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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Kudos to GruntMark for first showing me this picture. Its about as powerful of an image as you'll find from a WWE show:





Also, I'm very glad to hear Lawler is doing OK and that was a heart attack, not a stroke like I feared. Obviously heart attacks are nothing to laugh at and one almost killed him last night (he really was lucky that it happened while he was at a WWE show, where they already have loads of medical staff and an ambulance on hand), but strokes are incredibly nasty business. I wish The King the best and a speedy recovery.


To think, this was the first RAW I've sat down and watched in months. On more positive notes, I'm really impressed with the talent the WWE currently has on their roster, and that the longer show times have seen to translate into longer matches (yaaay!). I'm still waiting for them to put Danielson and Gabriel in the ring against each other for twenty minutes, but hey, they're doing honestly awesome from what I've seen as of late. Still need to get Orton back in the midcard where he belongs, though.

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You know, I went to look in on RAW last night around the Kane/Daniel Bryan segment. Decided I wasn't in the mood and shut it off. Sounds like it's just as well I did. My dad had a history of heart trouble. He had to miss my graduation because of being in the hospital for bypass surgery. I don't know I could have handled watching what happened to Jerry last night. He's very much needed on RAW. He's a link to the days when wrestling was truly awesome.
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Pretty scary what happened to Lawler. SmackDown is being taped in my city tonight and I'm trying to get last minute tickets to it, I'm sure there's gonna be mention of Lawler and his situation. Though I haven't been the biggest fan of his commentary in recent years, I'm really glad he's okay.


Edit: reports saying he was clinically dead for 20 minutes before being brought back by defrib... wow.

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Glad to hear Jerry is doing better. Hope he recovers quickly.


On a side note, the confrontation between Cena and Punk was great. When Cena slapped the mic out of Punk's hand, I sat forward, said "Oh s***" as if a real fight was going to break out. Great stuff between the two of them in what had to be a difficult time for everyone involved.

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Stacy "The Kat" Carter, Jerry's ex-wife, released this statement on Facebook:


“I have an update on Jerry. The docs are removing his ventilation & taking him out of sedation. He is responsive, which is great!!! It took a while to revive him last night so there’s the concern of brain damage. He had some tests done which will show how much if any damage there is due to the lack of oxygen to his brain. Unfortunately, the results won’t be in until in the morning. I appreciate all the calls, texts, tweets, & Facebook messages of support & I know Jerry will too. Thanks everybody!!”

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Glad to hear Jerry is doing better. Hope he recovers quickly.


On a side note, the confrontation between Cena and Punk was great. When Cena slapped the mic out of Punk's hand, I sat forward, said "Oh s***" as if a real fight was going to break out. Great stuff between the two of them in what had to be a difficult time for everyone involved.


It was great seeing Cena go toe-to-toe with Punk on the mic without being shown up. We've seen it before in the Rock feud but still nice to see. Also kudos to the creative team for not saddling Cena with a groan-worthy comedy script. I wasn't excited at all about the match until that promo.


Good to see PTP shafted in favour of Kane/Bryan if only to see some star power in the tag division. PTP are looking great every week (in and out of the ring) and they don't need the tag titles yet.

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It was great seeing Cena go toe-to-toe with Punk on the mic without being shown up. We've seen it before in the Rock feud but still nice to see. Also kudos to the creative team for not saddling Cena with a groan-worthy comedy script. I wasn't excited at all about the match until that promo.


Good to see PTP shafted in favour of Kane/Bryan if only to see some star power in the tag division. PTP are looking great every week (in and out of the ring) and they don't need the tag titles yet.


Yea. Cause now Punk's been buried on the stick and beaten up by a fossil. He's so awesome.:rolleyes:

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Relax. He was neither "buried on the stick" nor "Beaten up".


He was extremely entertaining in his back and forth with Cena, and he took one shot from Bret Hart. It's not like Hart left him needing a stretcher.


He couldn't cheap shot the oldest person in the arena.


And Cena completely crapped on Punk and the WWE title. He made both mean zero.

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I think you guys are grossly exaggerating the impact of what Cena had said, especialy regarding the championship. He said NOTHING about the WWE title that Punk hasn't said himself.


When Punk does it: "Awesome badass speaks the truth!"


When Cena does it: NERDRAGE!!!!!!


True, but Punk is a heel. And like I said I understand the message that was trying to be portrayed. That said, it came across a little bit as "you dont matter I do" which ... /shrug


The parts where he was talking about Punk's "revolution" was brilliant, and overall it was a great promo, just that one part I did not like.

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I'm not the biggest Cena fan(I did cheer a bit when he spoke french, though) but there's no way he made the title mean zero. Bold as this may sound, Cena is the measuring stick of the business - well, just using that same claim Triple H did a few years ago. If anyone would have that supposed role now, it'd have to be Cena.


That was simply Cena's arsenal, dropping a pipebomb on Punk. "It came across as.." yeah, that's exactly what it meant to come across as. At least to me. Truth ain't always pretty. But that doesn't really change anything about Punk's tenure with the title, Punk's workrate throughout his reign still has been more or less superb.


and if the roles were reversed and Punk had said that about anyone lower than him holding the title, would he be called out on it... that's up in the air.

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It looks like Jerry has no brain damage. This is wonderful news. Maybe we can still come to see him back at the announce table one day. Regardless of that, it great news to see that he is comunicating and seems to have no brain damage. Let's all hope for a quick recovery by the king.

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