joey T tries to hit a few punches, but BABJ blocks them and wrestles him down. BABJ works over T's legs and looks to be firmly in control. T eventually kicks him away and gets up, but is limping. He tries to toss BABJ, but his legs buckle and he's unable to do so.




Cale enters the match and goes after T, working with BABJ. They double-team him, stomping his legs. T is hurting bad. Cale is like a maniac, attacking T mercilessly. BABJ backs off and lets Cale do all the work. Cale picks T up and tries to powerbomb him out of the ring, but T catches the ropes and pulls himself back in.




Felicia Duarte enters the match and goes after Cale right away to save T. BABJ moves to intercept her, but gets a pele kick for his efforts. After kicking Cale off, she helps T up, and they start double-teaming Cale. T finally manages to walk off his hurt leg and gives Cale a T-Line, sending him over the rope and to the floor.
Cale is eliminated.




The Keldon Warlord enters the match and goes to help BABJ against T and Felicia. T fights with Warlord while Felicia wrestles with BABJ. BABJ takes Felicia down and keeps her there, but T starts to clobber Warlord. He tries to eliminate him, but Warlord is too resilient. Warlord whips T into the turnbuckle and hits an avalanche.




Chris Fate enters the match and moves to help Felicia against BABJ. BABJ shoves Fate, who shoves him back. Felicia uses the opportunity to try and send BABJ flying with a spinning headscissors, but BABJ takes her down with a powerbomb. Fate clobbers BABJ from behind, but then gets a back elbow. BABJ tosses Fate into the corner.




Payne-X Sebastian enters the match and goes after Felicia. BABJ tries to wrestle Fate out of the ring, but is finding it difficult to do so. Warlord and T are still brawling. Felicia is too fast for PX and starts hitting a series of quick moves, ending with a leg lariat that sends him out of the ring.
Payne-X Sebastian is eliminated.




Shorty Biggs enters the match and goes after Felicia. BABJ is still trying to eliminate Fate, but Fate wrestles him down to the match with a front facelock. T sends Warlord out of the ring with a T-Line.
The Keldon Warlord is eliminated.
Felicia hammers Biggs, then sends him over the ropes with a high-angle dropkick.
Shorty Biggs is eliminated.




Climbatize enters the match and goes after BABJ to even the odds. He and Fate double-team BABJ. Felicia and T join in, all four trying to take out BABJ. BABJ fights them all off, then tosses Climbatize out of the ring.
Climbatize is eliminated.
Fate goes after BABJ again, and then Felicia turns and starts attacking T.




B.A. Sebastian enters the match and goes after Felicia. T is also fighting back. Felicia kicks T away, then whips BA into the ropes. BA comes back, but Felicia ducks the clothesline attempt. BA is back on the other ropes, and Felicia catches him and gives him a strong whip, sending him out of the ring.
B.A. Sebastian is eliminated.




Sekhmet enters the ring and goes after his former partner, Fate. T and Felicia are brawling, with T getting the edge. BABJ and Sekhmet team up on Fate, and it isn't long before Sekhmet tosses him from the ring.
Chris Fate is eliminated.
BABJ then sneaks up behind Sekhmet and tosses him over as well.
Sekhmet is eliminated.




Steve Liermann enters the match and immediately helps BABJ attack T and Felicia. The two clean house on them after the surprise attacks. Liermann and BABJ both go after T's legs. Felicia tries a spinning headscissors on Liermann, but he powerbombs her out of the ring.
Felicia Duarte is eliminated.
T tries to fight, but is eventually tossed by Liermann and BABJ.
Joey T is eliminated.




Dawson Polaris enters the match, the odds against him as Liermann and BABJ immediately go after him, continuing their teamwork. Dawson tries his best to fight them off, but is overwhelmed. BABJ wrestles him to the mat and Liermann starts stomping him. They wear him down, then pull him up and toss him.
Dawson Polaris is eliminated.




Mista Ed enters the match and tries to cut a deal with Liermann and BABJ to work with them. They think about it a moment, and then Liermann holds out his hand to shake. Ed takes it, but Liermann whips him to BABJ who backdrops him out of the ring.
Mista Ed is eliminated.
Liermann and BABJ just wait for the next entrant.




Big Kahuna enters the match. Liermann and BABJ back off, knowing that this opponent will be much more difficult. They move in, and Kahuna nails them both with a double clothesline. Kahuna picks up Liermann and tries to toss him, but Liermann holds on and BABJ clobbers Kahuna from behind. Kahuna shrugs it off and clotheslines BABJ.




Sarah Dunvegan enters the match and goes after BABJ. Kahuna and Liermann start brawling while Sarah and BABJ start wrestling. Sarah takes BABJ to the mat, but he counters and mounts her. He mocks her by doing push-ups over her, and she knees him in the groin. Sarah tries to eliminate him, but can't quite do it.




Scott Ericson enters the match. After helping BABJ with Sarah and stomping her down, he then helps BABJ and Liermann with Kahuna. They get the upper-hand with the three-on-one assault and it takes all three of them to hoist Kahuna over the top rope.
Big Kahuna is eliminated.
Sarah gets up to find herself outnumbered.




Edgar Dunvegan enters the match, and Sarah is glad to have some backup. They are still outnumbered, but they take the fight to their opponents. After taking Liermann and BABJ down with dual spinning headscissors, they focus on Ericson. He tries to fight them off, but they toss him.
Scott Ericson is eliminated.




Sampson Griffith enters the match, but before Sarah or Edgar can do anything, Liermann and BABJ hit him with a double ropeflip clothesline.
Sampson Griffith is eliminated.
Liermann and BABJ square off against Sarah and Edgar. They start brawling, with Liermann and BABJ getting the upper-hand.




BakerMan enters the match and tries to help Sarah and Edgar. Liermann and BABJ have taken them to the mat, though, leaving BakerMan exposed. They hit him with the Xtreme Termination, then toss him from the ring.
BakerMan is eliminated.
Sarah and Edgar are back up and ready to fight again.




Dais enters the match and goes after Edgar right away. Sarah tries to get in the way, but is cut off by Liermann and BABJ. BABJ wrestles Sarah down, and Dais hits a leg lariat on Edgar. They fight by the ropes, and Liermann takes advantage of it and nails them with a double ropeflip clothesline, sending them both out.
Dais is eliminated. Edgar Dunvegan is eliminated.




Sinister enters the match, but is immediately clotheslined out of the ring by Liermann.
Sinister is eliminated.
Sarah is up against bad odds with Liermann and BABJ beating her down and stomping her while she's down. They try to eliminate her, but she holds onto the ropes and flips back into the ring, hitting a double pele on Liermann and BABJ in the process.




Mike Malice enters the match and goes after Sarah, which proves to be a mistake. She blocks his punches, then whips him right over the top rope.
Mike Malice is eliminated.
Sarah tries her best to fight off Liermann and BABJ, but the odds are against her and she gets beat down some more. She's bleeding all over the place.




Kate Avatar enters the match and goes to Sarah's aid, hitting dropkicks on Liermann and BABJ both. They turn their attentions to her, but Sarah clips their legs out from under them. They don't go down so easy, but Sarah hits a standing moonsault on Liermann. They then focus on BABJ. He fights hard, but Sarah and Avatar finally managed to push him over the tope rope.
Bad Ass Brad Jones is eliminated.




Jerry Dunvegan enters the match and goes after the girls. First he hits the Enforcer on Sarah, then he turns his attention to Avatar. The two brawl for several moments, and then Liermann clobbers Avatar from behind. This allows Jerry to toss her from the ring.
Kate Avatar is eliminated.
Jerry pulls up the groggy and wounded Sarah and tosses her.
Sarah Dunvegan is eliminated.




Apathy enters the match to a severe disadvantage. Liermann and Jerry double-team her for a moment. Then Jerry gets an idea and turns on Liermann, hitting the Enforcer. He then hits the Enforcer on Apathy. He tries to eliminate Liermann, but can't. He tries to eliminate Apathy, but she hangs on to the ropes.




The Crusader enters the match. He goes after Jerry, and the two brawl back and forth. Liermann comes over and takes them both down with a double spear. Apathy is up and starts going after Jerry. Liermann meanwhile hits a ropeflip clothesline on Crusader to send him to the floor.
The Crusader is eliminated.




Randy Orton enters the match, but stays back a moment. Liermann and Jerry and Apathy are all fighting each other. Orton then moves in. Apathy is knocked away, and Orton nails her with the RKO. He then runs into the fight between Liermann and Jerry and hits Jerry with an RKO. He finishes up with an RKO on Liermann. Orton tosses Apathy from the ring.
Apathy is eliminated.




John Sebastian enters the ring, and before Orton can react, Classic comes from behind and gives him the "Classic" Beat Slam. He then tosses Orton out of the ring.
Randy Orton is eliminated.
Classic follows up by attacking Liermann and Jerry. They manage to regain their bearings and a three-way brawl ensues.




Jimmy Dragon enters the match to a massive pop from the crowd. Dragon cleans house, hitting a Dragon Fly on all three competitors at once, wiping them out. Jerry is the first one up, and they start brawling, renewing their hatred for one another. Liermann and Classic rush the two of them, knocking them both out of the ring.
Jerry Dunvegan is eliminated. Jimmy Dragon is eliminated.


Liermann and Classic circle each other then as the last two in the ring. They start brawling, but Classic catches Liermann in a front facelock and takes him to the mat. Classic works over Liermann's legs, then stomps him into the mat. Liermann tries getting up, but is hurting from all the attacks. Classic whips him into the ropes, but Liermann reverses. Liermann tries for a ropeflip clothesline, but Classic ducks and sends Liermann over the top with a backdrop.
Steve Liermann is eliminated.
John Sebastian wins Battlezone!


Rating: 80




John Sebastian celebrates his win to boos from the crowd. He says it's time for a "Classic" champion and that Doug Dunvegan's days are numbered. He takes in the boos with an arrogant grin as the show goes off the air.


Rating: 88




Final Rating: 85 (B+)

PPV Buy Rate: 2.21




Prediction Results:

ShadowedFlames -- 2/6

Bolton -- 3/6

critical-23 -- 5/6 (Predicted Battlezone Champion!)

Apathy -- 4/6

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Great show. Too bad Orton's godpush had to fade so quickly...joking, joking. :p Doug winning the title was a surprise, and can't wait to see what happens next.
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No word yet as to when I'll get the next part going. I ran into a critical error in TEW2010 that is preventing me from evolving storylines, so until the problem is solved, I'm stuck where I am. That and I need to write the next part of the major storyline going on, so that might take a few. No worries, more IWF action will be coming in the near future!
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More Risk In The Risque






I was looking over the locker room, Doug Dunvegan sitting nearby just to oversee the coming speech. It was time for a change in IWF. My boyfriend had been none too happy about dropping the IWF World Heavyweight Title to Mr. Dunvegan, but that was just too bad. There needed to be a good storyline running, and it would pay off for everybody in the end.


I scanned the faces in the locker room and a smirk crawled up my face. It was time for the big announcement.


"As many of you know, IWF draws a very vocal crowd," I stated, pacing before them. "Well, those vocal fans have been vocal about one thing in particular, that being the lack of risque content in our product. Our fans want something with a little more edge, and it's my plan to give it to them.


"On that note, starting with the next show, we're gonna give them an edgier product. More blood, more violence, more everything. Not just wrestling, but all-out violence. I know some of you more traditional types may be against such a move, but this is what's best for the company. You can either get behind me and my decisions, or we can show you the door.


"I can't have anyone questioning me at this point. We need to please our fans. We need to give them what they want. We are a cutting edge company that puts out an ultra-violent product of a realistic nature. Or at least we're supposed to be. Now we will be. Any questions?"


The locker room was silent. Most of the workers looked pleased, interested in letting loose in the ring. Some in particular, such as Steve Liermann and Bad Ass Brad Jones, were thinking that it would be like the good old hardcore days. Mista Ed, Shorty Biggs, Sinister, Big Kahuna, and Scott Ericson also looked pleased, as did the other Dunvegans in attendance. Some, such as John Sebastian, were more nonchalant about it, but I had a feeling most of the locker room was behind me in this decision.


It was time for the cutting edge era of IWF to truly begin.

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, April 2002






In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Apathy defeated Santos Gomez in 6:30 by pinfall with a Fall From Grace. (53)


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Mista Ed, Shorty Biggs and Sinister defeated Chris Fate, Sampson Griffith and Dalton in 8:53 when Sinister defeated Dalton by pinfall with an ELE. (77)



Main Show




The show opens with Anubis in the ring looking livid. He starts ranting about how Clan Dunvegan used its influence to screw over The Dark Warlords. He said that the war was far from over, and that when the dist finally settled, The Dark Warlords would be victorious. He swore to destroy Doug Dunvegan in the process.


Rating: 87


There would be no George and Randy Show tonight, as the announcers needed to go over the seeding for the upcoming Imperial Games. Set to take place in over the next three months, the top eight seeds have already been determined, with further spots to be fill by qualifying matches at IWF Anarchy and IWF Mayhem. The top seeds are Jerry Dunvegan, Jimmy Dragon, Joey T, Scott Ericson, Sarah Dunvegan, Felicia Duarte, Steve Liermann, and Edgar Dunvegan.


Rating: 86





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Steve Liermann came to the ring with a baseball bat and immediately went after Kate Avatar with it. He swung and missed several times, and Avatar eventually grabbed a chair and knocked the weapon from his hand. Liermann kicked the chair into her face, then climbed on top of her and started raining down punches. He went for the baseball bat again, but Avatar rolled him up in an inside cradle for a two-count. Liermann eventually kicked her away and then smashed her over the head with the baseball bat, busting her open badly. Liermann then hit the Shellshock for the win.


Rating: 81




Doug Dunvegan came to the ring and said that this was the beginning of a new era of light for IWF. There was no longer any reason to fear The Dark Warlords. Their reign of terror was over, and now life could get back to normal so the wrestlers could give the fans the nice clean action they deserved to see. The fans were wild for Doug.


Rating: 95




Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte were backstage with Fred McCain. They had the IWF Tag Team Title belts over their shoulders. They said they had done what so many people had tried and failed to do. They took out the baddest team in IWF and taught Cale and Sekhmet a lesson. They hype themselves a bit while McCain stares at their butts. Sarah also talks about how she is in a number-one-contenders match against The Keldon Warlord tonight and is planning on making a big impression.


Rating: 81





IWF Television Title Bout

Mike Malice vs. Edgar Dunvegan ©


This was Edgar Dunvegan's first defense as the new IWF Television Champion. Mike Malice came at him, trying to brawl with him, but Edgar was too fast and slick for him. He wrestled Malice to the mat and then hit several aerial maneuvers to stun him. One Air Anchor later, Edgar retains the belt.


Rating: 73




John Sebastian comes to the ring wearing the "Classic" shades and adjusting the "Classic" coconuts. He looks around with a "Classic" smile and then starts talking about his match tonight against Jimmy Dragon. He is now the "Classic" Battlezone Champion, and is one title away from achieving all three major crowns in IWF. Having become the "Classic" Emperor last year, and the "Classic" Battlezone Champion this year, he plans to ride the wave of momentum to become the "Classic" IWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Rating: 93




The Assassins vs. Corruption and Venom


Cale and Sekhmet came into this match with a purpose, and Sniper and Viper never stood a chance. Cale went completely nuts on both of them and squashed them, destroying them completely. He and Sekhmet hit the Lightning Strike on Viper and it was over.


Rating: 63




Dais comes out and says Edgar Dunvegan is weak for picking such easy opponents for defending his belt. He asks when he's gonna get a return match for the belt, and ponders that Clan Dunvegan will just keep holding him and the others down.


Rating: 74




The Keldon Warlord is backstage, but he doesn't have that much to say other than he plans to destroy Sarah Dunvegan on his way to the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 75




Number-One-Contender Match

The Keldon Warlord vs. Sarah Dunvegan


The Keldon Warlord used his size to get an early power advantage over Sarah Dunvegan, but she did not let that slow her down. She chipped away at the big man's legs and took him to the mat, trying to wrestle him in a good position for a submission. Warlord fought her off and rammed her face-first into the turnbuckle, then tossed her out of the ring. He slammed her face on the ring steps multiple times, busting her open, then rammed her into the ring post. Sarah fought back valiantly, hitting a pele kick, then tossing Warlord back into the ring. Sarah tried wrestling him again, but Warlord hit a big boot and went for the pin. After a two-count, Warlord got in the referee's face and knocked him down. Warlord then grabbed his spear from the corner and hit Sarah with it, blood splattering, and going for the pin. Another referee came out and made the three-count.


Rating: 84


It was announced that as a result of the match, The Keldon Warlord would face Doug Dunvegan for the IWF World Heavyweight Title at IWF Anarchy.


Rating: 86




Jerry Dunvegan came out and cut a promo on Dawson Polaris, his opponent for the night. He said that Dawson was just the first step on his way to taking back his rightful place as IWF Emperor. He would start here tonight by taking out Dawson.


Rating: 84




Dawson Polaris vs. "Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan


This match went much better than planned. They seemed to have great chemistry from the start, locking up and wrestling for position better than either had ever done before. Dawson took Jerry down to the mat, looking to wrestle him into submission, but Jerry would have none of it, wrestling back nicely. Jerry hit a series of punches on Dawson in the corner, then exposed the turnbuckle. The referee warmed Jerry, but Jerry slammed Dawson's face on the exposed turnbuckle anyway, busting him open. This seemed to fuel the fire, and Dawson came back to life, hitting a series of elbowsmashes on Jerry before tossing him into the corner and hitting a Polaris Splash. Dawson whipped Jerry into the exposed turnbuckle and went for another Polaris Splash, but Jerry moved, and Dawson hit the turnbuckle hard. Dawson stumbled back, and Jerry hit the Enforcer. Amazingly, he only got a two-count. He argued with the referee and found himself in an inside cradle for a two count. Jerry pulled Dawson up and hit the Dark Side, then went for the pin while using the ropes for leverage to get the three-count.


Rating: 99




Jimmy Dragon comes out and works the crowd as he always does, hyping himself up and hyping his match against John Sebastian. He congratulates the "The Classic" for winning Battlezone, but promises that he'll be on the losing end tonight as Dragon plans to win his way to become IWF Emperor. He finishes by asking Classic if he is ready to FACE THE DRAGON.


Rating: 89




Jimmy Dragon vs. "The Classic" John Sebastian


In what was a definite PPV quality match, Jimmy Dragon and John Sebastian wrestled like there was no tomorrow. Dragon chained together a series of moves that Classic found it difficult to keep up with, but Classic eventually caught him and brought him to the mat where he could work on the legs. Dragon kicked Classic off and shot for the legs, taking Classic down and getting a full mount. Dragon rained punches down on Classic, but he covered up nicely to defend himself. Classic swept Dragon out and grabbed him for an anklelock submission. Dragon reached the ropes quickly, and the two were on their feet again. Dragon went after Classic, hitting a hip toss followed by a somersault splash for a two-count. Classic got up and pulled Dragon down with a front facelock, but Dragon reversed with a hammerlock. Classic got away with a mule kick, then hit a snap mare. Classic ran into the ropes and gave Dragon a dropkick to the face. Dragon was busted open. Dragon got fired up, though, and started hitting a series of vicious kicks on Classic. Payne-X Sebastian and B.A. Sebastian ran down to ring side. Dragon had Classic down and went to the top turnbuckle. PX distracted the referee, and while Dragon set up for the Dragon Fly, BA hit him with a chair and caused him to fall off the turnbuckle on his head. Classic got back up and hit the "Classic" Beat Slam to get the three-count thanks to the interference.


Rating: 99




Final Rating: 89 (B+)

TV Rating: 6.41 (Arcadia), 0.08 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>IWF Monday Night Fights</strong></span></p><p>

<em>Monday, Week 2, April 2002</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre-Show</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Sinister defeated Santos Gomez in 5:42 by pinfall with an ELE. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>(73)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Big Kahuna defeated Mike Malice in 9:36 by pinfall. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>(70)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Show</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/GeorgeForeman.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/RandyOrton.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">The ring is set up for the George and Randy Show. Foreman comes out and continues to try to instill some more manners on Orton, but Orton is more interested in walking around the ring and chatting with the girls in the audience.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/SteveLiermann.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Steve Liermann is the special guest on tonight's show, and he comes out with the IWF Hardcore Title belt in one hand and a barbed wire baseball bat in the other. Foreman asks him what it's like to be hardcore, and Liermann talks about how much he loves seeing blood. Orton them comments that being hardcore must be easy with so many weapons involved. Liermann asks Orton if he's giving him lip, then beats him with the barbed wire baseball bat.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 73</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/DougDunvegan.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/BrandonHarwell.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Dais.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Cale.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Sekhmet.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/EdgarDunvegan.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/SarahDunvegan.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/FeliciaDuarte.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Backstage, Doug Dunvegan is being assaulted by Anubis, Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet. Soon, Edgar Dunvegan, Sarah Dunvegan, and Felicia Duarte arrive on the scene and help save Doug from the attack. This results in a wild brawl that has to be separated by officials, road agents, and other wrestlers.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 85</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/GenericWingedEagle.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Generic_Championship01.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Draco.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/DougDunvegan.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>THW Heavyweight and IWF World Heavyweight Title Unification Bout</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>

Hardcore Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>

Draco © vs. Doug Dunvegan ©</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Draco comes into this match fighting, but Doug Dunvegan starts boxing with him. When Draco goes to the outside to get a chair, Doug stays in the ring and dares him to come in after him. Draco goes after Doug with the chair, and Doug boots it into his face. Draco recovers and hits an Asai bodyblock for a two-count, but this just motivates Doug, who fights hard. Doug hits the Iron Fist for the win.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 78</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/DougDunvegan.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Doug Dunvegan takes time to talk about John Sebastian at this point, claiming that there will be a "Classic" ass-kicking, but that Classic will be on the receiving end. He says he looks forward to taking out his old foe.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 93</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/originalbelt03.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Payne-XSebastian.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/EdgarDunvegan.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>IWF Television Title Bout</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>

Payne-X Sebastian vs. Edgar Dunvegan ©</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Edgar Dunvegan goes after Payne-X Sebastian hard and fast in this match. They hit several high-risk moves on each other, but Edgar gets the upper-hand. Edgar eventually hits the Air Anchor to win the match and retain.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 73</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/DawsonPolaris.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Dawson Polaris comes out and talks about his match tonight against Jimmy Dragon. He says he has a lot to prove to the fans and to himself. He greatly respects Dragon as a competitor, and knows the better wrestler will win the match tonight.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 78</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/GenericWorldTagTeam-1.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Sniper.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Viper.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/SarahDunvegan.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/FeliciaDuarte.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>IWF Tag Team Title Bout</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>

The Assassins vs. Girl Power ©</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">In what was an extremely short match, Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte completely dominated Sniper and Viper. They hit the On Top Of The World on Viper, and Sarah got the pin.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 78</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/MistaEd.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/ShortyBiggs.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/SarahDunvegan.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/FeliciaDuarte.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">As Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte celebrate their win, Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs run down to the ring with baseball bats and beat them down and bloody. The fans are booing them out of the building for their heinous act. They follow this up by giving both girls consecutive DDCs.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 80</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/MistaEd.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/ShortyBiggs.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs get on the mic and say that they've had it with being overlooked in the tag team division and that if they're not gonna be given proper attention that they'll just take it by force. They spit on Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte and claim that they're just paper champions until they prove themselves against the Militia.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 81</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JohnSebastian.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/ScottEricson.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JoeyT.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/BakerMan.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Number-One-Contenders Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>

A Classic Deal vs. Split Seconds</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Joey T and John Sebastian started out, with Classic giving T a slap across the face. T charged Classic and is taken down to the mat immediately, having taken the bait. Classic and Ericson double-team T for a while, but he eventually hits them with a double T-Line. T makes a hot tag to BakerMan, who hits a double flying leg lariat on Classic and Ericson. Ericson takes BakerMan down and starts beating on him, and BakerMan tries to get back to his corner. Classic enters the ring, but is laid out by T. BakerMan kicks Ericson off and makes the tag back to T, who enters the ring and lays out Ericson. T puts Ericson in the Armageddon, and he quickly taps out.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 82</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">It is announced that Split Seconds will face Girl Power at IWF Anarchy.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 82</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JoeyT.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/BakerMan.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Joey T and BakerMan are backstage cutting a promo. They claim to be the top tag team in IWF and that they'll show the girls who's who in this company come IWF Anarchy.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 75</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JerryDunvegan.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Jerry Dunvegan comes out and complains about fighting scrubs like Climbatize. He says that it doesn't matter because it's all just practice for Imperia Games, where he plans to reclaim his crown as IWF Emperor and then become the next IWF World Heavyweight Champion.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 81</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/Climbatize.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JerryDunvegan.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Climbatize vs. "Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">In a lackluster match, Jerry Dunvegan and Climbatize basically brawled back and forth for about ten minutes. Climbatize started getting the upper-hand, though, so Jerry pulled out some brass knuckles and nailed Climbatize with them out of sight of the referee. This allowed him to get the easy three-count.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 74</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JimmyDragon.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Jimmy Dragon is backstage cutting a promo. He says he has all the respect in the world for Dawson Polaris, but that the Dragon is on a mission to climb back to the top of IWF, and he won't let anyone get in the way. Is Dawson ready to FACE THE DRAGON?!</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 86</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/DawsonPolaris.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv40/DreamGoddess666/JimmyDragon.jpg</span><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Dawson Polaris vs. Jimmy Dragon</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">The two locked up at the start and wrestled for position. Dawson tried to wrestle Dragon to the mat, but Dragon was too quick for him. Dragon hit a hip toss, then as Dawson got up, a leg lariat. Dragon took Dawson to the mat and worked on Dawson's neck, putting him in a dragon sleeper. Dawson got to the ropes after about 9 seconds in the hold. Dragon whipped Dawson into the ropes and gave him a savate kick as he came back. Dragon got a two-count. Dragon pulled Dawson up, who took him over with a backdrop. Dawson then went to work on Dragon's legs, tweaking them all ways and putting him in a leglock submission. Dragon got to the ropes after 6 seconds. Dawson pulled Dragon up, and after a quick exchange, Dawson was behind Dragon and gave him the Polaris Deathdrop. Dragon amazingly kicked out, much to Dawson's chagrin. Dragon nailed Dawson with a thrust kick to the head, then went up top. Dragon hit the Dragon Fly, then pulled Dawson up and hit the Dragon Driver for the three-count.</div><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: 96</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Final Rating: 82 (B)</strong></span></p><p>

<em>TV Rating: 6.29 (Arcadia), 0.08 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)</em></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 3, April 2002






In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Kate Avatar won a battle royal in 15:20. The final four competitors also included Shorty Biggs, Sampson Griffith and BakerMan, with Shorty Biggs being the final elimination. (82)



Main Show




The ring is set up for the George and Randy Show. George Foreman and Randy Orton discuss the announcement by Ric Flair that he will be retiring. Foreman says he wouldn't mind if some people around IWF would retire, and Orton agrees as long as it's not one of the women.




Anubis is the special guest on tonight's show, and he comes out with the his kusari-gama. Foreman is scared to question him, but asks him what is in the works for The Dark Warlords. Anubis says that The Dark Warlords are not done yet and that they will be taking back control of the IWF. Orton suggests that The Dark Warlords aren't good enough to stop Clan Dunvegan, which makes Anubis mad. Anubis attacks Orton and hangs him over the top rope with the chain of his kusari-gama around his neck.


Rating: 78




Big Kahuna and Climbatize vs. Team Xtreme


This started out with Bad Ass Brad Jones and Climbatize. Climbatize and BABJ wrestled down to the mat, where Climbatize worked over BABJ's neck. BABJ got up and exposed a turnbuckle, then managed to beat Climbatize down and isolate him in his team's corner. Steve Liermann beat on Climbatize, but Climbatize got to the tag. Big Kahuna came in a cleaned house. Liermann and Kahuna both tagged their partners back in, and BABJ isolated Climbatize again. They hit the Xtreme Termination, and then Liermann knocked Kahuna down as BABJ got the pin.


Rating: 78





Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte are backstage trying to get away from Fred McCain when Cale and Sekhmet come out of nowhere and assault them before tying them up and dragging them off.


Rating: 83




IWF Television Title Bout

B.A. Sebastian vs. Edgar Dunvegan


B.A. Sebastian came into this match swinging, but Edgar Dunvegan out-maneuvered him and took him to the mat. After immobilizing him, Edgar worked him over until he could hit the Air Anchor and get the pin.


Rating: 76


It is announced that due to the earlier battle royale, Kate Avatar will be challenging Edgar Dunvegan for the IWF Television Title at IWF Anarchy.


Rating: 84





Backstage, Cale and Sekhmet have Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte bound to the wall. They then proceed to whip them and torture them mercilessly which a cat o' nine tails and a barbed wire baseball bat. The girls are bloody by the end of it.


Rating: 84




Jerry Dunvegan is backstage, complaining about being left off the show yet again. He says this is no way to treat the once and future Emperor of IWF. He promises to show everyone just what he's made of, and says he refuses to let anyone get in his way. He'll win by any means necessary.


Rating: 83




The Crusader vs. The Keldon Warlord


The Crusader came into this wanting to show that he's more deserving of the IWF World Heavyweight Title, but The Keldon Warlord came in and demolished him. Crusader did put up a slight fight, but not enough. Warlord hit the Keldon Burial for the win.


Rating: 70




The Keldon Warlord brandishes his spear and says he's going to use it to destroy Doug Dunvegan at IWF Anarchy and take the IWF World Heavyweight Title by force. He says that nobody can defeat him.


Rating: 79




Kate Avatar hypes her match tonight against Anubis, saying that it's her toughest challenge yet. She says she hopes to go into her match against Edgar Dunvegan with a win against the baddest man in IWF under her belt. She says she'll do her best and hopefully come out on top.


Rating: 84




Dawson Polaris vs. Joey T


In a good exhibition match, Dawson Polaris and Joey T took to a wrestling bout. Dawson worked T down and went after his legs, getting a slight edge. T kicked him off and started brawling with him, knocking him into the corner. T hammered away, but Dawson kicks him away and goes for the Polaris Deathdrop. T counters it and hits the TNT for the win.


Rating: 82




Anubis cuts a promo backstage talking down about Kate Avatar as a newbie with no business getting into a ring with "The Master of Cruelty". He says he'll put the little girl down in her place and then move on to bigger and better things, namely taking back his IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 91




Backstage, Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte are found by Jimmy Dragon. They say that The Dark Warlords will regret ever doing this and that Dragon has agreed to team up with them. They call out Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet, and call them cowards, challenging them to a match tonight.


Rating: 87




"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. "The Master of Cruelty" Anubis


Anubis doesn't take his opponent seriously coming into this match, slapping her around a bit and just laughing at her. Avatar comes back fiercely and goes after Anubis, taking him to the mat. Anubis pulls guard and starts hammering at her. She pulls up and stomps Anubis, then starts working over his neck. Anubis pulls her down and over, then mounts her back and goes for a rear naked choke. She throws him off and starts throwing him around the ring. Anubis is shocked. Avatar looks ready to take the win, and goes for the finish, but Anubis kicks her hard in the face, busting her open, and then hits the Cutting Edge. Avatar kicks out. Anubis is enraged and hits the Cutting Edge again, this time using the ropes for leverage, and he manages to pin her.


Rating: 93




John Sebastian and Scott Ericson cut a promo backstage. Ericson promises that he'll be the next IWF Emperor, and Classic promises to use his Battlezone Championship to take the IWF World Heavyweight Title. They cut down Doug Dunvegan and other leaders like Jimmy Dragon and Jerry Dunvegan, calling them whelps. Classic says it's time for a "Classic" champion.


Rating: 82




Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet cut a promo and accept the challenge of Sarah Dunvegan, Felicia Duarte, and Jimmy Dragon. They say they will kill three birds with one stone and take out all three of them tonight. They say that the earlier torture will be nothing compared to the pain they'll inflict in the match.


Rating: 82




Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet vs. Sarah Dunvegan, Felicia Duarte, and Jimmy Dragon


Dais and Jimmy Dragon start this match off, with Dragon shooting in on Dais's legs. Dais tries to kick Dragon away, but Dragon overcame him. Dragon worked on Dais's neck and back, but Dais managed to get away from him. After a flash kick to the head, Dragon was busted open and isolated. Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet triple-teamed Dragon until Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte ran across the ring to stop them. A wild brawl was the result, with Dragon hammering Cale down while Felicia took Dais out of the ring and Sarah took down Sekhmet. Dragon started working over Cale and went for the Dragon Hammer, but Cale gave him a series of elbowsmashes to counter it. Cale then went for the Black Lightning Suplex, but Dragon kicked out. Dragon started getting worked up, and he hammered away on Cale. Then Cale managed to hit a clothesline to stop the momentum. Dragon made a hot tag to Sarah, who came in and managed to stop Cale from making a tag. Dais and Sekhmet tried to intervene, but Dragon and Felicia cut them off. Sarah gave Cale a kick to the face that busted him open, then hit the Hurricane Press for the win.


Rating: 96




Final Rating: 86 (B+)

TV Rating: 6.42 (Arcadia), 0.09 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Anarchy Lineup


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"The Doctor" Chris Fate vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Mike Malice vs. The Crusader


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Climbatize vs. "The Crown Jewel" Bad Ass Brad Jones


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

BakerMan vs. Big Kahuna


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Dawson Polaris vs. Sinister


IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Edgar Dunvegan ©


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Split Seconds vs. Girl Power ©


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

The Keldon Warlord vs. Doug Dunvegan ©

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IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"The Doctor" Chris Fate vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Liermann FTW



Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Mike Malice vs. The Crusader


Malice FTW


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Climbatize vs. "The Crown Jewel" Bad Ass Brad Jones


Jones FTW



Imperial Games Qualifying Match

BakerMan vs. Big Kahuna


Kahuna FTW


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Dawson Polaris vs. Sinister


Sinister FTW


IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Edgar Dunvegan ©


Dunvegan FTW


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Split Seconds vs. Girl Power ©


Girl Power FTW


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

The Keldon Warlord vs. Doug Dunvegan ©


Dunvegan FTW

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Snow is evil...now where the heck did I leave off? Oh, wait...lemme get these in first so they can be ready before the show hits. Brother Maynard, bring out the Coin of Decision Making! :p


IWF Anarchy Lineup


IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"The Doctor" Chris Fate
vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Mike Malice vs.
The Crusader


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

vs. "The Crown Jewel" Bad Ass Brad Jones


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

BakerMan vs.
Big Kahuna


Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Dawson Polaris
vs. Sinister


IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs.
Edgar Dunvegan ©

(I just don't see you putting a title on yourself...not yet, anyway.)


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Split Seconds vs.
Girl Power ©


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

The Keldon Warlord vs.
Doug Dunvegan ©


EDIT: Also, can I get an SCW update? You can figure out my reasons why. :p

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IWF Anarchy

Sunday, Week 3, April 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Sebastian Franchise defeated The Assassins in 6:07 when B.A. Sebastian defeated Viper by pinfall with a Franchiser. (72)


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Sebastian, Scott Ericson and Jerry Dunvegan defeated Jimmy Dragon, Sampson Griffith and Apathy in 9:19 when John Sebastian defeated Apathy by submission with a "Classic" Cloverleaf. (84)



Main Show




The camera pans around the arena and down to the announcers' table where George Foreman, Eric Sweetwood, and Randy Orton are seated. After some witty banter, Foreman goes over the night's matches and hypes them all.


Rating: 79





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"The Doctor" Chris Fate vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann ©


Chris Fate was looking to take back the IWF Hardcore Title in this match, and came to the ring with a baseball bat. Steve Liermann had his trusted barbed wire baseball bats. They clashed for several minutes, but Liermann got the upper-hand and smacked him across the face, busting him open early. Liermann hit a ropeflip clothesline on him to the outside, then went out after him. Liermann picked up the ring steps and looked to crush his opponent, but Fate got out of the way. Fate hit a low blow, then took him down with a cross-face slam. Fate took the ring bell and hit Liermann with it, busting him open. Both were bleeding profusely. Fate went for Liermann's barbed wire baseball bat, but Liermann pulled him away and rammed him into the ring post. Liermann then grabbed the barbed wire baseball bat, hit him in the sternum, then the face. He picked him up, hit the Shellshock, and got the three-count.


Rating: 77




Doug Dunvegan is preparing backstage for his match when Anubis comes out of nowhere and attacks him with a chair, beating him down and leaving him down and out.


Rating: 90




Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Mike Malice vs. The Crusader


This match was a fairly quick one. Mike Malice came out swinging, but The Crusader was really on his game tonight and easily dominated the match. Every attack Malice put in play, Crusader had an answer for. Crusader outmaneuvered him at every turn and hit several big moves in a row to stagger him. He finally hit the Final Judgment to end the match and move on in the tournament.


Rating: 69




Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Climbatize vs. "The Crown Jewel" Bad Ass Brad Jones


Climbatize was looking for more revenge in this match given their previous encounters. Bad Ass Brad Jones wrestled Climbatize to the mat and started working over his neck immediately. Climbatize countered with a snap mare, then hit a dropkick to BABJ's back. BABJ tried to recover, but Climbatize hit a series of punches that rocked BABJ into the corner. BABJ kicked Climbatize away and exposed the turnbuckle, then gave Climbatize snake eyes on the exposed turnbuckle, getting a warning from the referee. BABJ looked to whip Climbatize into the exposed turnbuckle, but Climbatize reversed it. Climbatize went to work on him, hitting a series of stiff punches. Climbatize put BABJ on the top turnbuckle and went for the Cliffhanger, but BABJ amazingly countered with a cutter from the top turnbuckle. Climbatize was staggered and walked right into the Tremor of Terror. BABJ used a handful of tights to make sure he got the win.


Rating: 83




The Keldon Warlord cut a promo backstage asking if Doug Dunvegan was ready for his reign as IWF World Heavyweight Champion to end tonight. He brandished his spear and said he would not let anything or anyone keep him away from the ultimate prize.


Rating: 76




Imperial Games Qualifying Match

BakerMan vs. Big Kahuna


BakerMan had a severe disadvantage due to Big Kahuna's size, especially since they were equally agile. BakerMan tried to hit a leg lariat early, but Kahuna caught him and hit a powerbomb for a two-count. Kahuna followed up with the Hawaii Hurt and got a near-fall. BakerMan regained his senses and started attacking the big man's knees, trying to take away his offensive capability. Kahuna hammered him, though, and kept him grounded. BakerMan eventually caught him with a spinning sheel kick on the chin and made it to the top turnbuckle, where he his a moonsault bodyblock that took Kahuna down and got a two-count. Kahuna threw BakerMan off and then gave him a choke slam. Kahuna goes to the top turnbuckle and hits the Kahuna Bomb for the win.


Rating: 73




Imperial Games Qualifying Match

Dawson Polaris vs. Sinister


Dawson Polaris came into this match deperately looking for a win, and Sinister came for a fight. Dawson tried to wrestle Sinister to the ground, but he was too fast for him and got hit with a leg lariat followed by a standing moonsault for a two-count. Dawson got back up and resumed fighting, going for the leg and trying to take Sinister down. He finally got him down and started working over the legs to set up for the Polaris Special, but Sinister kicked him away. Dawson still caught him in a front facelock, but Sinister pulled off a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. Dawson was getting frustrated, and Sinister took the opportunity to hit a springboard elbowsmash that staggered him. Sinister moved in, but Dawson managed to catch him and get in position for the Polaris Deathdrop. Sinister, however, flipped over and reversed it into an inverted DDT of his own. He went for the pin with a handful of tights and managed to win the match.


Rating: 80




Doug Dunvegan cut a promo backstage hyping his upcoming match against The Keldon Warlord. He says he'll have to pry the belt from his cold, dead fingers if he wants to be IWF World Heavyweight Champions. He says this old man still has some steam left after all and he's not going to just hand over the belt.


Rating: 95





IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Edgar Dunvegan ©


Kate Avatar and Edgar Dunvegan shook hands before the match, the locked up. Avatar and Edgar fought for position, with Edgar managing to get ahead. He hit a bodyslam, the hit an Asai moonsault for a one-count. Avatar came back and pulled Edgar into a small package for a one-count. The two locked up again, with Avatar getting ahead this time with a rouch slam followed by a series of stiff strikes. Avatar put Edgar in a Figure-Four, but Edgar reached the ropes after about 10 seconds. Edgar got back up, but Avatar was right in his face. He moved and hit a drop toe hold, catching her neck on the top rope in the process. Avatar was staggered, and Edgar hit a savate kick. He got a two-count from that. Edgar was in control and moved to focus on Avatar's neck, putting her in a sleeperhold. She fought it, but was quickly fading out. She barely responded when the referee checked on her, but she got a second wind and elbowed Edgar until he let go of her. Avatar came off the ropes and hit a stiff lariat, then pulled him up to finish him. Edgar countered with a backdrop. Avatar then walked right into the Air Anchor from Edgar, who got the pin to retain.


Rating: 84




Edgar Dunvegan got on the mic and congratulated Kate Avatar for a hard-fought match. He then hyped himself up and said he would keep giving the fans 100% no matter what. He worked the crowd a bit, then headed backstage.


Rating: 81




Backstage, Dawson Polaris looks to be down in the dumps over his recent defeat. He packs his bags and leaves the arena without saying a word.


Rating: 66





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Split Seconds vs. Girl Power ©


Felicia Duarte and Joey T started out. T used his power to his advantage, hitting Felicia with several big punches, but Felicia would not be deterred and came back with a spinning headscissors. T tried to recover, but but she nailed him with a springback back elbow. Felicia hit a standing moonsault for a two-count. Felicia tagged Sarah Dunvegan in, and she went to work on T's legs before he could make the tag. Sarah put him in a surfboard, and BakerMan finally entered the ring to break it up. Felicia climbed to the top turnbuckle and nailed him with a flying spinning headscissors. T recovered enough to start hammering Sarah, eventually taking her down with a T-Line. T went for the TNT, but Sarah slid down his back and took him down with a sunset flip for a two-count. T tagged in BakerMan at that point, and BakerMan hit a flying headscissors on Sarah. Sarah kicked him away and tagged in Felicia. Felicia took BakerMan down and isolated him in her team's corner, where the two double-teamed him. T eventually came in and cut them off, hitting ropeflip clotheslines on both of them to send them to the floor. The referee has lost control of the match at this point. It seems Sarah and BakerMan are the legal competitors. T is working Felicia on the outside as Sarah works over BakerMan on the inside. Felicia takes T down amazingly, then gets back on the ring apron. Felicia enters the ring and they hit the On Top Of The World on BakerMan, allowing Sarah to get the pin.


Rating: 88




Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte give props to Joey T and BakerMan, but say that they've worked to hard to get to where they are to let anyone dethrone them so quickly. They promise to be the best IWF Tag Team Champions in IWF history.


Rating: 91





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

The Keldon Warlord vs. Doug Dunvegan ©


Doug Dunvegan and The Keldon Warlord locked up at the start of the match. Warlord had a significant size advantage, but Doug would not let that deter him. He hit a European uppercut, then started boxing with him. Warlord responded with a lariat. Warlord caught Doug in a front facelock and had him immobilized for a time. Doug fired some punches at Warlord's midsection, but he would not let up. Warlord hit a DDT and got a two-count. Warlord picked Doug up and whipped him into the ropes, but missed the clothesline. Doug came back and took Warlord down with a lariat. Doug stomped Warlord a few times, then hit a few elbowdrops. After a bodyslam, Doug went for the pin and got a one-count. Doug stomped Warlord a few more times, then hit a legdrop and got another one-count. Warlord got to his feet and hit a few elbowsmashes on Doug, knocking him into the corner.


Doug fired back with some more boxing maneuvers, employing hit-and-run tactics with quick jabs. Warlord quickly became airritated at this and gave him a big boot. Warlord tossed Doug into the corner and hit an avalanche. Doug staggered out of the corner, and Warlord took him over with a capture suplex. Warlord got a two-count, but Doug wasn't ready to give up just yet. Doug got up and took Warlord over with a backdrop, then turned and hit another legdrop. He got a one-count as Warlord threw him off forcefully. Warlord got up and rushed Doug, giving him a vicious clothesline. He then went to the corner to grab his spear, ready to end Doug's career. The referee got in his way, but Warlord nailed him with a lariat and took him out. Warlord went after Doug with the spear, but Doug grabbed the spear away from him and slammed him across the face with the butt of it. Warlord staggered, and Doug hit the Iron Fist. Unfortunately, there was no referee to count.


Doug pulled Warlord up and went for the Iron Fist again, but Warlord ducked and hit him with a big boot. Warlord went for the Big Leg Drop, but Doug rolled out of the way. Doug then hit a dropkick to the face. At this point, Anubis makes his way down to the ring with his kusari-gama. He immediately goes after Doug, who gets out of the way. Warlord grabs him, though, and holds him in place. Anubis lines up his shot, but Doug hits a mule kick and moves out of the way as Anubis swings, causing him to slash Warlord and bust him open instead. Doug nails Anubis with the Iron Fist, then hits a ropeflip clothesline to send him to the floor. As Warlord clutches his chest, Doug nails him with the Iron Fist and rouses the referee long enough to make the three-count.


Rating: 83




Final Rating: 84 (B+)

PPV Buy Rate: 2.28




Prediction Results:

Apathy -- 7/8

ShadowedFlames -- 5/8

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 4, April 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Fate defeated Santos Gomez in 8:06 by submission with a Lethal Injection. (59)


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Big Kahuna defeated Mike Malice in 7:51 by pinfall. (75)



Main Show




The ring is set up for the George and Randy Show. George Foreman and Randy Orton discuss the retirement of Stan Hibbard. Foreman brings up how the older generation are finally passing the torches to the younger generation, and mentions that IWF has the youngest overall roster in the business. Orton agrees that the young roster of IWF is the best in the world.




John Sebastian comes out to boos from the crowd. He takes issue with the praise for the young guys, saying that a "Classic" like him will never be upstaged by the young whelps. Orton argues with him, which proves to be a mistake as Classic hits the "Classic" Beat Slam on him for doing so.


Rating: 81




Dawson Polaris vs. The Keldon Warlord


This match saw an early advantage by The Keldon Warlord, who used his size and power to overwhelm Dawson Polaris. Dawson wouldn't go down easily, though, and wrestled Warlord down. He looked to gain control and started working over Warlord legs. Dawson went for the Polaris Special a little early, though, and got kicked off. Dawson came back and wrestled Warlord into the corner. Warlord went for a vertical suplex, but Dawson dropped behind him and went for the Polaris Deathdrop. Warlord threw him off into the referee, then took his spear and gouged Dawson with it, busting him open badly. Warlord woke up the referee and got the pin.


Rating: 82




Sarah Dunvegan cuts a promo on her twin brother, Jerry Dunvegan. She says that she's going to become the number-one-contender this time and go on to bigger and better things. She says Jerry doesn't have the heart or the drive to truly succeed in this business, and that it's her time to shine. She promises victory this time.


Rating: 83




Sniper vs. "The Fallen Angel" Apathy


This was a fairly short match. Sniper did his best to put up an aerial offense, but Apathy was too fast for him and hit several high-risk moves before taking him to the mat. She put him in the White Oleander and got the submission victory.


Rating: 50




Jerry Dunvegan comes out and trashes on his twin sister Sarah Dunvegan, claiming she's just using her looks to get the crowd behind her. Then he reminds her he's a better fighter and better looking. He says that Sarah has no chance, and he'll be the one going to face their father for the IWF World Heavyweight Title at IWF Mayhem.


Rating: 81




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs come out and are upset that they keep getting overlooked when it comes to the IWF Tag Team Titles. They claim Girl Power are just dodging an encounter with them because they know The Militia is the best tag team to ever grace an IWF ring. When neither Sarah Dunvegan nor Felicia Duarte come out to respond, they say they'll win the belts soon enough and head backstage to hunt down the IWF Tag Team Champions.


Rating: 83





IWF Television Title Bout

Viper vs. Edgar Dunvegan


Viper came into this match brawling, but Edgar whipped him around the ring and hit a springboard leg lariat. After some more aerial maneuvers, Edgar finally hit the Air Anchor and ended the match.


Rating: 74




Edgar Dunvegan cuts a backstage promo hyping himself, saying that he'll continue to give the fans what they want, good, clean matches and great competition. He goes on to say that he'll be a fighting champion and is willing to take on all comers.


Rating: 85




Number-One-Contender Match

"Emperor" Jerry Dunvegan vs. Sarah Dunvegan


The twins circled each other for a few moments, feeling each other out. Sarah moved in first, shooting for Jerry's legs. He hit her with a high knee and moved in with a series of punches, taking her to the corner. Sarah kicked him away and took him down by the legs. She floated over him and put him in a sleeperhold, but Jerry reached the ropes after 3 seconds. Sarah pulled Jerry out and put him in a heel hook, but Jerry again reached the ropes after 7 seconds. Sarah grabbed Jerry again, but was kicked away. Jerry got up and speared Sarah. Jerry rained down punches on Sarah, busting her open. She tried to throw him off, but he overpowered her. He pulled her up then, and she managed to take him over with a vertical suplex. Sarah whipped Jerry into the ropes and hit a spinning heel kick. Sarah then wrestled Jerry to the mat and worked on his neck. Jerry barely escape her. Sarah hit a sitdown faceslam and then went to the top rope and hit the Hurricane Press. Jerry amazingly kicked out. Sarah complained about a slow count. Jerry rolled her up in an inside cradle and pulled the tights to get the quick win.


Rating: 80


George Foreman announces that as a result of the match, Jerry Dunvegan will be going to IWF Mayhem to face Doug Dunvegan for the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 85




Felicia Duarte comes out and talks about how she has the chance of a lifetime tonight in the main event against Anubis. She says that she'll put another nail in the coffin of The Dark Warlords tonight by putting Anubis in his place. The crowd eats it up, and Felicia works the crowd very well, whipping them into a frenzy. Felicia says tonight will just be another step toward destroying The Dark Warlords once and for all.


Rating: 90






Jimmy Dragon, Split Seconds, and Kate Avatar vs. A Classic Deal and Team Xtreme


Jimmy Dragon and John Sebastian started out. Dragon had an early advantage with a series of strikes and a couple of suplexes, but Classic hit a low blow to turn things around and isolate Dragon in his team's corner. Classic and Scott Ericson double-teamed Dragon, then tagged in Bad Ass Brad Jones, who started working over Dragon. Dragon fought back valiantly, and they took each other down with clotheslines. Hot tags to Steve Liermann and Kate Avatar, and the two brawled. Avatar got the upper-hand this time around and started throwing Liermann around, shocking him. She hit several power moves on him and had a couple of near-falls. Avatar tagged in BakerMan, who hit several aerial moves to stagger Liermann. Liermann then caught him during one and powerbombed him, finally grounding him. Liermann took his frustrations out on BakerMan, and then isolated him in his team's corner where he and BABJ double-teamed him. Ericson was tagged in, and BakerMan soon got a second wind. BakerMan hit a dropkick, sending Ericson into the corner. Classic tagged himself in and BakerMan tagged in Dragon. All hell broke loose at that point, with both teams in the ring duking it out. As the dust settled, most of the competitors were on the outside, with T and Classic in the ring. T went for the TNT, but Classic slipped down behind him. Classic hit the "Classic" Beat Slam, but T kicked out. Classic had a pair of brass knuckles then and hit T with them. He went for the pin, pulled the tights, and got the win.


Rating: 83




John Sebastian, Scott Ericson, Steve Liermann, and Bad Ass Brad Jones are backstage cutting a promo. Classic says that this is how the elite of XHCW take care of business. Classic, Liermann, and BABJ make Ericson an honorary member of the XHCW elite for his contributions. They say they're the dominant force in IWF now.


Rating: 82




Anubis comes out and glares around at the booing fans. He says it'll be a cold day in Hell before a little Mexican slut like Felicia Duarte beats him. He promises to end Felicia's career if she doesn't roll over and lay down for him like everyone knows she's so good at. The fans are booing him out of the building, and he soaks it all in with his arms outstretched.


Rating: 95




Backstage, Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs are seen in the locker room of Girl Power. After sneaking around, they find the IWF Tag Team Title belts and steal them.


Rating: 76




Felicia Duarte vs. "The Master of Cruelty" Anubis


Felicia Duarte was cautious going into this match, knowing that Anubis would pull every dirty trick in the book. Anubis shot for Felicia's legs, but she hit a series of punches and backed him off. She hit a spinning headscissors to take him down, but it didn't keep him down for long. He clipped her legs and was on top of her quickly with a mount, and started raining down punches on her. She was quickly busted open, but she started firing back. They punched each other for several moments, and then Felicia brought her legs up and wrapped them around Anubis's head and took him down for a near-fall. Anubis takes her down with a clothesline, then pulls her up and puts her on the turnbuckle. Anubis hits the Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but she kicks out. The fans chant for Felicia and she gets fired up. Anubis tries to strike at her, but she counters and fires back with a series of punches of her own, followed by several aerial maneuvers. She got a near-fall with a moonsault. Anubis hits a spinebuster to stop her momentum. Anubis hits the Cutting Edge, but Felicia kicks out. Felicia goes for the Como Usted Quiera, but Anubis counters with another Cutting Edge. This time he uses the ropes for leverage and gets the pin.


Rating: 85





Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet join Anubis in the ring and they start beating down Felicia Duarte. Doug Dunvegan runs out with Edgar Dunvegan and Sarah Dunvegan close behind. Doug confronts Anubis, and the two get into a fight. Soon it descends into a wild brawl, and the show comes to an end with all of them still fighting.


Rating: 86




Final Rating: 86 (B+)

TV Rating: 7.14 (Arcadia), 0.08 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, May 2002






In a match that had some good action and average heat, Brad Tibbs defeated Erik Pigman in 5:58 by pinfall with a Tibbular Bells. (80)


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Crusader defeated The Juice in 8:04 by pinfall with a Final Judgment. (76)



Main Show




The ring is set up for the George and Randy Show. George Foreman and Randy Orton discuss the upcoming Imperial Games. The top seeds are Jerry Dunvegan, Jimmy Dragon, Joey T, Scott Ericson. They try to decide who they think will win. Foreman predicts that T will come out on top, but Orton gives the nod to Dragon. Of course one of the other participants could pull off an upset.




Sarah Dunvegan comes out and joins them. Foreman asks her how she's feeling having lost two shots at the IWF World Heavyweight Title. She says she just has to work harder in order to prove herself. She says that The Keldon Warlord and her brother Jerry Dunvegan are just flavors of the month and that eventually she'll be on top. Orton asks her out, but she just laughs and pats him on the head, then says he should grow up a little and then they could talk about it. As she leaves, she does give Orton a second look, and Orton winks at her.


Rating: 79





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

Climbatize vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann


Steve Liermann entered this match quickly, attacking Climbatize before the bell. The action quickly spilled to the outside where Liermann rammed Climbatize into the ring post and then whipped him into the guardrail. Climbatize came back and kicked Liermann, then hit him with the ring bell and busted him open. Liermann grabbed a chair and smashed Climbatize in the face, busting him open. Liermann hit the Shellshock on the chair on the concrete floor for the win.


Rating: 76




Team Xtreme cut a promo backstage where they declare that they are the kings of hardcore, and that no one will be able to take them down. Liermann also promises to go and take hardcore to the Imperial Games and come back with the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 84




The Sebastian Franchise vs. The Militia


Payne-X Sebastian and Mista Ed start out. PX hit a few dropkicks, then hit a, Asai bodyblock for a near-fall. PX hits a moonsault for another near-fall. He isolates Ed in his team's corner, and they beat Ed down. Ed eventually hits a double clothesline to take them down, then tags in Biggs. Biggs comes in and dukes it out with B.A., and they eventually take each other down with a double clothesline. They make hot tags, Ed beats PX down, then they hit the DDC for the win.


Rating: 80




The Crusader comes out to the ring and says that there is an evil that needs to be purged from IWF. He calls out Anubis and challenges him to a match, to the shock of all. Crusader says he will take on Anubis for the good of all.


Rating: 68





IWF Television Title Bout

Dawson Polaris vs. Edgar Dunvegan


Dawson Polaris and Edgar Dunvegan lock up, wrestling for position. Edgar takes Dawson to the mat and hammers him on the head. Edgar then hits an Asai moonsault for a near-fall. Edgar pulls Dawson up, and Dawson takes Edgar to the mat and starts working on his legs. He puts him in an armlock leglock submission, but Edgar gets to the ropes after 10 seconds. Edgar kicks Dawson away and hits a springboard clothesline. Edgar hits the Air Anchor and gets the pin.


Rating: 77




Edgar Dunvegan cuts a promo in the ring, putting over Dawson and telling him that his slump will end soon enough and that he's a great competitor. He then declares that he's going to Imperial Games with the intent of winning it all. The crowd loves him.


Rating: 83




Dais comes out amidst flames as the rest of the arena goes dark. Flames line the aisle as he heads to the ring. Then all four turnbuckles blow flames up. While the darkness is still settled over the arena, Dais challenges Doug Dunvegan to put his IWF World Heavyweight Title on the line against "The Warlord of Illusion". He says he will make Doug burn and bring glory back to The Dark Warlords.


Rating: 70




Number-One-Contenders Match

Old School Anarchists vs. Corruption and Venom


John Henderson and Zachary Punk are veterans who have signed with IWF and are making their debut as a team against Cale and Sekhmet. Cale goes nuts on Henderson, who is barely able to keep up, but he eventually hits an atomic drop to stop Cale's momentum. Sekhmet and Punk are tagged in. The two brawl with each other, then Punk wrestles Sekhmet down to the mat. Sekhmet fights back with a low blow. He tries to drag Punk to his team's corner, but Punk hits a backdrop and takes Sekhmet to his team's corner. Henderson is tagged in, and Punk slams Cale with a jumping clothesline. Henderson hits the Crusher DDT and gets the pin, giving Old School Anarchists the big upset win.


Rating: 81


George Foreman announces that because they won the match, Old School Anarchists will go to IWF Mayhem to take on Girl Power for the IWF Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 86




In the locker room, Dawson Polaris is packing his bags when John Sebastian arrives and taunts Dawson for losing so many matches. The Classic says he's amazed that Dawson made it to the finals of Imperial Games last year given how green he is. Dawson just sits and takes it as The Classic tells him he's a loser and doesn't have what it takes to make it in this business.


Rating: 82




Jerry Dunvegan cuts a promo backstage saying that he's counting down the days until he gets the IWF World Heavyweight Title back. He says his father is washed up and only won the belt by pure luck. Jerry says he's surprised Anubis didn't put Doug in his grave. He then promises to put Doug back in retirement, this time permanently.


Rating: 88




The Keldon Warlord vs. Joey T vs. Anubis vs. Jimmy Dragon


This match broke down into chaos almost immediately, and the referee did not even bother controlling who the legal men were. Jimmy Dragon went after Anubis while The Keldon Warlord went after Joey T. T and Warlord brawled while Dragon shot for Anubis's legs and tried to take him down. Anubis with some strikes, he tries to catch Dragon in a guillotine choke, but isn't able to. Warlord tosses T out of the ring and double-teams Dragon with Anubis. Warlord picks Dragon up, and Anubis takes him back down with a guillotine legdrop. Anubis goes for the pin, but Warlord picks him up and nails him with a choke slam. T is back in the ring and clobbers Warlord from behind. The two spill out of the ring, and Dragon gets up and hits the Dragon Fly on Anubis. Anubis rolls to the outside and grabs his kusari-gama. The referee gets involved, but Anubis knocks him down. He then chokes Dragon with the chain of the kusari-gama before cutting him open with the sickle and slamming the butt over his head. Anubis rolls Dragon back in the ring, gets the referee up, and gets the pin while Warlord and T brawl on the outside.


Rating: 83




Anubis gets on the mic and says that The Dark Warlords still reign supreme. He says that Dais will take the IWF World Heavyweight Title tonight and hand it over to Anubis. He says not even the mighty Jimmy Dragon is able to stop The Dark Warlords.


Rating: 90




Backstage, Anubis psyches up Dais, telling him he can save the reputation of The Dark Warlords tonight by bringing the IWF World Heavyweight Title back. Dais says that he will make Doug Dunvegan burn on his way to the IWF World Heavyweight Title. Sekhmet, in the background, seems a bit uneasy about Dais's new obsession with fire.


Rating: 80





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

"The Warlord of Illusion" Dais vs. Doug Dunvegan


Dais came into this match fighting, hitting a jumping clothesline immediately to start the match. Doug Dunvegan recovers quickly and starts duking it out with Dais. Doug traps Dais in the corner and hits several punches to the stomach before giving him multiple punches to the face. Dais gives Doug a kick to the groin, though, then his a flying clothesline. Doug is down, and Dais goes back to the top turnbuckle and hits a guillotine legdrop for a near-fall. Dais pulls Doug up in the corner and hits the Tree of Woe. He still can't get the pin. Doug gets a second wind and starts fighting back, hitting several stiff punches to the stomach. Doug hits an atomic drop followed by an elbowdrop for a near-fall. Doug pulls Dais up, and Dais kicks him away. At that point, Dais holds out his hand, and a fireball shoots out. Doug ducks, though, and then comes right up and nails Dais with the Iron Fist to pick up the win to retain.


Rating: 93




Final Rating: 82 (B)

TV Rating: 6.94 (Arcadia), 0.09 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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The Immortal Stan Hibbard






Stan Hibbard, the recently retired Canadian wrestler, is the newest addition to the famous Hall of Immortals. The 59 year old's achievements in wrestling are legendary, and made him a unanimous choice amongst the site's staff to be honoured in this way.
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