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Just started playing this game on monday when I found out it was out there. Bought the game yesterday been playing as RAW Combat. Doing ok - running with LH, MW, WW and FW divisions.


My question is about Title Prestige. For example - My Welterweight title is Very Poor but his 3 title defenses have all been either decent or good. And my Middleweight title is poor and Damien Maia Vs Shonie Carter was great. I suppose I could read the help file that would probably answer this question


Really loving the game. It's awesome.


I'm using Tap Or Snap 2 - any suggestions for my frankly too small Featherweight division (no pun intended) I only have 5 in that division - Brad Picket, Doug Evans, Justin Smiley, Richie Whitson & Ryota Matsune

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