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Company going under

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In my C-verse game, it is 2015 and I just saw a news item that CGC is in danger of going under. I went into the editor and saw they were a million in the hole. I made an offer to take them over which they denied saying they were not in a bad enough position to accept the offer. Basically, I wanted to raid their roster and close them up. My Fed is #3 and CGC is #5, so I wanted to kill the competition. If it was a smaller Fed I would have offered to make them my child promotion.

Two days later they held a PPV and a TV show and now are a million dollars in the black.

That sets the scene and now I have several questions....


1) It's been a while since I took over another promotion. If you want to take one over and close them down, you do that by going to business and attempt takeover, right? That's what I attempted to do and was rejected. Just want to make sure I did the right thing. In the past, I've taken on child feds, but that was through the company diplomacy screen or whatever it is called.


2) If a fed is in trouble (in the whole), at what point will they close? Does it happen at the beginning of the next month or once they are a certain amount in the hole?


3) Outside of cheating, what would you do if you wanted a rival company to go under? When CGC was bigger than me they were constantly stealing my top talent, so now I want a little revenge. I managed to steal Steve DeColt from them, but that's not enough. Muhahaha

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In my C-verse game, it is 2015 and I just saw a news item that CGC is in danger of going under. I went into the editor and saw they were a million in the hole. I made an offer to take them over which they denied saying they were not in a bad enough position to accept the offer. Basically, I wanted to raid their roster and close them up. My Fed is #3 and CGC is #5, so I wanted to kill the competition. If it was a smaller Fed I would have offered to make them my child promotion.

Two days later they held a PPV and a TV show and now are a million dollars in the black.

That sets the scene and now I have several questions....


1) It's been a while since I took over another promotion. If you want to take one over and close them down, you do that by going to business and attempt takeover, right? That's what I attempted to do and was rejected. Just want to make sure I did the right thing. In the past, I've taken on child feds, but that was through the company diplomacy screen or whatever it is called.


Right. There's several emails that go out. The first is just a financial warning, the last is a "dire news" type of email. Just keep trying it month after month and they'll either improve or not.


2) If a fed is in trouble (in the whole), at what point will they close? Does it happen at the beginning of the next month or once they are a certain amount in the hole?


I believe you get 2 months from when the first email arrives. I don't know how the AI handles it but in '07 it would always happen at the first of the month, but with '08's new staggering logic it can happen any time.


3) Outside of cheating, what would you do if you wanted a rival company to go under? When CGC was bigger than me they were constantly stealing my top talent, so now I want a little revenge. I managed to steal Steve DeColt from them, but that's not enough. Muhahaha


In '08 there's not much you can do. Start a war and raid their rosters. Try and time it so you the worker's contracts run out right before a PPV so they can't hire replacements. PPV's are the money makers so that's when you should try and "time" your raids. It takes about a week to enter negotiations and 2 weeks for their contracts to run out, so try and time it for 3.5 weeks before their PPV

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