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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'd like to give up but nah, I don't roll over so easily.


Why does my opinion on a wrestler not matter but yours does, Warhawk? Why am I an idiot that will cheer anything? Does this make me less of a fan than you? I think not. I cheered Buddy Rose way back in the day when he was local to Seattle/Portland. Same thing with Austin Idol. Roman Reigns has "it", whether you like him or not. He most assuredly does not "suck" or he would be scraping by in the indies.

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By hardcore fans, which hardcore fans do you mean?


I was told in another website that there are three types of hardcore fans in the wonderful world of wrestling.


The 1s: Being those who legit love to talk about wrestling, and when there is something they don't like, they explain why they're against something in a non-condescending way. This can relate to most of us here on GDS, but it can also go farther with the people of Bleacher Report, Botched Spot and Brian Zane.


The 2s: A mixture of the 1s and 3s, they like wrestling yes; but they get so passionate about it that they cloud up their judgement. For that, I would like to point you to Dalymax and Cageside Seats. (I mean no disrespect to either party, their opinion is welcome as is yours and mine)


And the 3s: The people who complain about everything and threaten never to watch again....only to be found on the forums the very next day talking about what happened last night on RAW. These are the people like Bruce Blitz or a jaded Attitude Era fan.


I will admit that I am probably over analyzing your statements and forgive me if I am. But I would like to hear what type of hardcore fan they should cater to.


Aside from that, another question I must ask is; Is it really a good idea?


With casuals, I think we've all seen the benefits and downsides to business, but what about the hardcore fans?


While Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and (on a lighter note) Stardust are noted champions of the internet and people would love to see them get a bigger role in WWE, you also have to think about business as a whole. What if they tank in network buys? What if they don't get a response from them? What then?


Does that mean that their stupid? No, again; they are allowed to cheer for whoever they like. But you have to think of the bigger picture.


Plus; you should know that when McMahon listened to the WWE Universe on Daniel Bryan (someone both casuals and hardcore fans liked mind you) becoming champion, he got injured and was out of commission for the rest of the year; he came back and won the Intercontinental championship yes, but he'd get injured again anyways. Now? It's unlikely Daniel Bryan will ever wrestle again, much less in a WWE ring.


That proves a statement I came up with after Seth Rollins got injured. "Fans can make and break you, but they are not always the final solution"


Most casual fans will cheer anything WWE tells them to cheer. If WWE pushed Ziggler, causal fans would in all odds cheer him. If they gave Dean Ambrose Roman Reigns's push he would get the same if not better reactions. I also think Daniel Bryan should attempt a come back, risk it. WWE needs him and he has been cleared by doctors from what I heard.

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While Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and (on a lighter note) Stardust are noted champions of the internet and people would love to see them get a bigger role in WWE, you also have to think about business as a whole. What if they tank in network buys? What if they don't get a response from them? What then?


While I agree with most of your points. I don't think anybody tanks network buys in 2015, they're going to steadily tick up. I also don't think pushing multiple people would to anything to their numbers in general.

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Most casual fans will cheer anything WWE tells them to cheer. If WWE pushed Ziggler, causal fans would in all odds cheer him. If they gave Dean Ambrose Roman Reigns's push he would get the same if not better reactions. I also think Daniel Bryan should attempt a come back, risk it. WWE needs him and he has been cleared by doctors from what I heard.




You are correct that he has been cleared by doctors but honestly he would still need time to prove he can stay injury free. It would be too much of a risky move to immediately put eggs in his basket. Trust me I'm a Daniel Bryan fan as much as the next guy but it wouldn't be the smartest business decision to start throwing belts on the guy until his body proves it can hold up.

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You are correct that he has been cleared by doctors but honestly he would still need time to prove he can stay injury free. It would be too much of a risky move to immediately put eggs in his basket. Trust me I'm a Daniel Bryan fan as much as the next guy but it wouldn't be the smartest business decision to start throwing belts on the guy until his body proves it can hold up.


This is very true, I don't think putting the IC Belt on him was the right decision. I personally think he should have won the Royal Rumble and had one hell of a match with Brock at Mania. Brock wins, Bryan retires. Mega heat.

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This is very true, I don't think putting the IC Belt on him was the right decision. I personally think he should have won the Royal Rumble and had one hell of a match with Brock at Mania. Brock wins, Bryan retires. Mega heat.


Oh god that would have been nuclear.....He would have been the most vilified heel of all time. I can imagine the Paul Heyman promos...."My client Brock Lesnar can not only conquer The Undertaker's streak but he also conquered Daniel Bryan's career...." I got chills thinking about that reaction.

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This is very true, I don't think putting the IC Belt on him was the right decision. I personally think he should have won the Royal Rumble and had one hell of a match with Brock at Mania. Brock wins, Bryan retires. Mega heat.


I wouldn't retire him that quickly. However him vs Brock would be awesome. I am still hoping Cena wins the Rumble and faces Reigns at Mania. There would be so many interesting directions they could go with that feud.

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I wouldn't retire him that quickly. However him vs Brock would be awesome. I am still hoping Cena wins the Rumble and faces Reigns at Mania. There would be so many interesting directions they could go with that feud.


We can't have enough disappointing Rumble winner!


It's been like 6 years! xD

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You are correct that he has been cleared by doctors but honestly he would still need time to prove he can stay injury free. It would be too much of a risky move to immediately put eggs in his basket. Trust me I'm a Daniel Bryan fan as much as the next guy but it wouldn't be the smartest business decision to start throwing belts on the guy until his body proves it can hold up.


Unless Bryan is going to tone down his in ring style (which he most likely wont) he needs to suck it up and retire. I've been a Bryan Danielson fan for a decade now but if he's not going think about his personal well being after all the injuries he's had I'm completely behind WWE not letting him wrestle.

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True, but unlikely. Unless Vince is willing to go THAT FAR to get Reigns over as the good guy.


I think both Reigns and/or Bryan can take Cena's place as the top guy. Cena as a heel would sell just as much merch as would as a face IMO. I would love him to change his catchphrase to 'You can't be me'. Argghhh it would be so good.

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I think both Reigns and/or Bryan can take Cena's place as the top guy. Cena as a heel would sell just as much merch as would as a face IMO. I would love him to change his catchphrase to 'You can't be me'. Argghhh it would be so good.


I don't know, McMahan's have never put the heels over hard unless their last name was McMahan, and as we saw earlier this year, one loss and Cena's merch sales are in the tank. Bryan probably can't take over, and neither really can Reigns imo. Bryan's probably never going to work again, certainly not full schedule, and Reigns is an awful pure pure babyface. The most over he's ever been is assaulting people, and that's all well and good, but he's an antihero at best. I would love a Cena turn too, Ambrose is over and pure enough to be the good guy, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see the debut of a certain Generic Luchadore soon who is one of the most natural babyfaces of the last 10 years. But I just don't think Vince would go there, not even for Reigns. I think it's possible Brock wins rumble, and I think that could be pretty damn satisfying.

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I think both Reigns and/or Bryan can take Cena's place as the top guy. Cena as a heel would sell just as much merch as would as a face IMO. I would love him to change his catchphrase to 'You can't be me'. Argghhh it would be so good.


He would have to change very little about his character to be a great heel. All he would have to do is keep that same attitude but take advantages in the match and he would be vilified. He could come off as the biggest hypocrite ever!!!! He can still preach Hustle Loyalty and Respect but cheat to win once the bell rings....


I should not get too excited about things WWE would never do this being one of them.

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You really need to grow up.


While I agree with most of your points. I don't think anybody tanks network buys in 2015, they're going to steadily tick up. I also don't think pushing multiple people would to anything to their numbers in general.


I wouldn't say that. The more people you get over, the more fans you get. When Rey was over h brought a big hispanic demo with him. Same with Eddie, I believe. If you can cover multiple demos I think you get more fans. In general, we all have different tastes. These last few pages reflect that... we all cheer for different folks, and love different talents. If your favorite guy was pushed, you'd be more likely to watch than if not. For example, I've loved Baron Corbin since the first squash I saw him. I dunno why. He's bad on the mic, and a bit below average in the ring. Something about him grabs my attention. Now that he's getting a title shot (or so it seems), I have yet another reason to watch NXT. It's never bad to have multiple main event talents; it can only help.

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We can't have enough disappointing Rumble winner!


It's been like 6 years! xD


The last good Rumble winner was Del Rio, in my opinion. It was a genuinely good surprise, and I could actually make a case for Sheamus as well, as he hadn't gone down the toilet back then. Reigns would have actually been a good winner, but the booking of his Rumble win was atrocious, so yeah, he counts as well. So, 3/4 years. Cena sure as hell doesn't need the Rumble win, so they better give it to someone who does.

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I know I'm late to the party, but he actually did have one really good point.


WWE SHOULD cater more to the hardcore fans, and care a little less about the casuals.


Think about it. A lot of people watched in the attitude era sure, but they left the scene once it was no longer 'cool' to like pro wrestling again.


It's the hardcore fans who are going to buy tickets to see more than one show a year. The hardcore fans who are going to buy more than one piece of merch a year. The hardcore fans who will continue to watch the product no matter how bad it gets. WWE should pay attention to what WE want, because the 'casual' viewers won't stay no matter what they do.


For some people, it's a fad, it's something you like as a child, etc. For us, it's life. We deserve to be catered to. We're the ones who LOVE wrestling. We're the ones who waste hours of our lives every week to not only watch the shows but talk about them, write about them, read about them, specially order a whole network just to see MORE of it.


For the record, I have no problem with Reigns. And I don't see how he is 'the chosen one' or whatever when Seth Rollins just spent half a year straight as the champion. Give him a chance.

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I know I'm late to the party, but he actually did have one really good point.


WWE SHOULD cater more to the hardcore fans, and care a little less about the casuals.


Think about it. A lot of people watched in the attitude era sure, but they left the scene once it was no longer 'cool' to like pro wrestling again.


It's the hardcore fans who are going to buy tickets to see more than one show a year. The hardcore fans who are going to buy more than one piece of merch a year. The hardcore fans who will continue to watch the product no matter how bad it gets. WWE should pay attention to what WE want, because the 'casual' viewers won't stay no matter what they do.


For some people, it's a fad, it's something you like as a child, etc. For us, it's life. We deserve to be catered to. We're the ones who LOVE wrestling. We're the ones who waste hours of our lives every week to not only watch the shows but talk about them, write about them, read about them, specially order a whole network just to see MORE of it.


For the record, I have no problem with Reigns. And I don't see how he is 'the chosen one' or whatever when Seth Rollins just spent half a year straight as the champion. Give him a chance.


Yeah, you have a point. But the casuals should not be ignored at all. They should have some programs thought for them on their shows.

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The way I would book Reigns is to have him a voiceless Heel who just beats his opponents up. Focused stare at his opponents and then obliterates them. leaves without saying a word or playing to the crowd. Literally have him not even care if the crowd are there, all business. If they need to get him over verbally, give him a mouthpiece such as Heyman or Zeb Colter to do his talking. The main thing is to have him focused and intense in his matches. He doesn't work well at all as a Face, certainly not the #1 face! That's just my opinion on what would make me actually feel like Reigns is relevant.
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If they need to get him over verbally, give him a mouthpiece such as Heyman or Zeb Colter to do his talking.


Instead of "MexAmerica" we can get "SamoAmerica". But joking aside, I do agree. For Roman to work for me, as a face or a heel, he either needs a mouthpiece (as a heel) or just be a silent bad ass (as a face). Watching him destroy everyone at the PPV and taking out Vince on RAW was definitely a good step forward for him.


It really hurts that the WWE doesn't have any true main eventers at the moment. Hopefully they've finally figured out how to book Roman and he'll be their next main eventer for the future.

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