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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Am I the only one who noticed that Rousey was wearing a Dragon Ball Z t-shirt?


Nope, it was trending online haha




I'm watching Raw at the moment and Bad News Barrett is just fantastic on commentary. If he ever gets injured again(god I hope not), he should spend his recovery time behind the desk.


When I heard that Sheamus returned and turned heel in the process I was relatively excited because his character needed some freshening up...Now I'm watching Raw and he comes out looking like a reject from a knockoff Mad Max movie. "You look stupid" was a very appropriate chant.


Massive "Lucha Dragon" chants and "New Day Sucks".


Who needs Rey Mysterio when you have Kalisto?

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I'm not bashing him for it as I care very little for Chyna, merely pointing out something that gave me a little chuckle when I thought about ;)


EDIT: When I said I found it funny, I didn't mean in an ironic way. I mean I literally found it funny, ie: it made me laugh.


I kinda laugh at it to, but to be fair there is a slight difference between the two when you head to the ol' google


one search term turns up a naked young dude took a selfie and cheated


and the other turns up


3 guys nail chyna at the same time while clearly coked out of her mind



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Ratings are up 1 million+ from last week and the highest since 2012:


Hour one: 5.22 million

Hour two: 5.59 million

Hour three: 5.26 million


Shame it won't last.


I'll say this, I'm impressed, you see, this is what putting effort into your show does, but I bet it'll be back into the 2's and 3's soon though.

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I kinda laugh at it to, but to be fair there is a slight difference between the two when you head to the ol' google


one search term turns up a naked young dude took a selfie and cheated


and the other turns up


3 guys nail chyna at the same time while clearly coked out of her mind




In my head now, though, Rollins is the current WWE World Nudie Champion. I don't see why Brock is so angry :rolleyes::p haha

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The only thing that truly bothered me during the Sting vs. Triple H match was a line that was said on commentary that sounded a bit like this. "this isn't Starrcade this is Wrestlemania."


I know that Vince probably told JBL to say the line but it's still dumb when the company for so long treated Sting like a big deal only to have JBL go out of his way to make Sting seem less important.


Notice I didn't say Buried because you guys are using that word way out of context to the actual definition.


For my part, I think at least half my own personal being 'mad' at JBL for talking smack about WCW was me in 'playing along' mode, as my 'anger' was pretty much assuaged when Brock ... turned the table... on him. :p I do wish WWE would be more respectful to WCW though, that is the promotion I grew up with after all. I didn't really get into WWE till the New Generation, (I loved the New Generation).


Darn it, finally got to watching Hall Of Fame ceremony.. I can't remember the last time I have cried this much, because of Connor the Crushers' induction. :(


I had a rough time making it through that one myself, but then I always have been tenderhearted.



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For my part, I think at least half my own personal being 'mad' at JBL for talking smack about WCW was me in 'playing along' mode, as my 'anger' was pretty much assuaged when Brock ... turned the table... on him. :p




I had a rough time making it through that one myself, but then I always have been tenderhearted.




Bah, I think he should've been the other person Lensar f5'd.

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I'll admit I wouldn't have objected to an F5 or 47, but... he was left in a heap out there under the table.


I took what I could get.




So was Cole and Lesnar dragged him out.


And incase anyone's wondering, no, I still didn't watch the show, I watched the segment off of YouTube.


Edit: at least I think Cole was under the table, I'd have to honestly recheck.

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So was Cole and Lesnar dragged him out.


And incase anyone's wondering, no, I still didn't watch the show, I watched the segment off of YouTube.


Edit: at least I think Cole was under the table, I'd have to honestly recheck.


Cole got out of the way. He was off to the side when Lesnar grabbed him.

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am i the only guy bothered by this i think we was doing a great job of being a hateable douche


I think it's kind of a shame. He filled his role well, and even though you knew he was always going to lose, his matches were generally fairly solid.

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I think it's kind of a shame. He filled his role well, and even though you knew he was always going to lose, his matches were generally fairly solid.


am i the only guy bothered by this i think we was doing a great job of being a hateable douche


I like him. Apparently he asked for his release and it was amicable, so that's cool at least.

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