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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Her being a much better wrestler probably helped as well.


I'll give Nikki this. In the last two years, she has really upped her ring work. She's never going to be amazing in that area, but give her a good ring general to work with, and her matches are ok. She still can't cut a promo to save her life though.


Brie on the other hand, is getting worse, and that's saying something considering she never has seemed to care about her in ring work or her mic work. You can tell Brie has been mailing it in forever, and it's only gotten worse as she does less and less and just poorly copies Bryan's moves.


Honestly I'd be fine with Nikki as part of the new Divas roster. Fox, Brie, and Tamina can go find something else to do with there time though. Give me:











And i can make you a very entertaining Women's Division.

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I'll give Nikki this. In the last two years, she has really upped her ring work. She's never going to be amazing in that area, but give her a good ring general to work with, and her matches are ok. She still can't cut a promo to save her life though.


Brie on the other hand, is getting worse, and that's saying something considering she never has seemed to care about her in ring work or her mic work. You can tell Brie has been mailing it in forever, and it's only gotten worse as she does less and less and just poorly copies Bryan's moves.


Honestly I'd be fine with Nikki as part of the new Divas roster. Fox, Brie, and Tamina can go find something else to do with there time though. Give me:











And i can make you a very entertaining Women's Division.


Nikki is much like Cena in that she works hard in training and has good matches with the right opponents. Brie doesn't have her sister's drive to improve.


Naomi is a question mark. She needs some one-on-one time with Sara Amato to polish her offense. Tamina should only be used in a bodyguard role.


Natalya was good as a manager but once Kidd's healthy she should be jobbing to the heels to make them look good.


I think Alicia Fox is underrated. She does botch sometimes but she can pull off high difficulty moves like the Northern Lights Suplex with ease and her latest finisher is good. The problem is she never gets longer than 3-4 minutes in singles matches so it's impossible to tell if she can put on a good 10 minute match.

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Nikki has gotten better I'm not denying that, I'm also not saying A.J. was amazing but she was quite good and i would say definitely better than Nikki (especially once you add mic work to the equation)


AJ was pretty average in the ring. Mostly good selling (she tended to oversell like a ragdoll too often) and a nice finisher but her offense was weaker than Ziggler's. Not sure how much fault lies with her and how much with WWE without digging up her old FCW matches. Her personality (whether heel or babyface) and command of the mic as well as her committment to silly storylines (like the almost lesbian frenemies one with Paige) got her over huge. She connected with fans in a way most of the non-NXT women never have and probably never will.

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AJ was pretty average in the ring. Mostly good selling (she tended to oversell like a ragdoll too often) and a nice finisher but her offense was weaker than Ziggler's. Not sure how much fault lies with her and how much with WWE without digging up her old FCW matches. Her personality (whether heel or babyface) and command of the mic as well as her committment to silly storylines (like the almost lesbian frenemies one with Paige) got her over huge. She connected with fans in a way most of the non-NXT women never have and probably never will.


Honestly AJ when given rope can really bring the house down. Her ring work was getting there and by the end of her WWE career she was capable of some decent matches. Now given the microphone on the other hand she was "the focus" for a long time. It was refreshing that she came out of no where and stole the show on all the promos.


When given the spotlight of RAW GM she knocked it out of the park and had a fantastic run. I looked forward to her segments as she was becoming one of the most over people in the company and she didn't even had to step through the ropes.


She just has an "it" factor and I think it's crap that they are trying to piss away her hard work so quickly.

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Nope, with you. I am digging there whole vive, the Jordan/ Gable "big brother/ annoying little brother" dynamic works well.


Side note while were on NXT, Graves is really impressing me as a heel commentator. He knows how to be a heel announcer while protecting the talent. Example: In Eve Marie's atrocity of a match, the Jobber hit a float over suplex and went into the Cover. Eve clearly forgot to kick out (like, the ref counted 1...2...and literally stopped in mid motion and waited for her to kick out.)


As you can expect, the Full Sail crowd was all over her for this, the sloppiest botch in a match of botches. Graves quickly covered by claiming they were booing because they didn't like the fact that Eve kicked out, and how the whole world is against her, and the Crowd is a bunch of morons. Just a nice little touch by a heel announcer to try to twist the heat on a Heel's botch and protect the talent.


Love those guys. Jordan really stepped up with the small things in the tag match. He needs to keep working hard because Gable's gimmick is already getting him over.


The start of the Eva/Billie match was better than the one with Carmella. She was working faster and stiffer. But the poor footwork, poor selling, not kicking out and having Billie save her from botching her own finisher had me shaking my head. She's running out of time to improve. Once these squashes are over it's going to take someone of Sasha or Becky's caliber to carry Eva to a passable match. Even if it is developmental, WWE clearly jumped the gun.

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Love those guys. Jordan really stepped up with the small things in the tag match. He needs to keep working hard because Gable's gimmick is already getting him over.


The start of the Eva/Billie match was better than the one with Carmella. She was working faster and stiffer. But the poor footwork, poor selling, not kicking out and having Billie save her from botching her own finisher had me shaking my head. She's running out of time to improve. Once these squashes are over it's going to take someone of Sasha or Becky's caliber to carry Eva to a passable match. Even if it is developmental, WWE clearly jumped the gun.


I also just don't get why they are so invested in Eva. Shes a good looking girl, sure, but you can get those anywhere as a major company like WWE. Is there really a shortage of attractive young women willing to preform for an audience?


I don't watch Total Diva's myself, but my fiance informs me shes not interesting on that show. I believe the phrase was "Shes just dumb and there. She's not even like, funny dumb. she's just around." She can't wrestle, at all (which is fine, but why is she on TV, even at the NXT level, until she proves she can? She should be in dark matches only right now.)


So whats the appeal? IS she just a straight out of touch Vince hire? I picture alot of Vince's hirings of the "I'm a model!" Diva's like this:


VM: "She's hot! we can sign her and put her in faux lesbian angles! Guys will be tuning in to get a look at her!"


Imaginary non-yes man: "Sir, it's 2015. Pornhub is a thing. If guys really want to see an attractive redhead in a sexually suggestive poses and clothes, they can find a full blown porno with a 5 second google search. I think today people still want to see attractive performers, but they want them to be able to do something other than stand around and look pretty"


VM: SHUT UP! teenage boys will eat it up though, right? I mean, they are probably still sneaking playboys and watching there dads VHS pornos!


INYM: "Sir, again. the internet is a thing now. Those days are over. Any boy over 12 has a smartphone. It doesn't quite work that way anymore, i'm not sure it's such appointment viewing to watch a horrid female wrestler just because she's hot...."



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Smackdown was better than Raw and NXT this week. Shame the ratings have hit an all-time low.


The Dudley Boyz & PTP had a decent match and The New Day completely took over the commentary. They are seriously the best guest announcers ever, IMO. Cesaro & Sheamus put on a clinic. They even used Cesaro's injured ribs for continuity and psychology. I'd love to see them have a longer match at NOC. Owens hinted he's going after Ryback now that he's shut up the Cesaro Section. Bo Dallas won a match with a new finisher (a mix of Cross-Rhodes and a Draped DDT). The New Day & Ambreigns had a good tag match. The Ascension are now Stardust's henchman, which is similar to my idea of how they should have debuted (although I suggested Kane or Bray instead). The only disappointing part of the show was the short Divas match. Instead they gave that time to Miz TV with Summer, Lana & Ziggler. Good matches and focus on developing the undercard is Smackdown's forte. Clearly Vince doesn't interfere as much with Smackdown as he does with Raw.



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The New Day is starting to become the best thing on the show...which is still shocking!:eek: Honestly I think we are witnessing the next generation of freebirds!


Now before everyone goes out on a limb to hate me is just speculation at this moment and we are relying on the "infallible" WWE creative team to keep them going....it won't last long.

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The New Day is starting to become the best thing on the show...which is still shocking!:eek: Honestly I think we are witnessing the next generation of freebirds!


Now before everyone goes out on a limb to hate me is just speculation at this moment and we are relying on the "infallible" WWE creative team to keep them going....it won't last long.


I got two words for you.....Michael Hayes.


Of course, they're going to be the next Free Birds.

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I pray this isn't true. Please Hunter don't let Vince ruin NXT. Eva and Dana should be jobbing to Bayley on TV to setup for Bayley vs Emma at the next Takeover. Then if Alexa (whose heel work has been impressive) keeps improving she should take the title off Bayley.

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I pray this isn't true. Please Hunter don't let Vince ruin NXT. Eva and Dana should be jobbing to Bayley on TV to setup for Bayley vs Emma at the next Takeover. Then if Alexa (whose heel work has been impressive) keeps improving she should take the title off Bayley.


Out of the crop that's left I agree that Alexa should get the push to be the one to take the strap...But first Bailey needs to be successfully defending against the rest. She could train the others up who are not ready and when they are ready to pull the trigger to move Bailey to WWE then Alexa take over the title.

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<p>It's a struggle getting through this Raw. Orton vs Sheamus yet again really sums it up. I did my research and they've wrestled 12 times in 3 months, including singles, tag and multi-man ladder match. It was never a hot feud to begin with and yet they spam the hell out of it. On a positive note, Sheamus (like Rollins) has won more matches than most MITB holders in the past.</p><p> </p><p>

Rollins is solid on the mic but his promos are as long as Bray's used to be but not even half as interesting.</p><p> </p><p>

The Lana/Rusev/Ziggler/Summer angle is pure trash. Rusev and Summer are so damn good they are making it mildly entertaining but the longer it goes on the harder it will be to rebuild Rusev as a threatening heel. Ziggler won't suffer because he's been given nothing but scraps since Survivor Series last year.</p><p> </p><p>

Once again The New Day are the best of RAW and the Dudley Boyz are a breath of fresh air... for now.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://www.cagesideseats.com/2015/9/6/9270273/wwe-nxt-rumor-what-will-eva-maries-big-push-entail" rel="external nofollow">http://www.cagesideseats.com/2015/9/6/9270273/wwe-nxt-rumor-what-will-eva-maries-big-push-entail</a><p> </p><p> I pray this isn't true. Please Hunter don't let Vince ruin NXT. Eva and Dana should be jobbing to Bayley on TV to setup for Bayley vs Emma at the next Takeover. Then if Alexa (whose heel work has been impressive) keeps improving she should take the title off Bayley.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Now Kana's officially signed, Kana vs Bayley should be the only route they go down. The ultimate lawful good vs chaotic evil.</p><p> </p><p> Especially if they let Kana keep a look similar to this.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://40.media.tumblr.com/18ae80f3561a69bcd8a34ad4f32271dd/tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo8_500.jpg</span></p>
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<p>Kana is a brilliant signing, i always sign her in my WWE games, i think i read somewhere they signed Rich Swann too which to me is an excellent signing</p><p> </p><p>

I figured the whole Sting thing, does anyone else think it will lead to him winning the US Title, as WWE made a point a while ago he was the greatest ever US Chamion or something</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hellboy2" data-cite="hellboy2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Kana is a brilliant signing, i always sign her in my WWE games, i think i read somewhere they signed Rich Swann too which to me is an excellent signing<p> </p><p> I figured the whole Sting thing, does anyone else think it will lead to him winning the US Title, as WWE made a point a while ago he was the greatest ever US Chamion or something</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I hope not they really put over the US title as a working man's championship without actually saying it. I hope they don't stick it on a part timer.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hellboy2" data-cite="hellboy2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Kana is a brilliant signing, i always sign her in my WWE games, i think i read somewhere they signed Rich Swann too which to me is an excellent signing<p> </p><p> I figured the whole Sting thing, does anyone else think it will lead to him winning the US Title, as WWE made a point a while ago he was the greatest ever US Chamion or something</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd hate that, but I'd hate it less than the rumors that they want to put the WWE title on Sting for a short run, for more "juice" to a Taker- Sting match up with Taker winning, and then having Brock win it back from Taker to avoid Brock beating Rollins clean. (pure rumor, take with massive grains of salt) </p><p> </p><p> but I don't think they can just have sting lose to Rollins, unless Sting has just told them privately "yea screw it, I'll do the Job to everybody here, just happy to be here and working with people."</p><p> </p><p> Having him lose to Hunter kinda puts them in a tough spot. If Rollins beats Sting, what is Sting even doing here? what purpose does he serve? and why would Sting agree to sign with WWE if he's just going to be squashed?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Lana/Rusev/Ziggler/Summer angle is pure trash. Rusev and Summer are so damn good they are making it mildly entertaining but the longer it goes on the harder it will be to rebuild Rusev as a threatening heel. Ziggler won't suffer because he's been given nothing but scraps since Survivor Series last year.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agreed. This is one of the worst wrestling storylines I've ever seen. That's saying something.</p>
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