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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well WWE doesnt know how to book anyone not named Cena or Reigns. WWE continues to book themselves into corners. They refuse to have Reigns lose which is stupid. Thats their first mistake. The fact that Reigns is being put ahead of the WWE title itself now as Cena currently is. WWE doesnt know how to book people they arnt pushing as the Face of the Company. Its Cena/Reigns as faces and everyone else is a jobber.


If they took time to build everyone and give characters and have good storylines instead of just forcing Reigns down peopels throats and not have a "face of the company" because that worked with Cena so well(rolls eyes) they could have a fantastic Main Event scene like they did inthe Ruthless Aggression/Attitude eras. There wasnt a top guy being force fed as the biggest thing in the company. Back in the old days the title was the top prize. Now its Cena and Reigns first/second with the title being 3rd.

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Well WWE doesnt know how to book anyone not named Cena or Reigns.


I'd argue they don't really know how to book Reigns either, given the backlash. I do have some degree of sympathy for WWE though. More than ever, fans think they deserve to choose who wins and loses, and more often that not they rebel against who WWE chooses. Even when it's someone like Reigns who the fans generally liked before... something. It's hard to cater to smart fans. They'll turn on everyone eventually.


Still, I don't argue with your general point.


To me, Reigns just doesn't do anything cool. The Rock did awesome promos. Austin rode a beer truck. Undertaker had all these classic moments, often involving magic. Reigns is just a wrestler, generically anti-authority, in a bromance with a scumbag. Sure, he overcomes the odds, but where's the sizzle?

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Honestly, Roman Reigns reminds me of how they booked Kevin Nash during his run as Diesel. A generically cool, big good looking guy who's friends with a wrestler that the fans want to see more than him (Shawn Michaels, Dean Ambrose), and he wins all the time but doesn't generally draw any actual money, at least compared to past draws/other people on the roster. Unfortunately for Reigns, there's no alternative to WWE for him to go to, so unless WWE decides to retool his character drastically (which seems very unlikely for the foreseeable future) he is stuck in the hole WWE has booked him into.
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I think the arguments about Diesel never drawing are pretty overblown, based on the attendance information.


MSG Attendance info from the time period:


May 19 1996: HBK vs Diesel, 18,880 attendance, the highest since Summerslam 1991 (including Yoko vs. Bret at Wrestlemania X).

January 26, 1996: Bret vs Diesel, circa 15,000 attendance.

November 25, 1995: Bret vs Undertaker, 7,400 attendance.


Just looking at the data, it seems pretty clear that overall business had already taken a huge hit and started showing recovery, and that Bret Hart was still the top guy in the company even if he was being kept away from the title. Diesel's main event MSG match against Jeff Jarrett in MSG drew very poorly, but I think that's because nobody bought Jeff as a championship contender. Eight months earlier, WWF had set a record low for MSG shows when Bret and Razor Ramon teamed up against Owen and Neidhart in front of 4,300 fans, which Diesel vs. Jeff managed to top somehow.

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NXT was well done this week. I love they way they played up Eva Marie as being pushed by WWE corporate, stacking the odds against Bayley. They overbooked the hell out of the match but it worked. Eva still can't wrestle much but she has some value when booked smartly.


I was also surprised it was watchable. The whole corporate push thing - with the senior referee mashup - had me intrigued. Now there's a legitimate gimmick which fits. I can live with that. But still, I'd rather have more space for developmental talent.


It's clear that HBK and Bret drew those crowds. Diesel is in fact believable as a contender as he's... a big (sexy; but that won't count for much draw) guy.

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For what it's worth, I thought Nash was probably the coolest wrestler going, back in 1995-96. He was already one of my 4 or 5 favorites by then, (Bret, Shawn, and Razor were also on that list then - the 'New Generation' was and probably still is my favorite WWE era). Can't speak for other fans, especially by the thousands, but I'm pretty sure I'd have paid to see a show he was main eventing.
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NXT was well done this week. I love they way they played up Eva Marie as being pushed by WWE corporate, stacking the odds against Bayley. They overbooked the hell out of the match but it worked. Eva still can't wrestle much but she has some value when booked smartly.


Loved how they booked it this week!!!! They did a fantastic job of covering Eva Marie's weaknesses. Too bad she can't wrestle an opponent of Bailey's caliber every week. I loved the corporate hook they built in there! I think Eva has finally found her gimmick. That would be awesome if they did that for her every week....have her own personal sponsored ring announcer, referee, and bodyguard (Nia Jax fit perfectly here). If they are insistent on getting her over this is how they should continue to do it.


A couple of years with this treatment and hopefully she learns to wrestle by then.

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It's clear that HBK and Bret drew those crowds. Diesel is in fact believable as a contender as he's... a big (sexy; but that won't count for much draw) guy.


I agree, HBK and Bret were the top two guys during that time. But it's also clear that Diesel outdrew the rest of WWF's sorry main event contenders, including the Undertaker. People act like Diesel was this terrible champ because he didn't do huge numbers working against Mabel is pretty ridiculous when Bret was doing even worse the year before working against Yoko and Owen. "Diesel was the worst champ ever" is just one of those accepted Smarky talking points that's not really supported by data.

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Well, that Raw was something else. Christ.


If the plan is to make me yearn for the days of John Cena, they aren't doing a bad job.


Some individual matches were ok (Good Sasha match keeping her strong while they finish up Charlotte-Paige, nice advancement of Charlotte's Character, New Day entertaining as always, I don't dislike the concept of Shemus's new stable)


But oh boy, did someone screw up with the set up of the whole "reigns has to win THE TITLE tonight in 5:15 to protect his friends matches." main story line.


I figured the DQ finish was coming, but the Fiance and I (wife in 5 days, can't believe it ha) rewound and Triple H distinctly tells ambrose if reigns doesn't win the title tonight, your match is off. Steph shot for the middle and said he has to "win his championship match" which I guess implies he can win but not get the title, when talking to the Uso's.


And then we have the predictable over booked finish with Roman taking the DQ win, and we turned to each other and were like "So, his boys don't get title shots now right?"


You could tell WWE figured out the screw up by the main event (where the hell did that come from by the way? First i heard of it was the graphic announcing it.) because Cole was produced to say that Reigns won the match, so everyone gets to keep thier title shots about 6 times in the first 2 minutes of the match.


What a trainwreck. I was with the Crowd in the Main event "We Want Owens!" indeed.

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I Agree Blackmon, It's just they executed everything about that so piss poorly.


Trips says tells Ambrose he needs to "win the Championship" or Ambrose loses his shot, Steph says it's just that Regins needs to "Win the Match" to the Uso's. Then in the Match, Shemus wasn't in danger when his new Stable interfered, Reigns had just tossed him back in the ring and started to roll in for a spear i suppose, but why did they do that right there? He had 27 seconds left, unless Reigns had a pin, let the clock run out.


After the DQ Win, no mention of what that means for the Uso's and ambrose (I suspect because they hadn't thought they screwed up at that point and it was clear to the home audience that a win of any sort was good enough.)


Then a 7-4 Tag happens because....reasons. Why would the Authority book that? They beat Reigns, they won. I mean, i guess for punishment? but it came out of nowhere to the viewer with no explanation. And Cole starts hammering early and often that the DQ Win was good enough (likely because people were going "uuuuhhhhh? why do Reigns, Ambrose and the Uso's still have title shots? on social media)


Thats what had me rolling my eyes last night, over all I agree Reigns has been better. He still can't talk worth a lick on the mic, but at least he's starting to not look like he hates to be in front of the crowd and is starting to get the younger portion of the crowd on his side.

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Even better, somehow Dewey Foley's got a gig on the creative despite having legitimately terrible fantasy booking ideas. Guess Mick's going to suddenly stop complaining, eh? :rolleyes:


.......Wow some of these are Russo bad. I see one out of every 20 ideas being a good one. He is one of those people who need a smart filter or the show would be all jacked up....amazingly his survivor series was pretty close to what they booked. That was not a compliment.

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.......Wow some of these are Russo bad. I see one out of every 20 ideas being a good one. He is one of those people who need a smart filter or the show would be all jacked up....amazingly his survivor series was pretty close to what they booked. That was not a compliment.


The perfect addition to Vince's "Yes Man" creative team :rolleyes:

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