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Welcome To...


This past week has been hard for me. My beloved grandfather, a former wrestler-turned-promoter, passed away on Monday. My grandfather was an amazing man who loved wrestling to his core. My whole family loves wrestling. My father and my two uncles were trained and wrestle for my grandfather's promotion. My three cousins and I were trained to be wrestlers. It's our tradition and runs through our veins.


My grandfather used to tell us all stories from the old days, back when he was champion and would fight anyone for the belt. He was an honorable champion and passed that trait on to his three sons. My oldest uncle was just like my grandfather and was a multi-time champion for my grandfather's promotion. My other uncle was the middle child and used that to become a fantastic heel, doing battle with his champion brother. My father was the runt of the pack and just loved to wrestle. After the promotion fell onto money troubles, my grandfather was forced to sell the promotion to his announcer, who run the promotion into the ground within six months. My grandfather purchased the rights back from the announcer, but decided to keep the promotion closed.


It wasn't until the reading of the will did I learn that my grandfather left the rights and $10,000 dollars to me so that my family could bring back the family business. My name is Iuko Kuhaulua and I'm the new owner of Welcome to the Islands Wrestling.

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Welcome To...


After a very long family meeting, my uncle Nakana and I sat down and put together our roster for the newly reborn WIW. My uncle Nakana, former multi-time champion, would be the road agent and my uncle Makaio, with his terrific mike skills, would be our announcer with my father Ioei as the color. My uncle Nakana's two sons, Komaka and Palaka, would join my uncle Makaio's son Lonala and myself as wrestlers. Old family friends Alasi and Kio Tua, Kalike Keanu, and Maka Tomalu would wrestle for us in favor of the American Independents. After a quick lunch my uncle Nakana had a surprise for me. He somehow managed to find the old WIW Hawaiian Championship belt and the phone number to Jerry of Jerry's Basement, a place for us to hold our shows for cheap. We finished our business and began making flyers for our first show.


WIW presents WIW Reborn:


Alasi Tua, Jr vs. Sumu To Advance To Championship Finals


Komaka Kuhaulua vs. Maka Tomalu To Advance To Championship Finals


Championship Finals

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WIW Reborn


Welcome To...


Welcome to the Islands Wrestling presents WIW Reborn

Held at Jerry's Basement in front of 5 People



-Ioku Kuhaulua defeated Kalike Keanu (E-)

-Lonala Kuhaulua defeated Palaka Kuhaulua (E+)



The show opens up with Nakana, Makaio, and Ieoi Kuhaulua standing in the center of the ring.


Nakana: Brothers! Sisters! Welcome to the return of Welcome to the Islands Wrestling!


Ieoi: Tonight we will witness the crowning of a new WIW Hawaiian Champion as Alasi Tua, Jr faces the savage Sumu!


Makaio: And our very own Komaka Kuhaulua faces Maka Tomalu!


Nakana: Let's get this show started!


Komaka Kuhaulua defeated Maka Tomalu to advance to the Championship Finals (E+)

Both men showed great chemistry wrestling each other. The match opened up with some very quick chain wrestling with Maka Tomalu getting the better of Komaka. Komaka managed to trap Tomalu in the corner and unleash some punishment upon him before the match turned more into back and forth contest. Komaka managed to catch Tomalu going for a cross body and counter with the Hawaiian Slam (Fallaway Slam into Rock Bottom) for the win!


Alasi Tua, Jr defeated Sumu to advance to the Championship Finals (D-)

The savage Sumu, facepaint and all, came storming down to the ring, throwing chairs and knocking over a table in the process. As soon as the bell rang, Sumu exploded from his corner and began to throw lefts and rights with no mercy. Tua, Jr blocked most of the shots before spearing Sumu down and that caused the two to go into an all out brawl. Inside the ring, outside the ring, no place was able to hold these two. The ref came close to stopping the match on three occasions but let the match continue due to it's importance. The match ended when Sumu went for the Samoan Spear but Tua, Jr countered with a small package for the win!


Palaka Kuhaulua makes his way down to the ring, with a mike in hand.


Palaka: Well well well. It looks like we have our big championship match all set. Alasi Tua, Jr vs my very own brother Komaka. Now I don't mean to sound rude but I should be in that match not Komaka. I'm a better all-arounder wrestler! What about me? Instead of a chance to wrestle for the belt, I get some pointless match that didn't even make the show? WHAT ABOUT ME? I'm sick and tired of Komaka this, Komaka that! WHAT ABOUT PALAKA? I'll make my mark tonight! I promise you that!


Palaka throws the mike down and exits through the crowd of 5 people. (B)


Komaka Kuhaulua defeated Alasi Tua, Jr to win the WIW Hawaiian Championship (D-)

A great way to end the night with these two going move-to-move with each other. Neither man backed down and both gave it their all as they fought for the WIW Hawaiian Championship. The match was filled with highlight reel moments such as Komaka's flying knee strike in the corner, Tua, Jr roll-through boston crab, and double roaring elbows that knocked both men down. The crowd was on their feet for the last five minutes of the match as Komaka tried to hit the Hawaiian Slam but Tua, Jr countered into a rana! That move sent the crowd wild as Tua, Jr looked to end it with Tua Driver (Cradle Piledriver) but Komaka pushed him off and caught him with the Hawaiian Slam for the win and the title!


Komaka holds the WIW Hawaiian belt up high as the crowd chants "Ko-Ma-Ka!" until Palaka Kuhaulua rushes the ring and smashes Komaka in the head with a chair, leaving the newly crowned champion down and bloodied. Palaka laughs and makes his way to the back, with the bloody chair held over his head.(C+)



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