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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Americans insist on removing the letter "u" from words that originally have the letter in. You also refer to chips as fries and crisps as chips. Strange folk :p


I'm honestly a little gutted that I couldn't sign up for the Network tonight, but I know I can wait, hopefully it won't be too long a wait, though. A little explanation wouldn't have gone a miss, even if they just blamed it on technical difficulties. Ah well.


And don't get me started on Peanut butter and Jelly...




I think you'll find its Jam.

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I've had the Network in the UK since it launched in the US, they haven't gone to great lengths to prevent that happening, and after the rumours of the UK getting a watered-down version of the Network when/if it does launch, I'll probably stick to that anyway.


Whats the secret? i have a VPN so i can already do the American Netflix and so on. Doesnt the network require a credit/debit card to be in the states?

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Where do you stand on this? :p




Its still jam...


Jelly is something served at little kids parties which is usually nuclear in colour and is set...


Jam is and has alway will be something that is spread on toast or sandwiches.


Although I will preface my opinions by saying I'm not English, I'm Scottish... Scotland is a land of such delicacies of Deep Fried Mars bar, Deep Fried Pizza and Haggis so my opinions on what is food or what classifactions food falls under may be slightly off lol :p

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Its still jam...


Jelly is something served at little kids parties which is usually nuclear in colour and is set...


Jam is and has alway will be something that is spread on toast or sandwiches.


Although I will preface my opinions by saying I'm not English, I'm Scottish... Scotland is a land of such delicacies of Deep Fried Mars bar, Deep Fried Pizza and Haggis so my opinions on what is food or what classifactions food falls under may be slightly off lol :p


Don't have to tell me twice, Kilmarnock born and raised (unfortunately :p).


Tying it back to wrestling, nice to see the WWE use the Network for exciting post-RAW stuff. Stuff that should really be able to be seen worldwide by now. :rolleyes:

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Don't have to tell me twice, Kilmarnock born and raised (unfortunately :p).


Tying it back to wrestling, nice to see the WWE use the Network for exciting post-RAW stuff. Stuff that should really be able to be seen worldwide by now. :rolleyes:


I would feel robbed by this if I was a current viewer of the WWE product, solely because I would have been robbed of being distracted from Rusev's matches by Lana...


I don't have Sky, can't be bothered with VPN's and was excited for a UK launch of the Network so I could watch again.


Robbed I tell ye... robbed.

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"All right, let's bring back Ryback already. He's been out of screen enough. And let's slap some crappy pyros on him to hype it up". :p


I wonder whether he'll be a part of the SS match. I'd like to see him, but it's probably too soon. And then there was the footage of Trips scouting him so we can hope. Anyhow, I've seen enough Tyson O'Neal for the rest of the month.


"I'm so betrayed I can't even explain how betrayed I was" Great comeback, Show. :)

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Whats the secret? i have a VPN so i can already do the American Netflix and so on. Doesnt the network require a credit/debit card to be in the states?


You can give them any American address in your sign up details, and then pay with Paypal. I use Hola (with Firefox because it doesn't work on Chrome) to make it think I'm connecting from the US.

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Anyone else see the Xavier Woods promo from RAW? That was......odd.


Kind of like it. It's a new day, and the FUNK is back!!


Seriously though, with the rise in popularity of James Brown (recently) thanks to a hit movie, I would love if he could really imitate some of that. He seems kind of bookwormy/square/geek to be able to pull it off, but if he can, kudos to him.

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You can give them any American address in your sign up details, and then pay with Paypal. I use Hola (with Firefox because it doesn't work on Chrome) to make it think I'm connecting from the US.


I tried to use a program to make WWE think I connected from the US so I could pay with paypal, but no succes.


All in all, this RAW was pretty awesome imo. Great setup for Survivor Series, which is my favorite PPV by far. It was blurry from a face/heel perspective, but that's a good thing.

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Kind of like it. It's a new day, and the FUNK is back!!


Seriously though, with the rise in popularity of James Brown (recently) thanks to a hit movie, I would love if he could really imitate some of that. He seems kind of bookwormy/square/geek to be able to pull it off, but if he can, kudos to him.


Hit? I don't think a movie that barely broke even has ever been considered a hit. :p


But, Xavier did a lot of funky type stuff as Consequences Creed in TNA and now that he shows more confidence in his performances he'd probably be pretty believable.

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Speaking of decisions, why don't link the San Francisco Giants YES! chants to Daniel Bryan?


Just because is it something not planned? It seems, from different points of view, extremely idiotic to me.


Hey guys, here is a D list celebrity!! Maybe we can be liked in the mainstream now?!?


Oh an actual mainstream event with one of our guys involved? Nah

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As someone who thinks Kane should have retired 5 years ago, that gif really is a summary of his character as of late. It's almost comical watching him become the smallest of villains. He's like the level 2 enemy of a platformer. Not quite goomba but still easy enough to pass with your eyes closed


It was cool to do something new but Kane (along with a couple other guys) could be gone forever starting tomorrow and I wouldn't care either way

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I've read a lot of cynicism with WWE-visionist history playing a big part of the depiction of WCW on the network. Most of you guys seem to feel like WWE doesn't give them enough credit.


I honestly disagree.


With all due respect to WCW Monday Nitro circa mid 1996, it was an unwatchable show if Scott Hall and Kevin Nash weren't on it. Only children and the most hardcore of adults fans could sit through a full episode of that crap. Sting got cool towards the end of that year, but all this talk of "They were kicking out butts creatively" is absurd. They had one concept and did something very cool with it. The rest of WCW's card, even as the years went on, was mostly garbage. The cruiserweights and the Flock and some cool midcard stories make for good memories, but we forget the rest of the garbage that flooded those horrendous two and then three hours. Raw was trash too, don't get me wrong. Right before oth companies hit their biggest heights they were both doing pretty bad TV from top to bottom. The two companies were basically guilty of the same exact thing at the time: A well developed main event picture and a horrible underdeveloped everything else.


Things got better for them once they both started ripping off ECW but that's another rant entirely.


TL;DR: WCW sucked just as bad as WWF when Hall and Nash first jumped ship. No more. No less.

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I've read a lot of cynicism with WWE-visionist history playing a big part of the depiction of WCW on the network. Most of you guys seem to feel like WWE doesn't give them enough credit.


I honestly disagree.


With all due respect to WCW Monday Nitro circa mid 1996, it was an unwatchable show if Scott Hall and Kevin Nash weren't on it. Only children and the most hardcore of adults fans could sit through a full episode of that crap. Sting got cool towards the end of that year, but all this talk of "They were kicking out butts creatively" is absurd. They had one concept and did something very cool with it. The rest of WCW's card, even as the years went on, was mostly garbage. The cruiserweights and the Flock and some cool midcard stories make for good memories, but we forget the rest of the garbage that flooded those horrendous two and then three hours. Raw was trash too, don't get me wrong. Right before oth companies hit their biggest heights they were both doing pretty bad TV from top to bottom. The two companies were basically guilty of the same exact thing at the time: A well developed main event picture and a horrible underdeveloped everything else.


Things got better for them once they both started ripping off ECW but that's another rant entirely.


TL;DR: WCW sucked just as bad as WWF when Hall and Nash first jumped ship. No more. No less.


I'll be honest, I may have been a little hasty, and maybe even a little harsh with my post on the matter. Truth is, WCW was my favorite promotion back then, (it was the promotion I grew up with really, plus I loved the cruiserweights and still do, and Hall & Nash were two of my favorite wrestlers, so I loved the nWo). Whenever I hear, or in this case read about, WWE being rough on WCW, I get a little defensive, a little emotional, and maybe, just maybe, post before I have time to really think about it. In all honesty, I'm nowhere near as anti-WWE as (I think) I may sometimes come across in my posts.


I do feel better now after posting this though.



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