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ECSE: Killing time 'till 2010 (C-verse)

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Exactly what it says on the box. I'm going out of my mind waiting on 2010 so I can start a dynasty, it's all I can think about in my spare time. So, I just decided I'd get started on it now.


This dynasty is your standard diary fare, Rock Hard promotion with an edited version of The Grand Avatar - 0/0/0 is fun, but entirely the same for the first 10 shows. :p


Fingers crossed, I can use this dynasty as a vessel to keep myself and all of the Grey Dog readers entertained as we all count the days till 2010 graces the.. er... shelves. Christmas? Fuhgeddabout it, I need a TEW10 advent calendar stat.


Enough of my overtired rant, I've got a diary to write. It'll be written totally Kayfabe (with segment grades) with an out of character update at the end of month so I can let you guys know what's up. Surveymonkey looks like a giant pain in the hole to set up and maintain, so let's keep the predictions in the thread, bolded winner, you know the deal.


First things first:


Promotion: East Coast Sports Entertainment

Area: Tri State, USA

Funds: $2500

Pop: 10% in Tri State, 0% elsewhere

Prestige: 0%

Product: Key Traditional/Mainstream, Medium Comedy, Intensity 0%, Danger 0%


ECSE is my idea of a perfect wrestling money making machine. Risk free, clean, kid-friendly and unabashedly old school - plodding matches with a focus on angles and building stars. Sponsorship money pours in, but will it be enough to pay the stars I need to get ECSE off the ground? I havent played TEW 2008 for about a year, and have no idea of any of the US's wrestlers - if I have a character totally wrong or whatever, let me know. :p


See you soon. ;)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>totalextremewrestling.com - Friday, Week 2, January 2008</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Breaking ECSE News - Title Tournament and New Signings!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Today, East Coast Sports Entertainment announced the name and date of their first event. ECSE Inception will be held on Sunday, Week 4, January 2008 at The Weston Gymnasium and will hold the first round of a tournament to crown the first ever ECSE East Coast Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

The brackets for the first round were also released today, revealing eight of ECSE's signings (including some familiar faces), detailed below:</p><p> </p><p>

Land Mass (NYCW) vs. Pete The Hilbilly (USPW)</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez (FCW) vs. Citizen X(MAW)</p><p>

Mario Heroic (SOTBPW, CZCW) vs. Ace Youngblood</p><p>

Bradford Peverell (FCW) vs. Dermot O'Logical</p><p>

</p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Feel free to leave comments and predictions, if you feel like it. Results will be up tommorow morning Australian time.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<p><img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Both my jobs called me in to cover for the weekend, so I havent had time to do as much on this diary as I'd like. I have the first show half written and will aim to have it up by Monday. Sorry!</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for your feedback BHK! Why the hate for Pete the Hillbilly?</p>

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Land Mass (NYCW) vs. Pete The Hilbilly (USPW)

To be honest, I'm newish to the Cornellverse and don't know either of these guys. I'll give it to Pete the Hillbilly to be different.


Mainstream Hernandez (FCW) vs. Citizen X(MAW)

The MAW: 10 Simple Rules Diary really got me interested in Citizen X so I'll hope you push him, though Mainstream is also a pretty talented guy.


Mario Heroic (SOTBPW, CZCW) vs. Ace Youngblood

Ace Youngblood has a pretty good look, but there's a reason he doesn't have a contract. I'll go for the guy who has 2.


Bradford Peverell (FCW) vs. Dermot O'Logical

I like Peverell's gimmick and look, so I'm gonna give him the nod here.

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lol this fed would be hated by the smarks lol, but good idea I lookforward to reading more of it.


Now for predictions


Land Mass (NYCW) vs. Pete The Hilbilly (USPW)

Cause hes freaking Land Mass

Mainstream Hernandez (FCW) vs. Citizen X(MAW)

My favorite charcter in MAW, and so far of your pomotion.

Mario Heroic (SOTBPW, CZCW) vs. Ace Youngblood

Epic entrances pwn.

Bradford Peverell (FCW) vs. Dermot O'Logical

As much as Dermot rocks, I see Bradford winning.

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