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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, August 2002






In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Edgar Dunvegan defeated Erik Pigman in 5:43 by pinfall with an Air Anchor.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Old School Anarchists defeated The Sebastian Franchise in 9:56 when Zachary Punk defeated Payne-X Sebastian by pinfall with a Punked.




Main Show




George Foreman comes out and says that Ivana Katsunova has been relieved of her duties as colour commentator of IWF Monday Night Fights. He then introduces the newest colour commentator for IWF Monday Night Fights, the beautiful Josie Hendrix. She says that she'll do her best to make sure the big boss is happy with her work.


Rating: 69




A video plays on the Imperia-Tron of Brandon Harwell out on a date with Kate Avatar. Nobody knows who is playing the video, and it seems that the video was shot without Harwell or Avatar knowing about it.


Rating: 84




Cale comes down to the ring while the video is playing and gets on the mic. "Anubis, we know your weakness! You have a lot of nerve crossing us, Anubis, but we will destroy you! If we can't destroy you directly, we'll destroy you through what you love! I know what you've been doing! You've started protecting certain people around here! Don't deny it! Your heart is still as dark as ever, but no one else realizes it yet! You may try to protect Jimmy Dragon or Kate Avatar or others, but we will destroy you all! Come out and face your destiny, Anubis! Face the everlasting fears of the corruption in your soul! Feel the damnation! You are an ant and I will crush you myself!"




Harwell finally has enough and makes his way down to the ring, an angry look on his face. "Cale, you really are a psycho. Dais and Sekhmet already got their asses handed to them. You wanna add your name to that list, that's just fine by me!"


Rating: 86





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Air Raid vs. Girl Power ©


Apathy and Felicia Duarte started the match, wrestling each other down. Apathy hit Felicia with a series of punches, rocking her into the corner. Felicia tagged out to Sarah Dunvegan, who came in and took Apathy down by the legs. Apathy nailed Sarah in the face, but Sarah rained punches down on her. Sarah went for the Twister, but Apathy fought her off and tagged out to Brad Tibbs. Tibbs came in with a springboard leg lariat to take Sarah down, then hit her with a series of stomps. Tibbs whipped Sarah into the ropes and hit a clothesline. They brawled for a time, with Tibbs coming out on top. Sarah caught him with a shoulder lift into a faceslam. Both tagged out to Felicia and Apathy. Felicia came in and cleaned out. Felicia and Sarah then hit Apathy with the On Top Of The World and Felicia got the pin to retain the IWF Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 88




Apathy is having a cigarette after her match when Mike Malice comes up to her and asks her out. He says he'll be a champion very soon and that a beautiful woman like her needs a champion. Apathy tells him to buzz off.


Rating: 57




Paco Rodeguiz vs. "The Lightning Kid" Santos Gomez


Paco Rodeguiz came out swinging. Santos Gomez tried to use his speed to get away from Rodeguiz, but got hammered into the corner. Rodeguiz hit the Explosivo Power to get the win.


Rating: 55




Scott Ericson comes down to the ring with a mic and rips into Jimmy Dragon, saying how sweet the victory was last week. He says it's just a preview of what will happen when he gets another shot at the IWF World Heavyweight Title. He says he's "The Real Deal" and that it's time for a real champion.


Rating: 84





IWF Television Title Bout

Mike Malice vs. Dawson Polaris ©


Mike Malice and Dawson Polaris locked up, and Dawson wrestled him to the mat. Malice tried to fight back, hammering Dawson with a series of punches. Dawson drops Malice with an atomic drop. Dawson locked Malice in the Polaris Special, and Malice tapped out in 7 seconds.


Rating: 73




Jimmy Dragon comes down to the ring and says that he has nothing to prove because he already beat Scott Ericson. He says that Ericson's tricks don't impress anyone. He then says that he was impressed with Doug Dunvegan. He then asks Doug DUnvegan to come out, challenging him to a match.


Rating: 80




Doug comes out to the stage and asks what Dragon hopes to prove. Dragon says that Doug gave up the IWF World Heavyweight Title without a fight, and that to be a proper champion, he has to prove himself against a worthy champion. He asks Doug to grant him a match, and Doug accepts the challenge.


Rating: 87




Climbatize vs. The Keldon Warlord


Climbatize tried going into the match swinging, but The Keldon Warlord hammered him down with a double-axhandle to the back. Climbatize came back with an uppercut, but Warlord shrugged him off. Warlord then stomped Climbatize into the mat. Warlord dominated Climbatize for several minues, then put him on the turnbuckle and hit the Keldon Burial for the win.


Rating: 79






Backstage, Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones ambush Brandon Harwell and Steve Liermann in the middle of a chat. Jerry and BABJ beat Harwell and Liermann down, but then Kate Avatar runs onto the scene. Avatar lays into Jerry and BABJ, evening the odds. Harwell and Liermann manage to fight back finally, and the three of them chase off Jerry and BABJ.


Rating: 79




"The Warlord of Corruption" Cale vs. Brandon Harwell


Cale and Brandon Harwell circled each other for a moment, then Harwell shot for Cale's legs. Cale pounded him in the back, not letting him get the takedown. Harwell tried to come back with a series of kicks, but Cale blasted him with a heavy punch and laid into him. Cale hammered Harwell into the corner, then gave him a boot choke. Cale stopped at four, then gave him another boot choke. He stopped at four again, then stomped him down in the corner. Cale gave Harwell a kick to the face, busting him open, then tossed him out of the ring. Cale rammed Harwell face-first into the ring post several times, then tossed him back into the ring. Harwell got to his feet slowly as Cale climbed back into the ring. Harwell immediately nailed Cale with the Dark Millennium. Harwell went for the pin, but Cale kicked out! Harwell waited for Cale to climb to his feet, then hit the Dark Millennium again. Harwell went for the pin and finally got it.


Rating: 79




Brandon Harwell cuts a promo backstage declaring victory against The Dark Warlords. He says that Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet all fell to his hands and that there is no more going back. He then thanks Kate Avatar for helping, and winks at the camera. He says that now he can focus his energy on Jerry Dunvegan and The Dynasty.


Rating: 96





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Doug Dunvegan vs. Jimmy Dragon ©


Jimmy Dragon and Doug Dunvegan shook hands before the opening bell. Once then match began, they locked up, and Dragon whipped Doug into the ropes and took him down with a spinning heel kick. Doug got up and hit Dragon with a series of punches, then hammered him into the corner. Doug hit several more punches, then took Dragon over with a vertical suplex. Doug stomped Dragon a few times, but then Dragon caught him by the leg and took him down with a dragon screw. Doug got back up, but Dragon nailed him with a savate kick. Dragon took Doug over with several suplexes, but couldn't get the pin. Doug fought back with a series of punches and followed up with an inverted atomic drop. Doug stomped Dragon several times, but Dragon fought to his feet. They brawled for several minutes, and then Doug hit a belly-to-belly suplex. As Dragon got up, Doug went for the Iron Fist, but Dragon ducked out of the way. Dragon came back with a rolling elbowsmash. Dragon went to the top turnbuckle as Doug got back up. Dragon hit Doug with the Dragon Fly, then picked him up and hit the Dragon Driver to retain the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 92



Final Rating: 84 (B+)

TV Rating: 8.96 (GNN Total Sports), 0.18 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 2, August 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Fate defeated Viper in 6:28 by submission with a Lethal Injection.


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Dais defeated Dalton in 9:42 by submission with a Web of Deception.




Main Show





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

"The Warlord of Corruption" Cale vs. Big Kahuna ©


This was a battle of the big men. Cale came into it pounding away at Big Kahuna like a madman, but Kahuna got him to the ropes and tossed him out of the ring. Kahuna hit a slingshot splash on Cale for a two-count. Cale hit Kahuna with an uppercut, then knocked him into the ring post. After a chair shot, Kahuna was busted open. Kahuna gave Cale a big boot through the chair. Kahuna threw Cale into the ring steps, then tossed him up the aisle. Cale tried to fight back, but Kahuna whipped him into the side of the stage. Kahuna went on top of the stage and hit the Kahuna Bomb to win the match.


Rating: 74




Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones cut a promo backstage where they lay into Joey T and BakerMan. They call themselves the newest tag team sensations and claim that they'll put Split Seconds out to pasture tonight. Jerry tells Brandon Harwell to be watching to see what he's going to do to him in the future.


Rating: 84




Apathy is backstage when Mike Malice rushes onto the scene with brass knuckles and punches her out. He then spits on her and says no one rejects him.


Rating: 55




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Sniper


Paco Rodeguiz opened with a series of punches and rocked Sniper into the corner. Sniper kicked him away and went for a leg lariat, but Paco caught him with a fallaway slam. Paco beat on Sniper some more, then hit the Explosivo Power for the win.


Rating: 61




Scott Ericson comes down to the ring and calls out Jimmy Dragon, saying that it's time to finish their business with each other. Dragon makes his way out, but is ambushed by John Sebastian and beaten down. Ericson laughs about how gullible Dragon is, and says that he and Classic are the true main event of IWF.


Rating: 89





Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones are backstage preparing for their match when Brandon Harwell and Steve Liermann burst onto the scene with chairs and lay them out. Harwell tells Jerry to give it up, then leaves with Liermann.


Rating: 85





IWF Television Title Bout

The Crusader vs. Dawson Polaris ©


They locked up, and Dawson Polaris wrestled The Crusader to the mat. Crusader fought back to his feet and took Dawson over with a vertical suplex. Crusader kicked Dawson in the ribs a couple times, then pulled him up and hit a European uppercut. Dawson came back with a savate kick, then locked Crusader in the Polaris Special. Crusader tapped out after 15 seconds.


Rating: 75




After the match is over, Scott Ericson and John Sebastian hit the ring and assault Dawson Polaris. They beat him down and then stomp him into the mat. They celebrate the beatdown as they get boos from the crowd.


Rating: 87




Apathy cuts a promo backstage in which she lays into Mike Malice for being a piece of garbage. She says that she's usually a peaceful person, but she's calling Malice out. She wants him in a match at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 52




The Juice vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar


The Juice came out swinging, going for a series of punches. Kate Avatar countered and hit an STO. Avatar tossed Juice around the ring some with some mean suplexes, but Juice still came back and hit a spinning heel kick. Juice pulled Avatar up and gave her a bulldog, but only got a two-count. Avatar laid into Juice with a series of uppercuts that laid him out in the corner. Avatar stomped Juice, then pulled him up and hit a spike belly-to-belly suplex for a two-count. Avatar pulled Juice up, but he took her over with a backdrop. Juice tried to whip Avatar into the corner, but Avatar reversed it. Avatar went for a superplex, but Juice countered with a front-layout superplex of his own. He got a two-count, then complained to the referee about a slow count. Juice clocked the referee. Avatar got up, but Jerry Dunvegan hit the ring with a chair. Juice whipped Avatar into the ropes, and Jerry nailed her in the back with the chair. Juice took the opportunity to hit the Juicer, then roused the referee to get the pin.


Rating: 77





Bad Ass Brad Jones comes down to the ring and joins Jerry Dunvegan in beating and stomping the fallen Kate Avatar. They grab the ring bell and nail her with it, busting her open badly. Brandon Harwell hits the ring, spears BABJ, then nails Jerry with a savate kick, clearing the ring. He holds Avatar as Jerry and BABJ retreat. Harwell looks very angry.


Rating: 85




Edgar Dunvegan and Tully Blanchard are backstage with John Henderson and Zachary Punk. Edgar says that The Keldon Warlord may be big, but he's not unstoppable. He says he's going to lay the monster to rest at Mutually Assured Destruction with the help of his friends. Henderson and Punk talk about how they'll kill two birds with one stone when they take out The Sebastian Franchise once and for all along with Warlord.


Rating: 77




The Dynasty vs. Split Seconds


Bad Ass Brad Jones and BakerMan started out. BABJ wrestled BakerMan to the mat, keeping him out of the air. He quickly dragged BakerMan to his team's corner where he and Jerry Dunvegan double-teamed him. BakerMan fought back, though, and nailed them both with a springboard double clothesline. Baker then hit a moonsault on BABJ for a two-count. Jerry and Joey T were tagged in. Jerry and T brawled until T took control after a T-Line. T then hit a T-Bone Suplex. Jerry fought back with a low blow, then hammered T into the corner. Jerry placed T on the turnbuckle, but T kicked him away and got down. T took Jerry down with a T-Bomb for a two-count. T tagged in BakerMan, and they went for the Time Bomb, but BABJ interrupted and stopped them. T tossed BABJ out of the ring and went after him, leaving BakerMan with Jerry. Baker tried to finish Jerry off, but got hit with the Enforcer. Jerry used the ropes for leverage to ensure the pinfall.


Rating: 86




John Sebastian is backstage and cuts a promo on John Henderson, who he's about to face in the main event. He says they've met in many "Classic" battles, but that Classic has always been the better man regardless of results. He says it's time for one more "Classic" beatdown on Henderson and tells him that maybe he'll consider retirement after tonight.


Rating: 95




John Henderson vs. "The Classic" John Sebastian


They locked up at the bell. John Henderson went for a series of punches, but John Sebastian caught him by the arm and took him over with a hip toss. Henderson got back up, and Classic took him over with another hip toss. Classic went after Henderson's leg, but Henderson kicked him away. Henderson sent Classic to the floor with a ropeflip clothesline. Henderson went after Classic on the outside and rammed him head-first into the ring post. Henderson then bashed Classic's head on the ring steps several times. Henderson climbed back into the ring just to reset the count, then went after Classic gain. Classic hit the "Classic" Low Blow and tossed Henderson back into the ring. Classic went for the "Classic" Cloverleaf, but was kicked away. Henderson was back up and went for the Crusher DDT, but Classic countered with a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. Classic then pulled him up and hit the "Classic" Beat Slam for the win.


Rating: 88



Final Rating: 79 (B)

TV Rating: 8.80 (GNN Total Sports), 0.17 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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New Entry Into The Hall Of Immortals






The staff here at Total Extreme Wrestling.com are pleased to announce a new induction into our famous Hall Of Immortals; the American wrestler Ric Flair. Recently retired, the 53 year old is a legend for his achievements in pro wrestling, and fully deserves to take his place.
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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 3, August 2002






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Sebastian won a battle royal in 15:25. The final four competitors also included Dais, Shorty Biggs and John Henderson, with Dais being the final elimination.




Main Show




Corruption and Venom vs. Split Seconds


Cale and Joey T started out. They two brawled back and forth at start, with Cale getting an early advantage. Cale nailed T into the corner with a series of elbowsmashes, then gave him a boot choke. Cale let go at four, then gave T a bodyslam. Cale went to pull T up, but T took him over with a backdrop. They brawled some more, and Cale got the advantage again, tagging in Sekhmet. Sekhmet went after T's leg and tried to take it out, wedging it on the bottom rope several times. He then gave him a splash while hanging on the middle rope. Sekhmet pulled T up and got hammered as T came alive. T was energized, and he pounded away at Sekhmet before tagging in BakerMan. Cale entered the ring, but T and BakerMan cleaned house and then hit the Time Bomb on Sekhmet for the win.


Rating: 85




Joey T and BakerMan stay in the ring and cut a promo. T says that Split Seconds is back on the scene and that they intend to work their way to the top. T then mentions that despite that, he hasn't forgotten about Jimmy Dragon and the IWF World Heavyweight Title, and says he intends to go for that gold as well.


Rating: 80




Backstage, The Juice is seen with Jerry Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones. They announce that since Juice did a good job of putting Brandon Harwell's girlfriend in her place last week that they're inducting him into The Dynasty.


Rating: 79




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Viper


Paco Rodeguiz came out swinging again, but Viper managed to brawl with him for a moment. Paco quickly took control and dominated Viper, though, and got the win with the L.A. Motel.


Rating: 65




John Sebastian is backstage after having won the earlier battle royale. Jimmy Dragon then arrives on the scene and assaults him. Dragon beats Classic down and gives him the Dragon Driver on the concrete floor, busting him open. Dragon leaves Classic down and out.


Rating: 91




Air Raid vs. The Dynasty


Brad Tibbs and Jerry Dunvegan started out. They locked up, but Jerry quickly overpowered Tibbs. Tibbs fought to his feet, then hit a spinning heel kick. He went for another, but Jerry caught him with a fallaway slam. Jerry pulled Tibbs to his team's corner and proceeded to double-team him with Bad Ass Brad Jones. Apathy tried to enter the ring, but was cut off by Jerry. The two spilled to the outside as BABJ wrestled Tibbs to the mat and started working over his neck. BABJ went for the Tremor of Terror, but Tibbs slipped out. Tibbs tagged out to Apathy, and BABJ tagged Jerry back in. Apathy tried to brawl with Jerry, but was out-matched. Jerry came off the ropes and hit the Enforcer for the win.


Rating: 89




Jimmy Dragon comes out to cheers from the crowd and calls out Scott Ericson. He says he's sick of Ericson's antics and challenges him to prove that he's "The Real Deal" by facing him at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 84




Ericson comes out onto the ramp and rants that Dragon is nothing more than a fraud being protected by IWF management. He says he'll take out Brandon Harwell's golden boy once and for all. Dragon asks him if he's really ready to "FACE THE DRAGON!" The crowd cheers Dragon on.


Rating: 85




Zachary Punk vs. The Keldon Warlord


This was an awkward bout because Zachary Punk and The Keldon Warlord didn't seem to click. Punk tried to get some offense in, but was overwhelmed by Warlord. Warlord took his time beating Punk down, then took him to the corner and hit the Keldon Burial for the win.


Rating: 68




The Keldon Warlord gets up close to the camera and says that Edgar Dunvegan has bitten off more than he can chew. He says he will destroy Edgar easily and that there's nothing anyone can do to stop him. He roars into the camera, then walks away.


Rating: 87




Kate Avatar is backstage cutting a promo. First, she thanks Brandon Harwell for his help and promises to show her appreciation again later on. She then discusses her upcoming match against Dawson Polaris. She knows she failed to beat Dawson last time, but she intends to take her first gold this time around and win the IWF Television Title.


Rating: 81





IWF Television Title Bout

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Dawson Polaris ©


They locked up to start, wrestling back and forth with neither gaining a clear advantage. Kate Avatar struck first with a hip toss on Dawson Polaris, but he got right back up. She went for a kick to the midsection, but Dawson caught her leg and took her down with a dragon screw. Dawson quickly hit an Asai moonsault, but only got a two-count. Avatar got back up and took Dawson down with an STO for a two-count. Avatar and Dawson both get up and brawl for a moment, with Avatar gaining the upper-hand. Avatar knocked Dawson into the corner, set him up, and took him down with a superplex. Dawson fought to his feet, took Avatar over with a German suplex, then went to work on her legs. She kicked him away. Avatar whipped Dawson into the ropes, but he did a springboard, caught her, and dropped her with the Polaris Deathdrop. Dawson then locked in the Polaris Special. Avatar tapped out after 12 seconds.


Rating: 84


George Foreman announces that due to a battle royale held before the main show, John Sebastian will be Dawson Polaris's opponent at Mutually Assured Destruction.


Rating: 87




Dawson Polaris cuts a promo backstage in which he congratulates Kate Avatar for putting up a good fight and looks forward to facing her again. Now he gets to deal with John Sebastian one more time, and he doesn't intend to lose this time around. Dawson says he brings honor to the IWF Television Title and he won't let Classic sully it.


Rating: 83




Jimmy Dragon and Brandon Harwell vs. Girl Power


Jimmy Dragon and Felicia Duarte started out. They wrestled back and forth for a moment, but Felicia sprawled to avoid getting taken to the mat by Dragon. Felicia came off the ropes and got taken over by a spike belly-to-belly suplex from Dragon. Felicia got back up, slid under Dragon's legs, then took him over with a hit toss. Dragon was immediately back up jumping over and getting her in a sunset flip for a two-count. Felicia forced Dragon's shoulders down for a two-count as well. Dragon pulled Felicia up and hit a powerbomb. Dragon tagged out to Brandon Harwell, who came in just as Felicia tagged out to Sarah Dunvegan. The two circled each other, throwing out test kicks. Harwell went in to lock up with her and caught her in a clinch. Harwell hit several elbows, but she came back with a punch to the face. Harwell took her down to the mat and mounted her, raining down punches on her. She slipped out and slid out of the ring. Sarah grabbed a chair and climbed back in the ring. Sarah went to hit Harwell with it, but Felicia stopped her. They argued for a moment, but then Sarah tagged in Felicia and dropped the chair. Harwell tagged Dragon back in. As Felicia entered the ring, Dragon caught her with the Dragon Fly by surprise. Sarah headed to the back as Dragon hit the Dragon Driver to get the win.


Rating: 89





Jerry Dunvegan hits the ring and confronts Brandon Harwell. They start arguing, but before a fight can break out, Brad Tibbs, Apathy, Paco Rodeguiz, The Crusader, Sampson Griffith, and Dalton hit the ring to pull them apart.


Rating: 93



Final Rating: 87 (B+)

TV Rating: 8.90 (GNN Total Sports), 0.19 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Mutually Assured Destruction Lineup


IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Street Fight

Girl Power © v The Militia


"The Fallen Angel" Apathy v Mike Malice


Warlord and The Sebastian Franchise v Edgar and Old School Anarchists


IWF Television Title Bout

Submission Match

"The Classic" John Sebastian v Dawson Polaris ©


The Dynasty v Harwell, Liermann, and Avatar


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Jimmy Dragon © v "The Real Deal" Scott Ericson

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Julianne Glines, 24, Dies






In tragic news, it has been announced that Julianne Glines, 24, passed away last night after sustaining major injuries following a car crash. Tributes from friends and colleagues have been pouring in all day.
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IWF Mutually Assured Destruction

Sunday, Week 3, August 2002






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Split Seconds defeated Corruption and Venom in 7:35 when Joey T defeated Sekhmet by pinfall with a Time Bomb.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Big Kahuna defeated Brad Tibbs in 8:22 by pinfall. Big Kahuna makes defence number 4 of his IWF Hardcore title.



Main Show





IWF Tag Team Title Bout

Street Fight

Girl Power © vs. The Militia


Sarah Dunvegan and Mista Ed started out. Sarah went for Ed's legs, but got hammered to the mat. Ed kicked Sarah several times, but she managed to get back to her feet. Ed tried to punch her, but she blocked it and countered with several punches of her own. Sarah then tackled Ed to the mat and rained down punches on him. Sarah tried to roll Ed over to get his back, but he tossed her down. Ed stomped Sarah and kicked her out of the ring. Ed and Shorty Biggs double-teamed Sarah, and Felicia joined in to stop them. A brawl broke out, and Felicia tossed Biggs over the guardrail into the crowd. Ed whipped Sarah into the ring steps. Ed pulled a table out from under the ring and set it up. Sarah grabbed Ed and whipped him into the guardrail. Sarah charged in, and Ed threw her into the crowd with a backdrop. Felicia and Biggs brawled through the crowd, with Felicia getting the upper-hand. Felicia and Biggs ended up backstage while Ed and Sarah brawled up the aisle. Biggs threw Felicia into a vending machine backstage and took her down with a bulldog on the concrete floor. Felicia is busted open! Ed and Sarah end up backstage, and Sarah took control of the fight and tackled Ed. Sarah started working over Ed's legs, wedging one of his legs in a chair backstage. Biggs came and blindsided Sarah with a lead pipe. Sarah is busted open! Biggs and Ed double-teamed Sarah, but she took them both down with a double inverted bulldog, getting a two-count. Felicia comes back, and the four brawl again. Ed whipped Sarah into the wall and took her down with a reverse neckbreaker. Ed tipped over a rack full of boxes on Sarah. Felicia tried fighting off Ed and Biggs, but got overwhelmed. They hit the DDC on Felicia through a table to the concrete floor. Ed went for the pin and got the three count to win the IWF Tag Team Titles!


Rating: 99




As Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs celebrate their win, Sarah Dunvegan looks dumbfounded. Felicia Duarte gets up and tried to regroup with Sarah, but gets pushed away. Sarah starts screaming at Felicia, blaming her for the loss. Felicia defends herself, saying that they were beaten fair and square, but Sarah won't hear it. Felicia tries to calm Sarah down and seems to succeed. When Felicia turns her back, though, Sarah grabs a chair and lays her out. Sarah beats on Felicia with the chair until she's unconscious, then leaves.


Rating: 80




"The Fallen Angel" Apathy vs. Mike Malice


They locked up and started wrestling back and forth. Mike Malice took the lead early. Malice hammered Apathy and knocked her into the corner. Apathy kicked Malice away, though, and hit a spinning leg lariat. Apathy ran into the ropes and hit an Asai bodyblock for a two-count. Malice tried for another series of punches, but Apathy countered. Apathy finally hit the Affliction and got the pin.


Rating: 66




The Keldon Warlord and The Sebastian Franchise vs. Edgar Dunvegan and Old School Anarchists


The Weldon Warlord and Edgar Dunvegan started things out. Warlord started pounding away on Edgar immediately, but he came back with a European uppercut. Edgar hit a springboard clothesline, staggering the big man. Warlord tagged out to B.A. Sebastian. BA came in and went for a series of punches, but Edgar countered and isolated BA in his team's corner. John Henderson and Zachary Punk double-teamed BA viciously, tossing him out of the ring. Henderson whipped BA into the ring steps, and Punk hit him with a dropkick to the face. Henderson and Punk stomped BA down, but Warlord circled the ring and laid out Henderson and Punk with a double clothesline. Warlord tossed Henderson and BA back into the ring. BA and Henderson started brawling, but BA got the upper-hand and tagged in Payne-X Sebastian. BA and PX double-teamed Henderson, stomping him in the corner. PX hit an enzuigiri on Henderson and got a two-count. PA hit a Shining Wizard on Henderson and got another two-count. PX and BA double-team Henderson some more, but he came back and wiped them out with a double clothesline. PX and Henderson made hot tags to Warlord and Punk. Warlord cleaned house. Edgar tried to enter the ring, but got tossed by Warlord. Warlord knocked Henderson out of the ring with a big boot over the top rope. Punk tried to come back, but Warlord dominated him and put him in the corner. Warlord hit the Keldon Burial on Punk to get the win.


Rating: 82




After the match is over, The Keldon Warlord drags Edgar Dunvegan back into the ring and beats him down. Edgar tries to fight back, but gets a big boot from Warlord. Warlord puts Edgar in the corner and hits the Keldon Burial, leaving Edgar down and out.


Rating: 84




John Sebastian is backstage getting ready for his match and says that this whole thing is beneath him. He says he'll go out there as usual and give everyone a "Classic" performance, but says that he's not really interested in the IWF Television Title. He says he deserves more and will deal with everyone that gets in his way, starting with Dawson Polaris tonight.


Rating: 91




IWF Television Title Bout

Submission Match

"The Classic" John Sebastian vs. Dawson Polaris ©


They locked up, wrestling back and forth. Dawson Polaris kept up with the veteran John Sebastian well enough, and eventually took him to the mat. Dawson put Classic in an armlock leglock submission, but Classic got to the ropes in 9 seconds. Dawson stomped Classic and hit a springboard elbowdrop. Classic got to his feet and hit a European uppercut on Dawson. Classic rocked Dawson with a series of punches, then turned and gave Dawson a mule kick. Classic got a warning for that. Classic yelled at the referee, then put Dawson on the turnbuckle and took him down with a superplex. Classic whipped Dawson into the ropes and tripped him with a drop toe hold. Classic started working on Dawson's legs, wedging one on the bottom rope and stomping it. Classic went for the "Classic" Cloverleaf, but is kicked away by Dawson. Dawson took Classic down by the legs and hit a series of elbowsmashes. Dawson then worked over Classic's legs, hitting several elbowdrops across one of them. Dawson put Classic in an STF, but Classic reached the ropes after 16 seconds. Classic fought his way to his feet, and Dawson whipped him into the turnbuckle. Dawson went for a jumping splash, but Classic moved out of the way. Classic grabbed Dawson on the rebound and took him down with a bulldog. Classic locked Dawson in an STF, but Dawson got to the ropes after 10 seconds. Classic pulled Dawson up and hit him with a clothesline. Dawson got up and Classic grabbed him. Classic went for the "Classic" Beat Slam, but Dawson stopped him and turned it around and dropped Classic with the Polaris Deathdrop. Dawson locked Classic in the Polaris Special, and pulled him to the middle of the ring. Classic tried to get to the ropes, but Dawson prevented him from moving. Classic tapped out after 35 seconds.


Rating: 87




Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, and The Juice are backstage before their match. Juice says that The Dynasty are winners and that tonight they'll prove it. BABJ adds that his old friend Steve Liermann just doesn't have what it takes anymore to be the leader of the extreme, so he's taking the title for himself. Jerry finally says that he's gonna enjoy taking out Brandon Harwell and his girlfriend Kate Avatar.


Rating: 77




The Dynasty vs. Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, and Kate Avatar


Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan started the match. Jerry went for a series of punches to start out, but Harwell took him out by the legs. Harwell tried to rain down punches on him, but Jerry reached up and raked his eyes. Jerry went for the pin and got a two-count. Jerry pulled Harwell up and hit a series of forearms to the back. Harwell tried to take Jerry down again, but gets clocked in the face. Jerry tagged in Bad Ass Brad Jones, and they double-teamed him. BABJ took Harwell to the mat and worked over his neck. BABJ put Harwell in an STF, but Harwell got to the ropes after 7 seconds. Harwell tried to fight back, but BABJ tagged in The Juice. Juice came in and hit a series of punches on Harwell. Harwell got to his feet, but Juice hammered him with several elbowsmashes. Juice hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Juice whipped Harwell into the ropes, and Harwell hit a deperate spinning leg lariat. Juice tagged in BABJ, and Harwell tagged in Steve Liermann. Kate Avatar checked on Harwell as Liermann entered the ring and laid out BABJ. BABJ tried to get back into it, but Liermann hammered him with a series of punches. Liermann took BABJ down with a bodyslam and hit a legdrop. BABJ got back up, and Liermann took him to the corner and gave him a Snake Eyes. Liermann hit an inverted bulldog and got a two-count. Liermann pulled BABJ up and got a low blow from him. BABJ tagged in Jerry, and Liermann managed to tag in Avatar. Avatar came in and threw Jerry with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Jerry got back up, but Avatar caught him with an STO. Avatar hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Jerry finally turned it around with a lucky punch, then laid into her with a series of punches. Jerry came off the ropes and tried for the Enforcer, but Avatar countered with a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. Jerry pulled out brass knuckles, and when Avatar pulled him up, he nailed her with the brass knuckles. Jerry went for the pin, pulling the tights, and got the three-count.


Rating: 84




Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, and Kate Avatar are backstage after the match. Avatar is nursing a busted lip and a black eye, and Harwell looks furious. Harwell says that The Dynasty has gone too far. He says that making it personal is going to be a decision Jerry Dunvegan regrets. He says this isn't over and swears revenge.


Rating: 83




Jimmy Dragon is backstage getting ready for his match. He says he beat Scott Ericson before and that he'll do it again. He says he's going to teach Ericson a valuable lesson that it doesn't pay to cross him. He says that Ericson doesn't have what it takes to be a true champion, but that he's a fighting champion and will take on all comers. Dragon finally asks if Ericson is ready to "FACE THE DRAGON!"


Rating: 91




IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Jimmy Dragon © vs. "The Real Deal" Scott Ericson


They locked up. Jimmy Dragon and Scott Ericson brawled back and forth for several moments, with Dragon getting the upper-hand. Dragon hit a clothesline on Ericson. Ericson got back up and Dragon hit another clothesline. Ericson got up again, and Dragon hit a springboard clothesline. Dragon put Ericson in a bow-and-arrow submission. Ericson broke free after 10 seconds. Ericson hit Dragon with a back elbow, then took him over with a vertical suplex. Ericson took Dragon over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ericson stomped Dragon and kicked him in the head. Dragon was busted open! Ericson kicked Dragon in the face again, then grabbed him and hit a DDT. Ericson went for the pin but only got a two-count. Ericson dragged Dragon to the corner and gave him a boot choke, letting go at four. Ericson stomped Dragon down further and gave him another boot choke, again stopping at four. Ericson pulled Dragon up and gave him another DDT. Ericson got a two-count.


Ericson pulled Dragon up and whipped him into the corner, giving him a series of punches. Dragon kicked him away and hit a clothesline. Dragon then hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Dragon went to the top turnbuckle and hit a 450 splash for a two-count. Dragon picked Ericson up, who took him over with a backdrop. Ericson hit a jumping double-axhandle on Dragon, then went for the pin and got a two-count. Ericson pulled Dragon up and took him over with a vertical suplex. Dragon got up and got whipped into the ropes. Ericson went for a hip toss, but Dragon countered it with a hip toss of his own. Dragon hit a springboard DDT next and got a two-count. Ericson climbed to his feet and hit a series of punches on Dragon. Dragon fought back with punches of his own. Dragon then took Ericson down by the legs and mounted him. Dragon rained punches down on Ericson. Ericson had trouble fighting back, just covering up to defend. Ericson eventually fought his way to the ropes and kicked Dragon away.


Dragon pulled Ericson out by the legs and gave him a spinning elbowdrop. Ericson and Dragon got up and brawled a bit, and then Dragon hit a spinning heel kick that staggered Ericson. Ericson got to his feet, and Dragon took him over with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Dragon got a two-count, then tried to put Ericson in the Final Countdown. Ericson fought it off and climbed to his feet. Dragon ran into the ropes, Ericson ducked a clothesline attempt, but Dragon came back with a rolling elbowsmash. Dragon got a two-count for that. Ericson tried to fight Dragon off, but was laid out by a savate kick. Dragon went to the top turnbuckle, and John Sebastian ran down to the ring with a baseball bat. As Dragon prepared for the Dragon Fly, Classic nailed him in the back with the bat. The referee called for the bell, giving Dragon the win by disqualification. Ericson and Classic beat Dragon down as the show went off the air.


Rating: 93




Final Rating: 87 (B+)

PPV Buy Rate: 2.48




Prediction Results:


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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 4, August 2002






In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Sebastian Franchise defeated The Crusader and Climbatize in 7:54 when B.A. Sebastian defeated The Crusader by pinfall with a handful of tights.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Dais defeated Chris Fate in 7:44 by submission with a Web of Deception.




Main Show




Fullgore vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann


Fullgore started out with a series of punches, trying to impress upon his debut. Steve Liermann countered with some punches of his own followed by a DDT. Liermann tossed Fullgore out of the ring and hit him with a baseball slide. Liermann rammed Fullgore into the ring post, then slammed his face on the ring steps. Fullgore is busted open! Liermann tossed Fullgore back into the ring, went after him, and hit the Shellshock to get the win.


Rating: 68




Jimmy Dragon is walking into the building when suddenly The Keldon Warlord comes out of nowhere and blindsides him with the butt of his spear. He then sliced him open the the edge of the spear and slammed him face-first into the wall. Warlord left Dragon down and out.


Rating: 96




Sniper vs. "The Fallen Angel" Apathy


Apathy hit a springboard clothesline to start the match. Sniper got to his feet and hit a leg lariat. Apathy then hit a series of punches and dominated the match, ending it with the Fall From Grace.


Rating: 58




Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, and The Juice comes out to the ring and cut a promo to boos from the fans. Jerry notes that Brandon Harwell is beatable and that The Dynasty will find any and every weakness in the Harwell Administration. BABJ says that they'll dominate IWF and take back the company. Juice says that the The Dynasty is the greatest organization within IWF and they will dominate.


Rating: 82




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Erik Pigman


Paco Rodeguiz goes into the match viciously with a series of punches. Erik Pigman tries to fight back, but is overwhelmed. Paco hit a DDT, then pulled him up and hit a series of vertical suplexes. When he was done, he hit the Explosivo Power to end the match.


Rating: 72




Scott Ericson appears on the Imperia-Tron with The Keldon Warlord. Ericson revealed that he's hired Warlord to be his muscle and that he was the one who had Warlord attack Jimmy Dragon.


Rating: 89





Felicia Duarte is backstage having a drink of water when Sarah Dunvegan rushed onto the scene and blasts her with a barbed wire baseball bat. She starts beating her down, busting her open. Suddenly, Mista Ed, Shorty Biggs, and Sinister arrive on the scene and chase Sarah off, making the save. They check on Felicia and glare in the direction Sarah ran off toward.


Rating: 77




Mad Max vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar


Mad Max opened the match by brawling with Kate Avatar, but was soon tossed over with a hip toss. Max came back with an attempt to lay her out with a clothesline, but she ducked and caught him with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Avatar hit the Avatar Clash to win the match.


Rating: 69




Brandon Harwell and Steve Liermann join Kate Avatar in the ring, and Harwell puts one arm around Avatar with a mic in the other. He says that Jerry Dunvegan may have won last night, but he shouldn't be too quick to declare victory. It was one match, and they cheated to win. Harwell says that next time they'll have to earn their win.


Rating: 81




Corruption and Venom vs. Old School Anarchists


Cale and John Henderson started out. They brawled back and forth, with Cale getting the upper-hand. Cale struck Henderson down and started stomping him, then pulled him up and clotheslined. Henderson got to his feet and tagged out to Zachary Punk. Punk entered the ring, but was leveled by a clothesline from Cale. Cale stomped Punk, then isolated him in his team's corner where he double-teamed Punk with Sekhmet. Sekhmet brawled with Punk, who hit a rolling elbowsmash out of desperation. Punk tagged out to Henderson, who came in and cleaned house. Henderson hit the Crusher DDT on Sekhmet to pick up the win.


Rating: 82




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs are leaving Felicia Duarte's locked room when they're suddenly assaulted by Justin Danger and Tony the Terrible with chairs. They leave them down and out.


Rating: 66




Jimmy Dragon, Joey T, and Edgar Dunvegan are backstage with Tully Blanchard cutting a promo on the upcoming main event against Scott Ericson, John Sebastian, and The Keldon Warlord. Edgar notes that he wants to reveal Warlord for who he is. Dragon says that Ericson never seems to give up. T says he won't let Classic pull any dirty tricks tonight.


Rating: 93




A Classic Deal and The Keldon Warlord vs. Dragon, T, and Edgar


Jimmy Dragon and John Sebastian started out. Dragon went for Classic's legs, but is hammered to the mat with a forearm smash. Classic started working on Dragon's legs, then pulled him over to his team's corner and double-teamed him with Scott Ericson. Ericson put Dragon in a Figure-Four. Dragon fought the pain and turned it over after 22 seconds. Ercison reached the ropes after 10 seconds. The Keldon Warlord entered the ring and laid Dragon out. Warlord managed to get tagged in, but Dragon reached Joey T. T came in and hammered Warlord, then sent him to the mat with a T-Line. Warlord got back up and clotheslined T. Warlord tagged out to Classic. Classic tried to wrestle T to the mat, but T sprawled and hit an uppercut. T gave Classic a T-Bone Suplex, then tagged out to Edgar Dunvegan. Classic tagged out to Warlord. Warlord entered the ring to lay out Edgar, but Edgar hit a dropkick. Edgar gave him another dropkick, then hit him with a springboard leg lariat. Warlord still managed to beat Edgar down. Warlord dragged Edgar to his team's corner, but Dragon and T entered the ring and cut off Ericson and Classic. Warlord whipped Edgar into the ropes, but he came back with an Asai bodyblock. Warlord tried to grab Edgar for a backbreaker, but he got free and hit the Air Anchor to win the match.


Rating: 88




As Jimmy Dragon, Joey T, and Edgar Dunvegan celebrate their win, Rob Van Dam runs down to the ring and confronts Dragon. Before they can make contact, half the locker room comes out and keeps them apart. RVD shouts that Dragon is nothing compared to "The Whole F'n Show" and that he'll show him what it means to be extreme.


Rating: 76




Rob E. Dangerously, Justin Sayne, and Jon Stevens, with Joel Gertner and Bill Alfonso, join Rob Van Dam in the ring. Dangerously says that IWF thought it could kill the HWA, but that its spirit lives on in the form of The Dangerous Alliance. He announces that with his team, he'll be ready to kill IWF instead. Gertner announces that he'll be managing The Dangerous Alliance, then gives one of his classic lines
(OOC Note: I'm no good at coming up with Joel Gertner lines, so use your imagination.)
before insulting the stupid IWF fans for supporting a product that only pretends to be extreme. The fans don't seem too impressed.


Rating: 59



Final Rating: 82 (B)

TV Rating: 8.74 (GNN Total Sports), 0.19 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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Everything Changes





Things had been tumultuous for the last few months. I had plans to introduce a new brand for IWF called Windy City Wrestling, or WCW for short. The problem was with the networks. When we got on GHH Total Sports, they were then supporting both us and WWW on their network. This prevented us from getting a suitable show for the second brand. This has been quite an annoyance.


I was sitting in my office going over paperwork. We had decided to cancel our contract with GNN Total Sports, but we had to time it just right to stay on the air without missing any weeks. As such, the very week the contract was cancelled, we signed with USA Sports 1. This would result in lower ratings, but that was a hit I was willing to take to lower production costs and have a chance at a second, smaller show.


"Okay, this should be simple enough. Next cycle, we'll put in a request for another show, and hopefully get it," I said to myself.


Doug Dunvegan walked in at that point.




"Well, Kate, it seems that you're really shaking up IWF," he commented. "That was a bold move you made with the networks. Quite risky, but it appears that the risks have paid off in spades. Now we can work on getting your WCW up and running."


"That's the idea," I said, looking up from the stack of papers in front of me."


"Also quite risky taking your relationship with Brandon public on-screen," he noted.


"Seemed like a nice dramatic way to get myself involved in the action," I responded. "After all, I'm a wrestler, too, first and foremost."


"Just try to make sure it doesn't look like favortism," he cautioned me. "You really did push Brandon hard there for a while, so much that he's known nationwide, all over the United States and Canada. He's a national icon, now."


"He earned it, that's all I can say to that," I told him. "His performances speak for themselves."


"That they do," he agreed. "He is definitely quite talented. He has earned his spot."


"Well now that this paperwork is finished, I think I'll go find Brandon and let him know what's going on," I said. "We're going on live tonight, gotta be ready."


"Very well, keep up the good work," he told me.


Doug stood up and left the room. I quickly signed a few more contracts and faxed them out. It was hard work running a company, but I was getting used to it. Things seemed to be smooth all around. I was mistaken.


I stood up and walked out of the room, and heard Brandon's voice around the corner. I sneaked up the side of the wall quietly and listened. Taking a peek, I saw him standing with Josie Hendrix. I pulled back and listened in on their conversation, my curiosity getting the better of me.




"You're certainly a very beautiful woman," he complimented her.


"Well thanks, you're kinda cute, too," she responded.


"You know, maybe, if it's okay with you, maybe I could take you out to dinner," he suggested.


"What about Kate? I thought she was your girlfriend?" Josie questioned.


"That's really been more of a fling," he explained. "Friends with benefits, nothing more. I'm looking for something more real, and you seem like a real kinda person."


I felt many emotions then. At first, there was anger. I thought we were more than just casual sex partners. I thought I'd changed him from being a womanizer. The realization hit me like a brick to the head. After the anger passed, I saw the potential benefit. I had only given him a chance to stay on his good side. If he wanted someone new, that would get me out of the relationship so I could move on with my life. I smirked.


"Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow night for dinner," Josie said.


With that, their conversation was over, and Harwell walked away. Josie was coming in my direction. I walked out in front of her, startling her.


"I overheard your conversation," I told her, causing her to blush as she backed up a little.


"Kate, I'm so sorry . . ." she apologized.


"Well, that's a lie, but I don't really care," I said. "If you want him, you can have him. I don't mind. The relationship wasn't working anyway. I warn you now, though, that he's a womanizer. Please keep that between us, though."


"I . . . promise . . ." she agreed.


"Good, then have your way with him," I said. "Hell, we'll even play it out on-screen starting after Extreme Warfare perhaps. Have a love triangle with you getting your man. It'll all work out just fine in the end. Just tell him to come tell me it's over to my face, if you would."


"Okay," she stated. "Thanks for understanding and not firing me or beating me up or anything."


"Not a problem," I said with a giggle. "This works perfectly for both of us, believe me."


"Thanks!" she told me gratefully. "I'm glad you're not upset. Maybe we could even be friends!"


"I'd like that," I said. "You're a good girl, and I'm sure you'll be a valuable member of IWF."


She ran forward and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, patting her on the back. I gave her a smile, and to my shock, she gave me a kiss full on the lips. My eyes went wide, but she just giggled and ran off. That was certainly unexpected. What was waiting around the next corner for me?

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, September 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Yukon Jack Daniels defeated JohnMan in 8:17 by pinfall.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Old School Anarchists defeated Drunk and Disorderly in 8:27 when John Henderson defeated Pico Flush by pinfall with a Crusher DDT.




Main Show




Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan both arrive at the arena at about the same time. Thej exchange words, and it heats up into an argument. Soon, a fight breaks out, and a host of road agents and staff have to pull them apart.


Rating: 89




The Juice vs. "Sadistic" Steve Liermann


They locked up. The Juice hit a series of punches to the stomach and took Steve Liermann down with a reverse Russian legsweep. Liermann got up and hammere Juice into a corner. Liermann hit several shoulder rushes in the corner, then took him down with a superplex. Juice tried to wrestle Liermann down, but was hit with a forearm to the back. Juice got back into it with an uppercut, but Liermann fought back hard and eventually hit a clothesline that sent Juice to the mat. Juice got up, but was clotheslined again. Liermann picked Juice up, but got hit with a low blow. Juice hit a DDT for a two-count. Juice pulled Liermann up, looking for the win, but Liermann came back to life and hit several punches. Next came the Shellshock, and Liermann won the match.


Rating: 82




Steve Liermann gets on the mic and says that's how the sadistic one takes care of business. He says The Dynasty's momentum is going to be shot soon enough, and that they aren't putting up with any more of their crap.


Rating: 83




Viper vs. "The Fallen Angel" Apathy


Viper came into the match swinging, but Apathy was ready for it and hit a series of punches before hitting a springboard back elbow. Apathy pulled Viper up, and got taken over with a backdrop. Viper tried to pull Apathy up, but she also hit a backdrop. Apathy locked Viper in the White Oleander and got the submission win.


Rating: 65




Apathy lights a cigarette backstage and says that there is a poison in IWF. She says that something dark is coming, and that she's going to do everything she can to stop it. She doesn't elaborate, simply walking off.


Rating: 64




Paco Rodeguiz vs. "The Doctor" Chris Fate


Chris Fate went into the match trying to wrestle Paco Rodeguiz down, but was blasted with a series of punches. Rodeguiz dominated the match and got the win with the L.A. Motel.


Rating: 60




Sarah Dunvegan is backstage cutting a promo. She says that Felicia Duarte was always the weaker link, and she's tired of carrying her. She says she's better off on her own and that Felicia will be her first victim.


Rating: 83




"The Crown Jewel" Bad Ass Brad Jones vs. "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar


They locked up. Bad Ass Brad Jones wrestled for position, but Kate Avatar got the upper-hand with a hip toss. BABJ got up, ducked a clothesline from Avatar, then hit one of his own. BABJ locked Avatar in an STF, but Avatar reached the ropes after 12 seconds. BABJ pulled Avatar out by the legs and dropped elbows down on one of them. BABJ then tried to put Avatar in a Figure-Four, but Avatar kicked him away. BABJ rushed Avatar, and she took him over with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Avatar pulled BABJ up, and he caught her with a vicious backdrop driver for a two-count. BABJ got frustrated and argued with the referee, and Avatar pulled him down in an inside cradle for a two-count. BABJ got up and stomped Avatar, but she caught him by the foot and took him down with a dragon screw. BABJ got right back up, only to get caught in an STO by Avatar. Avatar hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Avatar went to the top turnbuckle and hit a moonsault for a two-count. Avatar pulled BABJ up, but got sent flying with a backdrop. BABJ pulled Avatar up and set her up for the Tremor of Terror, but she spun through and took him down with a DDT. Avatar pulled BABJ up, hit the Avatar Clash, and got the win.


Rating: 84




Kate Avatar gets on the mic and says that just because she's a woman, The Dynasty thinks they can push her around. She says she's not the weakest link and that she needs no protection. She claims to be able to defeat any member of the Dynasty just like she just beat Bad Ass Brad Jones. She says she'll prove it soon enough.


Rating: 87




Brandon Harwell is backstage, looking on in approval. He then turns to the camera and says that Kate Avatar is right that she doesn't need protection. He says any member of his alliance could take on any member of The Dynasty on any given night. He warns Jerry Dunvegan to back off if he knows what's good for him.


Rating: 92




Dawson Polaris is backstage right before his match, and he says that what The Keldon Warlord did was dishonorable and that he's going to take revenge tonight by defeating him. He says that Jimmy Dragon won't have to worry anymore after tonight.


Rating: 85





IWF Television Title Bout

Dawson Polaris © vs. The Keldon Warlord


Dawson Polaris came in trying to wrestle The Keldon Warlord, but was hammered to the mat. Warlord stomped Dawson, but Dawson still got to his feet. Warlord went for a big boot, but Dawson ducked under and took Warlord down with a legsweep. Dawson hit a standing moonsault for a one-count. Warlord got up, and Dawson came off the ropes and tried to catch Warlord in the Polaris Deathdrop. Warlord countered with a high-angle belly-to-back suplex for a two-count. Warlord pulled Dawson up and whipped him into the ropes, but he came back with a dropkick to the knee. Warlord buckled, and Dawson hit a DDT. Dawson went to the top turnbuckle, but Warlord got him up and crotched him. Warlord went for the Keldon Burial, but Dawson fought him off and took him down with a flying headscissors. Dawson pulled him up, tried to whip him, but Warlord reversed it and tossed Dawson into the referee. Warlord then picked up his spear and beat Dawson with the butt of it over and over. Dawson was busted open! Warlord woke the referee up and went for the pin. Warlord won the IWF Television Title!


Rating: 81




The Keldon Warlord is standing over Dawson Polaris when Rob Van Dam hits the ring with a chair. Warlord turns and sees him coming, and RVD hands him the chair. Warlord takes it, and RVD nails him with the Van Daminator! RVD then hits the Rolling Thunder on Dawson before heading to the top turnbuckle and hitting the Five Star Frog Splash on Warlord!


Rating: 73




Felicia Duarte is backstage preparing for her match. She says she knew the main event was where she belonged, and she's gonna prove it by beating Sarah's ass tonight. She calls Sarah a traitor and says she'll regret crossing her.


Rating: 84




Sarah Dunvegan vs. Felicia Duarte


They locked up. Sarah Dunvegan hit Felicia Duarte with a series of forearms, then whipped her into the turnbuckle. Sarah charged in, but Felicia kicked her away. Felicia climbed up and hit a double-axhandle from the second turnbuckle. Felicia gave Sarah a kick to the midsection and took her down with a sitdown faceslam for a two-count. Felicia pulled Sarah up and whipped her into the ropes, missed the uppercut, and got taken down with a springboard clothesline from Sarah. Sarah started working over Felicia's legs, dropping elbows on one of them. Sarah went for the Twister, but Felicia kicked her off. Felicia got to her feet with a kip-up, then hit a leg lariat on Sarah. Felicia went to the top turnbuckle and hit a 450 splash for a two-count. Felicia hit an Asai moonsault for another two-count. Sarah took Felicia over with a backdrop, then hit a springboard elbowdrop. Sarah went after Felicia's legs again and put her in an armlock leglock submission. Felicia got to the ropes after 15 seconds. Sarah caught Felicia in an anklelock submission, but Felicia reached the ropes after 18 seconds. Felicia kicked Sarah away and got back to her feet, hitting an uppercut. Felicia went for the Como Usted Quiera, but Sarah countered it with a sitout powerbomb for a two-count. Sarah pulled Felicia up and got nailed with a short-arm clothesline. Felicia pulled Sarah up, but got taken out with a backdrop driver. Sarah went to the top turnbuckle and hit the Hurricane Press. Sarah pulled the tights to win the match.


Rating: 90



Final Rating: 80 (B)

TV Rating: 6.46 (USA Sports 1), 0.17 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 2, September 2002






In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Climbatize defeated Erik Pigman in 7:46 by pinfall with a Cliffhanger.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Dais and Corruption and Venom defeated JohnMan, Dalton and Sampson Griffith in 7:12 when Cale defeated Dalton by pinfall with a Black Lightning Hammer.




Main Show








Three-Way Tag Dance

The Sebastian Franchise vs. Old School Anarchists vs. Split Seconds


Joey T and John Henderson started out. Henderson went into a rage and pounded away at T, who came back with a T-Line. T took Henderson over with a vertical suplex. Henderson fought back and tagged in B.A. Sebastian. BA tried to brawl with T, but got dominated. T pulled BA to his team's corner where he and BakerMan double-teamed him. BakerMan hit a leg lariat on BA. BA got to his feet and took BakerMan off his feet with a lariat. BA tagged in Payne-X Sebastian. BakerMan took PX over with a hip toss, PX rolled through and came back with a dropkick. BakerMan came off the ropes with a springboard DDT. BakerMan tagged in Zachary Punk. Punk wrestled PX down and put him in an armbar submission. BA entered the ring and broke it up. T entered the ring and gave BA and ropeflip T-Line to the outside. Punk hit the Punked on PX and got the pin, eliminating The Sebastian Franchise.


T entered the ring and blasted Punk with a series of punches, then tossed him with a T-Bone Suplex. Punk rushed T, who took him over with a backdrop. T pulled Punk up, but Punk pulled him in a reverse Russian legsweep. Punk tagged in Henderson. Henderson came in an rocked T with a series of punches. Henderson whipped T into the ropes, and T came back with another T-Line. Henderson got up, and T gave him a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT. T got a two-count. T picked Henderson up, and Henderson got fired up and gave T a series of punches to the midsection before leveling him with an uppercut. Henderson whipped T into the ropes, and T hit a springboard double-arm chop. T tagged in BakerMan. BakerMan went to the top turnbuckle and hit a flying headscissors. T entered the ring, and they hit the Time Bomb on Henderson. T cut off Punk while BakerMan got the pin.


Rating: 87




Sarah Dunvegan comes to the ring and tears into Felicia Duarte, saying she never had a chance in hell of beating her. She says that Felicia will never be anyone in this business now that she's not carrying her anymore. She then says that she'll prove it all tonight when she beats Jimmy Dragon for the IWF World Heavyweight Title.


Rating: 82




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Mike Malice


Paco Rodeguiz entered the match in dominating fashion, leveling Mike Malice with a series of vicious punches. A few clotheslines later, Rodeguiz hit the L.A. Motel for the win.


Rating: 64




Brandon Harwell and Kate Avatar are backstage discussing their upcoming match against The Dynasty. Harwell says Jerry Dunvegan will never learn that the age of Clan Dunvegan is over forever. Avatar says she already beat Bad Ass Brad Jones once and will enjoy doing it again.


Rating: 88




Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs cut a promo backstage prior to their match against Justin Danger and Tony the Terrible. Ed mocks Tony as being truly terrible and not deserving to be in an IWF ring. Biggs says the two of them from know what hardcore means, but they'll know after tonight. They say the HWA Extreme Tag Team Titles are worthless but they'll be happy to take them off their hands.


Rating: 80





IWF Tag Team and HWA Extreme Tag Team Title Unification Bout

Hardcore Icons © vs. The Militia ©


Shorty Biggs and Tony the Terrible start out, and as they fight, Tony got a lot of heat from the crowd for not knowing what he was doing in the ring. He looked lost out there. Tony tagged in Justin Danger and they double-teamed Biggs a bit, but Biggs tagged in Mista Ed. Ed entered the ring and cleaned house, completely dominating both Danger and Tony. He hit the Endgame on Danger and tossed him out of the ring. Ed and Biggs then hit the DDC on Tony and pinned him. The Militia win the HWA Extreme Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 70





Justin Danger and Tony the Terrible are down and out, but the crowd starts chanting "Finish them!" and Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs go get some tables to bring into the ring. After setting them up, they give Danger a DDC through one table and Tony a DDC through the other. They then kick and stomp them until they're bloody. Ed and Biggs leave Danger and Tony down and out.


Rating: 67




The Keldon Warlord is walking to the ring ready for his match when he's blindsided by Jimmy Dragon. Dragon beats Warlord down, then gives him the Dragon Driver on the concrete floor.


Rating: 93





IWF Television Title Bout

Rob Van Dam vs. The Keldon Warlord ©


Rob Van Dam found The Keldon Warlord backstage and beat on him with a chair before dragging him to the ring. The bell rang, and RVD hit a split-legged moonsault on Warlord for a two-count. Warlord came to life and grabbed RVD by the neck, but RVD gave him a couple of kicks followed by an enzuigiri. Warlord wouldn't go down easily, though, and RVD whipped him into the corner. Warlord got a boot up and kicked RVD in the face. Warlord tried to take RVD to the corner, but RVD hit a couple of back elbows to stagger him. RVD went to the top turnbuckle and hit a flying side kick that almost took Warlord off his feet. RVD took him down with a legsweep, then hit the Rolling Thunder for a two-count. Warlord got back up again, and RVD hit a high-angle dropkick to rock him before grabbing him in a nasty DDT. RVD went to the top turnbuckle and hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin. Rob Van Dam wins the IWF Television Title!


Rating: 71




Rob Van Dam is backstage with the HWA World Extreme Title over one shoulder and the IWF Television Title over the other. He says that's how he took care of business in the HWA and it's how he'll take care of business in IWF. He says he's "The Whole F'n Show" and that this is just the first of many wins.


Rating: 51




Scott Ericson comes down to the ring and calls out Jimmy Dragon, who doesn't appear. Ericson calls Dragon a coward for costing The Keldon Warlord his IWF Television Title, to Rob Van Dam of all people. He says his business is not finished, and that it won't be over until he's the IWF World Heavyweight Champion. He says Extreme Warfare is right around the corner. Ericson invites him to come and face him one more time.


Rating: 85




The Dynasty vs. Brandon Harwell and Kate Avatar


Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan started out. Harwell tried to shoot for the legs right away, but Jerry gave him a high knee. Jerry grabbed Harwell in a front facelock, but Harwell pushed him up into one of the corners. Harwell took Jerry over with a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. Jerry hit an uppercut and tagged in Bad Ass Brad Jones. They double-team Harwell, but Kate Avatar enters the ring and lays them out with a double clothesline. Jerry and Avatar leave the ring. Harwell is pulled up by BABJ, who then hits a vertical suplex. BABJ puts Harwell in an armbar submission, but Harwell reached the ropes after 10 seconds. BABJ worked over Harwell's shoulder. BABJ whipped Harwell into the ropes, and he came back with a springboard leg lariat. Harwell tagged in Avatar, who went to the top turnbuckle and hit a moonsault bodyblock on BABJ for a two-count. Avatar shifted to an STF, which Jerry entered the ring and broke up. Jerry stomped Avatar in the head, and BABJ tossed her out of the ring. On the outside, Jerry rammed Avatar's face into the turnbuckle several times. Avatar was busted open! Harwell circled the ring and clipped Jerry with a clothesline. Avatar went back into the ring where BABJ started working on her neck. BABJ put her in a Camel Clutch, and she broke the hold after 15 seconds. BABJ whipped Avatar into the ropes, and they took each other down with a double clothesline. Avatar made a hot tag to Harwell, who entered the ring and knocked Jerry off the ring apron. Harwell picked BABJ up, but he hit a low blow. BABJ went for the Tremor of Terror, but Avatar entered the ring and clobbered him from behind. Avatar then hit a tope con hilo on Jerry on the outside, and Harwell hit the Cutting Edge on BABJ for the win.


Rating: 96




Jimmy Dragon is backstage where he responds to Scott Ericson, saying he's tried and failed twice now to win the IWF World Heavyweight Title. Dragon wonders if Ericson even deserves a third shot at the belt, having proven his inability in the past. He says he's a fighting champion, though, and will take him on anytime anywhere.


Rating: 92





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Sarah Dunvegan vs. Jimmy Dragon


They locked up. Sarah Dunvegan tried to wrestle Jimmy Dragon for position, but was overpowered. Dragon slammed her with a forearm to the back, then gave her a kneedrop. Dragon came off the ropes with a springboard clothesline and got a two-count. Dragon pulled Sarah up and she sprawled, taking him over with a backdrop. Sarah mounted Draogn and started raining punches down on him, but he threw her off. Dragon went for a savate kick, but Sarah ducked. Sarah went for a kick to the midsection, but Dragon caught her foot and flipped her. Sarah landed on her feet, but Dragon went for a superkick, only for Sarah to catch his leg. Dragon ended the series with an enzuigiri. Dragon then hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Dragon pulled Sarah up and whipped her into the corner, then hitting an avalanche. Sarah stumbled out of the corner, and Dragon hit a DDT for a two-count. Dragon pulled her up, whipped her into the ropes, and hit a spinning heel kick. Sarah got right back up and shot for Dragon's legs. Dragon sprawled and hit a couple of uppercuts that staggered Sarah. Dragon speared Sarah, got the mount, and started raining punches down on her. Sarah was busted open! Sarah got her guard up, but was in trouble. Sarah tried to go for a gogoplata, but Dragon blocked it and caught her in a Kimura armbar. Sarah reached the ropes after 10 seconds. Dragon pulled Sarah out by the legs and gave her a powerbomb, then ascended the turnbuckle. Sarah got up, and Dragon hit the Dragon Fly. Dragon then finished her off with the Dragon Driver to win the match.


Rating: 96





Felicia Duarte hits the ring and starts assaulting Sarah Dunvegan. Meanwhile, backstage, a brawl has broken out between Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan. The brawl makes its way to the ring, and Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, Bad Ass Brad Jones, and The Juice join in, resulting in a wild brawl.


Rating: 80



Final Rating: 86 (B+)

TV Rating: 6.61 (USA Sports 1), 0.16 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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This data is one of my favorites. Gotta question: ave you though about signing either Kevin Heat or Kid Flash AKA two of the most under rated talents in the DreamVerse?


I've considered putting Kevin Heat in development and seeing what happens with him. Kid Flash will probably get hired once I have a B brand and show.

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 3, September 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sinister and Santos Gomez defeated The Assassins in 5:52 when Sinister defeated Viper by pinfall with an ELE.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Crusader defeated Fullgore in 9:31 by pinfall with a Final Judgment.




Main Show




Gambit vs. Climbatize


Climbatize started the match with a series of punches. Gambit came back with a series of punches of his own. Clibatize whipped Gambit into the ropes and took him down with a clothesline. Climbatize tried stomping Gambit, who rolled to the outside. Climbatize went after him, but Gambit grabbed him and whipped him into the ring post. Climbatize was busted open! Gambit tossed Climbatize back in the ring. Gambit hit an elbowdrop across Climbatize's back, then hit a legdrop and got a two-count. Climbatize got up and turned the tables on him, knocking him into the corner. Climbatize hit the Purple Haze for the win.


Rating: 82





Rob E. Dangerously runs down to the ring and assaults Climbatize. Joey T comes out and makes the save. T and Dangerously square off and start arguing. Soon, Rob Van Dam, Justin Sayne, Jon Stevens, BakerMan, and Big Kahuna come out, and a wild brawl erupts. It is eventually pulled apart by officials.


Rating: 70




Apathy is sitting in a dark room with a drink. After swallowing it all, she challenges Tony the Terrible to a match, saying he doesn't belong in an IWF ring. She's willing to put her career on the line to take him out.


Rating: 61




Tony the Terrible vs. "The Fallen Angel" Apathy


Apathy came out swinging, blasting Tony the Terrible with a series of punches. She hit a springboard back elbow that rocks him. He tried to come back, but was overwhelmed by Apathy. She locked him in the White Oleander and got the easy win. Tony the Terrible is gone from IWF!


Rating: 52




Apathy is having a cigarette post-match and says that she has removed one of the many diseases in IWF. She says she's not finished, though, and to stay tuned for the next act of the play.


Rating: 60




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Mad Max


Paco Rodeguiz came out swinging as usual, nailing Mad Max with a series of punches. Rodeguiz didn't let Max get any offense in. Max tried for a clothesline, but Rodeguiz ducked and nailed him with a rolling elbowsmash. Rodeguiz went for the finish and hit the L.A. Motel to win the match.


Rating: 70




The Keldon Warlord is in a dark room backstage, standing up to the camera. He says that Jimmy Dragon has crossed the line. He says that what Rob Van Dam did was nothing compared to what Dragon did, and that he'll get his revenge tonight.


Rating: 88




Jimmy Dragon vs. The Keldon Warlord


The Keldon Warlord tried to overwhelm Jimmy Dragon with his size and strength, but Dragon started attacking his legs. After a dropkick to the knee, Dragon hit a spinning heel kick that staggered Warlord. Dragon hit a springboard clothesline that finally took him off his feet. Dragon pulled Warlord up, but got nailed by an uppercut. Warlord beat on Dragon for several minutes, but could not keep him down. Dragon eventually turned things around with an STO. Warlord got up, and Dragon somehow powered him over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Warlord got back up, and Dragon hit a belly-to-back suplex. Dragon hit several forearm smashes, then gave him a springboard forearm smash. Warlord was staggered, but he continued to fight back until Dragon hit the Dragon Hammer for a two-count. Dragon went to the top turnbuckle, but Scott Ericson ran down to the ring. The referee is checking on Warlord when Ericson hits Dragon in the back with a chair. Warlord got up and took Dragon down with the Keldon Burial. Dragon kicked out! Warlord can't believe it. Dragon hit a reverse Russian legsweep. Dragon went to the top turnbuckle, hit the Dragon Fly, and then hit the Dragon Driver for the win. Ericson is enraged.


Rating: 86




Jimmy Dragon and Scott Ericson argue on the outside of the ring, and Edgar Dunvegan hits the ring and assaults The Keldon Warlord, who is still out from the Dragon Driver. Edgar stomps and kicks Warlord while he is down, then picks him up and somehow manages to give him the Air Anchor.


Rating: 79




John Henderson vs. "The Classic" John Sebastian


This match was not as good as it should have been. John Henderson was inconsistent with his performance, and John Sebastian had to carry the match. Henderson went with his usualy wild brawling style, but Classic stayed calm and wrestled him to the mat. Classic worked over Henderson's leg, dropping elbows across it. Henderon eventually tossed Classic out of the ring. Henderon wentt to the outside and went ballistic, smashing Classic's face into the ring post several times. Classic was busted open! The referee warned Henderon, who tossed Classic back into the ring. Classic caught him with a small package, but only got a two-count. Classic argued with the referee, then smacked him and knocked him down. Payne-X Sebastian and B.A. Sebastian hit the ring and assaulted Henderson, ending with BA hitting the Headache on Henderson. They left the ring, and Classic hit the "Classic" Beat Slam, waking up the referee enough to get the pin.


Rating: 79




John Sebastian gets on the mic and says he hopes everyone enjoyed another "Classic" beatdown. He says he's the only veteran that still has what it takes to be on top, and promises that he will be IWF World Heavyweight Champion by the end of 2002 or he will hang up his boots, whether he takes the belt from Jimmy Dragon or Scott Ericson or anyone else.


Rating: 90




Felicia Duarte is getting ready for the main event, and discusses the upcoming rematch against Sarah Dunvegan. She says she won't hold back and will take Sarah out this time to even the score.


Rating: 82




Sarah Dunvegan vs. Felicia Duarte


Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte circled each other, feeling each other out. Felicia tried to move in first, but Sarah caught her in a clinch and pushed her back up into the corner. Sarah hit a few uppercuts. Felicia is busted open. Felicia gave her a knee lift and then kicked Sarah out of the corner. Felicia hit a bulldog and got a two-count. Sarah tried to take Felicia down by the legs, but got kicked hard in the face. Sarah is busted open! Felicia gave Sarah a series of punches, then came off the ropes and hit a jumping clothesline. Felicia hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Felicia went to the top turnbuckle and hit a 450 splash for another two-count. Sarah got to her feet and clobbered Felicia, then whipped her into the ropes. Sarah speared Felicia, mounted her, and started raining punches down on her. Sarah went for the Twister, but Felicia escaped the hold. Sarah belted Felicia with an uppercut, knocking her down, then went to the top rope and hit the Hurricane Press. Felicia kicked out! Sarah started arguing with the referee, and Felicia pulled her down into an inside cradle and got the flash pinfall!


Rating: 83





Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, and The Juice hit the ring and start assaulting Felicia Duarte, easily overwhelming her. Sarah Dunvegan watched with a smile on her face.


Rating: 79





Jerry Dunvegan gets on the mic and invites Sarah Dunvegan to join The Dynasty. They are twin siblings, after all. After little thought, Sarah joins The Dynasty, and they holds each other's arms up.


Rating: 82




Felicia Duarte finally makes it backstage and approached Brandon Harwell. She tells him that she wants revenge, so she wants to join his team against The Dynasty. Harwell accepts, then turns his attention to the camera. He says that the time will come very soon for The Dynasty to pay for the things they have done.


Rating: 88



Final Rating: 74 (B-)

TV Rating: 6.42 (USA Sports 1), 0.17 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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I've read through most of the diary and take these as friendly suggestions..not at all as criticisms:


1) It might make it more fun or immersive for the 'viewer' to do some more of the pieces you write besides just the show recaps


-The behind the scenes stuff is cool. Keep that up.


-maybe talk about the business happening in the Dreamverse in other companies? make it more immersive for people who don't play this mod.


-Do bio pieces for your lesser known workers?


Just suggestions. You're a writer so I thought it might be interesting to see you flex your muscles as it were by expounding on these chracters and giving them a depth beyond what we read in the shows. And it would break up the recaps.


2) Harass someone to cut some of the pics so you have a uniform background. That's more an aesthetic thing..but it's kinda odd to see such well known faces playing other characters. It might be easier if there was a consistent look. There are a billion cuts on these board...someone's gotta be willing to help you do a DV pic pack.


Again...it's a very unique dynasty. Hope you keep at it. Just my two cents.

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 4, September 2002






In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Brad Tibbs won a battle royal in 15:17. The final four competitors also included Sinister, Sampson Griffith and Jon Stevens, with Sinister being the final elimination.




Main Show





IWF Hardcore Title Bout

Hardcore Match

Pico Flush vs. Big Kahuna ©


Pico Flush came in with a Singapore cane and started beating on Big Kahuna right away. Kahuna was staggered, but he gave him a stiff punch and rocked him, Kahuna clotheslined Pico out of the ring, then hit a running somersault plancha. The crowd popped big, and Kahuna grabbed a chair and whacked Pico with it over and over. Kahuna dominated the match, then tossed him back in the ring. Kahuna hit the Kahuna Bomb for the pin.


Rating: 69





Dawson Polaris is backstage when Scott Ericson and John Sebastian assault him, leaving him down and out.


Rating: 87




Sarah Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones cut a promo backstage where they lay into Felicia Duarte and Steve Liermann, talking down about them and hyping themselves up. They says they'll beat the two into submission tonight.


Rating: 80




Apathy is having a drink backstage just like last week and challenges Justin Danger for a career match this time. She says she's going to cleanse IWF, one disease at a time.


Rating: 54




Justin Danger vs. "The Fallen Angel" Apathy


Apathy went into this match just like last week, laying into Justin Danger from the beginning. Danger had no idea what to do about Apathy, who hit a springboard clothesline and then a springboard somersault splash. She locked him in the White Oleander, and he tapped out after 10 seconds. Justin Danger is gone from IWF!


Rating: 55




Apathy is having her post-match cigarette and says that she's glad to have taken out a couple of the diseases infecting IWF. She says that she means business, and she's gonna do everything she can to wipe out The Dangerous Alliance.


Rating: 55




Jimmy Dragon encounters John Sebastian backstage and attacks him immediately. He hits the Dragon Driver on the concrete floor, busting him open and knocking him out.


Rating: 95




Felicia Duarte and Steve Liermann cut a backstage promo promising to defeat The Dynasty tonight. Felicia says she's looking forward to getting some more revenge on Sarah, and Liermann says the same about Bad Ass Brad Jones.


Rating: 83





IWF Television Title Bout

"The Lightning Kid" Santos Gomez vs. Rob Van Dam ©


Rob Van Dam came into the match and hit an inside crescent kick. Santos Gomez came off the ropes and tried for an Asai bodyblock, but RVD caught him in a powerslam. RVD hit a spinning legdrop, then hit the Rolling Thunder. Bill Alfonso distracted the referee while RVD got a chair. RVD tossed the chair to Gomez and hit the Van Daminator, then tossed the chair. The referee was back, and RVD got the pin.


Rating: 65


It is announced that Brad Tibbs will be facing Rob Van Dam for the IWF Television Title on the next IWF Monday Night Fights.


Rating: 68


George Foreman announces that Jimmy Dragon will defend the IWF World Heavyweight Title against Scott Ericson one more time, in the main event of Extreme Warfare.


Rating: 85




The Keldon Warlord is backstage snarling and looking all menacing and growled that tonight's match against Joey T won't be another draw. He says, this time, T is going to be destroyed once and for all.


Rating: 87




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Fullgore


Paco Rodeuiz put on another dominating performance with his lethal boxing maneuvers. Fullgore managed to last longer than Paco's previous opponents, though, managing to kick out several times and hit a couple moves of his own. In the end, though, Paco hit the L.A. Motel and got the pin.


Rating: 67




Joey T cuts a backstage promo saying that The Keldon Warlord is right that this won't be a draw like before. He plans on cutting Warlord down to size this time and winning the match. He ends off saying "IT'S T TIME!"


Rating: 94




Sarah Dunvegan and Bad Ass Brad Jones vs. Felicia Duarte and Steve Liermann


Sarah Dunvegan and Felicia Duarte started things out. Felicia came out swinging with a series of punches, but Sarah replied in kind. Sarah went for Felicia's legs, but she kicked her in the face and bounced her back. Felicia hit a springboard clothesline and got a two-count.Sarah tagged out to Bad Ass Brad Jones, and Felicia tagged out to Steve Liermann. Liermann and BABJ locked up, with BABJ trying to take him down to the ring. Liermann tried to punch BABJ, but it was blocked and BABJ took him over with a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. BABJ started working over Liermann's neck, and put him in an STF. Liermann reached the ropes after 10 seconds. BABJ put him in a Sharpshooter after that, and Felicia entered the ring to break the hold after 5 seconds. Sarah entered the ring and started attacking Felicia and that spilled to the outside. BABJ pulled Liermann up and hit him with a European uppercut, but Liermann reponded with a series of stiff punches that rocked BABJ into the corner. Liermann hit several shoulder rushes, but then BABJ hit a high knee. Liermann was staggered a little bit. BABJ came off the ropes, but Liermann tossed him with a spike belly-to-belly suplex. Felicia and Sarah are still fighting on the outside when Liermann hits the Shellshock on BABJ for the win.


Rating: 91




Brandon Harwell and Kate Avatar come out of the ring holding hands and join Steve Liermann and Felicia Duarte in the ring. They proceed to challenge The Dynasty to fight them in Extreme Warfare this Sunday.


Rating: 79




Jerry Dunvegan and The Juice join Bad Ass Brad Jones and Sarah Dunvegan in the ring. They accept the challenge and say they're looking forward to destroying them in Extreme Warfare.


Rating: 78




The Keldon Warlord vs. Joey T


They locked up. After wrestling for position, Joey T catched The Keldon Warlord in a front facelock. He pushed him up to the corner and strikes him with several forearm smashes before whipping him into the opposite corner. T charges in, but Warlord gets his leg up and kicks him. Warlord then smashes T with a nasty lariat. Warlord stomped T several times, then kicked him in the gut and got a one-count. Warlord went for the Big Leg Drop but T rolled out of the way. T nailed Warlord with several T-Lines, then took him over with a T-Bone Suplex. T got a two-count from that. T picked Warlord up and tried to go for the TNT, but Warlord slid down his back and rolled him up with a sunset flip for a two-count. They brawled into the corner, where Warlord gave T a boot choke, stopping at four. Warlord stomped T down in the corner and applied another boot choke, again stopping at four. Warlord picked T up and went for the Keldon Burial, but T hit several forearms to the back and then plants him with a front-layout superplex for a two-count. T then pulled him up and hit the TNT, getting the win.


Rating: 88



Final Rating: 79 (B)

TV Rating: 6.49 (USA Sports 1), 0.18 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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IWF Extreme Warfare 2002 Lineup


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dangerous Alliance (Rob E. Dangerously, Rob Van Dam, Justin Sayne, Jon Stevens)


Team IWF (Joey T, BakerMan, Big Kahuna, and Climbatize)


Extreme Warfare Match

Team Anarchy (John Henderson, Zachary Punk, Brad Tibbs, and Apathy)


The Sebastian Franchise (John Sebastian, Payne-X Sebastian, B.A. Sebastian, and Mike Malice)


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dark Warlords (Dais, Cale, Sekhmet, and The Keldon Warlord)


The Light Warriors (Edgar Dunvegan, The Crusader, Mista Ed, and Shorty Biggs)


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, The Juice, and Sarah Dunvegan)


Team Harwell (Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, and Felicia Duarte)


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Jimmy Dragon © v Scott Ericson

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IWF Extreme Warfare 2002 Lineup


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dangerous Alliance (Rob E. Dangerously, Rob Van Dam, Justin Sayne, Jon Stevens)


Team IWF (Joey T, BakerMan, Big Kahuna, and Climbatize)


Extreme Warfare Match

Team Anarchy (John Henderson, Zachary Punk, Brad Tibbs, and Apathy)


The Sebastian Franchise (John Sebastian, Payne-X Sebastian, B.A. Sebastian, and Mike Malice)


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dark Warlords (Dais, Cale, Sekhmet, and The Keldon Warlord)


The Light Warriors (Edgar Dunvegan, The Crusader, Mista Ed, and Shorty Biggs)


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, The Juice, and Sarah Dunvegan)


Team Harwell (Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, and Felicia Duarte)


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Jimmy Dragon © v Scott Ericson

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IWF Extreme Warfare 2002 Lineup


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dangerous Alliance (Rob E. Dangerously, Rob Van Dam, Justin Sayne, Jon Stevens)


Team IWF (Joey T, BakerMan, Big Kahuna, and Climbatize)


Extreme Warfare Match

Team Anarchy (John Henderson, Zachary Punk, Brad Tibbs, and Apathy)


The Sebastian Franchise (John Sebastian, Payne-X Sebastian, B.A. Sebastian, and Mike Malice)

Extreme Warfare Match

The Dark Warlords (Dais, Cale, Sekhmet, and The Keldon Warlord)


The Light Warriors (Edgar Dunvegan, The Crusader, Mista Ed, and Shorty Biggs)

(As much as I'd love to go with the Final Fantasy reference, I think the Warlords have this one.)


Extreme Warfare Match

The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, The Juice, and Sarah Dunvegan)


Team Harwell (Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, and Felicia Duarte)
(upset special of the night?)


IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

Jimmy Dragon ©
v Scott Ericson

(Only way Jimmy's dropping the belt is that he decides to give it up.)

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IWF Extreme Warfare 2002

Sunday, Week 4, September 2002






In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Drunk and Disorderly defeated The Assassins in 6:10 when Oddball defeated Viper by pinfall. (64)


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Dawson Polaris defeated Sinister in 9:57 by pinfall. (79)



Main Show




The camera pans around the arena and down to the announcers' table where George Foreman, Eric Sweetwood, and Josie Hendrix are seated. After some witty banter, Foreman goes over the night's matches and hypes them all.


Rating: 76


A hype video plays going over the events between The Dangerous Alliance and Team IWF. Featured are the attempted takeover by The Dangerous Alliance as well as Rob Van Dam winning the IWF Television Title. Joey T is looking to lead Team IWF to victory tonight.


Rating: 68






Extreme Warfare Match

The Dangerous Alliance (Rob E. Dangerously, Rob Van Dam, Justin Sayne, and Jon Stevens)


Team IWF (Joey T, BakerMan, Big Kahuna, and Climbatize)


They two teams started brawling right away. Joey T and BakerMan double-teamed Justin Sayne while Rob Van Dam went after Climbatize. Big Kahuna beat down Jon Stevens and had to fight off Rob E. Dangerously. Dangerously whipped Kahuna into the barbed wire, then raked his face over it. Big Kahuna was busted open! Sayne took T and BakerMan off their feet with a double clothesline. RVD got Climbatize down and hit the Rolling Thunder. Big Kahuna sent Stevens to the outside with a gorilla press. RVD gave Kahuna a series of stiff kicks and sent Kahuna out of the ring. Kahuna got up, and RVD hit a running somersault plancha. T was hammering Sayne with a series of punches and then sent him to the mat with a T-Line. T and BakerMan got Sayne up and hit him with the Time Bomb, with T getting the pin. Justin Sayne was eliminated!


Dangerously took T and BakerMan down with a double clothesline, then focused on BakerMan. Stevens was back in the ring and cut off T, sending him into the corner and hitting several shoulder rushes. Stevens then grinded T's face on the barbed wire. T was busted open! On the outside, RVD was hitting Kahuna over and over with a Singapore cane, but Kahuna was shrugged off the attacks. The two of them fought into the crowd, where Kahuna slammed RVD with a trash can. Dangerously tried to put BakerMan in the Biatch-Tamer, but BakerMan caught him with a small package for a two-count. Dangerously whipped BakerMan into the barbed wire, then when BakerMan came back at him, he hit a drop toe hold that caused BakerMan to fall into the barbed wire by the neck. Dangerously pinned him. BakerMan was eliminated!


Stevens was working over T on the mat, but T got fired up and fought his way to his feet. He hit several punches on Stevens, then whipped him into the barbed wire. T gave Stevens a T-Line over the top rope. Stevens got up, and T hit a baseball slide. T grabbed Stevens and hit the TNT on the concrete floor to get the pin. Jon Stevens was eliminated!


RVD and Kahuna fought their way further into the crowd, and Kahuna set up a table. He tried to put RVD on the table, but RVD rolled out of the way. RVD hit a series of kicks, then took Kahuna down with a jumping swinging DDT on the concrete floor. T joined in the fight, brawling with RVD. RVD gave him a savate kick, sending him to the floor. Kahuna and RVD brawled up to the balcony. Dangerously went after Climbatize. Dangerously tried to put Climbatize in the Biatch-Tamer, but was kicked away. Dangerously grabbed a baseball bat and laid into Climbatize, knocking him senseless. Climbatize was busted open. Dangerously then left the ring and went after T. RVD and Kahuna were fighting on the balcony. Kahuna picked up RVD and looked to toss him off with a gorilla press, but RVD slid down his back and rolled him up with a sunset flip for a two-count. Kahuna got up and went for a clothesline, but RVD ducked and gave him a spin kick in the back of the head. Kahuna went flying off the balcony and right through the table! RVD pointed to himself, then jumped off and hit the Five Star Frog Splash on Kahuna from the balcony. T leveled Dangerously with a T-Line, then pulled RVD off Kahuna. T gave RVD the TNT and pinned him. Rob Van Dam was eliminated!


Kahuna was still down and out. Dangerously gave T a low blow, then followed that with a second low blow. After a kick to the groin, T went down. Dangerously then pinned Kahuna, who was still out after his fall. Big Kahuna was eliminated!


Dangerously went back to the ring and went after Climbatize with the baseball bat again, smashing it over his head. Dangerously draped Climbatize's neck over the barbed wire and then choked him with the baseball bat. Climbatize was busted open! He finally put Climbatize in the Biatch-Tamer, and Climbatize tapped out after 10 seconds. Climbatize was eliminated!


T made his way back to the ring where he had to face off against Dangerously. T went for a T-Line, but Dangerously ducked, grabbed the bat, and smashed T in the groin with it. He then swung high and nearly took off T's head off with the baseball bat. Dangerously went for the pin and got it. Joey T was eliminated! The Dangerous Alliance wins, with Rob E. Dangerously remaining!


Rating: 92




Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, and Felicia Duarte are backstage cutting a promo about their Extreme Warfare Match tonight against The Dynasty. Harwell says it's time to put an end to Jerry Dunvegan's scheming once and for all, and he pulls Avatar into an embrace. Liermann rants a bit about how Bad Ass Brad Jones betrayed him, and Felicia Duarte does the same about Sarah Dunvegan. They promise to end The Dynasty tonight.


Rating: 86


A hype video plays about the feud between Old School Anarchists and The Sebastian Franchise that has been going on for a few months now. John Sebastian has entered the fold, though, and is looking to help his nephews win. Mike Malice has taken the side of The Sebastian Franchise just to get his hands on Apathy, who had rejected him. Brad Tibbs and Apathy are just looking to make names for themselves.


Rating: 75






Extreme Warfare Match

Team Anarchy (John Henderson, Zachary Punk, Brad Tibbs, and Apathy)


The Sebastian Franchise (John Sebastian, Payne-X Sebastian, B.A. Sebastian, and Mike Malice)


Each person on both teams isolated one of their opponents. Payne-X Sebastian started out attacking Zachary Punk, John Henderson was brawling with John Henderson, John Sebastian was wrestling with Brad Tibbs, and Mike Malice went after Apathy. Malice got an early advantage, knocking Apathy into the corner. He started choking her on the barbed wire. Apathy was busted open. Henderson and BA spilled to the outside, where Henderson hit BA with the ring bell. PX took Punk to the mat and started working over his midsection, then hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Tibbs was in trouble against Classic, who had him down on the mat and was working over his legs. Apathy came back into the match with a mule kick to Malice, and then she turned around and gave him a kick to the groin. Apathy hit the Affliction on Malice and got the pin. Mike Malice was eliminated!


PX tried for a moonsault on Punk, but Punk got out of the way. Apathy and Punk double-teamed PX, and then Apathy went after Classic to save Tibbs. Classic put Tibbs in the "Classic" Cloverleaf, but Apathy nailed him with a Shining Wizard and broke the hold after 6 seconds. Punk hit the Punked on PX and pinned him. Payne-X Sebastian was eliminated!


Henderons was going wild on BA on the outside of the ring, but then got hit with a drop toe hold onto the ring steps. BA started stomping Henderson, but Punk came to Henderson's aid and clobbered BA from behind. Punk grabbed a Singapore cane and smacked BA with it over and over. BA was busted open! Henderson clipped BA's leg out from under him. Classic, meanwhile, rammed Apathy and Tibbs into each other. He took Apathy over with a hip toss, then sent Tibbs to the mat with a belly-to-back suplex. Henderson and Punk double-teamed BA until Henderson finally hit the Crusher DDT on the concrete floor to get the pin. B.A. Sebastian was eliminated!


The four looked to beat down Classic together, but he grabbed a ladder and spun it around while draping it over his neck, knocking them all away. Classic went after Tibbs at that point and hit the "Classic" Beat Slam to get the pin. Brad Tibbs was eliminated!


Henderson and Punk double-teamed Classic, but he hit them with a double "Classic" Low Blow. After a DDT on Punk, he turned and gave Henderson the "Classic" Beat Slam, getting the pin. John Henderson was eliminated!


Punk wrestled with Classic, who got the upper-hand. Classic took Punk to the mat and started working over his legs, dropping elbows across them. Apathy hit Classic with a dropkick, knocking him into the barbed wire, but when she tried to follow up, Classic hit a drop toe hold and caught Apathy across the neck with the barbed wire. Classic went for the pin, but she kicked out and rolled to the outside. Punk stomped Classic. Punk tried for a kick to the midsection, but Classic took him down with a dragon screw. Punk got back up, but Classic caught him in a front facelock. Punk tried for a Northern Lights suplex, but Classic blocked it and took him down with a DDT. Apathy set up the ladder and ascended it, but Classic climbed up after her. They brawled on the top of the ladder for a moment, then Classic hit the "Classic" Beat Slam on Apathy from the top of the ladder to the mat. He pinned her. Apathy was eliminated!


Punk was up brawling with Classic, knocking him into the corner. Punk whipped Classic into the barbed wire several times. Classic was busted open! Punk tried for the Punked, but Classic blocked it and tried for the "Classic" Beat Slam, but Punk blocked that. Classic caught Punk in a side headlock, then wrestled him to the mat. Classic dropped several more elbows on Punk's leg, then locked him in the "Classic" Cloverleaf. Punk tried to break free, but Classic had him secure. Punk tapped out after 22 seconds. Zachary Punk was eliminated! The Sebastian Franchise wins, with John Sebastian remaining!


Rating: 89




Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, The Juice, and Sarah Dunvegan are backstage talking about how The Dynasty is destined to take control of IWF. Jerry says tonight will be the crowning achievement of The Dynasty and that after tonight, Harwell won't have any legitimacy left. BABJ says that Liermann just picked the wrong side. Sarah still considers Felicia the weak link of their team and says she'll proove it tonight.


Rating: 80


A hype video plays about the recent feud between The Keldon Warlord and Edgar Dunvegan, with there still being a mystery as to why they are fighting in the first place. Warlord seems to have a grudge against Edgar for some unknown reason. Meanwhile, Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet have lost a lot of momentum since Anubis left The Dark Warlords, and are looking to get some of that back tonight by beating the IWF Tag Team Champions. The Crusader was brought on board to help against Warlord.


Rating: 81






Extreme Warfare Match

The Dark Warlords (Dais, Cale, Sekhmet, and The Keldon Warlord


The Light Warriors (Edgar Dunvegan, The Crusader, Mista Ed, and Shorty Biggs)


Cale and Sekhmet went after Mista Ed and Shorty Biggs right away. The Keldon Warlord attacked Edgar Dunvegan from the opening bell. After beating him down, he helped Dais assault The Crusader. Dais took Crusader down with a Huracanrana, but only got a two-count. Warlord slammed Edgar and Crusader together, then whipped them both hard into the barbed wire. Edgar was busted open! Crusader was busted open! Warlord applied a boot choke to Edgar. Ed and Biggs got Cale and Sekhmet down, then brought a table into the ring. They whipped Cale into the barbed wire. Cale was busted open! Cale came back, and Ed and Biggs hit the DDC on him through the table, getting the pin. Cale was eliminated!


Sekhmet went for a double clothesline, but Ed and Biggs ducked. They hit the DDC on Sekhmet, but then got clobbered by Warlord. Warlord took Ed down with a clothesline, then took Biggs down with a clothesline. Crusader tried to fight Warlord off, but he gave him a choke slam. Warlord hit the Big Leg Drop on Crusader, and got the pin. The Crusader was eliminated!


Sekhmet and Dais went after Edgar, but Warlord shoved them out of the way and went after Edgar himself. Edgar hit a European uppercut to stagger Warlord, but it didn't do much. Edgar hit a series of European uppercuts, knocking Warlord into the barbed wire. Edgar took him over with a hip toss. Ed and Biggs clobbered Dais and Sekhmet. Dais goes to the outside and throws a ladder into the ring. Sekhmet and Ed brawled, with Biggs coming out of nowhere and leveling him with a bulldog. Edgar tried to catch Warlord on the barbed wire, but got thrown into the corner. Warlord propped him up, then hit the Keldon Burial and pinned him. Edgar Dunvegan was eliminated!


Dais ascended the ladder, but Biggs went up with him. They brawled, and Biggs tried for the Short Cut, but Dais fought him off and tossed him down with a front-layout superplex from the top of the ladder. Dais then hit a moonsault on Biggs from the top of the ladder. Ed pulled Dais off, but was hit from behind by Sekhmet with a Singapore cane. Ed and Biggs took Dais and Sekhmet out with clotheslines, then went and got another table. Ed and Biggs whipped Warlord into the corner, then put him on the turnbuckle. Ed and Biggs tried to put Warlord through the table with a double superplex, but Warlord grabbed them both by the throats. Warlord then hit Ed and Biggs with a double Keldon Burial from the top turnbuckle through the table. Warlord pinned Ed. Mista Ed was eliminated.


Dais and Sekhmet wanted in on the action, but Warlord tossed them out of the ring and pinned Biggs. Shorty Biggs was eliminated! The Dark Warlords win, with Dais, Sekhmet, and The Keldon Warlord remaining!


Rating: 78


A hype video plays for Team Harwell against The Dynasty. It goes over the history, from Brandon Harwell defeating Doug Dunvegan for control of IWF to Jerry Dunvegan's attempt to take it back. Bad Ass Brad Jones betrayed Steve Liermann and Sarah Dunvegan betrayed Felicia Duarte. They also tried to use Harwell's relationship with Kate Avatar against him. All leading up to this match in which Jerry wants to proove that The Dynasty is the dominant group in wrestling today.


Rating: 86






Extreme Warfare Match

The Dynasty (Jerry Dunvegan, Bad Ass Brad Jones, The Juice, and Sarah Dunvegan)


Team Harwell (Brandon Harwell, Steve Liermann, Kate Avatar, and Felicia Duarte)


The ones who hated each other immediately went after each other, leaving The Juice to fight with Kate Avatar. Avatar tossed him with several spike belly-to-belly suplexes, then took him down with an STO for a two-count. Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan spilled to the outside quickly. Steve Liermann whipped Bad Ass Brad Jones into the barbed wire and started choking him with it. BABJ was busted open! Felicia Duarte hit a leg lariat on Sarah Dunvegan, but Sarah came back and took Felicia down by the legs, mounting her and pounding her with a series of punches. Avatar tossed Juice into the corner and took him down with a superplex. Avatar grabbed a baseball bat from the outside, and gave Juice a White Russian legsweep with it. Avatar pulled Juice up and hit the Avatar Clash to pin him. The Juice was eliminated!


Avatar and Felicia double-teamed Sarah then, beating her down. Felicia hit an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Avatar hit a 450 splash for a two-count. They pulled Sarah up and whipped her into the barbed wire. Sarah was busted open! Sarah came back and speared Avatar and Felicia both. Harwell was smashing a trash can over Jerry's head, but Jerry came back with a chair to Harwell's face. Harwell was busted open! Liermann grabbed a barbed wire baseball bat and went to town on BABJ, beating him down and knocking him into the crowd. BABJ came back and clotheslined Liermann back over the guardrail, and went back to the ring to save Sarah. Avatar took BABJ down with an STO, and Felicia hit the Como Usted Quiera on Sarah, pinning her. Sarah Dunvegan was eliminated!


BABJ was faced with both women now, and he took them both off their feet with a double clothesline. Liermann entered the ring and attacks BABJ with the barbed wire baseball bat. BABJ rolled to the outside, and Avatar went for a running somersault planchaonly to be caught in a powerslam by BABJ. Felicia tried for a slingshot plancha, but BABJ moved out of the way. Liermann went after him, but BABJ slammed him with the ring bell. BABJ finally pulled Avatar up and hit the Tremor of Terror on the concrete floor and pinned her. Kate Avatar was eliminated!


Liermann and Felicia double-teamed BABJ then, and Felicia went to the top turnbuckle and hit a moonsault plancha. Liermann pulled BABJ up and hit the Shellshock to pin him. Bad Ass Brad Jones was eliminated!


Liermann and Felicia went to help Harwell with Jerry then, and Jerry had an uphill battle. Ferry got a ladder and hit Harwell with it, then swung it around and nailed Liermann and Felicia with it. Liermann was busted open! Felicia was busted open! Jerry clotheslined Harwell, then turned and gave Liermann the Dark Side. Felicia pulled Jerry off Liermann, but Jerry tossed Felicia over with a spike belly-to-belly suplex on the concrete floor. Jerry hit the Enforcer on Felicia on the concrete floor and pinned her. Felicia Duarte was eliminated!


Harwell grabbed Jerry by the hair and whipped him into the crowd. They started brawling toward the balcony. Liermann grabbed the ladder and rushed Jerry with it, knocking him over. Jerry was busted open! Jerry gave Liermann a kick to the midsection, then hit a sitdown faceslam. Harwell tossed Jerry into the wall under the balcony, then set up the table. Harwell dragged Jerry up the steps up to the balcony. Liermann followed with the ladder. Liermann hit Jerry with the ladder again, almost knocking him off the balcony. Jerry hit a series of punches on Liermann while Harwell set up the table. Jerry turned around, and Harwell hit the Dark Millennium. Harwell then dragged Jerry up the ladder with some bad intentions. Then Jerry started fighting back. They punched each other on top of the ladder, and Liermann didn't know what to do. Jerry finally caught Harwell with a rabbit punch, stunning him. Jerry then executed the Enforcer on Harwell off the top of the ladder on the balcony and through the table below! Jerry pinned him, albeit just barely. Brandon Harwell was eliminated!


Liermann ran down to go after Jerry, and quickly went for the Shellshock while Jerry was still recovering. Jerry lifted Liermann up on his shoulders and gave him an electric chair drop for a two-count. Liermann tried to fight back, but Jerry tossed him into the wall. Jerry rushed him, but he moved out of the way and Jerry hit the wall. Liermann then took Jerry down with a bulldog. He looked to go for the Shellshock again, but Jerry blocked it and hit him with a savate kick. When a stunned Liermann got up, Jerry caught him with the Enforcer on the concrete floor and pinned him. Steve Liermann was eliminated! The Dynasty wins, with Jerry Dunvegan remaining!


Rating: 90


A video plays hyping the upcoming match between Scott Ericson and Jimmy Dragon for the IWF World Heavyweight Title. It shows Ericson's two failed attempts and Dragon's attempts to keep Ericson at bay. Dawson Polaris and John Sebastian also got involved, as did The Keldon Warlord. Dragon cost Warlord the IWF Television Title to Rob Van Dam, and now they have one more match to finish it.


Rating: 96




Scott Ericson comes out to the stage and says that Jimmy Dragon has been avoiding the inevitable for far too long. He says that he has Dragon's number this time and is ready to show the world that Dragon's a fraud. He then has a wheel brought out to the stage, with various match types on it. He calls it "The Real Deal Wheel" and challenges Dragon to spin it and face him in whatever type of match it lands on.


Rating: 83




Jimmy Dragon comes out and confronts Ericson. He says he can beat Ericson in any match on any night, and says that Ericson will never be ready to "FACE THE DRAGON!" Dragon then accepts the challenge and spins the wheel. It lands on a "High Incident Match". Dragon nods, and Ericson grins. He says Dragon is gonna crash and burn tonight. The ring is quickly set up with tables, a scaffold over them, to prepare for the match.


Rating: 87





IWF World Heavyweight Title Bout

High Incident Match

Jimmy Dragon © vs. "The Real Deal" Scott Ericson


Scott Ericson attacked Jimmy Dragon before the bell on the floor! Ericson gets booed as Ericson hammered away on Dragon until he was close the the edge of the stage. Ericson went to send Dragon off the stage with a clothesline, but Dragon countered with a spike belly-to-belly suplex off the stage. Dragon went after Ericson and grabbed him, pulling him toward the ring. Ericson tried fighting back, but Dragon pacified him with forearms to the back. Ericson tossed Dragon into the ring steps. Ericson then pulled Dragon up and whipped him into the ring post. Ericson started climbing the scaffolding. Dragon followed him. As Dragon reached the top, Ericson punched him several times, trying to knock him off through the tables below. Dragon hung on to the chains suspending the scaffold, and Ericson stomped him down. Dragon fought to his feet and started brawling with Ericson, coming back with some hard kicks. Dragon hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Dragon tried to kick him off the scaffold, but Ericson hung on and dragged Dragon down by his feet.


Dragon gave Ericson a series of forearms, but Ericson still got to his feet. He gave Dragon a kick to the midsection. Ericson went for the Sealing the Deal, but Dragon blocked it. Ericson went for a clothesline, but Dragon caught him with the Dragon Hammer. Dragon tried to kick him off the scaffold again, but Ericson grabbed him by the legs and dragged him down. Ericson climbed on top of Dragon and started hammering him, but Dragon swept Ericson and got on his back. Dragon slammed Ericson's face on the scaffold several times. Ericson was busted open! Dragon tried to roll Ericson off the scaffold, but Ericson grabbed him by the throat and got to his feet. Ericson tried to choke slam Dragon off the scaffold, but Dragon hit several elbows to the head to break his grip. Dragon then hit a reverse Russian legsweep. Dragon locked Ericson in the Final Countdown, trying to make him pass out. Ericson tried to break the hold, but Dragon had it locked in tight. Dragon kept putting more strength into the hold, but Ericson was still fighting. Finally, it looked like Ericson had passed out. Dragon still held on, though, and Ericson still had some life left in him. He finally broke out of the hold after 2 minutes.


Dragon pulled Ericson up, and he hit a low blow. Dragon was staggered, but he still managed to fight off a series of punches. Ericson tried to whip Dragon off the scaffold, but Dragon caught one of the chains, swung around, and kicked Ericson in the face. Ericson almost fell off the scaffold. Dragon went to finish him, but Ericson did a quick drop toe hold. Ericson picked Dragon up and hit the Sealing the Deal. Dragon looked to be out, and Ericson pushed him toward the edge of the scaffold. He almost had Dragon off, but Dragon caught the edge before falling. Ericson tried to stomp Dragon's hands, but Dragon caught one of his legs. Dragon refused to let go and pulled Ericson hard, tossing him down off the scaffold and through the tables below!


Rating: 96




Jimmy Dragon was being cheered as he finally let go of the scaffold and dropped to his feet in the ring. He celebrated his victory as paramedics checked on Scott Ericson. Dragon held up the IWF World Heavyweight Title belt in the corner and "Dragon" chants filled the building.


Rating: 88




Final Rating: 86 (B+)

PPV Buy Rate: 2.61




Prediction Results:

Apathy -- 4/5

ShadowedFlames -- 4/5

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Random Extreme Warfare Fun Facts


  • Team IWF and The Light Warriors were originally slated to win their matches, but I changed the outcomes at the last second as a result of the predictions, as they made me reconsider the ramifications of the two matches.
  • Yes, the main event was a 25-minute-long Slow Build Scaffold Match that is a Match Of The Year candidate.
  • Big Kahuna, Brandon Harwell, and Scott Ericson all took Crazy Bumps in High Injury matches, and none of them got injured.
  • As a result of The Keldon Warlord's Domination road agent note in his match, he now has so much popularity that he refuses to job to almost anyone.
  • The Dangerous Alliance vs. Team IWF got a massive 92 rating despite all the members of The Dangerous Alliance having under 70 popularity, except for Rob Van Dam, who had 72.
  • On the same token, The Dynasty vs. Team Harwell got only a 90, despite everyone in the match having over 75 popularity, with several over 90.
  • Jimmy Dragon, as of the end of Extreme Warfare, has 100 popularity throughout the USA, Canada, and Japan, as well as a 99 in Northern Mexico and 92 in the other two regions of Mexico. I'm glad he's signed to a five-year deal.

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Extreme Fallout





I was getting ready for Monday Night Fights. Extreme Warfare 2002 was a great show and a great success, and I was riding high on the gravy train because we actually made a decent amount of money in September. Things were looking up, and soon I'd be able to direct some attention to my WCW project. I had new guys just waiting in the wings ready to move up in the world.


That was when I heard a commotion outside. Well, not a commotion, but rather some blatant bragging. I got up and walked to the door and listened.




"Looks like big brother is finally getting his dues," came Alex Dunvegan's smug voice. I peeked out the door and saw him standing up to Jerry Dunvegan.


"You're dreaming," Jerry retorted. "We all know who the heir to Clan Dunvegan is, and it's not you."


"Well the fans say otherwise," Alex said, nudging Jerry with his fist a little. "I've got more heat than you could ever hope to have. I'm practically propping this entire promotion on my shoudlers. I've got a guaranteed title run, and pretty soon everyone will be lining up to see the man behind the mask."


"We'll see about that," Jerry told him defiantly. "Keep up your dreaming, though. It's nice to have dreams. Enjoy your ride while it lasts. Pretty soon Avatar's gonna see you for what you are and you'll be in midcard hell where you belong."


They almost got into it, and I thought I would have to intervene, but that was when Brandon Harwell showed up and got between them.


"Save it for the ring you two," he told them. "Jerry, you and I know what's what around here. Don't let Alex get to you."


"You're right, bro," Jerry said with a smirk. "I don't have anything to proove."


With that, Alex and Jerry went their separate ways. Brandon was coming toward the office, so I quickly jumped over the desk and landed in my seat and made a big show of looking through the stack of paperwork in front of me. He knocked and walked in.




"Got a sec, Kate?" he asked.


"Yeah, and I've been wondering when you'd come see me."


"Look, Josie told me you saw me flirting with her . . ." he said thoughtfully. "I just wanted to tell you . . ."


"Save it," I told him, putting my hand up. "Look, I wanna stay friends, but at least have enough respect for me to end things to my face."


"Fine, you got me," he said, holding his arms out. "I just can't help myself. Too many hot women, not enough of me to go around. If you can't handle that, fine. If you wanna stay friends, fine, I'd like that as well. Just don't get on my back about the way I do things."


"I won't as long as you don't cause any trouble in the locker room," I told him, looking him in the eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled.


"Well it was fun while it lasted, Kate," he said. "I'll see you at the next booking meeting."


I nodded and waved him off, and he left the office. That was finally taken care of. Now that the womanizer was out of my hair, I could focus on more important matters. I had my hands full enough trying to keep Alex Dunvegan and John Sebastian happy, I did not need more problems. The locker room would stay harmonious if it killed me.


I got on the speaker.


"Jimmy, could you come to the office, please?" I called out.


A few minutes later, Jimmy Dragon walked into the office. He was looking incredibly healthy and fit. I seemed to have interrupted him during training.




"You wanted to see me, Kate-sama?" he asked.


"Yeah, I need your help keeping everyone happy," I said. "You're the heart and soul of this company and you have been since Brandon recruited you back in 1999. Your presence is the greatest asset this company has. That's why you're 'The Franchise'. Still, there's a bit of tension in the locker room because of all the recent contract negotiations and the attitudes that Alex and John have."


"I understand that there are several, um, poisons in the locker room," he agreed. "What exactly would you like me to do?"


"Keep spirits up and do whatever it takes to check their egos," I told him. "Alex especially is gonna be a bigger pain in my ass than Brandon was back when he went all Hollywood on me. Thankfully, he's behind that mask for the time being, so he's not as easily recognizable. Still, he's right that he's over with the fans and has incredible heat. I just don't want him thinking he's calling the shots. I'll put his ass in a sling and knock him down a few pegs myself if I have to."


"I understand, Kate-sama," he said with a nod. "I'll do my best to keep the peace. There will be some difficulty, but I think I can manage."


"Thanks. Oh, and thanks for being willing to help put over Van Dam. I'm glad I can count on at least one person around here to not be a selfish prick."


With that, he bowed to me courteously and left the office. I turned my attention to the stack of papers for real this time and prepared for the next month of work. I had a lot to do. I was adding a new championship to the fold to fill the gap between the World Heavyweight Title and the Television Title, and I needed just the right people to run things with. I nodded as I looked over my booking notes for the next month. Hopefully, things would go over without much trouble.


I was still surprised Joey T was willing to put me over without bitching about it, but I was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. It was showtime.

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IWF Monday Night Fights

Monday, Week 1, October 2002






Pre-Show information unavailable because I was too stupid to copy it down when I ran the show.




Main Show




Jimmy Dragon makes his way to the ring with the IWF World Heavyweight Title belt around his waist. He gets deafening cheers and works the crowd a little bit, going up all four turnbuckles. He gets on the mic and thanks the fans for believing in him, and says he looks forward to the next challenger now that he's put away Scott Ericson.




John Sebastian comes out down to the ring and confronts Dragon. He says he made a promise that he would be IWF World Heavyweight Champion by the end of 2002 or he'd hang up his boots, and he's not planning on hanging up his boots anytime soon. Dragon says maybe it's time for Classic to retire and says the belt is staying right where it is. They start arguing and get into a shoving match. Security has to separate them, but Classic challenges Dragon to face him and Dragon says he'll see him at Thunderstruck.


Rating: 89





IWF Television Title Bout

Brad Tibbs vs. "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam ©


Brad Tibbs started attacking Rob Van Dam fast, but got kicked several times and sent to the mat. Tibbs still fought back and hit a springboard double-axhandle. It wasn't enough, though, and RVD knocked him down in the corner. RVD got a two-count after a split-legged moonsault. Tibbs tried to fight to his feet, but was laid out by a savate kick. RVD then went up top and hit the Five Star Frog Splash to win the match.


Rating: 72




Jerry Dunvegan is backstage where he brags about his victory at Extreme Warfare. It's not enough, though. The Harwell Administration needs to be brought down. To that end, he offers a huge bounty to whomever can take Harwell out.


Rating: 89




Sarah Dunvegan is backstage talking trash about Felicia Duarte. She calls herself the princess of Clan Dunvegan and asks Felicia how it felt to get her ass kicked. She says she's not done humiliating her, though. The bookies apparently still give them even odds, and she plans to change that. She challenges Felicia to face her again.


Rating: 90




Paco Rodeguiz vs. Oddball


Oddball came out with his chair named Suzie and told Paco Rodeguiz that she wanted a kiss from him because he was so studly. Oddball swung and missed, hitting the turnbuckle. He turned around and swung it again, and Rodeguiz booted it right back in his face. Oddball was staggered and dropped Suzie, and Rodeguiz laid into him, hitting the Explosivo Power and getting the dominant win. He punctuated it by getting on the mic and saying "Welcome to IWF, bitch!"


Rating: 78




Brandon Harwell makes his way to the ring, his head bandaged. He says Jerry Dunvegan got him pretty good last night. He says he's had a migraine all day. Still, it's not over. Harwell says that Jerry can put out all the bounties he wants, that he'll take out anyone and everyone that Jerry sends after him. He says he'll put The Dynasty in the ground by the end of the year.


Rating: 94




United States Title Tournament Round 1

Zachary Punk vs. Rob E. Dangerously


Zachary Punk brawled with Rob E. Dangerously for a bit at the start of the match, and they traded holds a few times. Dangerously knocked Punk into the corner and stomped him down. Dangerously controlled Punk for a bit, until Punk came back with a clothesline. Punk started building up momentum, but then Payne-X Sebastian showed up and assaulted Punk, getting Dangerously disqualified. Dangerously did not look happy.


Rating: 72




Felicia Duarte is backstage looking glamorous, and says she doesn't care about what happened last night because she's not done with Sarah Dunvegan either. She says she'll face her anytime, anywhere, in any kind of match.


Rating: 87




United States Title Tournament Round 1

John Henderson vs. "The Warlord of Corruption" Cale


John Henderson tried to beat Cale down early, but was overpowered. Cale took him down with a gorilla press, tossing him out of the ring. Cale pursued, and Henderson came back and rammed Cale's head into the ring post. After slamming Cale's head on the ring steps several times, he threw him back in the ring. Henderson went berserk on Cale, but Cale took the hits and slammed Henderson with the big boot. Henderson still fought back, knocking Cale into the corner. B.A. Sebastian then ran down to the ring and attacked, Henderson, getting Cale disqualified. After the match, Cale gave them a double choke slam in retaliation.


Rating: 74




Kate Avatar comes to the ring and cuts a promo on Joey T. She says she's honored to be facing one of IWF's greatest fighters tonight, and wants to prove that she can hang out with the big boys. She tells T not to take it easy on her, because she won't be taking it easy on him. She says she's in this tournament to win it, and that T is just the first step.


Rating: 82




United States Title Tournament Round 1

"The Warlord of Illusion" Dais vs. The Crusader


They started out brawling, but Dais soon hit a springboard leg lariat that staggered The Crusader. Crusader came back with some holds and took Dais to the mat, but he slipped away and hit a spinning heel kick followed by a moonsault for a two-count. Crusader gave him an uppercut, knocking him into the corner, and then gave him an avalanche. Dais came out of the corner and was planted with a bulldog. Crusader pulled Dais to his feet, but got a low blow for his efforts. Dais then gave him a swinging springboard DDT for a two-count. Dais locked Crusader in the Web of Deception, but Crusader got to the ropes after 5 seconds. Dais pulled him up and gave him a piledriver. Dais used the ropes while going for the pin and got it.


Rating: 87




Joey T is preparing for his match against Kate Avatar. He looks frustrated. He says he's only in this stupid tournament because management won't give him his deserved title match against Jimmy Dragon. He says he's the most unappreciated superstar in IWF. Still, he doesn't plan on taking it easy on Avatar, and says he's in it to win it, too.


Rating: 88




United States Title Tournament Round 1

"Hell Cat" Kate Avatar vs. Joey T


Kate Avatar took the fight right to Joey T, who brawled with her. T got the advantage and slammed her face on the turnbuckle. T went up top and hit a flying double-axhandle, getting a two-count. T tried to give Avatar a belly-to-belly T-Plex, but Avatar reversed it and tossed him. T got up, and Avatar planted him with an STO for a two-count. Avatar climbed the turnbuckle and went for a frog splash, but T rolled out of the way. T whipped Avatar into the ropes, and she came back with a springboard clothesline. Avatar pulled T to his feet, and was sent flying with a backdrop. T gave Avatar a T-Bone suplex, but only got a two-count. Avatar got up and nailed T with a pele followed by an Asai moonsault for a two-count. Avatar picked T up and hit the Avatar Clash for the win.


Rating: 91




Brandon Harwell and Jerry Dunvegan run into each other backstage. There's a shoving match, and then Jerry lays into Harwell. They brawl all over the backstage area, and it takes half the locker room to pull them apart.


Rating: 88



Final Rating: 89 (B+)

TV Rating: 6.71 (USA Sports 1), 0.17 (Japanese Sports Vision 3)

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