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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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In regards to the cuts, I was watching a YouTube video with Lance Storm and his co-host (I did not catch his name) who have a podcast. Lance was saying, I am paraphrasing here, that you can expect more of these cuts to happen on a regular basis for developmental because they are going to evaluate each wrestler every six months (I think that is what he said) and if they are not up to the standards the promotion wants, the promotion will cut them. He added that there are a hundred plus people on developmental contracts and only six or seven of them make it up to the main roster a year.


This is what happens in baseball as well. I once read a Tommy Lasorda book and he said in all of the years that he was a manager of the Rookie-level team in the Dodgers organization only two players made it to the main roster. Which is astounding to me. It looks like that will be how the WWE minor league roster is run from here on out. They will sign a bunch of people and only a handful will make it to the main roster.


His co-host also pointed out that some of these cuts were due to wrestlers not wanting to get the shot for Covid.

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In regards to the cuts, I was watching a YouTube video with Lance Storm and his co-host (I did not catch his name) who have a podcast. Lance was saying, I am paraphrasing here, that you can expect more of these cuts to happen on a regular basis for developmental because they are going to evaluate each wrestler every six months (I think that is what he said) and if they are not up to the standards the promotion wants, the promotion will cut them. He added that there are a hundred plus people on developmental contracts and only six or seven of them make it up to the main roster a year.


This is what happens in baseball as well. I once read a Tommy Lasorda book and he said in all of the years that he was a manager of the Rookie-level team in the Dodgers organization only two players made it to the main roster. Which is astounding to me. It looks like that will be how the WWE minor league roster is run from here on out. They will sign a bunch of people and only a handful will make it to the main roster.


His co-host also pointed out that some of these cuts were due to wrestlers not wanting to get the shot for Covid.


The dirt sheets are saying 60 day contracts initially for the developmental folks. I think that's fine. Some of these were surprising, mostly because some people are clamoring for one last Hardy run when maybe they should use him to put some new people over.


BFab never connected with me in NXT. Sucks for her personally, but I stopped trying to make sense of these things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not that the concept has made sense for the past few years, but the whole build-up to Survivor Series this year has been particularly nonsensical.


It's just another PPV with a blah "brand warfare" twist. Glad all I watch is the PPVs and noth the regular TV. Their video department usually does a good job of making a blah build up seem compelling.

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Survivor Series was watchable. Which in modern WWE terms it's a good outing.


The brand supremacy thing is so stupid. Especially when the men's team came down to two guys who were on opposite brands a month ago. :rolleyes:


Nakamura and Boooooooooooooooooooooooogz are one of the best acts around though. The whole gimmick of Rick playing the guitar to Hulk Nakamura up is golden. Pat McAfee constantly fanboying over Nak is super fun too.


Becky vs Charlotte was alright. Charlotte's gear was fire though. Like the best gear she ever had and it was simple and understated. Becky looked like she was wearing a big red condom though.


Men's survivor match had some fun spots honestly. Sheamus and Jeff doing the Poetry in Motion was great.


I skipped the battle royal. They hyped up the Rock throughout the show and he didn't even do a pre recorded statement or anything. They named a battle royal after him and he had nothing to contribute to the show. Hilarious.


RKBro vs Usos was my favorite part of the main show. RKBro is the most consistently entertaining act in WWE. I go out of my way to see their segments every week. Orton is having a great run right now. It's insane he has the most PPV matches ever, but it makes sense. He still wants to wrestle for like another ten years and his style isn't hard on his body so that's fairly possible barring any major injuries.


I had negative interest in the women's survivor series match. I like most of the talent, but the storylines are so bad they detract from the talent involved.


Roman vs Big E was a lot of fun. It's weird that a night full of wishy washy finishes to protect talent ended with a clean win over the WWE champion though. You'd think Big E and Roman would be the two you want to protect the most.


Like I said, watchable show for the most part.


I read the other day that Jimmy Yang is working as a producer now and I thought that was really cool. Always been a big fan of his work. The Jung Dragons and 3 Count had some of the best matches in late WCW and now Helms and Yang are road agents for a roster that was influenced by their generation. Full circle kind of thing.

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But did Vince remember he fired Yang before? Lol


And the main event was clean-ish, right? He still used the ring steps at the end to set up the finishing sequence and Big E had some moments where Roman was on the ropes. That was a fun match. And yes, most of it was enjoyable to me.

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It's just another PPV with a blah "brand warfare" twist. Glad all I watch is the PPVs and noth the regular TV. Their video department usually does a good job of making a blah build up seem compelling.


Akaik the regular brand "invasion" wasn't on this year. Thank god. It's stale AF.


As far as the talent releases go: if it's as documented by BHK1978, that would be exactly what I do in TEW as well, when piloting them. You go overboard with signings, try to use them all, and just keep the cream of the crop. You can always sign them on later once they've taken the "low road". I guess it's the perk of being the top promotion.


I really wonder what they've actually done with EvaMarie after bringing her back. Was it a movie deal or something?

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It's such a weird sensation watching a show and the most entertaining character is Baron Corbin. I love everything about Happy Corbin, even Madcap Moss. Corbin is so committed to the role. It seems like a genuine extension of his real personality. He's been a fun person to follow on social media over the years, but this character is great fun.


Sami Zayn as number one contender is fun as well. Hopefully he gets an actual match and not squashed by Brock to get to Roman.

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Beth Phoenix calling Cora Jade innovative for hitting someone with a skateboard was flat out asinine. Gimmick infringement isn't innovative Beth.


I hate how almost every WWE gimmick match has devolved into PG "hardcore" matches.


I'm watching because War Games has always been one of my favorite match types, but Cora Jade won in the dumbest way possible

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  • 3 weeks later...
Beth Phoenix calling Cora Jade innovative for hitting someone with a skateboard was flat out asinine. Gimmick infringement isn't innovative Beth.


I hate how almost every WWE gimmick match has devolved into PG "hardcore" matches.


I'm watching because War Games has always been one of my favorite match types, but Cora Jade won in the dumbest way possible


someone doing something someone else does in wrestling, how could that happen!! but being serious, they both use skateboards, they are notthing alike in character, then kinda owned darby on twitter

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someone doing something someone else does in wrestling, how could that happen!! but being serious, they both use skateboards, they are notthing alike in character, then kinda owned darby on twitter


I was joking about the gimmick infringement, but my annoyance was the fact that all Cora did was hit someone with a skateboard and it get called innovative. Cora has a bright future and I used to enjoy Beth on commentary, but I'm glad she's taking a break because she's gotten awful.

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I was joking about the gimmick infringement, but my annoyance was the fact that all Cora did was hit someone with a skateboard and it get called innovative. Cora has a bright future and I used to enjoy Beth on commentary, but I'm glad she's taking a break because she's gotten awful.


Agree about Cora, she seems to be improving all the time

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pauls07" data-cite="pauls07" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Agree about Cora, she seems to be improving all the time</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Cora has babyface underdog star written all over her. She's got a good look and her selling is already very good. I look forward to seeing her develop</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 1 was surprisingly decent. Not great by any means, but a step in the right direction.


RKBro continue to be mega entertaining. I'm constantly worried WWE is going to end the team way too early so I'm constantly bracing myself. What if there's a plot twist and it's Riddle that turns on Randy?


Anyway, Brood entrance makes me pop every single time. Top five entrance music and physical entrance for me. Return of Beth Phoenix was well done too. She looks incredible. As much as I enjoy Miz and Maryse, I wish Edge was feuding with someone who has a better woman partner because Maryse was average at best in her prime. But I'm still excited to see Beth return nonetheless.


Becky has such awful facial expressions and acting. She's not remotely believable as a heel to me. Everything sounds and looks so forced. For example, Rollins seems genuinely like a piece of garbage in his performance, Becky seems like she's playing a character. Her and Liv had a real solid match though.


Seeing Bobby spear Lesnar was so satisfying. I've been a huge Lashley since his debut and seeing him in peak performances has been great. Not sold on Brock winning the WWE title or Big E being the one to take the fall, but if it leads to Brock vs Lashley, I reserve the right to change my mind :p

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Love Big E, but never could take him seriously as a champ with the hip gyrations and that whole schtick. I have, on the other hand, enjoyed Becky's return - God bless WWE's production department for piecing together the promos I get to listen to. I like Liv, even if she's nothing too special in the ring. It is pretty cool to see the crowd getting behind her like they have in the last few months (probably going back to the build up to MITB).


Would have wanted for Sheamus to cheat to win, especially once it went 2 on 1, but whatever. It's on the pre-show so not sure how many people watched.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tonight's Monday Night Raw was like the concept of pure contempt for the live audience came to life and was put in charge of booking the show.


I enjoyed the opening segment despite Brock fumbling through quite a lot of his lines. You have Paul Heyman and MVP, two of the best talkers in the company, and they let Brock and Lashley do the talking. Mind boggling decision. Bobby shows good intensity and Brock is having fun though so it wasn't all bad. The show just didn't hold my attention after that though. I made it to the Damien Priest match and fell asleep

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Basically, all the heels won their matches. Except the AJ Styles/ Austin Theory match, that ended in a DQ when the NXT guy attacked styles.


Furthermore, the main event sets up our SECOND heel vs heel championship match (3, depending on how you view Lesnar/ Lashley) at the Royal Rumble which, you might recall, is supposed to be one of the Big 4 of WWE.


I mean, I know Vince hates Philly, but MAN....

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