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Can we sign Alex Wright? Please?



I do think it would be a good idea to put all potential hirings (or firings) up for discussion. You can't really give everyone free reign to sign whoever they want, because the roster would get pretty bloated. But I think people should be able to put names up for debate, at least.


Just not Alex Wright. :D

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The problem with that is that Wright would be in the lower midcard range where you have a decent amount of faces. Your Main Event scene however has 4 faces and 8 heels. 5 and 7 seems a lot more managable. And let's face it a Face turn by Shamrock could be fun. Have DiBiase Sr. try to buy his loyalty then have Shamrock threathen to break his ankle only to have Jericho come out and talk about how he is in fact a better submission wrestler than Ken...priceless
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Looks like your a bit heel heavy I'm thinking you need a turn, mabe Shamrock?


Having heels as the majority of the main event right now is actually a good thing, with The Rock as babyface champ. Ideally, the majority of the main eventers are of the opposite alignment to your World Champ, as that obviously allows for more challengers and feuds. But yeah, looking at it, it could stand a turn, or maybe a babyface addition or two.


I'd support a Shamrock face turn, I think he'd be a lot more fun to write as a badass face, and he's probably the best choice of the current upper card heels. (Aside from Jericho, of course, but he's the top heel, so I'd keep him there for now.)


I think we should discuss this kind of thing mostly in PM's though, because if we do it here, then all of the readers will know where everything's going, and who's debuting, before the shows are posted..

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The only problem with ASW is that it is a little heel heavy. So to fix the problem is to turn one of the heels face. You really don't need three top cowardly heels on top so we need to turn either HBK, Jericho, and DiBiase. DiBiase's out, so we are down to HBK and Jericho.


IMO we should turn HBK face by having Jericho's jealously rear it's ugly head and have him try and destroy the main man he patterned himself as.

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A couple of suggestions


- Either we need to run our weekly events as PPVs or we need to go in and delete everyone elses weekly events so the AI doesn't run them as PPVs. In this case I would go with the former. It's a fantasy mod as it's not like we have to worry about realism.


- I say we move the monthly PPV to the 4th Sunday of the month and the weekly event to Saturday. We are the top dog in the mod so we don't have to worry about scheduling and we get the most build up possible.


- We have a separate list going for the big PPV (same order as the original order). This way we have a set goal to shot for. I'd also be fine with us, as a group deciding on at the very least the main event as a group.

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So I put the first show up in a seperate thread, thought it would be a good idea to keep this thread as the discussion thread and the other for the actual diary. I took your advice on the ppv thing foolinc. I also thought it might be a good idea to book monthly ppvs like you suggest. How about if I PM all the contributors my proposed lineup for the first monthly ppv and we can work towards getting there? That would still leave a hell of a lot of scope for each writer but would make things a lot more focused. Cant wait to see what so many talented individuals can come up with. Just to clarify that Zeel has the next show which is ASW Superstars, a 2 hour TV show. Ill send my ppv card to you all soon if you agree that its a good way to progress
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So I put the first show up in a seperate thread, thought it would be a good idea to keep this thread as the discussion thread and the other for the actual diary. I took your advice on the ppv thing foolinc. I also thought it might be a good idea to book monthly ppvs like you suggest. How about if I PM all the contributors my proposed lineup for the first monthly ppv and we can work towards getting there? That would still leave a hell of a lot of scope for each writer but would make things a lot more focused. Cant wait to see what so many talented individuals can come up with. Just to clarify that Zeel has the next show which is ASW Superstars, a 2 hour TV show. Ill send my ppv card to you all soon if you agree that its a good way to progress


Works for me. Though I would suggest uniform outlined summary at the end of each of our shows. That way we all know what is going on with the ratings and other things like chemistry without it cluttering up someone's personal style of writing. Here's an example.


• Singles Match (15 minute time limit): Roderick Remus vs. Thomas Morgan - D-

○ Post Match Promo: Remus gives a ****y heel promo* - E+

• "The Quest" Tag Team Match (10 minute time limit): Daredevil Aero & Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe & Super Sonic - DQ - E- [Extreme Deluxe and Super Sonic had great chemistry]

○ The two teams brawl with each other to the back, but they don't seem to be really pissed at each other. Might not have known about the rules of the promotion. - F-

• Women's Match (15 minute time limit): Ginko Kuroda vs. Zoe Ammis - Time Limit Draw - D-

• Tag Team Match (10 minute time limit): Mal Oni (DeCipher & Evil Spirit) vs. Payasos Rápidos - E- [Velocidad and El Hijo Del Zonk showed excellent chemistry]

• Singles Match (20 minute time limit): Kirk Jameson vs. Xavier Reckless - D-

• Coast to Coast Main Event (30 minute time limit): Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez - D [Fox Mask and Mainstream Hernandez don't seem to click]

○ Hernandez attacks Fox Mask after the match - E

○ Hernandez cuts a promo complaining about delays in his flight, them being out of X on his "1st class" plane, and says that Fox was lucky to come out of the match with a win.* - D

Overall: D-


Note: * after a promo means that it was equal to or over 6 minutes long.

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It's 2009 baby, Ted Dibiase can totally be face in this capitalist society :)


And is Alex Wright that metrosex dude from WCW that danced down the ramp? He guy had me loling every time


Yeah, Alex was the dancing German on mid-90's WCW. He also got reinvented as the beyond awesome Berlyn, a squandered gimmick that could have made him a star.


I'm not really sure why I like him so much, I just know that during the Monday Night Wars I had the strangest desire to see him work Shawn Michaels. No, I have no idea why.


That being said, can we at least sign Eddie Kingston?

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Just to clarify that Zeel has the next show which is ASW Superstars, a 2 hour TV show. Ill send my ppv card to you all soon if you agree that its a good way to progress


1 hour, actually. Although 2 would definately have been better for me, or maybe an hour and a half, given the size of a Cult roster..anyone else in favor of that?

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<p>WEll, I've added a quick ratings quote to the bottom of my post, but it's not as detailed as the example you have given, as I didn't make a note of the length of matches or road agent notes, but would like to use something more like your example in the future.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, the network have blocked changing the TV show to two hours but have let me get away with one and a half, so Ive changed the TV show to one hour thirty.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BoomKing" data-cite="BoomKing" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25230" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WEll, I've added a quick ratings quote to the bottom of my post, but it's not as detailed as the example you have given, as I didn't make a note of the length of matches or road agent notes, but would like to use something more like your example in the future.<p> </p><p> Also, the network have blocked changing the TV show to two hours but have let me get away with one and a half, so Ive changed the TV show to one hour thirty.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, good, one and a half is a lot better. Allows for more story-telling, but is easier to manage, as a Cult roster is definately a good bit smaller than the National-to-Global rosters I'm more used to utilizing within the two hours. If I had two with that size of a roster, I might have to either add in a lot of filler, or make everything far longer then it should be. One and a half should be just about right for me.</p>
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Glad you agree. Mystery raised a good point via PM. Am I to interpret your data into the game that I am running for this diary? By this I mean, are you guys going to write the show and then I'll book the show in-game around what you've posted? Mystery and I thought this might be the best way forward but we are open to suggestion
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BoomKing" data-cite="BoomKing" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25230" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Glad you agree. Mystery raised a good point via PM. Am I to interpret your data into the game that I am running for this diary? By this I mean, are you guys going to write the show and then I'll book the show in-game around what you've posted? Mystery and I thought this might be the best way forward but we are open to suggestion</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's what I did with your first show, I kinda assumed everyone else was doing that. But dude, what times did you give your matches? I had to set every segment as long as I could just to get the minumum time I needed to advance it, ending up with every angle at 5 minutes or more, and the matches averaging out at about 15 minutes per full match!</p>
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Yeah, about that...I had a British Bulldogs vs Honky/One Man Gang match in there as well with an angle afterwards, but it didnt really add anything to the show and I changed my mind about including it. Also, it would have made another decision that I thought others should have a chance at making, (if that makes sense,) so it got dropped from the final broadcast!
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<p>A few things,</p><p> </p><p>

1. So it probably won't get into either of the "pro" voting curcuits, (although with real world wrestlers involved only, we could maybe make that arguement..) but if the group diary ended up being nominated in the next Rookie poll, and won, who would that be awarded to? ..Because I mean, obviously ties are fine with them, but I'm not sure if those managing the awards would allow a six-way split winner.. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

2. I hope no-one minds that I'm sort of aligning Money Inc. and The Heenan Family - I wasn't meaning to make a new stable in doing so, or anything, I just honestly thought that DiBiase was already with the family. It's just that Mike Rotundo is with both of the two heel teams, so it makes sense that the two would atleast be on friendly grounds, right? No one else has to go with that, and I'll stop in later shows if people have problems with it. I just wanted to make sure it got across, that I started writing the show thinking that they were already set as aligned with each other..</p><p> </p><p>

3. Who else here uses themes? Like, actually uses them in the shows? Song choices are probably one of the things we'd all never agree on for the entire roster, but I picked the themes of certain wrestlers for my shows, mostly the ones with more modern-made-instrumental type songs, or with songs they aren't really famous for. I was just wondering if anyone had an issue with this, or if anyone else here implemented the songs the way I do. 'Cause I mean, if no-one else does, then it probably won't effect much, and is very much a non-issue that I wasted time typing about, that I could've used on writing the second show.. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Really sorry if anyone has problems with 2 or 3, still settling into the whole team dynamic right now.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BoomKing" data-cite="BoomKing" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25230" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WEll, I've added a quick ratings quote to the bottom of my post, but it's not as detailed as the example you have given, as I didn't make a note of the length of matches or road agent notes, but would like to use something more like your example in the future.<p> </p><p> Also, the network have blocked changing the TV show to two hours but have let me get away with one and a half, so Ive changed the TV show to one hour thirty.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well that wasn't the lengths of the matches I put in there. For that particular promotion I was giving set match limits for all the matches, something which you will see in the NYCW chapter of TEW108. BTW, that form is what one of my shows look like before I run it through TEW.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w274/willzweigart/the_more_you_know.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>1, I had kinda thought about this myself. I wondered if people would nominate it under my name due to the thread being under my name. If they did then obviously I would insist that every contributer got equal recognition. For me though, this diary isnt really me about awards, it's more a way to collaberate with some genuinely talented people and to get to know you all a bit better. Personally I think we should kinda exempt this from nominations but if people really liked a certain show then to check out the writers other diaries and maybe nominate those? </p><p> </p><p>

2, It makes sense to me that they would all be aligned, no problems here!</p><p> </p><p>

3,I encourage you all to use pictures, music, writing style or anything else to make your show unique and distintly 'yours.' I say do whatever you want mate</p>

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