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So far that is, if you are planning on buying the game which feature has made you want to do so or what are you most excited for?


For me it is the bidding wars, i always hated in previous versions not being able to steal from the WWE playing as TNA or steal from WCW playing as WWF, etc. It seemed very unrealistic and this feature will no doubt fix that.

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What sold me? Its an Adam Ryland game, end of story. :p


I know im going to get countless hours of game play from a developer that goes out of his way to provide quality to his loyal following.


It realy is that simple... track record and the fact he has never let us down yet when it comes to providing the very best wrestling based simulators out there.

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For me it's going to be several features that have sold me, and I'm hoping that there is more of what I've been hoping for to come (although there has already been more then enough already... there is still the icing left).


I like strategy, and so all the different things that have been added to make the game more of a challenge, I like. Last year it was the three match rule, this year there hasn't been a HUGE one yet, but there are combinations with the locker room and such that I can see as making things a bit more challenging.


However, all the additional benefits in modding is my favorite additions. The "era's" especially. All and any effort to decrease the effort for modder's I like as well.


I've said it before, the more options we have as players (and modders), the better. Although I might like a more competitive style of play, other's may like storytelling moreso (for diary's and such) and thus wouldn't want every single hardship. I think it's brilliant of Adam to make ton's of additional feature's as well as already included features with off/on buttons. This makes the game as easy or as hard as you wish it to be (almost like having an inbuilt novice/expert thing happening). You have so many options now, that you can litterally play hundreds of different ways.


So to me it's a combination of features. I can't say there is just one thing that has sold me, because I wouldn't pay for just "one" feature for a whole new game... Unless it was Umbrella promotions/NWA style done great. That is the only thing I can think of that would "sell" me all by itself.

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I'll download the demo. If I like the C-Verse, if it catches my imagination, I'll buy. If I don't, I won't. I like a lot of the features, but nothing has completely and utterly grabbed me yet. Starting a TEW08 game now feels redundant, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to upgrade.


Comedy matches came close. I popped for those.

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I felt I was going to buy it as soon as it was announced.


But then after playing Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 I had a change of heart. Now I'm just thunkin about playing the demo.


Really, I know I won't buy the game unless I like the interface, so I might have to wait for someone to release a decent skin. But I have faith in Ryland-san.

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I'll download the demo. If I like the C-Verse, if it catches my imagination, I'll buy. If I don't, I won't. I like a lot of the features, but nothing has completely and utterly grabbed me yet. Starting a TEW08 game now feels redundant, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to upgrade.


Comedy matches came close. I popped for those.


So Edd Stone as World Champion will get you then :p

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The announcement got me interested without a doubt, but it was this post here:


The news will be appearing on the front page of the Grey Dog web site this afternoon, but I thought I'd give an exclusive to the forum; Total Extreme Wrestling 2010 is on its way!


that sent me head over heels.


Sure, there's loads of features that I can't wait for - Narratives, National Trends, Dirty Tricks, and Eras among so many others - but it was my own universe, and all the awesome things I can do with it now, that really put it over the top.


I alread have my money waiting patiently. Money Orders are still being taken aren't they? Because I'm sadly lacking in the credit card department...



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I buy anything Adam releases, and have never been disappointed yet. The fact that I don't have to spend hours doing a spreadsheet of my roster would definitely have won me over if I wasn't already certain to be buying it, though. Other than that, the whole locker-room stuff and the Dirt Sheet, and Narratives, and Eras, are my favourite features so far...


Can't wait until next week. :)

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What sold me? Hmmm......freakin' everything. EV-UH-RYTHANG. If we're looking for specifics, it would be updates #1-48 thus far.


Seriously though, drag and drop is something that I'm looking forward to, bidding wars should assist in the whooping of the immortal arses, and a lot of the smaller things that just polish up the whole experience. I don't know if everyone else is counting down to the demo or the release, but 8 days couldn't be going by any slower.

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He had me at "hello".


There was really no selling it involved. I would happily have forked over my $35 if it was nothing more than a CornellVerse update for TEW 2008. I love 08 and its probably been the best cost-to-hours of player value I've ever had of any type of game. I'm thrilled that there are so many great sounding features. But I would have bought it regardess.

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He had me at "hello".


There was really no selling it involved. I would happily have forked over my $35 if it was nothing more than a CornellVerse update for TEW 2008. I love 08 and its probably been the best cost-to-hours of player value I've ever had of any type of game. I'm thrilled that there are so many great sounding features. But I would have bought it regardess.


This basically.


Althugh I love the locker room aspects.

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I've never bought a TEW in the past, but reading thre developer's journal has gotten me so interested I think I'll finally purchase this one.


Here's a list of the new features that excite me most:

#2: User Preferences: Show stats as numbers instead of grades

#4: National Trends

#5: The Dirt Sheet

#8: Dirty Tricks

#10: Random Deaths - Kenny deaths! WOOHOO!

#17: Outside Media Opportunities

#25: Sick Bumps (I can't believe this was ever taken out...)

#26: Booking Skill & Reputation

#27: Comedy Matches

#36: AI Promotion Relationships

#38: Bidding Wars

#39: Customisable Angle Auto Name (This has been needed for a long time)

#40-43: all the locker room morale stuff makes things so much more realistic. I love it.


I love to analyse the small changes and factors that go into how the game plays. So I especailly like the dirt sheet, changing grades to numbers, and the part of the morale overhaul where you can see exactly what factors have gone into a worker's morale.

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I buy anything Adam releases, and have never been disappointed yet. The fact that I don't have to spend hours doing a spreadsheet of my roster would definitely have won me over if I wasn't already certain to be buying it, though. Other than that, the whole locker-room stuff and the Dirt Sheet, and Narratives, and Eras, are my favourite features so far...


Can't wait until next week. :)


I will second this as Jaded mentioned everything that I was going to. Although if I had to pick just one thing that sold me on buying the game it would have to be drag and drop booking.



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