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If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in posting their save of a relatively long term game they're playing. I ask because I'm interested in seeing different booking techniques, title changes, how people build their events and just insight on how others are playing.


Is there anyone using the C-Verse who'd let me take a look?

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You are just going to have to read a dynasty. Those usually run long. Also, I'm pretty sure that that's the only way to post a game that you've been playing.


No, I mean the actual save files.


I do read a lot of the dynasties too, but it's like when you're learning how to use Photoshop. Sure, you could read the tutorials, but having the actual PSD to look through gives you a different insight.

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Read my NOTBPW dynasty it is on the dynasty forum and it is titled NOTBPW Journey to the top




You can read it there it lasted 2 year 8 months before I finally ended it. However I am still playing the game my goal is to surpass 3 years before TEW 2010 comes out. Enough of my plug take it easy and enjoy



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  • 1 month later...
Sorry to piggy back in Sons of Kohral's thread but I am also looking for some long term saved games as well. However, I am just looking for 1975 C-Verse long term saves. So if anybody has any I would love it if you could send them my way. Thank you in advance.
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