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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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But it sounds like to me these are issues with the creative direction the writers go with John Cena's character. I'm not saying Cena isn't to blame for some of it but lets face it the WWE does 50/50 booking.


Look at Cesero, he went on a monster run as U.S Champion and he's lost how many matches in a row now? Same with the Sheamus he beat Cena clean for the title and Cena beat him for it back. What happens after that I can't see being Cena' fault.


Ever since Brock left and more recently Bobby Lashley the WWE has not let anyone break out except CM Punk and even at that the "Summer of Punk II" was actually the summer of COO Triple H, his dad Mr. McMahon and his good buddy Kevin Nash, oh and Alberto Del Rio. That storyline was dead in the water the week after it happened when they left CM Punk off of television.


The issues a lot of people have are mostly directed at how others are booked against Cena and after Cena. For all the backstage news we have heard on Triple H, Hulk Hogan, the Clique, etc why is it that we don't hear reports on Cena throwing a fit when being asked to lose. Better yet where are the negative stories on Cena at all? They just don't exist and if this guy was as political as people want to believe wouldn't there be SOMETHING that supports the theory of this guy holding others back?


The main issue is the writing team of the WWE and possibly even Vince that don't want super Cena to lose. What top guy in the history of the business has ever gone to the booker and said "You guys have me winning too much". Its not Cena's responsibility to make sure everyone else has business for themselves its his responsibility to make sure he's taken care of.


How many of us go up to our bosses and say "hey this guy isn't being used in the company right and until you guys get it right I'm going to keep complaining". The answer is very very very few of us. The issue lies with the writing team more than the guy. Anyone that believes otherwise please feel free to link me to any stories about Cena refusing to job or do business or hating anyone. I'd never seen a report of it, only speculation and over active imaginations from the so called "smarts" as the reason why Davey Richards isn't WWE Champion or something.

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Cena has gone out of his way to make his opponents look bad at times.


A recent example includes him deflecting his boring chants onto Ryback a few weeks ago.


And there have been stories from Kenny Dykstra a while back that claimed Cena was a douche and he cheated on his wife. One of them turned out to be true. There was also the Michael Tarver story where he said Cena intentionally hurt him, both of which seem fabricated to me.


And as for politics does he really need to hold anyone down? The creative team do that for him. His spot is obviously protected as evidenced by them reluctantly turning anybody who could potentially rival Cena as the top face.

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Cena has gone out of his way to make his opponents look bad at times.


A recent example includes him deflecting his boring chants onto Ryback a few weeks ago.


And there have been stories from Kenny Dykstra a while back that claimed Cena was a douche and he cheated on his wife. One of them turned out to be true. There was also the Michael Tarver story where he said Cena intentionally hurt him, both of which seem fabricated to me.


And as for politics does he really need to hold anyone down? The creative team do that for him. His spot is obviously protected as evidenced by them reluctantly turning anybody who could potentially rival Cena as the top face.


I'm not disagreeing but then why did Triple H hold Rob Van Damn down? Why hold Booker T down? Even Jeff Hardy for a while. The creative team would do it for him why did he need to go out of his way to do it?


I just think that there is so little actual information on what kind of guy Cena is that its mostly here say and speculation and we shouldn't damn the guy for that.

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There was also Tyler Reks who accused Cena of telling him to stop using the Burning Hammer presumably because it was too similar to the AA.


"Anyone want to know what top guy forced me to stop using the burning hammer - even after it appeared on SD/RAW and PPV's?"


"1st house show loop, Cena asks pulls me aside, degrades me like I'm 10 years & tells me if I use it again I'd me fired."


"He yelled at me & said, "Who gave u permission to use that"? Apparently he hadn't been watching the product 4 the last 8 months."

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Honestly though, I put a lot more blame on WWE than anything. I still believe they are a victim of complacency. If you notice, back when there was competition there seemed to be many more guys at the top and many more top spots to be filled. After WCW folded, WWE really seemed to just quit trying to make new top stars, and eventually the then current crop of guys, like The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, etc. began appearing less and less and eventually for some, not at all, and instead of filling those spots, they just packed them up like old souvenirs. Then when Cena's time came around, how many top spots were there really? One maybe two, and all the effort they put into making Cena a star, ended up making him the ONLY star. . . and now they are dealing with the consequences, especially when Cena isn't around.


This. Pretty much.


It's not about him never losing, it's how he handles his losses.


He spend an entire month telling CM Punk that he would respect him if he defended the title successfully against him at night of champions in his hometown and it would validate his legacy. The match ends on a double pin that is entirely Cena's fault (really great match btw) and Cena comes out repeating the same exact lines leading to the next PPV where unfortunately he had to miss due to his shoulder surgery.


And let's not forget the way he handled Dolph Ziggler beating him at TLC.


He told Ziggler (this is verbatim) "You have been here seven years and accomplished nothing"


This is AFTER he had won the IC title, US title, tag titles, AND currently holding Money in the Bank. To John Cena he has accomplished NOTHING. So winning every title in the company except one is accomplishing nothing to the great John Cena and then if the verbal burial wasn't enough, he topped it off like a true white knight and dumped crap over him and AJ.


and this.



That is why I couldn't help but respect The Rock to a point. When he came back earlier this year he did his absolute darndest to put over CM Punk. "The Rock knows how dangerous you can be", touting his title reign, etc, the whole works. In about three promos Rock did about five times the amount of building up on Punk that Cena has done during pretty much all their feud. Creative team among other things were feeding him these bullcrap bullet points about always having the villain needing to prove something to him. There's a slight problem with being seen as the top dog and the sympathetic hero at the same time. But it's workable and obviously not as big of a problem for WWE to look upon because the bankrolls keep on coming at the end of the day.

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And as for Cena not throwing fits, wasn't that what some people complained about at WM27 (?) against The Miz? I remember reading a report that said Cena should have said something about how the match ended...


It's not like Cena is writing his promos...and how many people would be given the top spot and then say "Nah, let others have it!"

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There was also Tyler Reks who accused Cena of telling him to stop using the Burning Hammer presumably because it was too similar to the AA.


And disgruntled wrestlers ALWAYS tell the truth. And btw, the burning hammer WAS the AA just upside down lol. If I was the top guy I'd probably tell you to stop ripping my stuff off too. Wrestlers kindly ask people to stop using their moves frequently, and if enough respect is there it happens. DDP Asked HHH to stop using the diamond cutter and HHH did.

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And disgruntled wrestlers ALWAYS tell the truth. And btw, the burning hammer WAS the AA just upside down lol. If I was the top guy I'd probably tell you to stop ripping my stuff off too. Wrestlers kindly ask people to stop using their moves frequently, and if enough respect is there it happens. DDP Asked HHH to stop using the diamond cutter and HHH did.


A lot of people believed or still believe him due to the time this came out. Reks had just asked for his release from the company to start his own business in order to spend more time with his wife and new born child. He had nothing to gain from lying as apparently his business was making good money and he had retired from wrestling.


I don't believe it personally but in context there is little reason to doubt Reks.

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A lot of people believed or still believe him due to the time this came out. Reks had just asked for his release from the company to start his own business in order to spend more time with his wife and new born child. He had nothing to gain from lying as apparently his business was making good money and he had retired from wrestling.


I don't believe it personally but in context there is little reason to doubt Reks.


I'm just saying, this is one guys side of a story which may or may not be true. It seems silly to use it as a point against Cena. Almost a little bit "schoolyard" but whatever. If it bothers you it bothers you the beautiful thing is we both have opinions and we both get to share them I suppose.

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It's not like Cena is writing his promos...and how many people would be given the top spot and then say "Nah, let others have it!"


Orton actually credited Cena in an interview for being one of the superstars who ad-libs the most in his promos. That was during the whole swarm of Rock/Cena comparisons when Rock first came back.


He doesn't outright write them but likely he gets given a few bullet points for the most part then wings the rest of what he gets to say.

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Orton actually credited Cena in an interview for being one of the superstars who ad-libs the most in his promos. That was during the whole swarm of Rock/Cena comparisons when Rock first came back.


He doesn't outright write them but likely he gets given a few bullet points for the most part then wings the rest of what he gets to say.


Again though its Randy Orton, the guy left feces in a Diva's bag. The guy has been popped for substance violations twice now I believe? The guy threw a temper tantrum on Kofi Kingston after he screwed up a moved and killed the guys first big push.


The wrestlers they tell people what they want to hear. Its obvious to anyone that wrestlers that The Rock was one of the most electrifying promos ever because of his ad libs. So what are you going to tell any media in the build up?


"Yeah man The Rock he's so great at ad libbing and feeding off the crowd, and John man, John's able to take what the writing team writes and say it verbatim its going to be a great match up"


Wrestlers are workers. Even Reks, are you really telling me if Rek's was United States champion or higher on the card that he would have still retired? Of course not. Lets not pretend that this guy would have retired from pro wrestler if he would have been significant at all. I admire the guy for seeing the writing on the wall and taking it in a different direction. Although I found no evidence to state he's making "good money" with his business. Best I can find its a digital booking device for pro wrestling and mma.


At any rate even if Reks' story was true. What about The Rock going on record with how crappy Shawn Michaels was to him? Or what about Steve Austin refusing to do a program with Jeff Jarrett? Or Steve Austin walking out on the company because he didn't want to job to Brock Lesnar?


What I'm getting at is that guys on top can be crappy to other guys. The refuse to job, they take away moves from them, kill their push, etc. Its a business and every top star Austin included as evidenced by his refusal to work with Jarrett has at one time or another affected someone else's push in some form. However for the majority you don't hear about Cena running around backstage insulting people, politicking, etc. People say "he doesn't have to" but my point is that Shawn Michaels didn't have to, but he did. Triple H didn't have to but he did. Hogan didn't have to but he did. Nash didn't have to but he did. Hell Jarrett in TNA didn't have to but he did.


People's complaints with Cena are 85 percent on the creative team and yet he receives 99 percent of the flak. I don't quite understand that. For a guy that is as squeaky clean as him in the dirt sheets, for a guy that does all he can with make a wish, for what seems like for the most part a decent human being he gets a pretty bad lashing. Instead of that lashing being directed at the monkeys writing his character.


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Again though its Randy Orton, the guy left feces in a Diva's bag. The guy has been popped for substance violations twice now I believe? The guy threw a temper tantrum on Kofi Kingston after he screwed up a moved and killed the guys first big push.


The wrestlers they tell people what they want to hear. Its obvious to anyone that wrestlers that The Rock was one of the most electrifying promos ever because of his ad libs. So what are you going to tell any media in the build up?


"Yeah man The Rock he's so great at ad libbing and feeding off the crowd, and John man, John's able to take what the writing team writes and say it verbatim its going to be a great match up"


Wrestlers are workers. Even Reks, are you really telling me if Rek's was United States champion or higher on the card that he would have still retired? Of course not. Lets not pretend that this guy would have retired from pro wrestler if he would have been significant at all. I admire the guy for seeing the writing on the wall and taking it in a different direction. Although I found no evidence to state he's making "good money" with his business. Best I can find its a digital booking device for pro wrestling and mma.


At any rate even if Reks' story was true. What about The Rock going on record with how crappy Shawn Michaels was to him? Or what about Steve Austin refusing to do a program with Jeff Jarrett? Or Steve Austin walking out on the company because he didn't want to job to Brock Lesnar?


What I'm getting at is that guys on top can be crappy to other guys. The refuse to job, they take away moves from them, kill their push, etc. Its a business and every top star Austin included as evidenced by his refusal to work with Jarrett has at one time or another affected someone else's push in some form. However for the majority you don't hear about Cena running around backstage insulting people, politicking, etc. People say "he doesn't have to" but my point is that Shawn Michaels didn't have to, but he did. Triple H didn't have to but he did. Hogan didn't have to but he did. Nash didn't have to but he did. Hell Jarrett in TNA didn't have to but he did.


People's complaints with Cena are 85 percent on the creative team and yet he receives 99 percent of the flak. I don't quite understand that. For a guy that is as squeaky clean as him in the dirt sheets, for a guy that does all he can with make a wish, for what seems like for the most part a decent human being he gets a pretty bad lashing. Instead of that lashing being directed at the monkeys writing his character.




I actually don't disagree with most of this, the blame has to go to Vince and the creative staff, they are the ones calling the sots. But why do you defend him so much? You must be a big fan.

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Or we're just fans who don't lambast someone because we don't like their current character. I'm not a John Cena fan but I certainly don't care enough to "HATE HIM FOREVERRRRRRRR".


If they changed him back into the edgy rapper, I'd be a fan. Not sure how that can be seen as a bad thing.

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Or we're just fans who don't lambast someone because we don't like their current character. I'm not a John Cena fan but I certainly don't care enough to "HATE HIM FOREVERRRRRRRR".


If they changed him back into the edgy rapper, I'd be a fan. Not sure how that can be seen as a bad thing.


I just want them to use Cena as the character he truly has become. The multi-time world champion who has dominated the WWE for 10 years. He isn't the underdog and he has had people betray him, his dad has been kicked in the head by Randy Orton, he has defeated all monster heel who have stood in his path and all of that. I just want them to stop treating him like the underdog who's respect is what everybody should want.

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Is Cena currently turning heel.It was hinted at after wrestlemania, but not really sure if he or ryback are going to turn now.I find it confusing..I liked Cena as a heel.If he does turn people will have a reason to really hate him.


Ryback turned heel.

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I just want them to use Cena as the character he truly has become. The multi-time world champion who has dominated the WWE for 10 years. He isn't the underdog and he has had people betray him, his dad has been kicked in the head by Randy Orton, he has defeated all monster heel who have stood in his path and all of that. I just want them to stop treating him like the underdog who's respect is what everybody should want.


But writers don't know how to tell good Superman stories.


For real, this has been the age old problem with Superman for decades in the comics where you can't just keep retelling his origin to make him interesting. Superman at this point is SO awesome and SO respected and SO accomplished that very few things threaten him. Things either have to a) threaten the people he cares about b) threaten the world (or universe) as a whole or c) out power him with godlike abilities.


So, if you look at, where have 90% of John Cena's last few years worth of angles come from? A) Threatening people he cares about (Zack Ryder and AJ versus Kane and Dolph respectively) B) Threaten the world (Nexus threatening to take over the WWE nonsense) or C) Have bigger and better superpowers than him (The Rock, Various monster heels he's faced, etc.)


The only stories they want to tell are easy to digest stories where we don't have to question our heroes' motives. It's classic good guy vs bad guy stuff. So the classic good guy constantly has to overcome overwhelming odds so rather than make a new threat that's interesting, they typically just keep molding the story to make the character seem liek an underdog to the viewer, even though he's not. Basically, like many writers for childrens shows they think their audience is dumb.


And for the most part, we are! If they chose to embrace the 18-39 demographic a little bit more and draw inspiration from that demo's favorite shows (Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc) you'd be able to see more flawed heroes and more redeeming villains. You'd have more complexity and more freedom to let John Cena be different. But you'd sacrifice the kids' love for him if he did bad deeds.


Now the typical adult wrestling fan would think I'm saying all this in a mocking tone, but I'm not. I work in healthcare and was working at a childrens hospital when he came in. Knowing THAT side of it, what he does and what it means to people and the charity work he does. I don't know if pleasing the smarks is enough reason to turn him. If you think of the whole company and ALL of its fans rather than JUST YOU and what YOU think would make a better show to YOU and people like YOU (and ME) then you can probably wrap your head around why they're not making him heel any time soon.


Hopefully they choose to book Punk more adult-friendly when he comes back. Perhaps a proper face run where he's more of a tweener and kind of a rogue badass. I think he's the kind of character that can do bad deeds and get away with it. He can be "our" top guy and Cena can remain kid friendly.

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I actually don't disagree with most of this, the blame has to go to Vince and the creative staff, they are the ones calling the sots. But why do you defend him so much? You must be a big fan.


Much respect SM82.


Actually funny thing is? He might have been my favorite wrestler in 2003, and I was happy to see him win the World title. However I honestly haven't been a fan of his since about 2006.


I defend him because I don't think the hate he receives as a person is fair. The only true flaw I have ever heard about this guy is that he cheated on his wife. Steve Austin beat his wives, The Rock I believe cheated and divorced his wife as well. So I'm not really going to hold that against him.


So yeah I defend him because the guy is very dedicated to the company. He works as hard if not harder than anyone in the company. Countless press appearances, make a wishes granted, sporting events, interviews, the guy never misses much time and almost always comes back from injury early. Other than a couple of D level superstars complaining about him I have never heard anyone say the guy "holds people down" or that "he politics" backstage. So this seemingly good guy gets a lot of flak from a lot of people for a fictional character that is written for him.


His biggest crime is that he doesn't say "this is crap guys" but I don't recall a single time any guy on top of the business at anytime has gone to the writers and said "you guys are booking me too strongly". Seems like guys only leave when they're asked to job. So its not like Cena should be some holier than thou guy and say "you know what even though you have booked me on top and I'm making millions upon millions you guys should go another route with me".


I don't think I've ever seen a person get as much flak as Cena does for the CHARACTER that he portrays. Especially with people somehow convincing themselves that this character is just John Cena coming out to the ring, when none of us have met the guy in real life or experienced anything close to who or what the "real John Cena" is.

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but I don't recall a single time any guy on top of the business at anytime has gone to the writers and said "you guys are booking me too strongly".


Well actually Chris Jericho has admitted to doing this. I think the specific example he used was Evan Bourne in their feud a few years ago. But yeah not everybody looks out for other wrestlers, especially if they dont have a relationship.

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It's not just the fact that smarks want him to turn for their own personal enjoyment though. Feuding with a company's top star should be beneficial for younger talent, as someone said earlier in this thread, Rock was expert at making his opponent look good even if he was playing the face. Cena is a roadblock for younger talent that has been proved to hurt their growth based on the last few years. That's partly his fault, partly the writing team. I mean I remember reading Jericho's 2nd book a year ago where he felt awful for verbally burying the Undertaker's character on screen and he received heat backstage for it. Maybe times have changed but Cena's character seems to put down others an awful lot, laughs during heel promos as if they're no threat whatsoever, I mean how do I take the feud seriously? How do I consider the heel a threat if Cena's booked in such a way to just smile and laugh at them?


I honestly believe turning Cena heel would freshen up WWE, I don't think it would turn kids away, I don't think his merchandise sales are an excuse anymore. I think younger talent would benefit, I think they would be forced to push Cena down a level which would then allow viewers to take other guys more seriously who then get more over as a result. Common sense.


Is it going to happen? No. They've made him the face of the brand and they've booked themselves into a hole where they're unwilling to take any potential risks with Cena. The charity stuff and public appearances give them exposure and turning him heel admittedly could ruin that. I just see it as a wasted opportunity, the guy has talent that he hasn't been allowed (or he personally chose) not to show.


I'm just looking forward to a few years from now when Cena has no one left to feud with and/or is winding down and they realise that they should've revamped his character to allow others to break through the "glass ceiling".

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It's not just the fact that smarks want him to turn for their own personal enjoyment though. Feuding with a company's top star should be beneficial for younger talent, as someone said earlier in this thread, Rock was expert at making his opponent look good even if he was playing the face. Cena is a roadblock for younger talent that has been proved to hurt their growth based on the last few years. That's partly his fault, partly the writing team. I mean I remember reading Jericho's 2nd book a year ago where he felt awful for verbally burying the Undertaker's character on screen and he received heat backstage for it. Maybe times have changed but Cena's character seems to put down others an awful lot, laughs during heel promos as if they're no threat whatsoever, I mean how do I take the feud seriously? How do I consider the heel a threat if Cena's booked in such a way to just smile and laugh at them?


I don't disagree with what you have said in your post at all. However times certainly have changed. The days of The Rock and even Chris Jericho's prime it was wide open. People talk about the PG movement but it has nothing to do with being PG. Really if you look at Nitro during its peak it was very PG. They didn't do anything on that show that wasn't PG.


Your point has little to do with John and mostly with how the company operates now days compared to when the Attitude era was in full swing. 50/50 booking is the norm. Its also the norm that guys like Sheamus and even Ziggler are getting title shots and main event shots WAY earlier. There is right now what seven hours of WWE television a week? Compared to two during most of the attitude Era (Smackdown didn't come along until August of 99)


Also the death of WCW has a lot to do with it. The WWE's main roster is two or three times larger than it was during the attitude era. They at first had to use things like the brand split because of the large influx of talent from the death of WCW. However they also saw the benefit of running two promotions essentially twice as many house shows, etc.


The WWE of today is not even close to resembling what it was during the prime of the attitude era. Creative direction, presentation, even banning words like "wrestling" and "belt".


In essence what I'm saying (in a much longer way that I had hoped) is that these are indeed issues with creative and the general brand. However I would like to point out that CM Punk would not be the force that he is today without John Cena. Cena not only did a clean job for him on several occasions, he worked his tail off right alongside Punk to make them classic match ups. Alberto Del Rio owes a ton of his success to being involved with Cena and Punk. Cena also took Edge from tippy top upper mid carder into a bonifide main eventer by having a long standing feud with him. Cena also worked a program with RVD that resulted in RVD finally getting the push everyone wanted only for him to screw that up himself.


What I'm getting at is that there is a ton of "talent" not really younger talent but talent that has benefited greatly and used John Cena as a launching pad for their main event careers.

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And why is everyone saying no one else has been allowed to reach the top? Did everyone already forget that CM Punk had a World Title reign of over a year? Did Mark Henry not dominate like few others have in recent memory before he got injured and lost his momentum? Has Sheamus not become the 2nd biggest face in the company right now behind Cena? Does Daniel Bryan not get the biggest crowd reaction in the WWE right now with the "yes" chants? Is Ryback not getting a monster heel push right now? Has Orton not been a top 3 face/heel for several years now? Del Rio has won a few World Titles in the last few years (keep in mind when I say World Titles I mean WWE AND Heavyweight belts). Dolph is just now reaching a sustained main event push but he looks like he will be a major player for the considerable future.


WWE is FAR from the John Cena show. If Cena retired today, WWE would not see a drop in ratings or PPV buys. They might take a hit in the short term for merch but it would soon be picked up by someone else. Most likely Punk.

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Again though its Randy Orton, the guy left feces in a Diva's bag. The guy has been popped for substance violations twice now I believe? The guy threw a temper tantrum on Kofi Kingston after he screwed up a moved and killed the guys first big push.


The wrestlers they tell people what they want to hear. Its obvious to anyone that wrestlers that The Rock was one of the most electrifying promos ever because of his ad libs. So what are you going to tell any media in the build up?


"Yeah man The Rock he's so great at ad libbing and feeding off the crowd, and John man, John's able to take what the writing team writes and say it verbatim its going to be a great match up"


Not that I know what Orton's past actions have to account for anything regarding this, especially something dating from nearly a decade ago but sure. Yeah it's Randy Orton, also the guy who sticks up for Cena whenever criticism is headed his way. Those two are very tight knit, and so when Rock came back the comparisons between him and Cena started blowing up, both the resentful locker room and the IWC(obviously) getting in on it. Orton wasted no time stating that Cena has more control over his promos than most while Rock "gets fed lines after lines for his promos". And it makes sense, I'd assume Cena has the same amount of stronghold over his promos that main-eventers like Shawn and HHH had, would make sense given that Cena is the top dog today.


I've always directed the hate at the creative team for the way Cena is portrayed personally, and honestly most people do too, indirectly. You see people here say "I like Cena the man, but Cena the wrestler.." or "John Cena's character is ___" obviously that means they're giving flak to the creative team, without outright saying it.


And why is everyone saying no one else has been allowed to reach the top? Did everyone already forget that CM Punk had a World Title reign of over a year? Did Mark Henry not dominate like few others have in recent memory before he got injured and lost his momentum? Has Sheamus not become the 2nd biggest face in the company right now behind Cena? Does Daniel Bryan not get the biggest crowd reaction in the WWE right now with the "yes" chants? Is Ryback not getting a monster heel push right now? Has Orton not been a top 3 face/heel for several years now? Del Rio has won a few World Titles in the last few years (keep in mind when I say World Titles I mean WWE AND Heavyweight belts). Dolph is just now reaching a sustained main event push but he looks like he will be a major player for the considerable future.


WWE is FAR from the John Cena show. If Cena retired today, WWE would not see a drop in ratings or PPV buys. They might take a hit in the short term for merch but it would soon be picked up by someone else. Most likely Punk.


The status quo revolves around Cena. It's not wrong what you're saying, if it was the John Cena show not as many people here would be watching. We know some other stars have been elevated, but it's a far cry from years ago where there was more than one goldmine to milk, and they didn't have to rely on part-timers as much for the big stakes matchups. There sure is more than Cena at the top, but most guys who have a run at the top end up wavering between the upper-midcard and some remote main-event spotlight. Thus, when Cena closes a PPV where he isn't fighting for the title, which has happened several times last year, it's still gonna stick out like a sore thumb.


You could tell from a mile away they weren't gonna rely on most of the names you mentioned for WM29's top match-ups. It's just that before the main-event scene was much more malleable, and today(or the last few years) is just something for many older fans to adjust to. Dolph will be a big star player in the future but they'll take their sweet ass time with him. Sheamus, Punk and Del Rio are indeed consistent big star players, but mostly everyone else will randomly take backseats to mesh with the rising pack.


And this is all gonna come back to the same argument "well this and this is why Cena is up there, and why the others are under" yeah everybody knows by now. We've heard the same tune throughout this thread. You're bound to expect fans getting bored of his run though, and when they'll vent, they'll indirectly point fingers at the creative team, while saying "we've Cena nuff". Some people got bored of Rock and Austin too at the height of their game but obviously not as much.

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