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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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They're not still doing th pg thing anymore, are they? Because that first segment with Cena and Eve was far from it.


Yeah are still doing the PG thing but they do have some stuff that isn't PG and the Cena Eve segment was a great example of it.


Went to Elimination Chamber last night as I stated earlier and Raw tonight and both shows were really fun live. There were two dark matches after Raw went off of the air, CM Punk defeated Dolph Ziggler to retain the WWE title, and John Cena defeated Kane once again in the post show main event.


About the comments on the crowd even though I was in the crowd I wasn't in the group of people that were being morons and I totally see where you guys are coming from when you were saying that.

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It's suddenly wrong for someone to say a wrestler is overrated? It doesn't matter how "legendary" a wrestler is, not everyone is going to like them.


Undertaker got boring years ago.


No, it isn't that. It seemed to me like those people were purposely trying to throw 'Taker off. It ruined the segment, because everyone else was in hushed silence trying to listen to 'Taker's promo, and those people were just screaming out random, stupid things.

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No, it isn't that. It seemed to me like those people were purposely trying to throw 'Taker off. It ruined the segment, because everyone else was in hushed silence trying to listen to 'Taker's promo, and those people were just screaming out random, stupid things.


Which is their right to do, they paid their money they have every right to say what they want.

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Which is their right to do, they paid their money they have every right to say what they want.


I think there's a line - yeah, in the middle of a match, sure - scream what you want, but when someone's in the middle of a promo that's setting one of the bigger angles for 'Mania... just STFU and listen, or if you really can't do that, go take a pee break or get a hot dog or something. Other people paid their money too, and they didn't pay it to sit next to some idiot with an overinflated sense of opinion screaming random words in the middle of a promo.

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Slap on a skank gimmick and Eve becomes interesting. That segment with Cena had me laughing out loud.


Otunga won a match!


"Last of our kind" - I guess Kane and Rock don't count.


I love Cena smack-talking Rocky. "You're going to have to kill me to beat me!"


Battle Royale - Suited Punk on commentary! There were some good (but hazardous) elimination spots. Shame about Barrett's injury. Jericho was always going to win.

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"Last of our kind" - I guess Kane and Rock don't count.


I love Cena smack-talking Rocky. "You're going to have to kill me to beat me!"


Battle Royale - Suited Punk on commentary! There were some good (but hazardous) elimination spots. Shame about Barrett's injury. Jericho was always going to win.


1) Last of our kind... Kane, Big Show, Jericho, and Rock don't count? Jericho has been wrestling longer than HHH right? Kane has been around longer than HHH too I think.


2) The Cena promos were very strong last night I think. Loving this new edge they are giving him.


3) I liked the rumble match to end the show. I'm hoping that Barrett isn't seriously injured.


I came out of the show being happy with the 2 title matches at Mania. Excited about Rock vs Cena, and I actually am starting to not mind HHH vs Taker because of the HIAC stipulation. Maybe Taker will get thrown off the cage or something.

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I love Daniel Bryan's crabwalk to the ring. Will miss it when he loses the title though. It will look awkward for him to be crabwalking to the ring going 'YAH WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION' without it around his waist hahahaha.


WHY THE HELL DID THEY DECIDE TO DO THEIR LITTLE WHAT CRAP AT THE UNDERTAKER?! I thought it was an unspoken rule not to do WHAT at faces unless it was Stone Cold or the now face R-Truth.

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No, no they don't. They paid to see an event, not to be a part of it.


So by that logic is it ok if every single at the venue just sits there the whole time and doesn't cheer or anything? They act like they are in a movie theatre just watching a show?


At an event like wrestling or a sporting even you do pay to be a part of the show. That is what makes it so unique. So I disagree with you. Cheering and yelling is what you pay for to go to a wrestling event. I am not agreeing with their actions at the event but they do have the right to yell.

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So by that logic is it ok if every single at the venue just sits there the whole time and doesn't cheer or anything? They act like they are in a movie theatre just watching a show?


At an event like wrestling or a sporting even you do pay to be a part of the show. That is what makes it so unique. So I disagree with you. Cheering and yelling is what you pay for to go to a wrestling event. I am not agreeing with their actions at the event but they do have the right to yell.


Jack--- fan at football game gets kicked out for being beligerant. He was 'cheering and yelling' but ruining it for those around him. Same idea.


You don't have the right to ruin the show for everyone else. Especially when you can here others in the crowd telling them to "shut up". You are not more important than the crowd, shut up and sit down.


EDIT: Not saying you don't have a right to yell, holler or chant. I have no issue with bor-ing or You can't wres-tle chants. During a match. When it's an angle, let the story be told.

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In my view it's like a heckler at a Comedy show, they usually get kicked out. Or at a gig if someone was shouting while the musician is trying to play.


At a wrestling show while they may have the "right" to do it, I think you should be respectful to those fellow paying customers who want to enjoy the show, it certainly put m e off watch from home on TV.

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This really is shaping up to be a tremendous card, quadruple main event:


Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - I can see it being a OK match, not too excited for it but I'm sure they'll do good. Really interesting that this was a dark match just 12 months ago, just goes to show what hard work does.


The Undertaker vs. Triple H - If it's HIAC I can see it being interesting, if not then I see it being the same as last year.


The Rock vs. John Cena - Really looking forward to this for a change, just hope Rock will do the job, if not I'm sure Cena is professional enough not to work stiff/half-heartedly.


CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - I can see this being an epic. Need I say more.


Throw in a terrible Divas match, Shaq vs. Big Show and we might get a good show, really am interested to see what happens with Santino, Cody Rhodes and R-Truth between now and Mania.

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interested to see what happens with Santino, Cody Rhodes and R-Truth between now and Mania.


It looks as though they may have been shaping up for Truth to tag with Kofi to compete for the tag titles.


Although, is it confirmed whether or not there will be a Money in the Bank match? If so, that may explain what a few guys will be doing.

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This really is shaping up to be a tremendous card, quadruple main event:


Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - I can see it being a OK match, not too excited for it but I'm sure they'll do good. Really interesting that this was a dark match just 12 months ago, just goes to show what hard work does.


The Undertaker vs. Triple H - If it's HIAC I can see it being interesting, if not then I see it being the same as last year.


The Rock vs. John Cena - Really looking forward to this for a change, just hope Rock will do the job, if not I'm sure Cena is professional enough not to work stiff/half-heartedly.


CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - I can see this being an epic. Need I say more.


Throw in a terrible Divas match, Shaq vs. Big Show and we might get a good show, really am interested to see what happens with Santino, Cody Rhodes and R-Truth between now and Mania.


I dunno if Shaq vs Big Show would be that good. Could Cody Rhodes be facing Big Show based on how Big Show got eliminated? Divas can be used in a dark match. Wouldn't mind Beth Phoenix vs Kharma at Mania though. Or Beth vs Natalya even.


I plan on ordering Wrestlemania for sure this year. Last year I paid $10 to watch it at a friends. This will be the 1st year in a long time I pay for it on my own.

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In my view it's like a heckler at a Comedy show, they usually get kicked out. Or at a gig if someone was shouting while the musician is trying to play.


At a wrestling show while they may have the "right" to do it, I think you should be respectful to those fellow paying customers who want to enjoy the show, it certainly put m e off watch from home on TV.


/nod, This (and what others said). I don't mind the "You can't Wrestle" or "Cena Sucks" etc. stuff. When your ruining the show for others, just to ruin it... it becomes something different. I don't mind a heckler with a good comedian, because they will overcome it by putting the heckler on the spot. I do mind someone just being annoying though, and bassically ruining the show for everyone else. There is no reason why someone would do that other then to really try to ruin it, or try to stuff their opinion down other's throats.


What irritates me more then anything with these types of things, is how wrong the whole reasoning is for doing stuff like that in the first place... "If Taker steps down it gives someone else a chance to move up". That's only in theory, and mainly said by announcer's that are "selling" you something. There is no guarrentee anyone can take any other persons spot, and it definately doesn't make it more likely if you get rid of the obstacle... Cena, Taker, Kane, Orton, etc... all of them could leave, and it wouldn't make anyone else a star. A star makes themselves with charisma, and getting people interested in them. That's why someone that can't talk, but is flashy and fun to watch in the ring can become more popular then someone that's the best wrestler in the world, talks circle's around them, etc. The skill that matter's is entertainment, no matter if it's inside the ring or not. Taking out all the "Top Dawgs" doesn't guarrentee anything but other's that are charismatic to fill shoe's. CM Punk did his thing and got to it. Anyone else that wants that has to figure out how to get people to invest in them, and they will succeed as well... Doesn't matter how many Taker's, Cena's, Orton's, Rock's, or Austin's that are out there.


Bassically, all I'm saying is if everyone was interesting enough, The bottum could start at an Undertaker level of interest, and go up from there. However, everyone is NOT interesting enough yet, and so they will never achieve that kind of success until they are (reguardless of who is considered to be "placeholding" at any time).

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