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Dynasty - Pro Fighting Ireland (Using default Data)

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This is my first attempt at a Dynasty so I hope it meets the high standards that have been set by others.


Welcome to Pro Fighting Ireland!


At a Press Conference held before Irish press and the MMA Community PFI President Richard Wright Announced the formation of Pro Fighting Ireland. Flanked by Mills Mullaly and Connor Houghton Wright announced the a group of Japanese Investors had allowed the dream of himself and Mills to become a reality. An Irish MMA Promotion. With a relatively small budget the group would be running a series of 4 1 night 8 man Tournament kicking off with PFI 1: Heavyweights for the Vacant PFI Heavyweight Title.


“This is a great day for MMA in Ireland. With the deal we’ve done with The National Stadium to host our first ten events and the fighters we’re signing we are going to bring the best fighters from all over the world to Ireland, as well as giving UK and Irish Fighters a place to call home. And with that in mind let me introduce our first international signing to our first two Irish Signings – this man has a professional record of 20 wins with 8 losses – please give a warm Irish greeting to Ikuhisa Tamura.”


Tamura has to go into PFI 1 as the favourite for the title. Although with the home crowd behind him “The Irish Warrior” Connor Houghton has to be in with an outside chance. The card is as follows


PFI 1: Heavyweights

The National Stadium, Dublin

Saturday 28th February 2009

For the Vacant PFI Heavyweight Title


“The Bastard” Claude Lerond (19-12) Vs “The Irish Warrior” Connor Houghton (2-4)

"The American Male" Vincent Chapin (2-0) Vs "Boom Boom" Guy Broom (0-0)

Ikuhisa Tamura (20-8) Vs "Sheffield Steel" Neville Granville (0-0)

"The Muscle Mountain" Ernie Bruns (17-12) Vs "Silent but Violent" Wilson Franklyn (2-0)


You can follow along live via the internet on Blurcat.com and get results as they come in at MMA-Galaxy.Com.


For all your PFI needs check out – http://profightingireland.webs.com


(Promotional Video From MMA-Galaxy.Com & Youtube)



Wright: You know LeRond is a tough as they come. He’s got the experience edge in this fight for sure


LeRond (Translated from French): I believe in myself. He is going to find out why they call me “The Bastard"


Craig Bender: This is a great fight. Experience Vs Home town favourite. Connor only has a 2-4 record. He's 100% more a loser then he is a winner. It's gonna be real tough for him out there.


Wright: Connor has it all to prove. The first PFI show in Dublin and he’s the only Irish Fighter on the card. We’re gonna see if that motivates or distracts Connor cause they boy has skills.


Houghton: My record isn’t great but guess what? None of those fights took place in Dublin, on a historic first night in a title tournament. This is my town Claude and it will be my belt!


Wright: The First Fight to step inside the PFI Cage – I can’t wait.



(Predictions welcome)

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(Promotional Video 2 on MMA-Galaxy.com & YouTube.Com)


SCREEN: "The American Male" Vincent Chapin (2-0) Vs "Boom Boom" Guy Broom (0-0)


Wright: The second fight is, well, this one is interesting. I mean in these tournaments you’d be insane to count anyone out at this stage but “Boom Boom” is gonna have to do what his name says in this fight.


Bender: I took one look at this guy and thought “that man likes his carbs”. But seriously what is this the Super Heavyweight title? The American Male is in shape and, so far, undefeated. Boom Boom hasn’t made his MMA debut yet. Maybe all that fat equals a whole lot of power. Who Knows. Only Boom Boom.


Broom: Yeah people can mock my weight I get that. I’m not your typical cut MMA fighter but I am prepared to rock his room with a right hand from the boom boom.


Wright: Yeah I saw this guy in an amateur fight and he knocked the guy out. Quick. But then again he was a punk so that means nothing in the pro ranks. Chapin is a totally different beast to anything he’s seen before.


Bender: You’re only as good as your last fight. And Chapin won. So he’s pretty good.


Wright: I went last week and watched Chapin train. Holy S**T! That’s all I’m gonna say.


Chapin: I’m ready. I’m in shape. I’m 2-0. This guy hasn’t been hit by a pro yet. I hit him and he hits the deck. I move on to the next round.


Broom: In one night anything can happen. I could be the champ. Or I could get my ass kicked.


Bender: he said he could get his ass kicked? Love the confidence. That must have pleased his trainers. Jesus with that attitude I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. 95% of this game is mental and the other 5% is Deep River Rock. Sponsors of PFI. It’s Water you wear.

Wright: He beat me to it. It was 50 quid for the first guy to mention Deep River Rock. But his was funnier. I think Boom Boom is gonna need that water cause Chapin is IN SHAPE for this fight.


Chapin: The American Male will deliver.

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(Promotional Video 3 on MMA-Galaxy.com & YouTube.Com)


Wright: Now if you wanna talk proven vs potential in PFI then these next two fights are exactly that. Ikuhisa Tamura Vs Neville Granville. and "The Muscle Mountain" Ernie Bruns Vs "Silent but Violent" Wilson Franklyn. Tamura is 20 and 8 to Granville's 0-0 and Franklyn is 2-0 compared to a great 17-12 from Ernie Bruns.. When you have a win record that’s in the 50% plus column and you’ve had 20 plus fights – you got some serious game.


Bender: I may be one of the few people in the whole of Europe who has seen Wilson Franklyn fight. And it was a total fluke that I did. But I was impressed. Silent but Violent is indeed correct.

Wright: it’s tough to promote a guy who doesn’t speak English and is still half way around the world and another guy who doesn’t do interviews cause he prefers to leave it all in the cage.


Bender: I think what he might say is uhm “I beat you quick time” not sure why he wants to beat up Quick Time. It’s a great programme to view videos in. Moron


Wright: Luckily we signed Craig Bender. Who doesn’t shut up!


Bender: I’m pretty sure I saw him on Takeshi’s Castle. Franklyn not Tamura. But in all seriousness this guy has a highlight reel full of great victories. Franklyn better bring his A game. Or A team Game. Cause you know he pities the fool.


Wright: He seriously did a Mr T Impression? Nothing like Craig Bender for a bit of casual racism


Bender: That’s not racist right?


Wright: This fight is gonna define the tournament I think. If Tamura gets through I think it’s his to loose. If Franklyn beats him it’s wide open.


Bruns: I will win this fight. I will win the title. I am ready to win belt. I must break him.


Granville: people are writing me off but I like that. I prefer that. It's better for me that.


Bender: Joking aside I know Neville and he'll come prepared for this fight. He is majorly out gunned and he knows it but, as they, he has a punchers chance.


Wright: This is shaping up to be one hell of a night.

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PFI 1: Heavyweights - Results


PFI 1: Heavyweights

The National Stadium, Dublin

Saturday 28th February 2009

For the Vacant PFI Heavyweight Title


Attendance: 187

Gate: 2,805

Show Rating = Fantastic


Quarter Finals


Lerond beat Houghton – By Unanimous Decision (Very Poor)

Broom Defeats Chapin by Unanimous Decision (average)

Tamura Beats Granville By Unanimous Decision (Good)

Franklyn Beats Ernie Burns by Split Decision (Decent)


Semi Finals


Tamura Defeats Franklyn by Submission (3rd round at 2:59) (good)

Broom Defeats Lerond by Unanimous Decision (poor)




Tamura Beats Broom by Unanimous Decision (poor)


Ikuhisa Tamura is the First PFI Heavyweight Champion!


As promised it was revealed by PFI President Richard Wright who was leading the Japanese consortium. He introduced Eisaku Higashikuni. The 34 from Osaka, Japan is now the owner of Pro Fighting Ireland. He presented the PFI heavyweight title belt to his fellow country manTamura.


After the title was presented "Granite" Kevin Portman stepped into the ring and told Tamura to enjoy his time with the belt because he was going to do his best to take it from him.


NEXT EVENT - PFI 2: Lightweights

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Feedback or Opinions


if anyone has any feedback or opinions then let me know. I had so many decision cause i messed up my rounds and had them at 3 minute rounds which I have now rectified.


From now on I will leave time for people if they wish to post predictions.


So any feedback both positive and criticism is welcome.



TheDeanOfWhiped Cream (you know cause I'm a huge Keith Jardine fan and well I'm kinda fat!)

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PFI 1: Heavyweight reaction Video


(hosted on MMA-Galaxy.com and youtube)


Wright: That show was off the hook. I mean it was crazy. Did I call it correct? Yeah. The winner I got spot on but never in a million years did anyone see “Boom Boom” Guy Broom making the final. And if they say they called it they’re lying.


Bender: I called Boom Boom making the final. I never said it publicly but I totally thought it in my head. Seriously though Fatty can fight!

Tamura: (translated from Japanese) I am very happy to be the winner of tournament. It makes me proud to represent Japan here in Ireland. Receiving the title from Eisaku Higashikuni made it more special.


Wright: His submission stoppage of Franklyn was brutal. Fight of the night.


Bender: Fight of the night – Lerond Vs Houghton. But the best fight of the night was Tamura making Franklyn tap.


Houghton: I let myself and I feel like I let Ireland down. Maybe I’ll drop down to Middleweight and shut Mills Mullaly’s mouth.


Wright: I think the drop to middleweight might be a good idea for him.


Bender: I think the move to Middleweight for Houghton is great. Maybe the middleweight division of some other company. Until he picks up a win he’s “The Irish Weiner” Connor Houghton.


Wright: The split decision loss for Bruns was very controversial. I’ve already had a request for a re-match.


Bruns: I win that fight. I win but loose. I will have my rematch and this time he will not be so lucky.


Wright: Yeah I scored that fight for Bruns but that’s MMA. Never leave it to the judges. It was a decent scrap maybe they’ll hook up again say PFI 5 live from The National Stadium, Dublin in June of this year. Off the top of my head, just a guess.


* We see Portman walking over to Tamura after the belt presentation “Portman: Congratulations on winning the title. I wish you all the best as champ but a little advice – enjoy it because I’m the next heavyweight champion. Look after the belt I look forward to taking it from you.”


Portman: Yeah I stepped into the cage and made it known to the division and to Tamura that I was here and I meant business.


Bender: You wanna talk about a dude who is in shape then it’s “Granite” Kevin Portman. This guy looks like a Greek statue. Only less gay. He’s the guy you see and jealously call a “freak” for having that good a body.


Wright: Lets get this straight Kevin Portman is an athlete tuned to perfection but he can also fight. I wouldn’t want to be fighting him cause you’re gonna gas before he does.


Broom: Seeing Kevin Portman arrive, I mean I thought I was so tired I was seeing things. Like no way this guy was for real but I met him the next day and he is. But if he thinks he’s getting a title shot easily then Boom Boom is going to disappoint him.


Wright – Basically including Portman we’ve signed 3 heavyweights not featured at PFI 1. So with Houghton moving to Middleweight that gives us ten and I’m a happy man.


Bender: I cannot wait for PFI 2: Lightweights

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PFI 2: Lightweights – For the Vacant PFI Lightweight Title

Live From National Stadium, Dublin

Saturday March 2009




Grant “The Long Shot” Capelli

Age: 21

Height: 5 foot 7 Inces

From: Lands End, England

Style: Lay & Pray

Record: 0-0


Gregory “Chief” O’Hara

Age: 23

Height: 5 Foot 8 Inches

From: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Style: Ground & Pound

Record : 1-0


“Relentless” Ren Akai

Age: 20

Height: 5 Foot 8 Inches

From: Saitama, Japan

Style: Catch-As-Catch-Can

Record: 1-0


“Mr T.” Time Oldacres

Age: 22

Height: 5 foot 8 Inches

From: Coventry, England

Style: Kick Boxing

Record: 0-0

Roy “No Surrender” Lynch

Age: 24

Height: 5 foot 5 inches

From: County Cork, Ireland

Style: Boxing

Record: 6-7


Thomas O’Cann

Age: 30

Height: 5 foot 7 inches

From: Dublin, Ireland

Style: Boxing

Record: 1-4


Tessai “The Punk” Satou

Age: 28

Height: 5 foot 7

From: Kawasaki, Japan

Style: Wrestling

Record: 9-6


"The Jester" Ron Chuckle

Age: 21

Height: 5 Foot 9 Inches

From: Liverpool, England

Style: Greco Roman Wrestling

Record: 2-1


Quarter Finals:

  1. Grant Capelli Vs Gregory O’Hara
  2. Ren Akai Vs Tom Oldacres
  3. Roy Lynch Vs Tom O’Cann
  4. Tessai Satou Vs Ron Chuckle


*Predictions Welcome - Results will be posted on January 2nd 2010 - The person with the most accurate predictions will get to decide which weight catergory is next to debut. Thanks*

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Press Conference - Major Featherweight Signing


* The gathered MMA press and some local and 1 small mainstream Irish news paper, as well as internet media, are gathered outside the small offices of PFI in Dublin. Richard Wright, the company President, takes to a bank of microphones to address the gathered press *


Wright: Sorry that we can't all role like Alpha or Sigma or Enigma or whoever else out there sounds like a call sign from Battlestar Galactica. As you know we've been waiting to sign 1 fighter for our Featherweight division and we got a good one. He has a perfect MMA record at 10-0. He is ranked highly in the top ten pound for pound feathwerweights in the world and currently holds a Featherweight title. We worked hard and I believe he is one of the best 145ers in the world. May I introduce to you - Philip "Kid" Ziskie.


* The flashes on the cameras go as Ziskie stepped out in to the cold March air of Dublin *


Ziskie: hey don't blind me man I still gotta fight. I'd like to thank PFI and Richard Wright here for bringing to me to fight in Ireland. You like to go all over the world to test your skills man. I got one belt why not make it two? Not sure if anyone has ever held two belts for two companies at the same time before, I might make history. It's a little colder then I'd like.


Wright: Philip will take a few questions now.


MMA-Galaxy.com: Which company is your priority?

Ziskie: Whichever one I'm fighting for at the time. I take them both as seriously as each other I don't see PFI being that far off XCC.


MMA Fight Magazine: What do you make of the rest of the 145 llb division here in PFI?


Ziskie: Well I know there names. But seriously a lot of the guys are new to MMA and thats what makes it interesting. But the one guy I have heard of is a guy called O'Donnell, an irish fighter, who has like a 5 and 2 record so he's got some game and then's Daillin.

MMA Fight Magazine: Dallin Friedland?


Ziskie: Yeah Dallin sorry my bad. Yeah he's like 0 and 100 right? I saw this guy get taken down by todler and the todler was asleep. Yeah Dallin sucks but O'Donnell might be a small challenge - until I kick his knock his head off his shoulders. Or make him tap. Or take him down and pound him out. What do I make of it? They all suck!


Wright: One More Question


MMA World magazine: This is actually for you Mr Wright - any truth to the rumour that Philip won't be taking part in the featherweight title tournment but will instead fight the winner of that tournament at PFI 6 or PFI 7 because the athletic commission won't sanction a tournament with him in due to so many of your featherweights being "dangerously outmatched"?


Wright: That's is an issue and let me tell them something ok. It's bulls**t to say that ok. They make me so f**king mad I could spit. Let the guy fight. I'm a responsible guy ok. It's not like I'm putting Fezzik in there against a blind chimp. It's the most f**king ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Just because a guy doesn't have a fight record doesn't mean they're not talented - we got some guys on this roster that are plenty talented but they don't have a record so people weh weh weh to the commission who believe there stupid dumb ass worrying. It's not like we have the most educated people in the commission here in Ireland. They wouldn't know MMA from JCB. Yes Philip is ranked 3rd in the world Pound for pound. He's an awesome fighter but to say he dangerously outmatches someone like Louie Sullivan is f**king retarded. It's the dumbest thing I ever heard but - having said that - yes that is true he won't be in the tournament so his 6 fight contract will start as of PFI 6. Which means we can't announce the card for that tournament yet because we need to sign 1 more guy to make the 8. And maybe we'll sign Jesus Christ and see if they'll let him fight this guy. Thank you for your time.

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Event: PFI Lightweights

Venue: The National Stadium, Dublin

Attendance: 209

Gate: $,3,135

Date: Saturday (week 4), 2009

Before the start of the show Richard Wright came out to address the crowd and gathered MMA press. He had made it clear he wanted to clarify the Ziskie situation.


Wright: As you are aware we signed Philip Ziskie. This was a great idea that has caused us more problems then has, as of yet, given us help. However last night we rectified that situation. After a long chat with Philip Ziskie and with his other employer XCC we have picked up an associate fight deal with Sammy "The Stealth Shark" Gaffigan. He has a 15-2 record and as soon as we can we will be looking to put on Ziskie Vs Gaffigan. The only other bit of news is that nexts month event will be a Middleweight title tournament rather then a feathwerweight one. You can chalk that up to the regional athletic commission. But anyway I've taken enough of your time and we're ready for tonights tournament to begin.


Quarter Final Results


Ron Chuckle Beat Tessai Satou by Unanimous Decision (Poor)

Ron Lynch Beat Thomas O'Cann By Unanimous Decision (Very Poor)

Tim Oldacres Beat Ren Akai by Unanimous Decision (Decent)

Gregory O'Hara Beat Grant Capelli by Unanimous Decision (Average)


Semi Final Results


Ron Chuckle Beat Ryan Lynch by Unanimous Decision (Decent)

Tim Oldacres beat Gregory O'Hara by Unanimous Decision (Great)



Tim Oldacres beat Ron Chuckle to win the Lightweight title by Unanimous Decision (Decent)


Show Rating - Excellent


Lightweight Rankings


1 - Tim Oldacres © 3-0 (3-0)

2 - Ron Chuckle 4-2 (2-1)

3 - Roy Lynch 7-8 (1-1)

4 - Tessai Satou 9-7 (0-1)

5 - Gregory O'Hara 2-1 (1-1)

6 - Thomas O'Cann 1-5 (0-1)

7 - Ren Akai 1-1 (0-1)

8 - Grant Capelli 0-1 (0-1)

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Reaction to PFI 2: Lightweights and Middleweight preview


Wright: What the f**k is wrong with these guys? Seriously? No one decision all night? I mean ok I got to keep my money and no one got fight of the night but Tim Oldacres proved me right – he is the best 155er I have.


Bender: I mean I think it’s our weakest division to be sure but we’ll certainly be looking to strengthen it. I think Tim could clear this lot out and make us have to sign new blood I really do.


Wright: When you have Philip Ziskie, Sammy Gaffigan & Shuler Eigenberg sitting next to you it’s a little, you know, embarrassing. I’m trying to convince Shuler that this is the place for him. Luckily he had already made his mind up to sign a 4 fight deal.


Bender: Yeah middleweights next. I hear Ziskie is gonna have to fight the pope. But did you see that girl take the pope down? The Pope has no takedown defence. I’m pretty sure if you take the pope down you’ll beat him.


Wright: 185 division next and in my opinion our most stacked division – well outside our featherweights who can’t fight because apparently they’re Batman. Mills Mullaly, Ralf Puce & Mikey Wallace are all proven MMA fighters and Marlon John and Wes Hersch are both very exciting prospects. If I had to put money on it though – I think Mills will do it.


Bender: Mills has the skills. The Motivation. The home crowd support. The Magnum PA like tash. I am pretty sure I saw this guy get hit by a truck and not get knocked out. The man has a CH...IN


Mills: i can’t wait to fight. I think I can win. I’ll do it for Ireland


Bender: Sadly the man is as charismatic as wall paper paste.


Marlon John: yeah I’m coming here to make a name for myself. I will take the title I don’t care who I have to go through.

Connor Houghton: I think losing in the heavyweight tournament just gives me more motivation for this one.

Bender: Damn I forgot he had dropped to 185. I think he should drop to the sitting at home watching Jeremy Kyle division. I’m calling it – Houghton will never and I mean never win a fight here in PFI. I think they should just put him and Capelli in the cage – loser gets fired.


Wallace: Yeah guv gonna be bear jokes.


Wright: I’m not translating every time Wallace opens his mouth to speak.

PFI 3: Middleweights

Tournament for the PFI Middleweight title


Quarter Finals


“The Irish Warrior” Connor Houghton Vs “****ney Rebel” Mikey Wallace

Marlon “The Punisher” John Vs Wes “The Hurt” Hersch

Maxime Giresse Vs Julio “The Nightmare” Gutierrez

“Gorgeous” Ralf Puce Vs “Mercenary” Mills Mullally

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New Signings




Kevin Portman - 6 Fight exclusive Contract

Cliff McAddam - 8 Fight Exclusive Contract

Brian Barnes - 8 Fight Exclusive Contract




Darren Southall - 4 Fight Associate Contract

Gonzalo Ramos - 6 Fight Associate Contract



Philip Ziskie - 6 Fight Associate Contract

Sammy Gaffigan - 4 Fight Associate Contract

Shuler Eigenberg - 4 Fight Associate Contract

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PFI 3: Middleweights

Venue: The National Stadium, Dublin

Attendance: 219

Gate: $3,285

Show Rating: Excellent


Quarter Finals

Mills Mullally Beat Ralf Puce By Unanimous Decision (Poor)

Maxime Garisse Beat Julio Gutierrez by Unamimous Decision (Poor)

Wes Hersch Beat Marlon John By Submission in 4:19 of Round two (Good)

Mikey Wallace Beat Connor Houghton by TKO 4:16 of round one (decent)


Semi Finals

Mills Mullally Beat Maxime Garisse by Unanimous Decision (Decent)

Wes Hersch Beat Mikey Wallace by Submission in 3:31 of Round one (fantastic)



Wes Hersch beat Mills Mullally by Submission 4:34 of Round one (Good)



PFI 4: Featherweights

Venue: The National Stadium, Dublin


Philip “Kid” Ziskie Vs Sammy “The Stealth Shark” Gaffigan – Featherweight Title Match


“Scorching” Schuler Eigenberg Vs Norberto (A top ten ranked Pound for Pound fighter)


An 8 Man Featherweight Tournament to be Number 1 Contender


Middleweight Rankings

1: Wes Hersch © 3-0 (3-0)

2: Mills Mullally 16-5 (2-1)

3: Mikey Wallace 6-1 (1-1)

4: Ralf Puce 23-20 (0-1)

5: Maxime Giresse 1-1 (1-1)

6: Julio Gutierrez 2-1 (0-1)

7: Connor Houghton 2-6 (0-2)

8: Marlon John 1-1 (0-1)

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Promotion video for Ziskie Vs Gaffigan


Voice Over: at PFI 4 a champion will be crowned as Philip “Kid” Ziskie, the current reigning XCC Featherweight champion, takes on fellow XCC roster member Sammy “The Stealth Shark” Gaffigan for the PFI Featherweight title.


Wright: People are counting out Sammy Gaffigan and that might be a mistake. He’s got a style you don’t often see and it gives people problems.

Bender: Gaffigan hasn’t got a hope in hell. He should just tap as soon as the fight starts and keep himself healthy. Ziskie is going to mess him up.


Wright: I think this is a great fight for them both. Why the hell XCC hasn’t pulled the trigger on it I don’t know.


Ziskie: I am going to make history. I am going to be the first man in MMA history to hold two titles at the same time in the same weight category for two separate fight organisations.


Bender: he says that’s history? I did that. On a computer game but in my head it was real!


Gaffigan: First I win this belt then XCC can’t duck the issue anymore. They have to give me the XCC title shot. When I beat him – that is gonna be sweet.


Ziskie: Duck the issue? He thinks I’ve been ducking him? He better learn to duck


Wright: I think it’s a great fight. The first one we’ve had with truly global interest. I think the eyes of the MMA world will be on Dublin to see if he is the real deal.


Ziskie: If you think for one second I am going to let history pass me by then you are out of your mind.


Wright: I think this phrase Is over used but this truly is one for the ages. This is history making.


Ziskie: Sammy better bring his A game. Hell he better bring someone better then him with him to Ireland use their A Game. I don’t care if he brings Fezzik’s a game. I don’t care if he bring’s Jesus Christ’s A Game. Bring it all. No force in heaven or earth will stop me taking what’s mine. My place in history.


Gaffigan: It’s my time to step out of his big ass shadow. It’s my time shock the world baby. I hope he underestimates me cause it only takes 2 hits – me hitting him and him hitting the floor. Get it? Got It? Good!


Voice Over: Gaffigan Vs Ziskie – live from the National Stadium, Dublin. Pro Fighting Ireland – Ireland’s number 1 MMA promotion.


Bender: Ok we we’re the only MMA Promotion in Ireland but you know? That still makes us number 1.

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PFI Youtube series: The PFI Round Table


The PFI Round Table Presented by Craig Bender


Bender: Welcome to the PFI Round Table. We will be discussing the big issues in PFI right now and rumours. First let me introduce you to the panel. I am PFI Analyst Craig Bender. To my right is respected MMA Journalist and Dublin resident Gary O’Callaghan. He is a feature writer for top MMA magazine MMA Only and a guest columnist at MMAgalaxy.Com. His series of vlog on youtube that predict MMA events continue to be a huge success. To his right, an MMA Fighter who recently made the final of the PFI Middleweight Title tournament and is considered by many to be Ireland’s Number 1 pound for pound fighter, Mills Mullaly. To my left is Rowan Valentini, a respect MMA official who travels the world officiating fights but who has set up his home and his MMA Academy in Wexford, Ireland. And finally to his left is the PFI Vice President for Talent Relations Allan Whiteman. Allan had a career as an internationally renowned Judoka and Submission Fighter. He also enjoyed a stand out career as an Amateur boxer and kick boxer as a youth. However it is for his memorable performance at the 1998 debut ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship that he will be remembered. His retirement has led to him being a coach of the National Irish Judo team. He became PFI Vice President for Talent Relations shortly after PFI, having previously turned down Wrights offer to compete in the fledgling Irish MMA group. Gentleman, thank you for your time.


Ok lets kick off with the most burning question in MMA as always – who is the best Pound for Pound fighter in the World? We’ll start with you Mills


Mullally: Me *laughs* no Fezzik

Valentini: Fezzik

O’Callaghan: Fezzik but I’d put money on Neil Napier.

Whiteman: Fezzik for now. Quite possibly James Foster in the future.

Ziskie Vs Gaffigan for the PFI Featherweight title – who will win?


Mullally: Ziskie in the first round

Valentini: Ziskie but it might go to a decision

O’Callaghan: Gaffigan. I just have a feeling about this kid. I think he’s good.

Whiteman: Ziskie but it’ll be a good fight.


Should PFI introduce a light heavyweight division?


Mullally: I think in time we’ll have one but you have to walk before you run.

Valentini: I actually don’t think they need it. I might introduce a Welterweight or a Bantamweight division though.

O’Callaghan: I think they have a nice balance and a Light Heavyweight division would be spoil that.

Whiteman: no


Short but sweet there from the Vice President. What will happen first – man will walk on Mars or Connor Houghton will win a fight here in PFI?


Mullaly: Connor will win a fight but it’ll be close

Valentini: Connor has started to come down and train at my place he’s a good kid so I’m gonna go with Connor

O’Callaghan: Man will walk on Krypton before Connor Houghton wins a fight.

Whiteman: No Comment.

Valentini: Oh come on. That’s not what you’d say if the camera wasn’t rolling

Whiteman: yeah but it is so no comment *laughs*

Who would win in a fight – Fezzik or Superman?


Mullaly: Superman by Split Decision

O’Callaghan: This is the stupidest question I’ve ever heard. I mean Fezzik is a freak but Superman is Superman. I think Fezzik by DQ after Superman used his heat vision, which as far as I’m aware is not sanctioned in the Unified rules.

Valentini: Nor is it banned.

O’Callaghan: mmmmm a loop hole. Ok I change my mind to Superman.

Whiteman: Superman might be the only person who could find Fezzik’s weak spot. But still I’ll go with Fezzik – he’s not human that boy.

Valentini: I dunno but I wanna ref that fight.

If you had to coach one fighter currently fighting in PFI who would you pick and why?


Valentini: Obviously I am biased towards Connor Houghton but I would genuinely take Connor Houghton because you can treat him like a blank canvas and he’s so keen to learn.

Mullally: Me

O’Callaghan: ok. Well I’d pick Wilson Franklyn, Wes Hersch & Marlon John


I said one


O’Callaghan: Ok well. Then I’d pick Marlon John. That guy is blank slate and talented as hell. Sky is the limit for him.

Whiteman: I’d want to coach them all.


Cop out boss cop out.


Whiteman: Ok I’ll take Mills actually. You develop him a ground game with the way he can take a beating and there aren’t many who could beat him.

Mullally: Thanks. It’s how I got my good looks.


Ok one last question – Can MMA thrive in Ireland?


Mullally: 1,000,000% yes.

Whiteman: Yes. A complete yes for me.

Valentini: I obviously think so I put my money behind it by putting my MMA School here.

O’Callaghan: I think it’ll be tough but I think you have a committed guy in Wright and a good team developing. I think they’ll do shows outside of Ireland next year sometime but will always do shows here. I think MMA is here to stay.


Ok on that cheesy rhyming note lets’ end the show. On behalf of PFI, the panel here and myself thanks for watching PFI Round Table. We’ll see you next time when we’ll consider if King Kong could beat Fezzik.

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PFI 4: Featherweight - Results & PFI 5 Card


Event Name: PFI 4: Featherweights

Venue: The National Stadium, Dublin

Attendance: 230

Gate: $3.450

Show Rating: Great


Opening Fight


Cliff McAddam's retirement Fight


Cliff McAddam Vs "Boom Boom" Guy Broom

Result: Guy Broom wins by Unanimous Decision

Fight Rating: Average


McAddam: I'd like to thank Guy and PFI for giving me this chance to fight in Ireland before I retired. I've had a great career and I am proud of my record. I want to thank the fans because without you I wouldn't have had a career to have had. Thanks and I will see you, the fans, soon cause I'll be coming to watch PFI shows from now on.


Quarter Finals


Hisamitsu Sasaki Beats Pim Pim Gwon by Triangle Choke Submission in 1:05 of Round 2

Fight Rating: Good


Masahiro Maeno Beat Louie Sullivan by Unanimous Decision

Fight Rating: Average


Jay Dorridge beat Liam O'Donnell by Armbar submission in 3:13 of Round 1

Fight Rating: Great


Teruaki Ogi beat Dallin Friedland by Armbar Submission in 3:26 of Round 3

Fight Rating: Average


Semi Finals


Masahiro Maeno beat Hisamitsu Sasaki by Armbar submission in 4:55 of Round 2

Fight Rating: Good


Jay Dorridge beat Teruaki Ogi by Armbar Submission in 2:12 of Round 3

Fight Rating: Decent




Masahiro Maeno beat Jay Dorridge by Guilotine Choke Submission in 1:52 of Round 1

Fight Rating: Great




Shuler Eigenberg beat Norberto by TKO in 1:28 of Round 2

Fight Rating: Great




Phillip Ziskie beat Sammy Gaffigan by TKO in 2:36 of Round 1

Fight Rating: Fantastic


After the Fight and Ziskie's hand was raised he walked over to the cage door and took the XCC Featherweight Title and put the XCC and PFI title belts on a shoulder each and applauded the crowd as they stood as one cheering the double champ Ziskie






Main Event:

Allan "Tap Tap" Whiteman

(PFI Vice President for Talent Relations)




Co Main Event:

Ernie Bruns


Wilson Franklyn



Darren Southall Vs Roy Lynch

Brian Barnes Vs Claude Lerond

Vincent Chapin Vs Kevin Portman

Julio Gutierrez Vs Marlon John

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PFI 4 Reactions


Wright: The night of a thousand f**king armbars. By the third one aren't you like "man people are on a armbar rampage I'm gonna make sure I don't get caught in one of those" but no they don't.


Bender: I met this girl at the bar and I tapped but that was a bit different.


Wright: Louie Sullivan proved his worth in his loss to the eventual tournament winner Maeno. Maeno made Dorridge and Sasaki tap and Sullivan took him to the limit and a decision.


Whiteman: I think it was watching some of these guys helped me make my decision to jump back into the cage. Also having to sit for 4 events now and watch Irish fighters get there a** kicked.


Bender: Dallin took it to the 3rd round, which for Dallin is like winning a world title in Alpha.


Whiteman: I think we should be ashamed by our performances. I mean Gregory O'Hara has hooked up with the new team BJJ Ireland and I'm happy for him but so far our Irish fighters just don't take this seriously.


Wright: Allan jumping back into the cage is great and ofcourse we've signed Colm Dee.


Whiteman: Colm Dee arriving is a great edition to the roster.


Bender: Maeno is Number 1 contender but to honest that's not what the biggest talking is from the event. Neither is it a mainstay of the MMA industry in the UK Cliff McAddam retiring.


Wright: Shuler Eigenberg came out and rocked and stopped Norberto. Norberto was ranked in the top 10 pound for pound featherweights and he got dropped and stopped in round 2. Shuler is amazing.

Bender: Norberto is a real talent but that Eigenberg is a gamer!


Whiteman: if you're those two you have to think - we just had the fight of the night. But then came the main event.


Wright: Phillip Ziskie is f**king real f**king deal. End of. Ziskie is a beast. Gaffigan is no idiot he's a good fighter and he didn't make it 3 minutes.


Whiteman: Ziskie is amazing. There was three reasons for me coming out of retirement. I was sick of watching Irish fighters get there ass kicked. I want to help make the lightweight division here a massive success and thirdly - eventually - I wanna fight Phillip Ziskie.

Wright: Whiteman wants to fight Ziskie? That's a superfight right there - that's going in my pocket. You'll see that one day. But for now he's gonna fight Helio and this is an awesome fight.


Whiteman: Helio is great but I'm hungry. I cannot wait to get back into a cage. I may have retired but I never stopped training I just kept getting better which was always weird to me. Just training at 50% I was getting better. So now I'm back 100% and I can't wait to see where I come out in the rankings.


Bender: Ernie Bruns Vs Wilson Franklyn the re-match. That split decision made Bruns mad. He thinks he won that fight. I think he won that fight. Hellen Keller could see he won that fight.

Wright: We're getting better and bigger and putting on better and better fights. It's getting exciting here in PFI. Keep watching this space.

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Career retrospective on Allan Whiteman


Voice Over: Pro Fighting Ireland


Wright: So I get a phone call from Allan Whiteman at like 3 AM. I thought it was some kinda practical joke at first. I wasn’t a happy man and neither was my wife. Happy I mean. Not a man. So he starts talking about how he had to talk to me and how he wants to accept my offer. When I wake up and realise he wants to fight I ask him who he wants to fight first and he says Helio. I swear to god I dropped the phone. The dude hasn’t competed in close to 2 years in an MMA bout and hasn’t competed in anything in over a year and he just called out arguably our top Lightweight. This was the night before PFI 4. I said I’ll ask Helio tomorrow but before I could finish my sentence he says he already asked him and he’s all up for it. I go back to sleep. Not half an hour later I get a call from Craig Bender. He screams “tap tap returns” down the phone and hung up. He doesn’t know my wife answered the phone. She wanted to kill him. I couldn’t stop laughing.


Bender: Yeah his wife hasn’t spoken to me since. Awkward!

Wright: I think to understand the significance of this you have to know the history of Allan Whiteman. Allan started his fighting life an amateur boxer and tried out of the Irish Olympic team but he picked up an injury in an Amateur Kick boxing match in Coventry, England so couldn’t compete. This was 1987.

Whiteman: I thought I had blown it. I wasn’t really big on my boxing I didn’t get that much enjoyment out of it but I really wanted to compete in the Olympics and I thought I had missed my chance. Until one day I got a leaflet through my door advertising a local Judo club. I was fit and healthy and only doing Kick Boxing to stay fit. So I went along.


Wright: Allan was a natural. He was an established International Judoka when the trials for the 1992 Olympics came around. This time he wasn’t about to mess up. He made the team.


Whiteman: Going to Barcelona was amazing. I was rooming with this guy who was on the Irish wrestling team. It was thanks to that I got really into my wrestling and started to build my ground game. Although I didn’t know that was I was doing at the time.


Wright: Allan brought home a Bronze Medal. But the most significant encounter of Allan’s life was the next year in Hamilton, Canada at the 18th World Judo Championships. He became the first Irish man ever to win a medal at the event. However it was there he met a Brazilian and struck up a friendship.


Whiteman: yeah Rogerio and I got talking about various things – one of which was Jiu Jitsu. I had never heard of it. So after the tournament I went to Brazil on a holiday and checked it out. I didn’t come back for 9 months.


Wright: Whiteman was bizarrely putting together the perfect MMA package. His striking from his boxing and kick boxing days, take downs and grappling from his Judo and his Wrestling training and now BJJ. In 1995 he would make his MMA debut.


Whiteman: yeah I was still competing at Judo and went to Chiba, Japan for the 19th 1995 World Judo Championships but my training had been very poor due to injuries and I got my ass kicked. But when in Japan me and Rogerio watched MMA fights, although I had heard of cage fighting I handn’t looked into it. I was watching and thinking “I can punch and kick better then this guy.” And “man I could take him down” My MMA career was born.


Wright: His debut in MMA was awful. He got his a** kicked. I can’t even remember who beat him. It was s**t show in a s**t little arena in America. He lost his first 5 fights but he was learning from each and everyone of them. After his last loss he wouldn’t loss again for 20 fights and is still on that winning streak.


*** End of Part 1 ***

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Press Conference - New Years Eve Show




Wright is standing in front of a bank of microphones in front of the PFI offices in Dublin, Ireland. The gathered MMA Press and online MMA community stood waiting.


Wright: Thank you for coming here today. We have a major announcement regarding our New Years Eve show. It will take on a team format with an international theme. A team consisting of Fighters from Ireland and the United Kingdom with take on a team of Fighters from the rest of the world. There will be a team captain super fight as well as four 4 man tournaments. One for each weight category. In 1 night. That means in total that night there will be 13 fights. Our biggest card ever. We’re gonna put on a show on New Years Eve and see out 1999 in style. We hope this will become a company tradition. I can now announce the team captains for Great Britain & Ireland and for Team Global. They are….For team Global – the current reigning XCC and PFI Featherweight Champion – Philip Ziskie. And the captain for Team Great Britain & Ireland – Colm Dee. They will square off for the PFI Featherweight Title. I will take questions


MMA-Galaxy.com: Why is Allan Whiteman, your Vice President for Talent Relations, who has recently come out of retirement not the team captain for Great Britain & Ireland?


Wright: Because he’s not. We don’t know what’s gonna happen in his comeback fight. We signed Colm Dee to specifically do this job. Will Allan be on the team? Who knows.


O’Callaghan: What is this we’ve been hearing about on the internet – Path of Glory? Can you shed some light on that please?

Wright: Path of Glory is a concept we are developing. Hopefully as a TV show. 16 fighters will live, sleep, eat and train together in two teams of 8 headed up by team coaches. The prize: A featherweight title shot. However for those 8 who go out in the first round – the prize is getting fired. Risk Vs Reward. We have already announced the coach of the first team and that is Sammy Gaffigan. We won’t be announcing the second coach for a couple of months.


O’Callaghan: Why is that?


Wright: Cause we haven’t picked him yet.


MMA Only Magazine: Can anyone on your roster, even Ziskie, Beat Whiteman? He has a 20-0 record in his last 20 fights.


Wright: Yeah but you know, while being fair to Allan, the last ten fights he had were pretty easy. And the last 5, well, those guys all retired from those fights cause they just got humiliated. I could have won those last three fights and I suck. So yeah Allan protected his record when he lost the hunger. It’s back and he’s more dangerous then ever. Whiteman Vs Ziskie is interesting but so is his comeback fight. I wouldn’t put the house of Whiteman is all I’m saying.


O’Callaghan: Then why did you aggressively set about his signature?


Wright: Don’t get my wrong – do I think Allan Whiteman if fighting at his best is one of the best Pound for Pound fighters in the world? Yes. Do I admire him? Yes. Do I think he’s the most talented guy on our roster? Yes. I just don’t like people talking down the rest of my fighters.


Blurcat.com: Now we all saw PFI Round Table and Mills Mullally said he thought man would walk on Mars before Connor Houghton won a fight. There’s a genuine beef there – do they hate each other?


Wright: there is a story to tell there but it’s not my job to tell it. But if you seriously want to know how it started – Mills and Connor are at a bar with a group of Irish Fighters after a show in England. There was 4 or 5 of them. Mills bought 3 rounds and Connor didn’t buy one but took a drink from all of them. Mills found that offensive and they had an argument about it. Then the next time they’re out Connor does buy a round but doesn’t buy Mills a drink. Then other stuff that’s not my place to talk about but that’s how it started.


The Irish News: Will you be banking on RTE Sports for a TV deal when it launches in January 2000?


Wright: Yeah we’ll be looking to RTE Sports for sure. The management there are very pro MMA and we’ve had a nod of the head that they would be very patient with us. We’ll have to see if it comes off but it’s my preferred home for Season 1 of Path of Glory. One last question


Blurcat.com: Would you confirm or deny the rumour that you’ve signed Cliff McAddam to a backroom staff position and that you will offer the same to Vincent Chapin when he retires after PFI 5?


Wright: yes I can confirm that. Cliff McAddam has taken some of the tasks off my desk by becoming out Director of Domestic Operations. Hopefully Vince will take on the role of Head of International Development. Thanks for your time. See you all at PFI 5.

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Profile on Allan Whiteman – Part two


Profile on Allan Whiteman – Part two


Wright: Allan, bless him, has worked on some truly terrible MMA shows for very little money. He was winning fights for sure but he very rarely took on anyone of any importance.


O’Callaghan: I’ve covered Allan’s career since he was a Judoka and he’s always been a winner. But he’s not the best business man and in MMA that held him back,


Whiteman: yeah there was a couple time I got done out of my money fighting on regional indie MMA shows in the states. They didn’t know who I was I was just a grunt to them who seemed to get them some press.


Wright: The night I met him I was over in Canada working for a real f**king dick ok. I had been writing on a TV show and I was brought in to direct and produce his video coverage of his show. It sucked dude it really sucked. But I got talking to Allan Whiteman because he was Irish. He was going to be fighting Flyweight for the one and, as it turned out, only time in his career. He was cutting weight and training hardcore.


Whiteman: I wanted to make sure I made weight. I have never trained as hard in my life for anything. Turns out it’s not such a good idea for me to cut to Flyweight but I hadn’t had a fight in a few months and I needed the money.


Wright: So it comes to the weigh in. I saw Allan walk in and I was like “holy s**t he’s not looking so good”. He was drawn in the face, he had no colour in his face. He stood on the scales and the dude literally weight 110. He had cut way too much weight considering he naturally walks around at about 165 maybe 170 at the time. But he had a young family and he needed cash. So he had tried it. The moment he stepped off the scales he collapsed. The dude was dangerously dehydrated and just a mess.


Whiteman: I still fought on the show but I was so weak.


Valentini: If I had been reffing that fight I would have stopped it in the first round. It was just wrong.


Wright: Luckily the guy he was fighting was a total joke. He had like a 2-3 record to Allan’s like 12-5 at this point. But the promoter thought Canadian fighters where the best in the world and would walk it. Allan went the F**king distance. Won a decision.


Whiteman: That last round I was so close to passing out. It wasn’t safe. It wouldn’t be allowed now but in the developing days of MMA on these ****ty shows I fought on then anything went. The region was unregulated at the time.


Wright: He showed a heart of a champion and that’s why I can’t wait to see “Tap Tap” return.


Bender: Towards the end of the first phase of his career he was fighting chumps just to make some money, He never made it to the big time because he came back to Europe after that fight.


Wright: I think he is the best Irish pound for pound fighter in the world. He’s gonna prove it.


Mullally: I think he’s probably the best pound 4 pound Irish fighter.


O’Donnell: I owe my career to watching him fight.


Friedland: He did a MMA seminar that I went too and I loved it.


Dee: He’s not as good as me *he laughs* no he’s the best.


Wright: The MMA world are gonna see why he’s the best. And why the injury he sustained at the ADCC in 1998 where the world finally noticed him was such a shame.


*** End of Part two – Next: the final part: Allan’s ADCC glory & tragedy ***

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All Whiteman career retrospective/Profile - Final Part


Wright: So Allan is loosing his love for the sport but he gets a call from his old friend Rogerio who introduced him to BJJ way back when. He says he is helping with something called the ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship and would he like to participate. After it was explained he jumped at the chance.


Whiteman: It sounded like something I could be good at and it was kinda going back to my Judo roots which I loved.


Wright: I was out there working on it and man it was great to see him healthy and happy. We’d stayed in touch and had become friends.


O’Callaghan: I was covering the event for a magazine and I was excited to see him finally get his chance against the best in the world. Then came his first fight.


Wright: So he’s fighting and he’s doing ok scoring some points but he got caught.


Whiteman: To understand you have to know something. The guy I was fighting was who I had beaten in the quite a few Judo championship and an Olympic fights. Since I left Judo he had become one of the most dominant on the planet. But he would always be asked if he thought it was because I quit before I hit my peak. This pissed him off a little.


Wright: He caught him in a vicious armbar. Then you heard it snap. It echoed around the arena. It was f**king chilling. You knew it was bad, like, realy bad.


O’Callaghan: Yeah if I think about it now I might be sick.


Whiteman: My arm was literally hanging down. I have pins and a metal rod in this thing now. So I’m in agony there’s blood cause the bone has come out of the skin. The ref fainted.


Wright: now thinking about it that was funny but the image was too horrific at the time. I think the referee went to therapy about it. Like Peter Schmeichel had to after the David Buust injury happened in front of him. But that's not the end of the story. What happened next would change Allan’s life and make him a legend.


Whiteman: Apparently beating me wasn’t enough for this guy he wanted to hurt me so he took his chance with me half out of it to mount my back and sink in a rear naked choke. He was strong, apparently there was like 2 guys trying to pull him off me but couldn’t


Wright: He’s out like I mean you look at the tape he’s out. His eyes are rolled back and he’s gone. Truly gone. But then he starts to push out of it. He gets out of the choke and somehow manages to mount him and starts dropping bombs with his one good arm.


Bender: I have watched that video clip so many times now. Craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. Should not be humanly possible.


Whiteman: I’ve seen it but I don’t remember it.


Wright: He retired the next day.


Whiteman: I am so pleased I can try and earn a legendary status and remember what I did. It was crazy but you know what it was his own fault. I messed up his pretty lille face with one hand. Now I can use two –what I’m gonna do in my comeback fight?


Wright: I know I say this a lot but I literally cannot wait to see this guy fight for a guy who is gonna treat him how he should be treated. Not to bad mouth the ADCC but this guy had been saying for a couple years if he ever fought him he would hurt him bad. And they paired him with him.


Whiteman: Tap Tap is back and guess what? Wanna armbar me? Go for it. I’ve kicked a guys ass with one arm before and I can do it again. Not sure how I did it though.


NEXT POST: PFI 5 Results and PFI 6 Card. As well as the first tournament announcement for the New Years Eve team showdown.

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