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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well, it's your opinion. I totally disagree, am not intrigued with how you think, and actually think someone that actually likes that gimmick needs to rethink their priorities straight! :D I'm kidding. But really, i hate that gimmick.


HEy I like it. He makes me laugh.


To be fair Sheamus also wasn't on RAW this week.


Yeah. Wasn't sure why because he's becoming one of the ones I actually like.

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I know most would have prefered this or that person instead of (insert someone you dislike here). I generally don't see at least a few people every week, but they ussually pop up within' a months time.


Sheamus I'm sort of surprised about, since he has become a major character for them. I think Brodus was a test run, that didn't work as well as they had hoped. I honestly think it worked as good as they hoped, but they cannot "see" it live, so missed it. Probably will be back sooner rather then later though.

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From what I've read on the 'dirt sheets', Brodus Clay was pulled from TV because his ring work isn't very good right now...plus he botched a move and dropped an F-bomb during his segment with William Regal on RAW...


Wait, the WWE pulling a wrestler because he's not that good in the ring :eek:


I don't believe it :cool:



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Two sides of that story. To me it looked like Miz was all set up and Truth missed the target.


Well either way, it supposedly got a verbal lashing backstage from the H-man. Unless that was further reported as not legit.


To be fair Sheamus also wasn't on RAW this week.


is it issues or are they just not booking their Royal Rumble winner? :confused: unreal if that's the case



EDIT: So apparently mania 29 will be in NJ. I knew they weren't gonna go with Toronto. so much for holding my breath /shrug

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Miz was in the right position to catch Truth and then he moved whilst Truth has already committed to the dive. Everything would have been fine if Miz had stayed where he was. The one at fault was Miz. It's comical to claim otherwise.


Only watched it once, didn't see Miz move. I'll re-watch though.

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So Randy Orton suffered a concussion and had to be removed from the Elimination Chamber match this Sunday. Who's going to replace him? Santino Marella.


I don't care that he can't win, I just love that he's in a World Heavyweight Championship match.


That's awesome for Santino. And I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong with Orton in his match with the Big Show...he seemed a little woozy from the point where Big Show tried to palm his head and pull him into the ring. I don't know if that's where he got his concussion(WWE says it was from Bryan's title shot to the head, but that seems highly unlikely), but he definitely didn't look the same after that.


Botchamania reminded me about it... I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the fact he flubbed his line and dropped an F-bomb on RAW.


I think he was supposed to say "Or are you a funking chicken?" (or something like that) to Regal and then, well... didn't.


Check it out on Youtube. He definitely, DEFINITELY said funky chicken. It was on Smackdown!, so it would've been editted out if he said otherwise. Unless there's a Raw segment between them I'm unaware of...


From what I've read on the 'dirt sheets', Brodus Clay was pulled from TV because his ring work isn't very good right now...plus he botched a move and dropped an F-bomb during his segment with William Regal on RAW...


Wait, the WWE pulling a wrestler because he's not that good in the ring :eek:


I don't believe it :cool:




Yeah, I definitely don't buy that one at all. Like I said above, there was no F-bomb, but I think he's just been off TV because they don't have enough time for him. This is a horrible time of year for a guy to debut, during the build to WrestleMania. That's why people who are getting super pushed (like Lesnar and Kharma) often debut right after WrestleMania. His in ring work may be a small factor, but I'd say it's probably not the primary reason.


Miz was in the right position to catch Truth and then he moved whilst Truth has already committed to the dive. Everything would have been fine if Miz had stayed where he was. The one at fault was Miz. It's comical to claim otherwise.


Yeah, no. He actually literally didn't move one inch the entire time. But that was the problem. He could've easily leaned a little to his left and caught Truth.


Outdoors. In Jersey. In April.


... :confused:


I had the same reaction. On April 7th, the average high there is 58 degrees...and since the sun sets at 7:30, it's likely going to be considerably colder than that during the show. Especially by the time the main events roll around.


I can only assume they plan on doing something to keep the ring and ringside area warm.

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Check it out on Youtube. He definitely, DEFINITELY said funky chicken. It was on Smackdown!, so it would've been editted out if he said otherwise. Unless there's a Raw segment between them I'm unaware of...


I don't know. I've listened to it several times. If he said funky, then his accent made it a lot too close to the f-bomb for comfort. Although I guess it WAS on Smackdown.



Even so, I'm not sure you can criticise a guy's in ring work when his matches are one and a half minute squashes where he gets to do like, three moves tops.

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Despite being gutted about Brodus, I decided to watch some WWE this morning. Well... actually wanted to watch ROH, but the show wasn't up at the time. So I watched NXT instead.


It's kinda awesome.


Hawkins and Reks are my new favorite midcard heel tag team. Digging babyface Tyson Kidd. The central love triangle story is cool. Johnny 'Let's Get Weird' Curtis. Kaitlyn & Regal on commentary. The middle two matches are pretty skippable, but on the whole I very much enjoyed the show. It's cool seeing lower-end talent participating in the soap opera storylines. Must watch more often.

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So we can play baseball, football (both kinds), and hockey out in the cold, but we cant professionally wrestle?


Ehh it'll be cold. So what? They're still selling out.


I think the point is with hockey, baseball, and football the players are wearing a lot more than just their underwear and a pair of boots. There's going to be some seriously cold wrestlers that night.

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Well football is played in sub 20s temperature. Pads and jerseys aren't keeping you all that warm there.


I'm just saying it's been done before in other sports. Wrestlers might be cold, but they ain't gonna be hypothermic or anything. Everyone will be fine. And besides, Aprils SPRING. There have been April snowstorms on the east coast but it's few and far between. Average high is 65 F and average low is 45 F. They'll be o.k. Their big boys.


There's fat people that go shirtless to football games in freezing cold weather and typically get through their evening.

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Chris Hero is on the FCW website now. That's kind of cool if they held Cesaro in dev. just so they could sign Hero, and put them on TV as a tag team.


WWE's roster is starting to look really interesting. A lot of guys now that I never thought would make it into WWE are showing up. I guess it's kind of a good thing that WWE didn't really build up any strong midcarders 4-8 years ago. Now the pool of Attitude Era talent is nearly depleted due to injuries and age. And mid-2000's guys like Benjamin, Dinsmore, and Lashley aren't going to help them at all.


I wonder who's next. I'm pulling for Joe. No, not Just Joe, but Samoa Joe. Idc about his current role in TNA; Put 20 tag titles on him and I still won't.

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Well football is played in sub 20s temperature. Pads and jerseys aren't keeping you all that warm there.


I'm just saying it's been done before in other sports. Wrestlers might be cold, but they ain't gonna be hypothermic or anything. Everyone will be fine. And besides, Aprils SPRING. There have been April snowstorms on the east coast but it's few and far between. Average high is 65 F and average low is 45 F. They'll be o.k. Their big boys.


There's fat people that go shirtless to football games in freezing cold weather and typically get through their evening.


And if it rains/snows?

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