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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The initial comment about a "mid card world champion" wasn't even said by Makhai, it was said by Stennick. Stennick said Goldberg was a "mid card world champion", which makes it sound like Goldberg is a mid card worker holding the world title. Which I disagreed with.


I'm guessing bigtplaystew got the same impression I did when he replied to Stennick asking what he meant.

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The initial comment about a "mid card world champion" wasn't even said by Makhai, it was said by Stennick. Stennick said Goldberg was a "mid card world champion", which makes it sound like Goldberg is a mid card worker holding the world title. Which I disagreed with.


I'm guessing bigtplaystew got the same impression I did when he replied to Stennick asking what he meant.



Yes because it's what was said lol. I have this crazy thing where I read what was said, then I post my thoughts on it. I know, bizarre right? Whodda thunk it? On a message board!


Goldberg ruled for a brief moment in time. All I'm trying to say lol. Dude was pretty far from a skilled ring technician but he was over.

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The initial comment about a "mid card world champion" wasn't even said by Makhai, it was said by Stennick. Stennick said Goldberg was a "mid card world champion", which makes it sound like Goldberg is a mid card worker holding the world title. Which I disagreed with.


I'm guessing bigtplaystew got the same impression I did when he replied to Stennick asking what he meant.

I see. Then he should have just said so then. :p "I didn't say that, Stennick did. Look it up." That would have saved everyone a lot of confusion.

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For clarification my mid card world title comment was made because after he win the world title he still.wasn't the main focus of the company and there were several Nitro's and ppvs he didn't main event he was cm punk only in 1998 champion but not the focus thus having feuds with mid carders remember when big show won the title his only fued he won as champion was against the big boss man
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See now I have to disagree with you. I think you are selling Ryback short on what he can do in the ring. The guy might not have the stamina Daniel Bryan or John Cena but he can be relied for a 20 minute match.


John Cena was able to get an awesome match out of Bobby Lashley years ago and with a more over Ryback the result should be better.


I don't think I've seen Ryback in a one-on-one 20 minute match. Can you please point me in that direction? What I have seen is him getting gassed in shorter matches, which leads me to believe he isn't reliable for a long match.


Also, Lashley was in incredible shape and condition, and had an impressive amateur background. I've never seen Ryback make the leaps that Lashley did, or do... anything technical.


I like Ryback just fine, but I don't look forward to a lengthy one-on-one match from him.

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I don't think I've seen Ryback in a one-on-one 20 minute match. Can you please point me in that direction? What I have seen is him getting gassed in shorter matches, which leads me to believe he isn't reliable for a long match.


Also, Lashley was in incredible shape and condition, and had an impressive amateur background. I've never seen Ryback make the leaps that Lashley did, or do... anything technical.


I like Ryback just fine, but I don't look forward to a lengthy one-on-one match from him.


He has had fine singles matches with Punk. Their TLC match was good and their HIAC match was passable, especially being his first non squash match on TV.

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I don't think I've seen Ryback in a one-on-one 20 minute match. Can you please point me in that direction? What I have seen is him getting gassed in shorter matches, which leads me to believe he isn't reliable for a long match.


Also, Lashley was in incredible shape and condition, and had an impressive amateur background. I've never seen Ryback make the leaps that Lashley did, or do... anything technical.


I like Ryback just fine, but I don't look forward to a lengthy one-on-one match from him.


I was referring to the HIAC match that Showtime mentioned. At that time Ryback was still being booked as a juggernaut which meant that CM Punk had to run away from Ryback. Now that they have him in the same position as Sheamus the a rematch or another match against a top opponent would be more even allowing the better worker to control the pace.

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I'm pretty sure Punk could get a passable match out of a broom at this point.


Of course and I'm not exactly looking forward to a Cena/Ryback main event match, especially given that it's going to be Cena's first defense so the result is all but certain . but I think if they end up with a decent stipulation (Extreme Rules PPV) they could put on a decent match.


Sadly the strength in WWE right now is in their upper midcard and it has been for the last year, and the constant relying on part timers will likely keep it that way.

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Second interesting fact: All polar bears are left handed


This is not a fact. Evidence points to them being primarily right handed... just in case anyone took anything Panix has to say literal.


As far as WWE's roster goes, I personally want more popular people in the midcard to uppermidcard levels. I want the tag title's to be meaningful, as well as the IC and US titles. I like giving them to people that are potential Main Event material, because it makes me care more, makes the roster feel stronger, etc.


Far as Part Timers, we are talking of ONLY four people, right? I feel that these are more on par with side show or "bonus" features, and I feel that is the way they have been presenting them. OF course the belts will be involved, that's how they will interact with other people/give them a rub. The Punk vs Rock match I felt was pretty solid (outside of the finish). I'm certain that if Brock is able to stick around, he's going to end up with the belt. I'm certain that Rock will win it back at some point. Someone will have to win these belts back, and to me it doesn't matter who, as long as it's someone that is NOT part time.


It's exactly how I would do it, if I had those resources available to me. I would probably have people like Punk and other's win against them in PPV match's, perhaps underhandedly or however fits, but... I would utilize them to inter-act with the rest of the roster so that sooner or later the other's are seen as on par with them.


I don't even care if it's Cena that beats all of them. Probably would get Cena more heat then anything, but If he were to beat Rock (again), Brock (again), HHH and Undertaker, and he sticks around full time, as he normally does, I really don't have a problem with it. Why? He will be around to duke it out with the rest of the roster, and transfer what he has to them.


Personally, I would have other's defeat them (the part timers). People like Punk, Ziggler, Sheamus (I still like Swagger better, and I can't help comparing Sheamus and Swagger for some reason). I don't know how far I would go with it though, because I wouldn't want to lose the benefits of these part timers.... You can't just have them lose to just anyone. You would have to be careful to keep them looking strong, keep them looking better then whomever they beat to keep that edge, that "bonus" of them being there in the first place.


It's actually a trickier situation, the more I think about it. Have them lose to the new guys, and they look washed up. Have them win all the time, and the full timers start looking weak compared to the past. The fun thing is, Rock and Brock are young enough to be around a while, if this injury Rock suffered doesn't make him re-think this "wrestling for fun" stuff... which although he makes good money doing it, it could ruin a great Hollywood career in his future. He's solidly making movie after movie now, and an injury that puts him out of commission for any amount of time could take away some great parts he might have been able to get.


Anyways... All Polar Bears are not left handed. A small percent could be, but there is no evidence suggesting any animals all favor one hand or the other.


Interesting fact: Dogs, no matter if left or right handed, seem to lose that favoritism after being "fixed".

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Thats the thing they build Ryback up only to feed him to the champion matches that the outcome is already 100 percent certain I don't understand it.


I honestly don't see the reason to be confused about anything. Almost everyone that debuts, they build to a certain point, just to get them known. Ryback was built like a "face" monster. We seen this with Umaga, Khali, Kane, Undertaker, Tensai, Andre, Yokozuna, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Mark Henry, King Kong Bundy, Batista, even Kharma, and if you want a "face" version, there was Bobby Lashley and.... well, Warrior.


My point is, at this point it shouldn't be such a brain scratcher. They are built up to give their main characters something to do, and hopefully in the future, they can become a main character as well. The belts are props, to give them something to fight over. Depending on how well they utilize their props/belts, they can help boost someone (Ziggler), or they can seem to hold someone back (Cesaro). However, after all is said and done, they are only props, and no matter if a character happens to hold one or not, it's not the only way to get them over.


Personally, I think Ryback has limitations they are well aware of, and is probably the main reason he's not holding a title right now.... Perhaps as a "Heel" they will though, and that's where my thought is as far as predicting. Still haven't seen him really be "Heelish", perhaps tonight he will do something, but... IF he is a "Heel" now, I can see him holding the title, because Heels can win that prop without them being ready for it.

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