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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I disagree, I'd rather get two good 10-15 minute matches and then a tournament final then a bunch of three minute Raw matches with a divas match and a tag match mixed in. That 1998 tournament was a mess that was only saved by a memorable finish.

Of all the wrestling shows I've been to over the years, the '98 Survivor Series had to be the worst in terms of actual match quality. When the Network launched, the first thing I did was go back and watch the show for the very first time since seeing it in person. The matches were somehow even worse than I remembered. But the overarching story told within the tournament was so awesome that I didn't even care.

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Of all the wrestling shows I've been to over the years, the '98 Survivor Series had to be the worst in terms of actual match quality. When the Network launched, the first thing I did was go back and watch the show for the very first time since seeing it in person. The matches were somehow even worse than I remembered. But the overarching story told within the tournament was so awesome that I didn't even care.


I haven't watched the show in a few years, but the storytelling is probably why I remember the show so fondly.


Anyways, WWE signed La Sombra!!

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I haven't watched the show in a few years, but the storytelling is probably why I remember the show so fondly.


Anyways, WWE signed La Sombra!!


Honestly WWE's matches did not get especially great until about 2000 IMO. They were so good at story telling and their matches were so short that you didn't notice the terrible wrestling as much. Nowadays we have the opposite problem. The matches are fantastic but the storylines are dull and afraid of being too edgy.


Honestly we mark out for blood like The Undertaker vs. Brock because we rarely see it now. We go crazy when Randy Orton told The Authority they were number one (flipped them the bird) because nobody has done that since 2002 (Stone Cold). The Volume of shock value back then was always at 10. We get excited nowadays when its turned up to 4.


But does shock value make a good story? No you don't need shock value to tell a good story. It could be done very easy in the PG era. Read TFC's Golden Age dynasty...he never strays out of a PG format and has done a masterful job of telling a story for almost 3 years now. It can be done it's just WWE nowadays are afraid to take chances....sorry for the long rant.

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Of all the wrestling shows I've been to over the years, the '98 Survivor Series had to be the worst in terms of actual match quality. When the Network launched, the first thing I did was go back and watch the show for the very first time since seeing it in person. The matches were somehow even worse than I remembered. But the overarching story told within the tournament was so awesome that I didn't even care.



TFC you should check out the lapsed fan podcast they recently reviewed the 98 series.

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It's crazy that the off-air character building segments are better than the on-air ones.


Promos like this make good TV....why don't they stick things like this on TV? Honestly I think Kevin Owens would do a phenomenal job as champ but that rise would be faster than Kurt Angle's. #BlockOwensBlock

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<p>I did not watch Survivor Series but I read the recap and I just think what they did was worthless. I mean what is the point of running a lengthy tournament only to have that happen?</p><p> </p><p>

They could have done that whenever they wanted to. That whole thing rendered the tournament meaningless.</p>

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Roman Reigns vs Alberto Del Rio: Match of the night in my opinion. Del Rio is in amazing shape and worked hard. The finishing sequence was great.


Ambrose vs Owens: Second best match of the night, but it felt like it never got into the match. It should have been better than it was, but it was fun.


Ryback, Usos, and Lucha Dragons vs New Day, Sheamus, and Barrett: Better match than I expected considering Sheamus was involved. It would have been better if there was actual build up to the match.


Charlotte vs Paige: Like the Ambrose and Owens match, it seemed like it was missing something.


Tyler Breeze vs Ziggler: Fun match and I marked pretty hard for the Unprettier.


Brothers of Destruction vs Wyatt & Harper: Very disappointing match. I wasn't expecting anything great, but it just wasn't very good.


Reigns vs Ambrose: Another match that wasn't as good as it should have been. Wasn't bad by any means, but the ending was anti-climatic.


Sheamus cashing in was awful. Sheamus is beyond boring.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I did not watch Survivor Series but I read the recap and I just think what they did was worthless. I mean what is the point of running a lengthy tournament only to have that happen?<p> </p><p> They could have done that whenever they wanted to. That whole thing rendered the tournament meaningless.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm guessing the intention is to generate sympathy for Reigns as the WWE are still struggling to get him over as a face. Reigns turned down the easy option from HHH, so earned the title the hard way only to taste the fruits of his labour for mere seconds before Sheamus cashed in the MITB on him. In the WWE's thinking, the fans will now back Reigns more due to the injustice of all. </p><p> </p><p> Except, we're back with the same problem as to why Reigns isn't being truly accepted as the top babyface... a significant portion of fans don't feel Reigns has "earned" anything. They see the new Super-Cena wrapped in Big Bossman's old swat team get-up being forced over everyone and everything. Royal Rumble wins, back-to-back tournament wins, winning match after match, especially when it's against guys who are getting over more naturally with minimal help from the WWE creative/booking teams (e.g. Ambrose, Cesaro). I can't see what Survivor Series did to change any of that.</p><p> </p><p> I don't really have an issue with them rendering the tournament meaningless. It was a booked-on-the-fly solution to deal with Rollins injury and in-story, HHH's main priority was always to find and back the most "suitable" new champion. I've no problem with him running roughshod over it to get the outcome and champion he favours. It's completely logical for him to want to replace Rollins and to do it in an underhanded way. </p><p> </p><p> What's more of an issue for me is how they did it and how the WWE keep undercutting wrestlers with shortsighted booking. Take Del Rio. He comes back and comprehensively defeats Cena, he should be HOT (even saddled with the weak Mex-America nonsense). Yet instead of protecting his momentum, Reigns goes over him clean. Was that really necessary? There are plenty of ways the WWE could have achieved the outcome of Reigns winning that match and still kept Del Rio strong. The same goes for the final with Ambrose. If the outcome is going to effectively be undone, then why throw-away Reigns vs Ambrose, a match up that has so much storyline depth behind it? I just didn't like the execution of this at all and would have gone a different way with it.</p><p> </p><p> And when Reigns <strong>does</strong> win the belt "back", who exactly is meant to be his believeable opposition? Who's going to be left that he hasn't already gone over in the process to giving him the gold?</p><p> </p><p> The same thing happens everytime Cena is out of action. You turn to the rest of the roster to fill the void and it simply highlights how much creative and booking damage has been done to so many of them.</p>
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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Survivor Series Review:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Reigns vs Del Rio</strong> - Solid match. Started off boring but the last 5 minutes were good.</p><p>

<strong>Ambrose vs Owens</strong> - Good match. I picked Owens to win.</p><p>

<strong>5 vs 5 Tag</strong> - Another classic New Day promo and Xavier's hair was glorious. Fun match but it dragged on near the end.</p><p>

<strong>Paige vs Charlotte (Divas Championship)</strong> - Solid match. Charlotte's spears were too sloppy.</p><p>

<strong>Breeze vs Ziggler</strong> - Solid match. I'm glad they're letting Breeze get over on his in-ring ability not just his gimmick.</p><p>

<strong>Wyatt & Harper vs Brothers of Destruction</strong> - OK match thanks to the hot crowd. This was about celebrating Undertaker instead of putting over Bray like it should have been.</p><p>

<strong>Reigns vs Ambrose (WWE Championship)</strong> - Solid match but too short. I wish Ambrose had won but I was OK with Reigns as champ. LOL at Sheamus cashing in. It would have had more impact if he wasn't losing so much. At least Rollins was pushed a little before he cashed in.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Verdict:</span></strong> Average PPV. I enjoyed every match to some degree but none of them were memorable.</p>

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<p>The problem with Sheamus is that awful look with the braided beard and the nose ring. And that mohawk is awful. What is this? Create-a-wrestler where they tried to fit all the new accessories?</p><p> </p><p>

It has the look of a lower midcard/midcard heel.</p><p> </p><p>

Nice touch (though probably unintended) that Lilian Garcia taking too long to announce the cash in gave Reigns an extra couple seconds.</p><p> </p><p>

On that note, the MiTB seems to be played out. It seems to always have the same outcome.</p>

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What I want to see, just once, is have the MITB winner decide to wait the whole year, then the day they try to cash in, everything that can possibly go wrong and get in the way of them trying to cash in goes wrong and gets in their way. Then they finally make it to the ring to try and cash it in, only for an authority figure to come out and let them know that their time to cash in has expired. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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