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NEW ~ New Era War

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Owner: Lee Bambino & Head Booker: Jessica White

Based out of Southern California


Titles and Championships


NEW Undisputed Championship

(Main Event Title with No Restrictions ~ Prestige: B-)


Current Holder: Kashmir Singh





NEW Vixen Championship

(Low Level, Female Only ~ Prestige: E+)


Current Holder:


Main Eventers


Dazzling Dave Diamond

(Theme Song: Six Gun Quota by Seether)

Face ~ Gentlemen: B ~ Momentum: C+ ~ Managed by Jemma Griffiths

Finishers: Dazzle Driver (Jumping Piledriver), Diamond Mine (Inverted DDT)

Wages: $600 P.P.A.



Kashmir Singh

(Theme Song: Young by Hollywood Undead)

Face ~ No Gimmick Needed: C ~ Momentum: C+

Finishers: Bombay Duck (Guillotine Choke), Cal-Cutter (TKO)

Wages: $600 P.P.A.



New York Red

(Theme Song: The Night by Disturbed) (Real Name: Kevin Taylor)

Heel ~ Bitter Veteran: B ~ Momentum: C+ ~ Managed by Willow

Finishers: Brooklyn Bridge (Fisherman Suplex)

Wages: $450 P.P.A. + $104 in Travel Expenses



(Theme Song: Die Motherf*cker Die by Dope) (AKA: The New York Doll)

Heel ~ Extremist: B ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: None

Wages: $600 P.P.A.



Xavier Reckless

(Theme Song: Riot by Three Days Grace)

Heel - Evolution: B- - Momentum: D+

Finishers: Slingshot DDT (Snap DDT), The Reckless Bomb (Superbomb)

Wages: $200 P.P.A.


Upper Midcarders


(Theme Song: Electrohead by Combichrist) (Real Name: Craig Lewis)

Heel ~ Geek: C+ ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: Flying Forearm

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



(Theme Song: Remedy by Seether) (Real Name: Kris Turkleton)

Face ~ Unlucky: C- ~ Momentum: D

Finishers: Sky Twister Press (Corkscrew 450° Press), Springboard Lariat

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



Mad Dog Mortimer

(Theme Song: Inside The Fire by Disturbed)

Face ~ Sidekick: B ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: DDT

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



Rex Reeves

(Theme Song: Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses)

Heel ~ Gambler: C+ ~ Momentum: F- ~ Managed by Super Sonic

Finishers: Flying Headbutt, RexPlex (*)

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



Super Sonic

(Theme Song: Stricken by Disturbed)

Heel ~ Informer: B ~ Momentum: F-

Finishers: Sonic Boom (*), Super Sonicarana

Wages: $200 P.P.A.



(Theme Song: Seek And Destroy by Metallica)

Face ~ Patriot: C+ ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: High Velocity Senton (630° Senton)

Wages: $150 P.P.A.




(Theme Song: Fake It by Seether)

Face ~ Clubber: B- ~ Momentum: E

Finishers: None

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



Davis Wayne Newton

(Theme Song: Master Of Puppets by Metallica)

Heel ~ Show Stealer: B- ~ Momentum: E+

Finishers: Fisherman's Suplex, STF

Wages: $250 P.P.A. + $249 in Travel Expenses



(Theme Song: Hit Me Hard by Noisuf-X)

Face ~ Thrill Seeker: D ~ Momentum: E+

Finishers: Velocidad Tornado (Jumping Swinging DDT)

Wages: $150 P.P.A. + $150 in Travel Expenses


Lower Midcarders


Evil Spirit

(Theme Song: Deathbed by Combicrist) (Real Name: Konosuke Hama)

Heel ~ Extremist: C+ ~ Momentum: E-

Finishers: Dead Calm Drop II (*)

Wages: $200 P.P.A. + $200 in Travel Expenses + More



Tempest Appleby

(Theme Song: Jack That Body by Floorfilla)

Heel ~ Dancing Fool: B- ~ Momentum: E-

Finishers: Tumbleweed Elbow Drop (*)

Wages: $150 P.P.A. + $150 in Travel Expenses


Women's Division


(Theme Song: Make You Sin by Angelspit)

Face ~ Equality Fighter: B- ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: None

Wages: N/A



Dharma Gregg

(Theme Song: Cherry Pie by Warrent)

Face ~ Happy-Go-Lucky: C+ ~ Momentum: D+

Finishers: One For The Road (Superkick)

Wages: $150 P.P.A.



Ginko Kuroda

(Theme Song: Grind by Angelspit)

Heel ~ Skin Care Obsessive: B- ~ Momentum: E+

Finishers: None

Wages: $150 P.P.A. + $150 in Travel Expenses



(Theme Song: Master of Myself by Pzychob*tch)

Face ~ Rebel: C+ ~ Momentum: E+

Finishers: K.O. Kick (Superkick)

Wages: $600 P.P.A.



Paige Croft

(Theme Song: Avarice by Disturbed)

Face ~ Tomboy: C ~ Momentum: E-

Finishers: None

Wages: $200 P.P.A.





(Theme Song: N/A)

Road Agent ~ Face ~ Staff Member: N/A ~ Momentum: N/A

Finishers: None

Wages: $150 P.P.A. + $150 in Travel Expenses



Jemma Griffiths

(Theme Song: N/A)

Manager ~ Face ~ Happy-Go-Lucky: C ~ Momentum: C-

Finishers: None

Wages: $100 P.P.A.



Jonathan Taylor

(Theme Song: N/A)

Referee ~ Face ~ Staff Member: N/A ~ Momentum: N/A

Finishers: None

Wages: $250 P.P.A. + $101 in Travel Expenses + More



Lee Bambino

(Theme Song: N/A)

Announcer ~ Face ~ None: B ~ Momentum: C-

Finishers: None

Wages: $300 Written




(Theme Song: N/A) (Real Name: Fiona Russel)

Manager ~ Heel ~ Spoiled Brat: D ~ Momentum: C-

Finishers: None

Wages: $150 P.P.A. + 5% of Merchandise Sales


Other Notes About Promotion

Standard Announcers


Lee Bambino, Dharma Gregg & Davis Wayne Newton


Standard Referee


Jonathan Taylor



Key Features: Risque

Heavy Features: Modern and Traditional

Medium Features: Cult, Realism, Hardcore and Pure

Match Intensity: 85%

Match Danger: 75%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A: High

Face/Heel Divide: Medium

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1st Monday of January 2008: Super 8 Motel, Los Angeles




Have you ever woken up and wondered what the h*ll you did last night? I don't mean waking up with three male strippers and a goat in your bed, because you know what happened then, no matter how much you want to pretend it didn't. Because my entire life changed on one of those days. I woke up, not with hookers in my bed, or next to some guy that I wouldn't even have looked at until after my fifth shot of whatever was cheap, but in a clean motel, still, surprisingly enough, fully dressed. That's probably what scared me the most.


I sat up, but had to grab the table by the bed to keep the room from spinning. That's when I noticed it. A bunch of papers were scattered on the table and off onto the floor, but right in the middle of the mess, was a nicely printed couple of sheets, stapled and signed, with my signature of all thing, was a contract. There was also anouther signature on it too, 'Lee Bambino'. I quickly looked over the contract and realized, 'Holy sh*t. This is for a job. I don't hold down jobs. Unless you call giving guys a small pout so that they buy you things a job.'


That's when my phone rang. I stared at it, waiting for it to go to voice mail. The ringing only stopped for a moment though, then the person called right back. I finally grabbed it the second time he called back and answered.




"Hey, Jessica, it's Lee, you awake yet?" The voice on the other end sounded happy, almost gleeful.


"Yea, yea. I like to sleep in." I joked. I didn't really know how to say, 'I know I've met you before, but I was sloshed and don't remember a thing.'


"Well, I was just buying the last of the stuff. I don't know how much I'm sinking into this, so you better be right."




"Yea, about following your dreams. You said that if anyone follows their dreams, it doesn't matter what happens, everything will turn out all right in the end."


"Oh yea..." That did sound like something I would say once I was completely smashed. At least I knew what happened, even if I didn't know what happened.


"Look, so long as you can book our shows, I've got all of Xtreme Danger Wrestling's old things. I've also got a list of sponsors from my XDW days, and some phone numbers of wrestlers that I've picked up since I left XDW. I'm going to send them all to that email you gave me, and you can work from there." He paused, "On second though, I should probably handle the sponsors. I don't want you to knock one of them out like that one guy that tried to buy you a drink." I just laughed meekly, then pulled out my laptop and started searching for an internet connection. 'Extreme Danger Wrestling' he said. That was at least a clue as to what he was talking about. "Anyways, I've got to go now. I'm trying to get a belt made for the promotion. Damn thing already cost me like a few hundred on just the down payment. Don't worry about that stuff though. I've got that covered. Anyways, I know you haven't done any booking before, so just call me if you have any questions." And with that, he just hung up on me.


...and that is how NEW, New Era War, was born.




{I was going to go for 0/0/0, but I can't hold myself to that, so I picked up a 10k about two months in when I went bankrupt the first time.}

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Will Update First Page to reflect the Promotion... Eventually...


{Prior In The Week}

I was just caught up in the whirlwind of Lee getting everything together. I would have said no, that I didn't know what the f*ck I was doing, but I never got a chance to actually tell him that. He just gave me a stack of cards with notes about each person, and a phone number for them, and a list of what we needed. I probably would have said know, but he also brought a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of Jack Daniel's. He had to be one conniving bastard. Either way I know that by the end of the day I had hired more than two dozen people, including, somehow, two people that only spoke Japanese and a stripper. I don't know why, but as I got dragged further into the the whole thing I came to like it more. By the time a month had nearly passed, we had printed fliers, sent out emails to sponsors and gotten replies, and all sorts of other things. I decided that I would at least stick around for the first show before I tried to bail. I had a tournament to write for it, and a bottle of Jack to help me, anyways.


One In A Million

4th Saturday of January 2008: LOCATION

Attendance: 34 (18 Seats Paid For)



Dharma Gregg


I sat in the back sipping a glass of something that Lee had poured me when the show started. I wasn't watching, but I already knew what exactly what was going to happen. The stripper we hard hired, Dharma, would go out and, rather than strip, just introduce the show. I do have to admit that when we talked before the show, she did just give off this vibe that made you just have to love her.

{Rating: C-}


http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3070/fearlessblue.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/8301/theamericanflash.jpg



I didn't watch it, but I did hear the crowd when Fearless and Flash came out. While they didn't like Fearless, they seemed to hate The American Flash. They chanted against them the whole time. Apparently, the match itself wasn't that great to begin with anyways, so the crowd just ripped out what it did offer. In the end, it was just ten minutes that ended with Fearless hitting the Sky Twister Press, a Corkscrew 450 Splash from what Lee had told me later, not that I actually understood what that meant. At the end of the match, Flash got up and offered Blue his hand. The crowd just didn't give a flying f*ck when he took it.

{Match Rating: F ~ Winner: Fearless Blue / Handshake Rating: F-}


http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6079/dazzlingdavediamond.jpg (w/http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1521/jemmagriffiths.jpg) vs. http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/1825/craiglewis.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond w/Jemma Griffiths vs.


Willow, one of the valets, and the girl that help pick out and personalize the outfits of all our workers, came looking for me and made me sit through the match between Dave and Craig 'Crash' Lewis. When it came down to it, Crash just couldn't catch a break all night long. Not only did the fans hate on him, he tripped nearly a half dozen times during the match. Both he and Dave went until they were having trouble catching their breath, then Dave kicked Crash in the stomach, grabbed him by the waist and pulled him up so that Crash was completely upside down, and then jump! I would later remember as the first time I marked out. I almost ran out there before I realized, 'Wait... this is still all staged, isn't it?' Dave then pinned Crash and rolled out, and stood near the announcer's table, waiting for him to leave.

{Rating: E}



Dazzling Dave Diamond, Dharma Gregg,

, Willow & Jemma Griffiths


Dave then grabbed a mic and welcomed the crowd, once again, the New Era War. He then said that the girls had a little surprise for the crowd, and had Jemma and Dharma get in the ring. He then turned to the stage and said "Oh, and I know you aren't going to like this, but Jessica, I want you to come out too." I was shocked for a moment, but that lasted only to when the Willow grabbed me, and threw me out of the little curtain that we had been watching the match through. I probably could have taken her out with one punch, but she just caught me off guard and I was out there in a pair of baggy jeans and a wife beater. I didn't even hear what they picked as my theme while I started to walk down to the ring. Willow soon followed me when Dave called for her too. He then lead us through a contest, having Willow start the dancing. Jemma followed her and then Dharma shoved me out into the middle of the ring. I felt like I was in one of those old western movies where the villain shoots at the hero's feet and tells him to dance. Finally after I shook my hips a bit, Dharma pulled me back and danced for the crowd herself. Dave then said, with the crowd's approval, that Dharma had won and she returned to the announcers' booth while the rest of went back up the ramp. I have to say that I did feel strangely good once we were back behind the curtain, although I didn't admit it to anyone and just walked back to the little room I had been smoking in.

{Rating: D+}


http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1834/xavierreckless.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6867/spikeak.jpg

Xavier Reckless vs.


The next bit went along in relative peace with no one booing Spike or Xavier. I do have to say that was pretty amazing considering how much of a jackass Xavier was. I am less than certain that his ego for the crowd was entirely false. In the end, Spike and pinned him anyways. Just as Spike was celebrating, Xavier got back up and hit him from behind.

{Match Rating: E- ~ Winner: Spike / Attack Rating: F+}


http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/6167/newyorkred.jpg (w/http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2436/willowl.jpg) vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9748/kashmirsingh.jpg

New York Red w/Willow vs. Kashmir Singh


I actually came out back to the entrance where I could see everything through the curtain to watch this match. Kashmir and I had gotten a tight wig and trimmed his hair, so he could have a much more strait forward look when working for us. I wanted to see how it held up with him running around. The entire match went great, particularly compared to how a lot of the rest of the show went, and Kashmir pinned New York without ever having to fix his wig.

{Rating: D- ~ Winner: Kashmir Singh}



Dharma Gregg &


That last match wasn't the end of everything though. When backstage Dave had told me that it was Dharma's idea to make me come out there and dance. So I grabbed a bucket and waited for her to get back into the ring to close up the show. Then I ran down to the ring and started teasing her. It was actually pretty fun to just splash a little around her, until eventually I jumped into the ring and nailed her, white shirt and all, with the entire bucket. I do have to remember that I looked like a complete idiot the entire time and should probably stick keep away from showing off though.

{Rating: D-}


{Final Rating: E+}




{After The Show}



After the show, Lee came up to me. "Look, Xavier has been starting stuff with the rest of the looker room."


"And?" I asked.


"Look, I know you're fairly new to the whole booking thing, but it's your job to deal with the workers."


"Fine, fine." I said, getting up to start looking for Xavier. I found him trying to flirt with Dharma and pulled him aside. "Look, man." I said to him. "From what I understand, you've been annoying the rest of the locker room. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for letting you have the freedom to do whatever you want, but I was hoping that we could make an effort to just kind of get along with everyone better."


"This is a complete waste of time." He said, just blowing me off. "I'm just fine to everyone else, and I'm not changing who I am, just so that I can fit in." With that, he just walked away.



We decided that, while it was nice to have a good showing, we should probably cut back a bit. I was supposed to keep most of the main eventers off the show as much as I could. It was just too expensive to have them all on very often. We were also going to save a bit by pushing the next show back until the first weekend of March, rather than the end of February.

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1st Friday of March 2008: The Simmons Center

Attendance: 35 (15 Paid for guaranteed good seats)


http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/2446/daviswaynenewton.jpg vs. http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/4003/evilspirit.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Evil Spirit


I actually watched the show this time. Davis had this look to him that caught my eye, and once I was watching, it just held my attention. I never cared for wrestling or bothered to watch any before, but it just felt natural watching the guys grab each other. I also really didn't mind watching the girls grab each other either. But back to the match, neither of them got a real handle on the other, until, out of nowhere, Davis hit a Fisherman's Suplex and kept it locked in for the three count. Once pinned, the crowd did start a little chant for Evil Spirit to get out of the ring.

{Rating: D- ~ Winner: Davis Wayne Newton}




Our next segment was pretty much as strait forward as you could get. Spike walked out with a mic and started to hype his upcoming match. "Now, motherf*ckers, you all know who I am. I am the The New York Doll, also known to all the punks out here as Spike. As the epitome of the extreme it's my duty to give you all a heads up on what's going down. Management has decided that since they have already brought out all their good wrestlers for our last show, the four of us that one matches last January, Kashmir, Fearless Blue, Dazzling Dave and of course yours truly, are going to face off in a ladder match for the New Era War Undisputed Championship.


Now, anyone that's was here last month knows d*mn well who's going to walk away as the single best here. Yea, Kashmir is a solid fighter, and Fearless is, well, he's f*cking fearless. But really, Dazzling is strutting around like he owns the place, hitting on anything with two legs while trying to act like some kind of upper class prick. Let me just put it this way. Someone isn't going to have to leave on a stretcher by the end of tonight." And with that, he tossed the mic on to the ring an jumped up on a turnbuckle to pose for the crowd before heading back out of the place.

{Rating: E-}



http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9153/dharmagreggalt05.jpg vs. http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/525/jaimequine.jpg vs. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpg

Dharma Gregg vs.

vs. Paige Croft

For The NEW Vixen's Championship

With Special Color Commentator: Dazzling Dave Diamond



Dharma tried to convince me that I should be in this match, but I really needed a lot more practice before I stepped in the ring for real. It was kind of strange that they would even really consider me to actually be able to wrestle in the first place. While I didn't advertise that I never had paid attention to wrestling before, it wasn't as though it was too hard to figure out that I was pulling most of the stuff out of my ass. In the end Jaime Quine picked up the win with two quick kicks. The first was a shot from Dharma to Paige's chin, knocking her right out of the ring. Then, just as Dharma was turning around, Jaime hit kicked her in the chin and picked up the with with a pinfall. Paige, dazed from the blow, clamored into the ring after the pinfall. Jaime saw her, and walked up offering a hand. After a moment Paige took it, and then the both of them hauled Dharma up. The three of them then celebrated putting on a bit of a show for the crowd, dancing around and generally just acting somewhere between cute and sexy.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Jaime Quine / Dancing Rating: D}



http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6867/spikeak.jpg vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9748/kashmirsingh.jpg vs. http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3070/fearlessblue.jpg vs. http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6079/dazzlingdavediamond.jpg (w/http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1521/jemmagriffiths.jpg)

vs. Kashmir Singh vs.
vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond w/Jemma Griffiths


Once the girls had left the ring, we started right in on the main event. Jonathan and I were quick to get the ladders in place and the title lowered from where it had been hanging for the past hour while Dave stood up and Dharma took his seat. Dave was soon met in the ring by Kashmir and Fearless, both of who showed some respect by shaking his and each others hands. Spike, however, just knocked Kashmir's hand away when he offered it. Once underway, Fearless again got some heat from the crowd, but he just worked through it. On the other hand, Spike was tiring out, and by the end of the match it was obvious Dave just didn't have the stamina to really head a show. The end came quick. With Spike trying to work over Dave outside the ring, a fairly pointless endeavor considering he couldn't even stand on his own too well, Kashmir was taking on Fearless in the ring with a ladder already set up. Fearless tossed Kashmir into the steps of the ladder, paused a moment to pose for the crowd, then turned, ran past Kashmir and the ladder, bounded off the ropes for speed, and jumped up to hit his Springboard Lariat. Kashmir, however, jumped up, knocking the ladder back, but not over, and grabbed Fearless in a fisherman's carry, raised him up in the air to show off, then nailed him with the Cal-Cutter. With no one to stop him Kashmir climbed the ladder and pulled down the title to end the match and the show.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Kashmir Singh}


{Final Rating: E+}




After the show we have decided that since we aren't selling more than a handful of DVDs, we are going to switch to showing our matches free on the nets. It mostly a move to draw in people so that we could in more people. We were also going to drop our 'guaranteed seats' price from $5.99 to $2.00.


We also tweaked our product from:

Key Features: None

Heavy Features: Modern and Risque

Medium Features: Traditional, Cult, Realism, Hardcore and Pure

Match Intensity: 85%

Match Danger: 75%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A: High

Face/Heel Divide: Medium



Key Features: Risque

Heavy Features: Modern and Traditional

Medium Features: Cult, Realism, Hardcore and Pure

Match Intensity: 85%

Match Danger: 75%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A: High

Face/Heel Divide: Medium





We were out back having a few drinks when Evil Spirit, who, for some reason, was still wearing his mask, jumped up on Jonathan's back. Kevin, Jonathan's brother, and I had to jump in to keep Jonathan from hitting Konosuke (Evil Spirit). Now, I know that he didn't speak English and that we only really talked through a couple of computers wired together with a free online translator, but I still gave Konosuke a stern warning that he couldn't be doing sh*t that could get other poeple hurt. Now, considering that I had a bottle of Jack with me when I was telling him that, I'm not entirely sure what was and was not said, but I do think that he did, at least on some level, understand me.


{Evil Spirit pulled a prank on Jonathan Taylor ~ Stern Warning given ~ Evil Spirit: "Gotcha boss, you made your point loud and clear."}

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4th Saturday of March 2008: The Simmons Center

Attendance: 18 Seat Paid For



Dharma Gregg & Davis Wayne Newton


Dharma came down to the ring with Lee in tow, and had him sit at the announcers' table as she got into the ring. With the mic she was holding still at her side, she waved her hand to the entrance, and Davis came walking out. He strutted up to the ring and got in it next to her and the both of them announced that unless something came up, they would both help Lee with calling the matches from then on. I had decided that Davis was cheap enough and Dharma spent enough time in the ring that it would be a good idea to have someone else in the color commentator position permanently.

{Rating: D-}




Dharma finally got Davis to going Lee at the announcers' table, which was my cue. Dharma had convinced me to actually take part in the show. So I downed what I could of the bottle of Jack that I managed to hide from Lee and walked out there. The dance we put on, which was actually pretty well received, wasn't the hard part. I was used to putting on a show for guys. That actually probably the way I ended up there, although I still didn't remember.


http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9153/dharmagreggalt05.jpg vs. http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/369/kateavatart.jpg vs. http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/1954/ginkokuroda.jpg

Dharma Gregg vs.

vs. Ginko Kuroda


It was when the dance ended and Ginko started coming down to the ring that I really started to worry. I tried to stay out of the way, but Dharma kept dragging me into the match. I really couldn't be happier when Dharma kicked Ginko right in the chin, a One For The Road as she called it, while I was outside the ring. I didn't even bother trying to get back into the ring until I heard the two count.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Dharma Gregg}



Kashmir Singh & Super Sonic


Kashmir came down with the title making sure to greet and high five or shake the hands of everyone in the front of the small crowd. He then got into the ring and jumped up on a turnbuckle, showing off his title. Just as he did, Super Sonic came out. He also took his time coming down, but instead of spending it playing to the crowd, he just blew them off. Once in the ring Kashmir held up the title and pointed at it questioningly, as if asking he wanted a shot at it.


"Actually, no I don't want a match, but I'm here to request one on behalf of someone else. A friend of mine, Rex Reeves is here tonight and is still getting ready, but I wanted to make sure you stuck around long enough to lose your title." He held the mic out, offering it to Kashmir, but rather than take it, Kashmir just raised his title and pointed at the entrance. It was pretty clear that he would take on anyone that wanted to come down to the ring. Sonic just rolled out of the ring and walked back to the entrance as Kashmir showed off a bit more before following him.


http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9256/tempestappleby.jpg vs. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5808/velocidad.jpg

Tempest Appleby vs.

In a Lucha Libre match


Velocidad came down first, and shouted a few things in Spanish, which was supposed to be what he was about to announce in English, then said that he had agreed to fight in New Era War, so long as they faced off in a Lucha Libre style match. Davis informed the crowd from the announcers' table that a Lucha match basically meant two falls and a few barred moves. Tempest then came down and Jonathan asked him if that was going to be okay. He agreed and then tore right after Velocidad.


The match itself was pretty good, although there were no real spots that jumped to mind as really being great. The first fall came around the seven minute mark, where Velocidad rolled up Tempest in a quick schoolboy and kept him down for a three count. It Tempest seemed pissed, but was reminded by Jonathan that he needed two falls to win, which got Tempest right back into the match. The ten minute mark came around and Tempest had just kicked Velocidad and looked ready to hit him with with a piledriver, when Jonathan stopped him. Davis informed everyone that the piledriver was a banned move in Lucha Libre, and therefore would have resulted in a DQ. Tempest looked pissed and was arguing with Jonathan while Velocidad got his composure back. Just as Tempest was turning back around Velocidad bounded off the ropes and leapt at Tempest, grabbing his head and spinning him around into a DDT, a Jumping Swinging DDT, also known as the Velocidad Tornado.


Velocidad jumped around for a minute as Tempest worked his way back to his feet. Velocidad got up next to him and started a little dance. Tempest looked down, then joined in and they both messed around a bit before leaving the ring dancing.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Velocidad / Dancing Rating: E-}


http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6159/benwilliams.jpg vs. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3851/maddogmortimer.jpg

vs. Mad Dog Mortimer


This is about where I decided that I needed cut back in my roster. Not only was Ben almost completely unable to compete after just twelve minutes, the crowd just hated him the whole time. However, on the other hand, I really needed to get rid of some of my main eventers. We just couldn't afford to pay more than one or two people $600 a show. This show was putting us down to our last thousand dollars, not that I have any clue where Lee pulled $10k from. As it was we probably wouldn't be showing a match for the next month, and I had to back out on a bunch of our higher paid workers. I guess I ended up thinking about all of that because the show was so cruddy. I just couldn't bring myself to care about Mad Dog pinning Ben.

{Rating: F ~ Winner: Mad Dog Mortimer}



http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/394/rexreeves.jpg (w/http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9247/supersonicalt1.jpg) vs. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9748/kashmirsingh.jpg

Rex Reeves w/Super Sonic vs. Kashmir Singh


Rex entered on what had to be one of my favorite songs of all times, but I guess the crowd didn't come to listen to music. Super Sonic came in with him and started hyping up Rex, getting him ready for the match. We gave them a while to try to get Rex looking to be a real contended for the title before Kashmir finally came out. Unfortunately, the hyping didn't really do anything to help, and he still got a bit of hate from the crowd. He was also pretty tired by the end of the match, coming in on eighteen minutes. Kashmir had just tossed him to the ground and was looking to go to the top rope when...



Mad Dog Mortimer


Mad Dog came running down. Super Sonic kept Jonathan's attention from them by trying to get into the ring. As Mad Dog got to the ring, Kashmir took a flying leap at him, knocking them both to the ground. Mad tried to get on top of him, but got kicked away. Kashmir then nailed him with a DDT before getting back in the ring. Jonathan had to step in to keep Rex, who was stumbling a bit, back to let Kashmir in. Once in, the both of them locked up in the middle of the ring and traded a few punches. Rex then kicked Kashmir in the guy, doubling him over. But when he jumped back to get some momentum for some kind of attack, Kashmir stepped in, lifted him into a fireman's carry, and nail him with the Cal-Cutter. Kashmir then got his title and celebrated with the crowd and Rex and his two side kicks gathered themselves up and left.

{Hype Rating: F+ / Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Kashmir Singh / Celebrating Rating: F+}


{Final Show Rating: E+}





Jessica White, Super Sonic & Tempest Appleby


Later that night I was forced to give Super Sonic a slap on the wrist when he and Tempest got into it. All I knew was that I had just stepped inside and heard Sonic calling Tempest gay, then me and at least two other people had to jump in a pull them apart as they started swinging.


Lee took Tempest one way while I walked with Sonic the other. "Look man. I don't know what the f*ck just happened there. All I know is that I walk in and your insulting Tempest and they he starts hitting you. None of that sh*t is acceptable here. Look, just chill talk to me if you have sh*t that going to go down. Okay?"


"I'll try not to let it happen again." He said. I then told him that it was getting late and that he should probably just go home, and he did.

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