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Problems with buying new copy of TEW 2008...

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I already have a copy of the game on my desktop, but I wanted to have it on my laptop as well. I know you can't have one license on two computers, so I planned on getting another one for my laptop. Well, I entered everything in with my card, but the year of expiration only went up to 2010, and mine is in 2011. I tried it with 2010, but it wouldn't let me through. I even tried typing in '2011' but it still would not let me confirm my purchase because the latest date I could choose was 2010. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas to help? Any help would be much appreciated.
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I vaguely remember reading that you can type the number in the box so that's kinda weird.. Type it in and don't click or choose the 2010 choice from the dropdown list.


If the problem still is there, this is from TEW08 FAQ from Tech. Support forum:


"I am having problems with my e-license AKA I have lost my license \ I had a hard disk crash \ I did a system restore..."


Please contact Scott Vibert (scott@greydogsoftware.com) by e-mail or private message for any issues to do with your license.


Btw, did you know that TEW2010 is coming out this month?

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