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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>He also said CM Punk never moved the needle, and since reports suggest that The First Dance may have had as much as 57% increase over Rampage's debut episode, I think we can say that's categorically false. I have to wonder if RAW's ratings have had a 57% increase once Orton came back from injury....</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He said Punk didn't move the needle compared to The Rock.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Big E probably gets fed to Roman, while they stall to Survivor Series with the Lesnar feud. If I had to guess, probably Seth or Drew.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How would Seth switch brands? Big E can switch because he has MitB. </p><p> </p><p> I like Drew, but I don't want to see him near the title again any time soon.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How would Seth switch brands? Big E can switch because he has MitB. <p> </p><p> I like Drew, but I don't want to see him near the title again any time soon.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Drew needs to stay away from the title picture until next year.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well, not totally unreasonable, as the crowd didn't take well to Becky squashing Bianca, so this is a reasonable attempt to salvage stupid booking.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah the crowd went from excited to see her to not so happy at all. I'm excited she's back, but the treatment of Bianca was ridiculous.</p>
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The word i am hearing is that because Bianca is so over right now they figure by having Becky as a heel and facing her it will help to make Becky even more over then she is now. And yes Becky agreed on it to from what i am reading. Does this make sense i doubt it but thats what WWE wants so go figure.
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The word i am hearing is that because Bianca is so over right now they figure by having Becky as a heel and facing her it will help to make Becky even more over then she is now. And yes Becky agreed on it to from what i am reading. Does this make sense i doubt it but thats what WWE wants so go figure.


The spin is that this was Becky's idea. I don't even remotely buy that. This is classic WWE BS when they do something stupid and need to defer blame. I am almost 100% sure the crowd will just keep her babyface unless they ruin her completely and then it will be sad silence. They can and will ruin absolutely everything they touch. So anything is possible here.

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Yea, i just don't get how you can be this lazy as a billion dollar company. Here, let me book Becky's return 10x better off the top of my head.


1. Have Biancia kill Carmela after Carmela cuts a promo to massive heat. I'm talking a 2 minute squash.


2. HAve Biancia cut a promo saying Sasha is scared of her, and that she let the fans and herself down


3. Becky comes out to a massive pop (which would happen anyway) and then says something along the lines of "you haven't beaten me, and I never lost that title."


And just book a long form match for when Becky can do it.


This isn't as hard as WWE tries to make it seem.

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I'm not even a big fan of Becky but I know she's over. There's no reason at all to have her be a heel.


The reports said that she asked to be a heel because it's easier being a heel than a face aka WWE makes all their babyfaces look dumb.


And they managed to get Bianca Kofi'd in the process.


This company is helpless at the moment.

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I'm not even a big fan of Becky but I know she's over. There's no reason at all to have her be a heel.


The reports said that she asked to be a heel because it's easier being a heel than a face aka WWE makes all their babyfaces look dumb.


And they managed to get Bianca Kofi'd in the process.


This company is helpless at the moment.


and the thing is, even if that's true ( I have my doubt, for reasons others have already mentioned here) then why didn't Becky win in a heelish fashion to protect Bianca?


Because all BEcky did AT summerslam was walk down the isle, kill Carmella, then stand face to face, offer a match, have that match accepted and then just punched her in the face and won.


Where was she a heel in that?

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I've just seen what they made Kross wear... You may not like the guy, but you can't disagree that he's getting shafted big time by Vince.


But I should say that I expected a bit more from his match with Joe


my impression (that can never be proved) is that since Kross was always compared to Triple H 2.0 in developmental, Vince is showing Hunter who's boss here and that NXT is a failure.


Pettiness, they name is Vince

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my impression (that can never be proved) is that since Kross was always compared to Triple H 2.0 in developmental, Vince is showing Hunter who's boss here and that NXT is a failure.


Pettiness, they name is Vince


I don't think you're too far off, man, but Kross' situation reminds me of his treatment of Rusev and Lana. Old man is envious af and uses his position to make a dude with a hot significant other look like a fool.


If Vinnie Mac could, he would still book himself to trade spit with hotties on TV. Now the times are different, and he has to slam his grapefruits on the table and establish dominance in other ways


Wow, I'm an armchair psychologist now

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In what way is Karrion Kross remotely Triple H 2.0? Dude has no charisma and is boring as hell in the ring. He's not a good talker. The only thing he ever has going for him is his hot valet and "spooky" entrance.


He went from ripping off Rellik's gear to ripping off Demolition's entrance masks

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I've just seen what they made Kross wear... You may not like the guy, but you can't disagree that he's getting shafted big time by Vince.


But I should say that I expected a bit more from his match with Joe


Classic Vince, take away everything that worked and then focus on everything that didn't.

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In what way is Karrion Kross remotely Triple H 2.0? Dude has no charisma and is boring as hell in the ring. He's not a good talker. The only thing he ever has going for him is his hot valet and "spooky" entrance.


He went from ripping off Rellik's gear to ripping off Demolition's entrance masks


I'm just saying I've heard hunter thought of him as a protege

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I'm not even a big fan of Becky but I know she's over. There's no reason at all to have her be a heel.


The reports said that she asked to be a heel because it's easier being a heel than a face aka WWE makes all their babyfaces look dumb.


And they managed to get Bianca Kofi'd in the process.


This company is helpless at the moment.


Thing is the whole Bianca thing was mishandled. She's a freak athlete and incredibly strong. And the whole time on the main roster it's been "aww shucks, so happy to be here, looking forward to all these great matches."


That was fine for about 5 minutes, but as soon as she won that title it should have been "this is pretty awesome to go up against the women I looked up to when I was in NXT but now there's work to do to prove I am better than they are."


Being awestruck by Becky? I get she is massively over, but it's not like The Rock walked down to the ring. Becky did the right thing. Killing Carmella isn't a heel move, nor is taking advantage of an awestruck babyface. the title is on the line. Get your head in the game. Maybe this is the catalyst for a tougher, meaner Bianca (even as a babyface). But I see nothing wrong with how Becky came back - given the circumstances it makes sense to me.

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<p>Smackdown was a real good show tonight. I was thoroughly entertained by mostly everything except Becky trying to be a heel. </p><p> </p><p>

Surprisingly enough, Logan Paul and Baron Corbin together on the KO Show ended up being a great segment. Almost a perfect sports entertainment segment. Corbin is a fantastic dirt bag heel, and Paul is just insanely unlikable and Owens is like the every man. I cannot stand the Paul brothers, but this was a good segment that got even more heat on Corbin at the end.</p><p> </p><p>

Good main event too. Finn and Roman had a really effective TV main event and gave Finn an out for losing. </p><p> </p><p>

They're loading the card for Smackdown in MSG next week.</p>

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I know there's a lot of potentially bad things going on with NXT, but Bronson Steiner(Rick Steiner's son) is supposed to make his in ring debut soon. He's got a killer look and I have really high hopes for him.


Sefa Fatu(brother of the Usos) and Bobby Steveson were announced as signing earlier this week. Sefa has a fantastic look. I don't know much about Bobby as he isn't nearly as notable as his brother Gable, but I like when they recruit amateur/freestyle wrestlers. I'm very excited to see how Sefa and Bobby get used.


It hasn't been officially announced yet it seems, but apparently Gable Steveson has signed with WWE. That's incredible. Dude is a beast. I really hope he's a natural in the pro wrestling game. He has a good look too to top it off.

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I know there's a lot of potentially bad things going on with NXT, but Bronson Steiner(Rick Steiner's son) is supposed to make his in ring debut soon. He's got a killer look and I have really high hopes for him.


Sefa Fatu(brother of the Usos) and Bobby Steveson were announced as signing earlier this week. Sefa has a fantastic look. I don't know much about Bobby as he isn't nearly as notable as his brother Gable, but I like when they recruit amateur/freestyle wrestlers. I'm very excited to see how Sefa and Bobby get used.


It hasn't been officially announced yet it seems, but apparently Gable Steveson has signed with WWE. That's incredible. Dude is a beast. I really hope he's a natural in the pro wrestling game. He has a good look too to top it off.


I know nothing about NXT, but I saw Bronson Steiner on Reddit and dude looks huge. Steveson is too big of a name to be on NXT right now. He should be training in the PC to learn the WWE-way and go straight to the main roster.


Let's see if NXT changes the feel of the show, too. I can't stand those small-sized arenas with like 100 people in the crowd being huge marks. It seems that Vince has the same thinking and maybe a bigger arena is on the way.

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I know nothing about NXT, but I saw Bronson Steiner on Reddit and dude looks huge. Steveson is too big of a name to be on NXT right now. He should be training in the PC to learn the WWE-way and go straight to the main roster.


Let's see if NXT changes the feel of the show, too. I can't stand those small-sized arenas with like 100 people in the crowd being huge marks. It seems that Vince has the same thinking and maybe a bigger arena is on the way.


There is a screen capture from the video on Smackdown that gives a preview of the new look to the arena. It is pretty good. Giant video board. Assuming there will be barricades, but no plexiglass? Looking forward to the changes. The original NXT served a purpose, the WW-Indie NXT served a purpose. Time for a new phase.


Love how some folks who were adamant about not going to Raw or Smackdown are changing their tune with the rumored upcoming NXT cuts. Don't limit your options, always look for new challenges.

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There is a screen capture from the video on Smackdown that gives a preview of the new look to the arena. It is pretty good. Giant video board. Assuming there will be barricades, but no plexiglass? Looking forward to the changes. The original NXT served a purpose, the WW-Indie NXT served a purpose. Time for a new phase.


Love how some folks who were adamant about not going to Raw or Smackdown are changing their tune with the rumored upcoming NXT cuts. Don't limit your options, always look for new challenges.


I caught a glimpse of it, it kinda looks like slightly bigger but still a small arena. Let's see what Vince has on his sleeve.

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