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Featuring your hosts: Jason Azaria, Melanie Florence and former TWA World Champion, Sam Keith

Tuesday, Week 4, July, 2009


Jason Azaria: Hello, everyone and welcome to the first ever edition of TWA: Web Forum. This special, internet-only series will be designed to welcome you, the fans, to the Total Wrestling Alliance. With me, as always, we have the lovely, Melanie Florence and the only man who can say he's the first ever TWA World Champion, Sam Keith. Sam?


Sam Keith: Thank you, Jason, and thank you, the TWA audience, for making the first eighteen months in this company existence what it has been. Now, you may be asking yourself what exactly is this "Web Forum" going to be? Simply put: it's to introduce any new fans to the product.


Melanie Florence: As if the world isn't already watching us, Sam. Get real. The Total Wrestling Alliance is the best of the best in the wrestling world.


Azaria: Pardon Melanie's rudeness, ladies and gentlemen, she's an acquired taste.


Florence: All I'm saying, Jason, is that the TWA has been on a role since running its first event in February, 2008 which was aptly titled "Wrestling All-Stars". In fact, you main evented that show, didn't you, Sam?


Keith: Yes, Melanie, I sure did. The first ever TWA event was headlined by yours truly taking on 'Angry' Tom Gilmore and Acid in a three-way match. And...who won that match?


Azaria: Haha. Well, Sam, that would be you. You won that match after applying the deadly Proton Lock on Acid forcing the submission.


Keith: Which was no easy feat. Acid would go on to become the first Star Chaser Champion here in the TWA.


Azaria: That he did, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. See, the Web Forum, over the next few days, will be highlighting the several different divisions we have here in this company; as well as the superstars who comprise them. Without further adeu let's get started with the fast-paced, pulse-pounding action of the aforementioned Star Chaser Division. Take it away, Melanie.


Florence: The Star Chaser Division was conceived by TWA owner, founder and operator, Jonathan Lenhardt. Lenhardt has always seen the dollar signs in the high-flying style of Japanese super juniors, Mexican luchadores and American cruiserweights. Seeing as his two stiffest competitors, SWF and TCW, have their own divisions showcasing these talents, Lenhardt wanted to start his own.


Keith: And start it he did. With twenty-three of the best high-fliers in the business today, the Star Chasers are truly captivating in their aerial assaults. Men like Jacob Jett, UK Dragon and Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr light up your television screens every week on StarBorn and, the flagship of the TWA, Weekly Wrestling. Now, the division started with a bang in April, 2008 when with a big time tournament that culminated in the final round between Acid and Champagne Lover at Velocity. The two men battled for fifteen minutes in the ring and the air. However, Lover would make one mistake when he went for his signature Champagne Sunrise maneuver only to be countered with a back body drop and finished Acid's version of the pyramid powerbomb, the Acid Rain Bomb.


Azaria: And for nine months Acid held the Star Chaser title fighting all comers including UK Dragon, Edd Stone, Ota and the ever tenacious Champagne Lover, including an epic ladder match against Lover in May, 2008 at Night of the Matches.


Florence: And while Acid did have a very successful run he was, of course, robbed of the title by none other than Axxis Jr.


Azaria: Well, like I said, folks, Melanie is an acquired taste. However, she is right in one way: Acid did lose the Star Chaser title to Axxis Jr in January, 2009 at New Year Riot. The match also included UK Dragon and Jacob Jett. The four-way match went back and forth between all four competitors until Axxis landed the Gravity Axxisault on Acid to pick up the win and the championship.


Keith: But, unfortunately for Axxis Jr his reign wouldn't be as long as Acid's was. Axxis' reign would be a full three months shorter at just six months with the belt. Although, give credit where credit is due. Axxis defended that belt against some top notch challengers like EXILE and Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. It wasn't until he met up with Edd Stone, former World Tag Team Champion here in the TWA, that he lost the belt.


Azaria: Precisely, Sam. Edd Stone, who had recently turned on his older brother, Jeremy, and vacated the Tag Team titles that they held, decided to break away into singles competition. After winning his first match with Jeremy at 3T this past May and losing a steel cage grudge match-slash-number one contender's match to Jeremy the following month at bLackout, Edd began targetting Axxis Jr. They met for the Star Chaser title in July at All In. There, Edd used underhanded tactics with his sit-out facebuster, dubbed "Party's Over", to win the Star Chaser title.


Keith: Say what you will about my attitude towards the fans and other wrestlers during my tenure in the ring; I never used those tactics when I was a champion or fighting for a championship. Very low on the part of Edd Stone.


Florence: Please, Edd just did what he could to counter the absurdness of Axxis Jr's offense.


Azaria: Sure thing, Melanie. That's it for this edition of Web Forum. We will be back tomorrow when he highlight the belt that many say is just as prestigious as the World title; the Alliance Championship. Until next time, I'm Jason Azaria with Melanie Florence and Sam Keith. Goodnight.


The Star Chaser Division

Acid - heel, record: 57-29, 1-time Star Chaser Champion

Americana - babyface, record: 14-56

Axxis Jr - babyface, record: 26-1-41, 1-time Star Chaser Champion

Benson Crane - babyface, record: 22-16

Black Eagle - heel, record: 34-49

Cal Sanders - heel, record: 0-68

Champagne Lover - heel, record: 55-2-29, 1-time Alliance Champion

Chess Maniac - heel, record: 1-72

Dark Eagle - heel, record: 25-26

Demonio - heel, record: 5-49

Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr - babyface, record: 10-59

Edd Stone - heel, record: 57-27, 1-time World Tag Team Champion, 1-time Star Chaser Champion

El Leon - babyface, record: 17-54

EXILE - heel, record: 21-1-55

Groucho Black - babyface, record: 22-16

Harry Allen - babyface, record: 32-30

Jacob Jett - babyface, record: 33-50

Nicolas Lopez - babyface, record: 14-57

Ota - babyface, record: 18-65

Steve Gumble - babyface, record: 40-43

UK Dragon - babyface, record: 30-55

Ultimate Phoenix - babyface, record: 23-53

Yasujiro - heel, record: 4-24

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Featuring your hosts Jason Azaria and Sam Keith

Wednesday, Week 4, July, 2009


Jason Azaria: Hello everyone and welcome to the second edition of TWA: Web Forum. I am Jason Azaria alongside, as always, Sam Keith. Now, Sam, we promised our audience a peek into the history of the Alliance Championship. However, we have something else planned, too, don't we?


Sam Keith: That we do, Jason. Tonight, not only are we looking into the Alliance title, but the Tag Team titles, as well.


Azaria: Both titles already have some solid history behind them, so let's begin with the Alliance title.


Keith: Absolutely. The Alliance Championship came to be in June of 2008. Like most other belts in this company, the first ever Alliance Champion was crowned via a tournament. The final round of this tournament took place at bLackout. The match was fantastic and featured two very different kinds of wrestlers. First was was the technical mastermind, Jeremy Stone. He would square off against the high-flying Champagne Lover. Lover would come out on top and become the first ever TWA Alliance Champion.


Azaria: That wouldn't the last time those two would meet for that belt. The following month at All In featured a rematch of that final round bout where once again Champagne Lover eeked out the win with the Lover Stunner.


Keith: Both matches, Jason, were pure gold. Internet fans use star ratings, right? Well, both of those matches were easily four-and-three-quarters at least. Definitely some of the best wrestling this company has seen thus far.


Azaria: After moving on from Jeremy Stone, Champagne Lover faced a laundry list of top notch opponents. These include up-and-comers like Troy Tornado as well as certified global superstars like Sean McFly and 'Angry' Tom Gilmore.


Keith: Exactly. While not considered a "World" title, the Alliance Championship is one of the most prestigious belts in all of professional wrestling.


Azaria: In fact, if I'm not mistaken, after Champagne Lover lost the belt to 'Angry' Tom Gilmore at RPM earlier this year in February, you were one of Gilmore's challengers.


Keith: Yes, I was. And although I did come up short it's an honor to just say I competed for it. But, you know who didn't come up short against Tom? Tyson Baine.


Azaria: Right you are, Sam. Tyson Baine jumped ship from Total Championship Wrestling to the Total Wrestling Alliance earlier this year. In fact, he debuted by delivering a devastating Hades Bomb to Gilmore after a match. When Baine challenged Gilmore to a match at bLackout, Gilmore accepted. However, our esteemed owner refused to let Gilmore wrestle the event without putting the title on the line. Gilmore agreed, but he wasn't expecting to experience what it is he experienced.


Keith: Now, I've fought Tom Gilmore many times. The second TWA show was even named after our first one-on-one encounter that took place on that card. He's a tough guy. But Tyson Baine steamrolled him. In less than five minutes, Tyson Baine had destroyed 'Angry' Tom Gilmore to pick up the Alliance Championship.


Azaria: But Gilmore refused to give up. He used his automatic rematch that is placed in all TWA superstars' contracts the following month at All In, which took place only days ago. While he put up a much better fight he just couldn't get the job done.


Keith: At least, he couldn't get the job done with the title on the line as only two days ago on Weekly Wrestling, 'Angry' Tom Gilmore managed to hit Baine with three consecutive Anger Management jawbreakers to pick up the 1-2-3 over the behemoth.


Azaria: No easy feat indeed. Now, as a retired wrestler yourself, who would you consider an official part of the Alliance division seeing as there are no weight or style limits to consider?


Keith: Anyone who is on the cusp of being a World title contender but just doesn't have the right footing for it at that particular time. The first man that comes to mind is none other than 'Angry' Tom Gilmore. Sure, he could easily ascend to the main event, but a competitor like him is in it to win matches, not titles. For instance, this rivalry with Tyson Baine isn't so much about the Alliance Championship. It's more personal due to the way Baine came out debuting in this company. If a belt happens to be on the line, Gilmore would be more than happy to wrap that piece of gold around his waist so long as it means he's the winner. Another Alliance mainstay? Troy Tornado. This young man, no matter how ****y or arrogant, is a future World Champion. However, right now just isn't the right time, but he's more than capable of holding the Alliance title sooner rather than later.


Azaria: Right you are. Now, on to the most competitive tag team scene in wrestling today. Put it to ya' this way, people; the TWA has sixteen active tag teams. Let's break them down.


Keith: Let's start with the first ever Tag Team Champions of the TWA, the Young Guns. Steve Gumble and Harry Allen. These guys may be cruisers, but boy can they fight with the best of them. They became the first tag team champs at Velocity 2008, beating out the Stones, Ota and Koiso and Party Professionals in a four-corners match. Recently, however, their fortunes have turned. They've fallen a little by the way side since losing the tag straps to the Stones last year and, to make matters worse, Harry Allen suffered a severe concussion back in March in a four-way ladder match that involved Koncept, Party Professionals and the Eagles. Until Allen comes back, Gumble is temporarily teaming with veteran Jeffrey D. Morgan. That duo hasn't been able to gel very well yet as they have very few wins under their belt as a unit.


Azaria: Also mixing it up on the tag team scene: Party Professionals. The team of Charlie Thatcher and Danny Fonzarelli. These guys are tough.


Keith: By all means. Also, quite the contrast in personality. Thatcher is a serious, serious big man. Fonzarelli is a little on the fun-loving side. But, they make it work; especially when they bust out their body-breaking Double Powerbomb.


Azaria: Future Tag Team Champions to be certain. How about the relatively new team, Flying Idols? Jacob Jett and Freddy Huggins.


Keith: Oh, definitely. Two strong young talents eager to wear gold. Don't forget, Orient Domination. Iesada and Yasujiro.


Azaria: A hard hitter and a high-flyer. Koncept: Benson Crane and Groucho Black, one of the most celebrated tag teams of all time.


Keith: The Mystic Beasts! UK Dragon and Ultimate Pheonix. Two members of the Star Chaser division tearing it up in the tag ranks.


Azaria: Ota and Koiso. Tag Team staples since the beginning of the division. Only a few wins are keeping them from being serious contenders. And you can't talk tag teams without talking about Cuervo's Campaigners.


Keith: Yes. Cuervo's handymen, Walter Morgan and Bryan Vessey. These two technicians are not to be messed with.


Azaria: Then you have Boo Smithson and Mainstream Hernandez as Rough and Ravishing. Cal Sanders and Chess Maniac as the seemingly appropriately named J.O.B. Squad, who have yet to have a win in tag team action. In fact, if it weren't for Chess Maniac, neither would have a singles win either.


Keith: Very sad for them. East Meets South; the Japanese-Mexican hookup between Koshiro Ino and Raymond Diaz. Hard-hitting indeed.


Azaria: Team America can't go unmentioned. The team of the high-flying Americana and old school veteran Whistler.


Keith: Team Technique II. The second incarnation of this team. The first was Bryan Holmes and Buddy Garner; however, after a contract dispute with Jonathan Lenhardt, Bryan Holmes ended up leaving the company. Buddy Garner, though, promised a tag team title run and he recruited newcomer Robert Costigan. It's only a matter of time before Garner finds himself back in title contention with that youngster by his side.


Azaria: No doubt. Eagles: Black Eagle and Dark Eagle. Along with their stablemate, Acid, they make up Acidic Eagles. Always contenders for the tag straps.


Keith: As are the Irish Shooters. Merle O'Curle and Sean 'Shooter' Deeley, two of the finest technicians we have seen come into this sport.


Azaria: And, of course, our current TWA World Tag Team Champions. These two men have both been in contention for the World title numerous times and they decided to join forces as one of the most feared tag teams today: Johnny Bloodstone and Kunomasu.


Keith: These guys seemingly came out of nowhere as a team when they participated in the 3T Tournament. They were written off at first, but boy did they make an impression on that tournament. They ran right through Team Technique in round one, Eagles in round two, Team America in the semis and then Cuervo's Campaigners in the final. They became the first ever 3T Tournament Champions and only the third ever World Tag Team Champions of the Total Wrestling Alliance.


Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, this is where you will find some serious tag team wrestling. That's it for tonight. Tomorrow we will look into the Women's division and, the grand daddy of them all, the TWA World Championship. Deja vu, eh, Sam?


Keith: Hey, I wasn't the first TWA Champion by mistake, Jason.


Azaria: Haha, of course not. For Sam Keith, I'm Jason Azaria, good night everybody!

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Total Wrestling Alliance: Web Forum

Featuring your hosts Jason Azaria, Sam Keith and Joanne Rodriguez

Thursday, Week 4, July, 2009


Jason Azaria: Good evening, loyal TWA viewers and welcome to the third edition of TWA: Web Forum. I am your host, Jason Azaria alongside Sam Keith and our special guest tonight, the first ever TWA Women's Champion, Joanne Rodriguez. Joanne, thank you for joining us.


Joanne Rodriguez: You should be thankful, Jason. I am the best of the best in not just women's wrestling, but all of wrestling. I am hot, I am talented and I am the first ever Total Wrestling Alliance Women's Champion.


Sam Keith: Sorry to interrupt you, Ms. Rodriguez, but I do have to make a correction. You were the first ever TWA Women's Champion. That belt is currently around the waist of Wanda Fish.


Rodriguez: Whatever, Sam. Any way you slice it I'm the cream of the crop.


Azaria: It is hard to argue with you, Joanne. You are also a member of the single most competitive women's division in the world.


Rodriguez: Rather, the best member of the most competitive women's division in the wor-


Keith: Okay, why don't we just skip the ego stroking and jump right into a crash course in the history of the women's title here in TWA.


Azaria: Why don't we. The TWA Women's Division began in late 2008 when eight ladies, who are the same eight who make up the division today, were brought in for a tournament to decide the first champion. They were Tamara McFly, sister of the great Sean McFly; the charismatic Kristy Plum; Nikita Blake; Stephanie Wade; the aforementioned first champion Joanne Rodriguez; Melody Cuthill; former champion Suzi Brazzle; not to mention current champion Wanda Fish.


Keith: This was a unique tournament to be certain. Two four-woman matches led to the final round at Right 2 Fight. Suzi Brazzle fought through Stephanie Wade, Wanda Fish and Tamara McFly in the first match. The second match saw Nikita Blake, Melody Cuthill and Kristy Plum fall victim to this young lady right next to us.


Azaria: And after a hard fought final round match up between-


Rodriguez: It was hardly hard fought, Jason. I destroyed Suzi Brazzle to be come the first ever TWA Women's Champion!


Keith: And if I'm not mistaken, young lady, Suzi would go on to defeat you at RPM earlier this year to win that belt.


Rodriguez: Whatever. I don't need this abuse, I'm out of here.


Azaria: Well, guess we'll just have to go on without her. Suzi did, in fact, defeat Joanne at RPM 2009 back in February to take home the Women's Championship.


Keith: Now, Joanne would have a five-month reign. Suzi would only have a four-month reign, losing the belt this past June to Wanda Fish. Yes, TWA bLackout 2009 was a hell of a card featuring some hard-hitting action and the Women's Championship fell right into place between classic bouts between siblings Toma and Bali, a six man war between the teams of Champagne Lover & Flying Idols and El Leon & East Meets South, the previously mentioned Tyson Baine versus Tom Gilmore Alliance Championship massacre and an epic four man for the World title featuring then champion Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia, Troy Tornado, Sean McFly and 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts.


Azaria: There wasn't a match on that card that disappointed and that includes Fish vs. Brazzle. And thus far, Wanda has had a pretty successful run as champion; successfully defending the belt against Suzi Brazzle thus far and heading into a collision course with Tamara McFly in roughly three weeks at Borderline Bash.


Keith: And what else is at Borderline Bash, Jason?


Azaria: I know exactly what you're getting at. A three-way match for the TWA World Championship. Jeremy Stone, the new champion, defends against Champagne Lover and Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia.


Keith: As per the norm here in TWA the World title is on the line between three absolutely superb superstars. That has been the case since the champion was first crowned. And that first champion? None other than me, Sam Keith.


Azaria: Yes indeed. You were on a tear in the first few months of this company. You started your reign of domination at Wrestling All-Stars by defeating 'Angry' Tom Gilmore and Acid in a three-way and continued it the three weeks later at the adequetly titled Keith vs. Gilmore by defeating...well...Tom Gilmore.


Keith: Let me tell you, beating him was no easy feat, but I did it. I also main evented the first edition of Weekly Wrestling by defeating Koshiro Ino in singles competition, which was also round one of the World title tournament.


Azaria: In the following two rounds you went on to defeat Toma and UK Dragon.


Keith: And then polished it off in the main event of Champion's Carnival I, beating 'Samoan Machine' Bali for become the holder of the big belt. Now, my reign wouldn't last forever, though.


Azaria: No it wouldn't. Your reign lasted a whole two months before you lost it to Eisaku Hoshino.


Keith: Nothing to be ashamed of. Eisaku Hoshino is one of the most dominant competitors in the wrestling world. He deserved that World title.


Azaria: Yes he did. He won it from you, defended it against you and defended it against several others including Kunomasu, 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts and Johnny Bloodstone. At last year's supershow, Beyond Belief, December, 2008, Eisaku Hoshino would go one-on-one with Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia in the main event.


Keith: What followed was an epic back-and-forth encounter. In the end, Bolivia hit his patented Rack Crusher to pick up the victory and become the third ever World Champion of the TWA. Then, his reign would go on to last seven months, tying Hoshino as the longest running World Champion thus far.


Azaria: And finally, let's not forget the classic from just a few days ago at All In where Jeremy Stone fought Bolivia for almost thirty-minutes before locking in the Stone Hold forcing the submission and becoming our fourth World Champion.


Keith: Sam Keith, Eisaku Hoshino, Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia and Jeremy Stone; four names that will forever be associated with one of the most successful first eighteen months in any company's history. Who will be the next man to hold the gold?


Azaria: And that's it for this edition of Web Forum. We'll see you next Tuesday to a rundown of tomorrow night's StarBorn and next Monday's Weekly Wrestling. For Sam Keith, I'm Jason Azaria, good night.

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Black Eagle

Bryan Vessey w/ Cuervo

Cal Sanders

Champagne Lover

Charlie Thatcher

Chess Maniac

Danny Fonzarelli

Dark Eagle


Edd Stone


Freddy Huggins


Jacob Jett

Joanne Rodriguez

Johnny Bloodstone

Kirk Jameson


Merle O'Curle

Nikita Blake


Sean 'Shooter' Deeley

Stephanie Wade

'The Enfocer' Phillip Roberts

Troy Tornado

Tyson Baine

Walter Morgan w/ Cuervo

Wanda Fish





'Angry' Tom Gilmore

Axxis Jr

Benson Crane

Boo Smithson

Buddy Garner

Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr

Eisaku Hoshino

El Leon

Groucho Black

Jeffrey D. Morgan

Jeremy Stone


Koshiro Ino

Kristy Plum

Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia

Mainstream Hernandez

Melody Cuthill

Nicolas Lopez

Raymond Diaz

Robert Costigan

Sean McFly w/ Amy Roberts

Steve Gumble

Suzi Brazzle

Tamara McFly


UK Dragon

Ultimate Phoenix




TWA World

Jeremy Stone


TWA Alliance

Tyson Baine


TWA Women's

Wanda Fish


TWA Star Chaser

Edd Stone


TWA World Tag Team

Thicker Than Water (Johnny Bloodstone and Kunomasu)


Lineup for this Friday's StarBorn

Cuervo's Campaigners (w/ Cuervo) vs. Steve Gumble and Jeffrey D. Morgan

(Bryan Vessey and Walter Morgan)


Irish Shooters and Flying Idols vs. East Meets South, Ota and Koiso

(Merle O'Curle, Sean 'Shooter' Deeley, Freddy Huggins and Jacob Jett vs. Koshiro Ino, Raymond Diaz, Ota and Koiso)


Party Professionals vs. Mystic Beasts

(Charlie Thatcher and Danny Fonzarelli vs. UK Dragon and Ultimate Pheonix)


Acid vs. Eisaku Hoshino

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Total Wrestling Alliance: StarBorn

Friday, Week 4, July, 2009

Your commentators are: Jason Azaria, Melanie Florence and Sam Keith




Jason Azaria: Welcome everybody to another exciting edition of TWA StarBorn where you get to see some of the best up-and-coming talent in the Total Wrestling Alliance. With me as always is the Melanie Florence and former World Champion, Sam Keith. And boy, are we in for some great action tonight.


Sam Keith: Definitely, Jason. You can feel the excitement in the air as we have a huge eight-man tag team contest between the teams of Flying Idols & Irish Shooters pitted against Ota and Koiso & East Meets South.


Melanie Florence: Not to mention my boys Charlie Thatcher and Danny Fonzarelli, Party Professionals, taking on those useless punks UK Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix, the Mystic Beasts.


Jason Azaria: Plus an explosive main event when former Star Chaser Champion, Acid takes on former World Champion, Eisaku Hoshino.


OOC: I lost my entire write up of this show. Off to a poor start, yeah? Therefore, I will only give you a rundown of the happenings.


In the preshow, Bali def. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr and Nicolas Lopez in a 3-Way and Troy Tornado def. Toma


In the opening bout, Cuervo's Campaigners def. Steve Gumble and Jeffrey D. Morgan when Bryan Vessey hit Gumble with a Super Vessey Plex after interference from Cuervo.


Next up, Irish Shooters and Flying Idols def. East Meets South, Ota and Koiso when Jacob Jett nailed Ota with an Emergency Landing.


In a pretty big tag team division shootout, Party Professionals knocked off Mystic Beasts when Thatcher dropped the Crusher Legdrop on Ultimate Phoenix.


The main event was pretty big as Eisaku Hoshino def. Acid via disqualification after interference from Black and Dark Eagle. After the match Team Technique II (Buddy Garner and Robert Costigan) came to Hoshino's aide.


Let's hope I don't lose another write-up and bury this diary further...



Weekly Wrestling

Irish Shooters vs. Ota and Koiso

(Merle O'Curle and Sean 'Shooter' Deeley)


Flying Idols vs. East Meets South

(Freddy Huggins and Jacob Jett vs. Koshiro Ino and Raymond Diaz)


Stephanie Wade and Edd Stone vs. Melody Cuthill and Axxis Jr


Nikita Blake vs. Kristy Plum


Kunomasu vs. Whistler


Wanda Fish and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Tamara McFly and Suzi Brazzle


TWA Alliance Championship

Tyson Baine defends vs. Sean McFly


With Special Referee TWA World Champion Jeremy Stone

Champagne Lover vs. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia



Cuervo's Campaigners vs. Party Professionals vs. Rough and Ravishing vs. Koncept

(Bryan Vessey and Walter Morgan vs. Charlie Thatcher and Danny Fonzarelli vs. Boo Smithson and Mainstream Hernandez vs. Benson Crane and Groucho Black)


J.O.B. Squad vs. Steve Gumble and Jeffrey D. Morgan

(Cal Sanders and Chess Maniac)


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Americana


Acidic Eagles vs. Eisaku Hoshino and Team Technique II

(Acid, Black Eagle and Dark Eagle vs. Eisaku Hoshino, Buddy Garner and Robert Costigan)

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Total Wrestling Alliance: Weekly Wrestling

Monday, Week 1, August, 2009




We're live at the Nevada State Armoury with your hosts Jason Azaria, Melanie Florence and Sam Keith.


Jason Azaria: It's wrestling time! Here at the Nevada State Armoury in the sizzling South West I'm Jason Azaria with my usual cohorts, Melanie Florence and Sam Keith. We have some great action planned tonight including a huge Alliance Championship match between Tyson Baine and Sean McFly.


Sam Keith: Sean McFly earned this title shot at All In when he pinned Troy Tornado in Tornado's Twisted Challenge IV. We are in for quite the treat.


Melanie Florence: But keep in mind, boys, that 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts pinned Sean McFly last week. If you ask me that means the big bad man also deserves an Alliance title shot.


Azaria: I'm not realy sure that that's how it works, Melanie, but to each their own. Without further delay let's get to our first match tonight between Ota & Koiso and Irish Shooters.


Match 1

Irish Shooters (Merle O'Curle and Sean 'Shooter' Deeley) vs. Ota and Koiso

Deeley and Koiso start. Lock-up ends with Koiso throwing Deeley to the mat. Deeley charges and goes for a clothesline but Koiso ducks it. CHOP to Deeley. Another CHOP, and a third sends Deeley down once again. Deeley quickly gets to his corner and tags in O'Curle. O'Curle charges and gets backdropped. Tag to Ota. Roundhouse to O'Curle's ribs. Axe kick to the back of O'Curle's head now. Things aren't going well for the Shooters. Koiso's back in. Standing powerslam gets two. Suplex attempt but O'Curle punches out of it. Knee to Koiso's gut. Another one. A running knee to the gut sends Koiso to one knee. An uncharacteristic shining wizard from O'Curle puts Koiso all the way down. 1-2-NO! Tag to Deeley followed by a double suplex. Cover, 1-2-kick out. Standing hammerlock, but Koiso quickly gets to the ropes. Deeley goes for a German Suplex, but Koiso elbows out. Off the ropes into a drop toehold. STF! Ota's in to break it up, though. Deeley tags O'Curle back in. Hip-toss into a backbreaker, nice. Cover gets two as Ota again has to intervene. O'Curle with a piledriver-NO, Koiso counters into a backdrop. He crawls to the corner...and in comes Ota! Spinning back heel kick to Deeley on the apron, side kick to the stomach of O'Curle followed by a sick death kick. 1-2-Deeley breaks it up. Ota's getting doubleteamed now. Double whip countered into a double DDT. O'Curle stands up first and is met with a quick hurricanrana. One for Deeley sends him back out of the ring. Quebrada on O'Curle. 1-2-kick out! Tag to Koiso. Double brainbuster! Koiso grabs him, stalling vertical suplex. My god, he's still got him up there. Ota's on the top rope. Deeley pushes him off to the outside. Koiso finishes the suplex on O'Curle and gets up to meet Deeley who gets a quick Death Valley Bomb. He shakes O'Curle and tells him to crawl to the corner. Tag to Deeley. Ota's back in but gets a single leg takedown followed by a stiff kick to the head and gets thrown out of the ring. Front Choke Lock! Koiso fights it...but taps at 10:47!

Winners: Irish Shooters (Koiso taps to Deeley)

It was interesting seeing Koiso play the face-in-peril but it just didn't seem to work as he barely sold anything properly. C+


A rather lengthy hype package plays for the Sean McFly/Tyson Baine match later tonight. Nothing too spectacular, just highlighting Baine dominating Tom Gilmore and McFly knocking off Troy Tornado at last week's PPV. (B)




Azaria: Welcome back to TWA Weekly Wrestling. We just witnessed a damn good showcase of the tag team division as Irish Shooters defeat Ota and Koiso.


Florence: And if you ask me, it was a foregone conclusion. The Irish Shooters are one of the best tag teams in the world today. Meanwhile, Ota and Koiso don't even have an actual tag team name!


Match 2

Flying Idols (Jacob Jett and Freddy Huggins) vs. East Meets South (Koshiro Ino and Raymond Diaz)

Jett starts off with the big man, Ino. Jett charges and tries a shoulderblock right off the bat. No effect as expected. Sick lariat by Ino! Wow. They're already hitting hard tonight. Cover gets 2. Ino grabs Jett. POWERBOMB! Yeah...they're really starting off big with this match. Another cover gets 2, but Huggins had to break this one up. Ino grabs a front facelock on Jett. Kobra's Bite already? Huggins is in and he STEPS UP OFF OF JETT'S BACK to hit Ino with a friggin' Huggins Kiss! Jett covers! 1-2-NO! Too soon to pin the former World title contender. Jesus, it's only been like two minutes and it seems like the final two minutes of a fifteen-minute match. Jett tags in Huggins who's met with another vicious lariat. Ino doesn't look happy. Crowd - "Kill him, Ino!" clap clap clapclapclap. Scoop slam sends Huggins down hard. Tag to Diaz which virtually kills the crowd dead. Diaz whips Huggins into the ropes and hits a tiltawhirl side slam for a decent pop. Cover gets two. Haha, Jett looked to interrupt the count but caught a glimpse of Ino and stayed on the apron. Sweet. Chinlock on Huggins. Thumb to the eye gets Huggins out. Back rake on Diaz. Release German Suplex gets an "Oh!" from the crowd. Facelock on the mat. Diaz stands up. Goes for Northern Lights but Huggins counters into a DDT. Pin gets 2. Both are up now. Kick to the gut on Diaz. Knee to the head! But Diaz pops back up! The adrenaline is pumping. Jett distracts the ref allowing Huggins to hit a low blow. Ino runs in, but the ref blocks him. Jett and Huggins have Diaz. Double spinebuster! Cover! 1-2-Ino breaks it up. Tag to Jett. Huggins with a scoop slam. Jett's on top! Emergency Landing! Cover!!! 1-2-Ino again breaks it up. Huggins attacks Ino but gets thrown, hard, to the floor. Jett tries to attack. Choke Slam on Jett! Don't make Ino angry! Ino drags Diaz to their corner. Tags himself in. Running big boot takes Jett's head off! Cover gets 2 as Huggins breaks it up. Huggins goes for a gutwrench maneuver on Ino but gets backdropped. Jett with a low dropkick to the knee of Ino. Goes for a dropkick, but Ino charges him and gets a spear! Cover for 2 as Huggins is there again and gets thrown out again. Front facelock on Jett. Kobra's Bite (Impaler)! Huggins tries to stop the pin but is met with a bicycle kick. Pin gets three! This one's over at 11:49.

Winners: East Meets South (Ino pins Jett with a Kobra's Bite)

This didn't even feel like it was almost twelve minutes. Good TV match. B


Keith: That, my friends, was some Koshiro domination!


Florence: Psh. Maybe one day Raymond Diaz will be able to have a match without getting his ass kicked...




We're backstage now with Americana and Whistler, Team America.


Whistler: Two of the roughest, toughest, guttsiest performers in the history of pro wrestling currently hold the TWA World Tag Team titles. They are Johnny Bloodstone, the Canadian technical mastermind, and Kunomasu, the scary, freakish Japanese beast. But, see, at Borderline Bash in just two weeks they gotta' fight a team that made it to the semi-final of this year's 3T tournament: Team America. Me and Americana here are quite a combination. I'm an old school ass kicker, Americana's a new school Star Chaser. All we gotta' do is take either one of them Thicker Than Blood boys and hit'em with the Rebel's Inferno: my Rebel Yell brainbuster, then Americana's 450 Splash, the Inferno Splash. It's as easy as that. So, T.T.B., be prepared 'cause Team America won't be backin' down.


Americana: Yeah!


Match 3

Stephanie Wade and Star Chaser Champion, Edd Stone vs. Melody Cuthill and Axxis Jr

Mixed tag rules so men-on-men and women-on-women only. The ladies start. Wade slaps Cuthill to start. Cuthill retaliates with an elbow. Wade gets scared and tags in Edd. Edd stalks Cuthill, but the ref blocks him allowing Cuthill to tag in Axxis. Axxis jumps in, charges and hits a sick hurricanrana. Spinning headscissor into an armbar takedown. Axxis keeps the armbar locked in, but Edd makes the ropes. Edd stands up, Axxis from behind gets a lung blower. Cover gets two. Axxis picks Edd up. Snap suplex gets two. DDT gets two. Edd is getting beat down hard. Edd is whipped into the corner. Axxis charges. Hesitation dropkick in the corner! Edd is sitting against the corner. Axxis charges again. Goes for a Mustang Ride but Edd gets a boot up and Axxis SLAMS into the mat. Edd covers now. 1-2-KICK OUT. Edd waits for Axxis to get up. Charges, but he eats a flapjack! Axxis Jr gets on the middle rope, setting up for the Gravity Axxisault. Wade is in and she grabs Axxis' leg. Here comes Cuthill! The ladies start brawling on the outside. The ref and Axxis are distracted. Here comes Edd with a quick rollup. 1-2-3! It's over at 7:15.

Winners: Stephanie Wade and Edd Stone (Stone pins Axxis Jr via rollup)

Well, that certainly worked in getting Axxis Jr SOME heat back. The silly ending with the ladies' causing a distraction along with them barely getting involved in the match and Edd getting treated like a jobber drags it down a bit. B-




Match 4

Nikita Blake vs. Kristy Plum

This should be bad. These two have been having matches seemingly on a weekly basis for like two months, mostly on StarBorn. Maybe they can pick up it on the main show. Blake shoves Plum to start. Plum shoves back. Blake...shoves Plum again. And...catfight? Yup. Catfight. Blake slams Plum's head into the mat over and over followed by several slaps. DDT on Plum. Cover gets two. DDT was botched by BOTH ladies. More slaps from Blake. Plum gets some slaps. And we're in another shoving match. Scoop slam on Blake. Cover gets two. Blake is up. Charges Plum, and gets sidestepped. Blake falls outside. Plum tries to out but the ref stops her. Blake has a chair! WHACK to Plum. The ref calls for the bell at 7:43 to end this crapfest.

Winner: Kristy Plum via DQ

Both of these ladies are talented so it makes it all the more boggling that this match was this bad. It's a shame when the two best spots are a scoop slam and a BOTCHED DDT. Shameful. E+


Once again we're backstage with Johnny Bloodstone and Kunomasu, who are the TWA World Tag Team Champions, Thicker Than Water


Johnny Bloodstone: Well, that old redneck can really talk, can't he? Simple as the Rebel's Inferno, you say? Let me put this in a way you'll understand you pathetic old wrinkle-in-time. It ain't gon' be no simple. Johnny Bloodstone and Kunomasu won't fall to a lame combination of even lamer techniques. You act like your brainbuster is any different or special compared to the number of others I've taken over the years and kicked out of. As for that 450 Splash of Americana's. Hard to use it when your legs are broken. And who better to break'em than Kunomasu? We are the World Tag Team Champions for a reason, Whistler. We dominate. We terrorize. We pick people apart. Every other tag team on this roster pales in comparison to us because we are the only one made up of two legitimate World title contenders. We are elevating these tag team titles and we'll be damned if useless punks like you, Team America, drag their legacy down.


Kunomasu: Yah!


Bloodstone grins as they walk off screen. Kunomasu vs. Whistler is next.




Match 5

Kunomasu vs. Whistler

Apparently, Bloodstone and Americana are banned from ringside as per order of TWA owner, Jonathan Lenhardt. Why doesn't he do that for every match? Kunomasu charges and goes off on Whistler in the corner. The ref intervenes and Kunomasu breaks away, albeit only temporarily. Sick kick to the ribs of Whistler. Whistler's whipped into the ropes and gets hit with a lariat. Cover gets 2. Whistler's in the corner. Kunomasu charges and gets a beautiful looking Scorpion Splash. Bridged back suplex gets two. Side headlock on Whistler. Whistler pushes Kunomasu into the ropes, but Kunomasu comes back with a flying shoulderblock. Another two count follows. Kunomasu's getting frustrated. Whistler's in the corner again. Yakuza kick! And another two count! The old man will not go down easy. Kunomasu with an armbar now, really wrenching that arm back. Whistler's too close to the ropes, though and the hold is broken by the referee. Kunomasu argues with the ref while Whistler pulls himself to his feet in the corner. Kunomasu charges and goes for another Scorpion Splash but Whistler moves! Kick to the gut. Rebel Yell! 1-2-3! Whistler gets lucky at 8:45.

Winner: Whistler via pinfall (Rebel Yell)

I don't care. Say I'm overrating this all you want, but even in his late forties Whistler knows how to sell an ass beating. Entertaining stuff. B


Florence: Once again Whistler shows just how lucky old people can really be.


Azaria: Actually, Melanie, I'd say it shows how powerful the Rebel Yell truly is. Nothing Kunomasu did there could put the veteran down, but one move put Kunomasu down for the three count. That brainbuster is a lot different no matter how it looks.


Keith: And I've taken it. It sure doesn't feel very good.


Match 6

Women's Champion, Wanda Fish and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Tamara McFly and Suzi Brazzle

Three out of four of these women have held the Women's Championship. In fact, all three former Women's Champions in the history of the TWA are in there. This is building up to McFly's title shot at Borderline Bash in two weeks, not to mention Brazzle still has issues with the champ and Joanne...well, she's just there to be hot and kick some of that booty. J-Ro and McFly start. McFly is eager and gets a quick spear on J-Ro right off the bat. An elbow sends Fish off the apron. Suplex on J-Ro gets a two count. In comes Fish but she's hit with a low dropkick and thrown out of the ring. McFly goes for the McFly Roll, but J-Ro counters into a cutter. Pin gets two. Tag to Fish. Double DDT. Pin is broken up by Brazzle. Tag back to J-Ro. Another double DDT, but they follow it up this time with a double elbowdrop. Pin gets two and three quaters. McFly tries crawling to Brazzle, but gets cut off. J-Ro sets up for the J-Rocker. McFly elbows out and gets a DDT of her own. Both women are down. McFly crawls...tag to Brazzle! J-Ro is trying to stand. Miracle Connection (Running DDT)! In comes Fish who quickly snuffs Brazzle's momentum with a boot to the chest. J-Ro slowly crawls to her corner. Almost there...but Brazzle tags in McFly who grabs J-Ro. McFly Roll (Last Rites)! Brazzle takes out Fish. 1-2-3! That's the match! Around 8:52.

Winners: Tamara McFly and Suzi Brazzle via pinfall (McFly on Rodriguez; McFly Roll)

Not too shabby, but they can do much better. C




We're backstage with Sean McFly and his manager, Amy Roberts.


Amy Roberts: Sean McFly. You are, beyond a doubt, in the upper echelon of technical wrestling. Troy Tornado, Phillip Roberts, Sam Keith; they've all fallen to you. And tonight you get a shot at the Alliance Championship. But, don't get too ****y, hun. That belt is around the waist of a behemoth. Tyson Baine. If there's one thing I know about Tyson Baine it's that he's an absolute beast. Not many people can say that they destroyed the great 'Angry' Tom Gilmore, but Baine is one of them. Keep your head on your shoulders, sweetie, and you'll be wearing gold by the end of tonight.


McFly nods and they walk off screen.




Match 7

TWA Alliance Championship

Tyson Baine defends vs. Sean McFly w/ Amy Roberts

McFly actually goes into a lock-up with Baine. Naturally he gets tossed down. Now he charges the monster, right into a swinging side slam. This isn't looking too good for the challenger. Pin gets two. Baine waits for McFly to get to a knee and he charges. Goes for a boot, but McFly dodges, trips up the big man and locks in an Ankle Lock! He grapevines the leg! The crowd is literally going nuts 90 seconds into this match! The big man is able to pull himself and McFly to the ropes, though. Baine isn't happy having looked so vulnerable so early. McFly charges right into a boot. Hard lariat to the back of McFly's head. Baine picks up McFly. Backdrop driver! Cover gets two. Standing headscissors...POWERBOMB! I'll forever mark out for that move. Another two count. Is it me or is this show two-count heavy? Big splash! A second! Goes for a third, but McFly rolls out of the way. Baine isn't phased too badly, though, and stomps on McFly's back. He grabs McFly and hits a huuuuuuge suplex. Two count follows. McFly slowly stands up and turns into a running big boot. Absolutely sick. Baine again grabs McFly and nails a pumphandle slam. Yet another two count. McFly is whipped into the corner and he dodges an avanlanche. Kick to the back of Baine's leg. He's down to one knee. Another kick! Baine's on his back. Stops to the inured leg of Baine. Figure-4 locked in! Baine struggles and literally spins McFly off of him. :eek: Wow... Baine stands up in the corner, McFly charges and gets a pretty solid clothesline. Off the ropes and he again kicks Baine's leg out. Baine's down for only the third time in this match and we're ten minutes in. Baine already starts standing up, though. McFly inexplicably goes to set up the Delorean Driver but can't get Baine in the air. Standing axe handle sends McFly to the mat. McFly hits back. Baine pushes McFly right into the referee and down he goes. McFly's whipped into the ropes and hits a big time spear and BAINE GOES DOWN! But here's 'The Enforcer' Phillip Roberts! Piledriver on McFly! Baine's up. Hades Bomb! The ref is back and counts the three at 12:44.

Winner and STILL Alliance Champion: Tyson Baine via pinfall (Phillip Roberts interference + Hades Bomb)

It had it's moments, but not the best match tonight. McFly looked like a world beater, though. C+


A video package is shown hyping the Borderline Bash main event: Champagne Lover vs. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia vs. Jeremy Stone for the TWA World Championship. Good stuff highlighting Lover's Champagne Sunrise (Angel's Wings), Bolivia's Rack Crusher (modified Full Throttle) and Stone's Stone Hold (Crossface).


Main Event

With Special Guest Referee TWA World Champion, Jeremy Stone

Champagne Lover vs. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia

This should be good. Side headlock by Bolivia. Lover pushes off, double shoulderblock is a stalemate. Side headlock by Lover. Bolivia pushes off, double shoulderblock is a stalemate. They're really trying to put Lover over with the crowd the way he was last year when he was the Alliance Champion by having him stand toe-to-toe with the former World Champion. Forearm exchange now. Bolivia gets the better of his. Rake to the eyes. Stone gets in Lover's face. This allows Bolivia time to recover. Melanie Florence complains on commentary about Stone being biased. Word up, lady. Bolivia gets a schoolboy roll-up for two. Lover is up to his feet quick and kicks Bolivia right in the teeth. OUCH. Piledriver on Bolivia. Count gets two. Lover gets in Stone's face and they argue. Florence now says Stone was counting too slow. Bolivia's up, but Lover catches him with a dropkick. Russian legsweep and Lover climbs the ropes. An absolutely beautiful moonsault. It gets two. Lover taunts the crowd and gets a big standing dropkick that sends Bolivia all the way to the outside. He tries to out, but Stone stops him. They argue yet again. Bolivia crawls back in. Kick to the gut. Champagne Sunrise! 1-2-NNOO!! Bolivia kicks out. Lover stalks Bolivia. He charges, Lover Stunner (running Ace Crusher)! 1-2-ANOTHER KICK OUT!!! Bolivia has kicked out of BOTH of Champagne Lover's signature moves. Lover argues with Stone again. Bolivia's actually standing up now. Double clothesline! Stone starts the ten count. Lover's up at 7. Bolivia's up at 8. Forearm exchanges. Knee from Lover. DDT. 1-2-KICK OUT. Lover charges Bolivia, but Bolivia catches him. Rack Crusher!!! 1-2-LOVER KICKS OUT!!! Bolivia is on his feet and he's pumped up. Lover rises. Another Rack Crusher? NO!!! It's the Paranormal Driver (Psycho Driver)!!!!!!!!!!!x1,000,000 1-2-3!!! Bolivia wins it at 19:42.

Winner: Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia via pinfall (Paranormal f'n Driver~!)

At first I thought this was epic, but now that I think about it it's actually pretty disappointing given the talent of both men. Plus, the match was a little slow. However, bonus points for the Paranormal Driver. B


Bolivia and Stone have a staredown as we fade to black.


Quick Results:


DM1. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Nicolas Lopez and Toma def. Demonio, EXILE and Yasujiro

DM2. 'Angry' Tom Gilmore def. Bali

1. Irish Shooters def. Ota and Koiso

2. East Meets South def. Flying Idols

3. Stephanie Wade and Edd Stone def. Melody Cuthill and Axxis Jr

4. Kristy Plum def. Nikita Blake via DQ

5. Whistler def. Kunomasu

6. Tamara McFly and Suzi Brazzle def. Wanda Fish and Joanne Rodriguez

7. Tyson Baine def. Sean McFly to retain Alliance Championship

8. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia def. Champagne Lover

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Like the layout so far, just a lil question (please don't be offended): Do you plan on adding pics to the wrestlers faces at all or will the format stay as is? :confused:


Kudos on the show.


I really would like to add pics and what-not, but seeing as (and I'm not being a smartass to anybody here, so don't think I am) I'm 21, have bills, a full time job and am working hard on a film career I just don't have the time to do pics and stuff. I know to some it takes away from the diary, but that's a hit I'm gonna' have to take. Thanks for the friendly comments.


And thank you to Wrestling Century, as well. Didn't see your post until just now.

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Total Wrestling Alliance: StarBorn

Friday, Week 1, August, 2009




Taped Live at the Nevada State Armoury

With your commentators: Jason Azaria, Melanie Florence and Sam Keith


Jason Azaria: After a highly eventful Weekly Wrestling four days ago, we are live for TWA StarBorn. We have quite a lineup tonight including TWA owner Jonathan Lenhardt making a huge announcement. Melanie, you reported on this at TotalWrestlingAlliance.com; have you heard anything new?


Melanie Florence: I have not, but I gaurantee it's going to be quite good.


Sam Keith: No doubt. If Jonathan Lenhardt makes a television appearance you know he has something special in store. But, Mr. Lenhardt isn't the only person we have live tonight. A four-way tag team elimination match, a tag team battle in the form of singles competition, a tag team division showcase and a six man tag team grudge match. Let's get to it.


Match 1

Cuervo's Campaigners (Vessey and W. Morgan w/ Cuervo) v. Party Professionals (Thatcher and Fonzarelli) v. Rough & Ravishing (Smithson and Hernandez) v. Koncept (Crane and Black)

This is elimination rules. Boo Smithson and Benson Crane start. Smithson goes for a double leg takedown but Crane sidesteps. Shockwave from Next Year (Codebreaker)!! 1-2-3, Rough and Ravishing are out at just thirty-seconds. Bryan Vessey comes running it. Clothesline takedown on Crane, followed by a modified armbar. Groucho Black breaks it up. Vessey grabs Crane, goes for a scoop slam but Crane counters. Vessey's pushes into Danny Fonzarelli and the ref says it's a tag. Vessey clothesline Crane again on his way out. Fonzarelli on the attack now. Piledriver. 1-2-kick out. Crane goes for a tag, but Fonzarelli grabs him. Tag to Thatcher. Fonzarelli holds Crane down. Crusher Legdrop! 1-2-NO! Black again breaks it up. Thatcher goes to attack Black on the apron, but Black dodges it and hits a punch! Crane rolls up Thatcher, 1-2-3! Party Professionals are out. Walter Morgan is in now. Wigan Wrench (Death Lock) is locked in! Vessey runs it and holds off Black. Crane fights for the ropes...and gets them! Morgan keeps it locked on until the ref gets to four. Morgan starts taunting the crowd. Vessey yells at him to pay attention. Tag to Black! Morgan turns around. Bling Thing (Trap DDT)! Vessey in. Charges, Black backdrops him over the ropes! Cover on Morgan. 1-2-3! It's over at 10:38.

Winners: Koncept via last eliminating Cuervo's Campaigners (Black on Morgan, Bling Thing)

Really put over Koncept here as they are responsible for eliminating every team. I really wish Lenhardt would push Rough and Ravishing more, but they made good job fodder here being eliminated very quickly. Party Professionals looked like chumps which is odd considering they dominate everywhere else. This must mean that Campaigners/Koncept match will actually be booked so we can have a blowoff to this mini-feud. Solid stuff all around. B


Keith: Koncept looking good.


Florence: More like Koncept looking lucky.


Keith: Whatever, Melanie.


Azaria: Anyway you look at, Koncept pick up a win in the tag team division.




A video plays hyping the Borderline Bash Tag Team Championship match between Team America and Thicker Than Water.


Another video plays. Sure enough, Cuervo's Campaigners vs. Koncept is announced.


Match 2

J.O.B. Squad (Cal Sanders and Chess Maniac) vs. Steve Gumble and Jeffrey D. Morgan

Sanders and Gumble start. Sanders charges right into a powerslam. Pin gets 2. Sanders quickly tags in Maniac. Maniac charges and he also eats a powerslam. Pin gets another two count. Maniac thumbs the eyes. Kick to the gut. Snapmare. Maniac up top. Moonsault attempt gets nothing but mat. Tag to Morgan. Emerald Fusion on Maniac gets two. For being jobbers, the J.O.B. Squad aren't looking too shabby. Morgan no sells some desperation punches from Maniac. I take that not looking too shabby thing back. Takedown by Morgan. Cross Atlantic Stretch (Regal Stretch) locked in. Gumble runs in and hits the Savate Kick on Sanders. Maniac taps @ 3:52.

Winners: Steve Gumble and Jeffrey D. Morgan (Morgan on Maniac, Cross Atlantic Stretch)

Even in short matches like these Sanders and Maniac show how much potential they really have. A feud with Rough and Ravishing would actually really entice me. Gumble and Morgan looked good, naturally. C-




Match 3

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Americana

This should be interesting. Mat-based technician versus Star Chaser. Lock-up ends in Bloodstone's favor. Americana stalls like a heel. Who was the road agent here? Bloodstone should stall, not the babyface. Bloodstone shoves Americana. Americana shoves back. Bloodstone goes for a clothesline and Americana ducks. Runs up the corner into a moonsault press! Cover gets 1 as Bloodstone rolls through. Knee to Americana's head. Picks Americana up. Double underhook sit-out powerbomb. Cover gets 2. That looked real nice. Scoop slam sends Americana back down. Bloodstone goes to the top? Uh-oh. Flying body splash gets a two count. That looked wayy too unusual to believe. Armbar locked in. Americana's getting close to the ropes, so Bloodstone switches to an ankle lock and pulls him back into the center of the ring. Nice. Americana rolls through and Bloodstone is sent to the floor. Americana off the ropes. Suicide dive! Both men are down on the outside. Americana's up first. He's on the apron. Bloodstone is up. Springboard moonsault to the outside! But Bloodstone dodges it! Americana looks hurt. Bloodstone rolls in and out of the ring to restart the ref's count. Americana's send into the ring steps. Now he's sent into the ring. Bloodstone hooks Americana's arms for the Bloodstone Mutilation, but Americana rolls to his back to keep it from being locked on. Dead lift German suplex! Cover gets two. Bloodstone picks Americana up, but Americana counters into a jawbreaker. Americana tries to shake off the cob webs. He's up top. Bloodstone stands up. Missile dropkick! Cover gets two. Americana's getting pumped. Armdrag, armdrag, roundhouse, enziguri! 1-2-NO!!! Americana signals for the Inerno Splash. He's up top. Here's Bloodstone! Knee on the top rope! Americana crashes to the outside! Holy crap that was sweet. Bloodstone's showing some great athleticism here. He grabs Americana and tosses him back in. Bloodstone Mutilation! Americana taps. It is ova'!!! 14:08

Winner: Johnny Bloodstone via submission (Bloodstone Mutilation)

Naturally these guys didn't click very well, but that didn't stop them from having a pretty serviceable match. Solid stuff, Americana looked good in defeat as he didn't give up too easy and Bloodstone looked like a beast. B-




We're backstage with Eisaku Hoshino, Buddy Garner and Robert Costigan


Eisaku Hoshino: Tonight, Eisaku Hoshino teams with Team Technique II to take out a threesome of no good punks. Acid, I had you beat. You knew it. So you called your dogs to come rescue you. Thankfully, Team Technique was around. Tonight, we show you just how bad you are when you got no one to bail you out.


Buddy Garner: Robert Costigan and Buddy Garner back down to no one. Acidic Eagles on the other hand? Punks.


Robert Costigan: I know I'm new around here, but I'm looking to prove myself. I'll do it tonight against Acidic Eagles. I'm a little young, a little arrogant, but I always fight head-on. So that's why me and my mentor, Buddy Garner, are backing Hoshino. See you punks in the ring. (NOTE: Was it me, or did Garner sound totally awkward. It was like he's uncomfortable with a mic which isn't surprising. Makes me wish Garner left and not Bryan Holmes, at least Holmes wouldn't sound like a frightened third grader on the mic)




Match 4

Acidic Eagles (Acid, Black Eagle and Dark Eagle) vs. Eisaku Hoshino and Team Technique II (Buddy Garner and Robert Costigan)

Acid and Hoshino start. Hoshino goes off with chops sending Acid to the corner. Forearms, punches, chops galore! The ref pulls him off. Acid charges out of the corner, Hoshino backdrops him. Hoshino's got Acid, full nelson slam. Cover gets two. Tag to Garner. Belly-to-belly suplex on Acid. Tag to Costigan now. Verrrrrtical suplex. Tag back to Garner. Wow, quick tags just to take turns destroying Acid. Garner with a single leg takedown. Rolls him to his knees. Dropkick to the face. Tag to Hoshino. Hoshino powerslams Acid, then takes out the Eagles. Backdrop driver to Acid. 1-2-Black Eagle breaks it up. Piledriver on Black Eagle! Dark Eagle runs right into a standing yakuza kick. Acid attacks from behind. Choke Slam on Acid! Tag to Costigan. R.C. Lock (Edgecator)on Acid! Acid taps @ 6:23.

Winners: Eisaku Hoshino and Team Technique via submission

Way to squash an entire stable, but entertaining nonetheless. B


Up next, Jonathan Lenhardt's big announcement.




We're in the ring and out comes TWA owner (and head booker) Jonathan Lenhardt


Jonathan Lenhardt: So, Phillip Roberts thinks he can ruin a championship match on my program? Don't think so. Now, at first I thought why not sign a grudge match for Borderline Bash? 'The Enforcer' Phillip Roberts against Sean McFly; however, I also took notice of someone else. Tyson Baine. See, Baine, you took that victory without a second thought. All that says to me is that you're not the monster I thought you were when I slid you that contract from across my desk back in Syracuse. I wanted a beast, not a cowardly lion. All you taking that victory this past Monday shows is that I'm wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next two years on a bitch! So, how do I punish Phillip Roberts and Tyson Baine? I know Sean McFly wants revenge on Phillip Roberts. I know Sean McFly wants another shot at the Alliance Championship. I know I want Tyson Baine to lose that Alliance Championship. I know that Phillip Roberts works alone. Therefore, at Borderline Bash, Tyson Baine will be defending his Alliance Championship in a match that makes it all the more likely that he'll lose it. A three-way match. Tyson Baine defends against 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts and Sean McFly! There won't be any two-on-ones against McFly since Roberts works alone, Baine will probably lose the Alliance title and McFly will get both things he wants most: revenge and championship gold. Good luck, Sean.


Lenhardt stands in the ring to applause as we fade out.

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The Borderline Bash card thus far...


Total Wrestling Alliance: Borderline Bash

Live on Pay-Per-View: Sunday, Week 3, August, 2009


Total Wrestling Alliance World Championship

Jeremy Stone defends vs. Champagne Lover vs. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia


Total Wrestling Alliance Star Chaser Championship Ladder Match

Edd Stone defends vs. Axxis Jr


Total Wrestling Alliance Women's Championship

Wanda Fish defends vs. Tamara McFly


Total Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Championship

Thicker Than Blood defends vs. Team America


Total Wrestling Alliance Championship

Tyson Baine defends vs. 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts vs. Sean McFly

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Revised TWA Borderline Bash Card


Total Wrestling Alliance World Championship

Jeremy Stone defends vs. Champagne Lover vs. Lloyd 'the Ghost' Bolivia


Total Wrestling Alliance Championship

Tyson Baine defends vs. 'the Enforcer' Phillip Roberts vs. Sean McFly


Total Wrestling Alliance Women's Championship

Wanda Fish defends vs. Tamara McFly


Total Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Championship

Thicker Than Water defend vs. Team America


Total Wrestling Alliance Star Chaser Championship Ladder Match

Edd Stone defends vs. Axxis Jr


Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders' Match

Cuervo's Campaigners w/ Cuervo vs. Koncept

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Total Wrestling Alliance: Web Forum

With Your Host Jason Azaria

Saturday, Week 1, August, 2009


Jason Azaria: Thank you for joining us once again. My name is Jason Azaria and this is TWA: Web Forum. Tonight, we are once again helping out new TWA fans to get accustomed to our identity. See, October and November has been dubbed "Tournament Season" on the TWA Message Boards as we have two back-to-back tournaments; the Right 2 Fight and Bash Honors tournaments taking place at the Right 2 Fight and Total, All Out Bash events respectively. And who else but one half of the TWA World Tag Team Champions and two-time tournament winner, Johnny Bloodstone, could possibly help me out. Johnny?


Johnny Bloodstone: I don't think there was a single correctly structured sentence or usage of grammar in anything you said. But whatever, Azaria. You just asked who else but me could help you out, yeah?


Azaria: Uh, yeah, that's right.


Bloodstone: Oh, how flattering. However, maybe Bryan Vessey could have helped you? Or, perhaps, my tag team partner, the other half of the TWA World Tag Team Champions and co-winner of this year's 3T Tournament, Kunomasu? You really are an idiot. Whatever, what kind of help does the hapless Jason Azaria need?


Azaria: Well, I was hoping you could help me out in explaining the Right 2 Fight and Bash Honors tournamen-


Bloodstone: Psh. Here I thought you'd actually know what they were. Fine. Even though I hate lowering myself to the level of these uneducated cretins called "new TWA fans", I'll explain the concepts. Take the Right 2 Fight Tournament. One night, seven matches, one winner. The first six matches on the card are qualifying matches for the main event. A main event that I won last year. A six-man elimination match where the winner earns a World title shot for use in the following four weeks or, since I know you're dumb, Jason, that equals one month. Typically, you'll see a challenger cash in their title shot at Total, All Out Bash; at least, in theory seeing as we've only held one of these tournaments.


Azaria: Which conveniantly leads us to our next tourna-


Bloodstone: I wasn't done, you moron! Speaking of Total, All Out Bash, we have the Bash Honors Tournament. In the weeks leading up to the event eight men compete in tournament matches. The final round occurs in the main event of Total, All Out Bash in an anything goes-style match in order for only the best, toughest man to truly come out the victor.


Azaria: Uh, so-do...uh


Bloodstone: Spit it out, Azaria.


Azaria: I wasn't sure if you were done.


Bloodstone: Of course I'm done. I've been done. Where the hell have you been?


Azaria: Yes, how silly of me. Now, while October and November are Tournament Season, there is still one other tournament in our schedule. Another tournament Johnny has won. It's called the-


Bloodstone: Mr. Bloodstone.


Azaria: Uh...another tournament Mr. Bloodstone has won. It's called the Top Tag Team, or 3T, Tournament. Care to explain?


Bloodstone: No.


Azaria: Very well. Sixteen teams compete over four rounds of grueling competition. Whomever holds the TWA World Tag Team Championship defends those belts in every match they compete in. However, we'll have to wait until next year for that concept to take hold seeing as this year the belts were vacated by Edd and Jeremy Stone.


Bloodstone: Ya' know, Azaria, I agree with Edd that Jeremy is a selfish old man, but how stupid was it to vacate championship gold?


Azaria: Well-


Bloodstone: Rhetorical question. Don't speak unless spoken to in my presence. Go ahead.


Azaria: Th-thank you. Uh, we had a very interesting situation earlier this year when in a special pre-show match before Champion's Carnival 2 back in March, Freddy Huggins, now one-half of the tag team Flying Idols, defeated Kirk Jameson. Freddy proclaimed this match as being for the Right 2 Fight tournament title and then threatened to sue the TWA when Jonathan Lenhardt said he was not going to recognize the victory as a tournament victory.


Bloodstone: Ever the coward, Lenhardt conceded and has officially recognized that Freddy Huggins is a former Right 2 Fight winner which is insulting to me. I could so easily do his job that -


Azaria: Uh, Johnny...


Bloodstone: - playing table tennis with the ghost of Elvis Presley -


Azaria: Mr. Bloodstone!


Bloodstone: What?!


Jonathan Lenhardt: I'm what.


Bloodstone: Oh, Mr. Lenhardt, it's so good to see-


Lenhardt: I don't think so. Stand there quiet. I've got enough on my mind with Tyson Baine and Phillip Roberts causing a mess last week, I don't need some punk thinking he's got what it takes to run a company the way I can. You're a great wrestler, Johnny, stick to that. I was asked by my main man, announcer-extraordinaire and resident man of a thousand facts, Jason Azaria to come down here and talk about the situation that occured with Freddy Huggins and the Right 2 Fight title. Flat out and straight to the point, naming Huggins the first of two 2009 Right 2 Fight Champions was a lot less of a headache than dealing with a bogus lawsuit that I would have won. I had more pressing issues to deal with. But, don't worry your little head over it, Johnny, I still consider you the one and only Right 2 Fight Champion. Jason, we good?


Azaria: Yes, sir.


Lenhardt: You know better than to call me 'sir'; it's Jonathan to my employees. Have a nice night, you two.


Azaria: Jonathan Lenhardt, ladies and gentlemen.


Bloodstone: You're such a kiss-ass.


Azaria: ...good night, everyone...


Full cards for the next editions of Weekly Wrestling and StarBorn coming real soon.

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