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2002 Data Release Thread.

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Final Data:




If I messed anything up then just let me know and I'll fix it, but at this point all trades, drafting and new stuff in general is closed. ^_^


It's been a fun draft, and I'm really looking forward to playing with this data until TEW 2010 comes out. :)


Below are the graphics related things to the draft.


KANZEN logo & banner are the creation of Kamchatka, and the original SHLL logo is the property of Rayelek, as is the worker picture of Sorin Skyfyre. WAR logo is Jaded's (I just slapped the lettering on a generic bg). All other creations in pack, including the SHLL alt, are the creation of Kobe1724. They are for use in the 2002 draft mod only, unless otherwise noted.


Basically, I really don't care what you do with the logos in personal games but if you want to use them for something public send me a PM asking or e-mail me at jwilde86@sbcglobal.net. ^_^


Logos for the promotions (I remembered that jesushat gave me a logo description but I don't recall getting one from anyone else, so I just went with what I felt was best):








Side Note: I just noticed that I named EWF "Elite Wrestling Federation" rather than "Elite Wrestling Franchise" in the logo. Sorry Mary. :o

I might re-do the logo tomorrow, but I didn't save my work.


The data doesn't have any default future promotions, so I made some mod friendly edits to the Kobeverse promotions (removed bios, lowered popularity, prestige, starting monies etc.) and imported them into the 2002 draft data, along with their logos. They are below. They aren't really as good as the newest logos because I was worse at logos when I did them and I also did them for 2005 (or maybe 2007, I forget) back when the resolution for logos was different. They will do though, and give the mod some long term playability (at least regarding promotions not running out).


Future promotion logos:




















Finally, here are the worker pictures, and Kam's banner for Kanzen. I didn't really bother with banners because they aren't my thing, but Kanzen has one (courtesy of Kamchatka). ^_^


Worker pics/banners (Created workers AJ Starlight, Sorin Skyfire and my user character Teagan Presley, left to right):





Finally, here is a link with a zipped file of everything above. You can just copy and paste the relevant pictures into the 2002 worker picture directory. The complete picture pack that the 2002 data uses was made by Genadi and can be found here at Bobinc.net: http://bobinc.net/TEW08Downloads.html


Complete zip file of picture pack for mod (all of the pictures posted above. If you want the full picture pack for the default 2002 data go to the bobinc link posted):






Below is a saved game through 4 years of the data. This was pretty much right after the draft was over, so many things in the data aren't totally complete. I'll post another, final simulation sometime on the 5th after I release the final data.


Then after that, regarding my TEW playing I'll pretty much play this mod, work on Kobeverse bios/title histories, and do communityverse renders till TEW 2010 comes out. :)


Between the TEW stuff, poker, school, the gym and my significant other that ought to monopolize my time pretty effectively. ^_^


Save file:




I'll post some of the results from the save I uploaded above in a second.

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Rankings through 4 years (April 2006):


1. WAR (Global)

2. WVR (Global)

3. SHLL (International)

4. Kanzen (National)

5. KOBE (Cult)

6. WWA (Cult)

7. GWF (Cult)

8. SCOH (Cult)

9. DVW (Cult)

10. MLWA (Cult)

11. EWF (Cult)


Wrestler of the year:


2002 - Misawa

2003 - Kobashi

2004 - Angle

2005 - Angle


Promotion of the year


2002 - WAR

2003 - WAR

2004 - WAR

2005 - WAR


I mainly followed KOBE for the 4 years. It climbed as high as number 3 in the standings midway through year 3, but never became a national promotion. The reason for this is because I'd tried giving KOBE 3 medium events a week and a PPV every month, but this backfired because the computer canceled 1 of the events and all of the PPV's. As a result, once KOBE got a TV deal they were running 2 events a week and a TV show - for a resultant 12 events a month and 3 a week. Unfortunately, with no PPV's they got no coverage in Hawaii, so while at one point they had B's or better across all but one region in the United States (Hawaii) they never had more than an E+ in Hawaii, which prevented them from going National.


Once the 3 year contract contract Goldberg was on (courtesy of the mystery box contract extension) ran out, he left the promotion for SHLL, giving them the extra star they needed to get into the big leagues and knocking KOBE back to the pack. Thanks to a non-aggression pact with WAR keeping Bob Sapp out of Japan, The Rock's ownership of KOBE, and AJ Starlight and Lesnar's loyalty to him (courtesy of mystery boxes), KOBE's core stays together and has managed to keep them in the top 5. But without Goldberg, KOBE no longer puts on the B+/A shows that it did on a nightly basis and seems like it has reached its ceiling.


Now that I've picked up Hall, hopefully that makes us something more of an impact player. I also canceled two of my weekly events. Hopefully with only one weekly event we pick up a TV show and also hold onto the PPV's. I'm optimistic that can make KOBE into a top 3 promotion.


Side Note: AJ Starlight will easily be the best worker in the game by the age of 30. I'm talking Tommy Cornell good. ^_^

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LOVE my WVR Logo...it makes me think of a kid's show or something for some reason....thanks again Kobe.


Good to see WVR doing good...the four headed monster of Stone Cold, Undertaker, Foley, and HHH do the job I was hoping they would. It's funny simming it...seeing all the West Virginia Themes becoming a Global promotion, haha.


Also, Kobe, Sorin Skyfire, is he able to learn his opponents moves during the match and duplicate them? /heroes nerd.


This seems like a good point to once again thank Kobe for putting the draft together. Jaded and everyone else coming together and helping with the spreadsheet again. And to the speed of everyone...honestly, we finished the actual drafting in what, 4 days? Lol that's insane. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks to everyone, this was fun and doing draft's might be my favorite part of TEW...so hopefully I'll see you guys over in TEW10 doing the same.

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paulskln it wasn't that bad, but I'm glad you like it. I think it's one of the best ones. ^_^


random, I agree that the Austin/Foley/Undertaker/HHH core is pretty formidable. If it wasn't for Kanzen having the collective power of all of Japan on its roster you'd easily be dominating the game world WWE style. :o


Sorin Skyfyre is Rayelek's worker. Believe it or not I just picked up on the heroes part of it when you said that. I only watched the first season of the show and even though I recognized the character and remember hearing that name somewhere before I didn't put that together. ^_^


Side Note: West Virgina Wrestling being a global promotion yet not changing it's name gives me chuckles every time I see it. Especially when I see the logo. :)


Tempest, there were actually only 2 created workers boxes in the draft this time, and I didn't even seek it out lol. I just drafted 2 boxes near the middle of the draft, and I ended up getting the box with create a superstar in it. I wasn't going to make AJ Starlight either, but then randomfreeze said "Looks like we will be seeing AJ Stardust again soon" and I realized it was destiny. He really didn't get over in the save at all though due to our lack of a PPV schedule, but his workrate had him developing at a sickening rate (A performance, A athleticism, A entertainment, C+ brawling at 25). But yeah, please join us next draft. You're a fun personality to have involved. ^_^


Finally, yeah I can't believe we got through this draft in 4 days randomfreeze. We just had a really good group, I guess, because these things typically take closer to a month. I have to say I'm ecstatic because given when TEW 2010 is coming out it gives me a bit more time to play the data and also to work on Kobeverse and the communityverse (btw, if anyone wants to contribute to communityverse drop by the topic./end shameless plug ;)).


P.S. paulslkn - Absolutely love that poker reference. ^_^


P.P.S. Jaded - Regarding the additional promotions, the game world definitely needed them. Should be interesting to see how fast the game world makes promotions pop up in other regions and how they affect the development of the game world. ^_^

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random, I agree that the Austin/Foley/Undertaker/HHH core is pretty formidable. If it wasn't for Kanzen having the collective power of all of Japan on its roster you'd easily be dominating the game world WWE style. :o


I think you mean WAR, not KANZEN. Go Misawa! (Dynasty starting tomorrow, hopefully...)

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I think you mean WAR, not KANZEN. Go Misawa! (Dynasty starting tomorrow, hopefully...)


Yeah, WAR. Kanzen just sounds like more of a Japanese sounding promotion to me so I confuse them in my head, espescially since you guys formed the first working agreement. ^_^

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KANZEN means Perfection in Japanese so you're kinda right on with it almost,


Any chance I can ask how my little company that dreamed is getting on? I'm shocked to see us at 4th when I think who I had to begin with :p


Maybe a power 100 for the years as well? I'm really interested in this now

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KANZEN means Perfection in Japanese so you're kinda right on with it almost,


Any chance I can ask how my little company that dreamed is getting on? I'm shocked to see us at 4th when I think who I had to begin with :p


Maybe a power 100 for the years as well? I'm really interested in this now


I'm going to do a final 3 year sim once I have the draft data finalized. It should be up on the 5th or 6th. I'll post all the relevant info and also make the save data available. ^_^

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1st week of December 2002


1. WAR (was national, just fell back to cult)

2. WVR


4. DVW

5. EWF




9. WWA

10. KOBE

11. GWF


I've not had a single month where I haven't turned a profit and I'm nearly at National, just need to boost up one more area to a C+ and then I'm set.

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1st week of December 2002


1. WAR (was national, just fell back to cult)

2. WVR


4. DVW

5. EWF




9. WWA

10. KOBE

11. GWF


I've not had a single month where I haven't turned a profit and I'm nearly at National, just need to boost up one more area to a C+ and then I'm set.


Cool. I'm so excited to play this, espescially if my final deals go through lol. :)

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How the heck did I fall back to cult?!


I'm not sure what data he is playing. Maybe an earlier version? I've never seen WAR fall back to cult. WVR sometimes does when they expand too quickly but never WAR.


Side note: Just because everyone is looking at this topic I'll make a shameless request for a worker re-activation. ^_^

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Wrestling economy dropped from like a c to e-. Secondly, four of your written contracts went freelance after the expired. Misawa retired, Hall died from drugs and Muta got severe injuries.


Ouch, talk about a run of bad luck. :o


Well Hall is with KOBE now, so he'll be dying on me in the future lol. ^_^

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Boxes to be applied:


If you guys want to use trade them/use the alter relationship boxes you have until 8 :)



Alter Relationship



Promotion Popularity Drop 1


SWF Fan:

Medium Injury

Financial Boost 1



Promotion Prestige Boost 2

Financial Boost 2

Alter Relationship

Promotion Popularity Boost 1

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