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So I was thinking about a diary

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As the titled states. I'm doing one of my god-awful diaries.


I'm a few months in my game starting as a backyard fed. Called KTEW (King's Texas Extreme Wrasslin')


I'm thinking about starting it over again from the start. Rock hard. Signing almost no one famous. I'd like to make it interactive as well with a few people who comment first picking some of my first signings. My question is, would anyone be interested?


Using A New Power Rising Oct 09 data.

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I find with interacitve feds that you just have to go ahead and start psoting, and hopefully people join in. I started one with WMMA (and I have been debating about starting another one) and it was fairly successful. I was just to busy at the time. the imporant thing to do is enjoy your story, keep writing, and hope that some people join in.
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